ill fHE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE POUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATER, VICTOK ROSEWATER, EDITOR. TH8 BBS PUBLISHING COMPANY, PROPRIETOR. latere at Omaha poetefflee as eecond-elaaa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Br Carrier Br Mad I ' permonth. peryear Daflr amt Sondar e ??? Dalle without Sunder .4a Evening ana Buodar. ..,,.. .0e Evening without Sunday .....26e NnniK Ru nnlw . . 10 Daily ana Sunday Baa. thraa reara In advance. S1S.00. Sand notice of abann of address or Irremilarilv In i livery to Omaha Boa, Circulation Department. 4.0 .00 4.0 t.0 REMITTANCE. Bemlt br" draft, express or postal order. Only 2-eent stamp taken in payment of amaU aeeounta. Pereonal cheeks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not aeeepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Boildlns. Sou'.h Omaha 2118 N street. Couneil Bluffs 14 North Main street. ' Lincoln 2 tittle Building. Chicago 818 People's Gas Building. New York Room 80S, 284 Fifth avenue, ' St. Louis 808 New Bank of Commerce. Washington 726 Fourteenth atreat, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE." Addreaa communications relating to newa and editorial milter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION 54,507 Daily Sunday 50,539 Dwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Baa Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that the average circulation for the month of September, 1918, was es,0T daily, and 80,889 Sunday. DWIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before me this Id day of October, 1918. , BOBEBT HUNTER, Notary Public SubscnSart tearing the city temporarily should aavo Thai Bee) mailed to them. Ad dreaa will bj shaagsei as oftaa as required. Come, Mr, Hitchcock, apeak up. you're wet or dry. Tell ui if Nothing; dry about Nebraska right now, no matter what it may be after November. Prize wheat at 2 a bushel I War's favorites are the producers and the speculators. Democratic habit defies change. Electing the party candidate in October is an unvarying duty. Don't worry the weather man. He knows his duty to the winter wheat belt and he is doing it, The usual crop of democratic boomerangs as usual spend their force on democratic heads. Between open draw tragedies and Indicted police chiefs, the life of Chicago's mayor bulks large with worry. ? The battle between the tunnel borers and the bridge builders promises to get right warm, judging from the start. It must make the democrats of Nebraska feel proud to see the triumvirate, Hitchcock, Fan ning and Mullen, perched on the pedestal iront which they pushed Mr. Bryan. ' Shades of Phineas Barnuml In the light of the chain-letter flood deluging the postoffice at Minneapolis, the showman's standard census of easy marks deserves revision upward. Omaha's merchant marine promises to keep busy, so long as the river stays open, which is comforting.; Ice is as effective as a subsea boat, when it comes to checking navigation. , . . Record- crowds at two performances render secure Omaha's place on the operatic circuit The retailers deserve congratulations on the flat tering support of their musical offerings. , The great - turnout of people at republican rallies throughout Nebraska measure the deep public interest in the Issues at stake, and clearly forecast a republican victory in November. Despite the narrowing circle of his power, King Constantine needs but look beyond the borders of 'Greece and be comforted. Rouma nian predicament vindicates the wisdom of Gre cian neutrality. . " Votaries of exact science necessarily' are slow, but sure when they arrive. The discovery of greatly enhanced food prices by domestic science teachers emphasises the studious care and pa tient toil employed in confirming the suspicions of housekeepers. ' The silly sham of pretending to keep alive the defunct populist party In Nebraska is being shown in the Sixth district, where the few popu list votes cast at the primary were for Congress man Kinkaid, whom the democrats are now try ing to force to give way .that they may attach the populist party label to a democrat; It's time that fiction were shelved. Higher and Higher Prices -at. Losses Clots Pal That the standard of living in the United States is now being reduced, and that it must be still further reduced if present prices are to con tinue, will not be denied. And that present prices are not only to continue, but to go higher, we will quote expert opinion to prove. The city of New York, seeking to find a means of checking famine prices, has appointed what is known as the food committee. Joseph Hsrtigan. secretary of that body, is blackly pessimjstic of any near relief and declares that by the 1st of January the prices of all foodstuffs will be from 15 to 20 per cent higher than now. He favors federal restriction of exports and, if necessary, an actual embargo on foodstuffs, which, he thinks, may be found to be "the only possible aolution of the problem." 