Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Alpha Camp, Woodmen of the
World, Adds Athletics as
Feature for Members.
Alpha Gamp No. 1, Woodmen of
the World, has taken a long ,term
lease on Myrtle hall, where it will
hold its meeting Tuesday evening.
The club features, recently adopted
by this camp, to be conducted in con
junction with the organization, are
proving a cyclone to its membership.
A real athletic club is now in full
blast, which contains every known
feature of a real gymnasium, and is
greatly enjoyed by the membership.
This feature h conducted avith but
little extra cost to the members and
meets a condition which has long
been demanded by he membership.
Marconi Camp No. 421, Woodmen
of the World, will meet Wednesday
evening in Columbia hall. The busi
ness session will be followed by an
initiation of a class of candidates.
A large and enthusiastic meeting
was held Thursday evening last by
Thomas Camp, No. 523 at Lyck's hall.
It was an open meeting for the pur
pose of entertaining friends of the
members. Speeches were made by B.
F. Raker, Frank Best and Gus Hart.
Refreshments were served.
Schiller Camp No. 304 will meet
Thursday evening at German Home
hall. The usual monthly business will
be transacted, after which there will
be a bowling contest.
Druid Camp No. 24 drill team will
give a masquerade ball Monday eve
ning in Druid hall. Prizes will be
given to those selected by the com
mittee as having the most original and
unique costumes.
South Omaha Camp No. 211 will
hold its regular session Wednesday
evening in Woodman of the World
hall, Twenty-fifth and M streets. A
series of entertainments has been ar
ranged for during the winter.
Nebraska Lipa No. 183 will hold its
regular business session Thursday
evening in Turner hall. Special en
tertainment is promised the member
ship by Joe Wolf, who heads the en
tertainment committee.
Alpha Camp No. 1, Woodmen of
the World, at its last meeting initiated
fifteen new members and received
thirty-two applications. The camp will
introduce a class of thirty-five new
members Tuesday evening and will
serve refreshments. This is the last
meeting in Labor Temple. Meetings
in future wilt be held in the Continen
tal block in connection with the ath
letic club to be opened November 1.
Knights of Pythias.
Nebraska Lodge No. 1, Knights of
I'ythias, will confer the rank of knight
Monday evening. This being the last
meeting in the old castle, a large turn
out is expected. Future meetings will
be held in the Crounse block.
Arrangements are nearing comple
tion for the open meeting night, No
vember 13, when all Pythians and
their friends will be welcomed to the
new castle.
Fremont lodge degree team !s ex
pected to confer the degree of page
on the next class of candidates for the
first rank. . ... ,
' Tribe of Ben Hur.
Mecca Court No. 13 will give a Hal
lowe'en party Monday evening at Mrs.
Jurgensen's residence, 2011. Sherman
avenue. Thursday, November 2, there
will be an open meeting in the hall,
Nineteenth and Farnam.
Clan Gordon.
The Ladies Auxiliary to Clan Gor
don No 63 will hold its regular meet
ing at the home of Mrs. John McTag.
gart, 4734 North Thirty-ninth street,
Wednesday afternoon at 2.
Lawton Auxiliary.
The regular meeting of the General
H. W. Lawton Auxiliary to Camp Lee
Forby, United Spanish War Veterans.
will be held in Memorial hall nexH
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock.
Knights and Ladies of Security. '
Omaska council No. 2295 will give
a dance Monday evening at the
Swedish Auditorium, Sixteenth and
Chicago streets.
Sixteenth Anniversary.
Anniversary lodge No. 220, Degree
of Honor, will celebrate its sixteenth
anniversary Wednesday evening at
the Ancient Order-of United Work
men temple. The program will con
sist of piano solos by pupils of Miss
Mackin, violin solos by pupils of
Frank Mach, readings by Miss Amy
Woodruff, vocal quartet by pupils of
Mrs. Florence Basler-Palmer, a zith
er quartet by pupils of Mr. Chaber,
mandolin solos by Miss Ethel Pow
ers and songs by Jack Alfords and
Charles Lee Bell. Little Miss Voroff
will do some solo dancing.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
On last Wednesday evening, Omaha
Homestead, No. 1404, held in its hall
in Labor Temple, the Yeomen chil
dren's annual festival, which consists
of boys and girls under 14 years of
age entertaining in various ways.
Those who do the best in the various
classes are awarded prues by the.
supreme office. The program was as
Welcome address, Marts Maysrrrecltatlon.
