Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Personal Gossip : Society Notes : Woman's Work : Household Topics
October 25, 1916.
Were yon ever in Jaobn or did some
more fortunate friend ever end you
gorgeous pictures of the Japanese
chrysanthemums? 1 his flower is per
haps the most beautiful and universal
ly admired importation from the ori
ent to the Occident. Its fluffy globes
in delicate shades of orchid, pink,
lavender, yellow and also red and
white are popular with every ' one.
One poor little girl, whom I knew,
saved carefully her spare pennies all
one fall so that before the chrysanthe
mums were gone she could buy a
single posie for her very own.
Scarcely a luncheon or tea or din
ner party but has them nowadays.
Today Mrs. J. M. Metcalf entertained
at a prettily appointed lunchedn at
her home in honor of her sister, Mrs.
Ada Hertsche of Portland, Ore.
Dainty water colors' from Venice, for
place cards and white carnations were
combined with beautiful white chrys
anthemums in the decorations.
' At Mrs. Hughes' informal tea yes
terday for her guest. Miss Winifred
Hicks of Duluth, yellow chrysanthe
mums formed the decorations.
As a wedding flower the chrysan
themum rivals the rose. Miss Lucile
Bacon set her wedding date-in Oc
tober because "I always wanted a
wedding when I could have hig white
chrysanthemums." Just as she had
wished, glorious white chrysanthe
mums banked the altar and were tied
with tulle bows to the pews:
The marriage of Miss Adele Davis
Monday was performed in a setting
of pink chrysanthemums and roses.
Pink chrysanthemums were . used
through the rooms.
The story came from Minneapolis
the other day that five society brides,
all in a row, had set their wedding
dates in the brilliant month of Octo
ber in. order that they might have
around them on their nuptial days
masses 01 inese oeautitul Japanese
flowers.- v
housework and the members are anx
ious to interest new girls. The club
has a Bible class on Thursday after
noon, where thry are to study the
parables, beginning November 2. In
the evening Mrs. John Austin has
charge of a good English class, in
which they take up the reading of
good literature, study plays and have
good social affairs.
Matinee Party.
The wives and mothers of the of
ficers of the Nebraska National Guard
were entertained at a matinee party
at the Orpheum today by Mrs. H. F.
Elsasser. This was one of several in
formal matinee parties and teas which
this group of women has enjoyed and
will probably be followed by others
of the same nature. No formal organ
ization has been effected, but the
common interest has drawn them to
gether. The mothers included in the
party were
Mrademes Mesitames
E. C. Wilbur, h. A. o.rdnr.
I'""'. Oelschmen, C. W. Hamilton,
William Kelly, .. p. E. Elsasaer. ,
Fred Koeper,
he wives of officers include:
Wllll.m liruett,
Dal Lough,
J. F. Pourher,
c. u Burmneter,
Martin Jensen,
Clyde MrConnkk,
,.1111 uaraner,
W. K. Baahr,
I. V. Todd.
B. E. Starrlrkar,
0. E. Jaycox,
W. B. Hall,
1. A. Lily.
Wallace FVIlere.
Smart Hats from Master Designers
Wedding Announcement '
The marriage of Mr, Joseph F.
Gardner of West Somerville, Mass.,
and Miss Maud L. Parkman of Bos
ton was performed by Rev, C. N.
Dawson at the Diets Memorial
church parsonage Sunday. The
couple were to be married In the
east this winter, but Mr. Gardner's
business called him to the Pacific
coast, so his bride met him in Omaha
and will make the trip with him.
Social Goisip.
Mrs. W. A. C, Johnson returned
Tuesday morning from New York.'
Last evening the Johnsons were with
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane it
the opera. "T
Honor Bride-to-Be.
Misses Jewell and Flower Alex
ander entertained at a kitchen shower
for Miss Bessi Ahlquist on Monday
evening. The guests were: .
jniaaee Mlsees-
Flower Alexander, '- I
Bessie Ahlqulit.
Harold Andreason.
Bessl. Christie.
Onle Krell,
Jewel Alexander,
Charlea Weber,
William Betllli,
Personaf Mention.
Recent arrivals from Omaha at the
Hotel Snapp in Excelsior Springs are
George Marks and D. E. Gallagher.
r-nroute to California trom the
Misses Helen Mallln.nn nri Unnm Ui,.
ton were also membera of the party.
