THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, - OCTOBER 25, 1916. Nebraska TWO BLAMED. FOR SMITHFIELD WRECK Coroner's Jury Censures Bur- .' ington Railroad for Not Providing Properly for Passengers. " SEVEN MEN ' ARE KILLED Elwood, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special Telegram.) County Coroner Dow of Gosper county completed his invest!' gation of the wreck on the Burling ton -near Smithfield, which occurred 'on the morning of October 15, when the third section of stock train No. 116 "ran into the rear end ot the sec ond section, from which eleven per nna have last their lives and four- . teen others were injured. The jury, after being out about torty-tive min utes, returned the following verdict "At an inauisition. holden at Smith- field, in said county of Gosper on the' Iftth anrt 2M riavs of October. A. D.. 1916, before me, A Dow, coroner pt - saiH rntintv unnn the bodies of Wil- ' liam Merrill. Adam Miller, Will KelW ner, B. F. Crowely, J. J. u uonnor, " William Zantow, John Slager and G. . Hanna, lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereto subscribed, the said Jurors, upon their oath, do . say, we find . that the parties above named came to their deaths on the night of the 15th' day ot uctODer, 1QIA thrrmirh the failure of the con ductor and flagman on the second section of the train No. 156 to flag the third section. "Also that the Burlington Railroad company is responsible in that it did hot furnish the proper accommoda tions for the passengers or' proper equipment for. running their trains. It being shown by the testimony that two engines in use on the trains above mentioned were running whu ' nut headlicrhts and the railroad com- pany is further responsible in that ft does not provide agents during the night to keep the trainmen informed as to their relative distance from each other. ... In testimony whereof the jurors have hereunto set their hands the day and jjear aforesaid. "(Signed) : . . "OEOROE M. BOLEK, MM, O. CRAWFORD, s "P. W. BHAUONESST, . ' "W. J. OAINFORTH, ' "ORLIS PHILIPS, !, "CORONER A. DOW." Twenty-two in Caboose. N- : At this adjourned meeting of said investigation three witnesses were examined, all of whom were passen gers on the second section of No. 156, which was telescoped by the third section. - lohn A. Dillon, a passenger on said second section, testified that he re membered of the train stopping and of several parties going out on the platform and that, in his judgment, the train had stopped from two to five minutes before it was struck; that " he was inside the caboose and was taken out with the injured..When they 1 arrived at Curtis, about all of said thirty-two went into the Burlington depot and -demanded a coach, as the caboose would not permit all of them to sit down; that when they asked - ' for the coach .they were- told- that . they couldn't get them one, and for them to get out, aa they, were taking ' up too much room. All went back to the caboose. Sisal Melton, testified that he was one of the passengers on the second section; that he went to the-back door of the way-car to get. fresh air and of his seeing the third section when it was about twenty rods away, and of jumping off. He said that the train had been stonoed about five minutes before it was struck, and that he knew the man who tried to unfasten the ' , lantern on the back end of said ca boose to flag the approaching train Charles Dillon, another passenger on the second section, testified that when he got to the rear door of the way-catAhat he saw the third sec tion about a block away; thai he turned and called to the boys inside for them to jump, and then got off himself. In his opinion it was nearly ten minutes from the time they stopped until tne third section ran into them. HYMENEAL " Fox-Smith, Gretna. Neb.. Oct. 24. (Special.) A luncheon was given at the Lindell hotel in Lincoln Saturday, announcing the marriage of Miss Margaret Smith of Lincoln to Mr. Janjps Fox of Gret na, Saturday, October 15. Mrs. Fox is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, and. was formerly superin- tendent of schools in Gretna, where she is now engaged as mathematics teacher in the high school. Mr. Fox was postmaster in Gretna until last year. They will make their home in East Gretna, where a modern bunga low is