IK THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1916. s. UVE SOT MARKET Late Arrival of Stock Trains Delays Buying, , Making a Slow and Dull Trade. HOGS SHOWING STRENGTH Omaha. Oct. II. 111. Receipt! were: Official Mender Estimate Tueaday. cattle. Hose, oneep. ...K.004 ...li.so. 4,724 I, 0 33,174 14.000 Two dare thla week.30.t04 13,124 17.074 Ita ma d.vi lent week.. 18. 100 T.03I 00,151 .m. deve 1 wke. ho. 30.004 t.OOl 73,(70 Same deye 3 wke. ago. 30.4(4 13,3(1 00,000 Same days. 4 wke. eco. 10.01 3.004 7.!l Oame daye laat rwr. .. 37,0(3 4,031 (0,000 Kereipta and dlepoiltlon of live etoek at tne union eioca yaroe, utom, mr .won.? fuur hours ending at t cclock yeeterday: RRt'RIPTH CARLOADS. Cattle. Hon. Sheep. H'r'S. c. . at. p.... io Wabash t!ourf Pacific . . 85 Union Pacific ....313 f. A N. W., eaet.. 33 ' C- N. W., weat. .103 N C, St. P.. M. O.. 1 . C., B. t Q., eaet.. fl B. J . weet. 04 "l' R. I. 4 P., eaet C . R. I. P.. weet 7 Illlnola Central .. 1 riil. lit. Weat..'... 3.1 1 .. 0 10 17 I 1 '42 11 1 10 .. 1 .. 31 10 1 .. "J :1 il 130 ti 1 Total receipts . . 404 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hem. Sheep. Morrle t Co....',..... 78. 1 Swift A Co.....'. 1.330 1.6615 3.000 1,(00 8,033 114 (01 731 1.100 3.(03 1,103 t'odahy Packing' Co. .1,304 , Armour at Co. . . 031 Schwartl A Co....... I. W. Murphy Macoln Parkins' Co.. llunlnger A Oliver... Benton, Vaneent A 1. Hill A Bon P. B leeu J. B Root A Co.... J. H. Bulla Roaenetock Bros, .... P. U Kelloie. ........ Werthelmer A Degen. II. P. Hamilton Sullivan Bros. ........ Rothechlld A Kr.be.. Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. W 310 1(1 ' 100 840 113 01 318 130 70 30 04 130 ?irtatle )1lln ... 14 14 ... 10 ... -r "t ... 141 , ... 313 .. 80 I..437 f' ... 14 HI, ulna Meyers ........... Gl. saber, ..X.. .. Baker. Banner Bros, ... . John Harvey . . . lennle A Francis. Jenaen A Lunaren. O'Day Other buyer, .... , ToUla .....'.. 11.101 J.fcZC 1,1 00 11,167 Cat tlo Receipts were liberal today, bat th total for the two der amounts to only J 8,60 had, a falling oft of almost 10,000 had an compared with wit whk i big run, fltill, as compared with a year aio, thr Is a lots of only 1,000 head. J- Most stock trains were very, lata In arriv ing at th yards and for that reason th forenoon was well advanred before there were enough cattle In Sight to really test out market conditions. The feeling was generally steady on desirable kinds of kill ers and the same could be said of the best stork cattle and feeders. Cattle of that d scrlptluA were, however. In light supply. Inferior kinds, especially stock ers and feed ers, ware slow to tower partly on account of the rain and disagreeable weather. Quotations en cattle; Oood to choice beeves, $.7610 .M; fair to good beeves. fB.O0f,76; common to fair beeves, It-HO 1.10: fancy grassers, fs.50i,7s; good to choice grass beeves. 7,764fl.; fslr to choice grass beeves, ll.Bft07.7l; common to fair grass beeves. ie.0Jtf6.i6; good to choice hlfrs, I6.TS4V7.IS', good to choice cows, $. (007.00; flr to good cows, II.MAt W; iommn to fair cows. I4.Id0I.II; good to cfco.ee feeders, 17.6001. IB t fair to good feeders, .7b07.sO; common to (air feeders, 8 0004,76; good to choice Blockers, 7.90 1.90; Hock heifers, fff.3s0T.2ei stock cows, fi.a&0.6i); stork calves, t7.OO0a.eOt veal calves, $S.OO01O.O; beef bulls, stags, etc., li. JI.tf I 6. Representative sales: - N EUR ASK A. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 17 steers., m 7S 11 steers., fftl 6 B .U steers., Tf7 10 II feeders. 1 T14 II 4 calves., MS It WTOMINO. J J cows... It. II 10 steers.. S119 lit MONTANA, III cows... 1IBT 19 II steers.. 1111 I II T II 11 steers.. 1021 COLORADO. , 29 Stars. .102.. f 00 40itstrs,.lUI 1 00 IS stsars. 40 40 Hogs Quite a good many trains wsrs late and at I o'clock only about half the estimated supply had, been yarded. Other markets were reacting, and while local shippers did not have very many orders, their purchases on first rounds were as much as Sc higher. The first hogs packers bought were steady to strong, though their early bids had shown an esslsr tone. The market was not very lively, however. One packer was laying out entirely, while others were Inclined to wait until the balance of the hogs, cents ra before Ailing ell their orders. As the morning advanced, trade became stronger and more active, a good many sales msde at the best time being a good nickel higher then yesterday. Towards the close movement slowed down again and bids weak ened, there being only one packer left at this time who really wanted hogs. Some of the morning arrivals were still In the pens at noon under bids that were quite a little easier than the beat time, and bo me sellers, though lower even than yesterday. Thre were still two or three trains carrying Of teen or more loads of hogs unaccounted for at lunch time, Forenoon trade averaged strong to te higher than yesterday, and was a mighty uneven, spotted affair. Bulk sold at ll.7S0t.IO, and the top at 110.16. Representative sales: No. Av. Hh, Pr. No. Av. fih. Pr. 6J..H9 ... t (JO II. .US l0 t 70 2U.38S 110 t fl IS. .174 ... I 10 71. .101 H..J31 61.. Ill it.. It 16 10.. Ill 10 I to , ' JI..I0I 10 10 01 120 t 16 110 10 IS PXOB. .. a I During the early forenoon Sheep there was practically nothing done. Bulk of the offerings did not get up to the barn until after mid forenoon, and what lambs were yarded early Included almost no kill ers, a unsaiaig ratn had been falling all forenoon, and when arrivals did reach the barn most of them were wet, which also made tor slowness. Quotations en sheep and lambs. Lambs, good to cholco, t. 10010.10; lambs, fair to good, IS.eS0t.IO; lambs, feeders, 11000 10.00; yearlings, good to rholce, I7.BO07.7I; yearlings, fair to good, 17.0007.60; yearlings, feedars, 7. 0001. 00; wethers, fair to choice, I8.SO07.4O; ewes, good to rholce, IO.6O0I.IS; ewes, fair to good, 6,760.6O; ewes, plain to culls, l4.OO0S.aO; ewes, feeding. 