THE am: usiAHA, wauiiaauAi, uoiuniaa zo, "CARMEN" BRIMS RECORD CROWDS Ellis Company Presents Great Work in Fashion Worthy of the Piece. STASS AND ALL ABE GOOD B HENRIETTA M. REES Grand opera upon a stupendous scale of magnitude and magnificence was presented to the misv-loving pub' lie of Omaha Monday evening, when the second season of the Omaha Re tailers' course opened with the Ellis Opera company in the ever melodious music of "Carmen," Bizet's master piece, and one of the most popular of grand operas of all time. The people hereabouts know when the merchants give an opening of any sort it is welt worth attending and they nock to whenever and wherever it mav be. was the same last year, for when the merchants got together and gave i series of concerts such as they soon- sored, they, the people, were right with them from the beginning, and last nignt at the opening of their sec ond series, it seemed as u everybod was there, for the Auditorium was ful clear to the top row in the gallery, with only here and there a vacant seat, while downstairs a great many extra seats were filled with people a way at tne oacic ot tne Duuaing. Performance Exceeds Promise. "In the production of "Carmen" last night the Ellis company Droved that its promises and glowing reports of tne stars anc tne presentation of the opera were based upon absolute fact, the stars were all that had been claimed for them, the chorus and or chestra were far beyond any that have lormeriy visited umaha, and the cos tumes and scenery were upon a lavish scale, both beautiful and artistic, and added to the general effect. The opera with its tragic story lis well known. How Carmen the gypsy, after leading Don Jose to desert his regiment and follow the life 01 a smugglers, for her, soon tires of him and turns her interest to the toreador. Jose meets her on the public square before the circus where the bull fight is being held and in a fit of jealousy kills her. -. . . The soldiers the gypsies, the sweet . lorgiving cnaracter ot Michaela, thi intense, selfish wilfulness of Carmen and the exultant toreador furnish 1 many contrasts as they intertwine with swift action with a dramatic whole, and they give an opportunity for music which is masterful, esseti' tially Spanish in its rhythms, its rich color and melody, true (a the action v. men n intensities and portrays. Farrar Willful Gypsy. ., We had heard Geraldlne Farrar in concert last year and . we knew that she was a wonderful singer. But we ilid not knew what' a remarkable actress she was until we beheld her last evenina m the title role. She presented a vivid and forceful Car men, consistent in her inconsistency. and fascinating at all times. Her ana in the first act, the card, scene, and in fact all of the manv vocal and histrionic feats that fell to her share : were given with the skill and savoir faire of a great artist Lucicn Muratore as Don Jose, was ir, gnificent His voice is of excellent quality and his acting was sunerb. Repeated applause greeted the scene with Michaela'in the first act, his de livery of the beautiful aria in act two, and the tremendous climaxes to which he rose in the third and in the .last act. The dramatic ostensity of v the booklet qujtt took one's breath away. ; . Helen Stanley .displayed a lyric soprano voice of great purity and sweetness as Michaels land charmed by her beauty and unassuming man' ner as Well, v ' . Clarence TfvT(ltthiIl, . as Escamillo, deserves his stitrc of the fame. He . made an excellent Toreador. He has a nig, opuient voice, anq sings and acts in i way that proves. him well worthy a place- in such galaxy of stars. ... .): : .,-., Leaser Role and Chorus Charm. The other members of the company were without 'exception excellent in the smaller parts. The quintet in which Alma -Peterson, Geraldine Farrar, ' Rita Fornia, Constatin Ntcolay and Oetava Dua took part was admirable sung and awakened great applause. Nor must the duet . with the cards pass unmentioned, in which Mme.. Peterson and Fornia The chorus of sixty, not only sang tne concerted parts, but sang them well. The women's chorus before the cigar factory the great climax with the toreador's song, and other highly eiicctrve numoers were to their credit. To Signor Csmpanini, the director, too much praise cannot be given. He dominated the situation at all times, and to htm a great portion of the sue. , cess of the evening was due. The or chestra played the beautiful overture with great musical. charm, and won ap plause for itself on each of its purely orchestral numbers: Throughout the opera it never obtruded, yet gave sup. port when needed.' ' The ballets ' and solo