Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Better Music and More of It for Omaha
Calendar of Club Doings
Chautauqua circle, Tennyson chapter, Room 316
Y. M. C. A., 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, Metropolitan hall, 2:30
p. m.: followed by open program of home
economics department, 3:30 p. m.
Vassar club, lecture by John Cowper Powys,
. Brandeis theater, 4 p. m.
P. E. O. sisterhood, Benson chapter, Mrs A.
C. Nerness, hostess, 2?:30 p. m.
Child Conservation league, Dundee circle, Mrs.
E. D. McCall, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
South Omaha Woman's club, Libraryjiall, 2:30
p. m. ,
Drama League, public library, 4 p. m.
Business Women's Council, luncheon and
prayer meeting, courthouse, 11 to 2 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, pratory department,
Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m.; Parliamentary
practice class, 2:30 p. m.
Woman's Relief Corps, U. S. Grant, Mrs. A.
A. Foster, hostess, 1 p. m.
Miller Park Mothers' club, Hallowe'en party,
Mrs. B. B. Anderson, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Clio club, Mrs. T. L. Travis, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, literature department,
Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m.
Omaha Story Tellers' league, public library,
4 p. m.
Benson Baptist Missionary circle, Mrs. John
Kissell, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, home economics depart
ment, Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m.
Memory Day association, entertainment, Y. W.
C. A., 8 p. m.
At Home for Woman's club members, Mrs. E.
M. Syfert, president, the hostess, 2:30 to
6 p. m. t
Tuesday Mohiing Musical Club Leaders Who
Work for Advance of Art Among the People
STANDING Room Only" promises to be the
sign hauled out Monday afternoon at the
Omaha Woman's club, when the home eco
nomics department, headed by Mrs. F. J.
Barnett presents the open day program. A
idea for women's clubs, a miniature style ,
show, will be put on, following the business meet-
ing of the club proper. ine ran or jyio js ine
caption and Carroll R. Belden will be the stage
director, furnishing fascinating garments, chapeaux
and novelty accessories, as well as living models, to
make the show a great success. The setting will
be a handsomely-appointed library.
Since no woman, club or otherwise, can with
stand the '.temptation of a fashion showing, the in
novation, the change from the usual run of musical
numbers ami lectures will doubtless bring out the
whole club membership.
Not wholly frivolous, however, is the valuable
time given over to raiment exhibit. It is in line
with the General Federation of Women's clubs' dis
cussion of the question of dress reform at the bien
nial convention in New York, when Lady Duff Gor
don, Beatrice Forbes Robertson and other advocates
of a change in woman's manner of attire took up
a large part of the Convention program. Then, too,
"Food, Shelter and Raiment" is the general subject
for the home economics department work this ye"ar,
and so the highly important topic was chosen for
the open meeting. j
The diversion is especially welcomed after the
strenuous work of week before last, preparing for
the Syrian war sufferers' relief by means of a "flower
day" sale, conducted by Woman's club members.
It was a big work to engage in on such short? ad
vance notice, but the club members responded will
ingly and were able to raise $1,200 to add to the
fund. Mrs. Thomas Brown served as chairman, and
. Miss Katherine Worley, secretary of the committee.
V Fervent letters of thanks have been sent to the club
through the president, Mrs. E.M. Syfert, by local
Syrians- in appreciation of the women's efforts.
Monday is' also the day for the Vassar club's
lecture on "The Spirit of Modern English Litera
ture," to be given by John Cowper Powys, the Fine
Arts' society lecturer of last year. Mrs. Arthur
Guiou, president of the local Vassar club, will intro
duce the speaker at the Brandeis theater at 4 o'clock.
Box parties willte numerous and the whole lower
floor has already been taken. The receipts wjll
swell the Vassar college endowment fund.
Omaha women who felt cheated out of a great
pleasure when the Hughes Women's Alliance cam
paign train steamed through Omaha Thursday, stop
ping but a scant two minutes, will be interested to
know 'why several of the noted women aboard the
Hughes' special are for him. Here are the" testi
monials of a few of them: f - i
Mrs. George Harvey "I am for Hughes because
he means what he says and because he has real con
victions and the courage to maintain them."
