Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    2 B
i I
is Going On
in Society Circles
November Society Wedding.
Judge and Mrs. Duncan M. Vin
sonhaTer have issued cards for the
marriage of their daughter, Isabel,
v to John Caldwell on the evening of
Tuesday. November 14, at 8 o'clock
at All Saints' church. A small re
vception at the home of Judge and
Mis'. Vlhsonhaler will follow the cer
emony. The wedding party of twelve will
be made up entirely of Omaha girls
and men with three exceptions. The
maid of honor is to be Miss Mary
Van Kleeck of l'oughkeepsie, N. Y.,
who was Miss Vinsonhaler's school
friend at Dana Hall and who arrives
today. Two of the ushers will be
out-of-town men, one, Elias Vail of
l'oughkeepsie. and the other, Julian
Thompson of Barnesville, Minn., who
was a college mate of Mr. Caldwell
v at Yale.
Mrs. Elias Vail, nee Alice Jacquith,
will be the matron of honor, arriv
ing a short time before the wed
ding from her own wedding'trip to
California. The other attendants will
be Miss Anne Gifford, Miss Regina
Connell, Miss Marion Towle and Miss
Meliora Davis, Cuthbert Potter, Rob
ert Burns, Ben Gallgaher and Victor
Caldwell, the latter to be his broth
er's best man.
Many affairs in honor of Miss Vin
sonhaler and Mr. Caldwell are being
planned, as both are particularly
popular with the younger set.
Wedding Announcement.
The marriage of Miss Aimee May
den, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. M. V.
Mavden of Valur, Mont., and Jasper
Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Johnson of Tekamah took place in
Omaha Wednesday afternoon at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. C.
Charles. Rev. C. H. Bancroft, Bap
tist missionary, solemnised a double
ring ceremony. After a short wedding
trip the couple will be at home in
Le Mart Club Dane. 1
A Hallowe'en dance will kt given
by the Le Mars club at Keep's Danc
ing Academv, Tuesday evening. Spe
cial decorations, appropriate to the
occasion will be hung and the ghosts
and goblini have signified their inten
tion of being there en masse. Janet
, Brown, child dancer, will demonstrate
classic and ballroom dances.
Attends Hughes Reception.
Mrs. Louis Muser has just returned
from a stay of two montht at Color
ado Springs. The evening of her de
parture Mrs. Muser had the pleasure
of attending the enthusiastic recep
tion accorded the women of the
Hughes train at the Antleri hotel in
Colorado Springs.
Hallowe'en Party. '
Mrs. G. Alexander Young .gave a
most delightful Hallowe'en supper
patty for Miss Anne and Master
Richard Young at her home Friday
afternoon. Witches, owls, black cats
and jack-'-tanterns decorated the
house. Supper was served at one
long and eight small tablet. Baby
yellow chrysanthemums formed the
decorations. Clever Hallowe'en favors
of clothespins dressed at little men
and women, English walnutt with lit
tle nigger babies inside and sealed
with gold bands, apple and pumpkin
people, and all tuch delightful article!
were the giftt for the little folks.
After supper the youngster! danced,
pinned owls on pumpkins and did'
Hallowe'en stunts. Fifty-four boys
and girls were present at the affair. .
Gramlich-Welsh Wadding.
On October 18, in St. Louis, Mo.,
Mill Nellie Welsh became the bride
of Mr. Otto G. Gramlich of that city.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. Father John Lyons at St. Pius'
church. Mrs. Joseph Goettler wat
matron of honor and Mr. Joseph
Goettler attended the groom. The
bride Is the daughter of Mrt. Mar
garet Welsh of thit city. The bride
groom it the ton of Mr. and Mra.
Gramlich of St. Louii. The wedding
came ai a aurpriie, and on account
of illness in the family of the groom,
waa a quiet one. After a honeymoon
trip the couple will probably locate
in Omaha.
Comut Club Meeting.
The members of the Comut club
will be entertained by Mrs. E, B.
Ferris at Her home Thursday after
noon. Creighton Fratt Organise.
Delta Theta Phi, Delta Sigma Delta
and Phi Beta Pi fraternities respec
tively of the law, dental and medical
colleges of Creighton university,
formed a "Tri Fraternity club" last
Not How Cheap, But How Good
CAN WE DO YOUR WORK? That's the ques
tion. No matter what you pay for the job we'll give
you the beat work of which we are capable.
