Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY.' OCTOBER , 80, 19l. Nebraska RECORDS DISPROVE CLAIMSOF MLSON Democratic Candidate Shown Not to Have Been Author ' of Guaranty Law. ALBERT PAID FOB WORK (From a Staff Correapondant.) Lincoln, Oct. 29. (Special.) The claim of Victor E. Wilson, democrat ic candidate for state railway com missioner that he was the author of the state guaranty law is being ques tion even by the members of his own party and especially by the friends of Judge I. L. Albert of Columbus, who is said to be just a little peeved be cause Wilson is claiming all the glory for the passage of the law, when the facts, boms out by the records of the 190 sessions do not disclose that the bill even bore the name of Victor E. Wilson, but on the other hand was introduced by Ihe banking committee, of which Representative Charles Graff was chairman and bears his name, with the information "intro duced by Charles Graff and point . committee on banking." A f.. i r it., rj ' i iiuuiti pel uaAl ui me xiuusc Journal covering banking legislation, discloses that a bank guaranty bill introduced by Mr. Wilson was indef initely postponed. It is also well Ttnown that the coffers of the state treasury were drawn on for the purpose of paying I. L.1 Albert of Columbus, a demo crat, 2$50 for drawing up the bill and getting it in shape so it would stand alone. ' Now Mr. Wirspn is claiming, so it is understood, that Mr. Albert took the bill postponed by the house ani reported it to the committee as Mr? Wilson had drawn it. If the claims of Mr. Wilson are correct, Mr. Al bert was paid $250 for doing nothing and it is this claim of Mr. Wilson which friends of Mr. Albert are ob jecting to. v Inthe meantime Mr. Wilson goes ahead making the claim that he wis the author of the" bill, while thcrec ords of the session show that his, at tempts at authorisbp of a bank guar anty bill were squelched by the in. definite . postponement route and a joint banking committee with the help of Mr. Albert introduced the bill which eventually became a law and is now on the statute books. Lamb Feeders to ; Meet at 'Varsity ' Farm Tuesday Lincoln, Oct. 29. (Special.)Some 150 sheep feeders and growers are ex pected o attend the annual "Lamb Feeders' Day" to be held here under the auspices of the animal husbandry department of the University of Ne braska at the university farm on Oc tnher .11. "The program starts shortly after noon with an inspection of show steers to be exhibited by the univer sity at the International Live Stock show at Chicago. Talks will be given by professors and by prominent feed ers. Results obtained in feeding ex periments this year will be discussed, and lambs used in this feeding work will be on exhibition. The program includes Theodore Johnson of Bornham, manager of the Burnham stock yards; James Haug, Shelton, president of the Nebraska Sheep Feeders' association, and W. A, McCulIough, Central City, one of the biggest sheep feeders m the state. Visitors will also get a chance to in spect the experimental lots of sheep which will be fed this winter by the experiment station. County Institute : -Dates for November Lincoln, Oct. , 29. (Special.) -J-About 175 separate farmers' institute's are included in the work undertaken by the University of Nebraska agri cultural extension service this vear. These will be held in small towns, on country farms or in country churches. instruction is given by one man and one woman from the extension service and the program lasts one dav. A series of these institutes are sched uled ior iNovemDer, as touows: In counties where there axe county Colfax County Schuyler, November 2, 3, ; DunnlnS,Movamber 4; Raymond, Novem ber 1. 3. 3: Red Cloud. November 14. IK. 14 17; Bartlett, November 14; Erlcaon, Novem ber 16; Davis Creek church (North Loup), Box Butte County November 20 to 29, In Clueive: Butta. .November 30. agricultural agents the booking of in stitutes is put under their supervision. Mrs. Walmer toads District Women's Clubs Missouri Valley, la., OcU 29. 