Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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Candidates Start on Thorough
Canvass of the Second
Waterloo, Neb., Oct. 27. (Special.)
To a large and enthusiastic au
dience which gathered in Walsh
hall here tonight. John L. Kennedy
republican candidate for United
States senator and Ben S. Baker,
republican candidate for congress
from . the Second district, spoke for
two hours and were greeted with
much applause.
The meeting here tonight was the
first ot a series to be held through
out the district, and Hie indications
are that Mr. Kennedy and Mr.
Baker will make a vigorous cam
paign from now until election.
J. C. Robinson presided and in
troduced the speakers- and the
Waterloo cornet band gave a concert
in the bandstand, and in the hall
prior to the speaking.
Hoff Covers County.
Sam Hoff, republican candidate for
the legislature, closed a vigorous
campaign of the county today after
visiting Bennington, Millard, Elk
horn and Waterloo, by a short, but
i effective speech delivered at the
meeting nere lonigni. Mr. rion is
the candidate of the country people
and has many friends in this end of
the county. Frank Shotwell, F. S.
Howell, chairman of the county com
mittee and Zack Ellis were also here.
crotner mot in Army.
It was explained here tonight that
William P. Warner, republican can
didate for congress from the Third
district has no brother who is a
soldier in the Canadian army as re
ported, but that he has a brother
who is a resident of Alberta and a
candidate for office there. It was re
ported by mistake that this brother
was a member of the Canadian armv.
Mr. Warner has stated emphatically
that his brother never was and never
intended to be a member of the
Canadian army. Mr. Kennedy has
just closed a week's campaign in the
inird district.
Baker Discusses Tariff.
Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Baker came
to Waterloo tonight after visiting
the new offices of Armour & Co., at
South Omaha this afternoon, where
they stopped to call on Robert. C.
Howe, general manager. Judge
Baker discussed the tariff in an in
teresting manner. He also asked that
. something might be done to make
American citizenship mean some
thing in the eyes of the world. He
deplored that condition of affairs
in Mexico when, in times of direst
need, the present administration
withdrew American battleships and
compelled Americans to take refuge
on German and British battelships,
after being informed of the dangers
Desetting our citizens in Mexico.
No Protection Offered. ,
He said - President Wilson had
siu in nis -iutua specen UMU wc
must extend our American com
merce to the four corners of the
world, and then stood for a policy
of never protecing the American
citizen when outside of the bound-
when an American citizen goes out
side of his country he does so at his
peril. He said that never had Amer
ican women been so violated as dur
ing the past eighteen months in
Mexico and yet we were maintaining
the American army on the border
with apparently nothing to do but
to remain there until after election.
Mr. Kennedy took Issue with the
democratic senator from Nebraska
who has said that this is not a cam
paign of principle, and he pointed
out the numerous reasons for the
return of the republican party to
power. He pointed out that Gover-
nor Hughes had left the United
States supreme court at the call of
the American people and had be
come the candidate for the presi
dency on the theory that no man had
the right to deny the people their
wish when they called him to the
high office of president.
He urged that since the American
people had called Governor Hughes
into the contest, it was now up to
them to support him.
Mr. Kennedy continued along the
patriotic line. He talked for Amer
ica first, and the protection of Amer
icans citizens throughout the world.
Showing that he was a patriot first
and a partisan afterward, he asserted
that in all matters wherein the
health and the happiness of the
American people were concerned he
would, if elected, vote for measures
that commended themselves to him
without regard to whether they orig
inated on the democratic or republi
can side of the senate. This assertion
was cheered enthusiastically by his
ager of Armour & Co. i remembered by hi friend at pub
lic reception. Horseshoe shown here with Mr. Howe i the
gift of the South Omaha merchant.
' " .
Sadie Black Will I
Not Testify in the
Copeland Trial
Galveston, Tex., Oct. 27! Sadie
Black,, an adopted daughter of Wil
liam Black, will not be a witness at
the trial of John Copeland, charged
with her father's killing, it was an
nounced this mornng by attorneys for
the state.
A telegram received by the attor
neys announced the inability of the
witness to attend. It previously had
been stated that the girl was on her
way and would arrive here last night.
State's counsel said they had ex
hausted every means of bringing the
girl to Galveston, but could not le
gally compel her attendance.
'The state's rebuttal, the defense's
surrebuttal and arguments by coun
sel, constituted the day's program,
with the possibility existing that the
jury would get the case by night r '
The defense has not indicated who
will be its witnesses pn surrebuttal
Daaswona Bronchial Conga.
Dr.. King's New piacovarjr will glva qvlek
rellef In bronchial Irritation and bronchial
asthma, allaya Inflammation, aaaaa aora
upota. All drugsglats. vltfvartlaemenL
No Americans Implicated in
Border Conspiracy and He is
Not Making Political Play.
