Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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.Wheat Jumps From Nine to
Eleven Cents a Bushel on
Heavy Cales for Export.
Omtht, October 11, .
Tbt reanlt of th heavy azport mIm of
wheat from thla country wai Men In th
local market today when tha prlco of wheat
''Toae from to to lie per buihel.
All previous record for high price on
wheat were chattered and th poorest ear
of wheat sold brought JI.I-. The top price
of reeterday'a market on No. I hard wheal
was 11.71, and today the wune quality of
whfwt eold around 11.80 ana, wnue
the general run of No. 1 hard eold at 11.78
and 11.71. practically a 10c gain over the
average price paid yeeteiday.
The. market for durum wheat was not as
active as was the hard winter market, but
No. 3 durum sold at 91.71, or about Ic
hlrner than it did yesterday.
Th oar shortage has caused a decrease
In the local receipts and the sellers today
had no difficulty In disposing of th1r sam
ples at record prices long before the close
of the cash trading.
The corn market was rather quiet on ac
count of Kent reclDU. but the demand,
nevertheless, was good, .and yellow corn
acid at t7c, a new high mam.
A car of No. I yellow corn brought He,
and the bulk of the samples, which graded
No, I mixed, sold around l6Ho,
Th com market generally was quoted
3 Ho to 2 We higher, while oats ruled from
Hie to 1'c up.
Th demand for oats was not very active
and several samples of this cereal were held
over The bulk of the samples sold at U;
the top price for the day was 61 fcc. while
the poorest grades brought from 6014 c to
Ths demand for cash rye was excellent
and the market was 6a to Co higher. While
barley, with light sales, sold from Co to 10c
above yesterday's market.
Liverpool close : Wheat, 1 0 Id higher;
eom. steady to Ud higher.
Primary wheat receipts were l.TftMflO
bushels and shipments 1,746,009 bushels,
against receipts of 1,167.000 bushels and
shipments of 1,631,000 bushles last year.
Primary ' corn receipt were 176,000
bushels and shipments 611,000 bushels,
against receipts of 114,000 bushels and
shipments of 647,000 bushels last year.
Primary oats receipts were 1,414,000
bushels and shipments 1,416,000 bushels,
against receipts of 1,164,000 bushels and
shipments of 1,661,000 bushels last year.
Wheat, corn.
, Chicago
Puluth .....
Kansas City.
8L Louis...,
Winnipeg ..
These sales were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 ear,
fl.flOH. No. S hard winter: I cars, $1.61;
C ears, I1.60H; 6 cars, 11.60. No, I hard
winter: I ears, $1.76; 1 1.6 cars, $1.76;
I oars, $1.76; 1 cars. 11.77; cars, $1.77.
No. 4 hard winter: I cart, $1.76; t ears,
$1.74; 1 car, I1.T1H; Lear. $1.71. Sample
hard winter: 1 Oar, $1.76; 1-1 car. $1.71;
I cars, $1.71; t cars, $1,701 I oars, $1.67;
1 oar. $1.60; 1 ear, $1.66. No. I durum:
I oars. $1.76; 1 car, $1.66, No. I durum
. mixed: 1 oar. $1.71. Bam pie durum: 1
car, $1.16, No, $ mixed durum: 1 ear,
$1.76. No. 4 mixed; 1 oar, $1.76; 1-6 car,
$1.76; 1 ear, $1.71; 1 ear, $1.C; 1 oar,
Corn No. I' yellow i i ear, tToj I car
(new), tic. No. S mixed: 1 ear (light color),
M c; 1-1 car, 6(0. No. 6 mixed: l ear,
60. No." I mixed: 1 car, tie. - r
Oats Standard; 1 car, 61c. No. I whit:
I cars, 610, No. 4 white; 1 ear. 60 o. Bam
pi wnlte: 1 car, 60 Ho,
Rye No. I: 4 cars, $1 14; t ears, $1.11.
No. 1; I cars, $1.11; car. $1.11; 1-1 oar,
$1.11. No. 4: 1 car. $1.16.
