il THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1916., : 7? . Ui 7-R V law EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. , DAY BCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every- day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, ehorthand, stenoiype, typewriting, toleifrapby. civil service all comnftcrai mnd English branches. CatalofUa free. BOYLES COLLEGE, Dooglaa H6. lath and Harney Bta. VAf BANT SCHOOL OP BUSINESS. Kt DAY AND EVENINO SCHOOLS, sy Second Floor Omaha National bank Bide,, .4 Entrance, 220. Douglas Agio. FOR RENT HOUSES West. FOH RENT (-room cottage, modern except ' heat. Phone Walnut bOO or Inquire at 4108 Lafayette Ave. ' S-ROOlt 1 Jit. 00. J 2 bath, West Farnam district. Phone Doug. 2947. North. 1515 GRANT ST. 7-r.. conm.. modern, $25. T- F. Hall. 421 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7408. 7-ItOOMmod. house with garage In Flor ence. Flo. 242. South. 1111 PARK AVE. 7-r. mod, brick. Miscellaneous. Wl HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES, PARTLY MODERN. 1111 Carter Lake Blvd 114.00 2401" Parker 10 00 1401 Maple St t oo 6016 No. 42d St 10.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. t-R., 1004 Saratoga St 120.00 1410 Carter Lake Blvd 14.00 4-R.. Illl No. nib St. (for colored). 15.00 t-R.. 217 No. lath St 22.50 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R., 203 South SOth St 125.00 4-R., 4112 Farnam St 25.00 T-.. 2205 North 18th St 20.00 t-A.. 2201 North 11th St. (strictly modern detached house) 10.00 i-R., 1717 Park Ave. (good brick . dwelling, newly decorated inside and out; flret-class residence seo- tlon) ' 3-00 t-R.. 2003 Dewey Ave': (close in).. 45.00 11-R., 411 South 32th St (cboica brick dwelling. In the West Far nam district) 75.00 WE HAVE OTHERS SEE OUR COM PLETE LIBT BEFORE RENTING. . PORTER SHOTWELL, . 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. 15.0(1109 So. 28th St., 4-r., gal and water. $20.90 1734 Bo. 27th. fi-r., modern, lat floor, St. Louts flat. $20.00 4786 So. 27th, 4-r., on second floor. good. $26.00 1706 Burt, Id floor apartment, three rooms and bath, with heat. Good. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 916 City Kat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 4ft. i lQS PARK AVE., 8 rooms, modern. Fine location and arrangements for rooms. . $82.60. ' 112 6. 86th Ave., 6 rooms, modern. West Farnam district. $85.00. 4160 Wakeley street, north of Davenport -r it., 6 rooms and sleeping porch and sun room. New, never been occupied. $45, ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1586. Rose Bldg. $27.602639 Davenport St., 8-r., all mod., new furnace. $18.001608 N. SOth St, 6-r., all mod. flat, $32.60668 8. Iftth St., 9-r all mod. H. A. WOLF. 614 Ware Block. Doug. 806a. The Be. carried 4,)0I WORE PAID Want Ads Orst I months of 1916 than same period ISIS. This figure EXCEEDS THE COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 20,000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Reeults, Better Rates. NICE 7-room flat. 1907 Cuming St., I2t. 6 roora bouse. 1720 N. 2tth St., .only S12. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. HOUSES FOR RENT. CREIOH, SONS & CO. IM BEE BLDQ DODO. HOUSES, modern, 6, 7 and 11 rooms. FIRST TRUST CO. Doug. 1151. FOR RENT Ap'U and Flats North. SENT CUT TO IIS. 1110 N. S2d i.r. flat, steel range, gas plate. Kitchen cabinet, water paid, lit. . i RASP BROS., Douglas 1669. South. (-ROOM modern apartment at 420 South . Stth Ave;, private basement, heat and . Janitor services, $40. BENSON at MYERS CO., 1 414 Omaha Nation Bank Bldg. Doug. 744, 8T. CLARE. and 4-r. apt., sttb and Harney, ney 447. Har- HEATED FLAT, strictly modern. 8. 14th Ave. Tel. Red S657.. (21 It t-R. mod, flat, 2208 8. 21th, 120. H. 4711, Miscellaneous, FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT, $37.60. -' Large light rooms, with east, south and west light. Tile bath, oak floors. Plenty of heat, $87.60 per month. Georgia Apts., 1040 Georgia Ave. This Is the best apart ment now available In Omaha at less than $60. Bee PETERS TRUST COMPANY, 1822 Farnam St. Douglas 898. BRICK Oat for rent, $26 per month; rooms, modern. Phone Doug. 162. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores- Two modern stores near Postof flee. Low rent. O. F. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE studio location In Wead bldg 18tb and Farnam, and In Baldrlge bldg.. SQth and Farnam; rental reasonable, V. P. WEAD. Wead Bldg. DEmUABIsE office rooms in ths remodeled CrotUM Block, 118 N. 16th St. (opposite, $19 to $16 per month. Conrad Toung. suz ursnaeis TBtatr uoug lJl CHOICE office space, Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas, McCague Inv. Co. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. HAVE parties wanting to rent five, six and eight room houses In thj West Farnam, Dundee and Field club districts of the city. Want good houses in good neigh' borhooda. Write at once and secure good tenants, want to hear from owners only, No agents. Address 5 9 & 2. Omaha Bee. WANTED lisilng on cottages or houses to rent or ceil on easy payments. Have cus tomers waiting. n quire 413 Karbaeb Block. Douglas . 