Washington, Oct. 27. War and
State department officials refused-today
to disclose the source or spectfic
nature of the information on which
Secretary Baker last night issued a
statement charging that a bandit at
tack on American troops in Mexico
or on American border towns has
been planned to discredit the govern
ment's Mexican policy. They said the
channel of information through which
the report came was so valuable that
nothing would be given out that
might injure its usefulness.
Both Secretary Lansing and Secre
tary Baker today laid stress upon the
statement that no consideration of
democratic policies led to the issue ol
the announcement that such a plot
had been discovered.
Politics Not Involved.
"The obviously appropriate com
ment of the secretary of state," Sec
retary Baker said, referring to the
explanation by Secretary Lansing last
night that no American was implica
ted, and that a desire to prevent the
carrying out ot the plans had been
prompted. Secretary Baker's state
ment "precludes the possibility that
any such consideration or under
standing could be put upon iny state
ment. The statement was without
political purpose and ought to be
without political effect. It would
have served its entire purpose if it
serves notice upon the lawless peo
ple in Mexico that we have been
warned and arc prepared."
Secretary Baker declared it was
"absurd" to suppose that his state
ment had been intended to imply
that any political interest in the
United States desired anything other
than peace on- the border.
"Such a thing could not be," he
Asked just what interests he
charged were behind the movement,
Secretary Baker dictated this state
ment: "The Mexicans who oppose the de
facto government in Mexico would,
of course, be glad to complicate re
lations between the United States and
Mexico and our information is that
they think this an appropriate time
to do so. The statement made last
night by the department ought to dis
courage any adventure on their part
in that direction.
"Everybody knows that many Mexi
cans in this country are constantly
agitating against the de facto gov
ernment. Any sympathy there may
be on the American side of the border
with the movement is wholly from
this source .
"The only possible suggestion of a
political purpose in the War depart
ment's statement is to prevent pco-,
pie in Mexico from creating a dis
turbance of a political character in
furtherancsof , their pwtt design." t
Pacts Came Late Thursday. ..
Part of the information which led
to his statement, the secretary said,
reached him yesterday afternoon
within a few minutes of the time he
left to deliver a campaign speech in
West Virginia. Mr. Baker, it was
learned, took his advices up with Sec
retary Lansing, but later is said to
Reckless Driving
Charge Preferred
For Second Time
Two weeks ago George Pilley, a
saloon keeper at Fourteenth and Har
ney, was arrested for driving an auto
recKiessiy, ana was sentenced in
police court to serve thirty days in
jail. A few minutes after the sen
tence was imposed he secured his
liberty on an appeal to the district
court. i
Yesterday Motorcycle Policeman
Cooper arrested him again for reck
less driving.
Anonymous Demand Made
Of Denver Man for $1,000
Denver, Colo., Oct. 27. Postoffice
inspectors and local police are search
ing for the source of an anonymous
letter demanding $1,000 from C. D.
McPhee, jr., wealthy merchant of
Denver. Failure to comply would
result in bodily harm, the letter
The time specified for the delivery
of the money to "the gang" expired
Wednesday noon, it was learned to
day. Evidence that the threat was
not the work of jokers has increased
the vigilance of the police, who be
lieve it may have a connection with
the recent attempt to extort money
by kidnaping R. M. Perry of Oak
. 111 A1C Ata'C a.U " IClL Ca. a.
tlt-flO-HO) OUUIII
16th Street
Come Saturday for these and many other values-
October Sale of House-
furnishing Articles
Get this $1.95 "Wear
Ever" Aluminum Five-i
Quart Windsor Kettle,
for only
Especially designed for
pot roasting, stewing, preserving-,
ffft 0 Act
utmr-tmt tt4
A Library Dining Table Combined quickly
and easily converted from one to the other
As Library Table, gives no evidence of dual pur
pose. COSTS NO MORE than a library table of
equal size and quality. '
Box Spring tor JplU.UU
This is a comfortable, well made box spring, with roll
edge, tufted top, 72 steel coil springs and covered in good
grade felt ticking. -
Others at $14, $15, $18, Etc.
Style, Value and Low
Price, $10.00
This Jacobean Oak Rocker, cane,
wing back and cane seat, substantial
construction, properly finished and
beautifully proportioned.
Either the rocker or chair (1 A ((
to match JIUaUU
For Living Room, Dining
Room and Bed Room.
Ruffled and Hemstitched Mus
lin Curtains, dots and small
$1.25, $1-50, $1.65
Filet Net Curtains,
$2.50, $3125, $4.50 p'"-
Marquisette and Voile Curtains,
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00
"d $2.75 p"ir-
Filet Curtain Nets, white, ivory
and ecru,
, 45. 60?, 65
A New Line of
Only the best and most
sanitary, clean, white cot
ton used In these comforts
covered in pretty silko
line, well tied, full size,
72x84 inches.
