Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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o p . H , TTELEPHON 11 s ap '
I I IBCwralTOIil IQeSL HP IgiQt. HjH PcHaAlr3 l! -
Wimm00 L- B-inii itM& MMsmej oSk
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Church Tells Members "To
Sanctify Wealth."
St. Louis, Oct. 28. Warning Amer
icans against "the danger of race an
tipathy flaming into hatred" and
against "unconsecrated prosperity
which is bound to cause manhood to
decay," the pastoral letter of the
rrotesiant episcopal cumin w
at the final joint session of the tri
ennial convention here Friday.
The letter is the message of the
108 bishops of the church to its com
municants and, under the church law,
will be read in every Episcopal church
in the country.
Unlike most previous pastoral let
ters it dealt with secular rather than
ecclesiastics. It reviewed conditions
in the United States and Europe and
in the Orient and pointed out to this
country the threat that lingers in a
nationalism which assumes the "ugly
role -of group-selfishness or false pa
triotism." "Whatever dangers may lie lurking
beyond our western horizon," is as
serted, "can surely be averted by a
spirit of justice which has not always
prevailed in our dealings with the
Members of the churchwere ad
monished to "sanctify their wealth by
offering freely ot the substance to
God's cause," it being added that "the
wounds of Armenia, Poland and Bel
gium still lie gaping to the sky and
offer their dumb appeal to God and
Plunges Head First
Into ttorn Sheller
Broken Bow, Neb., Oct. 28. (Spe
cial.) Mitchell Harbaugh, a 17-year-old
boy and a son of T. C. Harbaugh
of this city, was frightfully mangled
in a corn shredder Friday forenoon
on the farm of Lige Willis, about
nine miles southwest of here. The
shredder .was a new one and as Har
baugh drove up with a load of corn
it became clogged. The operator was
below trying to clean out the machine
while it was running and Harbaugh,
thinking to assist, jumped from his
wagon to the top of the shredder.
In some way his foot slipped and he
went head first into the hopper.
Fred Oliver, the operator, saw the
body coming through and immedi
ately threw the macnine out oi gear.
t tnnir half an hnnr to ret Har
baugh out of the machinery. Two
physicians got to tne scene as quic
ly as possible and operated on the
1 TU. tnA that th ritrht arm
A U.J (yum. ...... - o
had been torn off and it had to be
amputated near the shoulder, the
shoulder was crushed,, the right ear
torn off, there was a large .hole in
, the right breast and the back was
lacerated and bruised nearly to the
The lad is still alive and has a fight-'
ing chance for his life. When he was
released the boy stepped off of the
machjne alone.
, Rabbit Breeders Will
, , Form Permanent Society
Permanent organization of a club
01 umana rauun uitcuciaj
lAiy ui (sain.-""" '
complished two weeks ago, will oe
ettectea at a meeting ui o u iiui.iv
Monday evening in the old settlers'
room at the court house. There are
about 200 rabbit breeder in Omaha
and they are all invited to attend.
Tu TJ 17.M..I01. waa eciA tpmnnrarv
president of the organization and will
preside Monday.
Obituary Notices.
MRS. FRANI4 RYBERO, formerly
of Gretna, Neb., aged 47 years,
died at her home at 2617 Capl
th pffpftft nf a Daralvttc stroke. She
was sick only a short time. She leaves'
a husband and a large family of chil
dren. , She was born and raised In
Gretna, but recently moved to Omaha
to educate her children. She was a
member of the Royal Neighbor lodge
at Gretna. "
Wednesday we are
thirty years old
and will celebrate in
a fitting manner
& Company
and drug nun dries you cannot but
be pleased with what we always
have to offer. We can BUit you in
quality of the good and in the price
we charge.
We can supply the moat particular
people with this line of goods and we
' guarantee that you will be satisfied
with every purchase.
You can send a child or telephone
an order.
16th and Howard St..
Finest Strictly Ail-Wool Bed Blankets, made of genuine, selected, long
staple Australian wool, .none better; thoroughly scoured and carded:
YD) O!