For nineteen yean we've bten building a reputation
for doing First Class Cleaning and Dyeing at Reasonable
Prices, and we think too much of that reputation to turn
out any work that could hava bean done better.
EIGHT NOW it the time to have your heavy clothe
fixed up for winter. Let us get your suits, overcoats, Jack
eta, waist, dresses, gloves, feathers, fun, etc;, and clean
them thoroughly; make any repaln or alterations desired
and return them looking Fresh and New.
Remember we put in new tleevet or body linings, put
new collan on overcoats or jackets, or do any other re
pairing or altering for much lata than you would have to
pay a tailor. .
Call Douglas 968 and one of our Delivery Autoa will
bt at your door promptly.
' "Can! Cleaners and Dyers"
181S-1T Joa.s Stmt I
South Side, 4708 South 24th 6 treat, Phono South 1283.
. Demand the Master Cleaners' Label
r . !
2tn. Jasper Johnson
Thursday evening. They plan a series
of formal and informal parties for the
A feature they will introduce is
afternoon teas. These parties, which
have been very successfully given
in eastern universities, will be at
tempted on an elaborate scale in
Omaha. Music and literary numbers
will form the program for these after
noon affairs.
An informal dancing party Novem
ber 9 is the first party on the pro-
ffram for thir winter. One of the
ormal parties planned is a New
Year's dance at the Blackstone.
In addition to the program an
nounced the new fraternity club will
entertain at box parties at the foot
ball games and box and line parties
at the Glee club concerts and smok
ers in honor of the foot ball men.
The committee, which is composed
of active members of each of the
frats includes: J. L. Draney and R.
F. Mullin, Phi Jleta Pi; William Har
rington and J, E. Rhoady, Delta Sig
ma Delta; Cecil Stuart and Arthur W.
Spence, Delta Theta Phil.
Wedding Announcement.
The marriage of Miss Beatrice
Magner to Mr. George E. Warren
will take place Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock at All Saints' church.
Mr. and Mrt. W. F. Meehan enter
tained at a Hallowe'en party Saturday
evening for Mr. and Mrt. Overman.
Old-fashioned Hallowe'en t games
featured the evening.
The marriage of Mist Inex Lorerie
Nelson to Mr. Walter Vernon Over
man took place Saturday; afternoon in
the presence of immediate relatives
at the home of the bride's titter, Mra.
James O'Connell, Rev. R. C. Peters
officiating. After a western wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Overman will be at
home in Loup City, Neb.
Betrothal Announcement.
, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corton Salter
of Duluth, Minn., announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Margaret
Vaughn, to Mr. Samuel Evans Rogart
II, ton of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Rogera
of thit city, Mr. Rogert it the fourth
generation of hit family to live in
Omaha. He it at present in Boston,
where he graduated tome time ago
from the Massachusetts. Institute of
Mist Salter 'spent a week here re
cently on her return from apending
the tummer in Boston. The wedding
will occur in December, in Duluth.
The young people will make their
home for the present in Boston.
Mr. and Mrt. Max Orkin announce
the engagement of their daughter,
Rose, to Mr. Arthur Rothschild.
Phi Beta Pi Fraternity.
Phi Beta Pi medical fraternity of
Creighton university will entertain
itt tctive membert and their ladiet at
a Hallowe'en party Monday evening
at the chapter house, 3866 Harney
street. Ghosts and goblini will be
numerout and the house will present
the appearance of a witches' rendez
vous. The chaperons of the evening
will be: t
Dra. and Vssdsmts
r. H. Klnyoun, W. B. Aaak of
C. B. Foils, Council Bluffs,
Claud Urra, t, J. Hsrnusn of
Barnhardt, Chicago.
Tea for Ruth 8. Denit. i
Ruth S. Denis, the dancer, and her
husband, Ted Shawn, will be wel
comed with a tea at the home of Miss
May Mahoney, who has asked a few
frienda to meet them this afternoon.
Miss Mahoney and her lister. Miss
, Eva Mahoney, have known Mist St.
xy i znivi Hup
Denis for several years and have
visited the Denis-Shawn school in
Los Angeles, where Miss St. Denis
and Mr. Shawn spend the summei
season teaching their art. The place
is beautiful, with swimming pool in
the garden surrounded by eucalyptus
trees and having tne charm ot tne
Grecian baths of old.
Morning Dancing Clast.
Thuridav morning a number of
Omaha't tociety matron! gathered
with Mm Mary coll at Chambers
to begin weekly lessons in dancing.
