Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 26

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    6 D
Excellent Cash Demand and
Heavy Exports Boom the
Wheat Market Again.
Omaha. Oetobar II. till.
The strong export situation and an as-
silent local eash demand tn the eaah
wheat market enothar bo oat todsr.
Whaat was esnaotslly Strom, ths hard
Winter selllnc from IvtVIo hlrhsr and
th durum sslllng about to abova tba v
eraee prlca of yrstsrday.
High pries rscords on both what and
corn wsrs estsbllshtd. durum whaat selling
at II. to. a new hlrh marlc for any kind
af whaat avsr sold In th's msrk.t.
No. I hard winter also sold for rscord
Brlrea tha bulk of th ssmolss eotng at
ll.lltllll, whlls tha general run of
mo. I hard sold around ll.lBQi.iilt.
m fio. a yellow corn aula lor e recuru iirice
of 11.01. whlls ths avsrsgs ssmpla of yellow
com sold around Iso. Thsrs wsa no whits
earn sold snd ths tnlxsd corn of ths rom
msrclal trades sold well up around 11.00.
although ths nsw oorn sold about 4o be.
low old corn of ths sams elaas. Corn as
a general proposition was quoted from 1 9
lo higher, Rys sdvanced from lvlo and
barley was quoted unchanged.
Oats receipts wsrs not very heavy and
the bulk of ths samples graded No. I
whits and sold at lltte.
Ths, demand for rye was sxcsllsnt and
rseord prtcss were also paid for this ce
real, tha No. I grsde selling at 1Mb and
ths No. S at Il.l4ei.llti.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to 111,000 buehsls; com. 40,000 bushels;
eats, 11,000 buehele.
Liverpool close: Wheat $& hlchsr;
oorn lttd higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 1,111,000
bushsls and shlpmente 1,111,000 bushels,
against receipts of 11,000 bushels and ship
msnta of 1,141,000 bushsls last ysar.
Primary corn rscelpta were 101,000 bush,
la and shipments SRI. 000 bushsls, against
receipts of 107,000 bushels and shipments
f 111,000 bushels last yesr.
Primary ols receipts wsrs 110,000 bush
els and shlprasnts 1,111,000 basnets, against
rsoslpts bf 111.000 bushels snd shipments
f l,OII,M0 bushsls laat ysar. ,
, i . , , , Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago II II IX
Minneapolis 471
Xhihith ..... , 14
Omaha . Tl 11 II
Kansas City 114 . 4 14
it. Louis 111 (
Winnipeg J1 ., - ...
Thess sales wsrs reported tSdsy:
Whsat No. 1 hard winter. 1 car. tl St
No. I hard wlntsr, I ear, 11.14(4; I cars,
11.14; I ears, 11.11; I ears, 11.11; 1 car.
1.IIU. No. I hard wlntsr, 1 csr, 11.11; I
ears, ti ll; I cars, I1.I1U: 4 csrs, 11.11; I
care. 11.10(4; 1 ear (light), 11.10. No. 4
nam winter, 1 ear, 11.10; I ears, 11.71; 1
ear flight). 11.71. lamnls hard wlntar. 1
ear, 11.71. No. 4 spring, 1 ear, 11.10 1 ear
uignw, no. 1 durum, oar.
No. I mlsed, 1 ear, 11.14, No. 4 mlsed, 1 ear.
1 ear (light), 11.11; I ear. 11.11.
Rys No, I, 1 ear, 11,11; Ne. I, 1 ear,
11.1.14: 1 cars, (1.14. No. 4, I ears, 11.11.
Barley No. I, 1 ear, 11.11.
Corn No, I whits: 1 ear (nsw), 7o. No.
I ysllewi 1 ear, 11.01; 1 esr (old snd nsw),
1.00.' No. 4 ysllow; 1 esr (new), tic. No.
9 mlsed! 1 ear, 11.00; 1 ear (new), 4e. No.
I mlsed: 1 ear, 11.00. No. 4 mlisd: 1 oar
(sweet com), 07a.
Osts Standard: 1 csr, lie. No. I whits:
10 ears, II Ho. Ne. 4 white: 4 cars, II Me.
Sample white: I cars, 10 Mc.
