6 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 29, 1916. 4 Matinee Daily, J. 18 Every 1 6a Night, 8:18 THE BEST OF WEEK STARTING, SOMDflf, fltiOEEB 29i?i IBBTH ST; DENIS TED SHAWN AND THE DEN I SHAW DANCERS U a Review ( tha Dance Pageant of IniCi, Crete and Ejypt, aa Preeented at the Graak Theater at orka!ey, Caltferaia al. ob ceo.w. cttRis LYDELL & HIGGINS COOPER & SMITH la tha Rural Cemedy Presenting: "A FRIEND OP FATHER'S" Tha Bail Boy aid tha Poplar ta MISS BETTY &OUO -hotel cossip- v"!i. ftZiSXS, : , ARCO BROTHERS -VAUDEVlLlf-ltrJu LIKE IT ' Europ..- NovaUy Aerobst. EDWARD MARSHALL ORPrfEUM TRAVEL WEEKLY Tha ChaJkoloft.t Araund tha World With tha Orpheum riamillni Pretty Picturee and Comic Circuit's Motion Plctura , Carlcaturaa ' ' Photographera Cbrene. OLIVER & OLP Georgie In "DISCONTENT" - By HUGH HERBERT J Pi Hoe Matlaaai Gallery, JOc; Baat Saata (Except Saturday and Sunday), 25c. Nlghtai 10a, 16c, SOe, 75c. AUGUSTUS PITOU Present. FISKE O'HARA ' 1 , THE ACTOR-SINGER la the Charmfac Romantic Comtrtijr "HIS HEART'S DESIRE" By Anna Niches, and Adelaide Matfhewe I ' HEAR O'HARA'S NEW SONGS "MalUa Mine" 1 "Heart'e Daaira" "That's How tha Falrlaa Cam to Iraland" s ' "Ba Sura and Klaa tha Blarnay Stana" O'HARA'S MAGNETISM HIS SINC1NQ PRICES Wadmaaday Matiaaa, a&c - DAVI F0UR NIGHTS BEGINNING. 131 I U . Matinee Teday. Mats, Tuet. md Wed. "fin- Hill and Sam Williams Present Kate Elinor A.J a oompany oty' eiceptional contadiana, elsf era "ad dancers. .:-"-;'J.-ii-.".:'X, ; MyAuntFromUtah A Fare Comedy With Muaio and , a Barrel of Fun. A Cast ef Famous Perform- Josephine Sabel, Whitlock 'Davis, Mirfnie Burke, Waldo Whipple, Ethel Lloyd, Donald Archer and others. ,- . ' - . . PRICES Matinaaa, 15c and 25c .Nights, 28, 35c, SOe and 75c ' BOYD XLIC A5TITD Cornmencing Next I Wlimr I bill Thursday Night T Nov. 2-3 Night- The One Gigantic Success of This Generation PAGEANTRY, a l m.wr The Lot Story of Youth and tha Temptations Ha Moots In Quast of Fama and Fortuno. 10 Brilliant Seanos Ntw York "Eaparianca" Organization, With a Cut of 82 Noted Players. " "lapartanea.' In my JuJimant, la tha met wondarfully eood and annobltna play st today." Bar. f.thtr Louia A. Ttaman, St Monica's Catholic Church. Cln auuiau. Ohio. V..- ... ou, . amym novr ron a piay wun bo many tarmonii on JPPM stopping stones of morality aa ara carrlad In ,El.rianoa. " Rv. Gu Em.rv km a-- u T -II 1 a con Kets Church ot tha fcpjphanjr, Cincinnati, Ohio. . - phase' ' ' ; '-" ' ' ' wnrl J? fj," M,i mJ M" .'Swrianea- to tha knowladea of as many naopl. WOXJ poHlbla and miU maka aitansiva mantion of it in a sarmon." Rabbi joienh jX, Karaikopf, 0. D Tampla, Pbiladalphia, Pa., form.rly of Kansas City. . ; , ' .I1" '"if l,,OTml production of Iiparienca' tha tamptattons of Ufa ara n "!11S!,r ,we" ,ata, tharaby taachina valuable losaons." Mayor Geo nr. Puchta of LinabuiatL . ,., NOTE THESE REMARKABLE PRICES NIGHTS, SOe TO $2.00 Bargain Matinee Saturday 50c to $1.50 v- Borglum Piano School i 2661 Douglai Street Aauraat M. Berilum, Manama Berihuo (Pepila al Wafar Sw.ro.) (alfaie-Schvarti Method. Parle. Harmony Public Parformanaa. Twice Daily 2:15 and 8:15 VAUDEVILLE Ph. Doug. 494. Four Nights TONIGHT i Beginning Mat. Wtd. WILL CAPTIVATE YOU ENCHANT YOU BOc - 75c - I.OO. Nlghle, 25c ta SUM. KATE ELINORE ii r ; x ;i ; li ( y-'P, tSfy-"-1 II 'fcj I t,J The First Presentation in Omaha. sflHonthi Now York 8 Months Boston 7 Months Chicago. tm i. m a "i -i DRAMA, MUSIC. BEAUTY. LAUGH TER. COMEDY. PATHOS. SINGING. DANCING. . , . ... Florence Basler Palmer VOICE CULTURE Pupil ml Fraytat-Fray Barlln. ' Pupils Praparad for Claaalc and Concert Work. STUDIO 1807 FARNAM ST. , Phona Dauf. S834. Omaha. ttllSMflkl 5! Bl II II m II II 1 1 ' - 3plx Xw7:e I Sta i"Ctftnmi VI ;, I , il life 1 ,-jr ,ffef( liillii ( '."