Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 27

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7 D
In Its . Twelve Presidential
Campaigns Nebraska Has
Mostly Cone Republican.
By A. R. GROH.
Nebraska has participated in twelve
presidential elections since she be
came a state and she cast her vote for
the republican candidate in ten of
The onlv elections in which the
majority of this grand old state's vote
went tor the democratic aspirant were
in 1896 and 11X18, when Bryan, our na
tive sonj. carried the state by narrow
margins. In 1900 our native demo
cratic son lost the vote of his own
In 1912 Wilson carried the state
owing to the temporary rift in the re
publican party. But the vote of Taft
and Roosevelt together was 17,897
greater than Wilson's vote.
Some years the republican candi
date's vote was more than twice that
for the democratic candidate. Grant's
vote was two and a half times as
great as Greeley's in 1872, and in 1904
Roosevelt's vote was two and three
fourth times as great as that for
Parker in Nebraska.
Incidentally it is interesting to note
how the state has grown, as indicated
by the vote cast. In 1868 the votes
for the two principal candidates to
talled 15,168. In 1912 they totalled
235,91.1. In 1868 Nebraska had three
votes in the electoral college. Today
it has eight.
Here is the way the good people of
our g. o. p. state voted for president:
188 U. S. Orant (Rpp.) 9.729
Horatio Seymour (Dem.)...... S.43V
1I7J U. 8. Grant (Rp.) ls.HI
' Horace Greeley (Dem.) 1.S1I
H7 RB. Hayea (Rep.) 11,116
Samuel J. Tllden (Dem.) .-17,564
1880 James A. Garfield (Rep.) 64.979
Wlnneld S. Hancock (Dem.).. 28,823
1884 James O. Blaine (Rep.) 76,877
Grover Cleveland (Dem.).. 48,889
1888 Benjamin Harrison (Rep.)'.. ..108, 843
. Grover Cleveland (Dem.) 80,636
1892 Bonjamln Harrison (Rep.).... 87,21.1
James B. Weaver (Pee.) 83, 134
Grover Cleveland (Dem.) '. . 24,943
1896 William McKlnley (Rep.) 103.064
W. J. Bryan (Dem.) .118,999
1900 William McKlnley (Rep.) 121,830
W. J. Bryan (Dem.). 114,013
1904 Theodore Roosevelt (Rep.) ... .138,668
Alton B. Parker (Dem.) 61,876
1908 William H. Taft (Rep.) 126,808
. W. J .Bryan (Dem.) 130,787
1912 Woodrow Wilson (Dem.) 109,008
, William H. Taft (Rep.) 64,210
Theodore Roosevelt (Pro.)..'.. 72,689
Not much aid and comfort to the
democrats in these figures, is there?
Omaha Given Place
On "King of Trails"
Again Omaha has been placed on
a new transcontinental highway. This
time it is the "King of Trails," run
ning from Winnipeg to Houston and
the coast. This road was laid out as
a result of a careful survey by. road
engineers, instead of by political pulls
of various town.- It touches vthe fol
lowing going south: Winnipeg, Grand
Forks, Fargo, Sioux Falls, Sioux
City, Omaha, Atchison, Leavenworth,
Kansas City, Muskogee, Denison,
Dallas, Waco, where the road forks,
and touches San Antonio and Hous
ton, respectively. ,
Registered Voters Harrass
fyloorhead and Helpers
On the last day' of registration
large numbers of voters already reg
istered and who have not changed
their addresses visited the election
commissioner's office and presented
cards which advised them to "register
at once." Through a mistake in tak
ing names from an old -list of voters
some political organization had been
sending out warning cards to a host
already registered. The error was
explained many times Friday by Mr.
Moorhead and his assistants.
More Pine Ridge Indian
Land on the Market Soon
Another bunch of Pine Ridge Sioux
land, some 160,000 acres, is to be put
on sale November 15. . The land is
over the Nebraska line in South Da
kota and is appraised all the way from
$1.50 up to $10 per acre. Most of it
lies in Bennett county and is generally
hard soil.