1 But in the problem of the high cost of liv ing, the price of foodstuffs is not the only ele ment Man cannot live by bread alone. One of the strangest things in the advance in prices which has accompanied the democratic control of the government .won on a promise to mark down prices on everything, is that prices are now marked up on everything, all along the line. Meats have advanced 4 cents- and up on the pound during the last four years, but wearing apparel, from hats down to shoes has made a greater relative advance. Rents have increased in cities, and the price of fuel, coal and wood has gone up everywhere. Medicines, and sick-room necessities, have kept pace, with .the procession. It costs more than it did to keep alive, and it costs more than it did to die, or at least to be buried, the prices of everything the undertaker needs to bury the dead having also ascended. The net result of it all has been thst the standard of living in families with a fixed income of $3,000 or less is being reduced. , , The democrats are caught here on the two horns of a dilemma. Their claim of 1912 that prices would be reduced through tariffs is utterly ' exploded. Neither are the people being fooled by talk of everything being due to foreign war. And the democrats are estopped from attributing these phenomenal advances to combinations and monopolies by the fact that they claimed that all combinations and monopolies were due to the protective tariff. . - it ' . . ' . Engineers and the Adamson Law. The frank admission of Grand Chief Engi neer Warren S. Stone in his circular letter to the members of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and the boast of the WorldiHerald that Lovett of the Union Pacific is supporting Wilson because of the Adamson law, ought to convince any thinking person of the deception for workers contained in that law. "We do not know just yet what the law means," writes the grand chief to the engineers, showing that at least the officers of the oldest and most influen tial of the railroad brotherhoods realizes the ambiguity and mystification contained in the Adamson law. How its provisions will be con strued gives the men pause, snd the hoilowness of its promise is becoming plain to them. On the other hand, to have the heads of the great railroad systems, like the Union Pacific and the Erie, who went before the president to oppose the plea of the brotherhoods, now come out in support of President Wilson, who handed the gold brick as well as the gold pens to the men, suggests that the roads see in. the law some thing the men are beginning to suspect. As a bit of political bunco, it is hard to beat. Someone Caught in a Trap. When the democratic board of strategy in veigled out 6f the president that letter express ing ignorance as to where the "false rumors" originated, they pulled the string to catch some one in a trap. It is still a question which is trapped, Wilson or Bryan, for if Wilson did not know, he ought to have known, that the refer ence was not to "false rumors," but to this specific charge made openly by Mr. Bryan against Senator Hitchcock during the primary campaign last April: If you will inspect the senator's record ' you will find that while he is supporting the president in the primary now, when he has no opposition and does not need him, he has opposed the president at critical times, when he was needed; once when he joined Wall street in an attempt to defeat the Currency bill and once when he joined the shipping combine in defeating the president's shipping . bill. I believe that the only reason Sena'or Hitchcock is for the president now is because he desires with the aid of the liquor interests to ride into office ton the back of the presi dent. Which one, then, is trapped? President Wil son, induced to denounce something as false, which everyone knows to be true? Or Mr, Bryan in being branded as s disseminator of falsifica tion? Mr, Bryan may excuse the president on the score of ignorance, but how can the president ex cuse Senator Hitchcock? Again the Vote Needed to Carry Amendment A friend in the interior of the state writes to ask: Will you kindly advise me if the explana tion of the prohibitory amendment in your editorial is right or wrong. I refer to the paragraph