Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1916, Page 14, Image 14
14 THE BEE f OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916.' GRAIN AND PRftlW.E Excellent Cash Demand and ' Heavy Exports Boom, the Wheat Market Again. COEN SETS A NEW RECORD , Omaha. October l, 114. t The atronc export situation end an ex cellent local cash demand fa v. the caab wheat market another booat today. Wheat wai especially atronr, the hard winter -aellln from melc hither and the durum selling about Ic above the av erage price of yesterday. Hlch price reeords on both wheat and corn were established, , durum wheat selilnf at II. to, a new.hlirh mark for any Kino of wheat ever eold In this market. No. I hard winter also sold for record prices, the bulk of the samples folnr at II.I1HIIII, while the (.neral run of No. 1 hard sold sround II. lot) 1.1! Vj. No. t yellow corn sold for a record price of 11.01. while the average ssmpls of yellow worn sold around lie. There was no white oorn sold and the mixed corn of the com mercial trades sold well up around 11.00, although the new corn sold about 4a be low old oorn of the earns class. Corn as a general proposition was quoted from 10 ltte hither, Rye advanced from lt)2o and barley waa quoted unchanged. Oats receipts were not very heavy and the bulk of the samples traded No. I while and sold at livc. The demand for rye was sxcsllent and record prices were slso paid for this ce real, the No. I trade selling at 11 IS and the No. at I1.I401.I4V,. ' Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to III, 00ft bushels: com, 40,000 bushels; oats, 11,000 bushels. Uverpool close: Wheat i& hither; corn tlfcd hither, . Primary: wheat receipts were 1,111.110 bushels and shipments 1,111,000 bushels, against receipts of 111,000 bushsls and ship ments of 1,141,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 101.000 bush els and shipments 111,000 bushels, against receipts- of 197,690 "bushele and shipments of fll.Olo bushels Isst year. -. Primary oats receipts wsrs 110,000 bush els and shipments 1,121.001 bvahele, against receipts of 412,00ft bushels and shlpmsnts f l,OJi,00q bushels Isst year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. . V. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago II 11 III Minneapolis f ,.411 Pol-Ilk 14 ..... Omaha f.. .,! Tt Kansas City .....114 t Louis .................ill Winnipeg I.. .,.111 These asles were reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter. 1 car, II. II. No. 1 hard winter. 1 car. I1.I4U: I oars. 11.14; I cars. Il.lltt; I cars, 11.11; I car, 11.14 4. No. I hard wlntsr, 1 car, 11,11; I cars 11.11; i csrs. 11.11 Uj; 4 cars, 11.11; I cars: ll.llti; 1 car' (light), 11.10. No. 4 hard winter, 1 ear, 11.10; I cars, 11.11; 1 ear (light), 11.10. Sample hard winter, 1 Car. 11.71. No. 4 spring, 1 oar, ll.le; 1 car (light) 11.11. No. I durum, 1 ear, 11.10. No. I mined, t car, 11.14. No. 4 mixed, I car, 4.71; l ear. 11.71: 1 car, II. II; t ear,; 1 car (light), 11.11; 1. car. 11.10. Rye No. I, 1 car, 11.11; No. I, I car, I1.I4Vj; I cars, H it. No. 4, I cars, 11.11. . Barley No. I, I car, Corn No. I white: t car (new), lie. No. t yellow; I car. 11.01; 1 car (old and new), 11.10. No. 4 yellow: 1 car (now), lie. No. I mixed: 1 oar, II. II: 1 car (new), lie. No. I mixed: 1 car, 11.01. No. 4 mixed: t car (aweet corn ), Her Oata Standard: I car, lis. No. I white: It cars, iltc. No. 4 whits; I cars. II tic. Sample white: I cars, 1014 c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard, I1.IIVj1.I; No. I hard. No. I hard, No. I spring, I1.1I01.II; No. I spring., 11.1101.11; No. I durum. 