-v vwa" vovv (7c- r4 TegfyO'Ifeefe asJBesufj ' For today, -matinee and night, and for the ensuing week the Orpheum announces Ruth St;penis, the emi nent dancer, who brings with her an admirably trained ballet. In her re view of the dance pageant of India, Greece and Egypt, she is to be as sisted by Ted Shawn, under whose di rection the ballet was trained. In each particular the offering is to be the same as when produced at the Berkeley Greek theater of the Univer sity of California. A specially featured attraction will be Clarence Oliver and Georgia Olp, on their first tour of the Orpheum, presenting a one-act play, "Discontent," described as part mod ern comedy and part dreamland fan tasy, Al Lydell, formerly of the team of Lydell and Rogers, and Bob Hig- gms ot the team ot Melville and Hig gins, offer a rural comedy called "A t'riend of Father's." George W. Coop er) and Chris Smith, colored entertain ers, will contribute a sketch called "Hotel Gossip " Miss Betty Bond, a ptctty miss.-conies hete for the first time in ' Vaudeville, as You Like It," a character song cle of seven num bers, The Amo Brothers, two young men of unusual physical development, will present hand-balancing and pos ing act. Edward Marshall will carica ture members of the audience, and cartoon timely political and local events. Motion pictures of the Or pheum Travel Weekly will introduce spectators to children of The Nether lands, and will show Seringham, Brit ish India. Kate Elinore, touring the Interna tional circuit this season at the head of her own company in a musical comedy particularly suited to her tal ents, entitled.' "Mv Aunt from Utah " With some funny lines and situations! suggested and interpolated by Miss FOUR DAYS Commencing Today Smith and McGarry Singing and Dancing . Bowman Brothers Tha Boya From Loulavtlla Swain Pets Novalty Entartalnara Big Artlatlc Muilcal Novalty "Six Crinoline Girls" ' Daughters ef Dtala Faatura Photoplay "Th. Chorus Girl and tha Kid" Faaturlng Maria Empraaa "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." f&nt-tjfS7t "'" M,- is--ia. AJfTCSltf Kran'ga. IS-SS-SIMoa. XHSXXr ROSE SYDELL hkr London Belles JSL22. Vaudeville Includes Johnle Weber and Bill Ompnell In "Oh, Papain Smith and PullmatiH France, (omalu Sinclair and Tremont: oth ra. . nr.uty rhoru. ot real London Belles. (Final Performanra Krtday Nlaht.l Ladle.' lma Matloae Every tVaek bay. &XX0EC3 The Tuesday Morning Musical Club' v Preaents f Andreas Pavley and Serge Ocikrainsky With a Company of Daaaoari and Orchaatrri. Aaaisted by MARGARET FARMAN, Contralto " . Thursday Evening, November 2d, 1916. At 8:18 O'clock BRANDEIS THEATER Admi.iion 80c, 75c, l,0O, $1.50 and $2.00. tA:. J I , m Elinore herself, it looks like an ex traordinary book. Kate Elinore and her big'company comes to the Boyd today for four nights with mafinees today, Tuesday and Wednesday. There will be thirty-five people in all and a carload of soenic environ ment. The Brandeis theater will have ars its attraction for four nights annJ Wednesday matinee oommening'to tonight, Fiske O'Hara, the Irish actcfr. "His Heart's Desire" is the title of O'Hara's new play, the work of Angia Nichols and Adelaide Matthews, anid Manager August Pitou, under whose direction Mr. O'Hara ii appearing, Jias provided a production and cast of Hin usual excellence. ; Mr. O'Hara is saiit to be in fine voice this season, and during the prog ress ol tne play will amg the fofow ing songs, written for his use in "His Heart's Desire:" "Be Sure and Kiss the Blarney Stone," "Mollie Wine," "Heart's Desire" and "That's Haw the Fairies Came to Ireland." The com pany includes in its roster. Edgar Murray, jr., J. P. Sullivan, William T. Sheehan, I. E. Milh.'r, Bess fiankey, Marie Quinn, Lisle Leigh and Lou Rip'y. . i William Eliott, F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest have completed ar rangements with Manager Burgess of the Boyd theater to present at that theater for three clays "Experience," George V. Hobart's modem morality comedy drama of today. This will be the tirst presentation ot Expert ence" in this city. The play comes here direct- from remarkable runs of nine months in , New York, five months in Boston, and ueven months in Chicago. In these cities the sue cess of "Experience" wa s so great that it was necessary to give breakfast matineesin order to accommodate the thousands of people who wished to see this play. In all of these cities Experience recCiverl a cordial en ' dorsement of clergy representing all denominations. In ten brilliant scenes "Experience" tells the story of Youth and the temp tations he meets wAien he goes out to make a name foa; himself in . the QeoMSlOWn empress world. The play opens, showing Youth called away from his home and his sweetheart, Love, by Ambition. When Youth reaches the great city he meets "Experience" on the street Vacillation, who promises Youth that he will be his constant and helpful companion in his journey. Gay Pleas ure is introduced to Youth and with her subtle charms wins him from Am bition to the primrose path. There, heedless to the voice of Opportunity, Youth meets and mingles with all the temptations that inevitably sur round the young. Youth wastes his time and money with Intoxication, Passion and other1 gay ladies and gradually drifts lower and lower in the world. He is at last saved from Crime only by the miracle of a moth er's love. The stage settings of "Experience" are elaborate and spectacular. The costumes are the very latest achieve ments in sartorial art and the inci dental music in the play is said by the critic to be very delightful. The variety of attractions "Experience" presents appeals to every one, the dramatic writers say, no matter whether it is an evening's entertain ment, a fashion show, or an intensely human drama. In the cast of notable players will be Conrad Nagel, Louise Gerard, Maude Fumiss, Edmund Elton, Edna Fenton, Peggy Ford, Duncan Pen warden, Lilie Leslie, Adele Durand, Holt, Harriet Gustin, Guy Collins, Lillian Armstrong, Dan Van Charles, Chiltonham Faulkner, William Bemus, Irene Palmer, Edward Van Vechten, Joseph Weber, Peggy O'Keefe, Louise Everett, Betty Blythe, Mar-e-aret Browning. Harold Burnett, Al bert Gran, Max Rudnick, Alice Pal mer, John Harrington, George Barry, John p. Morrisey, Clarence rnnn, td win Silton, Andrew Robbins. The engagement tn Omaha commences Thursday night, November 2. There will be a bargain matinee Saturday, November 4. ' Possessing more than , ordinary musical comedy excellence, the Win- By HENRIETTA M. REES. UMt TIME ago the writer asked Mr. Kelly for infor mation concerning the Civic Music association of Chicago, what they are doing and how it was be ing done, and about the many com munity clubs it sponsors. As a result he sent the third annual report of the association, a program book, and a brief bulletin, all of which contained information which is highly interesting. Ihe objects ot this so ciety are to promote and encourage the understanding, appreciation and study of the art of music and the de velopment of musical talent through out the community, principally by providing music entertainments and instruction gratuitously, or at little expense, in the small parks and play grounds and other civic centers. y? i ne memDersnip is maae up 01 con tributing members who pay $50, or more, and this list includes some of the names of Chicago's most promi nent citizens; sustaining members, who pay $10 a year; regular members, who pay $2 a year and who make up the largest portion of the member ship; and the neighborhood members at 50 cents a year. These are mem bers of the community clubs and their dues make many of them practically self-suDDortinK. Many special contri butions are made by clubs and organi zations. Co-operatmg with the as- ksociation are the leading musical clubs, the Chicago Association of Commerce, the Chicago Women s club, the Orchestra association, the commissioners of the public parks (the south Park commission appro priating $800 in recognition ot the work done in organizing music clubs), the Department of Public Welfare, the Board of Education .