In selling the Indian land the gov
ernment adopts two plans. One is
an all cash payment and the other 10
per cent cash at the time of purchase,
and the deferred payments extending
over a period of three years, with in
terest. "Hello, There," to Detective
Costs Pedestrian Liberty
Detective Felix Dolan, who sur
prised two men in the act of robbing
the Ringle drug store, Twenty-fourth
and Davenport streets, arrested a sus-
Eect this morning at Thirteenth and
touglas streets. The man seemed
to recognize Dolan, for he greetea"
him with a "Hello there." The sus
pect gave his name as John Davis
of Portland, Ore.
In Compliance With the Request of His Many Friends in Omaha, Mr. Meeker Will Deliver His Famous Address
A Bible Story of Modern Tendencies. Under the Auspices of NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE
The Shielding Shadow
By GEORGE BRACKET T SEITZ, Author of "The Iron Claw' Etc.
Episode S, "Through Bolted Doors"
(Copyright, 191, by Georira Bracket! Setti.)
(Xott to ivRiVrB: The utory of "Th
Shielding Shadow-' will bo given in arrnarlo
form; a new scenario will b publinhod eav'h
week. Read It find hen see how the fln
lnhed product looks on the screen at I ho
motion picture theater showing "Th Shield
ing Shadow.")
Ravengar, the man ot mystery
Leontine Navarro, heroine
Grace Darmond
Sebastian Navarro, the villain
Leon Barry
I On Lamp- Louie. Navarro's confed-
Blanca. queen of the underworld
Madaltne Traverse
Bianca'i adherents, policeman, gam
blers, flashy women, Chinese serv
ants, chauffeurs, nc
Synopsis of Prrcedlng Episodes.
In love with Leontiiie, Sebastian Navarro
paid One Iamp l-oulo to forge the name of
the girl's sweetheart. Jerry Carson. The
furifery sent Jerry to prison. He escaped
and, making his way into the south Atlan
tic, landed on Ravengar's Ledge. There
he found the Herret a shipwrecked scientist
had discovered after years of work. As
Jerry was about to leave the Island, he
waa sailed by an octopus and dragged down
into the sea. To save her father from ruin,
Leontlne marrii'd Sebastian with the pro
viso that she would be his wife "in name
only" until he won her love. Confession of
the forgery Is forced from One Lamp Louie
by a mysterious invisible agency and handed
to Leonline. Before she reads more than
the first line, the paper falls into the hands
of Romanoff, a denteen of the underworld.
Now go on with the story.
Subtitle: Having read the first line of the
confession forced from One Lamp Louie,
Leontine susDects her husband's con
nection with the forgery that sent her
sweetheart, Jerry Carson, to prison and
to death.
Scene 1. (Leontlne's boudoir). Open dia
phragm on close foreground of Leontine.
She gazes before her In deep thought.
Dissolve into vision of Jerry. He holds
out his arms to her. Her face lights
up. Something In the direction of the
' doorway distract her and vision dis
solves out as she turns her head and
Sebastian comes through door. Leon
tine rises and faces him.
Show foreground of Leontine and Se
bastian. Sebastian speaks.
Spoken title: "I have had enough of your
sulklness and suspicions."
Continuing previous foreground, he finishes
Bpeaking out tne aoove. raaes noia 01
Leontlne's wrist and pulls her toward
him. She breaks away from him and
stands facing him.
Scene 2. (Hallway outside Leontlne's bou
doir. Butler comes to doorway and
Scene S. (Boudoir as per 1). Leontine and
Sebastian .face each other. Register
they hear knock at door. - Sebastian
opens it. Butler hands Sebastian card,
which hw reads:
Insert close V a-eground ot card on screen.
Ludwig Romanoff.
tinder the engraved name Is written: -
it Is about a certain confession.
Continuing the scene, Sebastian registers
surprised alarm and exits with the but-
Scene 4. (Library).
Romanoff waiting.
Romanoff rises and
Sebastian enters.
Spoken title: 'The confession has oome
into my hands. it mentions your
name." ' "
Continuing the aeene, Romanoff finishes
Bpeaking out above. Sebastian gazes
at him for a moment Intently, then In
dicates him to be seated. Romanoff
seats himself.
Scene 0. (Leontlne's study). Leontine en
ters and in mirror on the wall sees
Sebsstlan and Romanoff In earnest con
versation In the library.. .Leontine recog
nises Romanoff aa the man who stole
One Lamp Louie's confession and moves
toward library door. She stops there.