1.111 10; No. I durum, 11.1101. II Corn: No. I white, lit He; No. I whits, HOHe; No. 4 white, IIOHo; No. i whits, HOHe; No. white, lie lie; No. I yellow, 1 91; No. I yellow, lleOII.OOl No. 4 yel low. MOItr; No. I ysllow, 170 Ho: No. I yellow, HOHe;, No. I ajlxed, llcOll.OI; Not I mixed, llc0ll.M No. 4 mixed, 110 lies No. I mixed, IIOHc; No. t mixed, 140 Ic. Oats: No. white, IIOIIHo; standard, IIVjOIIoi No. $ w-hlts, (IwOlltte; No. 4 white, llOHWe. Barley: Haltlnt, 11.000 I. II; No. 1 feed, llcOll.OI. Rye: Mo. I,; No. t, 11.11 4 01.14 Vs. v NEW YORK STOCKS Shares Jrreipilar 41mot from Outset of Brief Session. STAIVDARD ISSUES LOWER 4 ' 9 Bald. Locomotive.. Baltimore ft Ohio.. uro-oK. Rapid Trail, tt. A fl. Conoer Oat. Petroleum Canadian Pclfln . Central Leather c,. r. i. -P. ,Ry!!' W,iit 'tau A i . at, ""'Hr 1I,BU Die V v.oio, ruei m iron.,' Corn Product Ref.. Crucible Steel..,,,, .-Maimers' securities Krle General Blentrlo... Oreat No, pfd Orsat No. Ore ctfi. Illinois central. .... Inter. Caa. r'nrn 1 arte 1 Insblratlon rnniMr. do.' aaa a a Intar Uattissia. int. . wi. prd. otfi. K. C. Southern...,, Kenneeott Copper., Louisville m Naah.. Meg. Petroleum.... Mtaml Copper...... M., K, ft , pfd..,. MIm our I Pacific,., Montana Power..,. National Lead.,,'.. Nevada Copper.,., New York Central,. N. T.. N H H Norfolk ft Western 1,400 141 Northern Pacific,.. 100 111 raruin nail Omaha, October It, 1111. ' The heavy export of all oereals yes terdar fei?ed an early advaaoo tn wheat future. The seaboard reported 100,900 bu. Of wheat, 100,000 bu. corn and about IlOftOO bu. of oate worked for export" ifter the elM of yesterday's market. While the Araenttne eltuatlon Is largely the caoee of the hif h prices, the real causa at the present time Is tho extraordinary ds Duutd (or our wheat by the foretft, noun trlea. Today's opening prices were strong and the market trained steadily, December wheat reacbin a hich mark of 11.1414 an ths May li lt. ..4 . Tho foreign demand for corn and oats showed a bit Increase and theee markets also showed substantial gains, - Looal ranee of ootiona. Art Wbt !lec. May July 'lV May I flaw. Dso. Mar Open. High. Low. Closs. ITsTy 1 1 II . 1 14(4 III iioh 1 II 1 lie. 111 t us, HOH 141 till 141 1 41H 1411 ' ' Ml II 14 H " II I41 .1414 til. lit ., II llt( .', II ' ltj II " lltt'll ; ;" "mi mh '. tin ii Chlcsgo closing prices, furnished Tho Be, by Logsn Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 111 toulh IHxtesnth street, Omaha. Art: WhTT ' la' Corn.. I Pen, . July. - Mar 1M. - Jan. Lard. . Dee. Jan, Ribs. . Oct -'Jan. Open. High. Low. Close. I tie. I 10 ms 1 Its, i ir l iin my, i ,,(4 :i:H lit fit l 1014 it ok 1 ioi ns - im 110 H 10 . : MVj -. ,M 11 lov. .. tot, smo. I;, ii - us, ,110 li , it 14 10 II io II to it it ii i ii n ii ii it i II 41 II 41 It II II U II II - It 10 II It. II 11 14 ItH II II 14 It II 11 14 10 II II II II- 111 114 111 H 1 0 II II II It 11 II IS II II Kama, t'lty (loiwral Market. , ' Ksnsss City, Oct. II. Wheat .No. I hard; No, I. II.I0O1I1; No. I red. ,i..ui.svi uejimwr, ei.s.; stay, 11.11 01.". ' . ui.h... vr . i ... No. I htte 11.01; No. 1, 11.04; No. 1 y.l- rat. . i.vaFi.vis n, j, iswaininr, el V1T 14c; ou No. t white, M.6Hc: No.' I mixed! Butter "Creamery, iitte.'flrata, lie, aeo- a. Wtll-"'illlwl fflB. ; " Poultry Hena, lie; rooators, lie; broilers, Ho. . ' Evaporated Apple tued Drtod Fruits. New Tork, Oct tl.--Bvaporatid Apples nifiaur , tancT. n v o , cnoiee, l o 7 q ; prune,- tn. Iried Frultsv Prunes, firm but Inactlvej . Calllornlaa,' 1 U 0 10ac .Oreaona. 