12 THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916. Want-Ail Rates CASH WITH OBDEB. I " par word.. ............ each lnsertton- w . 8et wild no display.) i. r - i a a-. ... niu.i.1 ntulo. io por lino .....' v ono time 10 por lln. three consecutive hbw (Count six wordi to th. lin..i 'CHABVE RATES. to por lino ono time 10 por lino ..three eonoocutivo limes (Count six word! to tho lino.) Special Rate: ' Tvm ond Ranch Lando. To por lino throo eonoocutivo time, (Count six words to tho lino.) FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AOENT8 OR HELP WAf TED CLA8SI FrCATlONS. to por word ono tlmo IHo por word throo eonoocutivo tlmoo KO AD TAKEN FOB LEW THAN A TOTAL OF too OB LESS THAN 100 A DAT. CARD OF THANKS, DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES, too por lino oach Inoortlon IMlnlmum charge cento.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS (No chamo ol copy allowed.) ono iino .;!!:; Two llneo or more por lino II. SO (Count all words to (0 lino.) (contract rates on application.) THE BEE will not bo responsible for more than ono Incorrect Insertion of an adver tisement ordered tor more than ono time. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts tlven by Tho Boo In payment for Wants Ads, as no mlstaks can bo rectified without them ' 0S8 THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con venlently bring or oent In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will re ceive tho same good service ao when de livering your ad at the office. PHONE TYLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE. BYENINO EDITIONS.. 11:00 M JIIJRNINO EDITIONS 1:00 ,P. M. ' Monuments and Cemeteries. BEAUTIFUL markers, tablets and crosses for unmarked graves. Redman Orave Marker Co., H70 Spencer B Webster 1601. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. " . DUFFY JOHNSTON, ombalmers and fu neral directors. 717 S. loth. Tyler 17. S7k BURKET A SON Funeral directors and ombalmera. 110 Leavenworth. Har. to. UULiB RIEPEN, unortakonTand am balmsrs, 701 S. lltb SL , Douglas 1111. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or plants. Art Combinations shipped every where. Excellent service to our custom ers In past years recommends. HESS ft 8WOBODA. Hit Farnam St., JDoug. 1001. XaROEST ASSORTMENT of fresh" floweri delivered or shipped aoywhoro. L, HMN PERSON, Ull Farnam St.. Doug, 1111. LEE L LARMON 1111 Ponglas. Doug, Ills. "PARKER Flower Shop. 411 S. nth. D. Ull A. DONAOHUE. 1121 Hamey. Doug. lOOiT BATH, Florlit, 1101 Farnam it D. ION. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF you loss anything and will advrt-s It hrs, you will surely recover It If found bp an honest person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through i this column. THB LAW People who And lost sr tlclesar tnterepted in knowing that the stats law Is strict In requiring them to seek ths owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure 40 do ao, If sam can be proven, Involves a tt ioos penalty, ' ' OMAHA V COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANt- Persons having lot soma article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in ths trest car. Many articles each day mr turned In and ths company is anilous to rasters them to the rightful - owners. Call TvlaF IflA ' 108T Friday afternoon on Park Av,, be tween Foppleton and Pacific, pair or gom eyeglasses, with black button, ' Reward. Return to No. I, The Maryland, even If ; broken. IsOSf Between Grande Is stores and tHth and Port St. a small black purse contain ing about $bS and jewelry. Reward, Poug. TTH and ask for Mr. Berge. bsT Wednesday in or around Commercial High school, diamond setting from flng Tal. Harney 7t. Liberal reward. FOUND i Soda Fountain.- " OREEf8 PHARMACY. Hth and Howard. LOST Brown seal neckpiece between lsth and 17th on t Mary's, between 1:10 and T o'clk Friday. Colfax ' FOR SAIX-Micellaneou " Furniture and Household Goodi. I MORS STALWART EVIDENCE I I I OP THB DOLLARS' BUT1NO POWER quality ana price is tne xeynois of this remarkable furniture sale that honest, dependable quality that ' carries with It the assurance of v 1 ' lasting satisfaction. c It la our constant effort to place' ths best of furniture before you at the lowest (toaalbl prices oonslstsnt With ths quality offered. STATE FURNITURE CO.,' r. 14th and Dodge. Phono PouglasjlT. sVrOVEiS, furniture, ruga, bedding and linen of all kinds, v open till 1 p. m. : Dolgoff, 1H N. 11th St. STO'VES, ALL K1NM. See ui first. Prices right. City Furniture Co., 10? 8. 14th. Loyal Furniture Co.. 113 N. 16th St. MOUHKHOLO GOODS and.Vl'hes, 2837 Franklin St. Phone Web. 622, Pianos and Musical Instruments. 171 BUTS beautiful $100 Mahogany cabinet, phonograph i plays Victor and Edison reo ' orda. Fa Ik. 104 Oeorgla Ave. VIOLIN, guitar and clarinet for sale, 190,00. Address Karl kiuck, fticniana, Neb. '4 Stores and Office Fixtures. -. ROLL TOP DESK. 1406 Howard, Room 7. ' JcT. Diamonds and Watches, BRODRKOAA"RD'8 "Lucky Wedding Rings' at 14th and Douglas Bts. Billiards and .Pocket Tables. I SALEBILLIjCKD TABLES. Branrl and pocket, with complete oainc, bub; secona-nana laoies at ro duoed prices; bowling alleys and suppll; easy payments. Cigar stores. drua dell- 'Oateaaen and oda fountain flitures. THE BRUNHWICK-BALKK-COLLKNUER CO.. 401-401 South 10th St. Machinery and Engines. