Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Roosevelt Declares That Dem
ocrats Should Make Occa
sion One of Shame and
' Humiliation.
Out of Own Mouth of the Pre 8
. ident, Colonel, Condemns
Him of Cowardice. .
Chairman . Beach at Lincoln
Sees Only Signs of Weak
ened Demo Position.
(Caatinued From Paa One.)
reading- scripture. The Episcopal
church practiced immersion until
about the fifteenth century. Why did
it change and why doe it want to
change the ten commandments now?
Silent on Moral issues.
'4. The Episcopal church is not
At evangelical and is to a large measure
silent on tne great moral issues oi ine
"5. A full scriptural gospel cannot
be preached from an Episcopal pulpit.
"6 Dogmatic ecclesiasticism pre
vails above everything else in the
(From a Start CorrMpondent.)
Lincoln. Oct. 29. (Special.)
the beginning of the last week of the
campaign the republican state com
mittee leeis comment w.i mc
will see the republican state and sena
torial ticket safely landed.
as iar as nugncs is tuniiiu, .v , l l j
committee feela that the state may be Episcopal church and comparatively
counted for the republican candidate, speaking its clergymen are not no ted
In the opinion ot a well Known re- r"i'""-" :'"v""' ,
publican, "those who are supporting with the ministry of today. i
hughes' are not talking very much. "7" A'r,cin, p!.f'?.f iH
They have been thinking the matter erty forbids men of atta nmenta and
over and will vote right when the time conviction In spiritual matter to sub
comes." : -. nut to a bishoo, who may be minus on
e t nau4 iinfK mica.
As an evidTnTe of chaTging aenti-1 "?l. C- Rni If
ment and an indication ot now .""-r" " r-
Hughes stands with the business in- ucipn.., ra., ni b
terests of the country, polls ot tne
hu.ine,. blocks of Lincoln show a and vanity have a higher value with
a.-:a. a u...k.. mw hWV n bishops than moral ooianess
Ihe expg,io'n orthe YUe' now ffoS
Christ an association building, where D. c '-"H "
....j.... .ki soeakinar aaamat his bishop and the
Ji:rSrXA e'cclesiastical authority, yet this
New York. Oct. 29. Theodore
Roosevelt in an address at the Brook
lyn Academy of Music last night, de-
rlared that if today is what our
democratic friends" call "Wilson
day." it should be. "appointed a day
of fasting and humiliation."
"Pnr rliirins the last three years,"
he went on,-"the people of the United
IstitM have eaten the bitter bread
of shame and trod the paths of dis
honor under the leadership ot Mr.
Wilson." - , .
' The colonel airectea most oi ni int unmet.. .......... ..v .
attack against the -recent declaration Christian Endeavor unjon will be :io,"M tney " xi tne First Na- ot advocate of the rights of the
of Mr. Wilson that the present was heW in 0mah fr0m November 2 to tional bank building. This building workingman, for which he is now on
fte-bc.e" iWOi .nft nf 5. ' Under the direction of Rev. H. H. was polled yesterday and gave Hughes trial. An , Episcopalian minister in
V1II1CU tiaiiu .ia rav. -w -
Central Power Army in Ro
mania Declared to Be
Going Forward.
Berlin, Oct. 29. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) The Austro-German troops
have made further progress in . the
region south of Kronstadt and in the
direction of Campulung. army head
quarters announced today. The situa
tion in Dobrudja is reported un
changed. Bucharest, Oct. 29. Along the Rou-man'an-Transylvanian
front the Rou
manians and Russians are more than
holding their own against the Austro
German armies at some points, ac
cording to today's war office an
nouncement. Retirement of the Teu
fmilr trnnns has been forced in one
sector north of Campulung and along
the Juil- valley, where two nowitzer
batteries were captured by the Roumanians.
, I save it usuii vcij oui.. 1 , - . . .