$2.90, $3.75, $4.50,
Library Tables
Golden and fumed oak, with
plank top
$5.50, $7.50, $9.00, Et-
Golden Oak Tufted Top
Couch, $17.50
Comes in good grade, black, imita
tion leather, deep coil-spring seat, full
width and length; our price, $17.50.
Iiave advised that there be no delay in
making public the substance of the
Secretary Lansing views the infor
lution, although somewhat indefinite
as to the individuals, as showing a
dangerous situation along the border.
Publication of the fact (hat the
overnment has taken steps to eherlc
mate such a movement, lie believes,
joes far toward preventing an attsrlc
either upon a bonier town or upon
Central Pershing's forces.
Secretary Baker indicated that no
immediate movement of General
I'ershing's column is contemplated.
He refused to say, however, whether
orders hail been given to meet an at
tack, lie cave the impression that
Generals 'unston ami Pershing
might hac leen directed to take cer
tain steps nf a retaliatory nature
should an attack be made upon their
forces, or that the department had
such orders under consideration.
Statement by Lansing.
Later Mr. Lansing authorized the
lollowing statement:
"1 was quite correctly reported last
night in the statement that Secretary
fialccr's announcement was inspired
iy absolutely no political considera
tions as to this country. Nor does it
mean to infer that Americans of any
sort are involved in the plot. There
arc many Mexican refugees in this
country who are inimical to the pres
ident's Mexican policy who would
doubtless consider the present time
as ripe for the furtherance of their
projects. The silver which is known
to have gone from the country to
Mexican bandits was not necessarily
from Americans. Indeed, 1 cannot
conceive that there is any American
citizen who is so heartless, so en
tirely cruel, so wanton, as to take a
political step that would involve
American lives.
"The warning was given simply to
protect American lives snd property
and I have every hope it will be effective."
Lodge Says Wilson Tied String
to It That It Was Not to Be
Taken Seriously.
Urockton. Mass.. Oct. 27. Henry
C'.bot Lodge, ranking republican mem
ber of the senate committee of foreign
rrbtions in a speech here tonight as
serted that President Wilson had
added a posti. ript to the second Lusi
tania note of June 9, 1915, in which
he informed the German government
that the slrou;; phrases of the so
called "striei accountability" note of
May 1.1 were "not to be taken seri
ously." Senator I. odre said that this post
script disappeared after members of
the cabinet lad tlrvitrnetl to resign
anil to iet the i-jnli; know of the
Changes litd MinJ.
"On May 7, i 'i:," he said, "the
Lusitania was s,unk and 115 Ameri
cans, rightfully on board, were sent to
their death. At Philadelphia the next
day President Wilson aid that there
was such a thing as being loo proud
to fight.' 1 think he said it for the
purpose of seeing how the country
liked it. He found out and changed
his mind overnight.
"On May 1.1. he sent his famous
'strict accountability' and 'omit no
.vord or act' note to Germany, signed
hy Secretary of State Bryan. On June
9, 1915, a second note was sent, much
milder than the first, and it was
signed by Lansing, secretary-pro tern,
Mr. Bryan having resigned the night
before. It seemed incredible that Mr.
Bryan should sign the lirst note and
refuse to sign the second.
Threaten to Quit.
"After the note had been read to the
cabinet snd agreed to by all the mem
bers Mr. Wilson added a postscript
which I have not seen, because it mys
teriously disappeared. In this post
script President Wilson informed the
imperial German government that the
words 'strict accountability' and the
other strong phrases in the first note
were not to be taken seriously, and
ended by agreeing to refer the whole
matter to arbitration. This, of course,
pleased Mr. Bryan, but it did not
please the other members of the cabi
net, who threatened to resign and ex
pose the whole thing. 2
"The postscript was removed and
Mr. Bryan resigned. Mr. Bryan told
Or. Duinha, the Austrian minister,
that the note of May U did not mean
anything, and Dr. Dumba immediately
sent the, word along to Berlin. He.
later was recalled. It some times is
a great mistake to tell the truth and
it is doubly unfortunate to tell it to a
foreign ambassador. There has been
no reparation and nothing has been
done." .
t'onalitara Minimum Was.
London. Ort. 17. Replying to a deputation
tntlny on lha nubject of tha hlvh piieaa ot
food and lha low wtlti paid ahop-koaplns
ftinp)oya In the dtilrtbuttng tradaa, Waltor
lluiu'lman, prealdont of tha board ot trade,
nnnounred that tho govarnmimt waa oonald.
ring thn question ot a minimum wasa for
all workera.