(which not only gives free use of its buildings, butxpermits an admission fee of 10 cents) and the music extension com mittee o'f the City club. The membership fees and contri butions all go to make up the annual budget, which carries the association through each season. This money is spent in salaries for a superintendent and stenographer, musical directors, teachers and accompanists for the civic music clubs, all of whom are Lpaid; in artists concerts, for music, printing, etc. Ihe otticers ana di rectors are from the best known residents of Chicago and include among others Mrs. George B. Car penter, Mr. William H. Rehm, Angus Hibbard, . Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield 7.;U- t T,.1,',. 13nl,n-lJ Mr John C. Schaffer and Mr. John Alien Carpenter. I According to the Chicago Post: "Last winter the Civic Music associa tion conducted 549 children's classes in small parks and schools, twenty eight children's classes, nine commu nity signs' and three community con certs oil ' the Municipal Pier, 307 choral rehearsals in small parks and schools, 147 artist programs and twenty-five local-talent programs In small parks andchools," besides sixty-nine Dalcroze lessons for children, eighteen class violin lessons, a Christ mas festival of carols, two spring fes tivals by civic music clubs and a big community concert at the Lane.Tech nical High schools, besides other ac tivities." Pretty good for one season, isn't it? From the superintendent's report one learns that "too much cannot be said on behalf of the musicians who give their services for a nominal sum, either for concert programs or for conducting civic music clubs. In that connection I should like to add that L too much cannot be said for the Civic Music association for paying the mu sicians even the nominal sum. In some phfees the musicians have been expected to go in all sorts of weather and pay their own way to get to out- ter Garden extravaganza, "A World of Pleasure," is anneunced for an en gagement at the Boyd theater for three nights, beginning November 16, with matinee Saturday. This spec tacular production has created phe nomenal successes in New York, Chi cago, Boston, Philadelphia and other large cities in the east, and it comes to this city not1 only with the un qualified endorsement of theatergoers and dramatic reviewers, but with the same splendid cast, chorus and scenic equipment that it had during its en gagement in Chicago. The play was hut re-rentlv re-costumed, as a feature of its presentation has been a fashion parade ot tne latest gowns. For the week of November 5, the Orpheum will present Mrs. Langtry (Lady De Bathe as its stenar iea- ture. A specially featured attraction for the week of November 5, will be Harry and Emma Sharrock, in Be hind the Grand Stand," cast as no mads of the county and state fairs and give a baffling exhibition ot their phsycic powers. Rose Sydell!s famous "London Belles," a century ahead of all com peting organizations, is the attraction at the popular Gayety this week. The company this season carries' ifty peo ple together with a complete scenic and electrical equipment; the cos tumes are gorgeous, producing to the eye a constant dazzling effect. The production is a two-act musical bur lesque entitled "A Trip to Washing ton," concoction of laughable situa tions, intermingled with catchy mu sical ensembles introduced by the