Edna Ltnd.; recitation. Alice Rlane: violin
Nolo. Gordon Eketrum; SpanlHh dance, I.or.1-
ta Borhorf; recitation, Mildred Thompson;
vocal solo, Junlete Bonney; recitation. Mar.
Saret Hug: vocal aolo, Violet Carlson.
The program was considerably en
livened by Tommy Bonney, assisted
by Mildred Lochman, juvenile singers
and dancers. The parents of Tommy
Bonney are both members of Omaha
Homestead No. 1404.
Next Wednesday evening will be
the regular business and initiatory
Changes Meeting Night.
Omaha Council No. 1, Junior Or
der of United American Mechanics,
has changed its meeting night from
the first Saturday evening of the
month to the third. The committee
will work degrees at the next session
in Labor temple, Nineteenth and Far
nam streets. A social will follow the
business meeting.
Cinosam Dance.
The Cinosam Dancing club will
give its first dance of the season at
Scottish Rite cathedral Thursday eve
ning, November 2, 1916. The mem
bership of the club has been full for
sometime and a number have been
placed on the waiting list. The dance
program includes the old-fashioned
waltz, quadrille, lancers, etc.
Royal Highlanders.
FernclifFe castle No. 288, Royal
HighlanderSj will hold a Hallowe'en
social in their lodge rooms in the La
bor temple, Nineteenth and Farnam,
Thursday evening. A general good
time has been planned, including
dancing and cards.
Short Storyln the Life
Of J. Williams. Burglar
J. Williams, who gives Detroit as
his address, decided 'to break into a
room in the Merchants' hotel. Out
of something like 100 rooms Mr.
Williams chose the one occupied by
Montana Jack Sullivan, which shows
Mr. Williams is a poor picker. Jack
discovered Williams in the room and
promptly uncoupled that justly cele
brated right with which he made a
name for himself in the prize ring for
a number ot years. Williams went
down for the count and didn't move
until the police arrived. The police
magistrate bound him over to the
district court with bonds fixed at
New Lumber Company Has
Corporate Value of $50,000
Articles of incorporation have been
filed in the county clerk's office for
the Dodds Lumber company. The
capital stock is $50,000. J. Emerson
Dodds, Joseph J. Dodds, Austin E.
Dodds and Milton N. Dodds are the
Another Fire in City Dump,
Which Frets Residents
Another fire has broken out in the
city dumping grounds in Willow
slough, northeast of Carter lake.
City Commissioner Jardine, who is
custodian of this route near the
lake, called upon the fire department
to extinguish the smudge.
Says Backache Is sure sign you have
been eating too much
Uric Acid in meat clogs Kidneys
and irritates the
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and
clogged and need a Hushing occasion
ally, else we have backache and dull
misery in the kidney region, severe
headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid
liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and
all sorts of bladder disorders.
You simply must keep your kidnevs
active and clean, and the moment you
teel an ache or pain in the kidney
region get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any good drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, com
bined with lithia, and is harmless to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate
them to normal activity. It also neu
tralizes the acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive;
makes a delightful effervescent lithia
water drink which everybody should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean, thus avoiding serious com
A well-known local druggist says
he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who
believe in overcoming kidney trouble
while it is only trouble Adv.
Dr. Clark, the Painless bentist
If you are an advertising
Dentist, do as you advertise
and the business will come.
That is the way we find busi
ness in this office.
Mrs. E. A. Mueller of
Scribner, Neb., had ten
teeth extracted by the use
of . VAPOR MIST. I wish
the people of Omaha and
vicinity could have seen this
ladv wbfn ah ntm, in mv
office and seen her when she went away. She said: "I have suffered
for eight years, and I was afraid to have them pulled," writes this
'.dy. She will tell the truth about my Painless Dentistry.
Vapor Mist is a local anaesthetic just applied to the gums, not
only for Painless Extracting of teeth, but for all Dental Operations,
without the least danger of Heart Trouble or other sickness.
Office, 204 Paxtoo Block, 16th and Farnam Streets
Week-Day Hours, 9 to 12 1 to 8. Sunday Hours, 10 to 12.
Soad for my booklet, telling all about the care of the teeth
Phone Red 1201. Omaha, Neb.
But Few Thousand Short of
That Now Registered in
Greater Omaha.
The total registration of voters in
Greater Omaha will be within a tew
thousand of the 50,000 mark, it is es
timated by Harley G. Moorhead, elec
tion commissioner. While the official
registration figures probably will not
be compiled until Tuesday or Wed
nesday of next week, it is practi
cally certain that all records for
Douglas county and all pre-elections
will go by the boards.