The class includes at present Mrs.
H. S. Clarke, jr., Mrs. r. W. Clarke,
Mrt. J. M. Metcalf. Mrs. J. J. Sulli
van, Mrs W E. Callahan, Mrs. E. A.
Pegau, Mrs. John McShane, Mrt. W.
A. C. Johnson, Mrs. Edgar Scott, Mrs.
E. W. Dixon, Mrs. Glasgow, Mrt. Oa-
ood Eastman, Mrs. rl. Fish, Mrt.
lilton Fonda. Mrs. Louis Nash. Mrs.
John L. Kennedy and Mra. Arthur
Remington. , .
All Saints' Altar Guild. ,
Election of officers and aDDoint-
ment of committees as well aa out
lining the winter's work will occupy
the meeting of All Saints' Altar Guild
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at
the rectory. A preliminary meeting
wat held last Wednesday. The church
offering last Sunday, amounting to
over $75, wat turned over to the
Syrian and Armenian relief fund.
Card Party for Convent, f
There will be a card party given at
the Holy Angels' hall, Twenty-eighth
street and Fowler avenue, Thursday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock for the ben
efit of the convent. Mrs. F. Win
ninghoff and Mrt. W. J. Cusick'will
be hostesses.
Alpha XI Delta Party.
Mrt. Louis E. Moon entertained the
alumnae members of the Alpha Xi
Delta sorority at her home Thuraday
evening in honor of her house guest,
Mri. E. H. Mangold of Gretna. Those
present were:
MlaSSS IflUM ' ,
Doll nick, . Zoo Oroonouah.
Caryl Spauldlnf. Anss NloUon.
ssrsna Hu,
MMd,mw Mssdamea -
A. B. Culllson, , . H. M to toll.
Notes of Interest
Mrt. F, A. Ever of Mexico City has
arrived to visit indefinitely with her
sisters, the Misses Mungertord, at
their apartment in the Maryland. Mrs.
feyer has been spending the summer
in the eatt. ,
Rockford Collage Association.
Mrt. W. r. Crook will entertain the
membert of the Rockford College as
sociation next Wednesday afternoon.
Dancing Clubs Open,
Une of the most important social
announcements of the week is the
meeting of the Junior Dance club at
the Fontenelle Friday evening, for itt
annual banquet and election of offi
cers. At that time also plant will be
laid for the tocial eventt of the sea
son, which the club will aponsor. Sev
eral other dancing clubs will meet for
.L - f. - i! .L!. TL t-,
me iirsi lime mis wcck. mo ciks
will have their opening dance Thurs
day evening. Thit will be a formal
affair; their next dance, on the 8th,
will bt informal, the lineaam club
a Lot of
One lot, ii and 28-inch, tfC AA
worth S'.OO, to rail at. . pvU
One lot, 20 and 22-lnch, ffO AA
worth 84.00, to sell at.. MW
Something new In Pomp and
Transformations, extra fin hair,
to tell from 87 to 825
Something new In half wigs, to
tell for .815 and 820
Just the thing you want if your
hair is thin.
We do hair dressing, shampoo
ing, manicuring, face and scalp
Over 20 yean in the hair trade-
F. M. Schadell & Co.
T.l. Doug. 2870. 1522 Douglaa St.
'Ml K
fj "
o i
JTarfaret Vaufln Salter
will have its opening dance the same
evening at the Scottish Kite cathedral.
Tuesday evening the Le Mars club
will have a Hallowe'en dancing party
at Keep's The Week End Dancing
club will give its opening dance
Saturday evening. The Sixty-six
Dancing club held its first dancing
party at the HoteJ Fontenelle last
Tea for Misa Chandler.
Mrs. Frank Garvin wilt give a tea
for fifty guests Friday between the
hours of 4 and 6 for her daughter
Helen's guest, Miss.Arline Chandler
of Kansas City, who comes Thursday
evening for a several weeks' stay.
Both girls were classmates at Brad
ford academy and Miss Chandler's
visit will mean the reunion of a num
ber of Bradford girls.
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Friday Night Dancing club
held its regular party last week at the
Castle hotel ball room with over
sixty-five couples present. The club's
next party will be held Friday even
ing at Druid halt.
Birthday Dinner. i
,Mra. C. M. Barrie gave a birthday
dinner in honor of her daughter, Miss
Margaret's, birthday Thursday even
inb. Hallow'en decorations were
used. Music and dancing occupied
the evening. Nine guests were pres
ent. - , ,
Uptoma Benefit Party.