7Sfellt Apricots, firm: choice, extra fholcs, limlo; fancy, IttlaiSo. Peaches, quiet but firm! choice, to: ext ahnir 1o; fancy. Ic. Ralalna, ateady; looao muacatela, lfu4o; choice to fancy eeed- u. iviwi aeeaieaa, ivwjeylle; iondon lay- la . ; '. , . ' MbmeapoHs Onvla Marfcet. Vlnneapoiia, Oct. J. Wheat December, Uay, 11.934: No. l hard. 1100 ttl.OI; No. 1 northern, ll.lfila 01. im : Na 1 nnrlhdrn It inUAi la , 'Corn No, I yellow, $1.0601.07. ,? Oale No. 1 white, Sl6Ic, Flaxseed M.IOt 0t.ll 4. Klour Fsnry patenta. 10c httyhir, quoted (i I $10.30; other trade unchanged. Barley 74c0ll.ll , . Rye $1.1401.11. fc j, Brah t2O.OO027.O4. . New Tork. Oet. IS. Stock were Irreuu lar aim oat from the out art of today's brief, but active seselon. Standard or Inveetment leiues were moderately lower and compara tively neglected, while roppera and those sperlaltlea which figured so extensively In the dally operations, were decidedly strong. Utah Copper waa the foremost 'feature, with the'wlde" opening of 1,400 shares at an advance of about l points to the new reeora or iao, tnu being later extenaeo to t04. Chlno Copper alae made a new high mark on lis gain or 1 points to siMi with gains of 1 to $ points for Inspiration, Anaconda, Kenneeott and She ttuck-Arizona coppera and American Smelting. ueneral Leather repeated Its almost dally performances of mounting to a new maxi mum, gaining practically 9 points at 08, and Cuba cane sugar, common and pre- rerrea., sold higher than evor before at 16 ahd 100tt, respectively. The motor errouo. eouloments. sine shares and petroleum were lower by 1 to over S points, business being most marked In Stude baker and Maxwell. General Electric also yielded on moderate offerings, with National Biscuit and Pittsburg Coal. Atlantic. Oulf and West Indies were firm on the excellent statement of earnings for August and the eight months of tho catandar year, but Marines were unaer slight pressure with United States Steel, Reading and a few low priced rails. Chief among tho latter were Denver ft Rio Orande. preferred: Mis souri, Kansas ft Texas, preferred, and Rock uiiana, me latter belns: so d free v on delav In the discharge of receivership. Total sales were 640,000 shares. Tne bank statement met Dooular extMw. tallons In Its actual cash gains of about 120,000.000, a loan expansion of almost $36,. 000,000 and an increase of over $11,000,000 In reserves. Bonds were asraln Irretrular with reduction In offerings- of Internationals. Total salsa, par value, $1,660,000. United States bonds wore unchanged on call dur ing the week. J . V Number Of ulM mnA nitn.lAHa I A Ing stocks wsrs; a. m Ul.k T Al Am. Beet Sugar... 1,100 102 10$ 103 American Can l.ioo au ftav 6Si Am. Car ft Foundry 1.600 66 -7 $7 Am, locomotive.. , $,600 lH "2 $3 Am. Smelt. A Ref.. JJ.100 Ul2 1102 in Am" Su.r Kr "- $,400 122 121 12t Am. Tel. ft Tel , . . ... 10 11$ H U Ut Am. .. I ft ....: 1,100 47 47 47 Anaconda Copper.. 10.300 06 06U 5U Atchison ., 1,100 107 107U 107 C $,600 66 S3 33 300 $3 66 36 l.ioo -6i ! a . . .' . S U. TOO 174 174 1762 central leather ibu Chesapeake ft Ohio 3,100 60. 66 66 . .r". Mr " J LIVE STOCK 1BARKET Most Kinds of Cattle Lower for WeekFat Sheep Higher and Feeders Lower. . HOGS LOWER FOR WEEK Hi a 114 I1U 4i . 01) II 1.100 1, 1,100 II 1.100 II 1,100 10 tt 1,100 111. 111 100 44 H i 1,100 lilt, 114 100 II 11 11,100 lltf- II 100 114 111 l.ioo ioiuiot ,I00 t lit, 11 s, 19 1,109 10 1,000 II 100 MOO ' II 1,100 10, 1.400 II 111 11IU ,,. ,a 10, Pennsylvania Rar Con. Copper. . . Readlnt ., Rep. Iron A Steel. . Hhatturk Arls. Cop, Southern Paclflo, ,, Southern Railway,. Btudebekar Co Tennessee Copper.. Texw Company.,,, Union Pacific . . ,,, union racuic prq, , 4,000 11 II 1,100 II j I 4,100 101 10IU 4.100 II 11 lllOO 111 1.000 II .no i 1,100 iiih 111 I,1VV 4,4 v n iS ti "3 i3 i II 13Z ( 111 101 i mi io a 141 15 llltt 1114 II 11 2 '.a W 130 226 160 ff 11 V V, $. Ind. Alcohol., $,$00 146 146 144 U, i Bteel,...... 