Barley No. 1 fd; t-l ear, $1.00 1 car
wtv. nsjwxva; 1 car, vie.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. S hard,
$1.1091.81; No. I hard, $1.7601.79; No. 4
hard, $1.7001-76; No. I durum, $1,669
1.78: No, I durum, $1.6491.74. Corn; No.
1 white. tCVj07o: No. 1 whit. toatCUc:
No. 4 white, 669c; No. I whit. t44j
advance as compared with twenty-foui
oours Drrore,
Cash IMces Wheat: No. 1 red, fl.llS
1. ss; no. 1 rd, fl.7401.77; No. 1 nerd.
61.87ftl.67; No. 1 hard. 61.8191.84. Corn
No. 1 yellow $1.0791.08; No. 4 yellow, nomi
nal; wnue, nominal. Oats: No. I wnue,
53664c: standard. 64666c. Rye: No.
81.38. Barley: Seeds: Timothy,
83.2505,26; clover, nominal. Provisions:
Pork, $:t.00; lard, $16.93; ribs, $14,009
Butter Unchana-ed.
Rggs Higher; receipts. 4,631 cases; firsts,
3O011c; ordinary firsts, 8fl029c; at
marK, oases included, lZV38o.
Potatoes Higher; reoelpts 66 cars: Minns
sou and Dakota, white. $1.6001.66: Mlnne
sou and Dakota, Oh Ins, $1.4601.60; Wiscon
sin ana Micnigan. wnue. ii.ftflBi.K.
rouury Alive, higher; fowls, 17c; springs.
Leading Shares Xgain Seact
Moderately After Showing
' Irregular Strength.
New York. Oct. 26, Technical conditions,
represented by the extended bull account.
ouiweignea mors favorable general develop-
mem in today s' mantei, leaning siocks
again reacting moderately after an early
period or irregular strength.
xne nigmy Professional character of the
trading was evidenced by the extraordinary
activity of Issues having only potential of
luiure vaiue, especially Chicago, Bock la
land A Pacific, which outranked all other
stocks on its sxtremw rise of 7 points to
aiw, witn an overturn of 128.000 shares.
Other strong and active stocks Included
Denver 4k Hlo Grande common and or.
ferred at gains of 4 and 6 nolnts re
spectively with 1 to I points for Missouri
Pariric, Missouri. Kansas st Texas. Texas
I'acirio and Bf. Louis ft San Francisco.
These, with Rock Island, mad up 40 pr
cent of the total aggregate of 1,240,000
snares, 1
Invesment Ralls were Irrecular to heavy
throughout, pressure being most marked In
naiing ana oiner coalers, as well as Union
Pacific and some of the granxer and
main trunk lines. United H tales Bteel also
denoted bearish activity, closing at 117.
Its low quotation of th session, and a net
10m oil.
High records, made durlne- tha forenoon
by th sugars were wholly or oarttailv
surrendered later, General Motors also ra-
ceaea rrom its new maximum of 916,
with other specialties, such as Bethlehom
nieei, wnion rose s to nts and fell IB. In
dustrlal Alcohol retained greater part of Its
1 points gain. Other munitions 0011.0-
tnente and motors yielded 1 to I points from
wp leveis, foreign ana international is-
seus again were contributed to the
lartty of ths bond division with pronounced
strength In the convertible or speculative
Iseues of minor railways. Total sales, par
vaiw, fn.jits.uue. united mates bonds were
unonangea on call.
Number Of Slla an1 mint a Hn, on I..,!.
mi Hutu ware, -
Am. Beet Sugar... 7.100 104 lot loi
American Can ,000 42 61 61
Am. Car A Foundry 4.400 48 07 67
Am. Locomotive..,, 4.SO0 81 80 80
Am. Smelt. A Ref . . 7.700 111 int HO
16,800 UK 133 121
800 181 138 1
16.600 94 93 93
Mn 101 107 107
1,400 88
Am. Sugar Ref
Am. Tel, A Tel..
Am. Z . L, A S. . .,
Anaconda Copper..
Bsld. Locomotive, ,
Baltimore A Ohio. ..
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. A 8. Conrmr
Cal. Petroleum.,,,
Canadian Pacific, ,
central Leather. . .
