THEBEE OMAHA,THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916. 11 - FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. $8.001101 So. SSth St., 4-r., gas and water. fju.oo it bo, 17 th, A-r., modern, floor. St. Loull flat. $10.00 1716 So. ITtn, S-r., on second floor, loon. fZi.oo i7o Burt, M floor apartment, three rooms and bath, with heat. Oood, U. V. SHULfib COMPANY, lie City Nat l Bank Bldg. Doug. 48. 1108 PARK AVE., 8 room, modern. Fine location ana arrangements cor rooms, I Ill B. 15th Aye., ( rooms, modern. Weet 1 Farnam district. 8J6.0O. I 410 Wake ley street, north of Davenport I rooma ana sleeping porch and sun I room, new, never been occupied. 46. anjas i nunu-WALan COMPANY. Ty'T l&Sfl. Rose Bldg. ix. be jess Davenport St., 8-r., all mod., iiww iiHnici, - I $18.001608 N. 20th St., I-r., ail mod. flat ?.ov sos b, iota Bt,, -r.. all mod. a. i 614 Ware Block. WOLF. Dour, sots. Tb, Bee carried 4I.I04 alORB PAID Want All, flrit montna or i,i tnan tarn, period 1,16. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED GAIN of th. other two Omiba papera oy uvsh aw.ouu rAlli ADS. Reason: Better Reeulta. Better Rates. NICE T-roora flat, 1,07 Cuming St., $26. 6. room nouav. inu n. Bt.. only 112. JOHN W. ROBBINB. 1802 FARNAM ST. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIQH. SONS CO. (OS BEE BLDO DODO. It,. FOR RENT Ap'U and Flats , North. RENT CUT TO 111. 1119 N. I2d 4-r. flat, ateel range, gas piate, iiucaeo caDinei, water paid, ,1,. ttAtyr dkub., uougiaa 106a. South. I-ROOM modern apartment at 420 South I6th Ave., private baaement. heat and janitor services, ,40. BENSON 4k MYERS CO., 414 Omaha Nation Bank Bldg. . Doug. 74t. ST. CLARE. t and 4-r. apta,, Itlb and Harney. Har ney Dl. BEATED FLAT, strictly modern. 8. 24th Ave. Tel. Red 1167. 622(4 s-R. mod, flat. 2801 B. 24th. 120. H. 41 Miscellaneous. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT. Ill 10 Largs light rooms, with eaat, south and . weai ugnt. -rue bath, oak floors. Plenty I of heat, 127.60 par month. Georgia Apta., I 1040 Georgia Ave. This la the best apart-1 ment now available In Omaha at leas than I eov. nee PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1022 Farnam St. Douglas IIS. BRICK Sat lor rant, ,26 per month; rooma, modern. Phone Doug. 162. FOR RENT- Business Pr'p'tl Stores, .TWO modern storea near " Postof flee. Low I rem, u. f, ate&Dina, loio Chicago. Office., jnd Desk Knnm bUBIRABLJC studio location In Wead bldg a u '-vraaiu, ana in uaiarige Dlag., vui uu arnam; reniai reasonable, F. O. WEAD. Wsad Bldg. DfiglKABLh. office rooms in the remodeled I wrounse jsicck, lis . 10th fit. (opposite!, i to 1C par monta. Conrad I t S88 Brandels Tbester Doug lilt I CHOICB office space, Balrd Bids., 17th and I avougiaa ucuagu In v. Co, WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Homes and Flats. WB Want mors houses and tntrtmanf. rent. The faot that we have practically cleaned out our big list Is conclusive proof vi m eiiivianoy oiour rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne & Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental -usn. ie vm, ri. tat. tidg..Doug. 1010. WANTED Hating on oettages or houses to I rent or aali on mumr niamanti u. 1 tomers . waiting. .nqulrs 411 aUrbacO I . aiui;. uougiaa n 91. GALLAGHER A NELSON WtU . Bldg. k after your ran tale. ,44 BnaMi VOUI. SSHg. MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try as. Large l-horss padded vans. Storage, $1 month. - Satisfaction guaranteed. We move yon wftt-iai wujiiArjiiH AND BAJTbili. rttons lyiar air or UQUglas 48 H8. GORDON VAN GOT- w ..nKi-Rwuii vvAniutuuaiii, Packing; atorage and mov ing 11 N. nth St. Phone Douglaa 4. 1 METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. arenu attention given to orders for Hawing, pacmng or storage, office t Ray mond Furniture Co., 161$ and 1616 How oi rnone X). t)tj24. FIDELITY RENTAL FREE SERVICE Phone Dodgias 888 for complete "list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. lth and Jackson Sts. J. C. REED ?!'" c-. - pacaing ana storage. mm bu uougias siea. . ' FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE) separata looked rooms for household roods and planoa, moving, packing and mpping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOB CO. It! 8. lth St, Douglas 41tS. Maggard Van and two men, I II. lb IMP Urtnn Van and Storage Co.. Mjvina. Paakins- torage and ihlnplng. Phone Douglas 1400. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM. we nave )att listed another 8-room home near 42d and Farnam streets. I targe oearooms and bath on second floor. Living room, dining room and kitchen on tha first. Has built-in fireplace, a nice garage for two care. On paved street. 1 block from car Una. Can be handled either on terms or owner willing to dis count for cash. Hee us at once, as these wesi ramam nomes don t last long. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. BEAUTIFUL HOME. we nave ror sale nn .... . . splendid raaldenoa at 111 N. IJd St. ThU houae haa eight rooms, all In flna con. SKKS ALFRED THOMAS. 808 First National Bank Bldg. 6-r., strictly modern bungalow; 'good aa I aireet; cloae in. An unusual value; 2 lots It desired. M'KITRICK R. B. Co. D. 1432. Tyler It 40. TWO NEW HOMES IN CATHEDRAL DISTRICT ' FOR SALE. BEST BUY IN OMAHA. Telephone OWNER, Douglas 161. WEST FARNAM DrsTRlfrrZ!s.. 4 I irVrS nw- aiacount only I " pe ic am n. sstn Ave. L, 8ELBY ft SONS h.v nnt a Z . T m cneapening weir douses, i , that the price sells hem, i&is i4UtcoiM BLVD 11 -room hones. I ' 'Ct'J mo4ni not water heat I North. 3019 Larimore Ave. 3 Rooms $1,250 $100 Cash $12.50 a Month Only been built I veara In An. Mr.rfl. tlon. Eleotrlo llghta, fml cemented baae- ment; oement aldawalks. Paved street w . no5r. level lot. Call Tyler to and 7 till I W9mlntt orrfoe open evenings, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 114 HARNEY STREET. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. A Big Bargain 2418 Larimore Avenue $150 Cash ft rooms, modern except heat; good lo cation; diock to car and paved street. Price ft.360, balance easy monthly pay- menu. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ieit narney at. Phone Tyler 60. MY HOME FOR SALE. Built only three yean. Ha, three bed rooma, sleeping porch and bath on the I second noon veatibule, large living I room, aimng room, outlea pantry, altcb- an and rear antry on tho flrat floor; full I baaementi 40-foot lot. No. Sill Walnut I at. mono Harney ,73. t-ROOM bungalow on Blnney, near 16th St.. tor ,z,,u. t-ot ogzizt. W. H. DATES. 147 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglae 12,4. 1600 EQUITY In furnlahed 4-room houie and I garage, ail modern, will aell with fur niture or apearately. Call Colfax 21,1 arter e:,0 p. m. 12.800. Will hII my houao and lot for email I caan payment down, balanca long am. I ,-auiuriiia. BAKUAlNfiew I -room strictly modern I oungaiow, not water heat; cost. 12.400; my 81,486 equity for $1,000 cash. Colfax I 1796. I KOUWTZK PLACE restricted district real I .. , ror amiav r v Kniart. lilt N lltk I FOR flALB-l aoroe improved. Col, South. ONLY $4,250 un 18th street, near Popptston. Tbla la an cepnonaiiy well built l-room alt modern home on paved street with pav ing all paid. 1st floor haa large recep tion hall, parlor, living room, dining room and kitchen. 2d floor, 4 bedrooms and hath flamni. hanb ...i. !... en to Id floor, also stairway to floored' attic. Large lot -0x160 ft., fine shade irtwa. rropeny an ciear or uncumbruiM noi air iurnce with oil -burner. GEORGE & COMPANY, Doug. 76ft. 02 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. ' FIVE ROOMS NEW All modern tn every detail; living and I dining room aU oak finish, with built-in oooKcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards; Icebox room) full basement with floor drain; shades; etectrio fixtures and acreens; all furnished. This 1 a real bar gain at $2,750; $600 cash, balance on terms to mlt. Others ask aa much as fj,.ov. ixcatei at 1616 Deer Park Blvd t-ci ua snow yon una week. TRAVER BROS., 101 Omaha Nat. Bk. -. Evenings Weh. Doug. Ifttf. 4131. FIELD CLUB HOME FOR SALE. A strictly modem home with 8 rooms, I bath and sleeping porch, oak finish and I every convenience. Bast front lot 62zllft I feet; one-half block north of Woo I worth I Ave., and in the choicest Dart of th 1 r-ieiq i;iuo district. Price, $7,000. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 410-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Dong. 110. NEW BUNGALOW HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT iarge uving room with buitt-ln book- I cases, dining room with plate rail and I paneled walls, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, all on one floor. Oak finish and I oax noors, large attic: full basement: guaranteed furnace: larae south front lot close to car, school, stores and park. Will I van tor you ana snow you this bunga low, mono us ror appointment. SCOTT AND HILL CO.. PofSle 100$. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. I 2573 POPPLETON AVE. . This la an l-room house, all mni1rn with furnace heat, and large corner lot I 88x100, now offered at the low price of I $$,900 cash payment of 1 1100. If not I immediately will rent at $17.60. This la a uanujr location zer one employed in South villa lit. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. 8968. flt-20 City National. BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN. 7 -room brick. 