14.600 1.76; ewes, breeders, all ages, 14, 16 01.00. Av. .. 61 ., 67 .. II .. 11 ,.106 .. It 76, .. 64 .. II ,.111 Price. I 60 t 66 I SO I 40 I 16 4 10 76 t 10 10 10 7 70 1121 Wyoming feeding lambs. 246 Wyoming feeding lambs. 101 Wyoming feeding lambs. 41 Idaho ewes Ill Wyoming ewes 201 Wyoming feeding ewes ... tt Idaho lambs 361 Wyoming feeding lambs,,. 7)1 Wyoming lambs 44 Wo. yfgs. and wthrs.... City Lire tttock Har!teL Kansas City, Oct. II. Cattle Receipt. 1 34.000 head- market higher ; prime fed steers, ,S010.6; dressed beof steers, 7 21 (l 6. 15 ; westerns steere, 6, CO 0 1. 3 6 ; cow,. 14.5007.23; heirers, 6.()O0t.2S! slocksrs and feeders. I6.760J.I6; bulls, I4.H04.JS; calves. 6t.tHt0 10.69. Hogs- Receipts. 11,000 head; market hliticr; bulk of sales, I.IO01O.26r heavy. 6lO.2O0tn.36; packers and butchera, 110.100 10.30; light. t.S&01tt.2S; pigs, 8.6O0t.76. Sheep and I .em be Receipt. 16,000 head market steady; Iambs, t.O01O.26: year tings, 67...O0I.5Q; wethers, 7.OG0l.t0: ewes. 6fe.6O07.2s. . ' s : M. .Joseph Live MoeL. . V ML Joseph, Mo., Oct. 14 Cattle Receipts, 1,300 head; market strong; steers, 16.600 10.60; cows and heifers, 4,2601CO: calves. It 0001. . t , ' H off e Receipts, 1,000 head; msrket higher,; top, 110.26; bulk of sales, l.10 10.20. Hheeo and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head; market slow; lambs, 110.00010.40; ewes. 64.760T.1. - . . . , At Louis Uvo Htoek Market. , St: Louts, Oct. 24.--,ttle Receipts, 1,400 heed; market steady; native beef steers, T. 60011. 00; yearling steers and heif ers, 16.60011.16; cuws. 66.6007.60; stockers and feeders, 16.1007.60; prime southern ovteers. 8. 0001.00; cows and heifers, 64.10 4PI.00; prims yearling steers and heifers, l,600U.OO: native calv, 60.00010.60. Hogs Receiptee. 13.000 head: market blether. lights. IO.OO0 10.40; pig, 11.760 9-U; mixed and butchers, $9.10010.46; good heary, 110.40010.46, bulk of salss, 1O.OO0 10,40, Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,600 head; market needy; lambe, T.00O10.(; eelugh ter ewee, IS.0061.H; breeding ewee, 11.60 M; reerllnie, II.MOI.Ii; ewee. H.7iJ t.H. . . ,. CHICAGO LIVK MTOCftl MARKET, Cattle Weak Hegs WeakSUiees) Firm. Chicago, Oct. 14. Cattle Receipt, 14,000 head; market weak; native beef cattle, 14.70 011.60; western steers, 14,2001.60; stock era and feeders1, 14.7607. 76; cows and heifers, 63.4001.60; calves, 17.00 011.10. Hogs Receipts, 23,000 head; market weak at 6c above yesterday's average ; bulk of sales, 110.00011. 36; light, M.76010.40; mixed, tB.RO01O.46; heavy, It. 100 10.46; rough, ft.SO0t.tl; pigs, 17.6000.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 26,000 head; market, firm; wethers, 67.0006.26; ewes, 13.7607.10; lambe, tfl.26 0 10.60. Wou City live Btoch Market. Sioux City, Ia, Oct. 14. Tattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; beef steers, 10.0901.26; botchers', fS.2604.60; canners, 14.0004.76; feeding cows and heifers, 16.000 6. J l. Hogs Receipts, - 8"; 100 head; market steady to 6c higher; light. IMO0I.76 mixed, II.7S&I.I0; heavy, lt.IO0t.IO; bulk of sales. If. 7601. 10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,300 head market steady; ewes, 14.60 06.60; lambs. 11.11. - ' Live Htoek la night. Receipts of live stock at the five prln clpal western markets yesterday: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Sioux City... St. Louts. . . . Chlrago Kansas City. , Omaha , . . . . Totals .... 2,000 6.100 1,200 .. 1,400 ..14,000 ,.24,000 .. 11. 600 11,000 22,000 14,009 1,400 2,600 26,010 16.000 24,000 .It, ttt 11,100 17,700 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Butter No. 1 creamery, In cartons or tubs, 36c; No, I, S4o. Cheeee quotations by Urlau A Co.! Cheese Imported Swiss, 16c; domestic Swiss, lie; block Swiss, 10c; twin cheese, Hr; triplets, 2lof dslsles, 22c; young America. 23c: Blue Label brick, lie: 11m- berger, 24c; New York whits, lie; Roque fort, (-, oysters "King Cole" Chesapeake Stand ards, gallon. 11.46; large cans, lie; small cans, 28c. "King Cole" Chesapeake lects, gallon, 61,76; Isrgs cans, lie; small cans, 36c "King Cols" Northern Stdanards, gallon, 11.16; large cans, loj small cans, 36c. "King Cole" Northern Selects, gallon, II. to; large cans, 43c; small cans, 18c. "King Cole" Northern Counts, gallon, 2.16j large cans, 4 So; small cans, 10. . . Celery Mammoth, per dosen. Tic, Fish Halibut, per lb.. 16 He. Ptke. fancy areasea northern stock, per lb Ilujo. Bull neeas, rsncy northern, per lb., lie. Pick erel, fancy dressed, per lb., lie. Catfish, Isrge and small, per lb.. 17c. Salmon, red. per lb., 14c. Salmon, fall, per lb,, 12a White- fish, northern stock;, per lb,, lie- Trout, slses to suit, per lb., llq. Black Baas, or der sits, 21c; odd slses, 17o. New frosen Whlteflah, fine stock, lie. Headless Shrimp, per gallon, 11.21. Peeled Shrimp, per gal lon, 11,76. Kippered Salmon, 10-lb. baskets per lb, 17c, Hihoked Whlteflsh (chubs) 10- '. basnets, per lb.. i4Uo. Frutts--Orsne-es: 16s. 100s. M4a. 14 it ner i ' ib ii Hr mux; iov. 99.40 per 00 16.76 per box. Lemons: Fancy, 300s, S0s, ef.uv per vox; cnoico, ss.BU per oox. un fruit: 34s, 40s, 11.60 per box; 14s. 64.00 box; 64s, 80s, 10.26 per box: California. I Per box. 18.60 ner half bos. Ann lee; York Imps., Vss, 14.60 per bbl,; Genoa, Bechtels. Kee lines. 11,71 per bbl.; Ben Davis, 3.60 per i, Black Twigs. 14.00 per bbl.: ishlnvton. sxtra fanny. S3. 00 per box; Orlmss Oolden, UOs, largeV, 12.00 per box; Crimes Oolden. 163s, smsller, 11.76 er Dox. urapev: concords, soc per basket; 'okays, 11.26 per orate; Emperors. 12.60 ner oirK.e. per t'ears: oariieii. ure- on, 13,00 per crate; Kifer, 11.16 per bu, runes- Italian, 11.60 per crate. Vesetables Potatoea. market nrlce. Sweet potatoes, Virginias, $3v7s per bbl,, 1.60 per hamper. Spanish onlona, 62.00 per crate; red, yellow, 8 Mo per lb. Tomatoes, 1,7I. Cucumbers. 