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS. XXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND ' MACHrNIBTS. BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 11110 S. 11th St., Omaha. BQILER8, stea: jfrec hrng, electric. ' gas sndnea. pipes. Oross recaing ijo., 111s miming. FOR SALE Oi,s beautifully lifted buffalo , gomt, account owner outgrown j new. Har- nay tin. Printing snd Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL duplicating Co , also public 1 ateno. rnone tor prices, uouclas 1101. ' 140 Paxton BIN. Oat our prices oa Job printing. CAMPAIGN CARDS A SPECIALTY. V. 8. PTQ. CO.. BEE BLDO. DOUO. UTI, waterb-barnhart Ptg. a, Co., quality printing Tel. Doug, mo. tl BJ, 11th Bt. Typewriters and Supplies. .felEW machines sold tha gmo as renfrTl par montn. nea s nsroro you buy renL HhlntMd anv nlace an tan rtava' free trial. Butts typawrtter Esichange, is n. iin. umana, wep. TTPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I months for si. central' Typewriting Exchange, .mo timtrn, l REMINOTONS, Monarch and Smith framiers for rent; nt as y where. Rem- ingtpn Typewriter company, it. llli. WE BUT, sell and exchange typewriters. Ouaranteed tpyewrlters, 110.00 up. Write , ror list. Htfist-i.ti co., Bee eidg. SAVE 10 per cent on your typewriter sup 1 pimg. van aa.qiana -o.. iwugias HIT, Lumber and Building Materials, XKD lumber at 111 par M. only slightly uaea. ima ana uoag. , M'JNTKR REALTT CO. Ill N. J lib. FOR SALE-Miscellmiieoui Sewing Machines. SPECIAL.SALE. . -SINGER SEWING MACHINES Ten Drop Heart Singer sewing machines, lightly uid.T-$ll. Fourteen Drop Head St fir) r sewing ma chines, new style, slightly used. 1 3). Sixteen Drop Head Singer sewing ma chines, slightly used. $24. New machine sold on weekly payment of 75 cent. New Sinter sewing machine rented by week or month. , Needle and repair for all make of machine. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., '' ' 204 N. 16TH ST., . . (- Phon Doug la 411. SEWING MACHINES W rent, rlpalr, 1l needle and parti of all tewing machine. MICKKI.'R NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., I6th and Harney St. Doug. 1(61- Miscellaneous. - Who' ettlng the pace now? In the ftrt ninth morttht of, 1 616 -THE BEE galhed 42.606 Paid Ad. EXCEEDING the COMBINED OAIN of the other two Omaha papers for dame 80,000 PAID ADS. ' Oood Result, flood Hate. Jood. Service. OMAHA PirXOW CO.Felt and hair mat .tresses mane over In new tloKs at hair " the prl'-e nf new onta. Phone us for ample of linking. Mall order Oiled. 1007 Cuming St. Poufclaa 24 ALEX JETTES LIQUOR rfOUSE, Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled in bond whisky, 65c, 11.00. 11.26, full, quart. . ' ai MT hlrh standard of quality will b main tained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenella whisky, $3,36; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order how. Doug. .7 18. 122-124 N. 15th Ht . Home-made Vrspf wine, , " " ' $1.25 PER' GALLON." T Sunklst port, full quart. 10 oents. Old Taylor whisky, full quart. II cants. . UACKI.ET HKUH. , . r DESKS, safes, scsTes, showcases, shelving, etc. We bur, sell. Omaha Fixture ft Supply Co 111-ll la.B. 11th. Doug, ml, HRY XINDMNO WOOt)., -ACME, . BOX COMPANY. ' HARNET 1IS7. FOR SALE (luod cook atqve, used one year It. Douglas 70, WANTED TO BUY GUTTMAN r.ry"ruHru-r.. Prices Bugs, Clothes, Pianos, Office Furnltuta, Trunks, Shoes. Douglas 1171, Res.,. Webster 4304. CASH register to buy or lease.. Respon sible ratal) and Jobbing business want g6od caah rsglstar. Furnish diagram of keyboard or plctuis of tnaChlna, and glv number and modal lth full description. Best business reference and rating, Ans. Bos Leilngton.eb. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought , sold, and traded. J. C. Refd, 1107 Farnam. 1 HIGHEST price paid for Id-hahd cl6the, snoos, trunks, suitcases, v. flisi or d. 101a, HOLMES pays your price. foe econd-hand clothes, shoes ana hat a Webster mo. OLD gold, silver bought for cash. Itl World- neraia jtfiqg. 4, ju, jacoDSon, siswsisi; ANNOUNCEMENTS WANTED Name" addreaa anci "number "of all preaent and lapsed policy-holders, par ticularly tho who have n hinged flbllcy forms recently of the Contral National Life Insurance Co., which , was reissued J oy in uenirai ntaies j.ire, jnaurance jo. of Mlssourt. Address, Box, 711, Lincoln, Nb. , ., . . j 1,000 letterhead, I1.S0; 1,000-envelopei, $3. THIS PKINT1NU HOUSE OF MAUHH, Phone Dug. 1U4, v lMI-Farnam 8t, COMPLRTB line silk ladles' wear, all de scriptions. Zeldan Joseph, wholesale and reta.II dry good. : lHO DoAtn Rt. BHODEOAARD'S "Lucky. Wedding kings" at 1Mb and Douglas 8t. I ' . DAT and . M. C, A. Night School . . Accountants-. . ' E.A.DwpRAk;6:p.'A: . T. G.. KINNEY. ;. ' - ACCOUNTANTS AND -AUDITORS. AUDITING. INSTALLING . OFFICE AND FACTORY COST ACCOUNTING. SYSTEMS. TO THOSE CONTEMPLATING' AN AUDIT OR" -DESIRING-"TO MAKE IMPROVEMENTS ' IN OFFICE METHODS. WRITE FOR ESTIMATE. OUR BOOK LET, 1'VALUE OF AN AUDIT." WILL BE, MAILED FUEE. AD DRESS ;.-1v.. DWORAK ACCOUNTING COMPANY. . HI KAMQW lll.DQ. I'HONB DOUO'llI,. JOHN H. CATHRAB HON (INC.) . Chicago, Racine, Now Orleans. Publlo Accountants and Audltora, Syotematlsers, Ufflclenoy Bnglnews. Business .Counsollors. , Omaha Ofdce, 1111.14 W. O. W. Bldg. H. L. Bry. Rwldent Manager. Accordion Pleatlni.' - ACCORDION aide. Knife Boa le.lln Cot. Buttons, Henulltchlnt. Neb. Pleating pm.wh w, m- raaton om. h. 1 " Bakeries. CAKBR. paslrr and f.ncr baaerr soeds ui.pi.ei. te parties (oag.. ana entertain menta. Z. H. Boeder, HOI Nj lllh. W. HIT, OBTMAN-a NEW 1CNHLAND BAKERT. Ill N. Kth T, BRANCHES PUnMO MARKEt AND HAVDEN HB(1THIH1 "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED dOODS. 4e.r us rrtovis IT. Batha. . , DR. BENDA flulvaur, atedm. Kodorii Turkish BATH8 AND MASSAGE. Private aparimento lor ladlea, with lady attend. anta. Ill, Parnam. Phona Douo. klTf. Dr. W. H. Knoltenberg, combining gulnhur o.win ..e.iie m mroprecue treaiments. II (or 110; slngl, adjusting, II. Lady at. tendants. 8. W. Cor. 14th A Par. at. r. fist fflTTKNHOUSB Sanltarlumi all kinds hatha Jjo-ait nairq ism., iitB and Douglas. - Brail and Irofi' Fnuhrlrtra. PattonHllihell Co,. 