Got anythlnt you'd Ilka to
tho "Swappers' Column."
mpf Vat
Absolutely Removes
Indigestioa Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Brewers Caught Lying Again
They Have Not Made One True
Statement in Regard to Con
ditions in Dry Cities
. The Brewers and their hired men
have flooded Omaha with statements
from Nashville. They claim property
has depreciated and sold at less than
assessed value because of no saloons;
that the tax rate is oppressive; that
there are innumerable empty houses.
Bransford Stone, President of the
Nashville Real Estate Exchange, de
clares the statements
False, Misleading and Malicious.
. Here is his letter: '
Bransford Realty Co.
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1916.
Mr. C. L. Smith,
441 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Dear Sir: I am just in receipt of your favor
of the 14th Inst, addressed to Nashville Real Estate
Exchange, which you have written on the back of
"Douglas County Property Owners and Taxpayers
League's Liquor Campaign Literature" styled
"A warning from Nashville to Omaha Home Own
ers" purporting to be an editorial, in full, which'
appeared some time ago in the "Banner." Picking
the two paragraphs mentioned in said warning,
which appeared well in the body of said editorial,
without giving the connection with which said para
graphs were used, is very unfair and unjust.
The editorial of which said paragraphs were a
part was the aftermath of a conference between
one of our largest property holders and the Tax
Equalisation Commission.
The party appearing before said Commission was
trying to get his taxes reduced, and it had no refer
ence to prohibition or whiskey. Nashville, unfor
tunately, has been hit pretty hard within the last
two years as a result of her public funds having
been unappropriated, to a large amount, by pub
lie officials, eta.
Real estate conditions were unusually active in
Nashville, long after the city "went dry," and long
after there was but little realty business in Louis
ville, St. Louis, Chicago and other large cities
where whiskey is sold.
This was commented on publicly and privately
by the traveling public.
The buildings which were formerly occupied by
whiskey concerns are now used by reputable, high-
clan firms and at good rentals.
Realty conditions in Nashville are as toed, if not
better, taking into consideration population, than
any eastern or western city, ami she has led the
entire south, regardless of population, for more
then a year.
Nashville has not suffered, except by misman
agement by her public officials, as stated above,
any more, if as much, than all other cities, and the
depression in realty values was not due to any local
matter, but to general conditions.
Yours truly,
By Bransford Stone, President.
The Omaha Brewers or the Nashville
The Brewers lie about Kansas, about
Colorado, about Oregon. They "knock"
every town or city or state that does
away with saloons.
The brewers have flooded
Omaha with lies about Birming
ham, Ala., and the calamity that
has resulted from closing of the
saloons. They say that there is no
street sprinkling, no health of
ficer, no city physician, no milk
, inspector, .half, the, lights lout,
school term cut down, teachers'
salaries cut, no library appropria
tion. ' .';r!:'-:-- -r:w.
President Geo. B. Ward of the
City Commission, says: v ; -
Birmingham is Slandered
"The liquor interests are willing to blacken the
reputation and damage the financial statu of a
great city in order to carry out their designs. They
have made a tremendous blunder in citing Birming
ham as an example of tha disastrous effects of
prohibition. ; '
"Birmingham has not dispensed with its health
officer, its city physician or its market Inspector.
' It has not extinguished half of its street lights. It
has not closed a single fire station, and fire losses
were only $416,000 last year, against $1,252,000
the previous year. Insurance companies have agreed
to reduce our rate 15.
"When they say social disorder prevails; that
the city is seething in crime, that the city is in
fested with crooks, that crime is rampant and
drunkenness is more prevalent than ever In the
city's history, that the worst kind of alcoholic poison
is sold in enormous quantities to colored p?y!e and
that the use of deadly drugs is growing.
"Another fact for the liquor people to chew on.
The city of Birmingham has the handsomest city
jail in the south, costing $100,000 and surrounded
by twenty acres of ground beautifully cultivated.
"The normal number of prisoners confined within
it before the advent of prohibition was 200 and
upwards. Today the number ranges from sixty
to seventy, (
"Now our problem is what to do with our fine
jail. As a result Birmingham is forced to do Its
street cleaning and garbage collecting with paid
labor instead of prisoners.
"It is doubtful, should the issue come up again,
if the open saloon would have any adherents at all."
The brewers of St. Louis, of Mil
waukee, of Peoria and of Omaha
or the president of the City Com
mission of Birmingham, who did
not vote for prohibition, but ad
mits better conditions now than
when they had saloons?
Dry Campaign Committee
J. Dean Ringer, W. T. Graham, H. J. Grove, W. V. Bennett, S. P. Bostwick, F.
D. Wead, W. E. Foshier, W. A. Ehlers, Mrs. George A. Joslyn, Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey,
Mrs. D. C. John, T. O. Putman, C. F. Harrison, Titus Lowe, J. A. Maxwell, E. F.
Dennison, J. R. Beard. :
Executive Committee