87. GALLAGHER NELSON will . k after your rentals, see Brandels Bldg. Doug. 3381. MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving service try us. Large (horse padded Vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you gUlOKKR, CHEAPER AND SAFER. rnonu ryier zsv or uougias 4338. GORDON VAN CO. e'lKfa.i'KOU' WAHEUUUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing iifl N. 11 tn St. Phone Douglas 894. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders foi moving, packing or b tor age, office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and 161 & How ard St. Phone D. 6524. FIDELITY skhwcb FREE Phone Douglas 2s 8 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. J. C. REED 1307 Farnam St. Express Co. Moving, packing and storage, Douglas I4e. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and nipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 802 a 16th St. Douglas 4183. Maggard Van and two men, 11.26 pr-r hour. Van and Storage Co., Mvtng, Packing. storage-and shloplng Phone Douglas 1496. Motorcycles an(J Bicycxes BAR LEY -DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bar gains In used machines. Victor Rooe. "Ths Mutorcyale Man." "708 Leavenworth. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for sale on very easy term a splendid residence at 110 N. 33d St. Thle house has eight rooms, all In fin con dition. The lot is 60x143.. I Is in a very desirable neighborhood and the price la oerlalDly low. ALFRED THOMAS, 208 First National Bank Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8 -room, t bathe." nearly new: big discount, only 36.2S0. See It. 323 N. 3Stb Ave. V. L. SELRY 80NS have not yet formed the habit of cheapening their houses. o that the price sells them. CAPITOL HILL SNAP 33,500. -7-room, modern cottage, close to high school: paved street: nice neighborhood. ARTHUR CHASE, 604 Bee Bldg. D. 1538. 3618 " LINCOLN BLVD-ll-room bouse, strictly modern, with hot water beat Douglas 1818. EQUITY in lot, 43d and California. Cathe dral District. Box 7243. Bee. North. 3019 Larimore Ave. 3 Rooms $1,250 $100 Cash $12.50 a Month Only been built 2 yean; In line Condi tion. Electric lights, full cemented base ment; cnment sidewalks. Paved street and a dandy, level lot. Call Tyler 50 and uk for Mr. Glesing. Office open evenings. 7 till . HASTINGS '& HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY STREKT. NEW BARGAIN TWO LOTS. SPECIAL LOW PRICE. B rooms and bath, oak and brick finish, large living room with fine fireplace and bookcases, dining room, built-in buffet, 2 ted rooms and kitchen, large floored attic, splendid cellar, furnace, etc. This Is the best bargain In Mlnne Lusa addition and I can prove It. P. J. TEBBIN8, 60S Omaha Nat. Bk. Phone D. 2182. MY HOME FOR SALE. Built only three years. 1 Has three bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath on the second floor; vestibule, large living room, dining room, butle'a pantry, kitch en and rear entry on the first floor; full basement; 60-foot lot, No. 8332 Walnut St. Phone Harney 6718. $60p EQUITY In furnished 4 -room house and garage, all modern. Will sell with fur niture or spearately. Call Colfax 8692 after 6:30 p. m. ' BARGAIN New 8 -room strictly modern bungalow, hot water heat; coat, $2,(100; my $1,425 equity for $1,000 cash. Colfax 1798. $2,800. Will sell my house and lot for small cash payment down, balance long time. S311 California. FOR SALE I acros Improved. Cot 1848 KOUWTZE PLACE restricted district resi dence for sale. W. V. ktnisst, 8616 N. 16th. South. HANSCOM PARK MODERN HOME IS GOING TO BE ' SOLD. We have been instructed to sell the property located at 1306 South Slst St. this week If possible. Six rooms, modern, full lot, paved street, paving paid, good garage, fine shade trees, close to car line and school. Let us show you this property and make us your best offer. Somebody Is going to buy a bargain. HIATT COMPANY, 246 Omaha Nafl. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 80. NEW BUNGALOW . 1 HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT LARGE living room with built-in book cases, dining room with plate rail and paneled walls, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath all on one floor. Oak finish and oak floors; large attic; full basement; guaranteed furnace; large south front lot, close to car, school, stores and park. Will call for you and show you thl bunga low. Phono us for appointment. SCOTT AND HILL CO.. Douglas 1006, Ground Floor McCague Bldg. , FIVE ROOMS NEW , All modern in every detail; living and dining' room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards; Icebox robnu. full basement with floor drain; shades; electrlo fixtures and screens; all furnished. This Is a real bar gain at $3,760: $600 cash, balance on terms to suit. Others ask as much as $a,360.' Located at 1816 Deer Park Blvd. Let us show you this week, TRAVER .BROS., 105 Omaha Nat Bk. Doug. 8888. Evenings Web. 4886. 