A whirlwind finish marked the
close of registration at the office of
the election commissioner, in the
neighborhood of 1,800 prospective
voters being taken care of Friday.
The election commissioner's office
was jammed to the guards' all day
long. In front of the registration
desk, shortly before 6 o'clock, a solid
mass of men, four and five deep,
waited patiently for a chance to
qualify for their right for franchise.
Thousands a Day.
The average for the week was about
1,000 registrations a day. The office
force had to be increased each day,
until Friday night thirty-five clerks
were at work taking the names of the
voters. The office was open until 10
o'clock at night on the closing day.
The list of names on file in the elec
tion commissioner's office on August
1 totaled approximately 39,000. This
list included, however, what is known
as the "dead timber" several thou
sand names which had to be stricken
from the records on account of
changes of address, removals from the
city and deaths. In the neighborhood
of 5,000 voters who changed addresses
Omaha Hay Exchange Needs
Better Trackage Service
The 'heavy movement of hay from
out in the state is beginning to be
felt in Omaha and the officers of the
Omaha Hay exchange have been ne
gotiating with the railroads for bet
ter trackage facilities. It is said that
during the winter the present track
age facilities will be inadequate to
handle the large hay business.
Appeal in The Bee
Brings Two Wheel
Chairs to the Needy
Mrs. W. R. Adams, "mother" of the
Visiting Nurse association, is happy
over the response to her appeal in
The Bee last week for an invalid
chair. One invalid chair was sent her
from out in the state for the needy
sufferer and the price for another
chair was collected by an Omaha
woman. Mrs. Adams says the second
chair will also be used in some needy
Omaha Clearings
Reach New Record
A gain of almost $1,500,000 a day
was the record set up by Omaha bank
clearings for the week. The total
clearings for the week were $J0, ltJ
591.23, as against $20,820,283.14 for the
corresponding week a year ago.
To Rspave North Half ol
Farnam Next Week
City Commissioner Jardine of the
department of public improvements
states he expects the north side of
Farnam street. Twentieth to Twenty-
Humphreys' Seventy-seven
, For Grip, Influenza
Ttklng Cold Is th mum of raort mimtmui 4ti
Mtc Uian li any other luile known came, One-half
of the dim of the human race la caused by taking
The more common rilteaaea due to Uklng Cold are
catarrh, Influent, hrotiuhltla, asthma, quinsy, tore
throat, croup, pleurisy, rheumatism, eryilpelai tnd
Why rlik having any of that whan the um of
"Seventy-wren" at tha tint ohlU or ahlnr will break
up Um Cold in tta luoopUont
"Seventy-wen" con Ulna no thine harmful nor In
jurious and loavaa no bad after effeota.
A amall vial of pleaaant pelleti fits the teat pocket ;
handy to carry. May to taka. 13c, at all drug atom
In all America.
For the cnnraleawnt, tnr the wak and tha wear.
Price, 11.00, at all Druf Stores, or tent C. O. D.
Humphrey!-' Hotneo Medicine Co., 1M William
Street, New York.
i I WV. 'V'f 1 I
J . ' I
I Candidate for T
T County Attorney k
i Ten years in the office for the present I
T county attorney is long enough
j I stand for a business-like administra- y
f tion of the affairs of Douglas County. I
Duffy's Reputation for Reliability
cannot be usurped by "something just as good." If a
dealer considers an imitation of Duffy's "just as good,"
wny does he attempt to sell it to
you? He knows imitations are
not "just as good" as
Pure Maltw'wky
which has been a standard article
of commerce for 60 years, for in
copying the work of others there is
no virtue.
When you say : "I want Duffy's"
don't let a dealer change your mind.
He is trying to dispose of an inferior
article at greater profit without re
gard for your health and well being.
Because we know Duffy's Malt is
made richt and in tha Viicrhoot
ity tonic stimulant it is possible to produce, we want the pub
lic to know that we are responsible for it. That's why
"Duffy's Annual" is around each bottle, the "Old Chemist"
trade mark is on the label and over the cork, and our name
is also blown into the bottle. This is for your protection, so
mat you can always De sure to
"Get Duffy's and Keep Weir
laid in SKALED BOTTLES ONLY. B.w.ra of Imitations.
Gat Duffy'l from your local drug-fiat, grocer or
daalsr. 1.00 par bottla. If ho cannot aupply you,
writ us. Smid for ioful houaahold booiuat fro.
Tha Duffy Malt Whisker Co., Rochester, N. Y.
fourth streets, will be rrpaved next
week. The south side was rcpaved
before the Ak-Sar-lter festival and
work was suspended on account of
that event.