4 bedrooms, narlor with uraiuKue ana one in reception hail;, oak finish; stationary wash tube in basement; on car line; best neighborhood In town. $001 Pacific, and only $80 per month. See ii at onoe. vacant November 1. L. B. SPAULDING & SON, . Tyler 100. HOUS1W WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES WORTH THIS MONKV IN ai.i. u.htb OF THE CITY. LIST THIIR priivior. TY WITH US FOR RESULT CNEIL'S REAL JBSTATs 4k INS. AOCY-. BranaeiB Theater Bldg Tyler 10IA SOUTH SIDE HflMK Corner 16th and O. near proooaed street car extension: full lot, 6-room house, city water, kbs: oniy si.ouu: e.fiv nn.mMii. GEORGE O. WALLACE, 114 Keellne Bldg. 1260 CASH. New bungalow. I rooms, all on one floor: strictly modern; on very easy terms; close in; located 1210 Bo. loth Ave. T.l. Ri ISO. Miscellaneous. V ALLEY OF DELAY WINTER COMING ON STILL PAYING RRNT When you can buy a new. n.m.A.M, I oak-flnlsh bungalow on almost your own .cum, oec us toaay. RASP BROS. 101 McCagua Bldg. Douglas 1161 I m v SsB-J-UEiNTN, 1NBURANC7 1400 In. oome on prloe, $2,600, Seing $ houses, ft I vviiw ww.u man sonooi ursigbton college. Alao I and (room nuaaatows. juv oown, and two I rooms, u.-wii, Miance montaiy. CH AS. a. WILLIAMSOIf CO. NEW bUngalOW: alSO l-l. and rrlnlr- your terms and price; Inv. with $400, rent, 8 houses (flat cost $8.600). $2,600. D. 210T, FIVE rooms, new, oak finish, fully deco rated, all modern, etc., $3,70; $200 cash, I uaiance mommy, uoitaz 1180. NICE little 4-room house for sale chean. "nii urn raion am. Got anything you'd tike to swap? Use the "Swappers' Column." SALE OR EXCHANGE West FAIRACRES LOTS We have pinked up It lot In one bodv I Just north of Fairacres that we can sell I ior si.huu. i This Is a fine Investment and will surely 1 grow inio pig money iasi. HIATT COMPANY, 146 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 80. LARGE 60-FOOT LOTS. $100 TO $176. In city limits: one block to car Kna: imvro street oy ine property, ONE DOLLAR DOWN, 10 CENTS PER WEEK There are fifty of them: they wilt not : very long. Phone us for particulars. onuLKa a I a n. r Pbone D. 6074. 204 Keellne Bldg. North. MAKE SOME MONEY Buy this lot on Military Ave. and httiiit a small apartment houae or a store with nais ana you win nave an Investment that will bring a good net Income Th. owner of these lots wants cash for his , eijuuy or win tane tne equity in a house. See It we cannot get together and mulct, deal. These lots are on the east side of unitary Ave., just south of Patrick Ave. CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY 6J8 Bee Bldg. Douglas 200. MINNB LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near itn m., can b oougni at a bargain; this j 101 must oe soio. ee me Quick. C A Urlmmol, 840 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. AFTER looking at If INNE LUSA, 100 dl(- lerent oayera aeciaed that It waa the beet proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lota. If YOU will come out today you will unuersiano. wny other, aro buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO Tyler 117. 741 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. OWNER mint se.1 eaat front lot as Fonts- Ue Blvd... In Clatrmonl. WIU aU amcrlllo. prleo If taken at onoe. Call Douglaa 1711. South. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unlmDroved In o ten -acre tract,, on or nenr Bollevue oar una. Beat of school facflltlea. C R. COMBS. t'hone Doug. I, It. 10, Brandela Theater. Miscellaneous. f FINE APT. HOUSE LOTS. VERY CLOSE INLAND VERY DESIRABLE IF SOLD QUICKLY. THKY CAN BE BOUOHT RIGHT. NOW, MR. INVESTOR, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. DON'T HESITATE TO CALL US UP, INTER-STATE REALTY CO., llt-10 City Nat'l Bldg. PHONE DOUO. 1162. BUY THAT LOT NOW If ran are thinking of building In the spring, or later, why not buy that lot now In Beautiful Waverly Park, on Fontenelle Boulevard. Prices: $660 to $860, on easy payment plan. Call Tyler u ana asK'ior Mr. uiesing. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 7tSLJ I D j.. A FIN Hi plaos for chicken raising, garden Ing or fruit trees and berry bushes; II good lots; one block from car line and cloae to school. Pries, $760; $1 down ana ivo per week on each lot. Boa 1047, use. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. TART TOUR HOMK IN BENSON 1 BUY THIS LOT. 10,00 down and $10.00 per month; price IM0.00; else tOxlSI; located on Locust St.. between Clark and Bum ham, not far from school and car line. Qeo. R. WrlgbL uee ornr. umaha. Dundee. IN DUNDEE Beautiful 8-Room All Modern Residence For Sale or For Rent This house is on a large corner lot on car line. The immense dou ble living room, clear across front 01 house, is finished m oak and has a large fireplace, built-in seat, bookcases, etc. The dining room also is finished in oak and has south and east windows, besides there is a large and well-arranged kitchen with ice box room; pantry, etc. On the second floor there are 3 large bedrooms, the bath room with shower and a fine large sun room or sleeping porch. The house is heated by furnace, located in big basement. There is a large porch with brick pillars at the front of the house and a large, porch at the rear. The grounds are beautifully kept and at tne rear ot the lot is a trarase which can be heated; this garage will hold two cars. Be sure to see this. Owner wants to sell or will lease for a year. For price and terms of sale or for rental price, call, E. P. WRIGHT, ' At Dour. 2926 anvtime hMwccn 8:30 a. m. and 5:30 p. m., and after :ju p. m. call Wat. titu. DUNDEE. . 