Omaha Cash Pries Whsat : No. I hard,
1.IIH1I; No. I hard,. I1.I0O1.II: No. 4
hard, It.IOdJl.lO; No. I spring, Il.7t01.ll;
No. I spring, 11.7401.11; No. I durum,
tl.111.10; No. I durum, 11.1101.11. Corn:
No. I whits, HOtOo; No. I white, !7f(!c;
No, 4 whits, tlOtlo; No, I whits, ISOtse:
No. I whits, slotlo; No. t ysllow, .00O
1.01; No. I ysllow, ttcOll.00; No. 4 ysl
low. Iietle; No. I ysllow, 17 Ode; No, 1
ysllow, tOI7e; No. I mixed, IScOll 00;
No. I mlsed, HoOll 00; No. 4 mlssd, t70
to; No. I mlssd, 11017c: No. I mlsed, 140
lo. Oats: No. I white, I1011V.C: standard.
IHOUe; No. I while, ilHOHH; No. 4
whits, llOilHo. Barlsy: Malting, II. 000
-1.11; No, I feed, ItcOII OI. Rys: No. L
UMflH; No. I, I1.IIH01I4H. ' 1
Omaha futures,
Omaha, Octobsr II, nil.
Ths heavy ssport Seles of all esrsals yss
terdsy forcsd an sarly advancs la wheat
futures. .
The seaboard reported 100,009 ml. .of
wheat, 100,000 bu. corn and about 110.000
bu. of oats worked for ssport aftsr ths oloss
of yesterdsy's market. 1
While ths Argentina situation Is largely
tha causa of tha high prices, ths real rauss
at ths present time Is ths sstrsordlnary da
mand for our wheat by ths forslga coun
tries. '
Today's opening prices wsrs strong and
the markat gslnsd steadily, December whest
reaching a high mark of 1.4H and tha
May 11.11. -.,
Ths foreign demand for - com and oats
showed a big Increase snd these markets
also showsd substantlsl gains.
isooai range or options;
Closs. jfesy
1 II 110
t 1144 l04t
1 sl 141
1 11 :
1 ii
1 11
It 14
1 II
' II
; ii M
vniuBsD eioaing prioee, mrnisnsa Ths Bee
by Logan A Bryan, atoc-k and grain brokers.
lit South Miteonth alrul r,. k
Open. High. Low. Close.
1 life 1 1I7H 1 IIH
1 17 I I7H 1114 1 ItH
1 IIH 1 II '111 1 40 J
10H -II 104 ton
1 1 I0H (OH
IIH OH I4 II iih
II 10 II It 11 I,
ii 70- ii 71 ii ii ii
ii 17 h ii 47 h ii 10 ii '
ii ii ii ii ii 10 ii
ii iih 14 iih 14 10 14 10
11 17, 11 10 14 11 14 iih
Jury '
OaU. ;
II 71
II 17
II 41
111 It
14 11
Kansas 41 ty General Market.
Kansas City. Oct. II Whsst No, I hard
II ISO 1 11; No. I. U.IOOl.ll;' Ne. I red'
i!1?h'.,(" Vmmb"- ' w iViit'
Corn Higher: No. I mlsed, II OOetl 01
No. I while ll.Hi No. I,; iio 1
MS; Bootmbsr,' .70I7H.;
MOIsc7"N' ' '.
5ur cenr. "h " i "sm.
ends, line; packing, ijuo.
Eggs Flrsta. lie. t f ...
Poultry Hons, He; roosters, nei broilers,
ktinnsepolls (iraln Market. '
OI.01H: No. 1 northern. II.IIHOl.l
No. I northern. I1.I0HO1.1IH.
vorn no. s ysllow, I1.04O1 07
Oats No. I whits. llHOilo.'
Plasased ll.ilHOIIIH.
i'i'ir'''"' Wtonts. 10c hlgh.r. quoted
at 110.10; other grsdss unohenW
Barlsy 74cOll.ll.
' Rys
t. Lends Grain Market. .
St. Louis, Oct. 11. Whest No. 1 l
..... v. iara, si.es2.0S;
'Oats1iili",ili".,.Cj "J'' 'v.'
aal; December 14 He: lisy. IsHs!
liverneol (iraia ll.a
iaiN.,,Mlrd., """ FX
Cort 4fpot, AlwHcaa. roifd, Bw, lis id.
OmIm Hay Mou-ktH.
Omaha, Oct. prairlt Hy tTDi-nti-
No. I. M OflOI-OO; No. I, If.oett" ott MiJ
Wo uro faMulqurtcri in TiUt. tho
mt oU copur of tho country, tot U
o1opo4 uul ttBdoToIopod oil and si.
OkUhom fi 4 Priew ranse from i,ooo
ttpwwda. Tell m your rouirmDt and
wo wUI ubinit oalUblt proportieo
tW May BUg Jul. OkUkotva.