large chorus of handsome girls rich ly gowned. Johnnie Weber and Bill Campbell, comedians, keep the fun moving at a warm speed, never let ting it get cold. The rest of the cast is Ward Coulfield, Franklin Sinclair, Ed Wright, Harry Waltjed, Frances Cornell, Grace Tremont, Kate Pull man, Norine and Rose Sydell herself. Today's matinee starts at 3 o clock. The bill opening at the Empress to day is headlined by an organization of pretty and talented young girls, six daughters of Dixie, in an artistic mu sical novelty. On the same bill Swain's pets are presented in Omaha for the first time. Performing cats and rats is the nature of the act. The old time enejnies of animal life seem to get along famously on the stage and show the effect of the intelligent training of their master. The boys from Louisville, Bowman Bros., have a singing act above the average and Smith & McGarry present new steps in excentric dancing in a very clever sketch., of-the-way places to perform for nothing. The fact that many of the artists contribute their cheques to the cause shows how the musicians them selves appreciate the spirit of the club and also their interest in its activi ties." It was through the combined ef forts of the Civic Music association and the Music Extension committee of the City club that the "popular" concerts of the Chicago Symphony orchestra have become a permanent factor in Chicago's musical life. On November 14 the fall festival of the Civic Music association will take place in Orchestra hall. The Chicago Symphony orchestra, Frederick Stock rnnductincr : Mme. Julia Claussen, as sisting soloist, and the Civic Music clubs will furnish the program. At the close Mr. Kelly will conduct the audience in some community sing ing, such as he has been doing at the Municipal Pier. Omaha is not so large as Chicago, it is true, but we are large enough to have a Civic Music association, a city that can support a Tuesday Morning Musical club of 600 members, a Drama league of 700 and other clubs of like dimensions. .With such a .club we could do. upon a proportionate scale much of the same jtind of work in the ' same kind ot way tnai ine v-ivic Music association of Chicago does. True, also, we have not a municipal pier, such as the city of Chicago gave the Civic Music association the use of, but we have a Municipal AudStorium and a whole lot of citizens from all walks of life who would enjoy com munity "sings" just as much as the : Chicagoans do. fust see how the peo ple turn out for band"concerts. Yet at a band concert they, are only on the bleachers," as Karlton Hackett would : say. They are not really taking part. With a real live Civic Music club in Omaha, with the right people at the helm, there is no limit to what could be accomplished, not only in a musical way, but in com munity uplift as well. And this club might also co-operate with other clubs and with the city in its activities. The city has already shown interest along these lines by what has been donein the parks and with municipal beaches this summer. Why not get busy and have one right away. Echoes of the. Ellis Opera company are still reverberating around musi cal circles. Farrar, with her thought less, heartless, fascinating, yet not vulgar conception of the character of Carmen, aid her splendid acting; - juuraiorc, wun ma wuiiucuui auu wen trained voice, his artistry and his dra- matic ability, which lifted the role of Don Jose away above that of any other we have ever witnessed; the sweet Helen Stanley, so consistent in the part of Micaela, and so blessed with vocal gifts, and the thorough ly great Louise Homer, who thrilled Omahaas. it is not given to many to do, "and consequently received a deserved ovation, ail of these magnifi cent artists are still being discussed . and revelled in by the musical en thusiasts. With stich