Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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    1'Hfc OMAHA SUNDAi Bi,c: OOiUBkK 2A, ittib.
il A
Factory Announces Raise in
Price Rather Than to Out
Down Worth of Oar.
The Cote Motor Cir company of
Indianapolis announces an increase in
the list price of its car, which will
become effective January 1, 1917. The
amount of the Advance has not been
stated, but this information is ex
pected to follow shortly.
The news of the advance in the
selling price of the Cole Eight does
not come as a real surprise in view of
higher costs of material. The com
pany, however, has been able up 10
this time to maintain its price, an
nounced last January, not only be
cause its executives anticipated the
large production during the last ten
months, but because they got in the
market early and contracted for large
quantities of materials before the ad
vance occurred.
Nevertheless the demand for Cole
Eights so far exceeded even the hopes
of their manufacturers that the large
supply of materials began to near the
exhaustion point sooner than ex
pected and now it is necessary to
place additional contracts for raw ma
terials at the advanced prices. I he
Cole company's production during the
last year, it is said, has been more
than four times greater than that of
any previous year in the history tf the
Pathfinder Closed
Cars Have Merit
The Pathfinder company of In
dianapolis announces that it has aded
a line of enclosed cars mounted on
a Pathfinder twelve-cylinder chassis,
The new Berline limousine Pathfinder
is a superb creation of coach-making
turnishing and interior decoration,
the work of experts who have de
voted months to the fascinating task.
The fine fabrics nsed in trimming,
with silk roller curtains at each win
dow, match the general color scheme
in a way that is most pleasing. Con
veniently located and concea! led are
telephone to driver, cigar lighter, cut
glass flower vase, card case and ash
tray. The auxiliary full folding seats
are so arranged as to fold forward
from view when not in use, or on
in instant's notice can be placed into
Adequate space has been reserved
so that passengers occupying either
the rear seat or the folding seats will
have plenty of room to be comfort
able. The interior is well lighted by
a dome light, controlled by individual
switch to make it permanent, or when
not in use it automatically lights with
foot lights when side doors are
opened. The Berline is furnished in
two colors. The lower portion of
main body is painted blue black or
Francis Sells
Six Maxwells
. For Taxi Line
"Six town cars to one man sounds
like a wee bit of a falsehood," says C.
w. rrancis, Put its true.
lne Maxwell town car is very
well suited to taxi use, owing to the
low operating cost. And we have just
sold six to Joseph Sutley, who will
operate them in taxi service."
These cars are to be painted yellow
and will soon be seen hurrying to and
irom oojective points in Umaha.
Franklin Sedan
Like Pullman Coach
In these days of politics, speed
mama, gasoline consumption, endur
ance tests, high-gear hill climbing,
six-toot snow drifts and completely
submerged roads, a story relative to
such an insignificant thing as interior
tinish seems . tame it lacks thrills,
but we will take a chance." Some
one may be interested in comfort.
The object of discussion in this in
stance is a Franklin Sedan and the
manufacturers have seemingly spared
no money to make this model "a regu
lar little Pullman drawing room." It
is equipped with nearly everything,
except the time honored "southern
gentleman," who makes your berth
and separates you from 25 cents. In
this model milady need only press a
button and she has at her disposal
a mirror and powder. A similar but
ton on the other side will produce
cigarettes, matches and an ash re
ceiver for the man.
This model really makes one realize
how much one can enjoy conveniences
and comforts while motoring. The in
terior is finished in English Edridon,
and among its refinements are in
cluded concealed compartment, hold
ing a mirror, memorandum book, face
powder for the woman and a match
holder, cigarette case and ash tray for
the man; umbrella holder, arm rests,
coat hooks, hat holders and little Pullman-like
swings for miscellaneous
articles; flower holders and a com
partment tray for small articles.
The wind shield is V-type, a new
design which not only splits the wind,
vui gives a ciear, side view. Directly
over the running board is a little il
luminating light, which automatically
shuts off when the door closes.
A noticeable thing regarding this
model is that it is ninety pounds light
er than last year's Franklin touring
Hupmobile Touring Sedan
JL t, .sr"yw Jfp
Studebaker Six Sedan
Chalmers Lucile Sedan
Matthews of Jackson Auto
Company Visits Bluffs
Mr. H. E. Matthews, secretary of
the Jackson Automobile company and
manufacturer of the famous Jackson
line, is making a trip over the terri
tory and atoDoed at Cnunril Rlnffa t
the Jackson Automobile . company's
Drancn mere.
Mr. Matthews is one of the three
Sons of G. A. Matthews thf ImtnAmr
ot tne Jackson factory and the orig
inal DUliner m rne srkcnn atttnmn.
bile. The Jackson automobile was
hnilt after the itnt-Hv ,HhIi nt tUm
iginal founder of the Jackson factory,
one oi rne most successful men in the
automobile business in the state of
The Fianklin
Enclosed Cars
Fruklii Sedan. Wht. 2585 Tott. Mm, 12790.