immediately following your quo tation of the law. One of the parties holds ethat your interpretation Of the law, con tained In that particular paragraph, is incor rect, inssmuch as it states that "the majority in favor of the amendment must be not less than 35 per cent of all votes cast," The section of the constitution quoted in our former editorial seems plain enough to permit anyone to figure It out for himself, , This part of the constitution, so far as we know, has never been up to the supreme court for Interpretation and the different ways of reading It raise merely a quibble. The reference in the editorial merely goes to this that the required "35 per cent" would be 35 per cent of the total number of ballots carrying the amendment and marked either for or against the amendment or for some candidate on the ballot It does not seem probable any court would regard the total number of persons voting at the election for ex ample, If the number of nonpartisan judicial bat lots voted totalled greater. Here in Omaha quite a few women will vote the school board ballot, but it is not likely their voting or not voting will change the number needed to make the 35 per cent : Speaking of Campaign Contributions. The labored efforts of the democrats to make folks believe the democratic campaign is being financed on a popular basis, may be put down as a mere blind, Never before have the demo cratic medicine-mixers had so much money at their disposal, nor been so lavish in its use though they were also pretty well heeled four years ago. Speaking of four years ago, here are just a few of the campaign contributors listed in the official reports, which have been incorporated in the Congressional Record: V Charles R. Crane, retired millionaire.. $40,000 Cleveland H. Dodge, munitions maker 35,000 William A. Clark, copper king 5,000 James W, Gerard, son-in-law of Mar cus Daley 13,000 Jacob H. Schiff (Kuhn-Loeb & Co.), Wall street banker 12,500 C. A. Spreckles, sugar magnate , 5,000 Jacob Ruppert, millionaire brewer... 10.000 James Spever, Wall street banker.... 10,000 Roger Sullivan (Chicago Gas Co.), 1 .democratic boss 5,000 , And a lot more of the same kind. , It is a reasonable 'inference that the men who invested in the original promotion of the Wilson administration four years ago are still financially interested in it and honoring requisitions more generously than before. Roper's Work a Trifle Coarse. Daniel C Roper, who is carrying on a dubious organisation campaign for the democratic na tional committee, resigned as fourth assistant postmaster general in order that he might give his peculiar talents full plsy in his present field. Roper will long be remembered by postal em ployes, who found their ratings changed, their salaries reduced, and their long service over looked by a man who was eager to achieve tor himself a record, of "efficiency." The patrons of the postoffice, whose business was disarranged by the tactics adopted by Roper, will keep him in mind for a long time, too. Distributing clerks who are working ten and twelve hours a day in the postoffice, under an eight-hour law, will alwaya have a keen appreciation of Mr, Roper's peculiar qualifications. .The effort he is now making to line up voters on their religious leanings is in his line, but like his postoffice labors it is a trifle coarse. It shows how des perate the Wilsonites have become. Speaking for the allies, Viscount Grey says talk of peace has no bssis in fact and is a waste of breath. Similar sentiments prevail at Berlin and Vienna., Meanwhile the slaughter goes on and neither side gets far enough sway from the bases of two years ago to call for new maps. . . w .... ;.- Letters of a Politician, to Jiis Sotvv H. My Dear Jack: : I'm glad you took my letter in the spirit I wrote it. I don't want you to be a mugwamp, or a mollycoddle, or a rail bird. I want you to be for something and against something for some body for president, and against somebody for president. I want you to take sides, because both sides cannot be right, and I want you to vote right, but to do so you'll have to decide right be tween whatever appeals and arguments are launched at you You say the democratic hecklers are shouting that Hughes ought not to have attacked Wilson and that he should be "constructive" and not de structive. What- would they have Hughes do? Pass over all the glaring faults of his opponent? Don't they know that Wilson is ' now in and asking for re-election as a vote of confidence and endorsement of what he has done since he has been president and that, the republicans are out and must expose the blunders and