Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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8ayi . glMi of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
washes out poison.
To see the tinge of healthy bloom
in your face, to see your skin get
clearer and clearer, to wake up with
out a headache, backache, coated
tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to
feel your best, day in and day out, just
try inside-bathing every morning for
one week.
Before breakfast each day, drink a
class of real hot water with a tea
snnnnful nf limestone nhosohate in it
as a harmless means of washing from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels
the previous day's indigestible waste,
sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing.
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary canal before putting more
food into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach is wondertully in
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases and acidity and
gives one a splendid appetite for
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate will cost very little at the drug
store, but is -sufficient to demonstrate
that just as soap and hot water
cleanses, sweetens and freshens the
skin, so hot water and limestone phos
phate act on blood and internal or
gans. Those who are subject to con
stipation, bilious attacks, acid stom
ach, rheumatic twinges, also those
whose skin is sallow and complexion
pallid, are assured that one week of
inside-bathing will have them both
looking and feeling better in every
way. Advertisement.
That'i the woman') dread when ihe gets
up In the morning to itart the day'a work.
"Oh! how my back Tthes." GQJLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules taken today
eases the backache ot tomorrow taken
every day ends the backache for All time.
Don't delay. What's the use of suffering;?
Begin taklns GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules today and be relieved tomorrow.
Take three or four every day and be per
manently free from wrenching, distressing
back pain. But be sure to get GOLD
MEDAL. Since 1696 FOLD MEDAL Haar
lem Oil has been the National Remedy of
Holland, the Government of the Netherlands
having granted a special charter authorizing
Its preparation and sale. The housewife of
Holland would almost as soon be without
bread es she weuld be without her "Real
Dutch Drops," as ahe qunlntly calls GOLD
MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Thisi is
the one. reason why you will find the women
and children of Holland so sturdy and ro
bufrt. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original
Haarlem Oil Capsules Imported direct from
the laboratories In Haarlem. Holland. But
be, sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look for the
name on every box. Sold by reliable drug-
?lfltt tn sealed packages at 2 So, 60c and
1.00, Money refunded if they do not help
you. Accept oniy tne uui.u muuau. All
o nre Imltatlo Aclvftrtlwrn""'.
The Treatment of
Influenza or La Grippe
It If quite refreshing these days to read of
ft clearly defined treatment for Influenza or
a unppe, in an article in the "Lancet
Clinic," lr. James Bell, of New York Gity.
ays he Is convinced that too much medica
tion Is both unnecessary and Injurious. -When
called to a case of la grlpp, the
pauenx is usuaay seen wnen tne lever is
present, as the chill which occasionally
ushers in the disease, has practically passed
away. Dr. Bell then orders that the bowels
oe opened ireeiy witn-eaits, AC tolas" 01
citrate of magnesia. For the high fever,
severe headache, nam and general soreness.
one antt-kamnta tablet every three hours
is quicitiy iouowea oy complete rener.
Ask for A-K Tablets. They are also unex
celled for headache, neuralgia and all pains
Appeal of City Proves Irresist
ible to 866 Persons in
Five Months.
How a Man Who Landed On Wood
Pile And Wat Sore From Head
To Foot 1 Found Quick
Qnee upon a time Edwin Putnam,
who lives in the quiet, pretty hamlet
of Wendel Depot, Mass., climbed up
into a loft to get some building ma
terial, just as many another man liv
ing in the country must often do.
Suddenly he slipped and fell. Ten
feet below was a pile of wood, knotted
and gnarled. It was a nasty tumble,
and Mr. Putnam was injured pain
fully in the back, he was covered with
bruises, and was sore from head to
The next day he bought a bottle of
Sloan's Liniment, which had been re
commended to him. Within a very
few hours the soreness had vanished
and the lameness had disappeared.
He was an active man once more.
Sloan's Liniment can be obtained
at all drug stores, 25c, 60c and $1.00.
By A. R. GROH.
Two new families were added to
Omaha's population every weekday
during the last five months. Y'bctchal
Two hundred and sixty-five fami
lies, consisting of 866 people, of
whom 171 were children, moved in, to
grow with growing Omaha.
This does not include single indi
viduals who came here and took up
their residence at boarding houses or
It consists entirely of families with
household goods, who rent or buy
houses and buy groceries and dry
goods and coal and milk and ice anil
shoes and millinery and and every
thing. All this was discovered by E. V.
Parrish, the Sheflocko of the bureau
of publicity. How did he do it?
That's what I wondered. Did he go
and stand around the freight depots
and watch for bunches of household
goods? No. Hs got all the furni
ture moving companies "lined up" and
as soon as they get an order to move
someone s household goods from :
freight depot thev let Sherlock Par
rish know and he sends a man around
with a card to fill out. Nothing can
be simpler. Watson.
These wise people moved to Omaha
from almost all the states in the union
and from the District of Columbia and
Canada. Other families came in from
foreign countries, but as they had no
nousenold goods, they are not in
Why They Came? .
