Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 A
First Event of Its Kind Ever
Held in United States Starts
Wednesday in Omaha.
. -i
. The sovereign achievements of the
master coalman's art will be arrayed
before the collective gaze of all
Omaha when the first annual Omaha
Closed Car salon opens Wednesday
morning at 8:30 in the Brandeis
' Thirty models of craftsmanship will
be on display. There will be limou-
' sines, laundlets, broughams, coupes,
cabriolets, sedans, the height ot lux
. urv in automobiles.
The first annual Omaha Closed Cat
saion will be the first event of its
kind ever held in the Lnited States.
The Omaha Automobile bhow asso
ciation. which is staging the exposi
tion, is paving the way for all of the
otner nig cities 01 ine country ana
New York and Chicago, where the
great national automobile shows are
annually held, will have to follow the
lead of progressive Omaha when they
decide to hold expositions of winter
Hat7 Another Distinction.
The Closed Car salon has another
distinction. It is the first automobile
display ever held in a mercantile store.
It will be held in the Brandeis stores.
,VV with the machines exhibited along the
main aisle of the main iloor, extend
ing from the entrance at Sixteenth
y and Douglas streets to the rear of the
tore, west of Seventeenth street. This
is said'to be the longest mercantile
aisle in the world.
The salon will be held Wednesday.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this
week. It will be open" from 8:30 in the
morning until 9 o'clock in the evening
. cacn uay. - .
The exhibits will be limited to clos
.td cars; cars (or winter driving. No
touring cars, roadsters. SDortabouts.
apeed machines or'the like will be ex
hibited. It will be an exclusive salon.
Omaha Has Two New
Pleasure Automobiles
During the last two weeks two new
pleasure cars have been added to the
list of pleasure cars sold in Omaha,
making the. iotal aixty-four. This.
would indicate that Omaha is grew
tfig to be "some automobile town."
The latest arrival are the Eleir
and the. Peerless." -The F.lign is a
moaeraie-pricM car manufactured at
fclgin, 111. J he Elgin will be dis
tributed by the Mptor company, with
M. J. Cavanaugh, jr., as manager.
This car is a distinctive looking model
and although new to this field has
quite a circle of friends in Chicago,
where it was first introduced. 'i
The Peerless, an eight-cylinder car
manufactured m Cleveland, O.,. will
be distributed bwthe Hause-Bartlett
Auto company. -.The Peerless is quite
well known in this section and the
, new model, according to Tom Hause,
is witnout a peer in its class. ,
Auto Man Willing to '
Report to One Woman
, R. Craig, local Chalmert dis
tributer, found today that there is a
. "reason ?why some men prefer to
take vacation in the fall instead of
during the hot summer months.-
John Ford, one of Craig's office
men, has been looking forward to his
vacation for tome time and just be
fore he departed he "eased up to the
boss and "broke the news. Craig
aays, "Good I Who is the lady?" but
John didn't say. He just "broke the
news" that he was going to be mar
ried and then 'ducked."- " . ',
Scripps-Booth Distributer .
Orders Carload of Coupes
. w. M. Clement, local distributer
for . the Scrioos-Booth. returned
Thursday from a trip to Indianapolis, 4
imcago ana uetroit, wnicn embraced
a visit to numerous automobile fac
tories, s
While in Detroit, Clement placed
an order for a carload of Scrips
t Booth coupes. This model is i cleyer
Y looking job and it is hoped that Ahe
hipment will reach Omaha in time
to exhibit at the Closed-Car Salon, to
. be held November 1 to 4 in the
Brandeis Stores,
Latest Models of Autos to Be Shown Omaha Auto Supply
. n m iijm it
At Closed Car Salon Here This Week signs vvun ine
Michelm Again
Hudson Tourinng Sedan
Franklin Brougham"-
,v Allen Sedan, Windows; Down
Chandler Six Convertible Sedan
at :" ' '
eenBee IMBMaWBaMr
Maxwell Taxi Lineup ,
if i
if' 'War, V-'111'111 lL.-JTLm 3
ZMk -m fi.;:"a- .-41
I I i
I i
Specifications that Make
The effal-4-Thirtv-two
The Biggest Car in the Light Weight Class
V THE MOTOR Hm eonoiHrMl ,nr hill
mtwmo iMtrolf and Phila
delphia via Pltnburah. Tht
and of Michigan nntaothir
MM which prarad th U hone
fomtr -oi our motor, la
crowdod trmfflc th car caa
willr bo throttled dowa to a
the aonv-
CrulMr Tjro
atralgnt aralnod Mml-aloM up
holatarj. Rmi mi 4 InchM
wlda. rront Wat 41 InchM
wide. Wide running board
CMld Mtk Hwlr lt..l
which provide tun lootlna.