6014 Cumin. St. Strlptlv mo.m ' n. 7-r. house, hard wood flnlsh, extra Well built and tight up to the minute, ready to vwutir. rnce ,.,.uu. easy Terms. 8. P. BOBT-W1CK A SON. 100 Boo Bldg. Tyler 1601. Florence. NE THAW AY haa I, 4, 6, 10 and 116-aure Impr. tracta for city property. Flo. III. South Side. I-ROOM rsoldenoe, South Side, tl.tot; I6C Man, naianoe ,1, par month Doug. lilt. REAL ESTATE Investmentt SEE US FOR INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A. P. TUKKY A SON. Phone Doug. 602. 1607-1 W. O. W. B! REAL ESTATE. WM. COLFAX. Keellne Bldg Doug. ISO 8871. FOR BALE. Double brick St. Louis flat, within toot blocks of Kth and Harney; oloae In; bar gain price, CALKINS ft CO.. Douglas 1812. City National JBank. FATHER TIME ha his hand on Vour shouT dor. You need a staff, a savings account, a little money wall Invested. Home Builders guarantees f per cent, cash divi dends, payable Jan. 1st and July 1st. Tou can begin any time with any amount The plan of Investment la simple. HOME BUILDERS, Inc., 17th and Douglas Sts. Rea! Estate, Lands, Etc- EXTRAORDINARY GOOD INVESTMENT Will sell or trade I -story brick busi ness block situated on corner In business district of Omaha, dole to pos toff ice and occupied by high-grade mercantile busi ness. Annual rent $4,200. For particulars call or write J. B, ROBINSON, 482 Bee Bldg., Omaha. I HAVE a five-room house worth IMOO; In- cumbranee, VI.IOH; ;rt Omaha; will sell at a aacrlflce or trade for acreage or cheaper house, or what have youT C. A. Elsasser, Florence. Neh. Phone Florence 427. HAVE two ISO-acre farms and one 10 -acre rarm. eastern weorasxa, to trada for oily property. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Braitdels Bldfc. FORD car and rooming house to exchange uigeiner tor lous or equity in nouse or lot Call Dg. 6606 after p. m. Box 7080. Omaha Bee. TRADES TRADES TRADES. Farms. Cattle, Ranches. New Apart ments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT. 4 Patterson Block. WE have some good homes andT'.ntal prop- trues ror Neb. or la. land. Kdward F Williams Co.. Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg, GOOD lot. desirable location, wilt takeused yorq as pan payment. Webster 4241. Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property, tt. Frunta, bin Brand -I. Bid. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTtCD 4, 0 and k-roomed nouses ma can ae sola for iioo caan. baianoe per osoutb; give complete description Qrel tetter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. l$lt Farnam St Tel. Deng. 1064 1 HAVE several parties wanting to ex ohango Omaha property fur acreage, or write W. 8. FRANK. fd Neville Bldg. Omaha. Neb We have buyers for your properly, INTER-STATE KKALTY CO.. 080-80 City Nat. Bldg. Dour- 8801. for Sales f. liTwead. sio a iiih FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty INCOME property near tKrd plant. uwner. Harney at 64 SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORT IN PARK RKOION OF MINNESOTA FOR SALE. If you are a sportsman road this ad over more than ones. Then get busy; its the opportunity of a lifetime. For good reasons the ownors of one of the finest summer resorts In the northern woods has decided to place UIh property on the market. This Is not on of the conventional summer resorts it's vastly auierent irom tne ordinary run or them. Main dining room and cabins aro at logs. rne location la an island of i!4 acres one of Minnesota's grandest deep-wster lanes, xne boating and bathing are un excelled; there are baas grounds where tnis gamey nsh is caught In abundance, together with pike, trout, crapples and otner varieties; the hunting In season great Near by the Mississippi has Us source In Itasca State park, and about all there la a scenic grandeur that fascinates the eye, and furnishes a constant source or aeucnt. Here one miv idle awav summer In Idealistic simplicity, with every appealing sport at the command of vmitora. The owner wants to sell It, but would take land in North Dakota or Mon tana as part payment. Some one who would buy It and convert It into a club prop, erty for a company of wealthy sportsmen wouia max a tenstrtke. For full particulars address J. Q. CHRYSLER ft SON, Lake Park, la. FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans. Mortgages. 