2573 POPPLETON AVE. This Is an 8 -room house, ail modern, with furnace heat, and large corner lot 83x100, now offered at the low price of $3,000 cash payment of $800. If not sold Immediately will rent at $27.60. This is a handy location for one"employed In south Omaha, GLOVER & SPAIN, l Doug. S962. 111-20 City National. BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN. 7-room brick. 4 bedrooms, parlor with fireplace and one in reception hall; oak Xlnish; stationary wasntubs in basement; on car line: best neighborhood In town. 8008 Pacific, and only $80 per month. See it at once. Vacant November 1. L. B. SPAULDING & SON, Tyler 100. HOUSES WANTED. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR HOMES fFORTH THS MONEY IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST SOUR PRuPalK TY WITH US FOR RESULTS. O NEIL'S REAL ESTATE INS. AOCY, Brandels Trweter Bldg Trier 1134. SOUTH SIDE HOME. Corner 18th and O, near proposed street car extension; full lot, D-roora house, city water, gas; only fl.&otl: easy payments. GEORGE G. WALLACE, 614 Keellne Bldg. $260 CASH. New bungalow, 6 moms, all on one floor, strictly modern; on very easy terms; close In; located 1210 So. 26tb Ave. Tel. Red 1S81. Miscellaneous. GOOD 7-room modern house, hall, living room, Horary ana aming room, an tin Ished In oak; a nice arrangement, kitchen and large basement bricked up and ce iwnl floor; furnace hfat ; three eJeuping rooms and oath on 2d floor; house ' well built, and good as new; south-front lot, 60x124, with paced street; good nvtghborhoud, convenient to two car lines and boulevard, owner paid S4.UU0, rash, for this place year ago. and for certain reasons wants to sell and Is will Ins to lose some. If you want something ' like this, better see me soon. ' W. H. GATES, C47 Oiniiha Nut, Ltanlt Blilg. Douglas 1294. Webster 2888. CLOSE-iN "COTTAGE. $200 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH. 6 rooms, strictly modern cottage, lo cated within 10 blocks 'from the post offlco. Has hard oak floors. Plumbing and fur n are practically new. South front. Paved street, paving paid. Why pay rent when you can own your own home close in and save carfare? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha National Bank Hldg, P. 1781. VAM.EY OF DELAY WINTER COMING ON STOP PAYING RENT. When you can buy a haw, all-modern oak-flnlsh bungalow on almost your own terms. See us today. HASP BROS., 106 McCague Bldg. Douglas 166$. INVESTMENTS. INBURANC7 $400 In come on price. $2,600, "wing 8 houses. 6 rooms each near high school and Crelgbton college. Also 6 and room bungalows 8 2 Of down, and twu 1 rooms. S8i down, twlanoe monthly CH AH K WILLIAMSON CO NEW bungalow: also and saniening, your terms and price; Inv. with $4f0, rent. 8 houses if Jot cost $3,600), $2 600. V. 3107. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. FIVE room,, new, rated, all modern, balance monthly. oak finish, fully deco de . 13.750: 3200 cash, Colt.i HJS. Got anything you'd like to swap? ths "Swappers' Column." REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. LARGE 60-FOOT LOTS. 1100 TO IW5. In city llmlte: one block to car ho: paved street by the property. ' ONB DOLLAR DOWN. 10 CENTS PER WEEK. There are fifty of theai: they will not last very long. Phorte ue for particular SUULER CART. Phone D. 6071. not Keellne Bid North. AFTER looking at MINNE LUSA. $00 dif ferent buyers decided that It was the beat proposition on the market and they backed their Judgment by buying lots. If YOU will come out today you will understand why others are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., Tyler 187. 74$ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. OWNER must se.l east front lot oa Fonta nels Blvd., In Clalnnont Will sMl at sacrifice price U taken at once. Call Douglas 1722. MINNE LUSA Nice lot on Titus Ave., near 24th St., can be bought at a bargain; this lot must be sold. See me quick. C. 'A. Grlmmel, 84 Omaha National Bk, Bldg. South. ACRES SOUTH. Improved and unimproved In one to ten-acre tracts, on or near Bellevue car line. Best of school facilities. C. R. COMBS. Phone Doug. $918, $09 Brandels Theater. Miscellaneous. BUY THAT LOT NOW If you are thinking of building In the ' spring, or later, why not buy that lot now in Beautiful Waverly Park, on Fontenelle Boulevard. Prices: $560 to I ft 60, on easy payment plan. , Ca.ll Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Uteslng. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, ' ItU HAitNEY STREET. . FINE plaoe for chicken raising, garden' tng or fruit trees and berry bushes; 16 good lots; one block from car line and close to school. Price, $760,' $1 down and 60c per week on each lot Box 7047, Bee. REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. START YOUR HOME IN BENSON) BUY THIS LOT. $10.00 down end $10.00 per month; price 8200.00; stse 60x136; located on Locust St., between Clark and Burnham, not far from school and car line. Geo. R. wrlaht Bee office. Omaha. Dundee. DUNDEE. 