The Uptoma club will give a Hal
lowe'en party at its club roomt Tues
day evening. A large turkey will be
offered at the door prize.
On the Calendar. '
The Young Women'i Hebrew at-
tociation will give a private dancing
arty at Miss Cooper t studio
ednetday evening.
Mrs. Whiting Returns.
Mrs. G. W. Carlyle Whiting arrived
Friday evening to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sweet, at the
Knickerbocker, after an absence of
almost a year. Mrs. Whiting comes
from Brownsville, Tex., where her
husband, Lieutenant Whiting, ia sta
tioned. She will be here for a month.
Omaha Girl in Society Show. I
Mitt Marian Funkhouaer, daughter
of. Mr. Millard F. Funkhoiiser of this
city, who hai been spending some
time with her cousin, Mrs. Llewellyn
Jones of Tacoma, ii to take a promi
nent part in the society vaudeville de
Ltixe, which is to be given by St
Monica'i guild of that city during the
first week in November. The Tacoma
press agent mentions Miss Funk
houser in these favorable terms:
"A brand new luminary in the per
son of Milt Marian Funkhouier is to
be one of the bright particular stars
Air As a "Hair Tonic"
There is no better hair tonic, or jermicide, than fresh
air full of life giving sunshine. The absence of it together
with wilful neglect, tight fitting hats, etc., is responsible
for a large share of hair ugliness and hair loss.
v But freah air and tunshint alone are not enough to correct all
these evils. Nature frequently requires the aid of a preparation like
HERPICIDE Is an absolute necessity to the majority of folks.
It prevents- dandruff contagion, kseps the hair light and fluffy
the scalp sweet and clean.
Ugly and unsightly hairJs quits unnecessary. Begin with Herpi
cide today. It it guaranteed by the Herpiclde Company, Detroit,
Michigan, and sold everywhere. Applications at the better barber
in the vaudeville firmament, having
written a sprakling little prologue in
which she will introduce the pro
gram." -
Mrs. Ilc-weHyn Jones will also- take
part and is described as "always a
stage favorite." Another feature of
the program will be the Vogue pic
tures produced last winter in Spokane
under the direction of Miss Ava Jane
Raze, which later created a furor in
New YorV with "The Follies of
1915." Miss Raze has visited in
Omaha with Mrs. Charles Wesley
Prettiest Mile Golf Club.
Prettiest Mile Golf club members,
with they- husbands and friends, will
be entertained at a Hallowe'en party
Tuesday evening by Mrs. Edward R.
Burke, at the home of Mrs. Fred M.
Crane, 6341 Florence boulevard". She
will be assisted by Mesdames Fred
M. Crane, E. L. Cain, Frank Car
penter, Ftonrest Bancroft, Mary Van
derford, C. C. Morrison, C. A. Vick
ers, C. H. Gratton, Harry Mason,
Ida Flinn, Carrie Thornton, Mary
ii. Fine-son, Ralph W. Emer
son, George Adwers, W. E. Taylor
and the iiisses Lettie Little and
Katharirje Morrison. ,
There will be a program of unusual
interest, ty a special committee: Mes
dames iUila Norris Jerome, P. J.
Creedon and Miss Lillian Paul.
Pleasures Past'.
Mrs. Clon O'Brien, assisted by her
sister, Mrs. Lee Hutchinson, enter
tained at luncheon Thursday for Mrs.
A. H. Donechan and Mrs. F. A.
Donechan of Los Angeles, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martensen
entertained twenty guests at dinner
Friday evening in honor of Mrs. H.
Lund and Mrs. Charles Bartsch of
Livingston, Mont.
Pagalao club entertained nearly
fifty couplet at itt opening dancing
party at the Rome hotel Thursday
evening. '
Mr. and Mrt. Letter P. Wescott en
tertained at a dinner Sunday at their
home for Mr. ana Mrs. Alva P. Wes
cott of Sidney, Neb. Ten guests were
present. Following dinner the guests
attended the Orpheum.
In and Out of the Bee Hlvt.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Freemantel
and family have returned to Omaha
after an absence of several years.'
Personal Mention.
Mrs. George B. Ayret spent Mon
day and Tuesday in the city on her
way to represent South Dakota as
worthy grand matron at the generaW
grand convention ot tne Order ot tne
Eastern Star at Louisville, Ky. Mrs.