6 PER CENT to ft per cent on best class city resiaances in amounts $3,900 up, alab rarm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1821 Farnam St, $2,200 MORTGAGE, bearing ftSfc per ceni sem-ann. : secured bv nronerty valued al $7,600. Talmago-LooraU Inv. Co., W. O. W, mag. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. OKBKFH REAL ESTATE CO.. 1010 Omaha Nat'l. Phons Douglas 271$. FARM and city loans, 6-6 and per cent. vr. it, t nomas. Keellne Bldg., Doug. 1048. 6 pet. MONEY HARRISON & MORTON ,1 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Improved farma and rancnea. we also buy good farm mort gages. Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. DON'T PAY IN INSTALLMENTS. PAY IN 2. 3, 4 or t YEARS. BEST PLAN HHOFEN CO., KEELINB BLDG. REAL 'ESTATR LOAN8WANTED. THOS. L. UcOAURY. KEELINE BLDG. TEL. RED 4244. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F .D.WaaaT weaa jiiag., inn and Farnam sta. ESTATE loana. I D. E. BUCK A 112 Omaha Nat. per ei CO., tank. CITY and farm loans. 6. 6 ft, t per cent. J. n. uumonl ft Co., 411 Keellne Bldg. 6 PER CENT and 6 per cent money, foland m iTumpun, 44K Bee Bldg. Douglas ,707. NO DELAY. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. MONEY on hand for city farm loans. H. W. Binder, and City national Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. ,146 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. We are ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17tb St Financial Wanted. AN OMAHA MANUFACTURING . CONCERN, Making a popular household necessity, selling direct to the trade, with an unlimited field and increasing orders, needs more capital for machinery and also to develop several valuable pat ents. Business greater than capital Justifies. Need about $10,000 and will sell stock to that amount, which will pay from 12 to IS per cent on the In vestment. Fullest Investigation invited by parties seeking a safe and profitable Investment Box 7260, Bee. Stocks and Bonds. Our Nebraska farm mortiruKes are not af fected by European wars or panics. Amounts $400 6 io szu.uuv we collect all Interest and principal free of charge; 30 years In the Nebraska firm ueia witnout a loss is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANY. 801 Omaha Nat. Bank 9'dc., Omaha Neb. Abstracts of Title. Kerr Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co, $05 S. 17th St.. around floor. Bonded ny Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- nee in neDrasxa. zoo Bran dels Theater. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY. The banner crop lands of Florida. Ten million dollars noent on dratnaae canals and improvements. Beit and safest lands In the union for truck arowlna or citrus fruit groves. 166 growing days a year; no wimer nere, an eunanine, tor prices and terms phone or write A. PARSONS A SON. Phone Doug. 7H46, 6" 5 2 Bra ridels Bldg. Minnesota, 240-ACRE FARM. 46 MILES FROM Minneapolis; 8 miles from two aood rail. road towns; good set of buildings, consist ing of 7 -room, house, large barn, granary, com cribs, machine shed, windmill, etc 100 acres under cultivation; can nraotl- cally all -be cultivated; no waste land; excellent corn land; 10 head of oat t la. consisting of 12 cows, baianoe one and two-year -olds, 0 horses, hogs, chlckons and complete set 'of machinery every thing on the place Including one-third of this year's crop, goes at $60 per acre; $6,000 cash, all the time wanted on bal ance, ft per cent interest. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. WILD and improved farma In best "Minne sota dairy district C. Nlmerfrob, Milaca, Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MIBSOURl FARM $10 cash and $6 monthly; no Interest or taxes; highly pro ductive land; close to 8 big markets, Writs for photographs and full Information. Munger, A-110, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas JJIty Mo. v. UREAT ''"BARGAINS $6 dowVTmfTnthTyT buys 40 ncres Rood fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $i00. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs. Mo. FARM For sale, 120 acres $16 per acre: house, terms. barn, orchard and spring; easy J. P. Christ tson. Waynrsvllle, Mo. Montana Lands. FOR HALK Choice, Improved farm of 240 acres, located eleven miles from Glas gow, Mont,. In well settled couniry. Soil of dark sandy losm of hlKh productivity. Fifty acres under cultivation. No waste land, all ran be broken. All fenr-nd, two Toom houss, barn lx6, good well, also running water. Good markets, excellent educational facilities., mi houl one mile. Will Sell for $18 per acre, $1,600 cash, bslance easy terms, or will apply balance on trade for Improved oily property Address Y 866, Ben. THREE ranch snaps In Montana" thaVmust go quick; 9.4a acres Custer Co., $6 per acre; 20 acres HosoUud Co,, partly Irri gated, $11 per acre; 10,1(00 acres B1k Horn Co., solid body, Improved, 7$ per cent til lable, $18 per acre. Jno. A. Martin, Aberdeen, S. D. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. AT AUCTION THURSDAY, NOV. 9, 2 Y. M. CUSTER COUNTY LAND 640-acr farm and ranch. 200 acrrn under plow, lies level to gently rolling; bnlatice rolling hay and pasture: fair set of Improvements. For full Informa tion address NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO., Central City, Neb. A GOOD 1 HO -acre Improved farm for sale at $70 pr acre It sold soon; 70 acres broke. 00 acres pasture and 10 acres of good ro. l meadow, School on farm. Mrs Geo. Jacobs, owner. For sale by Fred Jacobs, Dannebrog, Neb. U40 ACRES, Al land, well Improved and good location In Kimball county; clear. Will consider Omaha property or farm uown mi way. THOMAS CAMPHRLL, Keoitne Building. DOUG1AS COUNTY I'ARM. 800-avre farm, cloae to Waterloo, near ly all in cultivation. Priced right. WRIGHT LASBURT. D. 1$. Fi R HALE heel larg.. body htsb vrade me a i urn pnuea iana in Nebraska; very Hide money required. C Bradley. Wol- each. Neb. FOR N-biaaka and Iowa farma, stale whu you want, we have It W. T SraKh Co.. 114 city Nst Rank Bldg., Omaha. Iftfl AND xt-AORK Johnson county. Neb. farms; well Improved. . bargata tn ica- yrjvta ss tn sarpy ooanty. CTEWART, fit s nth. CAN sell or exchange any lands you have to oner, u. j. uanan. McCague Blag. Oregon Lands. TWENTY ACRES OF LA NI Unincum bered, located in the famous John Day district, near the Columbia river In Ore gon. Title perfect; value $60 per acre: will sell or exchange for clear Omaha lot, or wnat nave you. Box 78T8. Bee. WiKonoin Lanoa. UT"" ami orop state in tna union, gattlm anU.' landa ... .. l.m - ' .. aaay tarns: laa. far stoes r.u.M, , ... . . ..... If Intareeted In frnlt lands. aasM L ko.a. 1st ao Apple orchard. Addrew Land Com. mission., goo Rsllw... allnnasuolla. Mlaa POULTRY AND PET STOCK JL'ST received, new of red Japanese uomtisn. tipeciai prioe, .10 each. m. o.i.i.r Bird Co. DAM AG Kli wheat. 11.50 a hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 ij. I c,,i. ri i Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. DERIVING team, 7and I -years-old: biigiry, rn., mil iraae ior rern. UOUg. 4600. AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL SALE. lfis Ovsrland touring ear, fully vuuippea, sisrior ana eleotrlo llgnts, 1110. win oonsiaer sora as part payment. WILLYS-OVERLAND, Jk..JSL 55 1204 farnam 8t Doug, iiid WE CAN USE TWRMTV I ir.HT CAKS. If YUU CARE TO FX. CHANGE YOUR CAR FOR A nun uisc, Jtiis is IUUK Opportunity QTTTni?DXTi?TJ ttokt uiu uuunriiiiv vv 1UO Jiy AUTOMOBILE CO., 5-t-4 FARNAM ST. ... Whoa setting the paoa now. In the flrat nine montlia of Ilia THK BEIt gained .!. Paid Ada EXCEEDING tha COMBINED OAIN of the other two Omaha paper, for same penou ny more man ic. 000 PAID ADS. Oood Reaulta. Oood Rates, Good flervlc FORDS WANTED Drive cars to iim, r.m. ... ... Mr. Farrar. Fords wanted la sionange for ......... ... sara. Brir'T in Your FordS We Will Take It in on A New Maxwell C. W. Francis Auto Co. Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLT. ELLIB A THOMPSON. .11-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Ooug. till. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE .... ' . .nai7 "' Uou'M 1011, OvArlavnil Tnnrlnsr liith I in is Lfooge Touring sal 1018 Chevrolet Touring 400 Hudson Coupe, late model, sacrifice. MY 1614 model Cadillac, In" first-class eon- anion; two orand new tires other tires In good oondttlon; looks like new. Will mane me or e r ant rnr ouink si T. Heyden, 1H14 Harney St. Ph. Tyler 00. CROSSTOWN OAR AOS, lit B. 84th t lor Sup "J! ord.,n,S.?LCn.v;r1!.t 22 son. WE will trade you a new Ford tor your old una. INDUSTRIAL ataiai nn 10th and Hamay. Doug. Sill. ONE PACKARD closed laundauiet bodyT for saie at a oargain. rl. c. Hmllh, 2024 Far- nam m. rnone uoug. IBV7, CORD tlraa for Fords. I0H ti ll: IvlIU in.... awieoei nroa. D. ,,T. 1,11 remain Bl OUR REPAIR TELL A BINKLET. 1111 Harney t. , Doug. II II. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT auto repairing, "servics oar al. waya ready. Omaha oaraae. 2010 Marnev at. Tyler Automobiles for Hire. FORD for rent. You may drlve'fT I chars. or mile. uoug. iszz. nT-enlngs. D. Is,,, Auto Tires ana Supplies, won r inrow away aia urea, w . nuka ana W, raak new Mr. from s c.d - naa and save yon II per osnt. I in 1 Vulcanising C, Ills Dav. enport .t.. umana. Nen. nougias 1:14, Auto Repainng and fainting. BTROMBERCi BERVICB" KTaTtON OBOROB W. WILLIAMS, 1101 Jackson St. arouratora my specialty. Red 4141. 