Chesapeake A Ohio
C. M. A flt, P....
Chicago A N. W...
C, R. I. A P. Ry.. 132,600
Chlno Copper , 18,400
Colo. Fuel A Iron.. A ion
t orn rroaucis Iter.,
trucioi sieei
Distillers' Securities
(leneral El so trio
(treat No, pfd
ureal No. Or ctfs.
Illinois Central,.,,
Inter. Con. Corp . . .
Inspiration CoDoar.
inter. Harvester
66c; No. white, t4094a; No. I yellow, I Int. U. M. pfd. ctfa. 4,400 II
97 9 97fl; No. I yellow, 96097o; No. 4
yellow. 960960: No. I yellow. 68ft
6c; No. yellow, 94096c; No. 9 ml led,
6096a: No. 1 mlxtd. 960960 No,
4 mixed, 94 0 96e; No. 6 mixed, 940
9Soi No. C mixed, 91091o. Oats: No. 1
white, ll06lo; standard, 61061o; No.
$ white, 60 061c; No, 4 white, 6O06Oo.
Barley: Malting, $1.0801.11; No. 1 feed. 86c
081.09. Ryei No. $, $1.1101,14; No, 1,
$1.1301.18. a
' ' Omaha Futures.
A heavy export demand forced another
sharp rls In th prices of wheat. The re
Krts of ths seaboard show that 1,760,000
shels wtr sold for export and mora
than half of this amount was American
wheat, 400.000 bushels being sold out of the
local market. The Argentina situation
shows no Improvement and with th whur
In the northern districts a total loss and
the general outlook very unfavorable, It Is
difficult to say where the rls In wheat
will end. The opening prices1 on wheat
" were strong and the advance continued
iunr untu isecemoer wneal reached
$1,60 and Way $1.81, almost a 6-cnt gain
over the closing price of yesterday.
Tha trad Rannat hnna fnr hu
of corn while th car shortage continues
iiu mi iwiBm opinion is mat corn will
be led by th action of th wheat market.
May corn opened steady and December a
trlfls lower, -but th loss In the Decem-
bar article was soon regained, and both of
these options made good advances,
Th oat market was also vary strong
and advanced steadily from the opening
quotations, December reaching a high mark
ir mho.
Local rang of options:
66 16
.... 93
1,900 66 64 (4
$.300 24 28 28
1,600 176 176 176
16.900 94 93 98
9,604 69 61 68
900 IS 94 94
81 28 14
61 . 66 68
64 $1 63
i.aeo is sgu
6.800 47 46 40
4,600 88 IS 88
7,300 185 183 183
800 119 118 1(8
1.100 43 41 48
100 108 108 108
(.400 17 17 17
7,000 16 16 . 65
4 114 1H
I, tUO 17 2ft ITU
1,400 61 61 68
400 187 . lit ISC
MO, If ltu 11
IM M ' 11$
1,100 IIU ctu
1,100 ui 11 is 3
1,000 ioa in 10
too it(J ton
t.iot ua mi 1,1
114 II 37 j
B8U B 1.
live stock mm
Cattle of All Kinds Slow and
Dull Fat Lambs Highest of
Month Feeders Dull.
Offlflaf Monday
Offld.l Tundar ....
fcatlmatfl Wadncsday
October 21, 1111!.
Cattle. Holt.. Sh-ep
..11,004 4,724
.,11,140 1.021
, . 1,800 5.100
11.06! 70,2
11,(10 H,).0
1.414 011.741
15,137 127.441
1.710 a,m
: Doo.
1 Tl
t 74
1 tl
HHtl,T"Low, ClOM, ITei'y
1 II 174H 1 T4H 17SH
1 ii 171 1 mi
HI 117 1111,117
71 It KM II
I I II ' II til 5114
I1H - H4 15 14
. Chlcaio oloalnl price. furni.b.d Tha Bh
07 isan ei Bryan, tocK ana grain brokvra,
.1. wuio pmo.nin aireet, umaha.