Scene 6. (Library aa per 4). Romanoff and
Sebastian together, Sebastian la speak
ing. Spoken title: "The confession Is absurd,
dui ror reasons oi my own x want to
keep it quiet. It is worth a hundred
dollars to m." ....
Continuing the scene, he finishes speaking
out the above, ai ne aoes so, icontine
enters- the library. Coming down to
the two, she speaks to Romanoff.
Spoken title: "The confession is worth a
thousand dollars 10 me.
Continuing the scene, she finishes speaking
out above. Romanoff grins and puts
paoer back In his pocket. Speaks.
Spoken title: "This looka Interesting. You
both want the paper so mucn mai i
think 111 keep It myself."
Continuing the scene, ha rises and speaks
out the above. Turns to exit.
Show close foreground of Sebastian by
table. His face grows suddenly tense. He
opens drawer and whips out revolver.
Raises it, threatening Romanoff, who is
moving toward the door. Romanoff
turns and Sebastian holds out his hand,
demanding the confession. Romanoff
tarts to take it from his pocket.
Show close foreground of Sebastian hold
ing revolver. Suddenly some Invisible
ngenry hits his wrist and the gun Is
knocked to the floor. Then Sebastian
staggers, as though he had received a
Foil Bet: Sebastian recovers himself and
jumps for the revolver. He apparently
is seized by the Invisible agency and
pUHhed away from It. Leontine watches
in open-eyed wonder, while Romanoff,
seizing the opportunity, darts away. Se
bastian Btruggles with his Invisible as
sailant. Staggers back and falls.
Scene 7. (Street corner and doorway-
moonlight effect). Romanoff hurrying
down street comes to corner and steps
in doorway..
Show foreground of Romanoff In door
way. He takes ronfesslon from his
pocket. Opens It and reads It again.
Show close foreground of Romanoff's
hands holding paper. Two mysterious
hands appear in foreground and neUu
Romanoff's wrist- Romanoff struggles L
witn invisioie assailant.
Scene 8. (Street corner nearby moonlight
effect). Policeman and other man In
picture in such a position that they ian
look into doorway. Man gazes out of
picture and points. Both' register won
der and exit Into doorway.
Scene 0, (Street corner and doorway as per
7 moonlight effect). Romanoff fight
ing with Invisible assailant. Policeman
and other man .comes In. Romanoff
beats off assailant and turns to the
two. He still clutches the confession.
He explains to the policeman and other
man how he was attacked by the In
visible assailant. Man taps his fore
head knowingly to the policeman as
Romanoff exits.
Subtitle: Elated at the chance of black
mailing Sebastian, Romanoff gae to the
home of lilanca, queen of the under
world. Scene 10. (Long room In gambling house,
fitted up luxuriantly). Room Is filled
with gamblers, among whom are sev
eral flashy women. Romanoff enters
and nods to several acquaintances.
RkHs through doorway leading to small
back hall.
Subtitle:. Ravcngar, the mysterious, from
whom Romanoff stole One Lamp Louie's
Show close foreground of Ravengar and
one or two others at table playing. Ra
vengar glances off carelessly In Ro
manoff's direction and then leaves the
table and nonchalantly follows Roman
off. Scene 11. (Small hallway nearby). Ro
manoff comes around end of hallway
and gases about to see that he Is not
Show close foreground of portieres near
by. Ravengar is seen to peek around
from behind portieres, watching Ro
manoff. Show close foreground of Romanoff. Sat
isfied that he Is not watched he goes to
hidden panel In the wall. Presses a
spring and steps through. Panel closes
behind hi in and Ravengar comes out
of his hiding place and moves toward It.
Scene 1. (Attractively furnished boudoir In
a hidden house next to gambling house).
Btanca and three of her followers in
picture planning some crime. Utattra is
a very beautiful, black-haired woman
with an extremely pleasing and allur
ing personality. They register they
hear nolsu and turn as Romanoff comes
into room. He is greeted by the others
and comes to table.
Scene IS. (Small hallway as per 11). Show
foreground of Ravengar In corner of
nail by panel. He presses spring and
goes through. As he doa so, he Is
discovered by thu lookout in the gam
bling den, who has followed him.