1 (Special.) A two days' session of the Federated Clubs of the Ninth district closed here Saturday with an attend ance of 300. The next 'meeting will uc nciu at ureeniieid in JSM7. Mrs. -onirics j. walmer nf Atlanta selected as district chairman for the ensuing vear. Addresses, reports on what different clubs in the HUtrlrt doing, the music by the Treble Clef ana tne musicians trom a distance were features of the meeting, likewise the address of Prof. K. G. Smith of Ames on "Vocational Education." This address was interesting, instruc tive ana nigiy appreciated. Soldiers' Home Note$ Grand Iiland, Neb., Oct. 28. (Special.) Mr. Ellen Oleason left Burkett yesterday mprntng- for Omaha, wher she expect .to villi for tan day. Dr. J. Roush took his dpparture for a few dayi' visit at Wayne, Neb. Those returning- from furlona-ha are: Mr. Pa rah Fowler, Mrs, Frank Weiner and Mrs. Welthy Rhodes. Mm. Pardo's daughter, a resident of Omaha, Is vlitln with her In the West hospital this week. Mrs. John Ott yesterday received a mea fine telling of the death of her nephew In New Mexlro. The body will be shipped to Sioux City, la., for Interment. Joiteph B. Witter, late of Company K, Forty-seventh Illinois Infantry, paused away the forepart of the week, and his body was laid to rest on Wednesday In the remetery at Juan it a. Neb. He was a na tive of Ohio, and was admitted to the home from "Adams county, j Wesley T.Wilcox Pays-Fine Tribute To John L. Kennedy North Platte, Neb., Oct. 28. (Spe cial.) A tribute to John L. Kennedy of Omaha, republican candidate for United 'States senator, is paid by W. T. Wilcox, a prominent attorney of this city, in a letter appearing in Fri day's issue of The North Platte Tele graph. Mr. Wilcox's letter follows; "North Platte, Neb., Oct. 27. Mr. Editor: I want to say a word for John L. Kennedy, who without much doubt will be the next Senator from Nphraska. Frw npnnl in thia ate have known Mr. Kennedy longer thairl 1. 1 have known him rather intimately since the fall of 1881. At that time he was a young man attending law school; like most of the members of the class he was without any of this world's goods, but he was endowed with ability, honesty and industry. He was popular with all the boys, and the acknowledged leader of the class. "Mr. Kennedyi was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was not then and he is not now an aristo crat. What he has obtainedis by rea son of those qualities which he knew repossessed thirty-five years ago. "His success should be an inspira tion to every young man who has to make his own way in the world. "He is an ideal candidate for the office of United States senator. "W. T: WILCOX." ' News Notes of PeVu. ' Rev. Charles A. Carman, pastor of the Baptist church, has tendered his resignation in order to accept a call to Shenandoah, la. His congrega tion reluctantly accepted his resigna tion, to take etttct November 15. L. hr Todd, who 4ias been employed in the office of the "Peru- Interests," seems to have mysteriously disap peared. He accompanied his wife as far as Lincoln on her way to Thed ford to attend her father's funeral. At Lincoln he visited with relatives, leaving there a week ago last Thurs day for Peru. Mrs. Todd returned to PeruThursday, but nothing has beeH seen or heard of lier husband. Hon. T. W. Blackburn of Omaha has been chosen toastmaster for the Peru banquet during the Teachers' association week. Speakers at the banquet will be persons , who at tended the normal in the sixties and seventies. Hon. D. C. Cole, an early settler here, will tell the story of the visit to i'eru ot John Brown .in the days- of the "underground railroad." Tuesdav is "oolitical dav" in Peru. William Jennings Bryan speaks in the forenoon and Congressman C. F. Reavis in the evening. Arranue- merits have been made by the "drys" for an old-fashioned political rally, with fireworks and torchlight parade on the Saturday evening preceding election. The recent freeze destroyed about ten carloads of apples, which had not been picked, in several orchards of this vicinity. North Piatt Sunset Social. North Platte. Neb.. Oct. 29. fSne- cial.) Fifty-five grey-haired pioneers of Lincoln county sat down to table at the Presbyterian church here where the second annual sunset so- Lcial, given by the womtn of the town, took place. None ot the guests were under 70 years of age, with the ex ception of Mrs. E. R. Plummer, who originated the sunset social here and who was the guest of honor. W. H. Blalock, 87 years old, was the oldest person at the banquet, Charles Mc Donald of the McDonald State bank, Lincoln county's eldest resident, who celebrated his ninetieth birthday Wednesday, being in Omaha at the time of the banquet. Funeral of Fred Echtenkamp. ' Arlington, Neb., Oct. 29. (Special.) ihe tuneral services of Mr. rred Echtenkamp. prominent business man of this city, who died here Thursday morning trom typhoid pneumonia, was held this afternoon at the St. Paul Lutheran church here. Mr. Echtenkamp was a prominent and in fluential citizen of Arlington. In a business way 'he made Arlington famous as a market for good seed corn. He is .universally known in the community for his good deeds and many acts of kindness. i 1 ,, iii ' ' 1 -ii- ' i The Right Way Coffee and tea disagree with a, great .many people, and science points out, the cause caffeine the1 cumulative drug i- both of these beverages. , . - POSTUM , .