1.68. Lowland: No. 1, l007,0; No, 1,
M.0QE5.oif; run. i, 11.0094.00.
AiraiU Cholco. 16. 00; No. 1, 114,000
14.-0; otandard, 111 00ftj ll.M; No. 1. l.00O
10.00; No. I, ll.OOetOt.
straw Oat, l-.OOtfS.JO; wboat. S.0t9
Bat tor No. 1 croamory, In cartons or
tubs, lie; No. 2, 14c.
ChM quotation, by Vrlau A Co.:
Chea ImporUd Swiss, lie; domestic
Swiss, Iftc; block Bwlss. ,10c: twin chss,
IJHc; trlplsts. 1!; dslslso. lic; young
Amsnca, -Jc; uiui Leabcl brick, lie; lira
bnr, t4c; Ntw Tork whits, 23c; Roqu-
ioti, sac.
Ovstars "Kins Colo" ChfsaDsako Stand
srds, ttallon, 11. IS; larvs csns, Sic; small
cant, a.o 'King Coin" Chesapsaks m.
I -tits, gallon. 11.11: lores cans, I-o; small
'.-aus, l.o "Kinff Cols" Northsm Stdsnards,
cailon, 11.66; Urgii cans, tic; small csns,
tfio. "King Cols" Northsm Sslscts, gallon,
10 ; large cans, Sc; small cans. Ska.
"King Cole" Northirn Counts, gallon, 12.11;
large cans, 4c; smsll cans, SO.
Calory Mammoth, per doisn, 7Rc,
FUn H.llt-ul, per lb., Uo. Plks, fancy
drssstd northtrn stork, per lb., 12 Vie. Bull
heads, fancy northern, psr lb.. Ibe. Pick
erel, fancy dressed, psr lb., 13c. Catfish,
targe and small, per lb., 17c. Balmon, red,
psr lb., 14c. Salmon, fall, psr lb., 12c. White
flili, northern stock, per lb., lie. Trout,
slses to suit, psr lb., ISo. Black Bsss, or
der also, 3c; odd sites, 17c. New froxen
Whtteflsh, fins stock, lie. Headless Shrimp,
psr gallon. 11.26. Posted Shrlmo. ner nl.
Ion, 1.7t. Klppsred Salmon, 10-lb. basket
per lb.. 17c, Smoked Whiteflsh (chubs) 10
lb. baskets, per lb., 1440.
Hens, over 4tt lbs , llfAOUc: SDrlncs. 14c
roosters, 1 lc ; gee, 1 oe ; young and old
ducks, 11c; turkeys, 20024c; Capon., 24a;
uuiune, tiacn .dc; uuiness, young, earn 4Qc
squsbs, Horn ire, per dozen, tl.l 0j4.QO; pig
sons, per dosen. 76.
rruits Oranges: 100s. 234s, H 18 psr
boi; 12's, 15.00 per boi; 140, I6.JB per box;
17.s, tftSs, 16 60 per box; 200s, 216s, 2&0s.
J- " unions; rancy, soos, afloo,
7.00 ner box: ihnlr 11 in n.s kn n..
fruit: 14i, 40s, 11.10 psr box; 4s. 11.00 per
bog; 4s, lOi, 14.26 per box; California, $lfoo
per box, 12.60 per half box. Apples: York
Imps., Vas. 14 60 psr bbj.; Gsnos. Hechtels,
Keel I nee, 11.76 per bbl.; Ben Davis. 3 60 psr
bbl.; Wins Saps, Blsck Twigs. 14,00 psr bbl.;
Jonathans, Washington, extra fancy, 13.00
per box; Grimes (.olden, Un. Isrger, 2.on
psr box; Orlmes Oolflen, 103s, smaller, 11.76
Der box. OraiHVV! Cane-nrAm n nir
Tokays, It 36 per crate : Kmperora. ft. 60 per
OB1.V. ps-i n( i-t-ere: nariieii, ure-
son, 11.00 per crate: Kelfer, ll.St psr bu.
Prunes Italian. 11.60 per crate.
Vegetable Potatoes, market pries. Sweet
potatoes, Vlrginlss, $3.76 psr bbl., 11,60 per
MKiiiperi, ntjanien onione, per crate;
red. yellow, a "Ac per lb. Tomatoes, 1.76.
Cucumber. I1.7B ter doe ri,Y,m 9 u.r
per lb. Celery, Michigan, 90s per do,; Colo,
rsdo, 26o per do. Cranberries, $8.00 psr
aiuisl,. fl.lD pr BOX,
Miscellaneous -Honey, 14s, 6.7 pel- ca.