Scene 14. (Outer room). Ravengar comes in
Jh rough panel and moves to doorway
to boudoir. Looks In. As he does so,
lookout slept through panel and comes
up behind Ravengar, drawing gun from
his pocket. Ravengar turns and dis-
covers him. For a moment the two
men gaze at each other, then Ravengar
slowly raises his hand and with a sud
den movement (urns out light switch.
Lights go out and the two men close
In a struggle. Lookout's gun being
exploded, Btanca and others, attracted
by the shot, enter. Blanca turns on
lights. Ravengar has seized the look
out's gun. Turns to Blanca and the
others. Bows and grins. Speak.
Spoken title: "Shameful lnhospltallty. I
just wandered in, looking for company,
and this gentleman picked a fight with
Continuing the scene, Ravengar finishes
speaking out the above. Blanca speaks.
Spoken title: "You wandered In where you
had no business."
Continuing the scene, she finishes speaking
out iht above and orders her men to
seize" Ravengar. He Indicates that he
doesn't want to be seised and points to
his gun. Blanca smiles at Ravengar
and speaks.
Spoken title: "Put It down, wanderer, guns
are not flashed here."
Continuing the scene, Blanca finishes speak
ing out the above. Ravengar smiles at
Blanca wlnnlngly and Indicates he will
not put down the gun. Blam-a'a face
grows a little stern as her hand moves
to cord hidden behind portieres and
pulls it. A trap door directly under
Ravengar opens and ho falls down
through the hole.
Scene 15. (Cellar of Blanca's hidden house).
Ravengar shoots down slide and lands
on mattress In cellar. Rises and, mov
ing to doorway of cellar, tries It. He
finds It locked. Shrugs his shoulders
and goes back to mattress. As he does
so the door opens and Blanca comes in,
followed by two men with drawn re
volvers. Blanca goes over to Ravengar.
. who is seated on mattress. Looka at
him. Ravengar takes cigarette from
cigarette vase. Oases back at Blanca
and smiles at her. Blanca, turning to
ward companions, speaks.
Spoken title: "He Is a fool, but a very at
tractive one."
Show close foreground of Blanca and Ra
vengar. They gaze at each other, very
much taken with one another's person
ality. Then Blanca holds out her hand
In a coaxing manner and asks Raven
gar for the revolver. He thinks, Shrugs,
and hands it to her. She thanks him
and smiles at him again.
Subtitle: Having secured the confession
from Romanoff, the next ntght Blanca
sets about arranging a proper price for
It from Sebastian. -
Scene 16. (The foyter of a theater). Crowd
Is coming out. Sebastian and one or
two men friends In crowd. They seee
Blanca. She Is beautifully dressed and
Is with Romanoff. She gazes at Se
bastian and half smiles In alluring man
ner. Show close foreground of Sebastian and
friends. Friend grins at Sebastian, de
claring he has made conquest.
Hohtltle: Leontine plays detective.
Scene 17. (Street location outside theater
moonlight effect). Show close fore
ground of Leontine. veiled, stealthily
gazing out of covered automobile.
Scene 18. (Curb nearby moon llgt effect).
Show foreground of Blanca getting Into
limousine with Romanoff. Sebastian and
friends come Into foreground. As they
do so Blanca drops vanity case. Se- I
bostlan picks It up and hands It to her. I
As she takes It she presses Sebastian's
hand and slips a piece of paper Into it.
Blanca 'a limousine drives off.
Show close foreground of Sebastian and
his friends. While friends huve turnrd
their backs and are gazing in opposite
direction, Sebastian opens note and reads
Insert close foreground note in Sebastian's
hand. "If you are Interested In a con
tain confession follow.
Continuing previous foreground, Sebastian
finishes reading the above. As friends
turn around Sebastian hastily indicates
he has an engagement and, hailing a
taxlcab, enters, after instructing the
chauffeur to follow Blanca's limousine.
Show close foreground of Leontlne's au
tomobile. Leontine speaks to her chauf
feur, Spoken title: "Follow that taxi."