Th, thirtieth annual Nebraska Probably no business block in the clergyman it known in Philadelphia
Th.e. thirtieth annual weorasKa ive good , idea 0f condi- the poor man's friend .end is a de-
"We never have had any candidate mrice ot rrieno, state presiueru ui mij
In, m hicrh an office, who was so I nr,7anlariAn. an interesting program
utterly indifferent' to the reversal of has been arranged. Some ot the
all kU rnnvictinna of orin- I nrnminrnl aniaWera will be: C. A.
qples. and, above all, so indifferent I Mock, president of Union college, Le
7k th tt nntradiction between his I mart la Riahon W. M. Belt. Los
Hamilton, bob-
84 and Wilson 74: Sutton 91 and Ne
ville 62; Kennedy 111 and Hitchcock
)9: Reavis 112 and Maguire Jo. Ihe
prohibition amendment showed 107
for and 39 against.
Demos Uive uo nope. '
It'is rumored, and it comes from a
-words and his acts on almost every Angeles. Cal.; u u nammon, do.- ,. ... . ,1,,, ,u.
. ' , . Ut - U. I . .urn 11.11 tJLM-J-1l. . 17pan1 I J ' m.vw, I .. 1
issue -or real importune ,u ion w. n. nu, i . Iprat r atate committee has given up sire to oniig men uu wumi-.i
Iowa said
'By the authority of the arch
bishop of Canterbury I .am sent to
preach the word, and l don t care a
rap about the New Testament scriptures.'
"8. The Episcopal church does not
demo- burden itself with an aggressive de
people," he-said. Lowe, jr., Kansas
Itialnearitjr and Hypocriay. union and missionary
After booting the president's word. lo be an display.
oriVnsrincerjtyWand hypocrisy than is I ALL PROTECTION
comainca in uh yim w .v
; tion by the president, who has him
self practiced ihe- coldest and most
selfish neutrality when all these
things that he in the abstract con
demns were in the concrete committed
City. Interesting Er"nJ? Al the state ticket. witR right relationship with Jesus Christ.
nibits win ..ik, . -.,.,:. i, :. .,0 "9. It has submitted a creed, which
K'1" w..v . -- - .1,, .i i j
well known tirat tne pons taKen oy , "
democrats in all parts of the state which they never knew, for plain
. ...t .iiin in Hitrhrnrk 1 New Ttestament teaching.
support and, of course, a correspond- "lO.ilt considers its ritual of more
ing gain in Kennedy strength. It has importance than the preaching of the
been apparent to those who have been gospel, yet the ministers of Christ
watching tne situation cioseiy mat tne i arc wumuuaiuuro iu y'"" au ui
Hitchcock crowa gave up nope oi wm- merely tu rcau iuaniw inuij..
mug two weeks ago. I Back to First Love,
Look um lor Kooroaca-a. ..Mrj M,ude. E Buxton.t devoted
cnairman cu own ut mc "puu- t B nd wh0 abored taithtul.
(ConUmMd Pram Fa Oaa.)
his office. It Ms of
, , - I wile IU III, auu n nw 101ui vu . n..m.
hcan state committee urges the voters , j assisting me in my ministry, was
oemns were in tne vc
at the expense ox ueigrum anu ui tn . .i...u i...,. "-" aiaic -'
Armenians and of the . Syrian Chris- ntpor.a member th. christian - churcht
.... -FK.-K"-"-"- - r.-T---:r-- campaign stories sprung w..e.i -n(i bv her nersuas on I was im-
or a most competent .u,,..,...... hance t0 rejute them. uen- 5 UA , ,o .ar. f
erally speaking a campaign awry H.nce in making thi, change
. . , J a .A.aa.t
r..1" yLvZ? .".. ."v. for the spending" of public money
or upi't ; '.rvl "oi " i; After asserting that he "was a man
Kept us out oi war, t. ..... w, vrt,.. ,:,,
I..1....I th.t if it waa nut to keen '
,. r. the nresent war. then it would Desires World at Peace,
n tne i... k.i, i :..
cfosing days of h "fP'jP"", started in the Christian ministry. Mrs.
rnunted uoon as false and delivered I . j
be juit in the future to keep out of "All my training has been in the with the one pu'poae ' .?""?. Episcopal church and we had planned
all aimtlar wars, and "if the, prest- school for the settlement of peaceful stampede to a defeated candidate. Mr. toF ,t w(en j was urge(f t0 ac.
dent, on tne otner nana, u ngn. m controversies, i unite to cc mu bi ceot t. Paul s parish here in the
"I am willing to suffer the wearing
i L. m... ahall Ira.n Aut I . ..... Wh.n thia war nda. I he careful:
JT - u in th. ftttitr. thn I ,:il h. mnn Imnnrtant than'l Beach la AmUied.