1,400 11 Jl$ HbU V. i. Steel pf4.i,, 300 131 hl 111 Utah Copper t$,300 103 106 106 Wabash ofd. "H",. soo ii nnt? anS Western Union 1,100 103 103 102 WeW-inghouso Blee. $.600 64 63 61 joiai sales ror tno day, s& oharss. f NEW TORK OENEBAXi MARKET. . QuoUOsm of tho Day oa Various) Losvdlng v Cre)mmo4ltl.s Kour fork. Oct. $$. Flour Htrongt Iprlnff patenta, $$.l$O$.$0i winter patent, $6.60f$.0tt winter straights, S 46 Ol io. Wheat Hoot strong ; No. 1 durum, M.K; No. 1 hard, $$ 01; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $3.0$i No, 1 northern, Manitoba, $1.0$, t o. b. New tork. ' Corn Spot steady No. 3 yellow, nominal, 6V t. f.,Nw Tork, . , uats Hpot nrm. ; i ' '-. Hay Qulst. .. t . . ? v . ' '" Htdeii-rFtrm. " lies t her Firm. Provisions Pork, strong: mess. 121.0041 3100; short clear, lll.OOCIO 60. Beef, firm; mess, 11.60f$$.00; family, $16,000 36.60., Lard, strong; middle west. $16,600 17.00. , Tallow Firm, city. 0o; country, 10 OUo. r Butter Steady i receipts. r7.lll tubs: creamery, $601$o, firsts, $4016c; seconds. $10 340. . , Kgga steady; receipts, 7,507 ogees; fresh gathered, oxtra fine, $6 0 40c; extra firsts, 3708Soi firsts, 14016c; seconds, J10 Mo, Chesse Firm; receipts, 1,067 boxes ; state, fresh, specials, llOHc;' same, average fancy,' llw.i Poultry All vs. firm;' chickens, 17 9 llc; fowls, 160l9o; turkeys, 13026c. Dressed, dull; chickens, lOQlOo; fowls. 17 $4o ; turkeys, 140130. . Leeds Ormlsv Market. St. Louts, Oct. 3$. Wheat No, 1 $1.60O I I. : No. I hard, 11.110 J.00; December. $1.66; May, $1.64. tfern No. I, $1.07; No. 3 whits, $1.07 O -.06; December. 16e. May. 0OtOe. . Oats No, 3, 3061e; No. I white, nomi nal December. 4e; May, 61 c, v Uverpe! Urwla Market Liverpool, Oct 13. Wheat Spot, No."! hard, winter, 16s Id; No. 1 northern, Du luth. lta td; No. 1 Manitoba, 16s 3d; No. I, 16e; No. 3,' 16s d. , . Corn Spot, Amciicaa, mixed, new. Us 44 t .ii, i ,ii - , Y.'. lJhad Mashsr Markov. ' London, Oet 16 BlWer Bar. 33d per ounce. i . , v , . , , -Money I ner eonr Discount lUteshort Mils, . 0$ per Com. inreo moniaa, wv per sent. . i t Ooffe Markot. New Tork, Oct 16. An opening advance waa followed by a sharp break In tho cof fee market for futures here today, with May contracts selling oft from l.lfo to 1.60o and closing at $.46o bid. Tho open Ing advance of from I to $ points .seemed to reflect somd further buying from out side sources and covering, but after sales of some 10,000 or 11,000 bags there ap peared to be very little support around the ring. Offerings, on the other hand, - In creased, owing to reports of an easier coot and freight situations and the decline car ried May contracts about 4$ points under the high level of last Wednesday. The close was t to 16 points net lower. Sales, 46,160 bags, - October and November, .16c; December, 6.11c; January, 8.17c; February, l.lleMarchr 0.16c; April, 1.44c; May, 1.41c; June. 6.64c; July,: 1.61a, August 6.64c; September, 1.61c, v Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, $e; Santos 4s, 10 e, Und escribed Santos 4s were reported In ths cost and freight market at 1.10c, and well described at 10.10c, London credits. The official cables reported no change In the Braslllan spot market, but . a decline of II to 60 reia In Santos futures. Hi cleared $1,60(1 bags for New Orleans. , I Kaaaaa City live Htock Market Kansas City. Oct 16. Cattle Receipts, 996 head; market steady; prime fed steers. 6H.S0OU 6ft; dreeeed beef steers, $7.0003-16; wfatern steers, $l.00O-00; cows, $4.607.16: heifers. 16.6000.36: steckers and feeders. $6.7606.16; bulls, $4.7606.3$; calveg. $6,00 O10.60. Hogs Receipts, 1,106 head;' market, strong to 6o higher; bulk of sales, $i.