Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Beautiful Home Wedding Takes
, Place at Home of the
At a beautiful and quaint home wed
ding, solemnized at the home of her
parents. Or. and Mrs. William Mum-
ford Davis, last evening at 7:30
o'clock. Miss Adele Marie Davis was
united in marriage with Mr. Robert
William Daniels, son of Mrs: R.
Daniels of Council Bluffs. The Rev.
: S. W. Hornibrook of St. Mart
church performed the ceremony.
The' rooms were decorated with
baskets of pink chrysanthemums and
bowls of pink roses. In the big bay
window of the living room a canopy
- naa been erected which extended
from floor to ceiling and was banked
with smilax, pink roses and asparagus
.'fern. On each side stood tall baskets
filled with pink chrysanthemums. The
elertrnlieri. twinrH with mita ur
5 clusters of pink lights and palms were
t used throughout the rooms. In the
2 dining room a low centerpiece of pink
roses was used on the servine table.
f The wedding music was furnished
I by two ot the bride s sisters, both ta!
ented . musicians, Miss Georgina
i Davis, maid of honor, sang "At
; Dawning," by Cadman, and Mrs. Leo
I K. Wilson nlayed the Lohengrin wed
3 ding inarch for the entry of the bridal
; party and the Mendelssohn march for
f the recessional.
; The Rev. Mr. Hornibrook walked
first in the bridal procession. He was
! followed by Mr. Mahns Berrv. usher
Miss Pearl Laverty, bridesmaid and
. miss iieorgina uavis, maid ot honor.
; Little Fritzie Eleanor Baumeister,
S daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz
i Baumeister of Council Bluffs, who
1 was ring bearer, came next, and lit 1 1
j Ruth Williamson, a niece of the
; bridegroom, as flower" eirl. oreceded
the bride, who entered on the arm of
tlr father Rmm th at.i.w.v h
j party proceeded to the living room,
J where they were met under the bridal
j arch by Mr. Daniels and Mr. James
j Gallagher, best man.
j The bridesmaid and maid of honor
J wore similar gowns of pink organdy
t in different shades. Miss Georgina
t Davis wore palest pink, made in
quaint design with full billowy skirt
; laid in deep tucks edged with fine
tilet lace. An extremely tight bodice
! was finished with a fichu edged with
the filet lace. Miss Laverty's frock
; was made alter the same model in a
i deep watermelon shade. Both wore
: their hair drawn low on the neck.
: Their bouquets were charming' old-
! fashioned combinations of many
i nowert witn sweetheart rosebuds and
; swansonia predominating. They were
finished with lace frill holder tied
, with pompadour ribbon, which hung
to the lower edge ot their skirts.
; Miss Fribie Eleanor Baumeister
i made a bewitching figure in a white
net frock all covered with tiny rut'
t flea embroidered in pink and odd lit
J tie white pantalets. She carried the
-. ring in the center ot an old-fashioned
bouquet of trench flowers.
Ruth Williamson' was a winsome
' ' c t j t i . in. . i .
iiinc'imas in a ruiiica ituck iixc inai
I of the ringbearer, sprinkled with tiny
pink rosebuds, in a pink tune garden
hat tied with pink streamers she car
, ried the pink and white rose petals
I which she scattered before the bride.
The bride was most beautiful in a
1 gown of chantilty lace and georgette
: crepe. A deep flounce of chantilly
lace fell to the hem, of georgette
crepe, which was embroidered in chry
, santhemum design with crystal and
. pearl beads. From six inches above
I the waistline in back came narrow
S bands of the chantilty in sousre seal-
lops to form a panel down the fvont
The skirt was short and very full. A
I tight bodice of the lace and crepe
7 I 1 J I ' I . . f
was cmuroiucrca in an ciaooraie ae-
sign of the pearls and crystal beads.
. From the square rihek in back fell
; a collar of georgette crepe embroid
- ered in the beads to below the want.
' From under the point hung the court
1 tram ot georgette crepe, embroidered
, in crystals and pearls. The shirred
i cap veil was held in place by orange
blossoms and fell to the end of the
! train. Down the front of the gown
. were sprays of orange blossoms. She
J carried a shower bouquet of orchids
and lilies of the valley.
3 Mrs. R. E. Daniels wore a gown of
black lace and crepe de chine and
, Mr, w. st. uavis wore blue chiffon
: over white satin, embroidered in silver
r and with touches of white on the
i bodice. i
An informal reception followed the
j ceremony. In the receiving line were:
S ur. ana Mrs. w. M. Davis, Mrs. R.