Ut BUT auv.i : ; n. .
he condemns himself tor keeping out to secure in the most practical way nr. oeacn was nigmy wnuaeu tm. . - . h . a,
of this war." . ana organi- morning m reaaing mat nenry u - . r . h ft d . beautifui
'"Yon say. Mr. Wilson, that here- ,.,ion through world courts, tribunal, genthau, chairman of the democratic ?"nj.ZyEXcopal church O
after AmeVk must exert its whole of conciliation and frequent confer- national finance committee, had re- "J1 Jf jMage everybody
force, moral and physical throughout ence, that will cement and make per- ported that SSSot understand such a cTnvffi
tho round g obe it tne tunaamentai manent tne worm peace. neeoeu to ma; w y " j i .,,., mv aristocratic Edisco-
rights of humanity are invaded," "We are devoted to the ideals of .on .ured."I thought they had Slii tdlTSI llteht
r. -.i d it 'Tin vn nut L..a. W. hava- tin airirreaB ve noli-1 r-adv out h m across, said the repub- P"n. tnenas win maice iigni oi it, as
know that it, is jtbiect'Vbwardlce to Jies.' We do npt iovet anything. ,Wt lican state chairman, "but it looks as the bishop did. .
.av that this must be done hereafter I do not want to exploit anybody. We if they were not so sure of their I i Thanks tne Pariahoneri.
wheSt yon do not dare do it now? lare here fortunately situated. We ground. I think it the best evidencel t- want tokexpress ' rriy' sincere
''If ott rneatii'trntt yen eaynaia m aave tne pieiafig oi ine inatitutiooi, i nave seen mat mi; tnanxs to tne pansnoner " ot m
the future, then yotr tnust 'mean pre- anxious to have what peace alon can beaten, aa we have known it for some ?!. parish and to Bishops Morri-
ciaely anef exactly that this is your bestow. We want peace. time. I am glad that they have at ton and Longley for their kindness
dutv in the present. Do it now, Mr. "A vote for me is not only a vote last taken a tumble to the real con- t0 me and my famiy while domiciled
' . . s. . i u r ..... . ..... u. i.i.n It m&v uvf uim nt the nem- n . . A T .1. n .
rrCSIdent. At IS sneer nypucriajr tu I tvt icatc, uui . v. .......w- , - . ,n slt x-bui a tctitury, anu pi. I
shatter ten daya before election aa to nance of American rights and peace ocrata of the country who are so god w;u )ead them .into larger vis-J
"'! . i i..u. ....... I:.u l. j !..:.. n.. Whil .n.inm ti K.t nn W iiui'i election al: : .u. ...... I
aihlt Allffnt IO DB OOnC ID UH lUtUt., I WltU UUUUI liu ..S uv.vw I ... ..
Vhen throughout your whole term pi a mistake it ia to suppose yc
office, yon have failed in the present I conserve your peace and forfer
ou can
eit your
ia vour I aelf-reaoect. You live in a world
duty." n.'i where friendship, our trlendsnip, 11
: If the president's words can mean desired Dy an. we aesire tne iriena
vanvthinsr. the colonel continued, and I ship of every nation., We have cer
J ----- . i , ( . :t... r..
little money."
to do what you now say
Inever again are; we .to .be? neutral 1 tain rights. Our citizens are under
then he ia inexcusable m having kept f stood :to have certain nghta. It is
n .n.m.fnllv ntinreoared' ' I well known that under the rules and
i H . , '' Inrinclples of International law the
TcjcjllPa f,f liaTrmfl.1ffT. privileges of cltlrenship should be fee
awmwvm w. w r- o ognized. i
! nj,,n1 Vtrr iti Will Invlt. Insult.