Frances A. Kellar "I am for Hughes because
he keeps his word and makes no promises he does
not fully intend to keep. No man will ever enter the
White House so free from any pre-election pledges
and promises as Mr. Hughes he has made none.
Every issue and appointment will be decided strictly
on the merits and from the standpoint of America's
Dr. Katherine B. Davis "Because I believe that
the time has come for a decided strengthening of
the federal government a central power as over
against tne power oi ine individual siaics, jusi su
far as it is possible to stretch the interpretation ot
the constitution in this direction. This means the
. federal interpretation rather than the Jeffersonian
interpretation. Wilson had the Tatter typve ofnind
Hughes, I believe, the former."
Mary Antin "Among other reasons I want Mr.
Hughes in Washington in order that the United
States, as a whole, shall assume guardianship over
the immigrants our adopted children."
Mrs. William Curtis Demorest "I know Mr.
Hughes well as a husband and father, and, know
ing his loyalty to both, I feel he will give all the
strength of his fine manhood to the interests of
women ad our great country."
Helen Varick Boswell "I am for Charles E.
Hughes because he is the candidate of the repub
lican party, which I believe has made the country
what it is industrially and socially. I believe the
foundation of real prosperity and peace for America
is in republican victory."
Rheta Childe Dorr "I'm strong for Hughes be
cause of his attitude toward womenr" He gives his
girls college education just as if they were boys, in
stead of making 'society buds' of them. He appreci
ates their power, has confidence 'n them."
Elizabeth Cutting Because he will uphold the
national honor as be has his personal integrity.
Mrs. Maude Howe Elliott "Because he under
stands, as no other leader today understands it, that
the one word that can solve the riddle of the twen
tieth century sphinx is. co-operation. He sees our
strong country lying, like the infant Hercules in his
cradle, threatened by the two dreadful serpents,
Greed of Capital and Greed ot La4or. He sees this
tiling, bufhe isunafraid for he knows well that
.there is strength-in those hands to strangle , both
venomous beasts."
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Social Calendar
Box parties for the lecture given at the Brn
deis theater by Dr. John Cowper Powyt un
der the auspices of the Vassar club, 4 p. m.
" Monday Bridge club, Mrs. A. I. Root, hostess,
Hallowe'en party at Phi Beta Pi fraternity
. Le Mars club dancing party at Keep's.
Prettiest Mile Golf club, evening meeting.
Hallowe'en dancing party at Dietz club,
Warren-Magner wedding at All Saints.
vClef club dinner at Hotel Loyal.
Junior Bridge club, Miss Blanche Deuel, hos
tess. St. Andrew's Boys' club meets with Russell
Rockford College association, Mrs. W. F.
Crook, hostess.
Trinity Parish Aid society meets with Mrs.
Milton Barlow at 10:30 a. m.
Cinosam club, opening dance at Scottish Rite
Box parties for Russian Dancers at Brandeis
' under auspices of Tuesday Morning Musical
Dinner and box party at Russian Dancers, Mrs.
C. C. George, hostess, .
Elks' formal dancing party.
All Saitits' Altar Gwld, rectory, 2 p. m.
Card party at Holy Angela' hall.
Comus club, Mrs. E. B. Ferris, hostess.
Friday '
Junior club annual banquet and election of offi
cers, Hotel Fontenelle.
Tea for Mrs. Arline Chandler, guest of Miss
Helen Garvin; Mrs. F. H. Garvin, hostess.
Week End Dancing club opening party at
Keep's dancing academy.
. Hallowe'en masque dance at Brownell Hall.
rso 5.5. CaUwefl
THE two headliners on the social bill this
week are Dr. John Cowper Powy's lecture
at the Brandeis theater tomorrow after
noon, under the auspices of the Vassar club,
and the performance of the Russian dan
cers, Andreas Pavley and Serge Oukrainsky
, of the Pavley-Oukrainsky ballet, assisted by Miss
Margaret Jarman, contralto, and a complete com
pany and symphony orchestra, Thursday evening at
the same theater, presented by the Tuesday Morning
Musical club,
Dr. Powys is expected -to arrive in Omaha from
Chicago Monday morning in time to be the guest
' of In members of the Vassar club at luncheon, at
the' University club at 1 o'clock. Dr, Powys ha
just been heard in lectures in Kansas City. - -The
members of the club who will meet Dr.