-.-.. is entirely free from drugs or any harmful substance. It is made' of wheat, roasted with a bit of wholesome molasses, and is pure, nourish ing, delicious and healthful, . ., A change from coffee and tea to Postum has' helped thousands; it may help you. .. ' . "There's a Reason v ; Grocers everywhere sell Postum.- OMAHA BREAKING OWN GRAIN RECORD Nine Months' Record This Tear Eclipses Twelve Months of Last Year. PREDICT . 75,000,000 BU. Omaha received more bushels of grain in the first nine months of this year than it received in all the' twelve months of 1915. At the close of Sptember the re ceipts in bushels were 56,526,140, while the entire year of 1915 brought in but 53,555,800. Judging from the volume of grain raised in Nebraska this year, it is probable that the grain receipts for Omaha will approximate 75,000,000 bushels this year. The receipts in the month of Sep tember alone ran practically 50 per cetn ahead of the receipts of the previous September. There were 4,540,200 bushels in September, 1915, and 6,758,200 bushels in September, 1916. The first nine months of the pres ent year brought in 47.143 carloads of grain, as against 27,520. the first nine months of the previous year. Wheat's, Big Grain. . The biggest gains in receipts were made in wheat. In the period of the first nine months of ' 1915, 7.436,400 were received, and in the parallel per iod this year, 27,630,840 bushels were recived. . . i Te receipts in oats in the past September were alone 100 per cent greater than the receipts of Septem ber a year ago. Oats, too, runs far ahead in re ceipts for the corresponding nine months' period. The figures are:' Buahela. Pint nlna montha of 191S 6,820,900 Flrat nine -mojitaa for 1016 10,001.100 The receipts in corn this year have thus- far not gone as high, as for the same period last year, but with the large crop of corn now being gathered in the state, and the high price being offered, it is expected that the re ceipts will come up rapidly as soon as the weather gets, cold enough to make, corn shell good. Rates Retard Growth. ' Thus Ohiaha is 'constantly leaping forward as a great' primary -grain market, in spite of the disadvantage Of railroad rates. Omaha has thus become a great grain market in spite of the rates, not on account of them. Kansas City and Minneapolis still have all the better of Omaha in the grain rate .discriminations.. This is true to sucn an extent that very large' quantities of the grain grown in the southern part of this state, which should normally belong to this mar ket, goes regularly to Kansas Citv. while much of the grain, raised ml northern Nebraska eoes through to Chicago and Minneapolis when it logically belongs :n Omaha. In. shipping out grain through Kan sas City to the south, it costs Oma ha dealers 5 cents. more than Kansas City dealers to compete for the south ern business. In shipping grain north to Minneapolis, it only costs Kansas City 1 cent mere than Omaha. . One Big Fetter. . ;'" ! Thus, according to the logic of rail way rates, it is worth 5 cents to ship grain to Kansas City, but only worth 1 cent to shin from aKn.ias Citv to .Omaha. A day of reckoning is at hand, how ever, -or the grain men here ae starting a case against the roads. In November a special examiner will be here from the Interstate Commerce commission to take evidence on the big case that is coming tip. Many grain men ,will tell what they know about the ridiculousness of grain rates in this section, and when the Interstate Commerce commission gets those' transcripts it will have some thing of interest to ponder over. , Ed. 'P."Smith1 is-preparing the casj for the -grain men.: . No Milk in Berlin for Anybody Except. Invalids London, Oct. 29. A Reuter's dis patoh from Amsterdam today says: "According, to the Berliner Tage- Is the Healthful Way blatt there is no longer any milk in Greater Berlin or other large towns except for invalids." Jewish Citizens "Urged to Vote for Their Own Welfare (Continue Prom Pnt On.) or 'color, will be protected. Everyone knows Hughes cannot be intimidated or bluffed." Right of Expatriation. Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee, introduced as a Jew of national reputation, read the republican plat form pledge to secure the right of expatriation, which has met with the full approval of Mr. Hughes: "We reiterate the unqualified ap proval of the action taken in Decem ber, 1911, by the president and con gress to secure with Russia, as with other countries, a treaty that will recognize, the absolute right of ex patriation and prevent all discrimina tion of whatever kind between Ameri can citizens, whether native born or alien, and regardless of race, religion or previous political allegiance. We renew the pledge to observe this prin cipal and to maintain the right of asylum, which is neither to be sur rendered nor restricted, and we unite in the cherished hope that the war which is now desolating the world may speedily end, with a complete and lasting restoration of brotherhood among the nations of the earth and the assurance of full equal rights, civil and religious, to, all men in every land." . Y Mr. Rosewater declared the Jews in this country ask no special priviliges, but insist that no rights belonging to them as citizens be denied them. All they want," he said, "is an ..equal chance and they want to help their co religionists in the oM countries to the same equality." Assails Democrats. Chairman Frank S. Howell of the Douglas county committee, address ing the meeting, said: "The demo cratic campaign of today is being con ducted in a manner-true, to its . pst career. It . would - seem , its chief preparation isto :take. stocict of all classes, sects and nationalities which may be influenced"by uhwbrthly ap peals to prejudice.; ' " 1 "Jews are being' asked to 'vote for Wilson because he appointed Louis Brandeis to the; exalted position of justice of the supreme' court. If the president made ,fie appointment sole ly because he was a JewK then it was an infamous appointment' ,'It Is'to be presumed no president would jeopar dize the usefulness , of . the supreme court by filling the beich with no higher motive than taking care of de serving democrats. VTf the appoint ment was made. because, Mr. Brandeis was a Jew or for political efect, every Jew in the land would condemn it." The president's attitude 'of indiffer ence in the Leo" Frank' case as con- rtrasted with the-Httghes opinion fa voring a tair trial came in for rebuke: . "When the country, was ablaze and every state in. the union was jealous of the reputation of every sister staite; when the press at large was printing pages and volumes in behalf of a Jew ish citizen convicted by mob' intimida tion in the stare-of Georgia; when every power could be brought to bear by humanitarians regardless of birth or nationality, to save a man from an ignominious death at the end of- a more ignoble trial, the administration' at Washington, was deaf, dumb and paralyzed." t Talks in which the Jewish voters for their own welfare and patriotism were urge to vote the republican ticket were made by Henry Monsky, Martin Sugarman and others. , , Got Anything- you'd Uka 'to swap?'. Vat tho "Swapper Column.", i -: .,.. , Chicago Man Nominated -To Head Western Golfers Chicago, Oct. ' 28. Charles F. Thompson, former .president o Floss moor Country clubf Chicago, has been nominated :as president ot the Western Golf association, it was an nounced tonight.' The election will take place at the annual meeting of the association to be held in Chicago, T OA . . . ' January t,. AMERICAN REPLY NOT DETERMINED Officials Will Examine Black list Note Before Deciding to Answer. CONTENTION IS REFUSED Washington, Oct. 28. The next move of the United States in the con troversy over' the blacklist of Amer ican firms will not be determined until officials have had ample time to ex amine Great Britain's reply to the American note of July 28. protesting against it. The reply reached the State department today from the Lon don embassy. Secretary, Lansing to night said he had not decided when it would be made public. " The note refuses the American con tention, which termed the blacklist "an arbitrary interference with neu tral trade," but is understood to offer methods of relief which may be avail able in some instances to lessen the rigors of interference. " An American reply is almost certain to be made, based on the contention that the blacklist violates the commer cial treaty of 1815; that in singling out certain American firms undue dis crimination is shown and that an illegal action is taken, designed to pre vent traae witn iiermany, an end which should be accomnlished through blockade and contraband re strictions. It. may be argued that the blacklist is. designed .to cripple firms irHgmg wmi uermany in oraer to de stroy German trade more than for the irfiBiediate purpose of war. AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR Common Garden Sage and Sulphur manes srxeaiteo, laaea or gray hair . dark and youthful at once. 