.JJliSliUBiSDU What can be thought 0f any na- ment
IMcCook, Neb., Oct. Z9.-r-(5pecial tiotuthat fails to understand ana ap-
(CoatlBBaa From Pat Oaa.)
ions concerning the greatest interro
gative of the human soul, 'What
must I do to inherit eternal lite.
Let us remember, dear trienas,
that we will some day meet again
when the storv of life and our earth
ly journey come to an end. My best
wishes and prayers are that Ood will
abundantly bless you and jthat he will
bring ua together as His children, to
be numbered with those who love
how best to deal with the liquor prob- Him and' behold His glory. I ex
lem. I have'not yet seen any attempt pect to receive some rebuttals to
to refute the soundness of, my argu- what I have said and tor what i am
in favor of high-license. In- going to do, but, bod helping me, i mv onnonenta resort to vile intend to fitrht for the truth as it is
Telegram.) Senator Norris addressed I predate the dignity of its own citizen- personal abuse and this, in a country I in Jesus. I care not what suffering
ail overflowing tuaience OI over i,uwimpr 11 cannot wraniwu icbhcvi. wncrc irecuum ui spcctn is m vaiuiu.imiy cunic iu inc. ii
persons iMt nignt. ne uixea luriit is sure 10 invue insmi. i wmiwne. oi inc cons.nm.iun. iwora, 11 wn wui tne "j is.a.
three hours 6fl the political issues ofldcciy by virtue of the very fact that "What is truth? This question put family and labor until I shall 'lay irty
mn.;.t iti;Var.ntT a mmt cni.l.t U not cnnal to the orooer assertion I hv Pnniim Pilate to Tesus. remains Urmnr hv and fhen if it please Him
vincins; exposition OI repuuncaniini, i oi us oemanas. we wuv vuuucvutiunanswcrca 10 inif uay. w uliuiwuo i wnom i iovc nu iv
covcring the taritt, protecuon, - ine i ana iirm inincc upun mm, w oi irutn mere can uc no uiopuic. . 1 1 narvesi snau anu inc uu0c
uv h niiMnn. the Aaimion dui. we are enimea. wun cunaiv-1 aiwavs saia inai me aaioon is u i nn sratnerea. 10 kivc mc nunc
u ri i-ri tfii tatiiirn or rne trnrv inn nower wnicn win coniminu mi ann i ravor us rcsiriciion. i am hut a numnie aiciuic s rcwiu,
administration to keep its pledges, the respect of the world. as much against drunkenness as any wm feel 'that our efforts in telling
nA u. rUim in have keot America 1 "If we 'want peace, we must have man. - Raise the license jof the saloon-1 mn of the Christ, have not been
.... . -i t ,s i . i I tfia confidence and esteem of Other I inti tver-v few vears and limit , their I mtH in vain. '
The senator spoke at tome lenghtn nations, rney must respect us. i nere numbers. I wouiu nave oniy one or "Jo one ana all, ana especiauy 10
in flfiMie oi nis voie aramsc inciis no nope umawwc oua.ii i iwo aaioona in mt tuj, n injr vuitnose wno iovc nu. wi '
Adamson bill, which he described as I driven here and there. We shall for- prevailed. ' , truth, I big, Dominus vobiscum (The
a measure passed without considera-1 teit our reputation tor compeiency i . guotes ireiana.
tion, hastily, under force ana wnicn ana unaersianamg oi our posuion agree with Archbishop Ireland,
ne looxea upon as ocing oi uouuuui 1 wv . .iu ........V..-..V who says, Legislation snuia oe con
Rohlff Theater
26th ai?d
'Don't Miss It
wisdom and usefulness.
Seward, Neb., Oct 29. (Special.) peaceful intercourse, but it is force
The Seward Commercial club gave a that lies back of organized society,
luncheon yesterday at its rooms for that gives it its sanction and makes
the members ot the nomemakera aa- peaceful intercourse constant ana con.
sociation, numbering i memoers itinuous. ;
representative women ot tne tarm- Muat Assert Right,
steaqs.ot mis 'county. . ... vvara oi ...-.,., . h.,j, ,nrVth. ,.,.