Trinity Parish Aid.
I he Trinttv Parish Aid tncirtv met
for an all-day session with Mrs. F. H."
Liavis at 1:30 this morning.
Franco-Belgian Society.
ine franco-Belgian Relief societv
met this afternoon with the presi
dent. Mrs. lohn A. rn itU
definite plans for the year. Several
of the teas which were planned some
time ago have been given, but no re
port has been made on the sum of
money which has resulted. All the
teas were supposed to be over by the
first of November.
Luncheon and Matinee. ' "
The Omaha Woman'a Club of the
Railway Mail Service ffaVfi a lunch.
eon in the blue tea room of rh Bran
deis stores today, followed by a mat
inee party at the Brandeis theater
tor ine Mission flay."
On the Calendar.
Mrs. Walter, Roberts will entertain
at tea frriday afternoon for Miss
Anita Carrington of New Haven,
j,onn., wno is a guest at the . H.
Davis home. -,,
Hood-Slaven Wedding.
The marriage of Mis Mabelle
Slaven to Mr. Clarence Hood of Po
catello, Idaho, took place this morn
ing at 9 o'clock at St. Bridget's
church, Fathers Gannon and Samuel
officiating. A wedding breakfast at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Owen Slaven, followed the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Hood will leave
soon to make their home in Poca
tello. ' .
. . i ,, , .
Unitarian Church Supper. ' '
Members of. the Unitarian church
will have their first social meeting
with their new pastor, Mr. Robert
French Leavens, formerly pastor of
the Pittsburgh church, this evening,
when they will give a supper at the
east, Mrs. Horace G. Burt, formerly Claremcmt Inn. Mr. Leavens
of Omaha, ha. arrived and will spend
several days in the city, the guest of
Mrs. T. M, Orr, before continuing her
Dr. Frederick Millener and his
mother, Mrs. E. P. Millener, have re
turned from Richmond, Va., where
thev spent several weeks.
Mrs. E. H. Ward left today for a
two weeks' ' visit w'ith relatives in
Evansville, Ind., Mt. Vernon, III., and
St Louis.
Birthday Party.
Mrs, W. W. Ken entertained at her
i i- i , ,
iiuiue in nonor or inc rourtcenin an
niversary of her dauebter. Miss Win
nefred. The decorations and favors
were suggestive of Hallowe en. The
guests were:
Mlaaee ,
Madeline Nicholas,
Lucille Jaycox,
Prances Wiles,
Wlnnefred K.n. .
Carrol rjletten,
Harmon Wllmotk,
Van Elder,
Lucille Musgrove,
Mergeret WtdnolV
Lucille Parka,
Ulsters f
Ward Keller.
Kenneth SIPBle. V,
Francis Spiny.
Marlon Wllmotk,
Powys' Lecture Tickets.
Tickets for John Cowper Powys'
lecture on "The Spirit of Modern
English Literature, Monday after
noon at 4 o'clock, may be exchanged
for reserved seats at the Brandeis
theater, beginning tomorrow. The
entire lower floor is already sold out.
The lecture1 is sponsored by the local
Vassar club for the benefit of the
college endowment fund.
Marriage of Former Omahan. '
Mrs. Maria Hellman, formerly of
this city, announces the marriage of
her daughter, Grace, to Mr. Louis
Lang, of Portland,-Ore., Sunday,
October 22 at Baltimore Md., where
the Hellmana now live.
Luncheon for Visitor.
Mrs. J, M. Metcalf entertained at
luncheon at her home today in honor
ot her sister, Mrs. Ada Hertsche of
Portland, Ore. Covers were laid for
Stockton Heth,
C. B. Keller,
Martha Heth.
IL W, Connell,
Kllto Blertwwer,
Fred Thomas,
A. C Wakeley,
Charlea U. Donne,
John F. Waggaraoa
ot Washington.
Robert Ollmore.
- W. J. Connelt,
Charlea Oreen, '
George W. Llnlneer.
MM Mellla Wekeley.
Omaha Club Dinner.
The members of, the Omaha club
and their families will be entertained
at a table d'hote dinner Tuesday even
ing, November 7, as previously an
nounced. Election returns will be re
ceived at the club by special wire. A
few reservations have already been
made for the -dinner.
For Girls Working in Homes.