$0O 10.10; heavy, $10.10010.19; packers and butchers, IMGO10.J0; light 9. 76010.16 pigs, $6.760-76. BheeD ana iamoo Receipts. ioa head market steady; lambs, $10.40011.00; year lings $1.0003-71; wethers, $7.0006-00; ewea, ' ; ' thigw Marhst ' New Tork. Oct. $. Sugar While there waa no change tn the spot situation, the market for augar futures was a little stead ier this morning on covering for over the week-end and a little demand from trade sources, closing unchanged to points net btgner; ueoomoer, s.ic ; January, 4.16c ; March, 4.16c; May, 4.43c. Haw, steady; melasaea, 6.77c; centrifugal, 1.44c. Refined, steady; fin, granulated, 7.6007,76c Reielnta ware. Official Monday ... Official Tuesday . . , CifHMm W1nsir1s v Official Thursday . Official Friday .... Estimate Saturday Omaha, October 31, 1114. Tattle. ,..16,004 ,..11.140 ..10.607 ...11.680 ... 3,471 , . . 100 Hogs. Sheep. 4,734 11,674 ' 6.021 4,817 7.221 6,186 4,700 34.316 11111 11,747 1.283 Htx days this week 63.700 16,763 88.121 Same days last week. . .66,187 36,137 117,767 Same days 2 weeks ago. 48,168 16.866 142,783 Same days 2 weeks ago. 41, 364 28,060 139.267 Same days 4 weeks ago. 46,066 21,463 174,376 Same days last' year. .. .40,143 11.706 16.173 Receipts and disposition or live siock a. the Union Stock Yards, for twenty -four hours ending yesterday: S Cattle Receipts were Inslgnlficajft today, there not belns: enough In sight to make a market, but for the week receipts have been very large, footing up a total of 62,700 head. With the exception of last week, this Is the heaviest run of the year, and pros pects are good for another large run) the coming week. This Is the heavy shipping season for range cattle and a great many of the cattle coming forward are on the stocker and feeder order, as usual at this time. The demand for killing cattle, that Is beef steers, cows and heifers, has been very good and the market In satisfactory condtJ tion up until the latter part or me weeg, when the continued heavy receipts caused a gradual eaalna- off. Good to choice year lings were in especially active demand, sek-1 ing up to $11.00, the highest In tho history oV I the market. Other kinds of corn feds havti ssaarl nsV mwA tut lKASrst liiwuf t ha HI last week. Grass beef has also easod1 off, closing 26c lower. Cows and heifers are anywhere from steady to as much as 10 16c lower on some kinds. 8 took era and feeders poured Into the yards at a rapid rate, while the high nHca of com caused a noticeable decrease In rhe de mand, to such an extent that cattle began accumulating. esDecIallr In the hands of speculators early In the week. This caused a steady weakening In the market until at theg-lose prices are 2926o lower than last week's close. Quotations on Cattle; Good to choice beeves, 110.00 011.10; fair to good beevea, $1.60010.00; common to fair beeves, $6.60 06.60; fancy heavy grassrs. $8.76 06.76; good to choice grass beeves, $7.6508.76; fair to choice grass beeves, $6.7607.66;. common to fair grass beeves, $6.0606.76;. good to choice heifers, $6.7607.26; good to choice cows, $6.4006.75; fair to good cows, $6.7606.36; common to fair cows. $4.2&0 6.76; good to choice feeders, $7.6008.16; fair to good feeders, l6.606J7.16i common to fair feeders, $6.7606.60; good to choice Blockers, $7.6008.16; stock heifers, $6,260 7.26; stock cows, $6.2606.26; stock calves, $6.0006.00; veal calves. $6.00910.00; beef bulls, staga. etc.. $6.1606.26. Hogs Receipts of hogs were by a few head tho lightest of any day this week, estimates calling for sixty-six cars, or 4,700 head, which la twenty-seven head smaller than Monday's run. The week's total Is