17th. and Harlha gta Button, and Plcatint. VAN ARNAM Dress Pleating and Button Co.. 114.7 Paxtoa RIk . llai.e. siee. dlon, knife, side, spao boa, sunburst and combination pkiatlng, heroatlohlhg, ploot eusins. pinains. rucnins. ooverlna nuttou 11 yles and sjseaPrtC4jst tttt. uoc anrtning you'C llko toswap? Uas tne -swappers column." Caroenteri and Contractors. G. W. Ilokansoo, 1101 Leavjk'lh. Ty. Iltl-J Leaaard A goti. 1IM Capitol Tyler ill! (Attorney at Law. PWANCIM MOROAN, 111 Hee.'Dbuglas' loll. , , ,v CatenstaU. -- '-- AN EXPERlENt?bl CATKRBSS. eaeellent cook, special attention to narllee and nun. day dinners prk'es resaonablr Har. 4140. ra. west will snteraln at sorlal attain. or appointment, mono Tyler mil. Cleaning and Prcaglns-. glTtTS nreaeed. 16o: cleaned and t.rreeed. 11. Phil ur.en.lon.. 1401 Harney. Red 1711. . Chiropractic. Dra Johnston. 111! W. O. W. tilde. D. (lit. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment Dr. burhorn, Hose Bldg. Palmer srbiiol graduate. ' Doug. 1147, DR. KNOLLENBEMO, B. W. Corner 14th anq rarnam sta. rhona liouglaa 711, Dr. Francoa Daweoo, lvreRose"Bid. f. lSlT Dr. J. C. Lawrence. rtalrd'Bldg! 5rl4l Coitumca. .- THEATRICAL gowns. fs'J dross suits, ror rent. 114 N. 11th. John Peldmsn. D. 1111. Detectivct. . JAMES ALLAN, til Nsrlllo Bllr Erldenoe aecurea in all casea. Tyler nil. Interstate Dotsotlvs Aas'a. 411 Ramie Bldg "ANNOUNCEMENTS . Dancing Academy. Keep Dancing Acdy.?.."'1 Clesa Monr-eva.--etea and assembly Wed. v. Private e op any time 7160. HT? T TTYI? Dane Tues., Thurs.. Sat.. LfLd LiVA.Et fun.; mat. eve. achool. Monday .and Wednesday eve. D. 1442. Academy, for Rent Friday Uvea Inge. ' Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No tain, all W. O. W. Bldg. Taft't bent. Rmt.:208 Roe Bldg. D. 216. Dressmaking. FOR STYLE, reasonable pries In your fall dresses; see Atkinson Co., 1802 Farnam. dOWNS and autts a specialty. Work guar anteed. Webster 440. . ' , i D-mafclng"hy 'the day. 2104 Daven.' P. 770. Exp. drtmkr. Child's clothes, spec'ty. p!"7 Terry Dreaamak'g college, iftth and Farnam. FIRST-CLASS dreasmaklng.' Harney 2124. OOWN8j00"Balrd Bldg. D. 27. Express Companies. TWIN C1TT evprea Co., ; 122 Cass St. Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling s specialty. Anywhere 25c. -Web. 2104 Evervthine for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, iunburt, ' Don pleating; covered buttons, all sites and styles, hemstitching; plcot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding, cording, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINO CO.. 200 Doujlas Bit. Douglas 13I. SWITCH B8 Sroni combines, II up. Dyed, tOc. Mrs. M. Brlllhart, 13 Paaton Bldg. Fixture and Wiring. TtTTPVTMP Electrlo wsahlng machines, U V IXILr( VJ electric Irons and reading lamps.J223 Cuming St. Do!f''Ji ' ' ' , Hair Dressing. IDEAL. Hair Parlors, S07 Baled Bldg. Manl ourlng, toilet articles. Dodglas Ilia. Furnace Cleaning IP TOUR furnace neuas cleaning or repair Ing fall the furnace , Doctor. Doug. 7176. EJL8ASSRR furnace cleaners; work guar- anleed; heat prices 1111 8. Utb. D. Hit FURNACE and chimney rVeanlng and re palrlng. F. Borneman. 'Douglas 7231. ' Job Printing. OATE CITY Printing Co., high-grade print ing. Jf31 N. 34th. Phone Web. 167. .; ' Masseures. MAS8AOEglr wirnted. J33J arnom. MISS I LILLY Bath an(T mafleage 1332 Farnam St., 2d floor. Phone Doug. tw. Justices of th Peace. H. H. Cl.AlliORNB. Ill Paxton Blk. Red 7401. Notary lfub,.c; deposition, steno. C: W:-BnrrT; lOl Barker Block. , ' Osteopaths. Xr.u'Udry 'Andersen. 401 Bee Bldg. '. ' Patent Attorneva. ' PATENTB'prdcilrOd, bought and sold. Inter national1 ratent- -o,, nee Draiiume. v. ..... H."A. BTUROJB. ISO Brandels Th. D. 1461. PIANO TL'NiNd, 11.76. Websttr 1111. . .. ...Pianos' lor Rent. , tl.lt per mo. A. Hoipe Co.. .1611 Douglas. t ", Rue ' Manulacturara. PLUPlr rugs, from old .carpeta; rag rugs a specialty tsleanlng and alteration., feery Rug Pactory. 1411 ' Cuming. Red 1141. Q Towel. Supplies, OMAHA Towgl Supply. 107 . 11th, Dill. Wedding Stationery. WBDDINO announcemeota ahd printing. Douglas Printing Co) 'Tel. Doug. (14. colOmn SWAPPERS' IF TOU havo anything to trtvde. mtko up n llttlo , d and tun it in tnio column for von day It only oooto Zip and ao por anowor. TJiii-oiwr it gooa oniy in umana. and oxeludeo RoafKitato. cash offers and BuarnoM Proportloo For Balo or Trado. Thaw, at wtll aa mall ordora for uao of Swapper Column, mutt pay rguiar ratei. -On or two antwert ro tuitlciont to .mako your trado arid tit wh'ol trant- action only cmu about aoc Try it. (WANT AUTO BAD. i10) oqutty In (500 lot, paving paid, and eaab. HO -A. Florida- truck land, mortgage 110. Thro oUgont now bungalow Hay tome thing, -F. Q. So ward, 1824 Sahlsr, Colfax 1M..'... t. . ... . ' , ONB slngle-Mrrvl, 11 gauge shot gun, 1 (iff ah alia X it In In mnm lepial ra tfa swap for ftreleat cooker. What have youTj B. C, 407. BAHlBURNER, new- last- winter, usad- until rbrttry. m excellent eonoition; paia sso for It. What have you ,o offer In trade? Box 8. C.-609. Bo..A K; R VQ H 8'TAdd Ing Machine; will ex- cna"se mr 'typewriter, ouu'i iiaurcs ur what have your Box S. C. 916,.Bee. WE swap, or .buy .kodak; film developed iree: one-aay service. Kaaa Koaaa etuaio, Neville Blk., 'lth and Harney. ' r NBWLV '"remodelted J'piotWe show, fully equipped ana ready to run: not a cent to invest; want auto, nea tuo. ' ' ONE' chllds -bed. one- sanitary couch and WMWPt mschUve to Uade.for, what, have VouT Bor 8. C, "806. Bee. 6-RQONI cottage, oleae ln. Will swap forJ anything I can ' use. Telephone Colfax SMALL diamond ring, coat 116, for somo- thing a lady oan use; also fine female A LITTLE AD In this column Will bring about forn remarkable exchanges MAHOGANY Untsh parlof settee for child's bed or baay buggy. Box o. C. 618, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Who's setting tho pace nowT In tho first nine months of 1111 Till BSE gained 41,9 Paid Ada. EXCEEDING .the- COMBINED GAIN of th other two Omaha paper for same period .by. ihor than ' 10,000 PAID ADS. Good Results, Good Rates. Good Service. 