1.76 per dol. Cabbage, lc per lb. Celery. Michigan. 10c ner dos. : Colo rado, I6n per dos. Crartberrles, 13.00 per bbls.. 12,71 per box, Miscellaneous Honey, 14a, t,7l per ea. Nuts; No. 1 walnuts, llo per lb.; mixed nuts, 17c ner lb.: Jumbo necsna. 17c ner lb . Dalav pecans, large, l4o per lb.; Bra si Is, large, Ite per lb. Braslls, medium, llo per lb.; al monds, hard shell, llfeo par lb. Draks al monds, loo per lb. , Loeal Stocks and Bonds, Quotations furnished by Burns, Brink sr A Co., 44161; Omaha National Bank building STOCKS Bid. eieked. Consolidated Casualty Co.... 1.40 Cudahy Pkg, Co., T pot, pM. 1.10 101 T II Ui KX.-U1V .....104 Douglas Hotel Co, stock. tO Deere Co. pfd,. 14 Fairmont Cream Co., com .117 .ins -"iiit Fairmont cream CO. pfd...,,.10i Oooch M. A B. Co. T pet. pfd.. $$ Goodyear TAR. Co, pfd.... 107 Lincoln T. ft T. Co, com I pot II Mt. States T. ft T. Co ...Ill 100 107., 111 171 .. : 61 : TI H 101 101 - 161 14 ' Nat Refining Co. com...,.,,, HO Om, ft C. B. Ry ft B, pfd....,, 10 Offl, ft C. B. St. Ry, pfd , 72 Om. A C. B. Bt. Ry, com,,., 41 Peters Mill Co. pfd tt Union S. Yds. Co. pot. stock. .loo wilt Co. Ex.. Dir.. Swift Co. rllhte , BONDS Anetlne Oov. (a. 1120,.., Armour Co. 4 Ha. 1,31. Booth, St. Louie (I, 1031 .,100 100 100 100 , 101 h 101 106.60 100 ' t7 100 7 It tt M 66 101 111 101 101 004 oo Chi. Cy. Ry, Ce. lit la, 1017., 00 Cudahy PH. Co. lit la, 1010.. 101)4 C. M. St. P. Ry, Co. It,, pot.. 1011 1001, Harrlo, County, Texu Road .. 11.3-11 10l.il la. Porlland c. Co. la 111I-14., (1 X. C. Ry let le. 1044. , 11 Kanaa, 0. K. Co. lat (, 1111 ,1 Om. C. B. St. Ry. la, 1(11.. t(U Packard M. C. Co. le, lilt., ,1 Pao, a. Elee. le, 1141 II C. of Par. rr. (e, Oct. II, nil 0?t, Rock ML Fuel le, and honua., 11 Rueelan Ooe.'lHa, 1111 101 ' Ruulan Oov. 1V4, 1131, In ternal loan (1,000 rouble,).. Ill Swift eV Ce. la. 1144 4. .101 Wllaon a Co. la, 1041 10111 Wlnnlp.,, Canada la, nil.... II , 17 New York Money Market, . New York, (Jet. 14. Prima Mercantile Paper I per cent. Sterling Exchange Sixty-day bit Is. 14.71; commercial sixty-day bills, 14.70; demand, 4.76( cables, 14.71 7-14. Francs: Demand, II.I4( cables, 16.11. Marka: Demand, 70o; cables, 70o. Kronen: De mand, lie, cables. ltc. Qui Id are; Ds. mand, 41c; cables, 41 I -14c Llres: De mand, M.61; cables, 16.80, Rubles: De mand, llo; cables, ltc. Hilvsr Bar, 07c; Msxlcan dollars, 11 a. Bonds Government, steady; railroad, strong. Time Loans Easy;. sixty days, 14)1 per cent; ninety days and sin months, l4Jtl per cent. . .Call Money Kasy: highest, 1 per cent; lawest, I per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, I per cent; offered at 1 per cent. U. S. r. 2s, reg. ttIL M. M 4a..l0t do coupon ,.. til., K. A T. 4s t0 TJ. S. Is, reg.. ..lfi0H, p. con. ts. . ..103 do coupon ,..100Mont. Power Is.. It IT. S. 4s, reg.. ..110 N Y, C. deb. Cs.ll4 do coupon ,,.110N. T, City 4s.lio Am. Smelt. ts...U!N. T., N. H. A M. Am. Tel. A Tel. cv. 6s ....,..,112 cv. 4s 113Ne. Paelflc 4s... 83 2 Anglo-French la. 16 de 3a Atch. gen. 4a.,,, 94 Ore, S. L. ref. 4s 13 B. A O. 4s...... 12 Pac, T. A T. 6s, .10 Beth. Bt. ref, 6s.l01Penn. con. 4a,.106 Central Pae. 1st. 10 do gen. 4s. .10274 C. AO. cv. 4s. Ifneadtng gen. 4.. 11 C, ft. A Q. .H. 4 ttBt. L. A San V. C, il. A Bt. P. ref. 4 istz cv. 6 106flo, pao. cv. Is. .106 a, R. 1. A P. Ry. do ref. 4s tl ref. 4s 76 8b, Railway Is. ..102 a A S. ref. 4Hs 36Cn1on Pac. 4a... 9Z D. A R. 0. e. 4a. 60 do cv. -....,,. m Kris gen. 4 73 IT. 8. Rubber Os.102 Or i). Klsctrlo 6s.l04i;. 8 Steel 6s. .100 Ut. No. 1st 4s ttW. Union 4s.. 17 t C ref, 4s. tlDom. of C, 1131.101 Bid. Lejidoa Btaek Market London, Oct, 14. The American section was ths bright spot of the Stock exchange today, with a good bustnoss In low-priced shares and United Slates Steel. Sliver Bar, I2d per ounce, 1 Money per cent. Discount Rates Short bills and three months, l03 per cent Bank Clearings. Omaha, Oct 14. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 14,640,701.77. and for the corresponding" day laat year, 11,001.146.11. Omaha Hay Marks. 1 Hay Receipts light market firm. Prairie hay; Choice upland, llO.IOtOH.OI; No. 1 Upland. 43. 60 10 00; No. I upland, 17.60 I.OO; No. I upland, 11.004)7 00, Midland: No. 1. 61.10410.00; No. X, 67.UOCMOO, Lowland; No. 1, I4.0041T.0O: No. S, I4.0OQ6.00; No. I, 13.0091. 00. Alfalfa: Choice, tll.Ov; No. 1, 111.004014.00; Standard, Ill.OuStiroO; Ne 2. M.DBOtHt No. 3, 10.0008.00. Straw Oat 14 0091 W; wheat. I6.00l.60 Oil ai Savannah. Oa., Oct. 14. Turpentln. steady, 44 c; aalea, 164 bbls.; receipts, 666 bbls.; shipments, 6 bbl,; etork, 11,201 bbls. Rosin firm: aalee, 1,01 bbls.; receipts, 1,17? bbl.; shipments, 10,362 bbls.; stock. I, 161 bbls.: Quote: A, B. It. 06; C, D, II. 10; K. 16.3d.. F, a, H, I, K, M, N, It.lls WO. 11.46; WW, 16.10. . GRAIN AHDPRODOCE Cash Wheat Market Dull. Ex cept for Milling Demand for Durum, ' SAMPLE WHEAT SLOW SALJ5 Omaha, Oct 24, ltll. Ths cash wheat market was not very ac tive today and there f was only a fair de mand for this cereal, at prices ruling from unchanged to 1 cent lower. The milling demand for durum wheat, however, was very good and durum wheat was quoted about I cents above yesterday's top prices. Th best grade of durum wheat sold at 11.78 and the general run of No. 1 hard wheat sold at 11.70 and 11.71 and the No. 3 hard ranged In prices from 11.67 to II. 01, No. 4 hard and sample wheat were slow sellers, there being no sales of off-grade wheat and only a few sales of No. 4 hard, which were made at 11.66, There was hardly enough corn on the tables to taks cars of a fairly good demand and ths market sold from lc to 2c higher. There wss no ysllow corn sold and the few pars of good whits corn sold for 06c and tic, an advance of vo over yester day's market. Oats receipts were rather tight knd the demand for this cereal was not overactive. The market was fairly stesdy, however. and the general run of samples brought 40 14c, while