Art Open. lllth. I I.ow.1 Clo,.,
Wnt I 1 J
Doc 1 1 It 1171 i I 1 10
Hay 1 II 1 15 17,14 1 ioh
July I 41 1 4IH1U 1 4IH
Corn, , 1 ,
Doe. ItK II H 17 H 17
May IIHOI, 1114 n set
Deo. 65 9 54 M 11(4 II i
lay I7M ; 114 I7H I7M
Hoc . 17 10 II II It 10 II l
Jan. 17 II 17 41 21 10 tl II
Doc. II M II II 11 77 It II
Jan. If II II 47 II 11 11 I,
Mb. '
Oct. 14 70 14 71 II 10 14 10
Jan. 11 81 14 47 II 17 14 10
"1 14
17 71
17 10
14 10
A lam. hat boat Armtlas Caua,
8ar aiM l Whoa.
Chicago, Oct 16 roao eicllodly
today, aeven oent, a buahel, but the grat,r
art oC the advance failed to hold. World
ahortago of euppltea had been rendored
tnoro acuta by tnoreaatng crop damage In
Argentina. e7ureDan.e however, aggrea-'
alvely fought the bulla after the market
had aurpaaetd 111, the high price record
of the Joseph Xelter "corner" In nil.
The cloae waa weak at 100 to 110, De
cember, and 110)4 to 1104, May, with
the market aa a whole to I cent, above
yeaterday'a flnlah.
JUpldty bulging price, and wave, of
buying formed the rule Inth wheat pit
during the Brat half of the day. Alarm
ing report, wore current that the Argen
tine damage from drought had 'aeeumed
dleaetroua proportion. , Teeterday'a heavy
eiport aalea gavo a further Impetua to
peculatlve buying, which proceeded un
checked until the advance amounted to al
most II oeata aa compared with the loweet
tururea of yeeterday'a Moaton. Th.o prtcee
began to break.
widening out of gelling which accom
panied the late aetback In wheat, waa based
to a considerable extent on opinions that
the advance of late had been too rapid.
In thla connection It waa aald the British
government purchasers had withdrawn from
the market and that foreigners were re
selling contracts both for Immediate and
future delivery. An additional bearish els
ment at this Juncture was a auddsa down
turn In prices at Buenos Ayres.
Larger country offerings of com ' mad,
that cereal weak at the start and much
more so at the finish. Tha close waa at
a decline of to 1140 net.
Oata were relatively atronger than corn,
Inlshlug at only a net loos of 14 cents.
Realising sales pulled .down provisions
sharply after aa early advance. Holders
seemed la a hurry to unload when cereals
hegaa to react la good earaeet. The out
aenas ranged from II decline to sevsn eeotg
C. Southern
Kenneoott Copper.,
Louisville at ,
Mex. Petroleum,...
Miami Copper.....
H K. T. pfd...
Missouri Paciflo....
Montana Power....
National Lead,...,
Nevada Copper. . . ,.
New York Central,.
N. T N. H. AH..
Norfolk A Western
Northern Paciflo...
Pacific Mall
Pacific Tel. A Tel..
Bay Con. Cooper..
Reeding 11,700 110 101)4 101
Rep. Iron A Iteel., 11,100 71 77 77
Hhettuck Arli. Con. l.OflO ,s u .
Southern Pacific, 1,400 101 101 101
nouthern Railway,, 4,000 11 28 88
Sludebaker Co 1.00, 114)4 131)2 183
Tetine.,,0 Copper.. , . 33
Texea Company.... 1,800 131 121 83n)4
Union Pacific 11,100 163 161 111
Union Pacific pfd 83
it. a inA i, ,ni ... i..' .,727
U. i. Uteel ,;.1K400 130 .
U. S. Bteel pfd 000 121 W
Utah Copper. 14,700 101 (4 llu l,
3,100 11 10 10
1,100 16 35
131 144
117 117
111 131)4
Wabash pfd. "8'
western union
Westtnghouss fclleo. 30,700
Total sales for ths
10,700 1514 11
day, 1.140,000 shares.
' Mlnneanolle drain Market.
Minneapolis, illnn,, Oct, l.--Wheat De
cember, ll.ll; May, I1.I8H: cash. No. 1
hard, 11. 16411. 17', 'No. 1 northern, 1,IOO
i.u.- nonnern, .i.n.eyi.,,.