IN Inchea ta light car. Ic dlcteua the
amount of lea room and com
fort to be had Fire pueenaera
In a Reaal--Thlrtr-two br no
meant take up all the anllabl
room. Thle eitra room le
otuallT urlllMd lor luaaage and
Full Floating
at Rear
And OmMmm
deelaned to relhne M thought
m in eubbiumi or tne roade.
Mailmum rtre mlleaae la alas
obta!-"! because of thle per
fect itaiance. Mar we demon
enkte to rouf
TO DEALERS We have - the Wit
moner-mektiuj proportion to deelera that
ia open today. Gat In tooth with ua at
once, aa territory Is going feat
Mclntyre-Hayward Motor Co.,
2427 Farnam St. D. 2406. Omaha, Nab.
Announcement has just been made
by R. J. Eisenhardt, manager of the
W Omaha Auto Supply company, to the
effect that they have signed with the
Michelm Tire people again and that
they have doubled their contract.
"The Micheliii tire has been quite
a popular seller since we have been
connected with it," says Eisenhardt,
"and the factory has been with us at
every turn in the road. Their ad
vertising campaign has been a great
help to us in establishing the tire."
been done away with and dosed cars
of today are so arranged that it takes
only a moment to convert them into
open cars with the top up," said Mr.
"Our business on closed cars is in
creasing rapidly and we find that in
stead of asking prospects to loui
many conveniences which they of
ford and the perfect ventilation sys
tem is dispelling all doubt regarding
at the closed car models, they ere I the wisdom of such a purchase from
requesting us to exnmit tnem. ine tne mwas cs motorists.
Office and Showrooms 2415 Farnam Street.
Long Diatanc Phone Douglaa 713.
Little Attention is
yui Automobile Needs
"False economy and neglect causes
more people to curse an automobile
and its ignition -system than any one
tactor, says K. L. Smith. Uelco
Exide dealer. I
'If we battery men could only im
press motorists with the necessity of
paying a lime attention ot the bat
teries, they would be , saving money
instead of letting: their batteries run
down to such an extent that they are
"If a motorist doesn't know what
attention when applied to a battery
means, ne snouid go to some battery
man and let him explain. It costs
nothing to ask questions and we are
all glad to help the motorist if he
will give us a chance to inform him."
Closed Car Era is Here "
To Stay, Says King Car Man
W. L. Killev. local "Kinir" distribu
tor, has added himself and his en
thusiasm to the "Closed car fans," and
advocatea, a speedy conversion of
Omahans to the use of closed cars.
Mr. Killey asserts that the closed
car models will be the onlv thincr
I in a few years. "The rattles have all
lhegj SIX
Built Like a Watch
The Sensational Six of Sixteen
Price $845
XU A I pD C Soma choico territory at ill open. See this ear -
-laj before signing up for the coming aeaaon.
Announcement of
Advance -in Price
On January first the price of the
Cole Eight will be advanced.
bince our previous announce
ment th'ere have been enor
I mous increase in the cost of
1 materials.
Practically every- material and
manufacturing cost has gone
Consequently the price of the
Cole Eight Will be advanced
proportionately with the in
crease in the cost of manu
facturing it under prevailing
Present prices, however, will pre
vail on all cars delivered prior
to January first.
7 Paaaenger Cole Eight Touring Car $1595
4 Passenger Cole Eight Roadster $1595
Seven Paaaenger Cole-Springfield Touraedan, $2198
Fonr Paaaenger Cole-Springfield Tourcoupe, $2195
All prices f. e. k. factory
2210 Farnun Street, Omahn, Neb.
Cole Motor Car Company, Indianapolis, U. S. AT
Phone Douglas 5268.