the beet grades sold around 4tc. There wss an excellent demand for rye of all grades and the market ruled from steady to lc higher. i The barley market was rather quiet on account of light receipts and this market remained unchanged. Clearances were; Whest and flour equal to 0.631,000 bu.; corn, 231,000 bu.; oats, 1.471.000 bu. ' Liverpool close: Wheat, Id to 2d highest corn, a to la nigner. Primary wheat receipts were 1,881,000 bu. and shipments 1,017.000 bu., agslnst receipts of 1,861,000 bu, and shipments of 1,601,000 t. last year. Primary com receipts were 406,000 bu. and shipments 124,000 bu., against receipts of 464,000 bu. and. shipments of 262,000 bu. last year. ' Primary oats' receipts wsre 1.44B.0O0 bu. and shipments 110.000 bu., against receipts of 1,164,000 bu. and shipments of 1,600,000 bu, last year. UAHLUT JREtTElPTS. Wheat, Corn. Oats. Chicago , . .141 Minneapolis ...448 Duluth 212 Omaha 02 12 641 Kansss City US 13 11 St. Louis ,...107 Winnipeg ..,.,,,,.....1711 These salea were reported today: i Wheat No. 1 hard winter: v cars. 11.71. No. I hard wlntef: I cars, 11.71; 3 cars, 11,704; 4 ears, si,7j; i cars, si.sv. No. I hard winter: 4 cars, ll.lt; 1 ear, 11.68; 17 oars, ll.tl; I cars, 11.07. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car, 11.01; I cars, 11.16; car. 11.64: 1 ear, 11.14; 1 car. 11.61. Sample hard winter: I car, 61.64; 1 car, 61.41; 1 car, 1.41. No, I durum: 1 ear, 11.76, No. I durum: 1 car, 11.74. No. I durum mixed. 1 oar, 11.74. No. I mixed: 1 ear, 61.73; 1 car, 11.48; I cars, 1.47; 1 car, 11.61. Rye No. 1: 1 car. 11.21. No. I: 1 car. 11.18; I cars, 11.17. Barley-no. : l car, 91.00. , Ksjectsa: 3 cars, 17c. Corn No, I white: 1 oar, tic; 1 oar, 06c; 1 car (new), lOo, No. 4 white: 1 ear (ship per's weights), 4c. No. ft white: 1 car, t4c; 1 car, tic. No. white: 1 car, lie. No. I mixed: 1 car. t3c. No. J mixed: 1 car, 12 c. Sample, mixed: 1 car, tie. Oata-tStandard: 1 car, 4tc. No. 1 white; I cars, 46 He. No. 4 whits: 1 oar, 41c. Sample, white: I ears, 48n, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. I hard. 11.1691.71; No. I hard. Il.6791.lt; No. 4 tiiril II I1UA1 !! No S anrlnr SISSA m,7i; No, I spring, l.t691.76; No, I durum, 11.7691.71; No. I durum, 11.749 1.76. Corn: No. white, I606c; No. I white, tfi9t6c: No. i white, tl9t4c; No. I white, H9t4e; No, 0 whits, I89t0c; No. I yellow, 16 9 07c; No. I yellow, I69t0o: No, 4 yellow. -Ifil6e: No. I yellow, 04 9 06c; No. fi yellow, t39t4c; No. I mixed, tlU9tlo; No. mixed, 61493o; No. 4 mixed, t39tlc; No. I mixed, 029t2c; No. S mixed, tl9t2o. Oats: No. t white, 4!9&0c; standard, 4t94to; No. I white, 4t94tot No. 4 whits, 4894lo. Barley: Malting, 6c9ll.08; No. 1 feed, 77 961c. Ryet No. I, 1.279L16; No. I, 11,2791.28. . v. . .v-5 OMaah Itotmrae, ' Omaha, October 34, ltll. Ths Argontlmr -attamtlon and the foreign demand for our wheat continue to be the governing factors of the wheat market, but there was a slight reaction during ths early trading noura on account of pront taking. The opening prices of wheat, however, were fractionally higher, but heavy selling during the early I part forced a break and December reaches a low pol and the May ll.lttt. There was considerable Interest In both corn and oats and there was an Increased export demand for these cereals. The oats crop In South America has been sexlously dsmaged by the heat and ths erop In that country la far' below normal. Corn and oats opened steady, but while they held within a rather narrow range, were Inclined to bo governed by the action of wheat Just before the close of ths Session wheat took a sensational spurt and within the specs of an hour advanced about 4c over ths low price of the day, December eleolng at 31-73 H and May at 1.74. The rlss In wheat waa followed very quickly b sud den advances In oorn and oats, corn closing around lo higher and, oats advancing c on December and lo on May. Local range of options: Art Open. ) High7T"Low. Close. ITes7 Wht j J t f I Deo. f 170 f 1 78 16(1 1 Tt lt May 1 71 1 74 108 1 74 171 July I. I ltj 117 181 117137 .tow Dee. I 14 I 16 11 81 May j 14 II 14 16 It osta 1 Dec. 1 10 11 10 11 80 May I II I 66 64 66 II j Chicago closing prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, ill South Sixteenth street, Omaha. f'xrt. I Open. High. 'Low, Close. Tea. vvhTi : rn ; Deo. 1 VI 1 Tt 171 1 71 174 ' May 1 TI 1 71 ITS 1 71 174 July I ,1 41. 1 44 141 1 44 141 Dee. 1110 10 IT 10 18 ! May lt to lt.109 lt July I : II 10 ll to It Uata 1 Dec. 6I9 04 11 . 64 13 May 679&7 17 66 67 16 Pork 1 Dec I IT 00 IT T6 121 15 2T TI II 16 Jan, I IT 1ft ( IT 41 2I It IT 00 21 00 lrd. 1 t Dec. I II 40 j II 40 111 T6 II II II 47 Jan. I II 10 j 1ft 12 14 10 II II 14 72 mi l t I : Oct. I 14 00 I 14 10 114 68 14 II 14 46 Jan. 14 37 II 40 14 01 14 10 II 12 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, Wheat Weaken en Reports of Break In Drouth In Argentina, - Chicago, Oct. 14. Huge export sales of wheat caused prices to advance today to an extent that made previous quotations since the beginning of the Buronean war look cheap. The market cloaed strong, l9e net higher, with December at 1.7891-7t. and May at t.78 91.76. Other leading Staples, too, all scored galna corn !92c, oats. l91o and pro visions T cents to 11.40. . Bulges of wheat were preceded by a weak alert nd by a series of nervous fluctuations before the market In the last hour of the session took up-grade In earnest. Barly declines were largely the result of reports of unsettled weather In Argentina, pointing to a possible break up ut the drouth, which has brought about serious trop damage. Reports were current that the Argentina damage had been exaggerated. A big falling off U the Kuropean visible supply as compared with a week ago, how ever, gave an advantage to the bulla, and was later emphasised by the fact that the world supply total showed for the first time In montha something at a decrease. Neverthe