broken prom ises and extravagance and incompetence of the democrats? It's true that for the republicans this is a novel role, for the reason that this is the first time in more than a quarter of a cen tury that the democrats have had a candidate seeking re-election on his record. Why, the last time they had a democrat in the White House, they and their candidate repudiated the record he had made and waged their campaign as a party of opposition, But think back a little way, boy, and if you've learned your political history, and ask TATHER 1 jZ. yourself a few questions. Didn't the democrats attack Lincoln and Grant and Harrison?' Didn't they attack McKinley and Roosevelt and Taft? If Hughes is the next president and is renomi nated won't the democrats attack him and his record? If they do not then all the rules of the political game will be completely reversed in the next four years. Everybody doesn't catch the significance or insignificance of this matter of the party record. 1 remember in the 1908 campaign one of the, most telling cartoons pictured "Taft running on his record" and "Bryan running away from his record." You see the tiine-tried rule of judging the future is still by the past Wilson says: "See what I have done during my first term I That's the guaranty of what I'll do during my second term." So the republicans come right back with the answer ,"Why, if you had done what you said you'd do, you wouldn't be looking for a second term. You asked for and received votes four years ago on a platform declaration for a single term presidency to which you were specifically pledged and you not only did nothing to make a law limiting the presiden tial term, but here you are up for a second term in direct violation of that promise." Of course, for Wilson it will be urged by his friends that they didn't mean it in fact, that is the only excuse they can offer for passing up a dozen platform pledges but here is where they collide with another difficulty. When the demo crats put out their 1912 platform and presented Wilson to the people on it, they were so afraid folks would refuse to believe them that they wrote these words in blsck and white right in the document: "Our pledges are made to be kept when in office as well as relied upon during the campaign." ' i Yes, I've verified that quotation to be certain I have it correct, though I'm frank to say I rather doubt that solemn assurance was intended to hold 'em to it. But a lot of people accepted it in good faith. 'The question is,. "Will anyone, after that, take the democratic word for anything? Or, to use a favorite expression of a distinguished democratic orator, "Who will go bond for these democratic promises this time?" If there is ho enforceable bond nothing but the same word of mouth that has proved worse than worthless why should anyone trust them now? So, Jack, my boy, don't be disturbed by the fellows who are trying to shield Wilson from attack. If his record were not so vulnerable, if he had not broken so many sacred promises, if they had confidence in his unassailableness, they would be courting attack, yes, defying the oppo sition to point out s single place wherein the record of the democratic administration is want ing. . I'm glad you are giving this political situation your serious thought. If you have any other questions on which you will want paternal eluci dation, don't hesitate to write to Your affectionate FATHER. Nebraska Political Comment Bloomington Advocate: The coming of Mr. Hughes into the state has thrown consterna tion into the democratic camp where it was thought the apathy of the republicans would give them the'state. The remarks of Mr. Hughes were so to the point on every question that the republicans have wokej up and wilt now see that the state gQea for Hughes with a large ma jority. Why should it not? This is a repub lican state and the progressive vote will be for Hughes. It looks like a regular landslide back to the republican part in the state. ' , ' Alliance Times: In his frantic efforts to stem the constantly increasing tide for John L. Ken nedy, Senator Hitchcock is rushing to the sup port of Wilson. But this endorsement on the part of Hitchcock and his supporters is not so much for Wilson as for the senator's benefit. Would he, if he were sincere in his support of Wilson, endorse the president now, in view of the bitter fight he waged a short time ago? If the president's attitude on the federal reserve banks, the shipping bill and other national legisla tion was wrong then in the mind of Hitchcock, why does he now support him? Blue Valley Blade: Will Arthur Mullen be the next