Corn No. I yellow, llrOlt.OO.
Oats No, I whits. Il)4061o. .
Plaiaenl II. IIOI.7I.
Flour Steady! fancy patents. 30o hiche.
quoted at flO.OO; first and second clears.
Barley 71cOll.l.
Bran lll.vOOlT.M.
City General Marital.
Kansas city. Oct- 11. Wheat
hard, 11.I0O1.I1; No, I red, ll.7401.Hi De-
wiiiuvr. .i.iei, vi.ieie; nay, ,1.1s.
corn No. 1 mixed, IOcOII.OI; No. t
white, 11. 01)4471. 01: No. I vellow II 11 rw.
cemoer, iiavilftc; Hay, S7.
uais no. 1 wnits, 13 0 64Cj No. I
mixeo. oittwo.o.
Butter Creamery. I2u,c: flreta. inu,
nuvou., awv, yeueing, Il.fl,
kigga Firsts, tic.
Poultry Hens, lie: roosters. liun h-nit
ere, 11c.
City Live Slock Market.
.v,wv .in.a, inareet, nigner; prime
fd eteera. II.60 11.00; dreeacd beef steere,
""" " ""'wn eteera, ,e.uvep,.,,i heif
ers, ll.60OI.ll; storksre and feeders, 15.71
fil.ll! bulla. 1, lists ir.- n. ,.. u
10.60. ' ' "
Hogs Receipt,. 11.00, head; market, high
er; bulk.; heavy, II0.31O10.40;
. ".Ufl at, o V. Uv VM JV.s1i IlKDl.
II.50OI0.10; pigs, ll.26OI0.00.
nnup ... ismos neceipts, ,,100; market,
..'n"" Hv OIOIO.40; yearllnga.
l7.loot.IC; wethers, I7.00O1.0I; twos, so
St. Louis Live Mlonk M.rk.
lit rv ' 9. . I B . . ...
.. - , 'i nauaipiB, 1, tug
hflud: mrkt. steady; luttvt bc mtmr.
8T.60tli.60; yenning ttecra std aclfors,; rows, 6A.5iHM.76, itochsrs and
raatrlMta It IDA) 1A. .-I .a. .
th. (.. 00 j tow nl httlfttri, l4.60O7.60;
Oil' naaflva oai laa tit rtf.A.,llv e v
tr; llhl. 610.10910.46; Dlfi, 6S.7t08.T6i
v giv, aia-uov iv.ov; good
AMP and j-tT,b Hoctilpii, 1,200 hd
market, hifhr; Iambi, 67.A0f9it.ii); siaurh.
ter w, 6.007.K5: bridln tw-. s,60fl
6.60; yMrllno, 96.o0.9tU6. iwn, fS.60O7.16.
Onwlw IUr Market.
Hay RMfttpta light; market firm. PralrU
nay: cboloe upland, 610.60OU.00; No. 1
""" f,fjiv..; no. 1 upland, 17.600
8.00; No. 8 UfUnd, 96.60 0 7.00. Midland: Na
1, 66.60010.80; No. 9. 17. 00O6.00. Lowland:
No. 1. 8 ifOT.0i; No, 8. 84.0QOt.00; No 1
98.0004.00, Ajfalfa: Chulce, 9)6.00; No!
818.tOOM.f0;- Btandard, 9U.0UO1I.00 No
8, 98. 000600c No. I, 96.0008.00. 8traw:
Oat, t.00Ot.69; whaat. 86.00O6.60
'' U Otoefc la Might.
RlptB of live atonk at th flro prin
cipal weatarn markeU yeatardav:
Kanaaa City ......IQ.OOO IJ.000
m, Lrouia ,.. 7,800
Chicago 17,000
fllous fTIlK . . Ida
Omaha tM9
Thre dara thla wk.37.M4
flam dava laat wk..46,27&
Hame daya 1 wks ago. 87,006
Sam day 8 wka ago. SI. 093
Kama dava A wka aao. 40.440
Sam duya laat year. . .84,600
Cattle Receipt were fair for a Wedne
day although . amalter than , Monday and
Tueaday. Total for the three day amounts
to 17,644 head, a falling off of over 9,000
head a compared with tat week, but a gain
f 1,000 head as compared with a yar ago.