On Thursday afternoon from 3 to
5 o'clock at the Young Women's
Christian association there wilt be
open house for all girls who are em
ployed in homes. The girls have
been invited to come and bring their
sewing and get acquainted with other
girls. The Pleasant Hour club is sn
organization made up of girls who do
stalled last Sunday and is beginning
the work of the Omaha congregation
with great enthusiasam. Mrs. Albert
noag is cnairman of the arrange
ments committee for the supper 'and
about ninety or a hundred persons
are expected to be present. Services
are being held in Turpin's hall every
Bridge Party.
Mrs. J. O. Siford entertainer! il.r.
tables at bridge this afternoon for
Mrs. A. V: Donoghue of Houston,
Tex., wjio is her guest.
Turpin's Assembly. :
The regular assembly at Turpin's
Dancing academy will be held this
evening. , t
Social Gossip.
Mrs. John Floyd Waggamon of
Washington, guest of Mrs. Charles B.
Keller, will leave for her home tomor
row. Mr. and Mrs. John DeForest Has
kell and Miss Faith Haskell of Wake
field came in for the operas Monday
and Tuesday.
Mrs. W. M. McCuiston of Kansas
City is the guest of Mrs. E. P, Boyer
for ten days. " .
On the Calendar.
Mrs. Charlea Ederer will entertain
the members of the Church Extension
society at her home, 3323 North Thir
tieth street, Thursday evening.
Facts for Curious
enal at Woolwich,
fifty milee
Engtan i
of internal ra I
Light as a feather is this hat,
mostly velvet crown and moire
bow, but a good deal audacity,
too. It is blue, black purple or
brown velvet.
Advice to Lovelorn
. T Are Acting Cnwtaely.
a. S. Tour letter is too lengthy to permit
reproduction, bat It ehowe that you hare
allowed younelf to become morbid In con
templation of a situation you eannot con
trol. Reason should telt you the young man
waa unworthy of the lovo yon gave him: it
la, of oourae, a great wrench to you. but
Pn muef conquer this hopeless feeling. It
wit) be fir better for yoa to go among your
friends and acquaintances with a emlte on
your face,, and lake full part In all thelr
pleaaurea, and In time you will realist the
joy of Ufa and the blessing you have la
escaping from a man whose latereat In you
ww.baaea on the property he expected yon
to Inherit His shabby action re getting yoa
to return the ring by a subterfuge It proof
of his capacity for decepUon. Do not
waste kny more time mourning for him. hut
rejoloe at your easy deliverance.
Prune Type of Worn an
"I seen a prune woman today," said
Katie. "I met up with her in a street
car." : . .
"Saw, Katie," 1 reproved, "And met,
not met up with." -
"Yes, ma'am. She was just like
them I mean these." Katie was
washing the prunes,
"What is a prune woman, Katie?"
"Well, ma'am, first of all she's
wrinkled, inside and out. Now I say
that in these days a woma'h needn't
get much wrinkled. . Not if she has
a good temper and a decent pride that
makes her take care of herself. Mrs.
Smith that lives over on Summit ave
nue is 75 and she ain't got no real
wrinkles. Only three creases at the
corner of each eye and they come
from laffin.' This woman may' a been
forty, but she's cross forty an' cross
forty is older than good natured
"She was settin' at the end of the
car and anybody with half an eye
could see that inside of herself she
was critisin' everybody in that there
car. There was a pretty girl settin'
next to her. The girl had the puni
est little feet all laced up in high gray
shoes. I never seen anything purtier
or modester. Her skirt come down
nice and correct over the tops of the
"But the prune woman looked at
them shoes as though they was
poison. 1 hen she looked at th; girl s
face as though she thought she was
something turrible. But the girl was
lookm out at the red autumn leaves
on the maple trees along the side of
the road and never seen the dagger
look the prune woman gave her. If
looks tould speak, the prune woman
would have been sayin', 'You're vain
and tritlin and 1 moren half think
your bad.' Maybe the girl is vain.
I notice that some is an' some ain't.
She may have been triflin'. Anyway
the folks, that are triflin' are more
pleasant than them that ain't. I can't
abide the people that go around with
a deep furrow between their eye
brows, thinkin' they're doin' great
things. They're generally sour and
disagreeable and snappy..
"And as for bein' bad, you know
the look of the child that stays always
in a good woman's eyes? She had
that, ma'am, and you can't mistake it.