I E. Daniels, Mrs. J. Yates of Denver,
I the bridegroom's grandmother and
I Mrs. Fred S. Hudson of Chillicothe,
Mo. Assisting in the dining room
were Mesdames: Martin Selfeck. A.
Anderson of Cedar Bluffs, Neb., Paul
I Wadsworth of Council Blhffs, Deiss
; Muffitt, and Misses Irene Kenny and
3 Margaret Welsh. ) ' '
I i.A grelt natty 'r'enJs 'r Council
I Bluffs Snd several sorority sisters
i from Lincoln and elsewhere. n
among the guests. Out-of-town per
5 sons present were:
ur. ina Mra. a. Atieareon of Oder Blurt.
' lr. aaa Hn. Ocorse Browd.r of Albion.
Tdt. and Mm Edwin Browd.r of Albion.
Mr. and Mm Lymaa f.nlala of fatrburr
Mr. end Mr. (-red Hudson of Chllllootlio,
MlM Laura Pratt of Lincoln.
MlM Cath.rlne Holyoko of Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniels left Immedi
ately for a leisurely weddinff trin.
juding stops in Chicago, Detroit
1 anrl ntint. (i.tli.i - -. T i : 1 1 t
- ,-". iiiik, wi. incy will DC
at home after January 1, at 220
Graham avenue, Council Bluffs.
j Hebron Republicans Hold
1 An Euthusiastic Meetina
j Hebron, Neb., Oct 23. (Special.)
j an nuguca-rairDanKS club held an
t .enthusiastic meeting Saturday night,
j with President Mayor Carter in the
j chair, and C C. Collins, secretary,
t The club room, one of the best and
largest store rooms in the city, was
" well filled with representative busi-
f ness men, laborers and farmers. Short
! enthusiastic talks were made, one by
t Prof. N. F. Bruhring, head of the Ger-
i man Lutheran college here, who said
among other good things tjisf this
I was the first year he had ever sup-
l ported a republican president; Each
i and every member of the club' is in-
' terested and active and seems to re-
J, aliie his individual duty in this cam-
Clont4nod From hn Ona.)
ters foundered, but its crew of fhir.
teen men were rescued.
Grashaw, who had been master of
the Colgate for only two weeks, is in
a hospital at Conneanr. in a
condition! His wife is at hia bedside.
Captain Grashaw could be seen bv
rescuers prostrate on the raft, his
numbed hands wrapped around the
rope twined about his hnrlv iat,; ;
the waves. - ' i ,
Captain Grashaw's story follows:
'We were passing Long Point about
Or 7 O Clock Friflai niaht ...I,..
trouble began. The boat sprang a
leak. I was aft at the time .mrl ,.
ELECTION This photograph was snapped at the Douglas
county courthouse on Saturday night, when business tor the
day was closed in the office of Election Commissioner Har
ley C Moorbead. It shows the crowd of unregistered voters,
still waiting to get their names on the voters' list. The con
gestion is caused by -the fact that registration is held at the
central office alone and not at the various polling precincts,
as was" the case' before the new law was passed. Commis
sioner Moorhead has not yet made a tabulation of the new
registrations, nor of the total number who will be entitled
to vote in Douglas county. ,
Three Men on Trial
For Killing Anti
Catholic Lecturer
Galveston, Tex., Oct. 23. Venire
men and opposing counsel crowded
the district court house here today
for the opening of the trial of John
Copeland of Marshall in connection
with the killing of William Black, an
anti-Catholic lecturer. George Tier
and George Ryan, two other Marshall
citizens, were indicted' on the same
charge as Copeland. Harry Winn and
frank U Xeary, who Were among
those tirst held in connection with
the killing of Black, but subsequently
cleared, will be witnesses tor Lope-
lanrn , -
With a venire of 500 men summoned
selection of a jury probably will oc
cupy the first few days of the trial.
The killing of Black, whose home
was formerly in fiellaire, O., took
. . I , I A , 4
Marshall a year ago last
Black, with Clarence F.
Hall and a 17-year-old girl, Sadie
Black, whom he had adooted in Pu
laski cdunty, Arkansas, went to Mar
shall to deliver lectures entitled "Ro
manism, a Menace to Civilization.'
On the fjrst night Black directed his
talk against the confessonal. He had
advertised further to deliver an ad
dress against what he alleged to be
an oath of the Knights of Columbus.