Early advices from other selling points
war not especially favorable and as local
train were 1st In arriving buyers were In
cllned to await developments before filling
their order. The result was a slow market
with the fi-ellng weak. Horn choice corn fed
yearlings sold tip to 811.06, the highest price
ever paid on this market.
Quotations on .-a ill: Good to Choice
beeves, 98.76010-60; fair to good beeves,
6H.60Ot.76; common to fair beeves. 96.760
6 60; fanny ' grawer. in.2nvi.7i; good
choice grass beeves. 97.7508.26: fair o
hole graes b-evea, 90.HAO7.76: common to
fair graaa bvM, 6.a')6.8i; good to choice
neirers. la.iiipi 21 4 good 10 en nine rows,
96.60O7, 00; fair to good cows. 66. 86 fl 60
mmon to ratr cows. ti zbeptiHb; good to
ot-olce feeders, 8T.60OH.16; fair to good
feeders. 66-7607 60; common to fair feeders.
6 ono 6. 76; food to choice atooKen.
6.00; ttock helfera, 96.2607 26; stock cow.
96.26O6 60; slork oalves. 87 00b.6(J; veal
i-aives. 8r..ooio.6o: beer bum.- stags, tc.
66.1606 60
Hogs -Chicago had a big run, and with
early prospects Indicating that prices would
snow no advance there, shippers wei' able
to fill their orders at prices that were1 In
most cases unchanged- though they called
aomeof their hogs 60 higher. The top was
tn same as it has been all ween, 110.16.
Ft rat packer bids were- If anything easier
than yesterday's average, but later reporte
from the Windy City were more encouraging
and when movement started It was at figures
that were steady to mostly 6c higher than
yeaterday's average, or about the lame prices
a were In foro at the good urn yester
Horn trains were late, but as a reneral
thtniTi belated arrivals sold Just as hlah aa
any time. After the early hogs were cleaned
up packera talked easier prlcea, but
celpta fell abort ef expectation and while
tn later trade wa not overly active
was firm at morning prices,
The general market was largely 6c high
er, some bog being called only steady.
Dulk of th aales was made at 88.80O 6.96,
with tn top aa noted at 810.16. Wh l
tha top Is higher than at the close of
last week and for that matter th hlaheat
on record for the tenth month of the
year bulk of the hoga Is Hot selling oulte
aa high as It waa laat Saturday. Monday's
dime drop not having been entirely made up
in tn smau advance or tne last two
Sheep Th supply of klllln lamb con-
tinueoxo run wen under the needs of pack
ers. and prices again ahowed a higher ten
dency, the market being called 1016e
higher than yesterday, or a quarter higher
than Monday. A coup of bunches of de
sirable lambs reached 910.40, the highest
price pa hi ao rar tnis month, while an ordl
nary kind landed around 910.16, and tha
op 01 a string ox reader were taken by a
killer at 910.00. Fat wes, which have
shown little strength for som time, shared
th lamb upturn, old sheep being called.
no j dc nigner. a couple or ears of handy
weigni ewes or good uualltv that reached
97,00 were of a more deslrabls claaa than
anything that haa been here recently, Some
yearling we there reached 96.00, which Is
higher than any thine haa been aelllnsr. and
as nign aa naa been paid this month.
Th feeder- trade continued to be some
thing of a drag, though forenoon feeder
iamb aajes were ouoted steadv.
Quotations oa sheep and lambs: Lamb,
gooa 10 cnoice, im, KbQio o; lr to good,
910.00010.96; lamba,' feeders, Y 00 0.80;
yearling, good to choice. 87. 60O8.00: year
lings, fair to good, (7.00T.60; yearlings,
feeders, 9T.00O6.00: wethers, fair to choice.
96.60O7.66; ewes, ' good to choice, 96.60 1
7.00; ewss, fair to good, 96.76O6.60; ewes,
piain 10 cutis, I4.00O6.60; ewes, feed In a.