governor of Nebraska? We've heard democrats say that Mullen controls the party candidates. We never heard democrats deny this statement. We've heard that the present demo cratic candidate for governor "was brought out" by friends in Omaha, and Arthur Mullen seems pretty well exercised over Neville's chances. We wonder if, in the advent of democratic success that Neville or Mullen would be governor? Cer tainly Mullen has demonstrated that he can con trol the present democratic candidates. The granting of pardons and the granting of bank charters proves this, but we wonder if he will still continue to be governor? Lincoln News: The addresses delivered in Nebraska by Mr. Hughes were of a higher and different order than most of us were led to ex pect According to the information that had been spread broadcast the candidate wasn't making good, that his speeches were critical and not con structive and that they lacked the fighting spirit that every campaigner must develop in order to be effective. Whether this was the result of some practical psychology that the democrats were able to work on the rest of us or whether it accurately represented what was happening, the fact remains that there was nothing left to be desired in the series of speeches which Ne braskans were permitted to hear. Mr. Hughes is able to enthuse even the blase metropolitan newspaper men who accompany him on his travels. It may interest Nebraska people to know that these experts say that while Mr. Hughes is sincere the president is insincere. Their judgment is not final, of course, but it is an interesting sidelight on what men whose busi ness makes them cynical and critical and also brings them into intimate relations with the great of the country think about these two rivals for the presidency . Thought Nugget For the Day. Discontent la the want of self-reliance; It la Infirmity of wIlL Ralph Waldo Emerson. , One Year Ago Today In the War. Germans stormed llluxt on the road to Dvlnsk. ' Germans repulsed by French in eighth drive In five days. - Franco-Serbians recaptured Veles and threatened I'skub. Austrian claimed repulse of Ital ians In prolonged battle around Ooerita. In Omaha Thirty Years Ago. Engine No. 1 has been ordered to Its new house on Saunders, Immedi ately north of Cuming. The members of this company are L. E. Cansldy, D. P. Beard, J. P. Conway and M. J. Cnxtcr. Secretary Joplln of the Young Men's Christian association has received a letter from Sam Jones, the Georgia revivalist, stating that hs will arrive In this city on the evening of Novem ber 6, and that he will open a two weeks' revival at the Exposition building. Russell Smith, a Bee printer, who rooms at 1610 Capitol avenue, was awakened by a burglar who was ran- sacking his' room. After a severe struggle the burglar escaped without taking anything. Articles of association were filed by H. B. St John, George F. Browne, Joe B. Hadfleld, J. M. Wolfe and W. E. Hawley for the purpose of platting and placing on the market Jetter's addition to South Omaha. The Ladies' Musical society tendered a vote of thanks at Its last meeting to Max Meyer & Bros, for the free use of their hall during the coming sea son. A pleasant birthday party was tend ered to Mrs. John Wuetrlck at her home on St. Mary's avenue. Mike Lahy has commenced suit In the district court to recover 600 from the city for damages to property by reason of the change of grade on Jack son street This Day In History.. ; 1760 Death of King George II, in whose reign England became the first country of Europe. Born In Hanover, October 80, 1683. , 1796 John P. Kennedy, the Amerl oan secretary of the navy, who wrote a chapter In one of Thackeray's novels, born In Baltimore. Died at Newport R. I., August 18, 1870. 1800 Thomas Babblngton Mae auley, famous English historian, es sayist and poet. Died December 28, 1869. 1864 Battle of Balaklava, and famous charge of the Light Brigade. 1868 Rev. Charles Franklin Rob ertson was consecrated Becond Episco pal bishop of Missouri. 1874 Great Britain announced the annexation of the Fiji Islands. 1876 Ewdwln Booth produced for the first time, "Richard II." at Daly's Fifth Avenue theater in New York. 1900 Transvaal formally pro claimed part of the British empire, 1802 Dr. Woodrow Wilson was in augurated president of Princeton uni versity. 