Scene 19. (Outside Blanca's gambling es
tablishment a typical brownstone gam
bling house. Windows and doors are
grated wtlh iron grill work, etc,) Show
foreground of Blanca and Romanoff
coming up to doorway of gambling
house Stop at doorway. ' Blanca's au
tomobile leaves. Sebastian's taxlcab
drives Up. Sebastian pays chauffeur,
who drives away, arid Sebastian mounts
steps of gambling house toward Btanca
and Romanoff, who can bo seen at
Scene 20. (Street location nearby mnnn
llght effect). Leontine leaves tier auto
mobile and exlta In the direction of the
gambling house.
Scene 21. tOuislde Blanca's house as per
19 moonlight effect). Show foreground
of Leontine coming to bottom of steps.
Her fane Is veiled so that she cannot
be recognized by Sebastian. She sees
Sebastian, Blanca and Romanoff go
into gambling house.
Show close foreground of Leontine at bot
tom of steps, She half starts up steps
to follow, but stops, undecided what
to do.
Scene 22. (Blanca's boudoir). Blanca. Ro
manoff and Sebastian come In. Blanca
Is very pleasant to Sebastian and asks
him to be seated. Chinese servants
come in and she orders refreshments.
Scene S. (Outside Blanca's house as per II
moonlight effect). Ieontlne at foot
of stairway. Two men in evening clothes
open door and start to come down.
They pass Leontine. One man gazes
batk at Leontine. She has put back
her veil and her attractiveness Is quite
apparent. He returns and speaks.
Spoken title: "Tou look lonesome. Any
thing I can do?"
Continuing the scene, Leontine thinks, then
Spoken title: "I was wondering how to get
Into the house. They don't know me"
Continuing the scene, Leontine frankly
speaks out the above. Man is very
much taken with Leontlne's charm.
Laughs and offers to escort her into the
house. She agrees and he turns and
waves a gay farewell to his companion,
who la out of the foreground. Uoes Into
house with Leontine.
Scene 24. (Gambling room. Same is filled
with gamblera and women). Man and
Leontine come In. Man leads Leontine
to table and Leontine starts to play.
As she does so she gases about care
fully, taking In the lay of the land and
wondering where Sebastian Is. Next to
her is a dissipated young man. He
loses a large amount of money.
Show close foreground of young man
slamming down cards.
Full set: Half staggering away from Leon
tine and, moving toward curtained door
way to small hallway nearby. Stag
gerg in behind doorway and Immedi
ately afterwards a puff of smoke is
seen to come from behind the curtains.
Everyone in the room turns, startled, as
though hearing shot from behind cur
tain, and all run to hallway.
Scene 25. (Hallway as per It). Toung
man dead on floor, revolver nearby.
Lookout trying to keep others from
coining Into hallway. Leontine man
ages to enter.
Show foreground of lookout and Leontlne's
companion. Lookout speaks in a hasty
Spoken title: "Blanca has deal on In the
hidden house, but we've got to get this
guy out of here."
Continuing previous foreground, he fin
ishes speaking out above to Leontlne's
Full set: The two men turn to Leontine and
ask her to go. She hesitates, then gets
an idea and falls to the floor In a faint.
Lookout and companion register disgust
at her fainting In such a place under
such conditions. ' Lookout speaks.
Spoken title: "We'll have to take her In.
too. , We can't have this sort of thing
going on nut here.
Continuing the scene, same Is spoken out.
Show close foreground of Leonthie a face.
She stealthily half opens her eyes.
Fall set: Lookout opens the secret panel
leading to the hidden house and starts
to carry the suicide through.
Scene 26. (Blanca's boudoir, Small table
with supper set). Show foreground of
Blanca, Sebastian and Romanoff. Blanca
has confession In her hand and Is bar
gaining with Sebastian In an alluring
manner, i ney turn, hearing a noise.
Full set: Lookout and companion come in,
carrying the body of the suicide, Se
bastian. Romanoff and Blanca start up
and go toward body. Lookout and com
panion have exited. Sebastian, after
looking at body, looks out of foreground
and sees lookout and companion car
rying lr. Leontine. They set hor in a
chair, She opens her eyes and, smil
ing, rises to her feet. Sebnstlan Is
taken aback at seeing Leontine, Blanca
still holds the paper in her hand for
which Bhe was bargaining with Sebaa
tlon. Leontine speaks to nianca.