94.6006.60; ewes, breeder, all age, 6.00
0M Market UajMttledHeg and Sheoa
Chicago, Oflt. 19. Cattl Recelnta. 87.009
head ; market unsettled, on load sold at
81141, th highest prlc on record. Native!
Deer came,; western steers.
96.1606.6,0; stockers and feeders, 94.66
lib; rows ana neuers, tx.iBOt.60; calves,
9 i.uitoii.up. 1
Hogs Receipts, 44,000 head; market,
whm . oo unusr reaieraay a average; bulM,
910.00O10.S6; light. 9I.80O10.40:
96.80010.46; heavy, 98.80010.46; rough, 99.80 I; piga, ,7Days.0.
Sheep arm Lambs Receipts, 94,000 head!
market, strong; wethers, 97.60O9.8S; ewes,
oo.iwv -ej laniue, fB.ilb V
ftlm City IJv Stock Market.
Sloijg City, Oct. 96. Cattle Receipts.
a.uuv iinnui marKei sieuay. neer steers,
96. 000O7-10; butchers, 96.3SO6.00; cannera.
94.0006.00; e took era and feeders. IS it KM
7.00; bulls, staga, etc., 94.7606.66; feeding I
vuwg anu nvtiore, fo.ivvi.vv.
Hogs Receipts, 9,800 head: market
steady. Light, 99. 6006.76: mixed Bfl.7h
180; heavy, 6 80 8.60; bulk,of sale, 69.76 1
Sheep and Lamb Recelnta. 9.000 head J
marker, iiitur. . awu, , ii,tuo..p; lamba,
0t Joaeph Llv Stock Market.
St. Joaeph, Mo.. Oct. 16. Cattl Re.
eeipts, 8,800 head; market ooaned tadv:
teera, 8H.lOlO,fiO; cow and helfera, 4.16
7. 10. caivea,
Hogs Receipts, T.00O head, market
opened slow; top, 910.19; bulk of sale,
Bheep and Lamb Race nts. 600 head:
market ateady; lamb, 116.00 10.36; wea
1 4.009
.46,800 76,100 49,800
Garment Styles and
Fabrics That Are
I Appealingly Appropriate
ror the New Season;
I Stocks That Contain No
Unworthy Productions.
At Each Price You Are
Assured of Satisfaction.
A Broad Assortment of Authentic Examples in Fall Suits and Coats
Each Group Combining Full Quota of Fashionable Charm With Most Pleasing Prices.
Thursday's Specials Will Interest Discriminating
Women Who Are Not Adverse to Real Savings.
Over 200 Classy
that were made to sell, up to $45.00, including a splendid
assortment of the season's most popular " m et
styles, in Broadcloths, Poplins, Whip- JpO A u)
cords, Serges and Novelty Suitings, many X.
mi eh
iur inmmea moaeis; an sizes, at
. ceived for selection Thursday. Styles that will
J? lend the desired "trig" smartness to a woman's ,
appearance, the! most desirable and dependable
materials and colorings; unsurpassed values.
One Big Lot of (t j 9 H
Nobby Coats, at . , V 1 '
A big assortment of pretty nov
elties and plaids, in flare and
belted models; also a good
showing of plain coats at this
Among -the New Arrivals shown
for Thursday are Afternoon and
Dancing Dresses, Velvet Suits
and Fox Scarfs; splendid values.
Dancing Dresses
Worth up to $45.00
A shipment of 85 beautiful dresses,
in the season's most charming designs
and colors. Materials are taffetas,
tulles, silver cloths, white tulle, char
meuse and novelty silks; the choicest
lot of values shown in Omaha this
season at sale prices.
See them sure
At, tj. -
A Wonderful Showing of the Season's Most Popular Colorings and Weaves in Ele-
gant Velvets and Satins in the Daylight Silk Section.