Why did they come here? That
sounds like a "foolish' question" to
Omahans. But outsiders generallv
nave some special reason and here are
some that they gave.
for business and economic reasons
139 families came, and the rest came
simply because of Omaha's charm as
a place to live.
Eighteen, coming from small towns.
came because thev preferred a citv to
a town. On the other hand, one fam
ily arrived from Chicago "because
there are better opportunities for
home life here than in a whale of a
city like Chi."
. The Big Magnet.
Twenty-eight came here because
they "had lived here before." That's
some compliment I Tried living some
where else and just couldn't stand it
away from dear old Omaha.
Xwentv-four came because thev
have relatives here who had urged
the beauties and attractions of Omaha.
ihree families came because of the
healthfulness of the climate."
Of the heads of these families.
twenty-three are traveling salesmen.
Omaha, is a very important center out
of which salesmen travel.
Twenty-one of them are railroad
mtn. Six put themselves down as
merchants. Then there are carpen
ters, insurance men, real estate deal
.crs, theatrical men, automobile pen
and so on.
, Welcome to our city I
Drives Owners Out
Of Their Home and
' Remains All Night
firmed with three revolvers and a
shotgun, Steve Gailleni, an Austrian
who is believed demented, last night
drove Mr. and Mrs. John Orosz from
their home at First and Nicholas
streets and barricaded himself in the
Old Soldier Puts
Lobeck's Secretary
To Rout On the War
The democratic he-keot-us-out-of-war
campaign catch phiase is dying a
hard death. The republicans have
punctured it so hard that it cannot
stand up by its own strength any
longer. Evidence of this was offered
at a bipartisan meeting held in Mag
nolia hall, Twenty-fourth street and
Ames avenue Tuesday evening. Con
gressman Lobeck was represented at
the meeting by his secretary, Jim
Hanley, who did the best he could
under the circumstances, being inter
ested because he wants to return to
Washington with his boss. "And Wil
son kept us out of war I" exclaimed
Mr. Hanley, just as if he meant it
and just as if he thought others would
believe what he said. An old soldier
immediately arose and asked:
"How can you say Wilson has kept
us out. of war? Are not we at war
with Mexico? What is Pershing's
army in Mexico at this time for?
Don't you call that war? If you don't
call it war, please tell us what you do
call St. We would like to know."
Mr. Hanley ' was completely con
fused, his face turned red and his
mind was in a quandary for werds
with which to answer the veteran. The
best he could say was "No, that is not
war." The crowd expressed its col
lective mind with laughter for Con
gressman Lobeck s secretary and
cheers for" the old soldier. Mr. Han
ley sat down.
Gust Hamburg is
Run Over by Train
And Instantly Killed
Gust Hamburg, an assistant sec
tion foreman of the-Union Pacific
railroad, was run over and instantly
killed at 7 o'clock yesterday morning
in the railroad yards just north of the
Douglas street bridge.
A string of boxcars being shifted
struck him. He leaves a widow and
two sons. His home was at 1620
North. Twenty-second street.
Hamburg is survided by his widow
and two sons. His body was taken in
charge by Coroner Crosby.
Motorcycle Club
Has a Split-Up
The question of new club room lo.
cations resulted in a split-up of the
local motorcycle club at the regular
meeting last night. The side con
sisting of mostly Harley-Davidson
riders had such an overwhelming ma
jority and the other side consisting
of riders of other makes, refusing
to let majority rule, caused the meet
ing to come to a deadlock until l
was suggested that if the minority re
fused to let the majority rule that
they split up and the property be sold
at auction at the meeting in session
and the proceeds divided between the
two tactions.
This was put in form of a motion,
voted on and carried. Archie .eoren
son was the highest bidder.
A meeting of the riders will be
held at the store of Victor H. Roos
next Friday evening to formulate
new club. .
Wants Scaffold for
Thieves of Autos
Will somebody please hang
couple of auto thieves just to satisfy
he Umaha Automobile clubf
"Not so many years ago," says S
bmyth in the omcial paper, right
house Until morning when police of- '-re in Nebraska men were hung for
ficers placed him under arrest. In
police court Gailleni was bound over
to the district court under $1,000 bail
charged with assault with intent to
Gailleni, it is alleged, appeared at
the Orosz home last night and de
manded $55 which was hidden m ;
trunk. He was driven away, but re
turned again in a few minutes loaded
to the guards with artillery. He
forced Mr. and Mrs. Orosz to leave
and threatened to kill anyone who
molested him. Mr. and Mrs. Orosz
besieged their home until morning
When Gailleni failed to deoart thev
notified the police and Officers Dunn
and Kepnelly broke down the door
ana placed Uaillcm under arrest.
Gailleni also lives in that district,
known as the bottoms.'