less no unusual upward leap in prices took place until word came that expert business of the day would aggregate as much as 1,600,040 bushels. Highest quotations of the season quickly followed, not only for wheat but also for the entire grain list In connection with the Immense salea of wheat to Kurope, the tact waa pointed out that primary re ceipts In the United States today were less than half as large as a year ago. Corn borrowed most of Its strength from wheat Country offerings of new corn were latger, but it waa feared that rain would delay the movement. Oats advanced in sympathy with other grain and because of big export salea. The amount of oats taken today by Kurope was estimated at 1,000,000 bunhels. Speculative buying led to excited upturns In the provision market Thers were inti mations of targe port orders being filled, but the rumors were not eon firmed. Offer ings proved unueually scarce. Cash Prices Wheat: No. red, 1.T19 1.76; No. I red, l.691-70; No. t hard, 11.76 91.77; No. I hard. 11.7601.76, Corn No. S yellow, tl.0191.03; No. 4 yellow, nominal; No. 4 white, nominal. Oats: No. I white, 61962c; standard, nominal. Rye: No. I, 11,24. Barley: 71c 96 J. 20. Seeds Timothy,. 13.2696.36; clover, 111.00916 00. Provisions: Pork, 131-36; lard, 114.37; ribs. 814 00014.76. Butter Steady : creamery. 30 9 34 He ; firsts, 309lto; at mark, cases Included, Potatoes Steady; receipts. T6 cars; Min nesota and Dakota whltei.-fl, 40 91-60; Win nesota and Dakota Ohloa, 61.4091.60; Wis consin and Michigan whites. 11.3691.46. Poultry Alive, steady; fowls and springs. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of tbo Day om Leading Cora saodltlesl New Tork. Oct. tt. Flour Strong; spring patents, .309 66; wtnter patents, 18.669 i.su; winter straignts, ss.idus.iiv. Wheat Spot strong; No. 1 durum. 12.07; No. I hard, l.tl; No. 1 north ern, Duluth, new, 12.02; No. 1 northern. Manitoba, ll.tl, t. o. b. Now Tork. Corn Spot strong; No. 2 yellow, c. L t. New Tork; nominal. Oats Spot firmer; standard, Btc. Hay Firm; No. 1, 61.06; No. I, 11.00; No. I. 86910c: shipping. 10c. 11.11, 18c 9 Hops Steady; state, common to choice. ltll, 46963c; 1116, 6916c; Pacific coast. 1919, 14017c; 111 ft, IB 12C. Hides Firm; Bogota, I4936e; Central America, S4V3tc.N Leather Firm; hemlock firsts, 46c; sec onds, 43c. Provisions Pork, strong; mess, 131.009 32.00; family, 132.00934.00; short clear. 627.60930.00. Beef, strong; mess, 623.00 ze.oo; tamiiy, 1a6.bo937.00. lard, strong: middle west, 110.00916.70. Tallow, firm: city, !e; country, 10910e; special, 10c. Butter steady ; receipts. 10,874 tubs creamery, 3093le; creamery extras, 369 36c; creamery firsts, 34936c; seconds. 32933c. Kggs Irregular; receipts, 12.121 oases fresh gathered, extra flne, 10940c; extra firsts, 86 9 38c; firsts, 34936c; seconds, 219 88c; nearby hennery whites, fin to fancy, owszo. Cheese Firm; receipts, 1,660 boxes; state fresh specials, 2131c; state, average fanoy, 20 c. Poultry Alive, firm : no prices settled. Dressed, easy; chickens, 10920c; fowls, 170 24c; turkeys, 20982c. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis, Oct. 14. Wheat May, 91.17. Cash: No. 1 hard, 11.1491-17; No, 1 northern; 1. 1091.13; No, I northern, 11.8491-12. . Corn No, X yellow, 69t7e. Oats No. I white, 6161c. Flaxseed 12.6392.67. Flour Fancy patents, 16c higher, 'quoted at l.70; first clears, I0o higher, quoted at 68.20 wood; second clears, unchanged. Barley lc9H0l. Rye 11.2091-10. Bran 126.00926.60. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, Oct. 14. Wheat No. I hard. 11.7491.81; No. I red. 11.7391.77; Decem ber, ll.7391.74; May, 81.74. Com No. 1 mixed. 16917c: No. 3 white. tic; No. 2 yellow, tic 11.00; December, I7e; May, ltc. oats no. white, 6114 962c: No. 3 mixed. 0963c. Butter Creamery. 33c; firsts. I0e: seconds, 21c; packing, 17 o. Eggs Firsts, tic. Poultry Hons, lie; roosters, llc: broil ers, 21c. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Oct. 34. Wheat Spot strong: No. I hard win t efr 16s 2d; No. 1 northern Duluth, 16ch.,Sd; -No. 1 Manitoba, 16s Id; d. 2, lfis 7d) No. I, 16s 4t Corn SDOt firm: American mixed, new. lis 6d. St.1 Louis Grain Market. St. Louis, Oct. 14. Wheat No, 1 red. 11.1191.16; No. I hard, 11.7191.11; De cern boh 11.71; May, 11.76, Corn No. I, 19c: No. 1 white. 1 6c: De cember, 13c; May, 17c. Oats No, 1, 6i962c; No, l white, 63 o. ' Coffee Market. New Tork. Oot. 14. !ffee The market for coffee futurea showed renewed firmness and Increasing activity today, owing to the broadening demand from brokers', with Wall street ana cotton trade connections. The opening was at an advance of 0 to 10 nolnta. There appeared to be a little selling by trade minreiie arouna ine in.uai iigurea, wnicn soms attributed to hedging against recent cost and freight purchases. 'The offerings were well assigned, however, and the market firmed up, with March advancing from 1.74c 10 s.bvo, ana wiin ine general selling list It to 24 nolnta net hlaher. The close wee slightly off from ths best, under realising, but showed a net gain of from 14 to ft points. Sales. 111.360 bass. Closlnr bids: October, 1.70c; November, I.TOc; December, 1.70c: January. 1.74c: February. - S.78cr March, 1.83c; -April, 1. 17c; May, 8. tic; June, 1. 16c : July, l.ttc; August, t.OSc; Septem ber. 9.07c. SoOt coffee, firm: Rio 7a. Site: Santos 4s, 11c, Firm offers reported In the cojtx ana rreignc maraet zrom Santos were about c to o higher, with 4s quoted at 10o to 10.46c, London credits. The official cables showed an advance of 76 rets In Rio spots, while Santos spots were 100 rels and miures B to is rets nigner. - ' Otto Market. N.w Tork, Oct. 14. Cotton Futures opened barely .teedy; December, 11.44c; January, 10.43c; March. 