the heaviest since eight weeks ago, receipts having been 36,763 head, which Is 10.600 larger than laat week, over twlco as large as two weeks ago and nearly three times as heavy as for tho. corresponding week of last year. The market waa somewhat Uneven, but as a general thing was mostly 610c high ..p rhiimrn wlrad a weaker odtloek ''early, and one of tho local packoni got ft few bogs en tho strength of this that wore no more than ateady to 6o higher. As a gen eral thing, however, tho trade opened fully 6e higher, and by tho time the bulk of tho nogs sold ws 610c nigner. Bulk of the sales was made at $1,700 1.66. Best hogs hero sold at $t.05, and while this la a nickel lower than yesterday's top on paper, the actual sales were anyway 6c higher, there being nothing as good as yesterday's $10.00 load here. Compared with laat week's close, today's market la fully 10O15c .lower. Monday's dime break waa not quite made up In the advances of tho neat two days and less than half of the 20c break that was enforce Thursday and Friday waa recovered this morning. - Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 47. .20 240 $1 6 i 62. .112 160 $1 70 ,. 64. .366 ... f 76 61 . .177 160 9 80 76. .162 ... 1 10 66. .224 160 1 06 Sheep Fat lambs. Irter dropping 1626c last Monday, reacted the following day and so sharp has been the advance since then that they are now selling 60066c higher than at the) cloae of last week. . or right around 76c higher than at the low time Monday. Total receipts have been light and on top of this only a small share of the arrivals has been In killing flesh, so' with packing demand In healthy condition, any thing but a sharp upturn waa out of the question. Best fat lambs hero Friday sold' op to $10.96, a new October record. Some medium range Iambs and comebacks from feed lots are going around $10,40610.76, ao cordlng to quality a In tho aged sheep division 4he advance has not been quite as rapid, but muttons are selling 1604Oe higher than thty were a week a so. Despite the fact that the packer market was moving up rapidly, the feeder trade has been sluggish all week. Feeding lamb prices are anywhere from weak to 10016 lower on beat kinds, to as much as 16036c lower on medium ana Plain offerings. Quotations on sh-ep and lambs: Lambs, good. to holce, $10.66010.10; iamba, fair to load, ilo.40tfio.flb:- iambs, feeders. 16.7661 9.90; yearlings, good to choice, $f90O8.40,' yeariings, lair io gooo, it. way ,.so; year lings, feeders. $7.0006.00;. wethers, fair to choice, $6.6007.90; ewes, 'good to choice, $6.90 97.26; owes, fair to good, $4.3606.86; ewes, plain to culls, $4.0006.76; eweo, feed ing, $4.606.90; owes, breeders, all ages, $6.0008.60. CHICAGO LJVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Market Reported Weak; Hogs Weak; Sheep Firm, Chicago. Oct. 38. Cattle Rece Id ta. 1.006 head; market weak; native beef cattle, $6.60 ll. &; western steers. $6.1609.60: stockers and feeders. $4.6607.76; cows and heifers, to.ivi,; caiveu; 17.oeou.ou. Hogs Receipts, 16,000; market weak. 6 10c below yesterday's average; bulk of sales. $9.70010.10; light, $9.4610.16; mixed. $9.60010.30; heavy, $9.6010.30; rough, $9.6009-76; pigs, $7.6009.36. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 3,000 head: market firm; wethers. I7.26O9.60; owes, $1.9007.60; lambs, tM 11.16. St Joseph Uve Slock Market . ' ' St. Joseph, Oct 28. Cattle Reoeelpts, 609 head ; market steady ; steers, $6.60 0 10.69; cows and heifers, $4.2609.75; calves, $7,000 10.50. Hogs Receipts, 4,600 heagl ; i market steady to 6c higher; top, $10.16; bulk of ales, $9.76019-06. . Shoep and Imba No receipts; mkrkot unchanged; lambs, $19.69.fU.96; ewes, $7.09 T.16. St. La! Uvo tHock. St. Louis.. Oct 18. Cattle Receipts. 