Ayres, who was formerly Miss Myrtle
Coon, visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrt, C. B. Coon, at the Angelus.
Mist Bcrnice Whitney left Friday
evening to spend the week-end with
relatives in Norfolk. v
Recent arrivals from Omaha at the
Hotel Snapp in Excelsior Springs are
C. W. Calkins, E. L. Ryan and C.
Mrs. Frank Donechan of Lot An-
Jeles is visiting her lister, Mrs. Henry
Mra. L. A. Prue, week-end guest of
Mrs. H. C. Jacks, returned to her
home in Nebraska City Thursday
Mrs. A. H. Donechan of Lot An
geles, Cal., leavea Tuesday for her
home after a two weeks' visit with
her brother, Mr. Jamet Buchanan, and
Mrt. Buchanan. Mrs. Donechan wat
a resident of Omaha from 1856 until
1903. .,
Mrt. George Despain and daughter,
Mill Edna, who came to attend the
Hood-Slaven wedding, left this morn
ing for their home in Springfield, 111.,
after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Hood. 1
Social Gossip.
- Miss Helen Eastman arrived home
from Milwaukee Monday after an ab
sence of the whole summer. She
plans to return to her art studies in
Chicago after Thanksgiving.
Miss Lynn Curtis went to Denver
Wednesday to be with Mrt. Lillian
Jacobs for a few days.
W. T. Burns and Sam Burnt re
turned Sunday from a hunting trip.
Harry Wilkint of Chicago spent
the last week-end here, stopping with
his mother-in-law, Mrt. Frank Col
petzer. He returned Tuesday to Chi
cago. Dr. Leroy Crummer returned
Tueiday from New York.
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Howell,
who were married in Berkeley. Cal.,
on October 5, and are taking their
wedding trip by motor back to Oma
ha by way of the Santa Fe trail,
expect to reach here about Novem
ber 1.
Arthur McNamara of Oakland, Cal.,
who has been at the Fontenelle for
the past two or three weeks, left
Thursday to return home.
Mrs. C. R. Tyler and her daugh
ter, Mrs. Tyler O'Conner, who have
been at Eureka Springs, leave there
tomorrow for Washington, D. C,
where they will be at the Farragut
for the winter.
Mrs. Hentry T. Clarke of Lincoln,
who was here with her mother, Mrs.
W. F. Allen, returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. John F. Waggaman of An
napolis, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles B. Keller, left Thursday for
Colorado Springs to join her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Elliot Waggaman,
with whom she will go to Silver
City, N. M., for the winter.
Mrs. J. J. Brown of Cincinnati
stopped Wednesday on her way to
the west, to visit with Mrs. Edwin
T. Swobe until Friday afternoon.
Notes at Random.
Mrs. Arthur Graffis of Logansport,
Ind., who has been visiting her sis
ter, Miss Adele Moores, left Thurs
day to return home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Guiou are
at Excelsior Springs and are expected
back Monday.
J. A. Cavers returned Monday
from Excelsior Springs.
J. L. Paxton spent the week at
Excelsior Springs and is expected
home today.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scribner and
their daughter, Mrs. Wernher, who
have, been at Excelsior Springs, will
be Home today.
Mrs. E. A. Wurster of Milwaukee
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. D.
Beaton, and Mr. Beaton.
Mrs. J. W. Gannett and Earl Gan
nett arrived home Sunday from two
months in the east.
Joseph M. Baldridge has returned
from a summer at Rockland, Me.
Mrs. Baldrige remained to put her
daughter, Gwendoline Wolfe, in
school in New York and will be
home about November 1. Her son.
Dudley Wolfe, is in New Haven at a
preparatory school for Yale, and
Grafton Wolfe has returned to school
at Pomfret, Conn., after a year's ab
sence recovering from infantile
Mist Marion Towle, who under
went an appendicitis operation two
weekt ago at Clarkson hospital, was
removed to her home Wednesday
and is fast recovering.
Lolonel and Mrs. J. M. Arrasmith
and small son, James, who have been
visiting Mrs. Arrasmith's sister, Mrs.
George Redlck, for two weeks, return
to the fresidio at San Francisco to
day. Colonel Arrasmith, goes to the
Twenty-third infantry at El Paso the
middle of December to take command
of it and will be accompanied by his
wife and son.
Mrs. John A. Doe has given ud her
apartment at the Colonial and is at
the Blackstone.