in the process of construction. - Drayton Addresses Farmers. Holdrege, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.) C. O. Drayfbn of Greenville, III., national president of the Farmers' Equity association, addressed the Hol drege local at the courthouse Satur day afternoon. He spoke on the dif ferent ways of handling local activi ties and speeding up business. Dysentery in Alabama. "My little 4-year-old boy had a se vere attack ot dysentery. We gave him Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and believe it saved his life," says Wm. H. Stribling, Carbon Hill, Ala. Obtainable every where. Advertisement. Soldiers' Home Notes Soldier' fclome Note. . Grand Island, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.) Rev. Mr. Selzer, a pastor of the Seventh Day Adventlst church In Hastings, who has ben holding; a series of meetings In Grand Island, occupied the pulpit at the Home on Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Saltan, who have been absent since last 'Aurll, have returned, to spend the winter. They realised con siderable from their summer's work and are pleased with what they have accom pllshed. ' Mrs. Angle haa returned from her recent furlough, as well as Mr. Mesaersmlth, who has been absent for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Corwln have also returned from their furlough. William Burroughs haa returned from his visit ttTpwa. .. Mrs. Pardo, who was recently transferred from the dormitory to the West hospital. Is reported to be dangerously 111. There was more than the unual number of visitors from hers In Grand Island on Saturday afterqoon. Norris Will Speak On Hughes Day in Southwest Counties : . : Alma, Neb., -Oct. 24. (Special.) Ihe Young Men s Republican club announces a day and night meeting at Orleans Monday, November 6. United states senator George W. Norris and Charles E. Matson are the speakers for that occasion. Other attractions will be a big ox roast, with trimmings, music by the Orleans band and a big red fire demonstration and narade before the night meeting. This will be Hughes day in south western Nebraska, and big posters an nounce to the public that everybody is invited. This will be Jhe only op portunity the people of this part of the state win nave to near senator Norris. Concerted System To Count the Votes Hastings, Neb., Oct'. 24. (Special Telegram.) A movement has been launched to make Adams county the first in the state to report complete election returns on the amendments and important offices. The plan is to have each precinct board proceed to count the ballots in the same order instead of the vaYious boards follow ing its own order. If this is done Adams will be able to send out some complete returns on the night .of dec tion. . It is proposed that other coun ties, will co-operate. The order sug gested here is the amendments first, then president, governor next, and after wards, the county officers. Freak Election Bet Is Made at Columbia Columbus, Neb., Oct 24. (Spe cial.) This being the vogue for freak bets. Columbus comes forth with its first offense. Should Hughes be victorious, Lou Williamson, man ager of the Columbus Tire company, a branch of the Omaha Rubber com pany, must roll a peanut through Frankfort square with a crowbar. Should Wilson be elected, Martin Stenger, clerk in the Columbus State bank, and a nephew ot fcrnest sten ger, general superintendent of the Union- Pacific, must perform the same feat. Be it said also that Stenger comes from a family of recent con verts to the Hughes cause, ot which Flatte county boasts a host. Sixty-Eight-Pound Fish Caught Near Fremont Fremont. Neb.. Oct. 24. (special.) Two days after Joe Carlson and a companion had caught a mud catfish weighing sixty-two pounds in the Platte river south of Fremont, Fred Plambeck and Lou Raymond caught one that weighed sixty-eight pounds. Two other fish, weighing thirty and torty pounas, respectively, were raxen from the shallow water on the same day by Plambeck and Raymond. The fish are working their way back to the Missouri river and the recent cold weather seems to have chilled them until they are easily caught when found in shallow water. Voters Don't Mind Mud. But Swarm to Hear Barton Campbell, Neb., Oct 24.