1100 reward for magneto wa can't repair colls repaired. Bsysdorfer. 710 n. lltk. NEB Auto Radiator Repair Service anj prices rignt. IIS . isin Rt. u. 711. Motorcycles and Bicyciea RARLBT-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar. gains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Man," "TOl Leaven wortb. reAl estate transfers Mary Mayer and Husband to Frank it, mick ana wue, neroert avenue, Benson, 1-0 feet south of I rid In ss. west side, 100x340 $ Carl R. P. Appleton et al. to Htl do rs V. Peterson, Corby street, 60 feet west of Forty-first street, south side, 00x120 ; Clarence !. Goodyear and wife to John Austin, Fowler avenue, 18$ feet west of Thirty-third street, south side, 47x130 P. H. McGuire, referee, to F..S. Barber, Twonty-elKhth street, U22 ft-ft south of Maple street, went UH 44x128... J Wnsttand Realty company to Peter C. Cramer, southeast corner Twenty seventh and Blllnon streets, 07x118.. j Benjamin K. Krlgbuum tn Albert J. Harder, Q street, 200 feet west of Thirty-sixth street, south Hide, lOOx 126 I DR. X. W, WITTMAN IS TO BETRIED HERE Indicted Here Three Years Ago for Using the Mails to De fraud, Has Been Captured. CHASE LASTS THREE YEARS Dr. Xav ier AV. Wittman, w three. years ago reaped a harvest Omaha on a smooth medical fraud, hai been tracked to earth by federal authorities after a pursuit covering period of three entire years, W. M. Coble of the Departmen of Justice in Omaha arrested Witt man in Wheeling, W. Vs., and the prisoner is now being brought Omaha for trial. In May, 1913, Dr. Wittman, with his wite and a man named E. Brantley were indicted on a charn of attempting to defraud by a fed erai grand jury in Umaha. Loble put the order of indictment in his grip then and it stayed there ever since until Wittman was captured Wheeling, the three-year Dursu reads like a thrilling story of Action including two trips across the conti nent and flight to Europe and Aus- traiia. Electro-Oxygen Co. On April I. 1913. reads the indict ment returned aiainst Mr. Wittman. Wittman organized the Electro-Oxv I . - ... XT... , ,hii vuiitv.ll, ,11 I11C lailUliai r IUC1' ity building. He purchased expensive ,utii,u,v ai,u iiAiuica iiuiii iitiiaru I Wilhclm to outfit his Quarters. H advertised extensively in the newana .... u. ;.j .'..,. .i.': treatment that was a nanacea lor all ills. He made contracts to cure. On Instance IDCClllCd IS that Of man l3 years ot isc to whom he orom. jsed to so restore vitalitv that tfie o. ,i,, ..IH ., :., ,j'.. neaitny as a man ot 4U. in the in. dictment as persons he defrauded ire named W. H. Harrison, Mrs. M. anaier ana M. r. Jordan ot Omaha. Many other cases, it is believed, which have never come to lio-ht neipea wittman reap nis harvest in Omaha the thirty days he remained nere. included in nis equipment were electric machines which he claimed cost $5,000. but .which it was latr discovered could be purchased at umini stores ior Make Their Gct-Away, In May. 1913. the indictment auain.t Wittman, hia wife, and Brantlev was rciurnea in me umana court. Wift. sun nere at tne t me. but skinned h. I iorc iney couia oe arrested. I Coble started in nurauit nf Rrsnt. ley and discovered him in M.mnrii lenn., wnere ne was tlrat d schanrrri bJ 'he Vahtd States commissioner, mtcr mtiiciea ny me grand jury, but acquitted because he was merely an "4nt u!- wittman, believed to at the real cubrit Brantley, however, gave Coble In, formation which led to Dr. Wittman', arrest in Colorado Springs. Wittman was neia under bond of $bw alter i preliminary hearing before the com. missioner in the Colorado citv. Witt man immediately jumped the bond ana went east. Fake Drowning. Coble pursued him to Flushinff. N Y., where Wittman attempted to stage a laice drowning. Some of hn clothes were found on the river bank. But the ruse failed - to trick the I otticer. because it waa learned the I clothes found on the river were not Ulna ha nr u,hn I.., .... I.... ing the hotel at which he had been stopping. Then Wittman went to Eurone and then to Australia. He returned a lit tle over a month ago. He went to Wheeling, where he was arrested, lm mediately after the boat docked at San i-rancisco. oassmar throueh Omaha on the journey. He had been in Wheeling a month when Coble cap tured him, and was selling an alleged remedy ne called "Vinlax. . To Be Brought Here. A preliminary was held in Wheeling Deiore unitea states commissioner ueorge E. Boyd, who ordered Witt. T g" Dd.yUnone ...uK K oe! moval which brings . .... .. Dr. Wittman from Wheeling to Omaha for trial Dr. Wittman a wife, who waa with him in Omaha, was granted s divorce shortly alter her husband became fugitive from justice. Dr. Wittman married again while in Australia and brought his bride to America with him. She declares she