6016 Cuming St. Strictly modern, new, 7-r. house, bard wood finish, extra well built and right up to the minute, ready to occupy. Price 86,400. Easy terms, S. P. BO 8T WICK ft SON, 300 Bee Bldg. Tyler 1606. Florence. NETHAWAY has J, 4, 8, 20 and 186-acre impr, tracts lor cuy property, no, zzs. South Side. 6-ROOM residence. South Side. $1,100; $60 cash, balance lib per moi.t. Doug. SJis. REAL ESTATE Investments CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT Rental $540 per year. Price $3,200. This Is a close-in fl-room house arranged for 3 families. On 28th St., between Far nam and Leavenworth. This is an excel lent proposition on a reasonable-priced In vestment. Investigate It Interested. GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. 766. 63 Clly Nal'l Bank Bldg. SEE US FOR i INVESTMENT AND SPECULATIVE PROPERTY. A'. P. TUKEY BON. Phone Doug. 602. 1607-8 W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE. Wll. COLFAX. 101 Keellne Bldg Doug. 117a. FOR SALE. Double brick Bt. Louis flat, within (our blocks of Hth and Harusy; olos. In; bar gain price. CALKINS CO.. Douglas 1311. City National Bank. FATHER TIHB has his hand on your shoul der Tou need a staff, a savings account, a litne money well Invested. Home Builders suaranteea 7 Der cent, cash dlvl dends. payable Jan. 1st and July 1st. Tou can begin any time with any amount The plan of Investment Is simple. HOME! BUILDERS, Inc., 17th and Douglas Sts. ' WE HAVE A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN AN APARTMENT HOUSE S1TEV IF SOLD SOON. SPLENDID INVESTMENT, CLOSE-IN AND REAL SNAP. TERMS. INTERSTATE REALTY CO., ' 21 City Nat l. Bk. Bldg. Ph. Doug. 1862. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc- EXCHANGE Los Angeles, mighty attrac tive eight-room bungalow on paved street, all conveniences, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, abun dant shrubbery, flowers. Might exchange for good Nebraska farm, $6,000. F. H. Ruble, Broken Bow, Neb. HAVE! a five-room house worth $8,000; In cumbrance, $1,100; In Omaha; will sell at a sacrifice or trade for acreage or cheaper house, or what have you? O. A. Elsasaer, Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 437. HAVE two 160-acro farms and one 80-acrs farm, eastern Nebraska, to trade for olty property. ARCHER REALTY CO., 680 Brandels Bldk. FORD car and rooming house to exchange together for lots or equity in house or lot, Call Ug. 68H after 8 p. m. Box 7080, Omaha Bee. TRADES TKADESr-TBADES. Farms, Cattle, Ranches, New Apart ments, Flats, etc. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Block. WE have some good homes and rental prop ertiea for Nob. or la. land. Edward F. Williams Co:rnRha Nat.Bank Bldg. OOU1J lot, deslrabli location, will take used Ford ss pa rtpay Webster 4248, Ranch specialist, sell or trade ranches for city property. E. Franta. 67f Braudels Bid. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty DOWN TOWN LOTS. 44x66 feet. 19th and Burt Sts., $2,200. 40xtl8 'feet, with half interest tn 16-foot dfiveway, near 30th and Farnam Sts. $1,000. J. H. DUMONT & CO., 418-1 Keellne Bldg. Phone Douglas 690. INCOME prot-erty near Furo plant. 16t REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, 6 and 6 -roomed trjuses that can be sold for 810(1 cms a. balance 818 per month; give complete description first letter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 183V Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1864. 1 HAVE several parties wanting to tx change Omaha property fur acreage. Call or writs W. 8. FRANK. 801 Neville Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. We have buyers for your property. INTER-b ATE REALTY CO.. S2I-S0 City Nat. Bldg. " Doug. 8862 FOR SALESF. D. Wesd.1il s" into Horses- -Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. DRIVING team, T and 8-ys.ra-ol(l ; hvagy harness. Will trad fur Ford. Doug. 4CUU. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans. Mortgages. S PEH CENT to . per cent ob best elsss city residences lo amqunts IMCO up. ala- farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1I2S Farnam 81. II.H00 MORTC1AOE bearirVlTe V, " per cent eeml-dnn.: secured by property vslued at IT. too. Talmaie-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Blds OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska (arms. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha Nai l. Phone Iloualea ITlt pAKM and city loans, t-ttt and per W. H. Thomiia. Keellne Bldg.. Doug 6 pet. MONEY HARRISON A MORTON 816 Omaha Nat ) Hnnk Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. w also buy good ranu raori gages. Kloke lnv. Co., Omaha. lioTPjtr" Tn.n8tal.lm knts. PAT IN 8. 8. 4 or 6 YEARS. BEST PLAN bhopen keel.1nb ml.lhj. "real estatp. loans "w anted. . THO& L. MeUAKRY. KEELING ULDO. TEL. RED 4844. 1100 lo $10,000 made promptly. F -D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18lb and Farnam ate. REAL ESTATE loans. 8 per cent. 8m D. E. BUCK CO., til Omaha Nat. Rank. CITY and farm loans. 