an orchestra, chorus and ballet, such-principals, and such a master mind directing, the vivid memories of the event will long remain. " It was interesting to feel how the melodies of "II Travatore," the poor hackneyed, abused and worn melodies, which every hand organ ana me chanical machine, from the earliest membties of our youth have ground to pieces, lived with all their freshness and glowing charm under the magic- touch ot Maestro uampanini ana nis orchestra. "II Trovatore" has been played in Omaha before, but we must needs agree with the musical friend w-ho said, "I have seen 'II Trevatore' before, but I have never really seen 'II Trovatore until last night." Tuesday In the review of the opera "Car man" in The Bee Tuesdav we were accreauea wun saying, in apcar-iiig w. Muratore The dramatic oatensity oi the booklet fairly took one's breath away." Something fairly did ours when we read that sentence. What we really had written was "His dra matic intensity in the last act, etc. T,i tvnincr we had left some out, so we scratched it and wrote the words in by hand, and that was too much tor tne printer. Two flattering friends thought the writer knew one more word than they did and looked up ostensity in the dictionary. Musical Notaa. Sunday evening. October JS. at tha Will. mln.ter Preabyterl.n church. Twenty-ninth and Maaon, at 7: JO thara will be a .peclal musical aervice, Mies Alice Mackensle, mu sical director. Mr. Orey will sing a bane solo and a trio will ba given by M s. Mackensle, Miss Gordon and Mr, Balls bury. Miss Mackensle will sing "Prayer, by Maacagnl, with violin abllgato by Mis. Luella Anderson. Other numbers will bo sung by a double quartet. A musical pnbgram will be given by the Woman a Relief Corps Memory Day associa tion Thursday evening, November S, at 8:1S o'clock at the . Young Women's Christian association auditorium. Those taking part will be Miss Clark, Miss Oan.oa. Mr. Heth erlngton and the Scottish Rita quartet Dr. Frederic C. Freemantel, tenor and vocal teacher, and Mrs. Freemantel and family have returned to Omaha and have opened a suite of studloa ln the Rose build ing, Sixteenth and Farnam atreets. Mr. and Mra. Freemantel will give a song recital in the very near future, probably In the middle of November, A special feature of tha recital ful be the repetition ef tha Beethoyen songs and cycle that they gave at tha Beethoven festival held ln Mlnneapo Ua last aeason. Miss Helen Mackln will give a pupils' re cital In her studio on Friday evening, No vember 8. The program will consist of fifteen piano numbera. Including a aketch and transcription of the' popular opera, "Lohengrin," which la to bo produced at the Brandeis theater In December. Miss Marguerite Kinder will give two vocal se lectlona. Fupll. of Miss Mackln will also assist on program, which ara to ba given at tha Anolent Order of United Workmen lodge on November 1, at H,aydn'a muslo store November I and at tha Omaha Muslk vereln on November I. Tha membera of tha Omaha Avocation club, their wive, and Invited gueata will dine at the Fontenelle at 7 p. m. Tuesday, October SI. After the dinner Slgmund Landabarg, chairman of the evening, assisted by J. B. Carnal, and J. B. Brill and V. C. Bennett will present a musical program. Mr. Landsberg will play a group from Bchu bert and a group from Chopin and with Mr. Bennett at the harmonium will play "Hu moresque." "Nocturne" and "Serenade," by , C. M. Wldor. Mr. Carnal and Mr. Brill will each contribute two groupa of loloa. The Tuesday Mominir Musical club will present the Pavloy-Oukralnsky Ruailtvn bal let at the Brandeis theater Thursday eve ntnr, November I. Ocorpre Compton, tenor woloist at All Saints' Episcopal church, has opened a studio of voice culture at 915 South Twen tieth street, and will accept concert tt4 recital ensageneaU. i ; '( . a