In the afternoon of the second dav.
February 3, four men, Copeland, Tier,
Kyan and John Kogers. all said to be
members of the Knights of Columbus,
went to his room to ask him not to
speak again. A scuffle ensued, in
which Black and Rogers were killed
and Copeland badly wounded.
Testimony at the examining trials
showed that both Black and Hall
were armed when the visit took place.
Hall appeared before the grand jury,
but never was indicted. These cases
against Copeland, Ryan and Tier were
brought here on a change ol venue.
McVann Renews Fight
Against Big Freight RateH
E. J. McVan, manager of the traf
fic bureau of the .Commercial club,
has gone to Washington, D. C, where
he is. again to appear as counsel for
a number of large coal mining com
panies of West Virginia and other
eastern states in their fight before the
Interstate Commerce Commission to
avert the increase in freight rates.
Membership la
Join the Swappera' Club.
fre. Call at Be offioa.
Governor Clarke Appoints Com
, mission That Will Look
After Border Vote.
' (From a Staff CorreipondanL)
Des Moines, Oct 23. (Special, Tel
egram.) Governor Clarke today ap
pointed the following commissioners
to nave cnarge ox ine election among
the Ipwa National Guardsmen . at
Brownsville and Donna: .
F. M. Hoeve. Perrv: Maior T. T.
Mahonev. Boone: Colonel C. J. Wil
son, Washington; G. L. Caswell, Den-
tson. , -
The commissioners will meet at the
state house Thursday ' to plan the
trip south.
Susband Puts Hand
uuwu nuc o xmucbi
. ..
Charles Binn, Twentysixth and
Hickory streets, was charged in poJ'
lice court with abusing his wife by
"running his hand down her throat till
it bled.'T H was allowed his free
dom when he , agreed to sign the
pledge. i
mediately, we could feeHt tipping and
settling at the head.
"Every man worked for his life then,
but it was no use. By 10 o'clock the
storn) had increased so that the Col.
gate didn't have a chance. The gale
was terrific, rains driving and the
waves pounded. We got the life raft
readv luat aa rh hrtfit ui.i art far
down that its decks were awash.
"When it sank everybody iumbed
into ine water, i went dnwn anri
when I came up by some chance my
hand touched the raft.' I grabbed it
ana puuea myself on it just as Second
Engineer Harry. Ossman and a coal
passer reached it. What happened to
the others I don t know. . I never saw
them again, i They must have been
sucxea ngnt down with the ship.
. i Turns Over Twice.
"Then .' our awful fight began
lomcimng 1 u never forget. Twice
the raft turned completely over and
we were washed loose, but we man.
aged to regain our holds. I must have
been unconscious half the time, for
now I can't remember distinsuiahinn
night from day while the storm went
on and our raft plunged with, us, never
once in sight ot a ship that might
rescue us until this morning.
"First the coal passer was washed
away. Then ;hours later Ossman.
totally exhausted, was washed to hia
death, now 1 managed to keep on
the raft I don't know. Time and again
it lurnea over witn me. fcach time 1
had to fight my way on top again.
Toledo, O., Oct. 23. Three bodies
ol sailors, wearing life belts stamped
"Steamer Merida, were brought into
port early today on the freight steami
er W. B. Matthews, Captain W. G.
Cunningham, from Toronto. This is
the first delinite proof of the loss dur
ing a gale last Friday of the steamer
Merida. with t crew of about twenty
men. . ,
' Three Bodies Recovered.
Captain Cunningham recoiled that
the bodies were picked up in the mid
dle of Lake Erie between Port Stan
ley, Ontario, by the Cleveland. Thev
were taken from the water at 1 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. A fourth body was
sighted, bur on account of high seas
the crew was unable to recover it.
Captain Cunningham said that
shortly before the bodies were found
the Matthews passed the steamer
Charlotte Breitung and that its cau-
tain megaphoned nim that the Brei
tung had picked ud four bodies, three
bearing life preservers stamped "Mer
ida" and one wearing a life belt of the
whaleback steamer James Colgate,
foundered Friday off Long Pomt,
Lake Erie.