Spoken title: "I have come for a certain
paper. It Is tha one you are holding
In your hand."
Continuing the scene, Leontine steps for
ward, demanding the paper. Blanca
looks at Leontine, amused. Suddenly
the paper she holds In her hand In
snatched away by some lnvlnlble agency
and is thrust Into Lsontlue's hand.
Btanra demands the return of the paper,
Leontine refuses. Blanca orders look
out and companion to seize Leontine.
As they reach for her, they both stag
ger back and lookout falls as though
struck by some terrific blow. All ex
cept Leontine bends over the fallen
lookout. Leontine with confession moves
toward doorway. Companion and Ro
manoff, at Blanca's orders, step for
ward to stop her Companion Is pushed
back and Romanoff felled as was the
lookout, Leontine dashes toward door
way. Just then Chinese servants come
in and stop her, but they are wrenched
away by some terrific force. Bianca
cries out orders, and Sebastian, lookout
and companion rush to doorway and
bar Leontlne's exit. A terrific: fight en
sues between the men and the mysteri
ous invisible agency. First one and then
another of the men are knocked out of
the way and the doorway Is cleared for
Leontine, who runs into the outor room
with the confession.
Subtitle: One Lamp Louie, whose memory
of past events Is gone, but who has
found a fortune.
Scene 27. (Gambling room). One Lamp
Louie by table gambling. Sees Leon
tine hastily come In from hallway and
pull herself together. She starts to
exit. One Lamp Louie gases after her,
registering that the sight of her wakes
a dim memory in him. Thinks. Lays
down cards and slowlv exits
Scene 28. (Outside Blanca's house moon
light effect). Leontine comes out and
goes wn steps. One Lamp Louie fol
lows. Leontine stops at bottom of steps
and looks at crumpled uloce of paper In
her hand. Smoothes it out and exits
down the street.
Scene 2tt. (Lonely street location under an
arc light. Light effect). Leontine comes
in. Opens confession to read it. One
Lamp Louie follows into picture. Comes
stealthily behind her and reads over her
Show close " foreground of confession In
Th SEMINOLE LIMITED Train, consisting of Exquisite
Sun Parlor Observation and up-to-date Steel Pullman Cars, runs
daily throughout tha year.
Direct service to the south and southeast.
Tickets on sale daily on end after October 15th. good return
ing until June 1st, 1917. '
Jacktonville $54.56
Tampa $66.16
Daytona $61.26
St. Petersburg $66.16
Tickets to other points at seme proportional rates.
For descriptive literature, tickets, etc,, call at City Ticket Office,
or write,
District Passenger Agent
I m 407 S. 16th St.
Leontlne's hand. one Lamp Louie's
name can be seen signed at thr bottom
of the confession.
Show foreground of One Lamp Louie and
Leontine. One Lamp Louie reaches over
Leontlne's shoulder and grabs paper
from her. Oaaes at It and Hpnks.
Spoken title! "Seems to me I remember
this. Why! It's my own writing!''
Continuing the previous foreground, Leon
tine demands the confession one
Lamp Louie pushes her away and reads
Scene 80. (Blanca' boudoir). All wonder
Ingly pulling themselvs together.
Chinese servant speaks to Blanca.
Spoken title: "We look In cellar, The other
prisoner, he gone, too "
Continuing the scene, Chinese servant fin
ishes speaking out above. Blaca regis
ter wonder and alt exit.
Scene SI. (Cellar), lllnnca and others rente
hi and Blanca pultun to one corner of
room, where Ravengar Is seated on
mattress, nonchalantly smoking a cigar
ette, lilanca questions Havcngai'. Ra
vengar grins.
8pokentltle: "What nonsense. How could I
leave? That's the only door and It was
tightly locked."
Continuing the scene, he finishes speaking
out the above and all gsae at him In
wonder. He grins pleasantly at Blanca.
Scene S3. (Street location as per 29 moon
light effect). Show foreground of One
Lamp Ifoule and Leontine. Lenntlne de
mands paper. One Lamp Louie finishes
reading it and tears ll up. Hxl tn.. Leon
tine gancs after him and sinks down.