Lord be with vou.V
Moves From Parsonage.
p.v Mr. Buxton soent yesterday
of known richts' It is not force that . i ....11 r .. rrreivinff his friends -at the
-- ... . 1 siruLiiuii ui Kuvu ma nit unuuv- ... . ,.
rules the world in our organized so- tion o evil Xh( uloon is tne poor Episcopal parsonage. All ot the floors
ciety. in its constant manifestations of m4n.g club . if 1 coud fin( , few were bare and the guests picked their
DOXCS anu craics. jt-u wi
were ready to move
Mice Worrier nf I inrnln
111100 hwihh v. fc..,,ww,.. , I .... .... I uln -uu' 41 . .n . " - :
Clret Wnman Cfitintu Anpnt "Y,y- " "y men toDuild a big club house way tnrougn no
MrSt WOman bOliniy Ageni ,hit dtterminea this or that action in downt(Jwn for the benefit of the poor the furnishings
man. 1 would wining v give tne rec
torate of this church, because in such
a clubl could reach more men.
"Temperance ia the work of the
church of Jesus Christ. Think you
that the spirit of Christ actuates
t Ui n r 1 1 . u. inere is no oasis lorine suggc.-1 tnosc wnu sb.u . mu ,wvn.uv.. .
It-mrS tion that we should be drawn ?n,o my family with vile abuse? It .does
f a 11 I i ' 1 a. r .11.. I ...... VoL
1 j m.j. .i . jj,,,. p-.r I complications, rui wc nccu iu uu is i uuu iwwiiiu, wwu.u
was here and. made an address, Frot, . . m that K. w n( aalvat on w th the Door
n 1 i r....a..a uii ah 'n ... v. " 1 -j . - - -
I UHBlCy. iyTlviouu, huso ft iivii . . .... .x :U. .J k itM mhi i ittl.
r bV' lit t . t- . . I COllViilClHII. Wliat UUI riktllia aiCi ClIIU lUIUIIuiUt WUSS asaaaaa
and MISS warner or me ik iiro ;r; j.--' v. - . . i e a k ,
were.. o on the program, , . wiT
K. W. troehner, president ot tne """" - -- .. .'
- ' :.i ..j. -u. .jj . .1 be recognized. With it all, however,
wXomT' Mr.r HrbiiVVprisWem - b. the recognition of courageous
of the Homemakers' association, re- P"t which wtlf make our flag the
Plied. ' ' i lajriuuui Hi raiivt, "i Ky"1 "'
Mi.a Warner-was elected woman " misuseu, out 01 secuniy 10 rimer
llliliecmcu uicsciii. nuiEiciwiuiikii' - , - . . .
: 1 . . . 1 revenue act was characterized aa iar
.eon uu acrYcu.- 1 . , :. .. . ,,
Dnniiklinnn (IroTnn I callv Useless."
licuuuiiban viaiui u,.fc.. .u. ..,,..,
t- A Well Received at SCOtia I of the Underwood law with reference
Warner- was elected woman "t misused, but 0! security to Arneri- .-When I wrote
agent-the first one n Ne- can citizens, lawfully prosecutmg jheir icen,. 1 wat .
-by the sixteen nrecinct com- business wherever they may be. wanted for it.
nen present'. A cafeteria lunch- The anti-dumping provision of the w not enough
Scotia, Neb., Oct. 29. (Special to the low dutiea on agricultural prod'
clean of mind and body and even
with the man who robs widows and
orphans to grow rich, than with the
men or women wno wrote tnose
letters to me.
Refused Money.
"When I wrote that defense of high-
asked how much 1
I replied that there
money In the state
of Nebraska to pay tne for that argu
ment, if the .ooimons set tortn therein
were not my firm convictions. --Next
I was. asked if 1 would allow my
name to be signed to the article.