40-ROOM hotel for sale or trade. Call Douglaa 711. , WANTED Agents throughout Iowa and Nebraska -to sell SPRINO OILERS for autoa. Every oar needs them. All auto distributors, garages, etc, recommend them, 114.60 will handle large county. Money refunded If can't make good, G. L, W. SPRING OILER CO., OMAHA. . . 181 Brandels Bldg. DRUG STORE, aouth central Nebr town. 400 pop.; extra good business, no opposition In wall paper and holiday lines; expenses light. Wana some leash, terms on bal ance. Might consider partner; drug clerks her it your Chance. Address T 664, Bee. MEAT iharket for sale. Complete set of fixtures to bo bought Building can be rented. A fine chance. Bohemian pre ferred. ' Located at Clarkson, Neb., a good town and-fin country around. Ad dress Fred Jellnek, Clarkson. Neb. RESTAUBANT and Cafe, Hotel Savoy, rent rree; gooa proposition, van at Hotel office, 16th and Jackson. FOR SALE OR EHCHAJNGB Confectionery ana luncn store, id umana; annual re 'e.pt,a4,0e0; rl- 14,009;-best of ra- sons, Box 7417, Bee. TO OUT In or oht of business, call-orf QANOB8TAD, 411 Bee Bldg, Doug, 147T, OUARANTY plan; get In or out business. All tatsj .:.,'...KBt,t' yc Mjdg.. Omaha. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt -bargains, supplies. Omaha Filth Exchange, lot S. 14th St. WILLIAMS, established 39 years. To buy or sell business see him. 411 McCavue Bldg. Reference, U. B. National. Bank. DO WD Sale and' Auction Co., Omaha, Ba,ve closed out mora mdse, stocks than any other firm In U. S. Write for terms. FOR SALE Good, clean ttock of hard . war. ,llve .town, central Nebraska. Good reason for telling. Be quick. Addreaa Y 157. Bee. v ' IF YOU want to tell or buy a buslneas or ' rooming house call on Butch ft Borghoff, Tse wona-neraia uiag. rnont u. nil. WE BUY, w eetl motion picture theater, machine, feature film. ' Co-operative Film and Supply Co.. II Bromley Bldg. FOR SAiE by owner, drug afore, dwelling and ttoca; square deal. Address owner. rVddress wnei -.Colo. f 911 west 6th Ave., Denver, Rooming Houses. ROOM I NO HOUSES, all'siies. great Vai gains, ets note Hiag. rnone Tyler 148T. T SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE, lie PER LINE, pay work r buaiueaa ada, regular ratea 1 lines one week. ,la " 1 line one week.. .44 Knoh extra line 160 por . Male. STRlt.'TLY sober, (terrnau man, desires place In private hiuna aa all 'round house- ' man; experienced fireman or garden work; good mecnanic; good reference. waiter sarnan, 1111 iseavenworts.Bt SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED Position as chauffeur, private family preferred, & yean' experience, tem perate habit, references. Room 338, Ed wards Hotel. POSITION wanted by middle aged couple. man to huak corn, woman aa cook or housekeeper. A. H. Spencer. Oen. DeL Omaha. Neb. POSITION WANTED as accountant or credit man; eight years' experience. Can give best of references. Box T 860, Bee. WANTED Position aa a steam stationary engineer or fireman. L. J,. Oldaker. gen erl d"ltverv, flm EXPERIENCED Janitor or porter deal res po sition. Henry Parker. Tel. Web. 3631. COLORED man, porter-Janitor work. kind; A-l references. Webster 6167. Female. A RESPECTABLE, rutddl-aged widow would like a position as cook or cham bermaid in small hotel, or as house keeper for some respectable, refined per son., D. F. E Liberty, Neb. LADY Refined, well experienced, wishes po sition aa nousekeeper lor aoiei, rooming house or motherless home Call evenings after 6. 1722 Dodge. Room 20. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Public stenographer and notary public. 607 Bee Bldg Doug. IS 61. Rets, rates. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" Is lower than any other form or .advertising not enough to cover the coat of printing. EXPERIENCED woman wants position as chambermaid or dish washing. Harney 21B&. WANTED Position by first class colored cook with city references. Tyler 1071t-J, COMPETENT rolored woman wants posi tion aa chambermaid. Web. 2921. Laundry and Day Work. COMPETENT iaundren wants work Mon., Tues., Wed. A-l ref Web. 3729. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace cur plains; work guaranteed. Webster 2104. PERFECT washing, day or bundle, guaran ty strictly dependable. Webster 8184. COMPETENT colored woman wanta day work. Call Harney 4766. OOOD laundress wanta bundle washing at home. Harney 2174. A 1 " I a u"n d rykTTl 2iTda y . Vb7T294 after 6. Dit wk bndle. wash, stain rem'd. Wab. 2167 DAY work, washlngjind, ironing. Web. 5344 Bdle. washing dona. 1022 N."21st. fy7242-W. Daytwork wtd. by good laundress. Web. 2037 LAUNDRY work and day work. Web. 1401. WANTED Work by day. Call Harney 1461. Ex. col. Worn, wants day work., ref. D. 9016 Wanted day vrork from t to 4 outh 2428. WANTED Work by the day. Call Ty. 1681. Bundle waah..lst-class laundress. H:92: Hxp laundress wants wark. "Webster 4887. Experienced lady wanta day work. Har, 1269. Qood jjndrss. Bundfe wash, home. Web. 1869: Laun'y wk. Call, DeTrRfasTQuar. Web. 4887 Exp. washwomen want dfTy work. Ty. 1354. DAY work wanted. Call Hartley 4679. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1866. Headquarter for hotel help. HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED At once, 11 carpenters for form work and heavy timbering, wages 66 eta. per hour. Apply Phoenix Construction ' Co., foot of Leavenworth St. . DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nobraska'a Greatest Employment Bureau. 