NutS: No. 1 Walnuta. IHn tiar th mtA nma
17c pt lb.; Jumbo pecans, 17c per lb.; Daisy
pecans, large, l4o per lb.; Brail la, large, lBo
(wr id. i nrasne, mioium, iac per id. ; al
monds, hard shell, la per lb.; Drake al-
muuiu, iv 40 per io. t
AdTSJielnff Qootatlons at Uvorpool Load to
VrosJi Uptura In Wheat,
Chicaro. Oct. II. Advancing aunt a Hon
isirerpooi lea to a rresn upturn today in
ths wheat market her. Brlttah cable ex
plained that supplies were Insufficient to
meet requirement. Baaldes, offerings here
were scares, and there wsrs continued bull
Ish erop advices from Argentina. Opening
prices, which ranged from lo to lc higher,
with December at 11.17 V to II. IS and
May at 11.16 to II. IT, wsrs followed by
light further gains, and then something of
a reaction.
Subsequently storms In Canada which
wsrs said to stop any chancs for threshing
there before spring soted a mors or less
of an offaet for week-end profit taking by
holders. Ths oloss was unsettled, IHO-tHc
net higher, with December at ll.tSftO
1.11 H and May at l.l4if l.lflH.
Although corn strengthened with wheat.
tho gains wsrs not proportionate nor so
well maintained. Bettor husking returns
were at hand and ths ear shortage ap
peered to bo leas acut. Aftsr opening un
changed to ftc Miner, tho market scored a
moderate general advance before beginning
to aag.
Proapsets of Increased arrlvata next week
tended dscldedly to handicap ths bulls. The
oloss was nervous at tho samo as y ester -days
finish to Ho lower.
oats developed firmness with other cereal
Oosslp as to ths relative cheapness of oats
sncouraged a oonsidsrablo amount of buy
ing. '
Contlnuad forelsn demand for lard nve
a life to ths provision market a a who Is.
wsaKnsss of th hog market was Ignored,
State an sat of Clearing Hon) Banks.
Nsw Tork. Oct If. Tho actual condition
of olsarlng houae banka and trust companies
for th week shows that they hold fl 10,
761. ISO reserve In exec of legal require
ments. This Is an Increase of 111,160,276
from last week. Ths statemsnt follow.
Actual Condition- Incroaae.
Loans, dtsoo'ts, tc.l1ISO,lll,000 $14,846,000
Reserve in own
vaults (b)4IS,f 04,009 20.011.000
Rsserv In fsderal
reserve banks . .. 174.441.000 116.000
Reserve In other ds-
nosltsrles ....... 68,422,000 '261.000
Nst dem'd deposits. S.31 1.062,000 "41.014, 000
Net time deposits.. 116,817.000 1,616,000
Circulation 11,374,000 '231,000
Aggregate reaervs ,. 61.771,000
Kxress reserve 110.781,110 11,140,170
(b Of which 1181,707,000 Is specie. "Dt-
Summary of stats banks In Oreater New
Tork not Included In clearing houss state
ment! Increase.
Loans, discounts, etc. 1781. 848. 100 12,60,300
Speols 00,617,700 68,000
Legal tsnaers i.tii.soo 68,100
Totsl deposits 011,462,700 7,904,000
Banks' caah reserve in vault, 111,168,300.
Hack of Germany Statement,
Berlin. Oct. II. (Via London. 1 Th
weekly state mnt of the Imperial Bank of
Germany, isaucd Octobsr It, shows th fol
lowing enanges:
Tout coin and bullion, increased 1,111,000
Gold increased, 1.170,000 marks.
Treasury note. Increased 80,644,000 marks
Notes In circulation, decreased ll.692.0O0
Deposits, Increase 30,141,000 marks.
Other liabilities, decreased, 1.601.000
Total fold holdings. 1.601,401,000 marks.
Now York Money Market.
New Tork, Oct 33, Mercantile Paper
1 per ceht.
sterling nxmange oixiy-aay puis.
14.71 U; commercial sixty-day bill. 14.70 W:
demand $4. .6 ; cables, 14.76V
Silver Bar, 67H; Mexican dollars, lie.
Bonds Uovsrnmsnt, steady; railroad. Ir
; London Honey Market, .
London. Oct. II, Sllvsr-rBar, If fed per
Money 5 per cent.
Discount Rates Short bills. lUdlKK ner
sent; thres month, 6ti4jr64 psr cent.
Cotton Market.