(Special Telegram.) siias K. Barton ad dressed the largest audience of voters ever assembled at an afternoon meet ing in this city. While the weather and roads were extremely bad it seemed in no way to dampen the enthusiasm or lessen the attendance. Women Given Nominations. ' Hastongs, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special Telegram.) Mrs. F. F. Carruthers has been nominated by the republic ans and Miss Mary Dungan by the democrats for county superintendent, vice Carrie Sullivan, who - has re signed. , Sloan's Unlmtnt Kills Pain. Ii the sreateit pain killer ever discovered I simply Uld on the skin no nibbing re quired It drives pain awar. Mo. All draft-late. Advertleement ' Don't Be Costive! Take aLax-ola" One Tonight Feel Fine Tomorrow "Oh, glory I Constipation, biliousness, liver trouble, headaches Bona forever 1 No more of that grouchy, lasy, unfit reeling, mo more dosing and doping with nauseating. In jurious, painful purgatives I Wonderful LAX OLA has stopped all that." LAX-OLA. a new and remarkable scientific product, quickly overcomes a constipated, clogged-up condition without the least harm to the delicate lining of stomach, intestines, kidneys without encouraging the laxative habit. Instead of weakening, it strengthens. Acts easily, safely, naturally. Chocolate flavored pleasant tasting. LAX-OLA is so "different" in Ingred ients, in action, in effect from any laxa tive or purgative you've ever used, you'll make a big mistake if you don't try It. If your druggist has none in stock he can quickly get some from hi .wholesaler ask hira to do so. LAX -OLA Is 2 Be a box worth mere. Money back If you are not perfectly satis fied. Get it today I RESINOL PROVED WONDERFUL FOR ITCHING ECZEMA Feb. 28. "1 had chronic ease of eczema on my hands for about three years. It got red In places, especially between my" fingers, and when I'd rub them a little, pimples or blisters would form, which filled with water. The longer I had this trouble, the larger these pimples got. I can't express In words what a terrible thing it was. I couldn't find anything to help me everything seemed to make 1$ worse. I had about given up all hope of ever being cured. They were terribly sore, and I eould not sleep for the terrible itching and burning. I learned of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap and decided to try them. Well, Resinol really proved to be a wonderful thing In my case. It relieved at the first application. X used about a cake of Resinol Soap and half a jar of Retinal Oint ment and the eczema was all gone. It hasn't returned since. I am ao glad I tried Resinol Ointment 'and Resinol Soap, as I do not know how I could have stood that eczema much longer. It Is a cheap and sure cure." (Signed) Mrs. H. H. Denbow. Sioux Palls. S. D. All druggists sell Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap. For samples free write to Dept. 7-S, Resinol, Baltimore. BIG CROWD GREETS KE1EDY1T GENOA Four Hundred Voters From All Parties Listen to Speeches for Over Two Hours. PARTY DELATED BY RAIN Genoa, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.) After a day of plowing through 100 miles of muddy roads and delivering sneeches along the line at Newman Grove and St. Edward, John L. Ken nedy, republican candidate for United States senator, and William R War ner, republican candidate for congress from the Third district, arrived in Ge noa last night at 8 o'clock and were received at the town hall by an audi ence of about 400 voters of all par ties and for two hours and a half they divided time in speaking-and were hardly permitted to stop. When they sought to close their speeches thejf were greeted with cries of "Go on, go on" and similar expressions from their enthusiastic hearers. Great Enthusiasm Manifested. . Although the meeting was a regu lar old-time republican rally and al-'j though there was much republican enthusiasm manifested, the speakers out of regard for the large number of loyal boosters among the democrats and independent voters of the audi ence spent most of their time in dis- .....;., ...