1U16-16 city National Bank Bldg.' WANTED At once, an A-l sausage maker. Permanent position and top wages" to the right man. Washington Market, 1407 Douglas. TWO experienced Gordon press feeders. See Mr. Doebeok, M. E. Smith ft Co., factory entrance, 9th and Douglas. WANTED Experienced press feeder. Apply tottme keeper. Hotel Fontenelle. WANTED Lumber scalers and box sawers. Omaha Box Co: East Omaha. Salesmen and Solicitors. WE have" an openlrfe In several Iowaj and , Nebraska oountlet for distributors; pres ent employee making highly aatlsfactory profits. Sell Q. L. W. Spring oilers for automobiles. Every owner a customer. The only device which automatically oils airings and which sells for 26c r average sale amounts to 12.60; proof to agent over t.00. U. L. W Spring Oiler Co, of Omaha. 181 Brandela-Bldg. ' WANTED: TWO 'SALESMEN, MUST HAVE NEAT APPEARANCE AND WILLING TO WORK FIVE HOURS A DAT ON LEADS. NO CHARGE FOR SAMPLES. NEW PROPOSITION, IN BEST TERRITORY OF IOWA AND NEBRASKA. Call be twean 1 and 11 a. m. m Balrd Build ing. F. D. Browning. WANTED Experienced nursery taletmen for Immediate worn. For Information addreaa Yankton Nursery Co., Yankton, 8. D. . ' ' WANTED Two first-class salesmen. Oood position for the right . parties. . Little Oiant Mfg ft Sates-Co., 1201 .W. O. W. Bldg. STCtJK and bond salesman. SEC ft INV. CO 1011 W. STANDARD O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big money for bustnesa get tera. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bids. WANTED Salesmen who can earn $50 per weea. i?i ttamge mag. , Boys. BOYS wanted W team trade; must he 11 years of ago. Gordon -Lawless Co., Ith and Dodge. FINE chance for good boy, who wanta to learn a good trade. Room 1 Bee Bldg. WANTED Boy with wheel, good wagea King's Pharmacy. 24th and Farnam. 1 or 3 boy,. steady work, good pay, Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. , Trade Schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN ( . THB BARBER TRADE. Few week qualify to run ahop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; we have placed graduate In leading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense; catalog mailed free. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. x ' (Established 1S9I.) I WILL teach you show card writing; com plate course. 110. Oil Psxton Bile. . AUTO MECHANICS. - , BARN BIQ MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Eaay to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING AilS'If. tSIT N. 30th St., Omaha. '' Bepd for Free Catalogue. ' GOOD MEN WANTED v To learn auto work for the many so I ' tatlona now open. Flno training work I v AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. . 1061 Farnam. Omaha. Neb. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more than make your expenses while learning. Wage! or percentage. Wa won't over charge you to begin; 1401 Dodge SL , TRI-C1TT BARBER COLLEGE,. Miscellaneous. WANTBD Hlxh class manager lumber yard. Must be aggressive and able to handle strong competition. Three-yard town. Ger man preferred. Kignt man can secure' ex cellent poil t Ion. Box 7601, Bee. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED Able-bodied unmarried men. , under age of 16; altiaen of Untied State of good character and temperate habits. who can speak, read ana wnte me uug- llsh lauguage. For Information apply t ' Recruiting Officer, Army Blag., 16th and Dodge St., Omaha, Neb.; ISO N. Ivtb St. Lincoln, Neb, i 187 4th St.. Sioux City, Iowa; 107 6th Ave- Dea Molnea. Iowa. The Bee carried 41,90 MORE PAID Want Ada Brat months of 1916 than same period 1916. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM B1NED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 20.000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results. Better Ratea. FARMERS. ATTENTION. We turn tab real farm hands free ot charge. Write or pbono. Square Em' ploymen Agcy.. 109 8.11th. Omaha. Neb. U. 8. Qovernment wanta clerka 1100 month; Omaha, examlnatlona coming toon; sam pie questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 381 T, Rorneater, N. Y. rUEN to put transfer names and Initials on automoDuea, sates, trunks, etc. Bend for samplea. Noathen 'Co., 30 Waaeon St., Toieao.u. Rf A NT ED Young men aa4- railway mail clerka; 171 per month; mmpleJ axamlna- tlin questions free. Franklin lMtllula. uepi. xxi , hoc neater, k. x. WANTED Namea men wlnhlng to become government railway ma-1 clerka 176 month, tjulck Increaae te $160. Vacations. dtlress T-8J6, Bee. CHICKEN plckere Wanted, hlgheat pay. ateady work, long season. Co Swift A. Co., Iowa Falls, la. Com at once. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union Pacific Freight House, Ith and Jackson Sts. MEN wsnted to enlist In Signal Corps at once: report at Lincoln. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO. .r. COMPTOMETER OPR THE CANO AGENCY, 600 Bee Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Applj . Evans Model Laundry, 11th and Douglas. i. BARN halrdresslng at Oppnheim Parlors. MASSAGE girl wanted. 1122 Farnam St. Household and Domestic. WANTED 3 experienced white girls for general nousewo-a. nmau tamiiy. aiso cook aod laundress. Referencea. Tele phone Doug. 62 224 N. 18th St. ' COMPETENT girl for general housework; good cook, no washing; referencea. Elisa beth S. Warren, 111 S. 18th St. Har ney 120. WANTED Girt or woman to assist In gen eral housework; ateady employment. Ad dress Box 30, Pla'.te 'Center, Neb. WANTED Cook fot group of ten people. For particulars apply to Mess Manager, Boarding School. Pine Ridge, S. D. GIRL for general housework, one who Is good cook, no laundry, good wages, 416 S. 88th st. Phone Harney J660.- , WANTED Girl or womki fur general near car line housework. Small family Harney 2260. WANTED Young gfrl, abouf 18, to assist In housework, small family, good home. Colfax 2191. GIRL wanted for general housework. In small family. References required. Har ney 6202. WANTED Parlor maid; good references required. Mrs. L. r. Croloot, 122 South 19th St. WANTED School girl to work for room and board and small wages. Call Harney 3694. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. 8. Goetx, 1633 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1401. WANTED Girl to assist with, housework and care of child. Phone Wal, 3707. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of 2. 924 P. 33d St. Harney 6116. WANTED Convpetnt rook. sll 432 8. 38th Ave, Telephone Harney 674. GIRIj fof general housework. Harney 1728. 2711 Foppleton Ave. GIRL wanted ten general housework. Q. P. Bjemns. Red KSflO f HELP WANTED V MALE AN0 FEMALE. WANTED 8,000 . men and women to eat chicken dinner at tha Dutch Mill Sunday, 1618 Harney. 1. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. ' NIGHT SCHOOL. V. Every day is- enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all commer cial and English branches. 'Catalogue free. V BOXLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1666, 19th and Harney Sts. : SALESMANSHIP CLASS. . Opening tesslop Monday, Oct. 10, 7:45. Special lectures and demonstratfona free. You are cordially Invited. - Room 116, T. M. C, A. Bldg., . ; . VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OF 'BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National. Bank Bldg., un trance, zzu. uougiaa osso. Musical. - , BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS Violin, voice, piano. Lessons any time of the day, noon fcNU or evenings, -1611 Dodge. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com Ing aeason; early appllcatlona favored. -Harpa fur. Loretta pa Lone, 105 Lyric Bid. PERSONAL -j. rr- - PILES, FISTULA v ' , . CURED '-"V. ; . ::!- ;:.. ::' pr. E. B. Tsrry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlseaeea without aurglcal operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases with testimonials. DR. B, R. TARRY, 140 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' MU9 WEST. . Manicuring, facial and scalp treatments. Refined patronage Invited. Continental Bldg. Douglas, corner 6th, Boom 16. FRANCES LA FORE, Mot specialist, mas sage, electric treatment. Room 9, Ottawa Bldg., 14th and Farnam. Dougla 7296. Open evenings. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PTTPTTTPTT,f,ucceMfully t1 with- IV U A A KJ IV xj out a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H. Wray, 806 Bee Bldg.' , , - MAE BRUGMAN, M. T. Scientific masseuse bath; 203 Karbacn Bin. FAT How to reduce It; full particulars mailed free. Hall Chemical Co., Dept A-20, St. Louis, Mo. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 10 FARNAM. RITTKNHOUSE , Sanitarium. Batha ot all ktnd; massage and chiropody. 110-114 Balrd Blk., 17th and DoUflas. D. 1411. GERMAN NURSE Massage and baths, room 301 Neville block. Corner Hth and Harney. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage, 1311 Farnam St, 2d floor. Phone Doug. 3410. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. I Davldg. Blk. Shone Douglas 1711, PRIVATE noma for ladles; obstetrical cases peclalty. 1011 Miami. Web. I10e- LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse. 111 Paxton Blk., 10 a. m. to 1 pi m. D. HIT. MISS CLARK, manicuring. 1101 St.. Room 1. Douglaa 87B1. l PRIVATS maternity home, 4411 N. Hth St. Phone Colfax 1041. SCIENTIFIC massage, 120 Bea Bldg. Phon. Douglas 0371. Manicuring and mass. 1613 Farnam. Rm. II. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION. ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you fall to find the room you desire among these a.da, call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name and -addreaa and a Hat wllt be mailed to you at once. Now lists are issued ovary week. Furnithed Rooms. PRIVATE home, Hanscom park district, will rent room to lady employed. Price not so much object aa companionship. Husband travels. Referencea required. Phone Harney 1141. FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished room for mon only, at the Sunshine apartments. Rates, $1.60 and up per week. Office, 104 N. 17th St. ' STRICTLY modern, newly furnished, warm room' In email flat. flO to respectable, permanent gentleman. Walking dlstaaoa. Til N 13d Bt. N. flD. Ill Cosily furnished, entirely mod ern rooms, with or without board; alto rooms for light housekeeping, and large garage for rent. DAVENPORT. 1604 Coay. warm, modern room, walking dlstanc. Reasonable. Gentleman preferred. Modern aouth room on ear line, with pri vate family, suitable for two gentlemen; II per week. Phone Walnut 1001. , FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TWO or 3 unfurnished rooms for rent; steam heated. Phone Walnut 1611, or ap ply 3C1T Seward St. COZILY furnished sleeping rooms, also newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 116 North 16th St. Call Sunday. TWO splendidly furnished, comfortable rooma. West Farnam district, $4 per week each. Phone Harney 149.4, evenings. Steam heated rooms, 12 per wk. Also rooms with kltchenetts. Ogden Hotel. Co. Bluffs. NORTH ISTH. 1012 Well lighted and heat ed, cosy rooms, leather furniture, very homelike, quiet, $2.50 and $3; also un furnished rooms. Webster 7810. . ONB NICELY FURN-, WELL-HEATED SLEFPINO ROOM SUITABLE FOR 1. WALK I NO DISTANCE. 1102 DODOE ST. CALDWELL BT., 1(19 Two well furnished rooms. Private family, modern, every thing cozy. Call Webster 1180. Beautifully furnished front room, new mod ern house; breakfast If desired. 1810 Center St.. Harney 1672. ' NEATLY furnished room for colored men. 1612 Davenport. Near oar line. Mrs. Wal- ker,pouglas if 084. TWO cozy rooms for one, $6 month. Private home. Webster 3110. Pleasant, well furnished room. S008 Farnam. FURNISHED modern house, suitable for S smalt families. Very reasonable. 