Powys at luncheon if he arrives in time are Mes?
dames Warren Blackwell, W. C. Shannon, Myles
Standish, G. E. Haverstick, Samuel Rees, jr.; Rob
ert Updike, LJoyd Osborne, Isidor Ziegler and
Misses May S. Copeland, Mona Cowell, Josephine
Congdon and Margaret Bruce.
Dr. Powys is said to be an indefatigable worker.
He never relaxes and has little social life. It it told
of him that if he enters a hotel with perhaps an
hour intervening between his arrival and his next
lecture, he wastes no time in resting or loitering,
but goes immediately to the writing room and sets
to work. His literary output is considered tremen
dous. Since the time of his lecture here last March
he has published four books of entirely different
character. Just before his lecture here "Wooden
Stones" appeared. Since that he has published a'
book of poems entitled "Wolf Bane," "Rodmoor,"
a novel; a book of essays called "Suspended Judg
ment" and a commentary on "One Hundred Best
Books," which is said to be very popular in schools.
Mrs. C. C. George has taken the 'first box for
the Thursday evening performance. She will pre
cede her box party with a dinner, Oukrainsky and
Pavley will be entertained at luncheon at the Fon
tenelle Thursday if they are open to social engage
ments. Both artists promise to be among the most
interesting persons who have visited Omaha this
season. The former is a member of the Russian -nobility,
a man of wealth and the owner ft a beau
tiful Paris h6nte. .
Summer is the visiting time for the young people.
Wim no school duties to hamper them they flit
about over our fair country, causing endless gatty.
The grownups, however, usually find the summer
too warm for visiting and such strenuous things, and
wait until the late fall days to take their pleasure
jaunts with relatives and old friends. Several visit
ing matrons have been the occasion for much infor
mal entertaining this week. Mrs. Ada M. Hertsche
of Portland. Ore., who is spending some time with
her sister, Mrs. J. M. Mctcalf, has been honor guest
at luncheons and bridge parties all during the week.
Mrs. John Floyd Waggamon of Washington, who
was with Mrs. Charles B. Keller until Thursday,
shared honors at a number of affairs with Mrs.
Hertsche. Mrs. E. A. Wurster of Milwaukee, who
is visiting her daughter,, Mrs. Charles Beaton, was
another guest at several of these affairs.
Some younger matrons are making quiet Httle
visits in town. Mrs. Isaac Miller Raymond, jr., of
Lincoln is visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. J.
Council. Mrs. J. J. Brown' of Cincinnati is the popu
lar guest of Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe. Mrs. A. M.
Donahue and her young son of Kansas City, who
are visiting Mrs. Donahue's aunt, Mrs. J. O. Siford,
is much feated in pleasant informal fashion. Mrs.
Marshall Walker of New York, who is now with
her mother, Mrs. A. 1). Marriott, has been the guest
of honor at a number of pretty parties. Mrs.
Arthur Griffis of I.ogansport, Ind., has been another
guest of the week for whom entertainments have
been planned. Mrs. John Pullman of NogaUs, Aria.,
left Tuesday after an extended visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Ribbell. : '
Several young -women have been giving the
hostesses a lovely reason for entertaining. Miss
Anita Carrington" of New Havn, Conn., is the
charming guest at the F. H. Davis home. Misa
Mary of Chicago, who has been with Mrs. Clar
ence Sibbcrnscn since Ak-Sar-Ben, is frequently en
tertained, and Miss Winifred Hicks of Duluth,
inn., is another Ak-Sar-Ben visitor, who pro
longed her visit until this week. Mrs. Hugh Wallace,
her hostess, gave a number of delightful little affaira
in her honor. Miss Esther Dugan of Butte, Mont.,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Shirley.
The next society wedding is already beginning i
to draw guests. Miss Mildred Butler will come up '
Thursday from Kansas City, to be the guest of Mrs.
Jack Webster until after the Caldwell-Vinsonhaler
wediling on November 14. Miss Van Kleeclc of 1
Pou'-il kcepsie. N. Y., arrived today to visit, at the j
Duncr.ii Vinsonhaler home until after the Cald- .
well-Viasonhaler wedding. ,, . , ,'
(Additional Society News on Next Page) .