- r.,kl.m. wh concern all mankind and are patriotic rather than partisan. Both speakers were assured by many democrats and independent voters that they would receive their active support. Some announced that an effort had been made by the democratic incumbents to prevent them from leaving their party column, but that they reserved the right to do this considering the large moral jssues that were involved in this campaign, which are not parti san and on which the democratic can didates have not expressed them selves. Speaking of the days when Mr. Kennedy, was in congress Mr. War ner related an incident which threw Carey Cleaning Co. Baking Powder Passed the Board of Censors 1st The manufacturer with the rigid tests of the laboratory and .. factory. , . . ' 2nd The wholesale grocer with his high standing and desire to handle only reliable goods. 3rd The retail grocerwho desires to handle only those brands he knows will please his customers. 4th The food officials with their ' rigid laws for the purity and wholesomeness of food products. 5th And most important, you, the housewife with your desire for purity, efficiency and per fect satisfaction. ASK YOUR GROCER - HE SELLS IT 5 Ounces for (More than a pound and a half for a quarter) AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE October 30 and 31, 1916 At State Fair Grounds, Douglas, Wyo. We will sell to the highest bidder in carload lota 500 Whitef ace and Shorthorn Native Cows from 3 to 6 years old, all pasture bred to calve in April or first, half of May. N 400 Weaned Calves, 5 to 10 months old 75 same class of Cows with Calves by side from two weeks to three months old. 10 fine Whitef ace Bulls two to four years old ' DON'T FORGET THE DATE and do not delay coming an account of weather, aa saM will be conducted under roof. TERMSi H cash, balance tan months at 8 par cent. B. J. ERW1N, Auctioneer. Brownfield & George DoUflaU light on tne habit of Mr. Kennedy as a doer rather than a promiser. He stated that he once wrote to Mr. Ken nedy and to the two senators from Nebraska stating his wish and that the senators promptly wrote back courteous letters assuring him that they would look into the matter and that on the same mail he received a letter from John L. Kennedy, who was then congressman, saying in ef fect, "I have done it." The crowd cheered and applauded vigorously at this. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Warner have many friends here. Charles G. Nelson was in charge of arrangements and B. J. Ainlay of Bel grade introduced the speakers. Clyde B. Oean sat upon the platform with G. F. Rose, county attorney. At New man Grove State Senator C. A. Ran dall introduced the speakers and at St. Edwards A. A. Smith presided. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Warner were gratified with the reception tendered them all along the line and they re gretted that it was impossible for them to reach Albion and Boone as was scheduled, but the heavy roads made it impossible. Thomas Will Go to Missouri This Week (From a Stan Corraaponaant.) Lincoln, Oct. 23. (Special.)- State Superintendent Thomas will, go to Cape Girardeau, Mo., the last of the week.'where he has been invited 'to speak Defore the Southeast Missouri Teachers' association, on rural schools, on Friday. He will go to Edmond, Okla., De cember 10, where he has-been invited to address the Rural Life congress on the sam : subject. Train Hits Motor Car Of Fremont Dealer Fremont, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special.) George W. Hall, a well-known Fre mont automobile dealer, was probably fatally injured when a Union Pacific passenger train struck and demolished the automobile in which he was rid ing faom his home east of Fremont to his garage here. Mr. Hall suffered several fractured ribs, a" dislocated shoulder, severe cuts on the head and other injuries. It is believed he is injured internally. x Wyoming. YES! . Our telephone . number ia 2020 Douglas. Hundreds of Beautiful Blouses Newest Styles at Lowest Prices Worth They are made Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe and Pussy Willow - In this lot are about 25 Blouses, hand sewed IMPORTED MODELS. 1000 Dressy Net Blouses " Made of Crepe de Chine, Beautiful Ceorgette Crepe, Marquisette and Lingerie These at $2.98 Values to $5.00 About 200 Suit Blouses In dark shades only. Made of Lace, Georgette, r v.;.. 