1904 General Kuropatkln was ap pointed commander-ls-chief . of the Russian army. The Day We Celobrate. ' John W. Robblns, real estate, In surance and rentals. Is 64 years old today. He was born in Kent Ind., and Is a graduate of Hanover univer sity. He has been In the real estate business In Omaha since 1886 and has been president of the Omaha Real Estate exchange. Joseph R. Campbell, collector for The Bee, Is celebrating his sixty-third birthday. He was born in Pennsyl vania and was for many years travel ing solicitor and auditor for The Bee. George W. Johnston, president of the Johnston Electric company, Is just 48 years old. Detroit is his birth place. Frank M. Byrne, the present gover nor of South Dakota, born at Volney, la., fifty-eight years ago today. . John N. Willys, Toledo automobile manufacturer, born at Canadaigua, N. Y., forty-three years ago today. Right Rev. Thomas J. Garland, bishop coadjutor of the Episcopal diocese of Philadelphia, born in Ire land fifty years ago today. Joe Wood, pitcher of the Boston American league base ball team, born In Kansas City, twenty-seven years ago today. Leslie G. Nunamaker, catcher of the New York American league base ball team, born at Lincoln, Neb., twenty-seven years ago today. Oscar Dugey, utility inflelder of the Philadelphia National league base ball team, born at Palestine, Tex., twenty six years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. At the Mare Island navy yard, the keel is to be laid today for the super dreadnaught California, which Is to be the first battleship of the navy to be propelled by electricity. Bids are to be opened today by the Navy department at Washington for the construction of tour battleships and twenty destroyers. Charles E. Hughes is scheduled to speak In Brooklyn tonight before starting on his final trip westward into Ohio and Indiana. A notable International marriage la to take place In Washington today, when Miss Margaret Preston Draper, who Inherited many millions from her father, the late General William F. Draper, becomes the bride of Prince Andre Boncompagn! of Rome, Italy. Window glass workers are to re ceive a substantial increase In wages when the hand window glass factories throughout the country resume oper ations today, after the summer shut down, i The semi-annual meeting of the board of bishops of the "Methodist Episcopal church will open In Minne apolis today and continue through the remainder of the week. - Storyette of the Day. "Halloa. Brown," said Jones.. "I saw your wife this morning. By Jove, that new coat of hers must have cost a pot of money. You're doing spe cially well at present." "No, not exactly," replied Brown, moodily. "Fact is, she got It by acci dent." "By accident!" exclaimed Jones. "How was that?" "Well, old fellow, It was this way: t got home rather late the other night The hall was very dark, but I could Just distinguish a figure standing by the chair. I slipped up to her, put my arm around her waist and whis pered, 'Mary, give your little boy a kiss.' " . "But but," stammered Jones. "I thought your'wlfe's name was Kate?" "It is," murmured Brown; "that's how she got the coat" Philadelphia Inquirer, Democrats and Postal Employes. Omaha, Oct 28. To the Editor of The Bee: As a sample of the love the democratic party has for the poor la boring man is clearly shown In the management of the Postoffice de partment; under the present postmas ter general. Under his rule the old mail carriers who had grown old and crippled in the service and had been given collection routes as a reward for years of faithful service were com pelled to take carriers' routes or a re duction of salary, for the reason that in the opinion of Mr. Roper boys or blind men could collect mall. Again this man-loving democratic Postof fice department refused to allow the mall clerks of the Omaha postoffice to use gas or electricty to make cof fee to use with their cold lunches. Under the management of our ex postmaster of Omaha all departments of the Omaha office were short-handed and clerks over-worked and mall delayed for the reason that the demo cratic Postoffice department wanted to show to the people of the country how cheap they could run the depart ment and show a surplus by grinding It out of the men who were doing the work. A. CITIZEN. Keep It Before the Voters. Omaha,. Oct 22. To the Editor of The Bee: I wish you would make It clear to your readers, bear down on it hard and frequently, that In announcing that if elected he will stand for the protection of American lives and property everywhere, Mr. Hughes is not announcing any new or revolutionary doctrine. You prob ably think that Is not necessary, that everybody understands that It 1s President Wilson who is taking a new stand In announcing the monstrous contrary doctrine. But this Is not the case. A troubled republican ap pealed to me yesterday along that very line. He seemed to be Ignorant of the fact that any government