Ward Off Colds Now
It's a good time to so fortify your
system that the coming cooler
weather will not cause the usual
coughs and colds. For the person
who has a regular cold each winter
Pure Malt WwkV
taken as directed will help keep the
body in good general health and
break the habit of taking
cold." For it sharpens the
appetite, aids digestion,
helrte' rmtwir urostprl tic. wH!.
sues of the body and addsplS
ancc. iuny s rure iviau
Whiskey is endorsed
thousands and recognized
as a family medicine, be
came people who "Get Duffy's
and keep well" ere seldom trou
bled with colds, coutfu or grip. Cjatfy
"Get Duffy "d
Keep Well"
At most drug
gists, grocers and
iji dealers, i.uu. 11
they can't supply
you. write us.
Useful household
booklet free.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Roches-
rr, N. T.
Switchtender Goes to
Jail for Stealing Watch
William Feeney, 3021 R street,
switch tender for the Union Pacific
at Summit, was found guilty of petit
larceny in ponce court and was sen
tenced to thirty days in jail. It was
alleged that Feeney stole a watch
trom John Jones, an itinerant.
reeneys arrest grew out of
formation to the police by Tones and
Uan .Bresley, yesterday sentenced to
ten days in jail. Jones and Bresley
asserted that Feeney permitted them
to break into a car at Summit so that
thev might get out of the cold and
that while they were asleep he robbed
Jones ot his watch.
It was for having broken into the
car that Jones and Bresley were ar
rested, t-eeney is said to have had
the watch in his possession when ar
rested. Judge Allows Contestants
' To Settle Out of Court
' Alleging that her hfisband had
thrown dishes at her and otherwise
treated her in a cruel manner, Mrs.
Rebecca Alperson was granted a di
vorce decree from John Alperson, a
Sixteenth street cigar store proprie
tor, in Judge Leslie's court.
This was the third or fourth time
that similar proceedings had been
started, but heretofore they were al
ways settled but of court.
In awarding the decree the judge
consented that the question of ali
mony and property be settled out of
court ;
The Alperson's four grown chil
dren Edward, John, jr., Marion and
Samuel were in court when the de
cree was granted.
Bad Cough? Feverish? tilippy?
. These allmonts weaken your system; don't
wait. Use Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honoy. It
allays Inflammation, kills germs. 26c..4 All
druggists. Advertisement.'
tealing a horse, today the same
nen could steal automobiles and all
the present-day judges would say is
"Naughty, Naughty.
then the auto clubs editor m-
lulges in comparative arithmetic.
."The best b,orse ever swiped around
Omaha wasn't worth over $600. But
n automobile worth $2,000 or $3,000
sn't as valuable as the old skates of
Autopsy Shows L Meyers
Died from Heart Failure
All doubt as to the cause of the
death of Louis Meyers of the tail
oring firm of Meyors & Benson, who
was tound dead in bed in his room in
.i. r . T ,
lie raxion nuiei xuesuay morning,
was removed yesterday when an au
topsy, performed at the Hulse &
Riepen undertaking establishment by
Dr. S. McCleneghan, disclosed that
he had died of heart failure. An
empty glass on the dresser at first
led officials to believe .Meyers had
committed suicide.
Mr. Meyers, who was 59 years of
age, had resided in Omaha for thir
ty-five years and is survived by sev
eral relatives, the tuneral will be
hejd Thursday afternoon from Hulse
& Riepen s and interment will be in
Pleasant Hill cemetery. Relatives
will act as pallbearers. ,
Music, Orators and Crowds
At Republican Meeting
Norris Brown, colleague of Senator
A. J. Beveridge in the United States
senate, will preside at the Beveridge
meeting in the Auditorium Friday
J he senator, who will come here
tinder auspices of the republican na
tional committee, is a widely read
author, a statesman of broad experi
ence and recognized as one of the
nation's most finished public speakers.
A band has been engaged for the
evening. Indications are that the
Auditorium will be tilled.
Loud Costume is Stolen
From Grand Opera Company
If you should sec at large on the
streets of Omaha some man, woman
or child arrayed in short green trou
sers, a white shirt, long silk stock
ings and a green hat with a white
feather, do not be alarmed. It will
be neither a bullfighter nor a grand
opera singer, but a plain ordinary
thiet. bound, perhaps, tor a tancy
dress ball.
Articles such as described were
stolen from the Ellis Grand Opera
company at the Auditorium. The loss
was immediately reported to tne po
lice and ofticers are on the lookout
for the thief. I
The Best Wrapper on
the Best Filler
A poor wrapper will utterly spoil the finest
filler that ever went into a cigar.
A cheap paper will discord with the
rarest tobacco ever rolled into a cigarette.
Harmony is the secret of the perfect
smoke; and it has been brought to perfection by
It is the result of a marvelous patented
and protected process that it took years of
time and vast sums of money to perfect
This wrapper blends and harmonizes with
si filler of rare flavor and fragrance. .Always
mild-always uniform,
fever breaks in the package or
frazzles in the mouth.
Never irritates the throat or
parches the tongue;
ror 5
This means all kinds of money saved for you. Bet
a nickel on it. You'll win! In foil-lined packages.
The American Tobacco Company