Fifty Lives Lost. -
Clevelaad, O., Oct. 23. Local man
agers of the steamer Merida, owned
by the Valley Camp Shipping com
pany of Midland, Ontario, conceded
today that the ship was lost in Fri
day night's gale on Lake Erie. The
admission came after seven bodies ol
the crew had been picked up in mid-la'-e
by two other ships. So far as
known not a man of the crew of
Brotherhood Chiefs
Don't Know What Law
Means; Say in Dark
(ContlntMd From Fat One.)
whom it does not provide, but also on
the part of those to whom ' it ex
pressly refers." ,
It is apparent from the statement
if the circular sent out by Mr. Stone
ind his colleagues that they are be
ginning' to do some thinking about
che Adamson law which Mr. Hughes
mggested that they do in his Newark
ipeetih. And they are finding that
the law la not so clear as it might
be. They are beginning to pay one
of the penalties for haste.
But there is one man who affects
to know just what the Adamson law
means, and inasmuch as it ' was his
surrender to the threat of a strike b
the brotherhoods that drove the bill
through congress, he certainly ought
to know all about it and especially
what it means. He is President Wil
son. , Time and again since he signed
the bill with four gold pens, and gave
one to each brotherhod chief as a
sacred souvenir, he has proclaimed in
Eublic his satisfaction with this "eight
our law," as he always describes it,
ts an accomplishment .of service to
labor and to humanity.
Since Mr. Stone and his colleagues
are in such doubt as to the meaning
and application of this lawi why don't
they apply to Mr, Wilson for real in
formation? ts there anything in their
experience with him which has caused
mem to begin to doubt his om
niscience? ' Perhaps there is.
Other speakers who are contribut
ing to the Dublio discussion of thin
law are wondering how it is that rail
road men such as Lovett of the Union
Pacific and Underwood of the Erie
are so enthusiastic in their support of
rrcsiueni vvuson ior re-eiection.
"Is it because they are so disoleased
with the Adamson act?" asks Henry
. nnen, ine wen Known Kansan. Is
labor to be the goat? Was this bill
I gun loaded bv labor or for lahnr?
This wage increase did not enm nut
of Wilson's pocket, or out of the
pocket of the administration. No
eight-hour day with ten-hour pay for
the railway postal clerks or other
postal employes. No. That raise
would show in the Wilson adminis
tration's appropriation bill, . Labor
again the toot ball of politics. Ho4
often have its sage counsellors warned
it, away from entangling alliances.
One proud boast of labor, that its vote
could neither be bought nor delivered.
Has it endured until now only to be
sold' to the party soliciting this vote
with a rainbow just before election?"
twenty-tnree survived tne tragedy.
the loss of the Merida makes four
lake steamers which went to the bot
tom of Lake Erie in Friday's storm.
The total loss of life is fifty. The
Marshall off Butters sank with no
loss of life, all thirteen of its crew be-
E saved. The D. F. Filer went down
with-six of its crew, nly the captain
surviving, ine James ts.. Colgate s
crew of twenty-two with the single
exception of the captain perished,
while everv man on the Merida is be
lieved lost
Continued From Pacs One.)
Doctors of Country Hold
Meetina in Philadelphia
-Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 23. Mem
bers of the Clinical Congress of Sur
geons, composed of practitioners from
all parts of the country, opened their
seventh annual meeting here today.
Distinguished visitors . conducted
clinics in the various hospitals and
tonight the retiring president, Dr.
Charles Mayo, Minnesota, and Dr.
Fred Bates Lund, Boston, the president-elect,
will deliver addresses at a
meeting at which the latter will be
inaugurated. The congress will be in
session until Saturday.
Join Iha Bwappara' Club. .Manbarahlp la
frta, Call at Bm oKlea. .
istpaper, severed his connection with
the party some time ago on account
of his attitude in supporting the gov
ernment's war policy. He is known
as a very morose man. He has one
brother in an insane asylum, as well as
a sister. He has been troubled for
a long time with heart disease and
has been in poor health for many
years, so that although he is only 3
years old,. he gives the' Impression of
being an aged man. tie has two chil
dren. His wife is an invalid. -". i- ,
After studying chemistry and work
ing tor several years as a chemist,
Adler went to Switzerland. He re-
turned to Austria shortly before the
war, imbued with extreme Marxian
theories, which he advanced in a
periodical called Das Volk. This
paper ceased publication at the out
break 'Of the War. v Subsequently Dr.
Adler founded Der Kampf, in which
he treated social problems in in able,
scientific manner.
The assassination was oolitical.
since Dr. Adler was entirely unknown
to the premier. He recently desired
the socialists to-take certain action-
against the premier, bqt his proposal
was viewed unfavorably by the party.