6. KV., 8 per cent J. H. Dumont Co., 418 Keellne Biag. PER CENT and 6 per'cent money. Toland A Trumbull. 448 Bee Bldg. Douglas 6707, NO DELAY. V. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. MONEY on hand for city and firm loans. H, W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. GARVIN BROS. J.VnT. We re ready at all times to make loans on first-class city property and eastern Nebras ka farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., 212 South 17th St. Abstracts of Title. T. Title, Guarantee and Abstract Co.. XVcir so, s. 17th St., ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ins. Co. HEED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of- flc. In Nebraska. 10. Brand.ts Tneaier. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florida Lands. PALM BEACH COUNTY. The banner crop lands of Florida. Ten million dollars spent on drainage oanals and Improvements, Best and safest lands In the union for truck growing or citrus fruit groves. 868 growing days a year; no winter here, all sunshine. For prices and terms phone or write A. PARSONS A SON, Phone Doug. 7848. 888 Brandels Bldg. Minnesota. 140-ACRE FARM, ib MILES FROM Minneapolis; i mues rrom two gooa rail road towns; good set or Duuatngs, consist ing of 7-room house, large barn, granary, com cribs, machine shed, windmill, eto. 180 acres under cultivation; can practi cally all be cultivated; no waste land; excellent corn land; 80 head of oattle, consisting of 18 cows, balance one and two-year-olds, 8 horses, hogs, chickens nd comnlate set of machinery every thing on the plaoe Including one-third of this year s crop, goes ai sew per acre, cash, all the time wanted on bat ance, 6 per cent interest. Schwab Bros., 1088 Plymouth Biag., Minneapolis Minn, WILD and Improved farms In best Minns- sots dairy district, u. mmeriron, sauaoa. Minn. Missouri Lands. SMALL MISSOURI FARM $10 cash and $1 monthly; no interest or taxes; nigmy pro ductive land; olose to I big markets. Writs inr nhotoB-raDhs and full information. Munser. A-lll. N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. (iRK at bargains 15 down. $5 monthly. buys 40 acres good fruit and poultry iana, near town, southern Missouri. Price only $200. Address Box 808, Excelsior Springs, Mo. FARM For sals, 180 acres; $18 per acre) house, barn, orchard ana spring; easy terms. J. B. Christlson, Waynesvllle, Mo, Montana Lands. THREE ranch snaps in Montana that must go quick; 8,484 acres custer Co., 8ft per acre: 20 acres Rosebud Co., partly lrrl- gated, $11 per acre; 18,000 acres Big Horn Co., solid body, Improved, 76 per cent til lable, $18 per aors. J no. A. Martin, Aberdeen, B. P. Nebraska Lands. CAN sell or exchange any lands you havs to otter, U. J. uanan, ucuague mag. !,& acres .near Wood lake; cuts 400 tons hay ; running waier; iair Duuaingsf fenced; this Is In the big hay country and this ranch Is priced to sell; $18.80 per acre; terms. THOMAS CAMPBELL, Keellne Building. FOR Nebraska and Iowa farms, state what you want, we have it. w. T. BmitD u. 814 City Nat. Bank Bldg., Omaha. 160 AND 80-ACRE Johnson county. Neb., terms; wen improved, Bargain m lav prjved 80 In Sarpy oounty. STEWART, iu a. nth. Wisconsin una. UPPER WISCONSIN best dairy and gsa- rai crop state in the union, settlers wanted; lands for sate at low pnoes sn easy terms; excellent lands for stock raising, ask for booklet 8ft on Wlsoousls Central Land Grant; state acres wanted. If Interested in fruit lends, asg wr noon lat on AddIb Orcbarda Address Land Com- mission r Soo- Rsllwy, Minneapolis. Mlna. POULTRY AND PET STOCK JUST received, new'shlpments of bright red Japanese Goldfish. Special price, JSC eacn. Max Oelsler Bird Co. DAMAGED WHEAT, 11.60 a hundred. A. W. Wagner, 801 n. letn. AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL SALE. 1916 Overland touring car, fully equipped, starter and electric lights, 1.60. Will consider Ford as part payment. WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. 2104 Farnam St. Doug. 3210 WE CAK USE TWENTY LIGHT CARS. IF YOU CARE TO EX CHANGE YOUR CAR FOR A NEW ONE, THIS IS YOUR Opportunity STUDEBAKER-WILSON AUTOMOBILE CO., 2650-1-4 FARNAM BT. Who's sutting the pace now? In the first nine months of 1118 TUB B R K gained 42,904 Paid Ads. EXCEKDINQ the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same period by more than 20,000 PAID ADS. Oood Results. (Jood Ratoa, Good Service. FORDS WANTED Drive cars to 2047 Farnam St. Ask for Mr. Farrar. Fords wantM In sxchaog. for overland, and larger cars. Bring in Your Ford We Will Take It in on A New Maxwell C. W. Francis Auto Co. AUTO INSURANCE Firs. Th.ft and Liability at rat.a KII.LT. E1.US THOMPSON, 13-14 City Nal. Uk. Uldg. 'Juug. 2tl..l AUTOMOBILES AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 2:09 Farnam Bt Douglas 8310. 1Mb Overland Touring $400 1916 Dodge Touring 836 llIG Chevrolet Touring 400 Hudson Coupe, late modol. sacrifice. ON K used two-ton truck. $460; one usod one-ton truck, 8200; one used 1 111 roadster, 8200. These trurks are In first clusa shape and real bargains. Andrew Murphy A Son. 14th and Jaekson. CROSSTOWN GARAGE. 