'Almost evrrvnnf: ininura that do Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded,- brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. rears ago the only. way to tUim niutll. ..... I.. Ov. wtio miAtuiv . WHS IU IIIHKC at home, which is, mussv and trnuhle- softie. ... Nowadays we simply ask at any Irtig store f6r "Wyeth's Sage and Sul- ihur CnmhnunW Vn,i umII .t . improved by the' addition of other in irredients 'for.ahrttir 4n rnt body uses this preparation now, be- Lnuac no ;one can possiBly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does It -so naturatlv BtiH vnlv v.. dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking; one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears and auer another application or two your hajr. .becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years young- t,. yjcun aagc anu suipnur corn bound is a delightful toilet requisite, . uiiciiucu ior me cure mitiga tion or prevention of disease. Adv. Lj f0LrrPAL ADyBOTIHEMKOT. 1'OI.ITK AL nvKHTlHEMHNT. . i ' POLITICAL ADVMBTIHBMBWT. 0 Uliai froliiMien id Hon. Edgar F. Hanson ' of Belfast, Maine Will speak tonight at 8 o'clock at trpn v IT nB n 0 nMI0tMl Mr. Hanson has been nine times elected maVor of . the city of Belfast, Maine, served his state aq senator for two terms, and is at present publisher of the" Waldo, MaineAHerald. Don't fail to hear Mr. If anson relate the horrible conditions in Maine due to prohibition. This meeting will be helB under the auspices of the NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE Admission Hughes Nearly Run Down By Own Train Ogdensburg, Oct. 29. Charles ' E. Hughes was nearly run down by his own special train at Oswego. A nervous chauffeur drove the automobile containing the nominee past the landing at the railroad sta tion directly across the tracks in front of the slowly approaching train. When the engine cam into view it was less than thirty feet from the nominee's automobile, The chauffeur backed into the car behind and the engineer jammed on the emergency brakes. . The combination prevented an accident. There was a scramble for safety by the crowd which was massed about the car and no one was injured. SxpeciantHgidex Beauty and Grace Many women are disheartened by the fear of losing their graceful figure by childbirth. By using "Mother's Wend" the natural beauty will be preserved and most ofU Pln IneldenUl to ronflnraient w(ll be Hmlnand, becuiM the Influence of "Mother's Friend", toes Into every 1 - mont, tliua prrpnrinir It for the rwjrtu . ' i h"HrrifWl Ramlator Ce.. SM Lamar Btdl- -rktemol MHII nm. RUNNING FREE? Pli -S? iiiiiii I ! I I "VOUR car pays no toll to " 1 2.'; H i . i X friction or the repair-man; O E . ... - every road is a free road to the ' SH ' ' , motor smoothly lubricated with , 5 l H C "-rr- 3 POLARINE I i r J , Tke StuMOUIer All Motor SI SBRVtCB STATIONS ,; IN OMAHA 18th tea Cm Sirm 29th and rUnwy SlrMt . 39th ond Faroom Stroat 46th and Grant Straat Slit StnM and Uodfa Straat 2tth aed I Suaat, 80. Sida iSIIIIIIIIIIII!! . -," ' ' ' ! " '."' 1 Free No Collections Henry Ford to Give $100,000 to Demos f New York, Oct. 28. Henry Ford , plans to spend approximately $100, 000 for advertising throughout the country ,in the interest of PresTdent , Wilson's campaign for re-election, it , was announced here, tonight by Henry Morgeuthau, chairman of the...,,. finance committee. ot the democratic national committee. About $500,000 more, according to ' Mr. Morgenthau's statement, i needed "to make certain of President , Wilson's re-election." A summonsr to New York state democrats to sub scribe the larger part of this amount. has. been issued, he asserted. , , J After CWdkiHh swful ntrnln with mm. Get It 1 nmnj r - . b''" a r! Polarise means lees Motion, less earbon, lew depreciation. Pare, uniform, oltee bodied, with full lubrication in every drop. Look for the sin. Good dealers show it. " ' STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (NEBRASKA): , it 1 . OMAHA i V if