He then cut loose from the socialists,
but continued publication of the Der
Kampf and shunned all society. Being
wealthy, he was able to follow such a
course. The count was little known
to the public until he became premier,
He was of quiet and retiring disposi
tion. His tenure of office brought him
no great chances, though some were
expected when he became head of
the government - !
Thus far it is unknown who will
succeed Count Stuergkh, but the im
pression is that neither the attitude of
the government nor the course of the
war will be influenced by Dr. Adler's
act. '
W art offering a tint lfha of ihop-
!)iob bs at special prices to the
adies of Omaha. They art made of
ajuwi .eBuiajr, now. pieacea and plain.
Moire llninge, nicely fitted In Bide,
ingi, ranging In prices . x
$1-1.50-$2 -$2.50
Freling & Steinle
I M M M M M M M M M M M I f M M M M M M l
' The fashion GnterofliWrllddTelliy
Mr. Robert Nicoll
Left Saturday for
New York City '
i where in the metropolis
of fashion he ; will be
best able to 'select the
most distinctive of the
-: new styles and forward
them jto Omaha by ex-
press. 1 Omaha is in ,'
. . reality only two days
behind New York in-as-
much as Thompson-Bel- -den
apparel for women )
' is concerned. '
This fashion service is without parallel in Omaha.
T--r "w i cvrei
lf I I , . 1-1 Flitula, nasur and ail aimilar
a . a a M a J m aiaaaaea cored ander ajmitlra
auaranta! no lar nntlf mmJ
Frae book zor mra ana iroman. uacaDllinaa
patmanantlr to Dm IIHum for mra.
17 Good Bfeok, DBS MOINKi: lw?
In the death of anyone who earns
more than he consumes there is a
direct money loss. How shall this loss
be met; It may be met In one of two
ways; First: By a lire insurance
company if the deceased has been
thoughtful enough to have taken in
surance on his life. Second: By his
family if there was no insurance. If
met by his family, often times it is
(1) through a lower standard of liv
ing; or (2) through denial of educa
tional advantages to the children; or
At .1 1. T J . . ,
oi iiiruuirn increased ton dv tne
widow and daughters; or (4) possibly
through charity. ..
Is it not much better ta miwt th
loss through Insurance?
The Midwest Life
f UbcoIb, Nabraaka
. N. Z. SNELL, PraaMant
Guaranteed Coat Life Insurance.
GEORGE CROCKER, Caaaral Aaeat,
City National Bask Bids, Omaha.
Absolutely Remov Aft
Indigestion. OneoaciWa
proves it 25cat all druggists.
It U for YOUR interest as well as, for all CONSUMERS te know
that 10 years at the local COAL trust was broken up through the ef
fort of the ROSENBLATT COAL CO. Thus we have SAVED you
money became of the aon-exiitence of a COAL trust here.
THEREFORE, it b for your own as well as for your friends' and
neifhbora' benefit to trade with the firm which assuree YOU LOWER
COAL prices in this CITY. '-: , i ;
ROSEWOOD Hard Coal (or Fnrmeee and
Radiant, Aaat FrankUa County, g fjg
IDEAL, ail' sitae! siaraatMd1or' all pur-
SPECIALTY, hina, ess end tl 7C
nut, per tan.... ...flalj
A Good Many Other Kinds.
.! Call Us for Prices. '
Associated Retailers
of Omaha
, . Present' -'ifi-fl
Ellis Opera Co.
General and Musical Director
the..1 ' ,V, . .
"II Trovatorev
Thfere Are Good Seats Left
Box,'Office at the Auditorium Now Openi
Prices for Single Performance
First 15 Rows, Arena . ...... . ... ; . $5.00
First 2 Rows, Balcony 5.00
16tb to 25th RowsTArena. 4.00 '
8rd and 4th Rows, Balcony 4.00
26th to 35th Rows, Arena ........ 8.00
5th, 6tH and 7th Rows, Balcony .... 3.00
36th to 45th Rows, Arena 2.00
8th and 9th Rows, Balcony . . . . , , . . 2.00
10th Row, Balcony . . ..... . ; . . . 1.00
General Admission $1
So great has been the demand
for $1.00 seats that the man
agement has decided to place
general admission tickets on
sale at $1.00 with unreserved
seats on Arena floor at rear of
regular sections.
Associated Retailers of Omaha
A. L. GREEN, Local Mariager,
la Charta.
Care of Burgess-Nash Co.
Omaha ml Mtu la ho bat Innetment
w. iuu mmm sua joaoa raai Ml
vlttmna, .