Woman's Tongue
And Leather Lungs
Win Boy's Liberty
Judge Leslie has resigned to the be
lief that the only instrument that
becomes keener with constant use is
a woman's tongue. Sitting in juve
nile court, Judge Leslie sentenced a
wayward lad to Rivcrview home.
Then the storm broke. The angry
mother sent up a wail that could he
heard in the remotest corner of the
county jail, three floors above. She
protested in a shrill tone of voice
that the "judge didn't dare send her
son to Riverview."
When the judge ordered her re-
j moved from the juvenile court room
she stood outside the door and con
tinued to yell, si-ream and otherwise
voice her disapproval.
Judge Leslie finally quieted the up
i roar by calling her back into the
court room ami telling her that he'd
j give the boy "one move chance.''
I "Whce." ejaculated the judge as he
saw tne leaiiier-iungen inoiner lead
ing her "young and innocent" home,
"I certainly do hope that boy behaves
in the future; that woman got on my
Are Street Cars to
Stop On Near Side?
Maybe the old near-side stop for
street cars is to come up in Omaha
again. The Commercial club is dis
cussing it for the downtown business
district. It was tried some time ago
all over town, but proved unpopular
because it was city-wide, and there
fore caused stops to be made in the
mud in the districts that are "ot paved.
The new activities of the Commercial
club had before it recently City Com
missioner A. C. Kugel and R. A. Leus
selcr, superintendent of the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway com--panv,
to discuss the possibility of
asking for an ordinance requiring
near-side stops in the downtown dis
trict only.
vim-Kim us ft
Seasonable Suggestions
Home Furnishings
The Central's interest in your purchases does not end until long after the articles you buy
at this store have proven their real worth in quality and added beauty in your home.
Our location, out of the High Rent District, which means Low Rent, the careful or
ganization of our working forces in every department, which means an enormous Saving
in Expense of Operation, and our Large Purchasing Power, which insures lowest possible
Cost of Merchandise, enables us to save you many dollars in buying at the Central and,
as usual, you make your own terms. ""
Our Guarantee of Future Satisfaction Protects You.
Quartered Oak Dining Room Suite, Complete, Like Cut. $97.50
Solid Oak Chiffonier, like cut; has
five drawers and is a neat and use
ful article for every home. Our
new policy, lower regu- tfP TP
lar price JJalJ
Comfort Hot Blast Heater
The stove that solves the "High
Cost of Living" Fuel question.
Gives greatest heat, easiest to op
erate and is a handsome stove in
style and finish. Our new policy,
lower regular prices on Hot Blast
Oak Heaters are from 816.50
6x9 Seamless Brussels FQ 'JC
Rugs, at JialtJ
8x9 Seamless Velvet CIO ITfl
Rugs, at I,...; Plfc.aU
9x12 Seamless Brussels tJIC 7P
Rugs, at VIV.ID
9x12 Seamless Velvet ffOI CA
Rugs, at." Jael.iJV
We have any kind of rug you
The sweet, natural tones of
the Grafonola adds the
greatest possible enjoyment
to the home. It is instructive
as well as pleasing to every
member of the family.
You can select any kind of
records, either vocal or in
strumental music, rendered
by the world's greatest art
ists and hear in your own
home a perfectly natural re
production. Grafonolas are priced
from S15 to $350.
A style and finish to please
Solid Oak Library Table, cut,
with magazine racks on each end
(not shown). Our new tC'CA
policy, lower reg. price. . PUaiW
Other library tables in different
woods and styles, at prices as low
in proportion.
Solid Oak, Walnut and Ma
hogany Rockers, with wood,
cane and leather seats, at
lower regular prices.
Quartered Oak, leather seat
Rocker, like 07 CA
cut .311
Four rooms com
pletely furnished,
for housekeeping.
A kitchen, dining
room, parlor and
bed room, only
Be sure and visit our Stove Dept.
Heavy fiber, small iz. Suit
Cases, handy size for shopping.
Our new policy, lower t r
regular price IDC
Full size Cotton Blankets 854
Full size Cotton Blankets kj uk
Full sijse Ail-Wool Blankets. .. .$395
Many other desirable styles and
weights of blankets and comfortables, in
all grades and prices.
Three Room
Furnished for
Only $90.00.
Curtain Stretchers,
cu......,. 75c
Oak or Mahogany Pedes
ct't16 $1.10
Solid Oak.
Taborette, like
f nly. . .
Have Us
Figure Your
Furniture Bill.
i ii lyw ii" .ii m
Be Sura aaa Visit
Our StOToDa-'
partment Baton
Yon Buy.