dancing of Albertina Rasch were on a par with , the general high plane of the per- lurmance. several times the audience inter rupted the action of the opera with iutliusiastic and prolonged applause, .1 -u curtain cans were numerous and .. irjutot after each act. : Although the opera was not over i-.itil near the witching hour of mid- night, hardly a person left the Audi torium until the close, which is in it- bctt a tribute. Protestants and Jews Will Try Slayer of Anti-Catholic Galveston, Tex., Oct. 24. Eight of trie twelve men who will try John Copeland, a bank cashier of Marshall, for the killing of Willam Black, an anti-Uatholic lecturer, in that city on February 3, 1915, were secured today. It is thought that the jury wilt be completed by noon tomorrow. Tak ing of testimony in the first of the three cases resulting from the killing of Black then will be begun. . Self defense will be one of the pleas made in Copeland's behalf. Six of the jurors selected today are Protestants and two are Jews. SkMthM Int Onsh ud CoM. ' Dr. (tail's "ln.Tr-Hnr soothM Dm raw poll, ue eovsk, kill eoia (arms. tie. u fcrusriKtc--Advrtlsmnt Thousands of Dimes in Endless Chain Roll Into Mill City Office But the Men They Are Ad dressed To Hare Decamped and Dead Letter Office Gets the Dimes. 25,000 COME IN ONE DAT Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 24. Thou sands of letters, each containing 10 cents are pouring into the local oost- office daily from women in various parte of the country who have joined in an "endless "chain" scheme pro moted by the so-called National Brokerage exchange. , v Federal asrents are searching for officers of the "exchantre" who are charged with using the mails to de- Commission Will . Fine Ball Players For Barnstorming New York, Oct. 25. President Tener of the National league takes issue with David L. Fullz, president of the Players' Fraternity, who has protested against the contemplated ac tion of the National commission in fining ball players for barnstorming atter the league season is over. Mr. lener said .that in each contract signed by the player there is a clause in which the player agrees not to play after the season without the consent of the commission. . This clause was inserted, he said, to protect territorial rights of the different clubs. lhe National league president de clared that the commission has power to nne players for any such infraction of the rules, but would not say that such tines bad been levied against the Boston American players for partici pating in a game against New Haven a few days after winning the world's series. He asserted that the New York Nationals and Philadelphia Na tionals and several other individual players also had violated their con tracts in this respect and . added. 'There undoubtedly would be a sen. eral disciplining." Pancho Villa Spends A Few Days Visiting On the Hearst Ranch El Paso. Tex.. Oct. 24. Pancho Villa spent several days on the Santa Ana ranch near Naminuipa, one of the Hearst properties, before lie and his band suddenly left a week ago Sun day, according to a letter received here today from the manager of the ranch. They - were there, the man ager said, hunting for caches of am munition, which thev seemed unable to find, and made their visit a costly one to the Hearst estate by slaughtcr- : i . . . . . ing ouu Dceves ana turning tneir horses loose to feed in the cornfielt'.s. Villa was fighting on his own prop erty Sunday, ijs learned here. His ranch at Fresno Was acauired bv our. chase from a German. ' . dent. W, W. Waddell Returns With Bride Persistent rumors of the marria of Lieutenant W. W. Wadell, officer in charge of the local naval recruiting station, were confirmed yesterday when that gentleman returned from San Diego, Cal., after a month's leave of absence, accompanied by his bride, formerly Miss Lucille Leovy, daughter of George J, .Leovy, of the exposition city. The ceremony was performed October 10. at Coronado. Cat., bv th army chaplain there. . , ucuienani vvaaaeus marriage Is the culmination of a romance which began several years ago while he was attached to the Battleship San Diego, formerly the California. It was while l he, was connected with the Pacific iquadron that he met Miss Lenvv. Lieutenant and Mrs. Waddell have taken temporary apartments at the Hamilton. ,. ,"" " :- ; fraud. A room in a local business block, to which all the letters are addressed, was suddenly vacated three weeks ago. the authorities say. Every woman who would send ten cents in silver and write five friends urging them to join in the chain, the "exchange" promised a "new, 1917 model silk petticoat." -,- "The