, ibiioil
Mattresses and Bedding
beautifully woven, forming a most warm, fleecy, permanent nap, weii
finished. They come in delightful shadow plaids, block and checks, as
well as pure white, tan, and gray. Extra large size and full winter
weight. A wonderful bargain. About 160 pairs to select Jg OC
from. Values to $9.50, sale price, pair T
Genuine All-Wool Blankets, made of finest grade long staple Cali
fornia wool. Sizes 70x80 and 66x80 inches. These high grade wool
blankets are well made, closely woven, well napped and thoroughly
scoured. Plain white, tan, gray and fancy plaids, in beautiful color
combinations. Well bound edges. Blankets in this lot worth M Q
to $7.50; sale price, while they last, pair pl
Absolutely Pure Wool Blankets, K and full size. Made from selected
wool with about 15 best long staple cotton, which prevents shrinkage
and adds considerably to the wearing quality of the blankets. They
come in a variety of neat plaids and checks, as well as plain white, tan
and gray. Warm fleecy nap warranted to give satisfaction. &A AC
Regular $6.00 values, sale price only, pair tt.1t
The Genuine Beacon and Wool Nap Blankets, these wonderfully con
structed cotton blankets have no equal for wear, warmth and durability.
The nearest approach to wool; absolutely dependable, fleecy nap. All
the wanted shades; white, tan and gray, also beautiful plaids; fast col
ors. Extra weight. Sizes 72x84 and 66x80 inches. Thread and ffO 4 1
silk bound edges. Regular $3.60 values, special, pair P.1
A Sale that means comfort to you all winter
A Sale wherein we offer many items at actual
A Sale that brings wool blankets down to
such a low price that anyone who has a need can
not afford to let this opportunity go by.
We have been months preparing for this
event our preparation has been so thorough
the stocks we offer now are the very .best that
your money would buy, even at the regular prices
at the figures we quote in this Sale they are un
matched anywhere.
Cotton Blankets, made by the Beacon and Nashua Mills. These blan
kets are extra large Bize, full weight and the most durable blankets
manufactured. In all the wanted colors white, tan and gray and
fancy plaids and checks. Beautifully napped, looks like wool; per
manent after washing. America's finest product, absolutely ff1 QQ
fast colors. Regular $3.00 values, pair tPIwO
Wool Nap Beacon and Australian Blankets, Cotton Blankets, sizes
60x80 and 66x80 in. Wool nap, Beacon and Australian finish, ext. heavy
weight. Double bed size, in plain colors of tan, white and gray, to
gether with fancy plaids. Beautifully napped and finished, warm and
durable. An unusual blanket bargain. Regular price $2.50, M CQ
sale price, per pair JI.U7
Superior Quality Cotton Blankets, double bed size. Fine soft fleece,
from the Nashua Mills. Tan and gray. Size 64x76 inches. Permanent
nap, that will not shed. Fast washable borders; thread whipped QQja
edges. Our regular $1.50 values, sale price, pair JOC
Soft Fleeced, Plain Weave Cotton Blankets, short felted nap, made
from long staple cotton, bed double blankets, in tan, white and
gray, with pink and blue borders. Regularly worth 95c, Kftc
sale price, per pair U7L
Bath Robe Blankets N
Beautiful Bath Robe BlankeU, large size, with girdle and cords to
match. Large variety of pretty designs, most desirable and serviceable
colors, for bath robes and sleeping garments. Each blanket is tl 7C
large enough for a full size robe. Well worth $2.50, sale pr., ea.
Annual Sale of Bed Spreads
$1.00 Crib Spreads, 59c
. Every mother should take advantage of thjs
In the Basement
$1.50 Spreads, $1.25
100 Crocheted Bed Spreads,
hemmed ends, all pretty patterns.
-While they last Mon- (J1 OC
day, each pl.eSU
$2.25 Spreads, $1.75
These are made of a selected
yarn, in the crochet kind. Scal
loped cut corners, plain or fringed
ends. Large size.
Choice, each. ....