EXTRA SPECIAL 10 pieces of 39-inch Black Chiffon Valvat, a
rich, handsome quality, worth $4.00, specially priced for Thursday,
at ....82.98
Novelty Satins and Taffetas, the new Satin Plaids and Satin Striped
Taffetas, in light and dark effects, beautiful color combinations, for
waists, trimmings and entire gowns. See them Thursday, at, the
yd 88. S1.50. 81.75
10 Piece, of 40-Inch Black Dress Satin, worth $1.66.. . . . .J5
B Piece, of 36-Inch Satin Duchess, worth ?1.65. . . . . . . . . . .81.10
IS Piece, Chiffon Dress Taffetas, 86 ins. wide, at 88i and 8110'
3,000 Yard, of 36 and 40-lnch Dress Silks, All-Silk Chiffon Taf
fetas, Satin Messalines, Crepe de Chine, Printed Radiums. Novelty
Striped Taffetas, Poplins and Louisennes; $1.60 values, Thursday
at . ..... . . 08 and 81.10
Chiffon Valval,, 42 inches imported Lyons qualities, as well as the.
best American made ; all the scarce shades, including burgundy, mole,
new plums and greens, navy and military blue, maroon, African
brown and black. A great showing Thursday of these beautiful
velvets, at 83.98. 84.98. 85.98
That qualities are worth fully 33M mora than wa ask.
36 and 44-Inch Enflish Costume Velres, fine, lustrous qualities, soft
chiffon finish (Worral fast dyes), fast pile. . All the popular and
scarce colors, at . . . t .-. 81.75 to 83.50
150 Pieces of New Dress Satins, in every new street and evening
shades. Satin Meteors, Satin Charmeuse, Satin Majestic, Satin de
Luxe and Satin Messalme. 36 and 40 inches wide. Satins are in
great demand. A great showing of these luxurious fabrics, .at, the
yard ...... 81.25. 81.75. 82.00
in- -
Beak t'kariacs.
Omaha, Oct 31. Bank claaHnta for
Omaha today ware ,0H,1.(, and tor the
oerrsapondlas dar laat yaar li.,,;,,,,!.
raw,, iv-ty I IS i
k-I-7.TrT;aTilTf7rVil ll t
r.muja-rjiiiii.ifi i
I .J5tL .mi-m I'll
i 1 1 1
1 ll j
aka a s aaaaa. aa. It
We Place on Sale '
An Eastern Shipment of
Fashion's Latest Trimmed Hats
that will appeal to the good dresser
Wonderful Values -Each
One Different
Specially Priced, at
$5.00, $7.50,
$10 and $12.50
White Trimmed Hats.
. Gold and Silver Lace Hats.
The New Cute Bonnet Effects. -Big,
Black Trimmed Dress Hats.
AH Handsomely Trimmed
With Beautiful New Furs and Flowers.
All Linen Table
pl nn
Damask, at, yard.... J1VU
7n inrhpa wide, silver bleach
ed, actual vaiue, $1.75.
Turkish Towels, fancy OQ
colored ends, each C
Extra size and weight; col
ors, gold, blua or pink;' 60c
va uea.
Guest Towel,, fine qual- OC
ity all linen, at, each. . . aWl.
Huck weave, hemstitched
ends, 39c values.
Luncheon Sets, all
linen, at, set.
Scalloped, 13-piece, alMinen
sets, actual value, $3.75.
Bad Spreads, satin fin- (PO QQ
ish, 80x90 siie, at. . . vAefO
This beautiful hemmed spread
with space in center for mono-,
gram, cannot be replaced un
der $4.00.
Corset Discrimination P
means simply the ability to choose a corset that will
emphasize the good points of your figure and con
ceal its defects. You can fashion your figure into
lovely lines of grace by wearing the right corset
and you can just as easily destroy its naturally
beautiful contour by the wrong corset.
Miss Austin,
will five indi
vidual fittings
all this week.
Special Dis
play ef these
CoreeU in our
new Corset
Dept., 2d Fl,
All Week.
are designed by "corset experts to play up every
graceful, sweeping line that is in your figure.
It will lire us much pleasure to show you tka
latest Bianer model, daiisned en new Knee with .
higher bust smaller waiat rounded hips and
- shorter skirt. Tha silk brocaded model -will
' especially interest you. j s:
Prices, $5.00 to $25.00
: 9 wn