900 head; market ateady; native beef steers. $7.56011-90; yearling steers and heifers. $8.50011.16; cows, $5.6007.65; stockers and feeders, $6.3007.66; prime southern steers, $6.0009.00; cows and heifers, $4.6007.60; prime yearling steer and heifers, $7,500 $.00; native calves. $fi.O010.76. Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head; market lower; . lights. $1.76010-10; pigs, $8.609.40; mixed and butchers $9.70010.20; good heavy. $10.2619.$9; bulk of sales, $1.80010-20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 400 head; market steady; lambs. $7.50 10.76; ewes, IS, 7607.16; yearlings, $8.008.76. glonx City Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Ia., Oct 18. Cattle Receipts, 100 head ;j no market ' Hogs Receipts; 2.00Q head; market 6c higher; light, $9.&609.66; mixed, $9.669.70; heavy, $1.709.80; bulk of sales, $9.609.T6. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head ; market steady; lam be. $9,10010.16. OU and Rosin. Savannah, Oct. 18. Turpentine Firm, 44c; sales, 91 bbls.; receipts, 229 bbla.; ship menu. 49 bbls.; stock, 18,121 bbls. Rosin Firm: sales, 1,937 caslts; receipts, 938 casks; shipments, 133 casks: stork, 6,612 cssks. Quote: A, B, C, D, $.S0; E, F, O, $6.16; H.T K, M, $6.35; W, $6.46; WU, $6.60; WW, $6.60. i ' Cottoa Market s New Tork, Oct 38.--Cotton Futures open ed barely steadv: December. 18.97c; Janu ary, 18.10c: March 18.95c; May, 19.99c; July. 19.10c. v Hank Clearings. Omaha, ' Oct. $9. Bank clearings for Omaha today wer $4,756,411.96 and for the corresponding day laat year $1,069,100.91. The total clearings for the weeek ending today were $19,191,691.11 and for the cor responding week laat year I..616.U3.1IV ' Pry tieds Market . v ,. New Tork. Oct 29. -Cotton goods and yarns were very firm today, and advanced. Burlaps were In good-Tdemknd, especially light weights. Linens x were firm. Knit goods wer active. r United Kingdom $300,000,000 . of Great Britain and Ireland Dated November 1, 1916 512 SECURED LOAN GOLD NOTES , r t . Interest payable May 1 and November 1 ; . $150000000 Three-tear Notes due November 1, 1919 $150000000 Five-Year Note due November 1, 1912 s v. ' DIRECT OBLIGATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT Principal and interest payable in United States gold coin, at the office of J. P. Morgan& Co., or, at the option of the holder, in London in sterling at the fixed rate of $4MYi to the pound. 1 ' " - 7 r. . . ' Principal and interest payable without deduction for any British'taxes, present or future. Coupon Notes of $1000, $5000 and $10000 ' M it H 1 U II 1 , u II II Five-Year Notes , 105 and interest 104 and interest 103 and interest 102 and. interest 101 and interest Redeemable at the option of the Government, in whole or m part, on thirty (SO) days notice, as follows: ,1 Three-Year Notes i From November 1. 1916 to October 31, 1917 inclusive 103 and interest 1,1917 " 31,1918 102 ana interest J. 1918 ' " 31, 1919 " 101 and interest 1.1919 " 31,1920 1.1920 " 31,1921 To be secured by pledge with Guaranty Trust Company of New York, under a pledge agreement executed by the Government of securities approve by J. P. Morgan & Co., of on aggregate value of not less than $360,000,000, calculated on the jbjsis of then prevailing market prices, sterling securities being valued in dollars at the prevailing rate of exchange, viz; V ; Group I. Stocks, bond, and or othar sacuritiat of Amsriut corporations (iacludinf th Canadian Pacific ' ' v v Railway Company) and bonds and or other oblifation, (aithar as makar or guarantor) of ' ' tho Gorarnment of tho Dominion of Canada, tha Colony of Newfoundland, and or