$3.00 Bed Spreads, $2.25
Extra large size Crochet Spreads,
in the scalloped cut corners. Very
pretty patterns. For d0 OP
this sale, each.
$3.50 Satin Bed Spreads,
A limited quantity o&a very fine
satin bed spread, cameo finished.
Very exclusive patterns; in scal
loped cut corners. Extra large
size. Special, (J0 QQ
each Pi..70
$6 Fancy Cretonne Sets,
The newest idea in Fancy Cretonne
Spreads, scalloped and cut corners.
Bolsters to match. Three-quarter
and full size. (! I Cf
Choice for ipT.OU
On the Main Floor
This Curtain News Is Great
100 Sets of Dutch Curtains, made of scrim and trimmed with
novelty lace. Valance and side curtains. Set $1.49
Marquisette Curtains, ivory and ecru. 2 yards long. Trimmed
with washable laces. Special, yard $1.98
Filet Net Curtains, these are the kind that hang straight and wear
well. Pair $2.50
Lace Edge Curtains, dozens of patterns, including Chester Lace,
Quaker Lace and Loom Weave Curtains; Monday, pair, at $2.98
and $3.50
Third Floor.
500 Pairs Beautiful Wool Blankets
A Fortunate Purchase From a Large Blanket Mill
Extra value fine wool blankets for this special October Sale, at a
saving of 83Va. Considering the enormous advance in the price of
wool blankets, together with the scarcity and demand under present
market conditions, we are pleased to be in a position to offer such
high grade blankets, well finished, full weight; and full size. In
plain white, gray and fancy plaids and checks. Blankets in this lot
that would be cheap at $6.00 and $6.00. Our special October JO QC
sale, per pair '
Crib Blankets
Beacon Crib Blankets, absolutely fast colors, in all the wanted
nursery designs, neat checks and figures, in pink, blue and white.
Size 36x50 inches. The Beacon Crib is the best blanket made and
stands for wear and durability. Our regular 75c quality, AC p
sale price, each
Extra Heavy Fleeced Double Crib Blankets, beautiful quality, soft,
warm nap, in plain white with neat pink and blue washable 29c
borders. Regular 60c values, sale price, per pair WV.
Soft Fleeced Baby Crib Blankets, good quality. Size 30x40 inches.
White and tan, with fancy blue and pink washable borders;
thread whipped edges. Regular 19c value, each
Six Wonderful Bargains
Extra Large Sixe Comforters, covered with best grade printed and plain
color sateen. Finest white cotton filling, one large layer roll, soft and
fluffy. Some are fancy printed all-over designs, others plain or with
fancy centers, plain or fancy borders; light and dark grounds. ffO QQ
Regular $4.00 and $4.60 , grades. ., J.U
Beautiful Sateen Covered Comforters, filled with extra large roll pure
white sanitary carded cotton; full size winter weight. Plain and fancy
borders and all-over printed designs; either dark or light flJO AC
colors; stitched. Very serviceable ; $3.50 values, each P.tJ
Extra Heavy Weight Single Cotton Blankets, size 80x90 inches. Pure
white. Soft, warm fleecy nap. Beautiful sheet blankets; regu- 5c
lar $1.50 values, for this sale, each
IB Doxen Large Sin Comforters, filled with best grade white, fluffy,
carded cotton. Best grade, A-l silkoline or printed robe covering.
Light and dark designs; neat floral and conventional styles. Full weight.
Either hand tufted or scroll stitched. Positively worth $3.00, M Jg
on sale, each at
Extra Large Sixe Silkoline Covered Comforter., filled with good qual-
ity sanitary cotton. Light, dark and medium colors. Neat 1 9Q
floral printings; hand tufted or stitched. $2.25 values, each. .