2116 Miami St. TWO large rooms, comfortable, modern ; gentlemen preferred, walking distance. Ty ler 2063. ONE and tw,o-room suites, furnace heat. Oood location; private family. Douglas 6441. EXCELLENT place for lady with children, well furnished and cozy rooms. Home privilege; with garage. Harney 1183. 260 DEWEY AVE. Large front room, very reasonable, walking distance. Red 6790. CLEAN, modern rooms, with closets; three blocks from postoff.ee. 214 N. 18th St. TWO well furnished sleeping rooms, furnace heat; cozy. Private home. 223 N. 23d St. WELL-HEATED and coay room, well fur nished; private home. Web. 3798. CHICAGO 1610 In private haroe; aouth front room with alcove; al room. large aide FOR RENT Front room, furnished, piivaU , bath if dealred. 1 121 Douglaa. Doug. 17el. 1509 8. 26TH ST. Four modern rooms. Douglaa 3287. Call alter t p. m. SOUTH front room, modern, furnace heat; lady preferred. Harney 4646. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, close in. 714 8. 17th Ave. TWO cosily furnlthedf rooms ; modem. 2328 Poppleton. Douglaa 4711. FARNAM, 2967 Modern southeast suitable for 2; private family. v WELL furnished rooms; steam heated. 802 8. lltt St. Harrfey 613. STRICTLY modern furnished room. 180S Capitol Ave. OOZY steam heated room, 618 S. 16th St., Flat 6. WORKINOMEN'S Hotel, 209 N. 13. T. 2572. ROOMS 103 8. 25th Ave. ' Housekeeping Rooms. 1 SUITE OF WELL FURN. AND HEATED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 1ST FLOOR. WALKING DISTANCE, 2902 DODGE ST. STEAM-HEATED, modern housekeeping rooms. Everything furnished. 1608 Vt Cans St. Tyler 2641-W. . LIGHT housekeeping rooms on bath room floor; all modern. 1024 Burt. Phone Doug laa 2440. 2020, CALIFORNIA I large aouth front room, gas range and Ice box, 11.50 per week. ., , MODERN room nicely furnished. Reason able rent. 16.0 California. Doug. 4580. TWO unfurnished rooms with bath for light housekeeping. 2122 No. 21st St. FOUR rooms, modern, everything furnished. No children. Douglas 8294. 3-ROOM, furnished, modern, $12 a month. 2301 No. list. " " LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 2312 Douglas. nice, clean. MODERN light housekeeping rtfoms, 2416' t Sherman Ave. .,'.- 839 8. 24TH ST. Room and alcove modern. Board and Room. IT THE PRATT UNDER NEW MAN agement; lovely steam 211 8, 26TH ST. heated rooms. Refer- encea wanted, f 1 per day ana up. LARGE, beautifully furnished room,' larg-e ' closet; also single room. In new. modern home, suitable for two. good board. Tyler 1709. 1648 8. 26th St 2604 ST. MARY'S AVE. Pleasant room with board foe gentleman, private family. Doug. TO--. - ' NICE warm room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Good table board. Walking distance. Zeis Harney Bt, PLEASANT large room for two. In private family. Meals If desired. Walking dla tance. Phone Douglas 6861. - GOOD home cooking and two cosy com fortable rooms. Private family. D. 4689. 717 8. 19th St. MODERNj new, pleasant, home-like, home baking, reasonable. Near x car. Col. 1164. BOARD.' room, cheap to elderly, refined man, helpful spare time. Colfax 2236. GOOD BOARD Newly-furolshed rooms. Splendid location. Harney 4703. HOME baking, cozy room, good hoard, 15.60 week for two. 2643 Capitol. 1609 EVANS For twd gentlemen or- two laaies. neueier tvoi. NICELY furnished rooms and v good board. 2621 Harney St. LARGE well furnished room; private home: board If desired. Harney 1114.,- Unfurnished Rooms. TWO newly papered front rooms. Inquire 1706 N. 24th St. Webater 4112. 3 MODERN basement rooms, $10. 2632 Dav en port. 5ROOm apartment. Colonial Apartment, 2804 Farnam. ; , Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THB' BEE WANT-AD DEPT. at d did out 11 about the FURNISHED ROOM QUIDS It' a plan that 1 helping ml ay people 'rerit, their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses, 1 Apartments. 2, 1 OR 4-r, furnished or unfurnished apu. at 24th and Farnam or 25th and Harney. Doug. 1472. FOUR -ROOM furnished apt. Referencea ex changed. Phone Walnut 2181. Houses. FIVE roonts, modern except heat, complete ly furnished, 36. 166 South list St. In quire 1301 Dodge. 1 7 ROOMS, all modern. 131, 6012 California St., Dundee. Phone Walnut 1660. NEWLY furnished modern 6-room bunga low. 2516 No. 4th St. FOR RENT Furnished Telephone Web. LU1. house, 5 rooms. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 4331 FRANKLIN, Al modern 6-room house, oak finish; fireplace; sleeping porch; near car; 130. Phone Walnut 2161. COZY five-room modern bungalow at 116 S. 44th St., on the West Farnam Dundee line. 36.00 Tel. Walnut Hiai. ""iiiti l-ROOM 2 batha. West Fainm net. 146.00 Phono Doug. 2947. ..... NOVEMBER to, May, 6-room modern house, near car. Dundee. Walnut 1568. 9-ROOM house near high school; low rent. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago NEW 6 -room house. Inquire 601 S, fild Bt. Phone Wal. 1778. t North. FOR RENT 1-room house, just completed. Do not fall to look this over. Located 1101 Burt St. Thos. J. Cronln, 1214 Cali fornia. Harney 4091. CLOSE IN. J . .. MODERN 9-R. FLAT. - i ! 111 N. 16th St. 9-r., modern' except boat 126.00 per month. ''"-- h."A. WOLF, ' '!'.' 114 Ware Blk. Doug. 1061. RENT CUT TO 116. , v 111 N. 12d 4-r. flat ateel range," ga. plat, "kitchen cabinet, 'water- paid, 916.- RASP BROS., Douglas 1613. HOUSE VACANT NOV. 1. 230 Sherman Ave.. 7 rooma, new. plumbing, electricity, furnace, excellent shape, rent reasonable. Web. 1741. FOR RENT HOUSES - North. ,.; 6-ROOM cottage,' modern except heat, elec trie light and gas, good lawn Snd barn. ll per month to right tenant. Call Web. 2108. 2626 CALDWELL Dandy 6-room cottage, 1 modern except heat, walking distance. Webater 3726. CHARLES ST., .3211 6-r. modern, except heat, US per month. Apply 3210 Hamtl ton St. 1615 GRANT ST. 7-r conm., modern, 125. T. F. Hall. 421 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7401. 