worthy of the name has always In the past protected its citizens to the full ex tent of Its ability, and he was worried about Mr. Hughes getting us into war trying a new experiment. There are some democrats who try to make capital in that way, but all Intelligent democrats know that Wil son is treading in a new path and they say It is about time we had a new path. And when you ask them why, they almost invariably come to the statement that men who are ex ploiting another country must take what they get when a revolution starts. "Exploiting" is always the word. When Mr. Wilson urges men to go into South America to build up trade, as he did before our Commer cial club, they are the great keen witted business men whose duty It Is to carry the banner of American trade to the four corners of the earth. But if they take Mr. Wilson's advice and trouble comes in the twinkling of an eye these keen-witted business men become "exploiters" and are not there fore entitled to any protection. Will someone please tell us why any business man, American, English, German, Spanish, French or Dutch, goes to South Amer ica or anywhere else? Is It not to make money? That is the sole object and that Is why Mr. Wilson urges them to go. The churches and Bible societies do the missionary work, busi ness men never go as missionaries. It's wonderful, though, what a differ ence it makes whether Mr. Wilson has only to talk or Is required to act He does not hesitate a minute to urge business men to get business in for eign countries; words are cheap, but protection that's something else again, it requires .some nerve - and effort. Keep It everlastingly before the vot ers that It is Just the A, B, C of gov ernment affairs for a government to protect its citisens, all in the day's work, a matter, of course, and has never yet gotten this country into trouble or war. It will help, I know, because no part of the American peo ple wants war or wants anything that looks like provocation In the direction of war. If men vote for Wilson's pol icy they ought to know that It Is a new policy and in line with his "too-proud-to-flght" doctrine. And if they vote for Hughes, they ought not to dn so with the mistaken fear hanging over them that he has a new chip bal anced on his shoulder, or any chip at all that hasq't been there Bince we had a government H. V. MORROW. Democrats Presume on Popular Ignorance. York,- Neb., Oct 28. To the Editor of The Bee: What has become of the last paramount Issue of the "high cost of living?" If high prices were a crime under republican rule, but cause for boast under democratic rule, will they tell us what makes the dif ference or will they permit us to have an opinion of our own. If so, we will say they were playing politics at both ends of the game. Why don't their spellbinders tell what the trend of prices was after the Underwood law went Into effect how the exports fell off and imports Increased; how the balance of trade was going against us; how the surplus In the strong box was leaking out; how the gold was leaving the country to pay trade balances, and when panic was in the air, how they flew to that monstrous, vile Aldrlch-Vreeland law to help them out of a bad condition; how the factories were closing down and men out of work were drifting to the bread lines in the cities. . Then they tell us they have made good on every pledge of their plat form. Now we know the meaning of a democratic platform It must be read backward, for it means Just the reverse of what it says. Ask them about the one-term plank, the canal toll plank, the high-cost-of-llvlng plank, the no-protectlon plank, the no-free-trade plank, but Just tariff enough for revenue only; then look atNthe great staple products of the north on a free-trade basis with the south left as it was, only sugar was cut 26 per cent, but that has been restored. They passed their law and now they appoint a tariff commission to find out what ts needed on that line. Then they passed the wage Increase law and now an other commission to find out what will be right In that case. Ah, say, peo ple, put the business of this country In the hands of men who find out first and then act. - One spieler says we are sure of the labor vote on account of that law (just as we thought it was passed for votes) and It ought to bring in the goods on that small fraction of those who labor. But It just as sure ought to lose all the other labor votes. Then hear that false cry, "Wilson kept us out of war." Where was the war that threatened us, and if so the constitution says that "congress alone has the power to declare war" or to conclude peace