New Tork. Oct. 18. Cotton futures open
ed barely steady; December, 11.17c: Janu
ary, 18.10c; March, 18.16c; May, 19.09c; July,
Ward-El I i oft
Tht tfltlvltjr wt predicted has com.
Word your orders At tht Market"
to iivi delay which invariably
meant hirher prieta. Tha present mar
aei ia
40c a Share
W btHevt It ta an excellent buy
any plnee under $1.00 and may
eventually go to many timea that.
Delay Means Higher Prices
We are familiar with every detail
of the property and activity of the
Uubburd-Elliott Cupper Co., and have
advised its purchaxe, aa It hnn ad.
vaneed with evtrlncrrasinjjr strength
from tic to 40c in the last seven
weeka. It is now stronger than ever,
and wa urge you to
Bur Quick Buy All You Can Carry
D not watt until it troches $1
Send for Market Letter 5SS ,
We buy and tell all aeeuritieB, ac
tive or inactive. Hated or unlUted.
12 South La Salle Street, Cakeee.
New Yarn Ckkafe PltUeurss.
Milwaukee Kansas City
Moat Kinds of Cattle Lower for
Week Fat Sheep Higher
and Feeders Lower.
Omaha, October 26, 1011.
nexelnt were; Cattle. Hoc. Sheep
Official Monday 16,004 4,724 12.674
Official Tuesday 12.840 1.021 24. 116
W-rir, r1. lArtfl? 4 Ml 11.111
Official Thursday ....11.680 7.228 11,747
Official rridev 2.479 0.1HS
Kstlmats Saturday ... 200 4,700
Six days this week 62,700 16,762 88.929
Sam days last week. . .66,987 36,137 117,767
Same days S weeks sgo. 48,168 18.866 -M.TBl
Ham days 3 weeks ago. 41. 264 28.060.130,267
Hams days 4 weeks sgo.4,0Sl -M- 174,376
Same days last year. .. .40,941 13.706 86,172
n.,ntt. .mi ritmtioeltion of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards, for twenty-four
hour ending yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. H'r'a
C, M. A St. P I 1
Mlaaourl Pacific
Union Pariflc 2
si A. M .VV ... 6
r A N -W . went 2 26 2
C., St. P.. M. A 0 2
C, B. A Q., east I 1
C, B. St Q., west 11
C, B, I. A P., ssst
llllnola Central
Chicago Great Western....
Total receipts 10 '1
UafsIs a Cn 861
Hwlft and Company 681
Cudahy Packing Company 3,005
Armour si Co l"
J. W, Murphy 1
Total ",02
Cattle Receliit were Insignificant today,
there not twlng enough In sight to make a
market, but for the week receipts have been
vry large, footing up a total of 62.700
head. With the exception of last wsek, this
Is the heaviest run of the year, and pros
pect are good for another largerun the
coming week. This lo the heavy shipping
season for range cattle and a great many
of the cattle coming forward are on the
stocker and feeder order, a usual at this
The demand for killing cattle, that' Is
beef steers, cows and belters, nas neen very
good and the market In aatisfsctory condi
tion up until the latter part of the week,
when tho continued heavy receipts caused a
gradual easing; off. Oood to choice yar
HnH were In eatteclallv active demand, Sell
ing up to 111. 00. ths highest In the history of
the market. Other kind of cornfeds have
eased off and are now 16926c lower than
week. Oraaa beef has also flassa on,
cloatng 26c lowr. Cow and heifers are
anywhere from steady to as much as 10 &
So lower on some kino,
ft locker and feeder noured Into the yard
at a rapid rats, while the high price of
corn caused a noticeable decrease In the de
mand, to such an extent that cattle began eeneclallv In the hand of
peculators early In the week. This caused
a steady weakening In the market until at
the close prices are 31tT-&c lower man iai
week's close.
Quotations on Cattle: oootl to cnoice
beeves. 110.00911.10; fair to good beeves.
18.60010.00; common to fair beeves, 16.60
91.60; fancy heavy graasure, 11.7699.76;
good to chotcs graas beeves, 7.6.75;
fair to cholee eras beeves, I0.76O7.66;
common to fair grass beeves, 6.006.76;
good to choice heifer, 6.767.26; good to
cholc cows, .409.76; fair to good cows,
16.7696.16; common to fair cows, 4.369
1.78; good to choice feederi, 17.6098.16;
fair to good feeders, IB.S097.16; common
to fair feeders, 15.7691 -0; good to choice
tookegs, 17.6098.16; stock heifers, 94.169
7.26; stock cows, 16.1696.26; stock calves,
10.0098.00; veal calves, 8. 00910.00; beef
bulls, stags, etc., 6.1696. 1.