EVERY one of the Franklin Enclosed Cars
weight less than 2700 pounds.
This light weight brings enclosed car operating
cost down to the level of that of open cars, and makes
enclosed cars equally adaptable to country or city
A direct-air-cooled engine that cannot freeze in
sures uninterrupted winter service. Perfect ven
tilation, easily controlled, gives summer comfort
more perfect than open cars can give.
There are five different types:
The Sedan a 6ve-passenger cr, desirable for
touring. Body has V.front, composed of two ad just
ble windshields. Weight, 2585 pounds. Price.
The Brougham a condensed four-passenger
car for personal driving.. Body has V-front, com
posed of two adjustable windshields. Weight,
2540 pounds. Price, $2700.
The Cabriolet general ntflity car, having
offset seat for three people and auxiliary seat
Wetght. 2550 pounds. Price, $2650.
The Limousine seven-passenger car adapt
ed to city and suburban driving. Weight, 2690
pounds. Price, $3000.
The Town Caru seven-passenger car, iml.
lar in purpose to the Limousine. Weight, 2680
pounds. ( Price, $3000.
Whether or not you are thinking of a new car
any time soon, by all means get acquainted with the
utility of Franklin Enclosed Cars.
Franklin Motor Car Co., Omaha
R-U-2-B-1 of 60? IaTJ:-
Michigan. A man of wide acquaint
ance and wonderful popularity and of
remarkable business capacity, who in
1902 saw the possibilities of the busi
ness and with shrewd business insight
prepared for the future. i
The Jackson Automobile company
is today the property of the three
sons, H. A. Matthews, H. E. Matth
ews and F. C. Matthews.
H. E. Matthews is making a com
plete awing around the territory, and,
having recently visited Kansas City,
Minneapolis and St. Louis, is very en
thusiastic over the field offered by
the northwest. , Matthews says the
Jackson models are meeting with
great success in this territory.
America's Auto Exports
Almost Total a Billion
There were 77,499 automobiles
shipped out of the United States in
the fiscal year of 1916, according to
statistics just compiled by the bureau
of foreign and domestic commerce.
The total value of these autos was
over $91,500,000.
Of the total number, 56,234 were
passenger automobiles, , while 21,265
were commercial autos.
Takes Five Years to
Get Auto Material
"No product, in demand by the peo- j
pie of the country today, require such j
a Johiiiiy(Jn-thc-pot delivery as
does an automobile," said ('resident
F. W. Haines of the Regal Motor Car
company. "It taxes us to the utmost
to keep abreast of the demand and
we are doing it, but if the people
knew how much time and labor are in
volved in making an automobile, they
would be just a bit more lenient in
their demands. 1 mean the time and
labor necessary to get the raw ma
terial, from all parts of the world,
into our factory in Detroit.
"It would take one man five years
to gather the raw material used in
turning out our light four model. He
would have to travel Into the dense
forest of Java and Sumatra for the
rubber, the deepest mines in the
world, which are in Michigan, for
j copper, to the broad plaina of Bra
J zil or Australia for the hides for
j the leather upholstering, to Germany
! for spelter needed in the manufacture
; of brass, and to Canada for alumi
num. Surely a herculean task. The
entire world contributes, but not with
out a struggle, and strangest of all,
Mother Nature is the one great bar
rier to this wealth of material."
CADILLAC enclosed
models meet a 1 1
the requirements of
the most exacting
tastes in motorcars
luxury, refinement,
comfort, service.
The Cadillac Brough
am offers motoring
luxury in a degree not
shown In any other
enclosed car on the
Cadillac Company of Omaha
George F. Helm, Pres.
"ssSSy IH1I11I
II 1 H I Hill IIIhlMT. II 1 1 II JAIilH
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Let's AH Keep Well This Winter
Winter is almost here. How
will it be with your family?
When the cold, damp winds
1 blow and . the snow and
slush make wet feet, the
penalty of even a short
What will you and your fam
ily do?
Give up your activities?
Flirt with sickness or worse?
Or, get this Overland and go
where you will, when you
will, and always in protected
An automobile is a summer
delight but it's a winter
And the bigger, roomier, more
comfortable Overland, brist
ling with extra value, is the
car to buy and now is the
time to buy.
This is the car with the good
old 35-horsepower Overland
motor, developed in the
building of more than 250'
000 now in use, famous the
world over for its absolutely
dependable reliability, win
ter or summer.
Get one now it will get the
whole family here, there
and everywhere, in dry,
warm comfort all winter
long, and give them a new
joy of living when spring
and summer come.
Don't put it off see us today
buy yours now.
Willys-Overland, Inc., Omaha Branch
2047-49 Fnrnam Street
Dougla 3292
20th and Harney Street
Dougla 3290