11.47c; May. II. Ho; July, II. (Sc. Spot cotton quiet; middling upland, ll.IOo. Salea, ,000 balaa. The cotton market closed at an advance of II to 11 point, for the day. London. Oct. 14. Cotton Spot In rood demand, price, strong; food mlddllnr, 11.17c; middling, 11.13c; low mlddllns, ll.llo; aales, 10,000 bales. Metal Market. New Tork, Oot. 31. Metals Lead, 17.00 7.10; Spelter, Arm; spot. Bast Bt. Louis delivery, 10.00O10.II. Copper, Arm; eleo trolytlo, first quarter, I37.1QOS1.00. Iron, eteedy and unohanged. Tin, steady; spot, I41.00O41.10. At London; copper,, spot, 184; futures, 1130; electrolytic, 1144. Tin, spot, 1171 lis; futures, 4111. Lead, 130 10a. Spelter, 114. Sugar Market. New Tork, Oot. 34.-8ugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, l.llc; moleaaes, 1.14c Refined. Arm; flne granulated, 7.I097.I0O. Futures were firmer on ooverlng and renewed de mand from trad, sources. ' At noon prloea Won 19, points higher. v , Duluth (HI Market. ' Duluth, Oct. IS. Llneeed Oil On track and arrive, II.T1H: October, 11.70 asked: November, 11.70; December, 13.01; .May, 13.71. Parents Fear Thirteen-Year-Old Has Eloped Early Sunday evening Christina Trapani, aged 13 years, 2013 Pierce street, retired. Early the following morning her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Trapani, heard a noise in her room, ihey investigated later and the room was empty. The notice and juvenile authorities meanwhile have searched for the child in vain. A man by the name of Rosello who was em ployed by the ga company has also disappeared. He was fond of the girl and tt is the supposition that they have eloped. Christina was a pupil at the Mason school. Ordinance to Block r. ' Building Stable Put Over Upon request of attorney for Sun derland Bros. Co., city council de ferred for another week action on an ordinance restricting Twenty-first Street, between Pierce and Leaven worth streets, to residence purposes. Residents of that locality filed a pro test against proposed erection of a barn on Twenty-first street by the Sunderland company and after hear ing the protestants, council committee of the whole recommended passage of a restriction ordinance. Noah Believed in "Safety . First," Says Evangelist "'Safety first' ' is a great" slogan. That's what Noah believed and so he built an ark as God told him to do. So if men are to be saved today they must do as God says," according to Rev. J. A. Barnett, who is holding re vival services at the North Side Chris tian church. He preached last night on "The Ark a Type of the Church. Tonight he will talk about "Idle in the Market Place." Baptismal serv ices this evening. Twenty-three were added to the church Sunday. NEW YORK STOCKS Approach of Presidential Eleo tion Accepted as Eeason for Irregularity of Market. PRICES DOWN TWO POINTS New Tork, Oct 24. Ths approach of the presidential election and attention paid to political considerations were accepted as theunost plausible reasons for the irregular ity of today's later dealings after a forenoon of decided strength. Prices declined 1 to 1 points from their nest declines belna effected on com para lively light offerings. The last half of the seeslon was characterised by frequent Inter vals of lassitude, trading from midday to the close barely amounting to one-third of tne total of 1.24O.0OO aharea. Quotations were at lowest levels In the last hour, but rallied substantially before the end, when Leather and Paper shares, as well as Petrol aims and obscure rails were in urgent demand. . Bethlehem Steel waa the outstanding fee ture of the morning, rising 44 points to the new record or zi. but closing at 6l. uen eral Motors alio scored a new maximum at 137 and American Beet, Cuba Cane and Cuban-American Sugars were lifted to rec ord quotations, together with Central Leather, Utah Copper and Consolidated Uas and uiectrio of Baltimore. Equipments and munition Issues were less prominent than usual and transactions In these groups were -made at moderate con cessions, similar conditions applying to most or tne motors. General Electric. Interna. tlonal Nickel and shipping shares. Fertilisers were again reeponstve to federal trade ad vances, but the uneven trend of certain In active specialties probably resulted from specific market considerations. Aside from Its wonted leadership as to activity. United States Steel pursued a comparatively normal and narrow course, making a net decline of ltt. after a tem porary advance of a fraction. Standard rails reflected prevailing speculative sentiment and non-dlvldend Issues of that division were strong, except Wabash, which lost some ground. Continued Irregularity of the bond market was traceable to further selling of interna tionals, especially Anglo-French 4s. Total sales of bonds, par value, was 14,274,000. Bonds were unchanged on call. Number Of Salea and nunttllnni nn mA. Ing stocks were; , , Ra Imm XJlmU T.nw fir... Am. Beet Sugar... 7,000 10J 101 102 American Can 4,700 63 62 62 Am. Car A Foundry 4 son aq u. ri km. Am. Locomotive.... 6,000 83 81 81 Am. Hmelt. A Ref.. 14,700 I4 121 123 Am. Tel. A Tel.... 600 132 133 133 Am. Z.. Ll S ' snn itu is aau Anaconda Copper.. 21,000 00 94 04 Atchison 10.300 108 107 107 Bald. Locomotive., 6,000 17 84 Vi 84 U Baltimore A Ohio. . 16.000 JlftU xsu itu Brook. Rapid Tran. 300 84 84 84 B. A S. Conner. 1,300 66 64 64 C.O0O 24 23 23 800 170 176 176 0,100 70 69 69 Cal. Petroleum Canadian Pacific. . . Chesapeake A Ohio C M. A St. P.... Chicago Ar-N. W... C, R. I. A P. Ry.. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel A Iron. , Corn Products Ref. Crucible Steel. . . . . l.OVU SO . VA 128 T.300 11,800 4,600 3.200 17 66 18 to 46 26 27 68 68 64 64 18 11,400 5J 38 Distillers' Securities 1,800 0,600 Brie Oeneral Electric... Great No. pfd Great No. Ore ctfs. Illinois Central 39 38U 1,200 183'. 18214, 1831 3.0 00 43 ii 4314 08 108 ' 17U 17V 1,700 100U 108 Inter. Con. Corp. euu 17U Inspiration Copper. 11,100 OOVfe 01 Al Inter. Harveeter. . .. 800 118 117 110 Int. M M. pfd. ctfs. 31.100 110 114 116 K. C. Southern 1,300 27 26 26 Kennecott Copper.. 