Hon Receipts of hogs were oy a row
hesd the lightest of any day this week,
estimates calling for sixty-six oars, or 4,700
head, which Is twsnty-ssven had smallsr
than Monday's run. The week's total is
the heaviest since eight weeks ago, receipts
having been 86,752 head, which la 10,500 j
larger than last week, over twice as large
as two weeks ago and nearly three times
as heavy a for th corresponding week of
last year.
Th market was somewhat uneven, out
as a general thing was mostly 5910a high
er. Chicago wired a weaker outlook early.
and one of the local packers got a few
hogs on the strength of this tnat were no ,
more than steady to So higher. As a gen
eral thing, however, the trade opened fully
so higher, and by the time me puik oi ine
hog sold was 6910c hlghsr.
Bulk or ths sale was mane at 91.709
1.86. Best hogs hers) sold at 19.06, and
whils thl Is a nickel lower than yesterday's
60 higher, there being nothing as good as
yesterday's 110.00 load here. Compared
with last week's close, today's market Is1
fully 10916e lower. Monday's dime break
was not quite mads up In the advances of
the next two days and teas thsn halt of the
too break that was enforced Thursday and
Friday was recovered this morning.
Representative sal:
No. Av. Sh. Pr, No. Av. flh. Pr.
47. .290 140 19 66 82. Ill 160 9 70
64. .266 ... 9 76 01.477 160 9 80
.-yT.263 ... I 90 60:.324 160 96
Sheep Fat lambs, after dropping 16925c
last Monday, reacted th following day and
ao sharp has been th advance since then
that they are now selling 60ffS6c higher
than at th rlose of last week, or right
around 76c higher than at th low time
Monday. Total receipts have been llvht.
and on top of thl only a small ahare of the
mbi nae mmu 111 n 11 hub imii. o Wim
parking demand In healthy condition, any
thing but a harp upturn was out of the
queatfon. Best fat lambs hers Friday sold
up to 110.90, .a new October record. Somu
OU productlea and rsflnrnf Is
today wis of ths CREATEST
Unrtrd Statss. IT HAS MADE
ia earning 27 yearly
It is paying 12 dividends,
Owns outright 52 Producing
. 16 Miles of Pipe Lines,
7 Power Pumping Plants,
6,000 Acres of Oil Lands,
Perpetual Gat Franchise for
the City of CollinsTille.
producing! conpanr payins toed divt
dsnds and capsbls af doublinf Its
prsssnt lins ssrnuigs vsry shortly. It
Is in ths hssrt of Oklahoms's MOST
PRODUCTIVE Oil Fislds. Tha astsn
sions and dsvolopmsnts already undar
way are eneush to dousls Us earnings.
H Is msnassd by honsst, experisnced
oil man and Bandars.
at tha present low markat pries. It
Is touts higher slmost ovsry dsy.
Stork is elhclslly luted and actively
tradsd In en N. y. CURB around 1H
Secure Stock Now (
Will Advance Soon
Sand AT ONCE lor Presidtnt Ward's
lettsr, circular snd descriptive matter.
Find out what bis work is being done
and hew ths dsvslopmsnt Is Incrcaslns
the earn inf. of the company. THEN
Call, Phaae, Wire or Write
We buy and ssll ell securities
U South La-Sallo Street,
New York. Lee Angeles.
medium range lambs and comebacks from
feed lots ars going around 110.40910.75, ac
cording to quality.
In the aged sheep division the advance
hsa not been quite as rapid, but mutton
are selling 26940c higher than they were
a week ago.
Despite the fact that th packer market
was moving up rapidly, the feeder trade ha
been alugglsh all week. Feeding lamb prices
are anywhere from weak to 10916c lower
on beat kinds, to as much as 26 936c lower
on medium and plain offerings.
Quotations ony sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, 110.66910.90; lambs, fair to
good, HO.409iO.66; lambs, feeders, $8,769
1.90; yearlings, good to choice, I7.909S.40,
yearllnga, fair to good, $7.0097.96; year
lings, feeders, 17.0098.00; wethers, fair to
choice, 10.60 9 7.90; ewes, good to choice,
I.. 90 37.26; owes, fair to good, 10.2696.86;
ws, plain to Bulls, 14.0996. f6 ewa, feed-Is.-,
$4 60 96-99; ewes, bresdesa, all ages,
14. 0098.60.