You can get fooled on a lot of things,
but not on that.
"Down toward the other end of the
car two men was talkin' politics. They
got kind a noisy, like boys playin'
ball. Have you noticed ma'am, that
lots of men get as much fun outa
talkin' politics as, they did when they
wur boys out playin or goin' swim
min'? "And -that's about all they think
about it, just the sport of it. I'm
thinkin' woman will take it more
serious like. Come right down to it
women are the duty hunters of the
world. These men shocked the prune
woman. They didn't say nothin'
wrong, just raised their voices. But
she fidgeted around as though she
thought they would use bad language
any minute and she wished a police
man would- get aboard, and her
wrinkles got deeper and deeper.
"She looked at everyone on the car
and found somethin wrong with
everyone of 'us. . I seen her lookin'
at a rip in my shoe. If I'd said, 'Hon
esty ma'am my shoes was all right
when I started. That ripped while I
was doin' the marketin',' she wouldn't
'a' believed me. She's got the habit
of thinkin' the worst of everybody.
Until she takes a kind of pleasure
in it."
A feather-brained affair, indeed,
charming as feather-brained affairs
usually are, is this Reboux hat of
velvet with maple leaves made out
of feathers. The wr ap is of mole.
What the French will do next, of course, one cannot say, but
now Maria Guy has crowned a brown velvet hat with ebullitions
of kolinsky to match the collar and muff.
Didn't Dart Work
"I aay, Dlck lend me another ten, will
you?" ' f
"Heavens! Why don't you go to work and
rn Mnn.v?'
"Don't dare to, my boy. People would
think the governor bad disinherited me,
and that would ruin my credit." Boston
The royal arsei
has more than flfl
ways. .
Austria Is the only empire in the worl-1
which has never had any colonies or over
sea posuessiona.
The most elaborate almanac In the world
is that which has been issued for centure
by the Chinese government. s
Boys are stronger than girls from b!rth
to the eleventh year, then girls become supe
rior physically to the seventeenth year.
So -large is the great Spanlah palace of
the Escurial that it would take several days
to go through all its rooms and apartment.
The three foundere of the modern German
empire were possessed of extraordinary long
evity. William 1 was 91, Moltke waa also
E1L and Bismarck was 83.
Winnipeg has twenty-one public play-
grounds and the system has developed to
such an extent that the average daily at
tendance during the summer months is 8,r61
The largest railway scale ... . rid has
.ecently been completed at Wejt Albany,
N. Y. It is capable of accommodating a
load of 1,650,000 pounds. It eonsiate of six
weighing instruments each having a capacity
of 275,000 pounds. It is designed for weigh
ing locomotives and other heavy rolling
stock. - '
rri rkw
FOR MPN u. . as nn
FOR WOMEN, 80e'to 2.05
Stl South 16th Straws.
Steps to Happiness
Most of us' spend our lives in pur
suit of happiness. But she is com
pletely elusive, and when we think we
have gained her, we always find that
she lies somewhere beyond.
We all want superlative happiness
and happiness is only comparative.
We are happy as we give joy to oth
ers, fulfill our daily tasks, and work
toward a goal of achievement.
Real happiness lies in "amounting
to something" in this world. And
amounting to something means doing
our honest best with our own possi
bilities and helping other people real
ize theirs. -
An old-time philosopher has sug
gested steps to happiness. Here
they are: Accept Your Limitations.
Seize Your Opportunity. Enjoy the
Good of the Hour. Improve the Bad,
and if You Can't Let it Drop. - -
Let us examine these suggestions.
"Accept Your Limitations" means be
sane and logical about your possi
bilities. Don't exaggerate your , tal
ents and insist on flying when it is
hard tor you to do anything more
than walk. In other words, take stock
of yourself and make the best of
what you are and have it in you to
be. But don't refuse to sing well in
the chorus just because you aren't
able to be the prima donna.
"Seize Your Opportunity." That, of
course, means be awake and alert to
whatever chance offers you and make
the most of the , tiniest opening
through which it is possible to force
your way to success.
"Enjoy the Good of the Hour." Be
happy over the little things and don't
worry because they are not eternal.
No sunset was ever less beautiful be
cause it was foredoomed to fade and
joy and beauty have almost an added
charm because they are not perma
nent. Learn to find joy in little mo
mentary blessings. So you get a
happy tendency, a frame of mind that
makes for cheer. .