Comforters, silkoline covered and filled with good grade cotton. Full
size, big assortment. Light and dark grounds. Extra weight, tufted and
stitched. About 20 bales. While they last, regular $1.50 RJJC
values, sale price
Auto Robes and Steamer Rugs
Wool Lap Robes, heavy fancy patterns. Extra weight, warm, durable
robes. Full size. Many styles to select from. They will stand hardship
and wear. Well finished edges. $3.60, $4.00 and $4.60 val- $9 95
ues, each, at y
Plu.h and All-Wool Auto Robes, with wide fringe, "8-inch hems and
plain edges. Beautiful plaids and checks, in green, tan, black and red.
Plush robes in beautiful colorings, plain black and fancy figured faces.
Size 64x60 and 64x72 inches. Large assortment to select VA CA
from. $6.60 and $7.00 grades, at
Four Great Mattress Bargains
45-Pound Combination Mattress, best cotton felt top and bottom. For '
full size beds. Covered with extra good quality fancy figured $9 7C
ticking; closely tufted. Regular $6.00 values, special, each . . Jeftf
Best Grade Cotton Felt and Wood Wool Combination Mattresses, full
size, weight 60 pounds. Closely tufted, rolled edges. Neat, fancy art
ticking covering. Unusual values; regular $8.00 values, CJ
Genuine All Felt Mattresses, weight 46 pounds. Full size; well made
and finished with close tuf tings. Neat fancy tick covering; row
stitching. High quality mattresses, would be cheap at ffC QQ
$10.00, special for this sale, only ?.HJ
Full Sixe White Layer Felt Mattresses, one of the very best mattresses
made, built up layer on layer felt; four row imperial stitched edges.
Weight 60 pounds. Covered with best quality art ticking, closely
tufted. A mattress that is ajways dependable. $16.00 values, ffQ QQ
sale .price, at fJeU
.1. .41
Pillow specials
Extra Good Quality Pillows, all new, clean crushed feathers, dust
less. Size 17x24 inches. Weight 2 pounds each. Good quality,. OC
fancy tick covering. 60c values, each. . MX.
Extra Fine Quality Pillows, new, clean sanitary feathers. Size 22x28
inches. Weight 7 pounds to the pair. Neat, fancy art(tick' KAp.
covering. Regular 86c grade, each l7l.
War Trophies
Beginning Monday
On the Third Floor
A wonderfully interesting;
exhibit of relics, including-i
genuine War Plane from ac
tive service, gathered by
Thomas N. Barker of Aus
tralia on the fields of bat
tle, and brought to this
country by Mr. L. C. Whit
ney, who will lecture and ex
plain the various items in
this store, beginning Mon
day, October 30th.
LecturesNFrom 10 to 12 in the Morning
And from 2 to 4 in the Afternoon
This will be continued all week. It provides an excellent
opportunity for everyone tb get a true idea of the military ap
purtenances used in the Titanic struggle in Europe.
Don't Fail to See This Exhibit
Silts, Velvets, Plushes, Etc.
N At Very Special Prices n .
Remarkable Offering of 40-Inch' Imported Sole de
Raye and Silver and Gold Embroidered Novelties, val
ues from $2.50 to $4.95. Will be placed on CA
sale in Main Silk Aisle. One great lot, per yd. .y J"
The Velvets, Plushes and Corduroys
Imported Corduroy, for the new one-piece dresses and suits.
Plenty of the wanted colorings left. $1.26 fiQ
values, yard 07l
v 36-Inch Imported Suitings and Dress Velveteens, extra heavy
fast pile, in the new Burgundy, Garnets, Greens, Purples, .,,
Plums, Navy, Copen, Black, etc., etc. Per $J JJg .
Corduroy for the new one-piece dresses, is the ideal material.
We have this beautiful fabric 28 inches wide, in all d I Of
th'e new colorings; guaranteed fast pile. Per yard P 1 ee&O
40-lnch Chiffon Velvets, in navy, amethyst, Russian Green,
African Brown, Burgundy, rpse, jade and black. CA
Per yard.... ;DJeOU,
40-lnch Chiffon, All-Silk Velvet, in 20 of the 0A
most wanted shades. Per yard. . Pte I J
ptI5i..p.,.,:r:$3.95TO$10.00 .