31 S. S4th St. Doug. 4448. We buy OLD CARS. Parts for Hup 80, Oldsmotflla, Chevrolet, Apper WS will trad, you a asw Fort ior roar et. ona. INmiHVRIAL OARAOR CO.. loth snA Hsrwr. Doug. Illl. ONE PACKARD oiosrrt laundaul.t body, for sal. at a bargain. K. c. Kmltri. o: Far- nam at. Phon. Poug. 7 COHD tlrta (or Fords. lOll. JOll Ill.fK. Zwlsbsi uroa. u. .sis. Farnam at 5UH RKPA1R WORK WIM. BATtSFt TOlT TELL ft UINKLCI. lilt Harn.y Bt Doug. H4. Auto Livery and Garages. EXPERT soto rapalrlng. "s.rvlo. oar al ways r'sady." Omaha Oarags. 1010 Harnsv St. Tyl.r ess. Automobiles for Hire. FORD foi r.nt. Tou may drlv. It. I charga by mil.. Doug Mil. Bv.nliiga. D. 1. 71 Auto Tires and Supplies. DON'T throw awsy old tlras. W. malt. on. a.w tiro from Id, ttos an, sav. you .. p.r coat. I In I Vulcanising C. . Illl Pav .nport St.. Omaha. N.b Douglas St 1. Auto Repairing and Painting RTROMBRRO 8KRV1CB STATT6n. OEOROB W WILLIAMS. 1101 Jackson St Cartur.toramiwlaltr:R.d; ll. 110" reward for w, can't repair. . .11. r.pslr.d. Bsysdcrfar. 311 N. lltS. KiEB Agto Radiator R.patr SarvTo. aaj pries right. Ill lllk St. D. TIM. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Columbian Invsstment oompany to Charles W. Young, southeast cor nor v-iftv. third knd Hickory streets. hixlil I -00 J. P. Heach and wife to Agnes Mo- Kenna, southwest corner Tnirty fnurth avenue and Fremont, Blk horn snri Missouri Pacific railway, Irregular, approximately Tdxlll. . . 1,000 P. J. MeShane, jr., sheriff, to Hans Wii If, WakfOey street, 10 feet east of PortV-ssventh street, south Side. (0x104.35 'M Barker oompany to Frank P. Kennedy, Cuming attest, HI feet esst Of Thirty-second street, north side, 80x110 Thomas Crawford and wife to Jessie Storrler, Pavenport street, 131 feet west of Twenty-sixth street, south side. 40x131 Mattte M. Mackey and husband to Cora v K. Chapman, Thirty-ninth street, iiu feet south of Sorasus street, west side, 40x184 1 Julius G. Gaebel and wife to F. M. Patterson and wife, Van Camp ave nue. 301 feet southeasterly of Twen tieth street, northerly side, 100x130 1 John W. McCulley and wife to Henry 8. Hoover, Twtnty-nlnth street, 161 feet south of Fort Omaha avenue. west side. 117xlS4U 1,100 George Fessenden to Thor Jorgensen, Twentv-elshth avenue. 369 feet north of Kill-on avenue, ftSVsxUs 410 Byron Jteed oompany to reter c. Vlthen, Twenty-third street, 30 feet north of Caatelar street, west side. 40x161 1(0 Hugo F. Bill and wife to K. E, Bill, Thlrtv-thlrd street. Ill feet north of Mason Street, west side, 44x135, 4,500 Laura M. Heldltnger and husband to Mary B. Archibald. Twenty-third street. 05 feet north of Manderson street,' east side, 40x134 1 Clark B. Firestone, Kxtr., to Alice Cole, southeast corner Thirty. fifth and Firestone avenue, irregular, ap proximately 00x133 , Mlna Doll to Julius Wsstrom. Jones street. It feet west of Thirty -fifth street, south side, 13x134 1,000 Adrian Pomes and wife to Oertrude S. Bowman, Twentieth street, 41 feet north of Bancroft street, west side, 40x00 1 WEBSTER RECEIVES NOTE FROM WILSON President Expresses His Ap preciation for Entertainment While in Omaha. NOTE FROM MRS. HUGHES Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Webster bave received letters of thanki for their Omaha entertainment from President Wilson and Mrs. Wilton. Mr. Webster is president of the State Historical society and introduced .President Wilson at the dinner given him and Mrs. Wilson at the Fonte nelle. The letters come from Shadow Lawn, the summer home, and is on White House stationery. President Wilson's letter to Mr. Webster follows: "May I not in person say how much Mrs. Wilson and I have appreciated your gracious letter of October u,.al' dressed to Mr.. Tumulty? We both enjoyed the day at Omaha altogether and shall look back upon it as one of the pleasantest memories of the year. Cordially and, sincerely yours, "WOODROW WILSON." Mrs. Webster's note from Mrs. Wilson was a gracious "Thank you" missive. Mrs. Charles S. Elgutter is also treasuring; a note of thanks from Mrs Wilson. Mrs. Elgutter sent Mrs Wilson . a "Greater Omaha Cook Book," compiled by the women of Temple Israel sisterhood, the day Mrs. Wilson was here. Just as highly pritd 11 the letter of thanks R. J. Kilpatrick of Beatrice has received from Mrs. Charles Evans Hughes, perhaps the next "first lady of the land," for the handsome Polar bear rug he presented Mrs. Hughes. Challenge Issued For Debate On Wet And Dry Question The Nebraska Prosperity league has challenged Dr. Titus Lowe, pas tor of the First Methodist church, to debate the prohibition question with its representative, Hon. Jacob E. Meeker, M. C, at the Boyd theater October 27. Should the challenge be declined, Congressman Meeker will deliver an address on "Sane Business and Sound Government." Democratic Oratory Too Much for City Hall Roof Did democratic oratory in the city ball puncture the roof to the extent that a new covering must be laid? That question has been asked, but not ret