Coppets and Othsr Shares Proflllns; by War
Orders Show Oalas,
New Tork, Oct. 19. Copper hares and thi
laaues of other oompanlra deriving large
profits from foreign contrsets formed th
beals of today' short elen, rails, even the
minor taauas, showing relative neglect or
hesitation. New high record were mad by
Utah and rhino coppera, also Central leath
er and Cuban Can Sugar common and pre
ferred. Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies wit
again in demand with some of the equtp
mrni snd uttillte, but Petroleum, Pitta
burgh Coal, ths Motora, Western Union and
National Biscuit yielded 1 to 3 points. United
States Steel was under moderate restraint
with other recent favorites. Ths closing wai
Irregular. Total aaies were estimated at
660.000 eharea. Bond were lower.
The following quotations are furnished by
Logan A Hryan, members New York Stock
Exchange, 216 South Sixteenth street:
Opening-. Closing.
Union Pacific R. R 161 H 160
Southern Pariflc R. R 101 100
Northern Pacific Ry 111 Ui
Mlmourl Pacific Ry 104 10
Canadian Pacific Ry.' 17444 174
Atchleon, T. A S. F. Ry...l07 107
Chicago, Mil. A St. P. Ry.. 94V 94
Chicago, R. I. A P. Ry. ... 22 32
Chicago o. w. Ry ,, 16 U
Chicago G. W. Ry, Dfd.... 1 46
Wabaah Ry.,
Wabash Ry. pfd 31 10
N. V, N. H. A H. R. R... 01 60
.-v. x. uenirai it. it ios 10a
Pennsylvania R. R. Co.... 6814 68
Baltimore A Ohio R. R. , . . hi 88
Reading Co 109 108
Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.... 84 M
urie n, n , iv 30
Kris 1st pfd S4 54
Chesapeake A Ohio R. R. , 69 69
N. V., Ontario A W 29 28
Louisville A Nashville 1304 134
Houthern Ry 19 28
Missouri, Kansas A Texas.. t 7
U. S. Steel, common. ...... .119 118
U. S. Steel, pfd ...121 121
Republic Iron and Steel ..76 77
Colorado Fuel A Iron 63 4 63
American Locomotive ii 12
Preaeed Steel Car 71 72
American Car Foundry .... 68 07
Baldwin Locomotive Works 86 83 U
Great Northern I. O. P.... 44 44
Anaconda Copper 96 ,
Chlno Copper 69 61
Nevada Cona. Coppsr 23 23
Miami copper , . 89 39
Ray Cons. Coo Der 2fiU !iu
Utah Copper 108 106
Inspiration Cons. Copper... S7U tiliL
Butte ft Superior ....... -t 65 M. 84 U
Tennessee Copper 22 22
Araer. SmeierA Refln 110 111
National Lead ASIA kru
Mexican Petroleum Co., Ltd. 109 109
Oensrat Electric Co 182 183
Westinghouse Electric . B4iA a.
Peoples' O. L. A C. Co. ...113 118
Cons. O. L. A P. Co 139 139
West. Union Telegraph Co..l02 102
Inter. Rapid Transit 19 18
Central Leather 96 96
American Can 03 62 li,
Goodrich (B. F) Co 79 72
United States Rubber 60 44 n
Willys-Overland 44 48
Studebaker Corporation ..,.133 120
Amer. Sugar Refining Co.. 122 2
American Best Sugar Co. .,103 103
Kennecott Copper , 64 65
Maxwell Motor Car ,' 17 86
Norfolk A .Western
Bank Clearlnrs.
Omaha, Oct. 18. Bank clearlnr for
Omaha today were $4, 760,48. 90 and for the
corresponding day last year $8, (K9, 100. 01,
Tho total clearing! for the weeek ending
today were $30,163,691.23 and for the cor
responding weak last year $30,820,283.14,
Metal Market.
New Tork, Oct. 28. Metals The Conner
market showed continued flrmneaa. nn
of the largest agenales reports that It h
sold Its produot up to the end of January
and quotations for nearby delivery are nomi
nal. Prices asked for delivery of electroly
tic during th flrat uaurter range from
about 127.60 to 128.00. Iron was unchanged.
St. Louis Live Stock.
St. Louis, Oct. 28. CattleReceipts, 900
head ; markat steady ; native beef steers,
17.60011.90; yearling steer and he I fore.
18.60911.16; cows, 16.6097.65; stocker and
feeder, 16.3097.60; prime aoulhirn steers,
16.0099.00; cowa and heifers, 64.6097,50;
prime yearling- steer and heifers, 17.609
9.00; native calves, 16.00910.76.
Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head; market lower;
lights, $9.76910.10; plgi. 18.6099-40; mixed
and butrhers, $9.70910.30; good heavy,
110 95910 80; bulk of sales, $9.80910.20.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 400 head;
market steady; lambs, 87.60910.76; ewes,
16.7597.25; yearlings, $8.0098.75.
Chicaro LI" Stock aMrket,
Chicaro, Oct. 28. Cattle Receipts, 1.000
head; market weak; native beef cattle. Id. 60
911.66: western steers, $6.1599.60; stockers
and feeders, $4.86 9 7. 76 ; cows and heifers,
13.3599-60; calves, 17,00911.00.
Hogs Receipts, 18,000 head : market
low, 60 under yesterday's average. Bulk
of sales, 19.70 0 10. 1 S ; light, 9. 4 h 0 1 0. 1 5 ;
mixed, $9.6010.30; heavy, $9.60910.30;
rough. $9.9099.70; pigs, $7,6009.40.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000 head;
market steady; wethers $7.2608,50; lambs,
Ht. Joseph Live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Oct. 28. Cstlle Receelpts, 600
head; market steady; ateers, $6.O0 10.50;
cows and heifers, $4.3609.76; calves, $7,000
Hogs Receipts, 4,600 head; ' market
steady to Be higher; top, $10.16; bulk of
sale, $9.75910.06.
Sheep and Lamb No receipts ; market
unrhanged; lambs, $10.00910.90; ewes, $7.00
Klrin Butter Market.
Blgln, Oct. 28. Butter 36c bid.
Hughes Women Party
Have Stormy Greeting
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27. Worn
en campaigners of the Hughes spe
cial train met a stormy reception in
Kansas City today when their body
guard of several hundred men clashed
with would-be hecklers.
Banners and pictures were torn
from cars and several men were
struck. None of the women were
roughly handled.
When the Hughes special arrived.
crowds of republican men attempted
to line a path to waiting motor cars
for the women campaigners and hold
back the dozen or more motor cars
of women whose variously inscribed
banners and pictures of President
Wilson proclaimed them democrats.
The clash followed, and policemen
were necessary to restore order.
Hallowe'en Pranks Give v
Police Something to Do
Pre-Hallowe'en pranks of young
America required considerable atten
tion on rbe part of members of the
Omaha police force last night, and
while no arrests were made, many
mischievous youngsters were ad
monished and sent home to their
beds. Special officers will be placed
on duty from now until Hallowe'en
proper arrives.
Shortly after 6 o'clock last night
complaints began to arrive thick and
fast at the police station and before
midnight more than fifty had been
registered. The most serious of
fense reported was the breaking of
a window.
The Sutton Booster club will hold
a republican rally in Hotel Rome
Monday evening, beginning at 8
o'clock. Judge Sutton and other can
didates wilt speak.
Keith Neville; democratic candidate,
will close his campaign in Omaha
next Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
zooTiiwm rnim ' rp
VRY STATES YOU f gk W! l?3
VlllMmttXV v0 LtfiiimN NEBRASKA
-yjeyllx V-"-" SUNDAYS 'AND AFTER i" "vS
ilP x (g o'clock ? yfjjLJcy
Gerard Asks Help
Of Americans for
Teuton War Victims
New York, Oct. 28. A Thanksgiv
ing appeal for funds to relieve suffer
ing among widows and orphans in
(Jermany was issued by the American
relief committee, backed by the ap
proval of James W. Gerard, United
States ambassador to Germany, who
expressed the beitet that a liberal
contribution would do much to make
for a more friendly feeling between
Germany and the United States.
"The money will be sent to me
through the United States State de
partment," Mr. Gerard said, "and I
will, distribute it in Germany through
the United States consuls there
wherever thft need is greatest. I
think all persons who are interested
not only in helping the real necessi
ties of widows and orphans in Ger
1 M N ' aviaCa," I
Candidate for Re-election
4th District of Nebraska
many, but also in promoting more
friendly feelings throughout the
world ought to help in this work."
Bellevue Men's Club
To Boost Church List
The first men's club in the history
of the Bellevue First Presbyterian
church was organized yesterday
evening, when thirty men jnet in the
parlors of the church. W. S. Shafer
was elected temporary chairman and
Alistair Short temporary secretary.
Mr. Shafer will announce Sunday his
selections for members of the nomi-
nating committee.
A complete survey of the town of
Bellevue' will be made Sunday after
noon. Each member of the club will
visit all of the families in his section
of the town and attempt to swell the
membership of the church. Presi
dent Kerr of Bellevue college and
Rev. R. B. Raup, newly elected
pastor, are backing the new movement.