115 811-room. 350, N. Hth St. Web. 17T. 370? Wei If Ji. 23 Ull. 23D S-room modern bungalow. 7-ROOM, modern, 1840 N. 11th St., 125.00. South. 819 S. SOTH ST. Fine new ttx-room bunga low (vacant Oct. 21). Large living room (oak), with beam ceilings, and big homey fireplace. Very choice, 137.50, Block from cart. Phone Douglas 1382. FIVE-ROQU cottage, modern except heat 2677 Pierce. $18 per month. Telephone Tyler 2210. FOR RENT 3-room house, gas and water; 19.00 per month. Inquire 2618 8. 11th St. FOR RENT Modern 3-room house, 3612 Jones St., reduced rental. Tel. D. 1280. MODERN cottage,, five rooms, targe cement basement, 1041 S. 24th St. 13H 1'ARK 4VE. 7-r. mod. brick. Miscellaneous. $35 3014 Webster, 7 rooms, strictly mod. 130 3209 Cass. 6 rooms, strictly modern. $16 524 N. 32d, 6 rooms, furnace; 2d floor same price. $12.501554 N. 20th, 4 rooms; water paid. 312.603221 rallfnrnfa K rmm v.i.rnnlH HINftWALT BROS. Brandela Thea. Bldg 1 The Bee carried 42,909 MORE PAID Want Ads first 9 months of 1916 than same period 1916. This fleure EX HEEDS THE PfiW DINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 30,000 PAID ADS. Re on; Better Results, Better Ratea. 2423 FRANKLIN ST., 6 rms. and bath..$l 4119 North 38th St., 6 rooms I2 JOHN N. FRENZER.POUGLAS 664. 1-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE close in, $22.50. First -Trust Co. D. 1161. HOUSES FOl RENT. ' CREK1H. SONS CO. 1,1 BEE BI.DO DOUO. 10,. HOUSES, modern, 5, 7 and 11 rooms. FIRST TRUST CO. Pout. 1151. Ill BUNGALOW, D. 2107. Leavenworth Helen,!, FOR RENT Ap'U and Flats West. 7-ROOM flat for rent Modern except heat, $18. 2910 Farnam. Inquire 2908 . Far ' nam St , STORE room, 2116 Cuming St. Phone Webster 3353. EIGHT-ROOM flat, 2712 Jackson St. quire Walnut 3084, or Douglas 1966. North. 2806 N. 24TH ST. 6-room brick flat; mod ern, $25. Phone owner. Walnut 2511. South. 6-ROOM modern apartment at 420 South 25th Ave.; private basement, heat, and Janitor service. , BENSON A MYERS CO., 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bld., Doug. 748. ST. CLARE. 2 and 4-xy apta, 24tb and Hamey. Har ney 647. 6-R.. mod, flat, 2308 8. 24th. 120. Miscellaneous . BRICK Hat tor rent, 16 per month; 1 rooms, modern. Phone Doug. 162. FOR RENT Business Pr' Stores- TWO modern stores near Postofflce. Low rant. Q. p. Btebblns. 1S10 Chtcato. FOR RENT Modern store room, steam heat. 2414 Ames Ave. Colfax 2900. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead bldg ; 18th aud Farnam. and In Baldrlge bldg.. 20th and Farnam; rental reasonable. F. D. WEAD. Waad Bldg. utiSlKAttUb. office rooms in the remodeled Crounse BK-ok, 119 N. 16th St. (opiosltt postofflce), $10 to 916 per mouto. Conrad Toung. li?J Brsndeis Theater Doug Hl CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas McCaguo Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. VVANTfc-iJ .lailng on cottagea or houses to rent or tali on eaar payments. Have cut tomera waiting, .nqulre 41$ Karbacb Block. Douglaa i 07. UALLAOHEK A NEL8CN will . -k after your rentala. 44 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 3282. Miscellaneous. WANTED Houses, ttore- and apaftmenta (or our rental department. N. Pi Dodge a Co., Harney St, at 16th. Telephone Doug. 321 MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Largo 8 -horse padded vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move yon QUICKER, CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 23V or Douglas 433$. , .GORDON VAN CO. , . FIRErKOOF WAREHOUSE. . V. Packing, . storage and mov US tl N. 11th St Phona Douglas 114. METROPOLITAN VAN AND. STORAGE CO. x Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage, office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1616 How ard St Phone D. 6524. "FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE f Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and hipping, OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 803 8. 16th St Douglaa 4163. SERVICE Phone Douglaa 28ft for. complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. ' Also for storage, moving. leth anq jacmon ate. Jn 'PTTTTTi Express Co. Moving, . SXEjCjU poking and storage. 1207 Farnam Bt. Douglaa 6146. Maggard LifterTonr'- Van and Storage Co.. M vlng. Packtns. storage and shipping. Phone Douglaa 1430. Sr"ESTATMMMOVED West. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Wa have for aal. on eery easy t.rms a splendid residence at 111 N. lid St. This house has eight rooms, sll In (In. con... dltlon. Th. lot la iOaltl. I' Is In a very daalrabl. neighborhood and th. prlc. la eertatnlr low. . ' ALFRED THOMAS, i lot First National Bank Bldg. WE MUST SELL I. 3340 HARNEY ST. - We want an offer for this f-room mod Aern home; in excellent condition! full lot with garage. Price reduced to $6,600, but make ut an offer cash or terms. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3962. 11-110 City National. ARCHITECT'S home, new, modern, 6-room bungalow, corner lot, no city taxes, east and south exposure, block from car line. 41th and Miami, wamut WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 3-room, $ batha, nearly new: big discount, only $6,260. See it. 123 N. istn Ave. Wr I SBLBT A SONS have not yet formed . the habit of cheapening their houses, ao that the price sella tnem. $611 - LINCOLN BlTVD 11 -room house, etrlotly modern, v with hot water heat. Douglaa 1611. North. $600 EQUITY In furnished 4 -room House and garage, all modern. Will aell with fur niture or Separately. Call Colfax 2662 after, 6:30 p. m. . a'uUTK.v'f'LACli; ree trie ted district reat - dance fot aols. F V Knleat. 3616 N 16th. FOR SALE-2 acrna Improved Col. 1641 FOR SALE 8-room house,, just completed. Do not fall to look this over before buy In elsewhere. 3308 Burt St. Thos. J. Cronln, 3211. California St. Harney 40U 1 IN Low . 7b