intends to stick through his.trisL Federal authorities believe that Wittman returned to the United States from Australia because he thought the indictment against him had expired under a law of limita tions, A federal indictment, however, never expires I Turn rtiunrnoc Aro fironforl in Judge Leslie's Court Two divorce decrees were granted in Judge Leslie's court. Walter Nelson was granted a de' cree from Katherine C. Nelson, the decree being supplemented and the latter allowed to assume her maiden name of Katherine Burkhard. Margaret Wrany was divorced from Wenzel Wrany. How to Cora Coughs and Colds. Keep out of drafts, avoid exposure. Hat and llvs right and take Dr. King's New Dlscovsry, In use over 40 years. Ouarantead. All druggists. Advsrtlsement. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS William 13. Drake and wife to Irma M. Book, northwest corner Forty third street and May berry avenue, i 45x108 8.760 McCatcue Investment company fo Ger hard n, Benawa, southeast corner Fortieth and Leavenworth streets. 163. 6x198 1 Frederick J, Aname et al. to William H. Hmatls, northeast corner Thirty- Ighrh and Meson streets. 06x108.., 1 Builders' Investment company to Will iam J. Colver and wife, Twenty- fourth street, 100 feet north of Wonlwortb avenue, west side, SOx 134 4.000 H. W. Hsrrtngton and wife to Frank Wise, southwest corner Forty-third and Rrskine streets, 60x130 8.600 Anglo 8. Perse), guardian, to George ChrlslenKen, Susuldlng street, 1A1 feet west of Twenty-fifth avenue. south Ride, 60x128 060 Charles M. Baton, executor, to George Chrlstonsen, Hpauldlng Otreet, 161 foet wifst of Twenty-fifth avenue. south side, 60x12il ok 5 Robert B. Patterson and wife to Anna Offerman, Davenport street, 100 feet eaat of Twenty-eighth avenue, nocth side, 60x162..,., 1 For Pi ufforers Sample Pack. ne of tko ri.eai ryraaolil Pile Treat sarat Now Offered Frae to Prove, Wait It WW Do for Yam. Pyramid Pfla Treatment f'lves quick ra it f, .tops Itch- I n a-. hl.Adlntf or protrudlnjr piles, hemorrhoids and oil rcrtnl troubles, In the privacy of your own home, 50c a box at all itruirKlata. A nlngle boa often cure reo Kintplo for trial with booklet mailed free In plain wrapper. If you send ua coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DTtTTfl COMPANY, 6 Firramld B dg., Marshall, Jilob. Klnrllv send ma n Fr-a sample of PyraaulPUaTraalsaaat, In plain wrapper. Nam. f Street City.... state r . ouch an easy way to heal my skin! " I never worry if I have a little rash or other eruption break out I just put on a bit of Resinol Ointment. That takes out the itch. Ing and burning instantly, and soon clears the trouble away. I learned of Resinol Ointment through our doc tor prescribing It for my brother. Tom had been almost frantic with ectema for months but that ointment healed his (kin like magic." Kesiaol Ointment and Retlnol Soap, resold byalidrugrlRte. Foratreeaampleol each, writs tn D.-l-M-k, Rdnoi, Baltimora, Ma. OorOO Every Niqhf For Constipation: HeadacheXRvdesticrn,etc: nANDnnTii Stxieknd Sure imriimn f al AMUaMllNTa. BRANDEIS THEATER. Tonight All Weak Matinee Saturday The MISSION PLAY By JOHN STEVEN M'CROAHTY. ' A Pagsant-Drama, Repl.U With Pathoa, Mirth and rtomantic Beauty. Mats., asc to SI Nlghte, Sts to IM FOUR DAYS. Bag. Sunday, Oct, SSth. Tha Actor-Singer PISKE O'HARA, to "HIS HEART'S DESIRE." West. Mau. 2oc-Sll Nighu. SSc-SlJO. GVVOVWl LW4M THE BEST or VAUDBTILLE ThU Waakl Matlna. Dally, liU. Bv X' a. la Bllaahwth Brio, and Charles Bins, Pat Baa W aJid Marloo Bent, Harry MoTman Co., Jimmy Dulfy and Meroades Lorense. Prin. cess Kslama, Lou Holts, Sylvia Loval and her plerrot, Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prleaai Hattnees, (lallcry, 10c. Bert Seats (Eioant and sun), loo. Nlghta, "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" tflfl I LtTi 1 'at.., IS-IS-SSa. UayMBvan'ga, ll-l5-0-7ae. ISiSiCa Billy Arlinton g "Golden Crook" 1?;;, Knni iKirnsnn, Bisanor uornrsn, ksu hsu I, lwlly Mesbui, HlU Reflow, others. Fsunoua Besutr Cho rus of 14 t'rookettei in Grind Ballet de Luxe. (Final Performance Friday Nits.) Ladles' Dime Matinee Every Weok Daw. at Mat. A Wk: Hoes tf-ydell "London Belles." B Days Commencing Tosiay "LES KELLIORS" A Laughing Travesty em Circus Ufa. BAYLE and PATSAY , ' Nitty Nonsense. Darling Saxaphona Four In Music and Seng La Franca and Kennedy "The Dispute.' Feature Photonlav. ' M'arooned' n I1LD." I Dorothy Dalton "THE JUNGLE CHILD. HIPP 15th and Harney ' Good Showa Always. TODAY ONLY ' KOLB and DILL in "THE THREE PALS." " One of tha boat live-real Mutual com-'" edlee aver llaehad on an Omaha acrean. Only 10c admiaelon anytime. Frances Baetens TEACHER OF PIANO Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. , 20 Arlington Block, 1511 H Dodge St. Telephone Douglaa 3084. '