50-Inch Duvetyne Fur-Tea, will not mar or spot. An ideal ma
terial for coats and suits; in black, Russian green, C A
African brown and purple. Per yard pteJV
' Main Floor
Desirable Dress Goods Down in Price
7,500 Yards of Fine All-French Challie, in all the new designs and col
orings, in both dark and light grounds; stripes, dots, buds, floral designs
and plain colors. All perfect goods; usually sold for 69c. OQ-
Special Monday, per yard .... p
54-Inch Fine All-Wool Velours, for suits, coats and dresses, in all the
wanted combinations of colors. Large and medium checks and plaids. (
A large assortment for Monday, per $2.48 AND $2.98
50-Inch Storm Serge, strictly pure wool, dependable wearing quality. A
good range of colors. Regular $1.25 value. ' Qfl
varH ?Ol
Gold and Silver t-C"-i
. Flouncing, on silkl
tulle net. Up to 24
inches wide
Gold and Silver Meta
line Cloth, 36 inches
wide. Also fancy
evening shades .....
Silk Chantilly Flounc
ing!, 18 and 24 inches
wide. Black and white
All-Silk Dress Nets
and Chiffons, 40 ins.
wide. Black, white
and colors
Silk Chantilly Floune-,
ingt. lo incnes wmc.
Black and white
Silk Shadow Laces, 12
and 18 inches wide. .
Gold and Silver Run
Lace Edges, on fine
silk net
Fine Shadow All-over
1 i .... 1 s and 36 in
ches wide . . . ' '
All-Linen Cluny Laces,"
Filet Val Edict and In
sertions, all widths. .
French and German
Piatt VaU. up to 3 in
ches wide
Dotted Footingi, white
and cream .........
Main Floor.
59c x
. 12c
Beautiful Rugs in Month-End Clean-Up Sale
French Wilton Rugs, the very highest quality rug made
are showing them in all the latest designs and colorings.
Size 9x12, regular $75.00
values, at
Size 8.3x10.6. $67.50
values, at
27x54 Axminstcr
Royal Wilton Rugs, all the latest
colorings and designs; suitable
for every room in the house. Sold
up to $50.00. Size t Oft 7C
9x12. Special pOO.U
8.3x10.6 Wiltons We are offer
ing these rugs at a very large re-
duction. All good patterns
and colorings. Values to
'$45.00. Special tOQ AO
y, at itsw
Sanford Beauvis Seamless Ax
min.ter Rii t, the highest quality
Axminsten rug made. Regularly
sells up to $40.00; dj O 7 Cft
size9xl2. Monday. PeS I OKf
9x12 Hartford Bussorah and
Blielow Electras. slightly mis
matched. Regular $27.50 and
$30.00 values.
Another Lot of the Same Quality .
Rugs, in two sizes, 8.3x10.6 and
9x12. T27.50
Extra Sized Rug Specially Priced Monday
Chamber Rugs
The firm who makes these rugs
is very particular in their inspec
tion, and the rug that Is woven an
inch or so short or narrow is sold
as "seconds." .
We took advantage of this and
will place on sale Monday a few
of these rugs at about half price.
24x48, $3.00 val.... 31.69
27x54, $3.50 val.... $1.08
30x60, $4.50 val 82.49
36x72, $5.50 val.... $2.98
Third Floor.
Wednesday, Nov. 1, to Saturday, Nov. 4, Inclusive
From 8:30 a. mrto 9 p. m. Each Day
m. i . 1 1 i . . i 1 1 a l a
ine memDers oi me umana Automoune Associauuii nave . . -
sidopted this plan to give the public an opportunity to see what Jy15olOlN A K KK
Georgette Crepe
$5 to $25
There is real artistry about
the ensemble of these latest
blouses. Every line, every de- ,
sign, every little bit of trim
ming is used in conformity
with the general scheme of
fascination, and the result is
the production of blouses that
are simply irresistibly charm
ing. All the newest shades are
represented in this lot.
Copies of high priced im- .
ported models.
Beaded and Hand-embroidered
models with new collars.
Blouse Shop, Second Floor.
Phone Douglai 846.