volume of mail for the 'ex change' is growing rapidly," said Postmaster E. A. Purdy, "and today we received 25,000 lettters enclosing twenty-five thousand dimes. Thous ands of the letters have been returned to the writers, but a large majority carry no return marks and as a result, the' dead letter office -i becoming clogged. Other channels of the local office are choked, daily by the influx of mail for the 'exthange'. " . Thief Takes Picks" On Jack Sullivan; . Flowers in Order The name of Montana Jack Sulli van is one of considerable renown to followers of the box fight game. Montana used to be one of the very best middleweights in the business and he still packs a "wicked right," also left. , . - ; . . Sunday some miscreant swiped Sullivan s $50 overcoat. Seventy-five cents was the munificent . sum . the thief collected for the garment at a pawnshop -where the police later found it. Yesterday Theodore Adams, ele vator conductor at the Merchants hotel, where Sullivan is stopping, saw a strange man enter Sullivan's room. Theodore immediately, conveyed the news. to jack, who was in the hotel lobby. Jack hiked it for his room instanter and found the man with one of Sullivan's suits of clothes, his shirts and practically all - of his haberdashery gathered into a bundle with which the intruder planned to make his escape. "What's the big idea?" inquired Sullivan. The intruder couldn t ac count for himself sufficiently to con vince Sullivan of any well-meaning. tie tried to rush from the room. Here is where the "wicked riaht. and also left" comes in. Jack swung just once. The 'intruder lay in that one spot until the police arrived. Moral; pick your man. Eight Thousand Hogs Burn ' ; To Death in St. Louis Fire St. Louis, Oct. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Eight thousand hogs burned to- death in a $100,000 national stock yards, fire in East .St. Louis tonight. RIDE TO DEATH IN PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES WATERS OF RIVER ASK BAKER TO QUIT four Settlement Workers Are! Secretary's Reference to Wash- Killed as Car Buns Over Open Draw Into Chicago Stream. ington's Men Results in Call for His Retirement. ' TWO WOMEN ARE RESCUED I PETITIONS BEING SIGNED Chicago, Oct 24. The body, of Hugo Warner,' an advertising man, who, with three other persons, was killed last night when the automobile in which they were riding plunged headlong through an open bridge into Washington, Oct. 24. The Legion of Loyal Women, a local patriotic or ganization, held a special meeting to night and endorsed the action of its president in signing a resolution call ing upon Secretary . Baker to resign the Chicago river, 'was recovered early I because of his alleged comparison of today by th police. They continued their search for the . bodies of the others by dragging' the river. Two other occupants of the car who were saved' had been fully revived today. ' Warner, who is 31 years old, was advertising manager and director of the firm of Lord & Thomas. He was master of boy scouts of the settle- ment. The others, who were drowned, Mexican revolutionists to Washing ton's continental army in a recent speech. . . . . Officers of several women's socie ties, including some of those of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion, signed the resolution, when it was circulated here yesterday. Today Mrs. William Cumming Story, presi- were: Sylvan Kusel, 20 years, law atu- dent general of the Daughters of the dent, teacher of English to the for- American Revolution,' authorized a eign class at the settlement; Miss statement that the society had taken Lillian Kausner, .social worker in no action in regard to the remarks at- Maxwell settlement and Hull House, tributed to Mr. Ralr .J ft,.,. k and Miss Jennie Klausner, her cousin, had never heard of the resolution teacher in the Jewish Normal train- until she read it in a newspaper, ins; school. I Mrs. Henrietta J. Warner and Miss Porker Eatc I linrh With Sarah Bernstein, both of them settle- LUnCn Wl1" wuson ana oiks pontics Sjjtr aFkvor -Jf- SBr Flavor is not expected of " 1 1 r ordinary soda crackers. But ment workers and sociologists, were rescued. They , escaped from the closed car and were thrown against piling, Where they clung., The bodies of the drowned have not been recovered. The rescued women were so chilled. it was several hours before they were iuic to iaiK to laentiiy tnemseives and the other members of the Dartv. t The bridge had been open to, per mit tne passage ot a Doat. i he wom en agree that they did not hear the warning signal and that no chains had been stretched across the road way. Without