and he swore to up hold the constitution. They Just pre sume on either the credulity or the Ignorance of the people and it Is very small politics to say the least Yours for Hughes, Fairbanks and Protection. H. F. POPE. Control of Necessaries. Omaha, Oct 28. To the Editor of The Bee: The European governments have found It necessary to step in and take control of the price of goods and apparel for the common people. The heartless speculators in the war ring countries' were boosting the prices of provisions and wearing ap parel to a point which meant starva tion to the people. It is the manifest duty of a government to step in and protect Its people, which every Euro pean government has dons. It is high time that our government did the same. A congressional In vestigation should be made into the cost of living. For instance, we are just advised that the price of shoes have taken another jump. We are reliably advised that every packing Arm in the country has its store rooms packed to the root with hides, specu lating on the necessities of the people. A government that will not protect Its people against such robbers Is un worthy of the name. We are so pleased and contented with being a republic that we will stand for being robbed In a manner that no Euro pean monarchy would tolerate, Who will be the first to make this move for a congressional Investiga tion that shall cover everything that enters into the cost of living food, clothing and f uel ? JOHN TEMPLETON. GRINS AND GROANS. Mother Am yon a tiro, my dear, that yeor hut band really loves yotaT Young; wife Perfectly aura. He alwaya kisses me after he has brought up the coal. Baltimore American. Alice No men will svsr dare to trifle with my affections. I have Ave big brothers, Agnee They'll trifle with yours aooner than they will with mine. I have five little brothers, New York Times. "You don't think that money brings hap piness?" "Well, no. "But still you are after money.' "Yea; you see while I don't think that money brings happiness, I'm dead sure that -poverty doesn't Boston Transcript. tJCAfr MR. KABr&BLE, . A M A lAWER ANb EM To BE MARRIED-AM I tolNg i0 BtCKELL IN COUW? j "It ts true thst Miss Rlohley has money," said the engaged man's best friend, "but -she ts very exacting. If you marry her yon will have to give up smoking and drinking." , "Possibly," said the engaged man. "but If Z don't marry her I shall have to .glva up eating also." New Tork Times. . "I say that Southpaw has Portslda skin ned forty waya." "You mean he la Infinitely hla superior, my son," corrected the Boston father. "But who Is Southpaw T" "Our pitcher, dad." "Oh, to be sure. Certainly he has him skinned forty ways." -Louisville Courier Journal. t Four men were playing whist One man was constantly criticising his partner; find ing fault with his play. Presently, after the victim had thrown away a diamond on a spade lead, the Irascible one blurted outt "Dash It, man, haven't you got a black suit?" "Yes," said his partner quietly, "and IM! soon be wearing It at your funeral if you don't shut up." Boston Transcript PEACE AND THE PRICE. We've read our Country's History, At least a time or two, We know how came the Flag we Love, The Red, the White, the Blue. And as we turn o'er history's page, We find that we can fight ' And, prouder yet, are we to know, We always fought for what was right Because for Bight we stood as one, We made a reputation, That when these rights were tampered with. It meant more than Arbitration. Now we're not safe on land or sea. Even where Old Glory floats American lives were worth more then Than ust a bunch of notes. Our prestige now don't count for much! 1 Must we our valor shroud, See trampled In the dust the Flag Of which we are so proud? Are we to smother In out breast The Spirit our grand-dads gave us? Was not that Spirit almost all That made our history famous? And they, like us, did not want waf, It took, and left good men One-armed and crlppel, now almost gone, Yet we are proud of them. Then why lay all our Honor down? Why not stand out for right? Must what Is left of these gray-haired men Come back again and ftght? No, we want peace and honor, too. Insults we will repel; We are Just as good today as when Our grand-dads rang the bell. So let's go down on history's page As firm as they were then. And hope our course will not make more Of bent aad one-armed men. We welcome peace, but we're a race Who's hearts with pride are flowered. To a man, we would rather be "one-armed" and brave Than to be known as a "two-armed" coward. i Buck Davis. l GROTTE BROTHERS CO. IwT. "f( Ceteris Distributors Omaha. Nebraska 1 j I