''Improve the Bad and it you Can't
Let it Drop." ' Don't sit idly by with
folded hands and accept unpleasant
circumstances. Do your best to over
come them your honest best. But
if you find that faith wilt not quite
move mountains but only show you
the way to toil over them, try to sur
mount them.
If footsore and weary you have to
give up and retrace your path, be
cheerful- about that, too; Failure
bravely accepted is a sort of success.
After all these signposts to happi
ness only lead you on the path to
peace. Peace of mind is the greatest
happiness mortals can grasp and pos
sess. It comes from the knowledge
of duty well done, of work honestly
performed and of kindness and love
given to oiners.
ifp Eafiiig Iroad
Try "O-EAMT," the New Combination Bran FoodFully
Baked, Ready to Eat Crisp Toasted Slices, and
: us Free from Constipation ana Indi-
Only 10o At Grocers
The Crisp O-EAT-IT SUc Are Simply DelidoiM, I New
Tasttd Aiiythinf Lilt Thtm."
"O-EAT-n" fi a new combination
fully baked, readr-to-tMtg pur, delicioui,
nourishing brsn bread food. Ita crisp,
taatjr toasted slices keep indefinitely
made from rich golden wheat-bran and
other cereals. "O-EAT-IT" takes th
plae of all old-style bread' and break
fast foods, morning, noon and night;
good for brain, blood, nerves and grow-
big children, and Insures freedom from
constipation and Indigestion without the
aid of medicine or any added expense of
living. Physicians heartily recommend it.
For sale at all grocers, 10c, or sent pre
paid on receipt of price. Address O-EAT-IT
CO., 182 Stodebaker Bldg., Chicago,
"O-EAT-IT" Makes Rich Red Blood
From the Customer's
Merchandising Establish
ments Must Get Their
Store Methods.
offer is intended for just this
purpose. How best can we
perfect an organization and
maintain it along the lines of
the greatest usefulness, is
our question and one of our
store ideals. 1
That the selling force of
such a business house con
stitutes the larger source
from which this usefulness
finds its way to you is a well
known fact.
Let your letter deal with
this important element of
"store" efficiency. Write it
your own way. We are glad
to have you step into the
store and ask any questions
you wish oji any point not
made clear. The $100 will
be paid in cash to the suc
cessful contestant on Decem
ber 1st. '
run cess
Ida C. StockwelPs ,
- is now located at
2pth and Farnam Sts.
How to Judge a
Woman by Her Hair
t :
There are always the well-known
and semi-humorous methods, such as
saying brunettes are quick-tempered.
But there is real common sense in
just noticing whether the hair is well
kept to judge a woman's neatness.
If you are one of the few who try
to make the most of your hair, re
member that it is not advisable to
wash the hair with any cleanser made
for all purposes, but always use some
good preparation made expressly for
shampooing. You can enjoy the very
best bv eettine some canthrox from
your druggist and dissolving a tea
spoonful in a cup of hot water when
your shampoo is all ready. After its
use the hair dries rapidly ..with uni
form color. Dandruff, excess oil and
dirt are dissolved and entirely disap
pear. Your hair will be so fluffy that
T. -t- I. L :. .1
1 win lOOK mutu Heavier utau H is.
Its lustre and softness will also de
lieht vou. which tfte stimulated scalp
gains the health which insures hair
growth. Advertisement.
ftreereof s Eurevaaa 1
Hotel Loyal
1 ISta ead CaaMeJ
Rooms, $1.00 ud $1.50
With Bath, $1.50 and Up
Cafe the Very Best
Popular Prices
v r w m .nmm rwm yy sage.
Armour's greatest triumph
in sausage-making; brings to
you all the zest of the coun
try boy's breakfast Deli
ciouswholesome the real "
farm kind. , A pure, all-pork
product, the result of fifty
years experience, Devonshire
Farm, in flavor and appetizing quality,
represents the national taste in sau-
Good dealers carry Devon
shire. Look for the blue and yel
low Oval Label the Armour
ROBT. BUDATI. Mar.. 13th aa. lean Stl..
Phoee Deuslsi ISS9. Oaisha..Nas.
W. L. WILKINSON. JStS SB. O. Til Ss. I7.