Certainly, I replied, I always atand
nn tnHav. Rrv. Mr. and Mrs. Dux-
im have taken rooms on the second
floor of the Kate Riley building at
the corner of Broadway and Glen ave
nue, where they will remain perhaps
during the winter. I '
R.v. Mr. Buxton asserted yesterday
that he had received numerous calls
to other Episcopal churches witn larg
.r.1arv and lamer ouoortunities than
here, but ne naa lurncti tnem an
Jnu,n havintr deliberately made up
his mind to enter the ministry of a
church, less hampered by dogmas and
creeds, ne saia nc uu cnuocu im
Christian church for the greater in
rrlleetual and spiritual freedom it af.
forded and said he wanted to interpret
the scriptures himself, and not be com
pelled to accept witnout ais.cni uic
!nt.rnrtatinn9 nf Others.
Rev. Mr. Buxtoq comes from a long
line of Episcopal clergymen. His tath
er and several grandfathers were
r .ara in the hiwlisn cnurcn, ano ne
has been preaching ever aince he was
twelve years old.
Telegram.) A large republican rally ucts. "We must never forget that publicly by my opjnjon,.'
was held at the opera house last eve- w need in this country, he said,
O S Sn.llman nf Pierce, anoke "particularly in the coming Vears, a
for two hours te a large and en.
ihusiastic, audience with a good na
jured, eloquent and convincing argu
ment and was frequently applauded.
i Are Yon Looking Old?
I Old age comes quick enough with
out inviting it. Some look old at
forty. -That is because they neglect
the liver and bowels. Keep your bow.
els regular and your liver healthy and continued with the highest efficiency,
you will not only teei younger, dui and it 1 am elected, as 1 expect to oe,
Mr. Mackav chose aa his text the
clause from St Paul's epistle to the
Romans: "Unless a man has the spirit
of Christ, he does not belong to
It was announced that next Sunday
All Saints' day, will be obaerved at
th. rhurrh with anecial services. Com
munion services will bt held at 7:30
and 10:00 o'clock in the morning.
nong our farmera, and jhere wji be prayer and special aer
Agricultural department vicl at g o'clock in the evening.
more intensive application in agricul
ture than we have had. We cannot
rely uoon the lavish bounty of na.
ture to protect us in the competition
of the coming days. We do not want
our boys to leave the farms and go
to the city. We want work on the
farm dignified, that there will be
prosperity among our farmera, and
we want our
look vounaer. When troubled with
Constipation or ' biliousness fake
Chamberlain's Tablets. They are in
(tended especially "for these ailments
and are excellent. . Easy to take and
'most agreeable in effect. ' Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement.
give me greater
iDdUDM Sleep.
Bell'i Plne-T.r-Hony tor th.t
Taka tr.
hacklna ntfnt cou.h; H atopa the couth and
you .leap. S5c. . All drufslit..--Adv;
Burkett Speaks in Seward.
Seward. Neb.. Oct. 29. (Special.)-
Senator E. I. Burkett spoke in Seward
county yesterday. He addressed the
veterans ofthe Soldiers' home in the
afternoon and a large audience lis
tened to him at the Seward court
house last evening.
- '
RaHflvnd in one nfmita.
' irumtirv can of Kondflf
a4.rt.rr.. a Or Viiiw fi& rtnxt tube.
Scww't do you $1 worth of gtiod in a Jiffy,
11 th. Koodoo Mia. Co,
1 tor
. 1 X rMra-ans
Gt corrmlra
don's from your
u it
ywi can fet your 85 cent bacfc from trie
dnigglst or xrom tin
Ml if, Minff,
ITtorkanuick. For ooTdLcatarrli.
couatha. iiaaal headachea, ttc Be
aatM it'a. tha Und that a bean
20 yean ana bv aauuun
Tua ,
CmedV With Muiat
'My Aunt From Utah
Th. Grwtut Lauihtsf Show
Matlne... Tomorrow. Wedneiday
Matinee Saturday
Willuun Elliott
F. Ray Comatock
and Morria Gest
fl 1 9 Months ii
, s I New York
7 Months in
S Months in
it ne scenes
A Lor. Slarf
of Youth, Hit
Trial, .ad
I pleasure!