Doctor-Soldier in Omaha;
Won't Talk of Mexican Fray
Fresh from the border of Mexico,
Dr. Edward Leroy Napier, captain of
the medidal corps of the United States
army, and a man who was with Gen
eral Pershing at the time of the Car
rizal incident, is in Omaha visiting
hit brothers, S. W. and B. H. Naper.
Dr. Napier will rejoin his regiment
about November 1. Owing to nit of
ficial position, he refuses to talk of
border conditions. -
Superior Photographs
18th at Farnam.
l' Season bv
either for yourtelf or
find in the lasting luster and the
Crochet this 0
daintv JSR w p
" yolle with l4 T
Kloster. V
e-Zilleta y
1 V
ill 1 AdM to the lnv nf tri UrAtAov
"Witts that stuvs unite colors that tatf"
FrtV Instruction !e,?, ""ouneement to
rree insirubuuns your de,, Hewiiigveyou
' FUBSoor Wd No. JJS, Illustrating yoke shown above and 24
oilier noveltiM. or our latest crochet folder Nn. All. prmtainU.
. MAX'
Social Items
ii ' ;
Miss Minnie Krenzer will entertain
the Ponca Kensington club at her
home, Rockport Terrace, Tuesday aft
ernoon. E. C. Larson returned home Tues
day after a three months' trip to the
Pacific coast.
Dr. -H. H. Avery, who has been
confined to his bed for the last week,
is convalescing.
A line party consisting of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Riemer, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Rivett, Miss Julia Kris),
Miss Viola Cox, L. E. Smith and C.
Bondesson attended the opera in
Omaha Tuesday evening.
Herbert Andrews returned Mon
day from an extended visit through
the western states.
Fred Bebensee of Glenwood, la.,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
Kruse Sunday. " , ,
John and Hulda Kruse entertained
in honor of their birthday anniver
sary Wednesday. The afternoon and
evening was spent in playing games
and progressive cards. A dainty
luncheon was served late in the even
ing. Miss Emma Krisl of Lincoln is 'the
guest of her sister, Miss Julia Krisl,
his week. i
John Amis, who has been spending
the last three months on the western
coast, returned to Florence Tuetday."
Rev. J. B. Butter, who attended the
meeting of the presbytery at Hastings
last week, returned to Florence Tues
day. L. H. Mattox of Shenandoah, la.,
has been the guest of his brother, J.
L. Mattox, the last week.
C. W. Ennis, who sold hit prop
erty in Florence to O. W. Nelson,
will move hit family to Tacoma,
Wash., in the near future. At pres-
ent he is visiting relatives in Iowa.
Miss Maude Kierle and Mist Vy
Harrington were guests of Miss Nelva
Harrington in Lincoln for the week
end. M. and Mrs. Fritz Kruze entertained
Sunday when their guests were Mr.
and Mrs. H. P. Kuhl, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Knag, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Be
bensee of Glenwood, la.; Henry
Krell and Fritz Kropke,
Rev. Garriett Janssen and daughters
left the first of the week to hold re
vival meetings in the northern part
of the state.
Mrs. J. Fred Ganschau of Columbus,
O., was the guest of her nephew, E.
L. Platz, Tuesday.
Miss Laura Tiesen of Walnut, la.,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. P.
Mr. J. P. O'Malley of Des Moines.
Ia., has been spending the week in
florence visiting inends.
Lest You Forget
On Saturdays yon leave a
regular order with your
butcher, grocer and baker.
Have you considered that It is
just as necessary to feed the
spirit as the body for your
weekly holiday or it is a Sun
day without true refreshment!
We will do oar share to make
it a perfect Sunday if yon will
do yours. Leave a subscription
order for a '
(oor selection) to be delivered
every Saturday. You will be
glad the whole week.
John H. Bath
"The Careful Florist"
1804 Farnam St., Omaha
Phone Douglas 3000
AAA ta the Inva nf th HnVtAav
Crochetini a beautiful vnka like this
for some of your friends. You will
lung wear of Kloster an extra pleasures
25 autaested designs for Christmas pifta. If your denier cannot
supply ynu send OS bis Datue and lor each folder enclose three
accent stamps.
The Thread Mills Company
8 1 W. Adams Staawt Chicago, Illinois
StteclaJ offer" yoa'niMetoottaln Kloster from
aJpCCieu OUCr your dealer, send us his name, encloslna
SO cents for three ftill-eisrd nisi balls of Kloster Conlonnet or
Perle add 12 cents (stamps) aod receive our tn-o latest folders.
rV A