province, of tho Dominion of Canada, and or Canadian municipalitiatt Aggragata walua not lott than $180,000,000 ' (Of tho forogoing thara will ba aomawhat orar $100,000,000 hi aggragata waluo of lacuritiat of ear- , porathtnt of tho United Statat and of tha Canadian facitic Kallway company.; Croup II. Bonds and or other obligation! (either at maker or guarantor) of any or all of the saTaral r v "'I .. following lioernmentt, to wtti lommonweaitn 01 Australia, union or. aouin amu, new eaiana, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Japan, Egypt, and India, and or approximately $25,000,000 value in , bonds or other obligationt of dividend-paying Britith railway companies: , . , ... ' Aggregate yalue not lett than $110,000,000 ' ' " Toul $360,ooo,ooo Pending' the arrival and deposit of definite securities as above, the Government is to deposit temporarily with thVrust Company either approved New York Stock Exchange collateral or cash. " r . ;. . " '. " .:- ' ' ' ' ' i ' . '. , .1 - '" ' - "' ''ft': ' . If the pledged securities depreciate in value, the Government is to deposit additional securities maintain the 20 margin. The Government is to reserve the righfrom time to time to sell for cash any of the pledged securities, the proceeds of sale to be applied to the retirement of notes by purchaser or by redemption by lot. " v Upon the retirement of the three-year notes, a proportionate amount of the collateral may be withdrawn approximately ratably from each class. K ' t ' '' " ; The Government also from time to time may make substitutions of securities, but such substitutions are not to -vary the then relative amounts in value of the groups. All substitutions, withdrawals and valuations of securities are to be approved by J. P. Morgan . & Co. ' . '. ' ... ' ' a This offering is made subject to the approval by our Counsel of necessary formalities. jVE OFFER THE ABOVE NOTES FOR SUBSCRIPTION AS FOLLOWS: , The Three-Year Notes at 99V4 and interest, yielding over 5 5 per cent. . The Five-Year Notes at 98 and interest, yielding about 5J85 percent. - ; :, ... ; , . .. .. -.: ; ., ; " v ' ' '' 1 ' ' Subscription books will be opened at the office of J. P. Morgan & Co., at' 10 o'clock A. M., October 31, 1916, and will be closed at 10 o'clock, A.M., November 8, 1916, or earlier, in their discretion. -- ' . ; ' ". , - ; - ...... ...-' ' . , THE RIGHT RESERVED TO REJECT ANY AND ALL APPLICATIONS, AND ALSO, IN ANY EVENT, TO AWARD A SMALLER , ( , AMOUNT THAN APPLIED FOR. v ; AMOUNTS DUE ON ALLOTMENTS WILL BE PAYABLE AT THE OFFICE OF J. P. MORGAN & C0, IN NEW YORK FUNDS, TO THEIR ORDER, AND THE DATE OF PAYMENT WILL BE GIVEN IN THE NOTICES OF ALLOTMENT. , ' "'" ' Tmfumni certificates M be delivered pending iki tngrmitg of the iefinitm notes.'. rflRST NATIONAL BANK ' New York City BROWN BROTHERS & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KISSEL, KINNICVTT & CO. NATIONAL CITY COMPANY "J . New York City r. WM. A. READ & CO. LEE, HIGGINSON & CO. WHITE, WELD & CO. ' A J. P. MORGANA CO, , , HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK , Chicago ,' 1 . & W. SELIGMAN & CO. LAZARD FRERES ... . GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY of New York , , . . . BANKERS TRUST COMPANY . FARMERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY . New York City ' ; ' ... ''. .'. . NeJ" J0 Cit" . CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY OF ILLINOIS HALSEY, STUART & CO. Chicago. , - " Chicago CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, Chicago ' - ; UNION TRUST COMPANY ; v Pittsburgh MARINE NATIONAL BANK v . - Buffalo FIRST & OLD DETROIT NATIONAL BANK, Detroit y New York, October SO, 1916. m V J ST i