1,300 14 63 13 Louisville Naah.. 3.000 137 137 137 Mex. Petroleum.... 81.600 113 110& 112V Miami Copper 3.300 30 30 30 M.. K. A T. Dfd 200 1EU 16U, i tt Hliaourl Pacific. .. . 1,800 1 7, 7 National Lead 1.000 70 00 00 Nevada Copper.... 3,100 ' 23 22 22 New York Central.. 12.200 100 108 108 N. T, N. H. ft H.. 100 01 0 60V Norfolk & Weatern 1.100 146 12 142 nonnem raciiic... 'i.auu ine lix liz Pacific Mall . 200 26 26 26 Pacific Tel. T.l.-f .. ..... 31 Pennsylvania 1,100 18 67 68 Ray Con. Copper. . . 7.600 26 llli X Reading 22.000 111 109 109 Rep. Iron Steel . . 24,900 10 77 78 Shattuck Arts. Cop. 2,000 38 38 28 Southern Pacific... 10,300 101 101 101 Southern Railway.. J.600 31 38 38 atuaea.K.r ...uu ... i.xt. l.s Tenneaaee Conner. ..... 23 Texas Company..., 0,700 332 238 230 Union Pacific 18,800 153 161 163 Union Pacific pfd., 1.200 12 82 02 u. o. jna. Aiconoi.. j.euu la.u lse U. S. Steel 131,100 120 118 118 U. S. Steel pfd...... . 000 121 131 121 Utah Copper 11,600 102 100 100 Wabash pfd. "B"., 1.400 31 30 30 Weet.rn Union 1,200 103 103 103 Weatlnghouae Elec. 8,300 04 13 63 loiai aaies lor ine day, i,zev,uvo snares. W. J.Bryan to Speak Five Days in State From a Staff Correspondent.) . Lincoln, Oct 24 (Special.) At last it is known that W. J. Br van will speak in Nebraska, but what he will say and who he will speak for, is as yet an unknown quantity. How ever, it is known this far that he will not speak under ariy democratic com mittee nor under the direction of the drv federation. . However, he will speak for the pro- niDition amendment and, as betore announced, will speak for the 'dry candidates for the legislature, irre spective of their party affiliation. Brother Charlie, if he knows, would not indicate whether Mr. Bryan will endorse the candidacy of Senator Hitchcock and Keith Neville. "That will be made known when William reaches the state," said Mayor Bryan. The dates of Mr. Bryan's trip are as follows: October so Pullerton, 1:30 a. m.; Cedar Raplde, 11:30 a. m.; Albion, I p. m. October II Peru, 1:10 a. m.; Broernvllle, 1:10 a. m.; Nemaha City. 10:15 a. m.; Ver don, 11:10 a. m.; Humboldt, 1:30 p. m.; Pawnee City, I p. m.; Silk Creek, 1 p. m.; Tecumaeh, I p. m. November 1 Geneva, 10:41 a. m.f Hebron, 1:80 p. m.; Blue Hill, 7 p. m. , November 3 Indlanola, 10 a. m.) McCook. 1 p. m.l Benkleman, S p. m. November 3 Alliance, 11 a, mrTcrawford, I p. m.i Chadron, 1 p. m. v , Clayton Organizes Insurance Company (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, Oct. 24. (Special.) C. S. Clayton, who was deposed some time ago by the State Insurance board as insurance examiner, has risen above the circumstances and, after organiz ing an insurance company of his own. has prevailed upon the board which ditched him to accept his com pany, and it is supposed that they will "all live happily ever after." The Central Health company is the name of the new company. The of ficers are: E. J. Faulkner, president; C. S. Clayton, secretary;-directors, C. E. Spangler, John W. Jones, jr., A. E. Faulkner, Dr. H. E, Flansburg and A. P. Sprague. - All Creameries to Provide Buttermilk for New Flour Probably the various . creamery companies in Omaha will sell their buttermilk to the Merrel-Soule com pany when that company has com pleted sits big plant in Omaha for the manufacture of buttermilk flour. The Fairmont Creamery company U build ing this plant for the eastern1 concern here. About March 1 the plant is ex pected to be ready to begin produc ing buttermilk flour. Thief Ges Whisky and Two Dollars in Cash Register pT C Tebeins. S12 South Tenth street, informs the authorities that somebody stole his whisky and $2 from the cash register. Entrance was gained by a rear window. Reavis Refers' To Record to Show What He Did Say (Prom a Staff Correanondent.) Lincoln, Oct. 24. (Special.) Shooting their old political blunder- Duss in every direction, hoping that some of the scattering shot will hit a vital spot in the republican campaign, the democrats this morninsr ODened up on Congressman Frank Reavisin an ettort to put him in bad with repub licans by quoting him as savins; in a speech at the Labor temple in Lincoln yesterday that "I will support no boss even if he does wear whiskers." Answering the statement which ap peared in a democratic paper here, Air. Keavis says: "I am incapable-'of referring to Gov ernor Hughes in any way other than in terms of the highest respect," said Mr, Keavis. the laneuaee used bv a democratic paper in its account of the meeting is unjustified so far as it pertains to Governor Hughes. "What I did say was in substance as follows: 'Congress under the con stitution has the responsibility of en acting" legislation; the president has the constitutional duty oL executing legislation after enactment; the courts have the constitutional obligation of construing legislation.' I turtlier remarked that in the exercise of my constitutional duty I had been actuated by my judgment of tne needs ot mv district, and that i would not, in the future, do violence to my. judgment nor prostitute my constitutional duty at the command of any one, even though he be president, without regard to whether that presi dent wore a beard or had a smooth Hace. 1 I now state that 'any man who seeks election on the promise to fol low blindly the dictates ot another is promising conduct that will result in the destruction of a representative form of government and the creation ot a one-man power, . " L have made the statement which I made at the Labor temple on Sun day from every platform in this dis trict and those who have heard me speak heretofore know exactly what l said at the temple. Eramirated Annies and Dried Walts. Tork, Oct. 24. Evaporated Applet Quiet but iteady; fancy, 7 8c; choice, 77Xc; prime, 696c. Dried Fruit Prunei, vers firm: Califor nia.,, 710Hc; Onfeona, 7011c. Apricot, strong; Choice, 15c; extra choice, 15KlSc; fancy, .16916c. Peaches, quiet; choice, 7c; extra choice, 7c; fancy, 8c, Rattinp, firm; loose muscatels, 7 9 He; choice to fancy seeded, t$12c; seed- lOMtwlZc; liO&doft layers. Mo. TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 AMUSEMENTS. BRANDEIS tal?.aw THEATER. Mat,., Today and Sat. The MISSION PLAY By JOHN STEVEN M'GROARTY. A Pageant-Drama, RspUt, With Psthos, Mirth and Romantic Beauty. Mats, ZBc to $1 Nifhte, 25e to SIJIO Phone Doug. 494 THK DtSMT Ur AUlMSVIlel-IS This Week: Matinee Dally, 8:15. Kvery Ntght 8:15 Ellasbeth Briee and Charles King. Pat Be ney and Marlon Bent, Harry Holman A Co., Jimmy Duffy and Mercedes Lorenzo, Prin cess Kalama, Lou Holtz, Sylvia Loyal and her plerrot. Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prices: Matinees, Gallery. 10c. Best Seats (Eicept Hat. and Bun), 2So. Nights, 10e-t6e-6Uc-?5. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." 18-SS-BOe, 25-JHMoe. That Funny Little Hfllw With the . Billy Arlington rM l.itl. 1-aueh. 1HD 11.IJ. Musical THE "WWWfn VrWWR Burle.,u. Prank Debioa. Kl.uor Cochran, P.U Mall S, Doll, Maehan. Hite Reflow, othera. Famous Beaut? Cho m. of 24 Crooketta. In Grand B.Uet d. Luxe. (Finsl Psrfermance Friday Nile.) Ladies' Dime Matins. Every Week Day. ' nVI Nights, 28c, 3ac 10c, TSe Dill V Mat. Today, If c, aac - THE GREATEST QUESTION IN EVERY r WOMAN'S LIFE. WHICH ONE SHALL? I MARRY ' LAST TIME TONIGHT Jinn Good Show Always nirr 15th and Harney TODAY Paramount DUSTIN FARNUM in "The Parson of Panamint" Portraying th. Lira of a Fighting ' ' Wastern Parson. MUSE Horn of Paramount Pictureg FANNIE WARD ' In "WITCHCRAFT" Dorothy Dalton . . r in "THE JUNGLE CHILD." IITMFV I ' We aspire to continue to merit a reputa tion for integrity, courtesy and absolute fairness in all our dealings. Constructive criticism of our policies or practices is wel corned. - NEBRASKA TELEPHONE 00. Clerk Penrod of Gage Dies After Operation Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 24. (Special Telegram.) J. C. Penrod, serving his third term as county clerk and candi date for re-election on the republican ticket, died this, afternoon following an operation for appendicitis at a fo cal hospital. He was stricken a week ago after making a campaign trip over the county with the republican candidates. He served as a member of Company C of the old fighting First Nebraska in the Philippine Is lands and was later captain of the company. He was a prominent mem ber of the Masonic order ynd had for years been active in politics in Gage county. He was 44 years of.. age and leaves a widow and one daughter. , Immigration Expert to Talk to Welfare Board ' Commissioner Cammanetti of - the bureau of immigration, Washington, D. C, will meet the Board of Public Welfare at a regular meeting, to be held Thursday eveninar. Mavor Dalil- man and city commissioners will also attend. The commissioner hopes to interest the board in his co-eperative employment agency plan. Dry Goods Market v New Tork. Oot. 14. Tlcklns. war, todasr advanced 1 cent a yard to a basis of 184.0 for 1 ounce Aca fooda. Print clothes ad vanced aaaln to a new high record of 1 cents for Htt-lnch S.s$60's. All cotton foods and yams were firm with an ad vancing tendency. Men's wars was In more active Inquiry with advanced prices on spot goods. 811k, were rather quiet F.IrtPtiTi? DR.. McKENNEY Sayit 'The greatait requti.t to food health is good teeth. Keep your teeth sound and free from cavi ties. A visit to my office now will save you time pain and money." Heaviest Bridge Work, per tooth, H00 Best Silver Fill-. tail Wonder Plates' Best 22k Gc Crowns worth IIS to $2S, $5, $8, $10 We please you or $4.00 We please you or ref and your money. McKENNEY DENTISTS 14th and Farnam 1324 Famam St. Phone Douglas 2872. . POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT. Support Cornish Says Judge Reese HIS ELECTION TO -SUPREME COURT WILL BENEFIT ' STATE, 1 DECLARES DEAN OF. NEBRASKA LAWYERS. Judge Manoah B. Reese, formerly Chief Justice of the Snpremo Court of Nebraska, has written a letter to Ne braskans who attended hi classes dur fag th ten years that ho was Dean of the Law School of the Stat Unirersfty. Judge Reese says that Judg Albert -J. Cornish of Lincoln Is thoroughly qualified and reliable and that his lec tion to the Supreme Court of Nebraska will prove of benefit to the people of the state. The letter foUows: - 1 am particularly Interested in the qualification! and character of men se lected to act as members of our Su preme Court, At the coning election In November, as , yon well know,, the people of this state will he called up- on to select three Justice and one ' chief Justice, and the Integrity and usefulness of the court will depend up on the selection made, "Yon were a student at the Unl- versity Law School while I was con nected, as Dean, with that Institution, and X consider our acquaintance suf ficiently close to justify me In calling your attention to the .candidacy of Judge Albert J. Cornish of the District Bench of this county. "I was personally acquainted with Judge Cornish for a number of years before he was selected as a District Judge, and have known him intimately for a long period of years. : "Whin X was a member of the Su ' preme Court of this State, many op portunities were afforded me to look over the work done by Judge Cornish as District Judge, and from my knowledge of him gained through personal- ac quaintance snd frequent examination of his work on the Bench, I do not hesitate to say to you, as my friend, that he is thoroughly qualified and re liable, and that his election will prove : of benefit to the people of the state, the litigants and to the attorneys who will appear before that court. "1 have not personal interest in the' matter, but I wish ,to suggest to you that. If possible, yon giv?" to Judge Cornish your active support and as sistance in the campaign. If you do so, I know you will make no mistake. "Most sincerely yours, "MANOAH B. REESE." rl ) ( V ".1 -