satisfactorily answered. The council allowed C. J. Shea Roofing company a contract to do the work on a bid of $516, with stipula tion that the city retain the copper of the present roof and sell old mate rial to best advantage. The bidders proposed to do the work in exchange for the copper, but the council ac cepted the alternative bid. BUY WHEAT ON ALL BREAKSJS ADVICE Traders Talk $2 Wheat, but Uncertainty Drives the Price Down, DURUM SETS A NEW MAEK While traders still talked $2 wheat, there was enough of a feeling of un certainty to drive prices off a cent a bushel on the cash sales, though the futures were well up to the high marks of Monday. Cash wheat (and there were ninety-two carloads of it) sold at alljhe way between $1.67 and $171 H per bushel. The demand for wheat was fair, but there was no scramble to get hold of it as there had been during the last two or three days. However, ad vices are being sent out to buy on all breaks, as the tendency, it is as serted, is toward higher prices. Durum Up 3 Cents. Durum wheat set a new high mark and went up to $174(3178, an advance ot i cents per busnel. Corn receipts were light, there be ing; but seven carloads on the market. Prices were all the way between 88 and 96 cents per bushel. Ninety-six cents was paid for No. 2 white, a new high mark. Un the whole, corn prices were higher. Dunns the trading hour rye reacnea a new top price, selling at $1.2 1.8 per bushel, s cents better man ths hiffh nrir nf Mnnrl&v. Oats were hiaher. selling at 49 49, cents, J cents over Monday prices. Senator Beveridge Will Talk Friday at The Auditorium Senator Albert I. Beveridge of In diana will speak Friday evening in the Auditorium under auspices of repub lican county central committee. He is regarded as one of the foremost public speakera of the day and never fails to interest his audience, uur a this campaign he has been ad' dresiins larire tratherinars. full details ot his visit in umana have not been worked out. A recep tion committee will be selected. It is expected that the senator's address will be of exceptional interest. Democrats will be invited to attend the meeting. President Felton of Great Western to Talk to Bankers President Samuel M. Felton of the Great Western is over from Chicago, having come to deliver an address before the Nebraska bankers asso ciation on "Passenger Traffic." Assertintr that the Oreat western is doinat a better business than ever before in its history, President Fel ton is pleased with the outlook and sees no reason why the heavy freight and passenger traffic should not con tinue. Durinff his stav in the citv Presi dent Felton .is the guest of Gurdon W. Wattles, one of the directors of the ureat western. Protests Against c Paying for Paving On Center Street W. L. Walker, owner of crooerty at Fifty-fourth and Center atreets, filed with the citv council protest against special taxes assessed for oavinir which recently was conv plcted on Center street. He alleges that the special taxes are not equal to benefits accruing to property owners; furthermore, property own era did not petition for the improve ment. The paving was ordered under a provision of the law which au thorizes the city council to proceed without petitions in cases of "main thoroughfares." The protest will be considered by city council sitting as board of equalization on Novem ber 1. Woman Sues When House is Searched , Aa-nes Chester. 4211 South Thirty eighth street, South Side, has brought nuit for $.yxju damages trom tne tiur lington railroad and George C. Phil Hub. a special asrent for the road. Mrs.- Chester alleges that on Sep tember 28, 1915, Phillips illegally en- tered her home and searched the premises, taking three rolls of clotl and a revolver, saying that the cloth and revolver had been stolen from a Burlington railroad car. Mrs. Chester asserts at the time she was a dressmaker, but lost her busi ,iess on account of the occurrence an ! was forced to take a position with a packing house, which in turn com pelled her to keep her 6-year'olr; daughter out of school to care for her 3-year-old daughter while ihe was at work. Death Follows Man's Fall from Bicycle George A. Tramisiea, aged 23 years, died Monday morning at his home, 1712 Charles street, of acute menengi tis and injuries received when he fell from a bicycle near his home. He had been employed as elevator con ductor in the Baird building and was a cousin of Dr. J. A. Tamisiea. He is survived by his father, G. E. Tami siea. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 8:45 o'clock from Hoffman's chapel and at the Holy Family church at 9 o'clock. In terment will be in Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Rock Island Agent Goes To Colorado for Health The brief stay of John E. Utt, gen eral agent of the Rock Island, after a summer spent in the Wisconsin woods, did not bring the relief antici pated. While here Mr. Utt's condi tion became more critical and now he h.a crnn tn Colorado, houinir that the change of climate witl prove bene ficial to his health. . LAW THE HIGH ROAD TO WHITE HOUSE But Farmers and Clergymen Father Many of United States' Presidents. MOST OF BRITISH ANCESTRY By A. R. GROH. All boys learn, during their early days in school, that they may become president of the United States some day. Most of us, by the time we reach the age of 30, would sell our chance at a very moderate price. , Most boys, anyway, have little de sire to be president of the United . v. States. Personally. I was ambitious to be a railroad engineer or a news boy on a train so that I could ride all the time without having to pay tare. Another boy I knew longed, some day, to become the driver of a large, i blue garbage cart that used to pass . the house. And any number of tkem cherished the ardent desire to be one of the men who sit on the heads of -the elephants in the circus parade. But I never knew a single boy who wanted to be president ol the United States. " : Presidential Material. ' However, men are known to cher ish this ambition. Let ua turn the pages of history and observe what were the occupations of the men who became presidents of this republic. Twenty-seven men have been pres ident and nineteen of these were law yers I Three were statesmen, two were farmers (Washington and the first Harrison), two were soldiers (Taylor and Grant) and one wis a public official (Roosevelt). In their earlier lives the range of occupations was somewhat wider, also somewhat humbler. Millard Fillmore waa a tailor and Abraham Lincoln was a farm hand. . Do you find your occupation among any of these, sir? Well, I don't find mine and I'll sell my chance at the presidency very cheap. Now let's go back to the fathera of the president! and tee what their occupationi were. . Few Lawyers' Sons. Ah. here we find a very pleasing: ab sence of lawyers. Only two presi dents had fathera who were lawyers. They were Taft and J. Q. Adams. The fathers of most of them were either farmers or clergymen. There were fourteen whose fathera were farmers and three whose fathers were clergymen, the latter being Arthur, Clevenand and Wilson. Charles Evana Hughea is also the son of a clergy- man. ..- Three presidents were aons of mer chants, namely, Buchanan, Hayes and Koosevelt. . lirant s tather waa a tan ner. Andrew Johnson's father fol lowed the humble calling of sexton and constable. The astounding thing about our presidents is that all but two of them were ot British ancestry, ihe two exceptions were Van - Buren and Roosevelt, both Dutch; The others were either English, Welsh, Scotch or Scotch-Irish. (Well, I'm English Irish on my mother's side.) All the president were either poor or in very moderate circumstances, Fortune seldom takea a child from the lap of luxury and throws the mantle of greatness over him. Most of us can qualify on that count, any way, can't we? . .: Washington Sculptor Wants $50,000 Work On Court House Lawn Henry K. Bush Brown, prominent Washington sculptor, was in the city a few days ago conferring with John Lee Webster, president of the Frtenda of Art, with regard to placing hla massive work, "The Indian Buffalo Hunt," in front of the court houae. The price is placed at $50,000. Neither Mr. Webster or the directori of the society have taken any action in the matter. The Friends of Art spent $8,000 last year on paintings which hang in the public library gallery. One is a Breton. Boys Prompt Blind Man to King Alarm , . The village cutups pulled one of their usual "good jokes at Thirteenth and Douglas streets when they direct ed Henry Swiggens, a blind man, who , wished to post a letter in a fire alarm box. They succeeded x in getting Swiggens to turn in an alarm and then left, him to suffer- the conse quences. The blind man explained satisfactorily to the authorities, who would give much to catch the come dians. :: Pioneer Resident of South , Side Dies at Long Beach Mrs. Tom Gillispie, for thirty-five years a resident of South Side and one of the first five women who set tled in the village, died Monday at Long Beach, Cal. The body will be brought here for burial. The funeral , will be held Thursday afternoon from the late home, 4023 L street. Services will be held in St. Bridget's church and burial will be in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Mrs.- Gillispie was 55 years old and ia survived by five children, all of the South Side. Street Car Hits Auto, Owner Seeks $1,200 Damages D. C. Bradford seeks $1,200 from the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, alleging in a peti tion filed in the district court that on the morning of August 30, 1916, an eastbound Farnam street car ran into . his limousine at the intersection of Twenty-seventh avenue and damaged the machine to the extent of the sum named. .- - - ... v . - Sues Because He Says He Was Hit with a Gun Butt Alleging that on October 10, this year, Fred Palmtag, special agent for the Missouri Pacific, beat him with the butt end of a gun, Charles Lane has brought suit for $1,000 against Palmtag, the Maryland Casualty company and the Missouri Pacific railway.