1 T,.... urillnw ai ono. I . Dainty Lingerie Blouses At $1.00,,$1.45 and $1.89 Lace and Embroidery Trimmed. Also 1000 Crepe de Chine and 500 Striped Taffeta In white, flesh and black, at $1.98 Each you Simply Cannot Afford to This Offering Co By itemtt Floor. Fall Season This Store Is Ready To Meet Your Wants and asks you to pay the low est prices quoted anywhere for merchandise of like char acter. . .. :. ' This Is The Business Center of Omaha, Because the business center always centers around the greatest business. Advance Holiday Thoughts are not amiss just now. Especially if you desire to MAKE your gift, you should keep ever in mind that the days go swifter andv swifter as t the GREAT DAY ap preaches. A tour through the store these days reveals- the fact that The Art Embroidery Store 1 is showing hundreds and hundreds of hints for Christmas workers daintiest , designed linens, ar ticles of apparel decorative Ideas, etc. that can be pur chased for a mere trifle, yet when worked to a finished piece will be a gift worth giving and having. THESE ARE GOOD DAYS TO LOOK ABOUT YOU. . J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. Gray Hair Goods Specially Priced. Cray Hair Switches, 20 inches long 82.95 Cray Hair Switches, 22 inches long i. .83.45 Cray Hair Switches, 24 inches Innir Sfk.lK Gray Hair Transformations, for 85.45 Manicuring, Shampooing, Hairdressing, Massag ing, etc. Children's Hair Bobbing a specialty. Second Floor. Candy Specials Assorted Full Cream Caramels, vanilla, chocolate, nut and cream roll. Pound 25 We have a Beautiful Assort ment of Halloween Novelties and Table Decorations. All kinds of Noise Makers and Halloween Hats and Caps, each.. 10. 5 and 2 for ........ 5 Pompelan Room. fAn.'hiiiiun.-emwuBVM 1500 Sample Blouses- Up to $10.00, at of t (Toe lei Brings Numerous Needs Couch Covers, Portieres, Cedar Chests This October Sale Is a Splendid One V No matter what definite ideas you have in regard to the purchase of these things, we can meet and gratify them and you will save money if you come here, also. Couch Cevara, In the rich Ori ental stripes; 50 inches wide. Sale price, each 83.50 : Heavy Tapaatry Couch Covera, in beautiful floral patterns', 60 inches wide. Each 84.98 0 Mom Roaa Couch Covers, the higheat grade merchandise made in America. Extra heavy: large assortment of patterns. Wednes day 85.98 and 87.50 Third Comfortable, Likeable Rugs ; ....... .-. I . "V , ' On the Floor Are a Big Factor in the joy you take out of your home; Come to the 'store which you KNOW shows the best and broadest assortment of the most desirable Rugs and when you do, you will not only be able to gratify your desire in regard to colorings 2nd designs, but save considerable, as well. i 9x12 Sanford's Seamless Beau via Rugs, in the latest colorings and designs, suitable for the par lor, living room, dining room in fact, any room in the . house; $37.50 and $40.00 values. Spe cially priced for this sale, Wednes day, at............. .$27.50 Of Grand Opera Is possible when you own a Victor-Victrola and you may enjoy it Whenever You Wish Whatever Music you want! Whenever you want it! That is what You will find our stock of records the most complete in the city. Mail orders re ceive prompt atten tion. - Main Read Want Ads for Profit Use Them for Telephone , 7C7n nnuorlaa and you will get what you need quickly. We have grouped together the very latest and rnost beau tiful blouses, purchased by us in the style centers of Arnerica, and the prices we have put up on them are so very modest that every woman who has the slightest need of an extra blouse will find this THE OP PORTUNITY OF THE SEASON. $5.00 About 100 Handsome Dress Blouses At $8.98; values up to $15.00 Crepe de Chine and Pussy Willow Marcariud Portiaras, in plain colors, with silk edges. The colors are green, brown and blue. Octo ber sale price, pair. ..... .87.50 Valour Couch Corara, oopiea of the real imported goods .wonder ful ''patterns and colors. Sale price, each ....812.50 Cedar Chaste. Our stork is now complete. Special showing, at, 89.00. 812.50. 815.00 to 825.00 Floor. 9x12 Wilton Rug., m'any of these are seamless. Sold up to (45. Special, Wednesday. .. .836.98 8-3x10-6 Wiltons, great values, worth to $45.00. Specially priced for Wednesday 829.98 A Few 9x12 Scotch Wool Rugi,, $18.75 values.. ...89.98 An Intimate Knowledge we are able to offer you be- cause of The New Stock of Victor-Victrolas and Records Which We Have. You can have the operas in your own home if you 1uy a Victrola and reeords. Floor Pompaiaa Room. Best Results