warning, until ten feet from the bridge, the automobile rolled down a slight incline and skidded when Warner realized the danger and applied the brakes. German Hughes Club Organized in Lincoln (Prom a Staff CorrMpondtnt. ) ( Lincoln. Neb.. Oct. 24. fSnecial Telegram.) A German Hughes club was organized hre this evening at the Lindell hotel. About forty were present and tne memoers reported more ready to join. Officers are: Nicholas Ress, president; Joe Hinter- recater, secretary;, fred Springer. treasurer; and R. Boehmer. corre sponding secretary. Six vice presidents were elected. TH thoughtless stalker is like a blank cartridge. He makes a loud noise but never hits th', target " -.'l .1 J ,1' I'D UllHliMllHii. ' ' TtHENyou ' stop to think, it's little wonder that VELVET is . so good. v Every bit of it has been naturally aged lor : two years. ' 1 !s.nd to" I less 1 tiro 5 Cotn 1 1 to I It's DEFINITE It's DEFINITE that's the BIG difference in this Studebaker Service. Expect you know all about th other kinds that promise this or that or invite you to "drop in if anything happens." , Studebaker Service is s NEW development in the field. When you get your car, a service of DEFINITE dates are written on a card and given you. On those days, : your car comes into our garage, and expert mechanics, go over it make 41 .distinct inspections, oiling and adjustments tightening up and tuning up the whole car. And when the( car comes back, it's in tip-top shape and you are given advice to help you keep it so, , Month after month, it gets the same thorough attention. And the result is that by th time a tew months hav passed, your car Is not only running like a clock, but you know how to take proper care of it yourself, and you know how fo cut your maintenance costs down so ..the bone. ....- -;,..!.. 3 Long Branch. N. T rVt ?a an B. Parker of New York, former demo cratic candidate for president, took lunch with President Wil Ann Inrl.t, and discussed with him the, political campaign in New York state. ordinary sot Uneeda Biscuit are extraordiaatv soda crackers and have a distinctive appetizing flavor. ' Buy lineeda Biscuit because they are soda crackers with a flavor, but, above all, buy them for their crisp goodness. ' 5 cant everywhere NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Read Want Ads for Profit Use Them for Best Results E. R. Wilson Automobile Co. 2550 Farnam Street , Omaha Phone Harney 871 I ( Pr bhitition ' - : - t Evils Ruin Boys If state-wide prohibition HAS saved the boys of Kan sas, then we want prohibition for Nebraska. If, on the other hand, the official .records show that in Kansas , - many more boys and young men were found guilty of committing some serious wrong or crime and sentenced to state institutions, than were sentenced in Nebraska, then we certainly do NOT want state-wide prohibition. The Record KANSAS, sentenced inmates Oct. 1, 1915: Reformatory , 330 Boys' Industrial School. 264 Total for Kansas. 594 .NEBRASKA, sentenced inmates Oct. 1, 1915: (No Reformatory)....'..........; i Boys' Industrial School.......... .none 199 Total for Nebraska. 199 Three times as many young men and boys sentenced to state institutions in Kansas as. were sentenced in Nebraska f The promises made by advocates of prohibition that "Prohibition will save the boys" have not . come true in Kansas. WHY have they not come true? What is the temptation that causes so many young men and boys to go wrong in Kansas? The Alley Joint Evils So-called "joints" are part of every day life in prohibition states. In these "joints" liquors of the vilest sort are dispensed to men and boys by dissolute characters, both male and female, spreading crime and debauchery to every part of the state. These "joints" are "schools of crime" and with their insidious temptations have wrecked the lives of countless Kansas boys and young men. The fearful evils that follow in the wake of prohibition constitute a menace to every home in Nebraska in which there is a boy. The fathers of Nebraska can avert this calamity by refusing to adopt prohibition. HOW TO VOTE AGAINST PROHIBITION The squares shown below will appear at the TOP of the ballot An X marked in square 301 is a vote AGAINST PROHIBITION. - Yes 300 Q No 301 Shall the above and foregoing amend ment to the Constitution be adopted? The Nebraska Prosperity League OPPOSED TO STATE PROHIBITION. IN FAVOR OF LOCAL OPTION, HIGH LICENSE Pmidant, U F. CROFOOT Tr.ur.r, W. J. CO AD $crUry, J. B. HAYNES Sena for out literature ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA ' ' " "fllliiflll r""r" '" '' -J'JVy j 11 I nr-iirsriv mm 'i'ijiuiisiiJji.isi-miiWjiI,iI