Nights 50c$2, Mat. 50c$1.50
Michael L. Clark
. ' Nominee
Douglas County
the people that if he is
elected he will devote
his entire, time to- the
duties of the office
and will have sno g
other interests to pre- 1
vent him giving his
bestehdeavorsto jj
serving the people. J
His opponent has held the off ice for five years, j
arid a great many are of the opinion that a change
would be beneficial and that the office should be
passed around. j
Michael L. Clark I
A. Vote for Him is a Vote for Efficiency i;
Pi, , - ,l(rfiA.ikMiJI
Devotaxl to
Final Ptrformance Friday Nlta.
J Qun of All Burlaaqua
With Har Own Company, Tha
. With Such Notable, a.
Johnie Weber T&srata,-
Francaa Corn!!, Smith 4 Pullman, In
Dear Roader:
Thea Bel let aura do ring true; I
think H'a tha beat and llvellaat
ahow Qun Hose aver brought ua.
There's a hoat of eurprtaea and
fra&t fooa of vaudttvtUe nd Bill
Campbell and Johole Weber do that
"Oh, Papal" thing with tha modele.
Evaninga and Sunday Matinee.
15c, Wc, BOc anal 7&c
yr Mat. 15c and 25c
Chew sum If yon lika, but no anokini;.
Baby Camay oarayaj m me t-onoy.
Governor of Kansas Tells About
".'-..'"VJ ":: i r ' ;
Prohibition and
Tax Rates
The Nebraska Prosperity League has printed In the newa-
. . ii. - .a). 11 .J. jb. atarfna At
papers an advertisement containing me louuwmg
from mr last messatre to the legislature: i
"Eansae, in common'with other states, has experienced In
.v. i a.a. .n inm-euM in the eost of trovernment and the
WO e
burdens of taxation far beyond the inorease of population. In
13 years public expenditures have increased 68 per cent in the
state, 77 per cent in the county, 153 per cent in the dty, 119
i . . a ann - aV aVi mm las "
, per cent in the townsnip ana jm per cam. iw
V The Nebraska Prosperity league uses this statements an
adsdssion that prohibition and increased taxation go together.
We do not need to go beyond the official reoords for the
truth, the. thing most feared by, the boose interests. Tb
official -government . It. im
creased in popuiauon uu.u - , ,
. .nnjnt 1 ann oiii nr iK'nAr narit. iTebrasKa lnoTeasea
from 1,066,300 to 1,19?,214, or 11 per cent W Wgngg
taxes raised for all purposes in Nebraska from 1902 to 1912
. i j iAo or.. In Kannaa 87.8 D6T 06Bt. Tliat
is, the increase in Nebraska was 20 per cent greater toan
in Kansas.
Kansas' population increased more and Kansas' txes less
than Neteastai's. The increase in taxation in Kansasis not
7 . than tha irreater increase in
ZrorZ'mlreZrin Washington for the
federal government.
Vt atataa whose Ut-
Between iwt ana r ju,Ji
. . . . .1 -...u mm mors than doublea.
irregate local taxes lor am ym-v. --- -- v,v
01 tjixea did not double. NebrasKa
wtrsaZn. is in thl tot gro, and Kansas with prohibition,
is in the second. .
The state tax rate in Nebraska was $6.80 or
reports at hand, and for the same year the tax : rateta Kms
wL si 20 on 11000. Kansas assesses its property at par,
was 1JU on i,w. oomnarison
NebraaKa at aoou. ouw- y - , .
favnrg Kansas, the Kansas rate raising ,
v.nrki rata $3,269,739. The Kansas tax in au is f
nanit. and the Nebraska tax $2.74.
The charge that prphibition make; .taxes JJh-Jj"
Wn rmt hv the recoros. i uul"
league has for ammunition in its resistance to toe nun vsm.
tmguB u- . .nw. .nd it does fail, that
perance movemen.. a -, dlatrirt, BUrt haT,
the state, ana ZTTtiito. or that saloon
saloon money to eommuo - , . .
money help! the community flnanciaUr and
- j A.. .nt tha ulnoria "hurts business, au
oTwhich UmVnare by tt. i rord,
what has the Prosperity league iei. mr Bu--..
I Topeka, Kas.