Show foreground of l.eonllno suddenly
sinking down at doorstep and weeping Ht
the loss of the only way shn could clear
the name of her lost sweetheart, Jerry.
Fade Into:
Plan to Build Concrete
Caskets in New Plant
A factory for building concrete cas
kets is likely to be located in Omaha,
as negotiations are on between the
men who propose to establish this in
dustry and members of the industrial
committee of the Commercial club.
E. F. Needham and W. Sautell of
Houston, Tex., are chiefly interested
in establishing the plant. A new
process of treating ami reinforcing the
concrete is used, so that it combines
a great durability with a certain con
sistency which permits the driving in
of nails or screws.
The industrial committee also an
nounces the location in Omaha of a
plant of the Mulbrook Products com
pany, which is putting on the market
lirook's spaghetti sauce.
Traveling Men Must Vote
Within Home State Lines
Election Commissioner Harley G.
Moorhead has received many letters
from local voters who are out of the
state at the present time inquiring
whether they can vote on election
day. The law provides, although
they don't have to be at home on elec
tion day in order to vote, they must,
however, be in the state.
Traveling men who happen to be
in neighboring states a day or so be
fore election will be permitted to
cross the line into Nebraska and from
some point in the state mail their vote
30 years in Omaha
Celebrated Wed. to
Saturday with
Wonderful Sales
& Company
Palm Beach $73.06
Miami $76.66
Key West $87.66
Havana, Cub. . . . gj J
Phone Douglas 264.
No. 2 Hard and Durum Wheat
as Well as Corn Soar to
Record Heights.
New top prices were marked up on
the Omaha Grain exchange when Xo.
2 hard wheat sold at $1.84; durum.
$1.90, and corn, $1.01 per bushel, cash.
Although it was the regular Sat
urday short session, it was a regular
run-away market, the bulge starting
at the opening and continuing to the
Wheat receipts were moderately
heavy for a Saturday, sales being
made all the way between $1.80 and
$1.84, an advance of I' to i cents over
Friday. Of this grain there were
seventy-six carloads on the market
and everything was sold out during
the first hour.
The sensational advance of the ses
sion 'was the price of the durum
wheat, selling at 8 cents over any
former high price.
Corn Brings $1.01.
When a dollar was paid for corn
during the exchange session Friday,
a temporary reaction was looked for,
but instead of its coming, prices com
menced to climb as soon as the gong
sounded and prices rapidly worked up
all the way between i cents and $1.01
per bushel. The bulk of the sales
were made at $1, or better.
A car of Nebraska new corn sold at
96 cents per bushel, the same grade
Friday selling for 7 cents less.
Oats shared in the advance, but it
was less pronounced than on wheat
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of Karbonite are saved a large mechanic's expense with
9 the attendant dirt and muss.
A 50c Can Will Convince You
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OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1236-8 Douglas St. Phone Tyler 20
About Your
If It's Moving, We Have the Vans. -If
It's Storage, We Have An Absolutely Fire
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If It's Shipping, We Have the Facilities. '
And not only have we the vans, the warehouses and
the facilities,: but even more important thai, all these, we
have the men who know how.
Omaha Van & Storage Co.
806 South 16th Street. Phone Douglas 4163.
and corn, the sales being made at 51'4
to 52 cents per bushel, a gain of 1 to
Yi cents.
The cash wheat prices came closer
to the option than any time in monthi
past. For instance, while wheat w
selling for $1.84 cash, the Chicago op
tion on December delivery was $1.90.
Usually the difference between the
cash and this option is 10 or more
cents per bushel.
Mother Doesn't Want
Four-Year-Old Boy
Jackie liergen, 4 years old, has been
ordered to Riverview home until the
differences of his parents can be fet
tled. He is the 9on of Ray Bergen,
whose wife disappeared with the lad,
the couple being located after a
couple of days' search.
According to Judge Leslie, who
ordered the child taken to Riverview,
the mother doesn't want Jackie, but
she will not consent to the father
having him. The juvenile court au
thorities are trying to arrange so that
Jackie will ultimately be turned over
to his toster-granumoiner.
Heavy Hoisting
1212 Farnam St. Tel. 0.35 J
' it.
A3 I
1 S
a. i
r I
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