Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Wheat and Corn Soar to New-
Records on the Local
Omtht, October IS, 1IU.
All records for hth price on wheat Mdv V"r. L't'I
rnni war broken today, wheat aelllnv from
4e to In higher and corn from So to 4He
higher than the average price on Saturday.
The average earn plea of No. 1 hard wheat
old at $1.7001.71, as against M(0-
on Saturday, while the bulk of the No. I
hard brought fl.CI today and the
quality sold around S1.C4 on the previous
day. v ' ,
The car ehortasre has somewhat affected
tike local reeetpt of wheat, and while to
day's run waa rather heavy, the samples
were disposed of Jong before -the close of
the cash market The highest price on
wheat for the day wa 1.7i, This high
price waa paid for durum wheat, which on
account of the active milling demand
Mlllng at a wide premium over the ordinary
hard winter variety.
The corn market alao reached another
high mark, and yellow corn, for which
premium was paid, brought 16916c for the
commercial grades. There was very little
corn on the table and the few samples
were quickly taken up at previously un
heard of price.
The oats market waa also very strong
and sola from Ic to me hlghrr. The re
ceipt of this cereal were very good and
the bulk of the receipts, which graded No.
t white, sold around 4IH$c, and sfew
choice cars aold at 49c. Standard oats
brought 49c, the' top of the market, and the
general run of No. 4 white sold at from
47io to 440, wtoll the off grade brought
about 4o. . . y
The trad In rye was not very good and
th market waa 10 So higher, while It ruled
from lo to lo above Saturday's quotations.
Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal
to 1,234,060 bushels; corn, 171,000 bus ha Is;
awia, sit.uvv Dusneia,-,
to 4d
higher; corn, Sd higher.
Primary, wheat reoelpta war 1,407,000
and shipments 164,000 bushel, against
receipt of 006,000 bushel and shipment
of 144,000 bushel last year. ,
Primary oom - receipt were 604,000
bushel and shipments 024.000 bushels,
against receipts of 140,000 bushel and
hipment of 111,000 bushel last year.
Primary oat receipt were 1,126,000
mieneu and shipment 1,161.000 burfhel
against receipt of 001.000 bushel and hlp-
meni oi ,v.,uuv Dusneia last year,
wheat. Cora.
II 1 14 ,
Duluth ....
. Omaha ......
Kansas City. .
,.704 ...
17 1
.,..,..14 v
.......461 i '14 3
Uul....J j.M 1 Z4, 4
Winnipeg , ......Ill ' ... ,.
These aalea were reported today:
Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 1 oar, ft.rtH
,1 care, 1.71. No, I hard winter, 1 car
(turkey). 11.71: II cars. 11.71 1 10 ears.
11.70; It 8-4 oars, ll.TO. No. I hard winter.
i car, i. ri: i oar, 01.70; 1 cars, l,4l;
I oara. $1.10; 4 oars,; I ear, II M;
1 oar, fl.17. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, $1.07;
I can, lltll; I ears, 11.86. Sample hard
winter. 1 car (hot), 11.43. No. I spring.
. 1 car, 11,71; 1 car, 11.71. No. 4 spring, 1
car, 91.64, No. I durum, 1 car, 11.71. No.
I durum, 4 ear, 91.74; 1 car, 91.71, No.
4 durum, 1 car, 11.18. No. I durum mlied,
1 car, ll,T4. No. I mlied, 1 car,. 91.40; I
car. 91.41; I cars, $1.64. No. I spring mix
ed, 1 car, $1.71. No, 4 mixed, 1 car, 91.10;
I oara, 91.01 1 car, 91.00; 1 car, 11.43;
1 car, 91.11. Sample mixed, 1 car, 91.40.
- Rye No. S, 1 ear, $1.11, No. I, I ear,
91.17; No. 4, 1 car, $1.17.
Corn No, I whltet 1-1 oar, I7cj t.l oar,
97o. Sample, white: .! car. lie. No. t
yellow: 1 car. Ide. No. I yellow: 1 41 cars,
V06n; 1 car (new), 00c., No. 0-grellow: 1 oar.
6c; 1 car, 94c, No. I mixed: 1 car, llVfco;
l-( car, 01c. No, I mixed: 1 ear, 0iVe. No.
I mixed: 1 oar, lie. No. xntxedJ; cars,
lOo. Sample, mixed: I cars, lie.
Oat Standard: 1 cam, 4I& No. I white;
10 ear, 40e; 11 1-1 care, 40i U 1-4 ear.
40He. No. 4 white: I ear. 4lc; I 1-6
rare, 4q; 1 car, 47 o. sample white; 1
car, 41c; I ear, 41c; 1 oar, 47 o; I care,
47 He.
Barley No. I: 1 ear, $1.60; 1 ear, tie. No.
4: fr-canjOto. 4N0, 1 feed; 1-6 ear, 14c.
- Jeeted: 1 car, I6e.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 1 hard,
$1.7091.71; No. I Jjard, $1.I741,71; No. 4
hard, 91.1101.47; No. 1 spring, 91.4091.71;
No. I iprlnff, $1.0691.76; No. I durum, It.U
91.76; No. I durum, $1.7191-74. Corn; No.
1 white, t0901o; No. 1 white, UlJIOc, No.
4 white, I09at No. 9 white, 17 0 slot No.
I white, 10917c; No. I yellow, 06914c! No.
$ yellow, 14 006a; No. 4 yellow, M4lle;
No. 6 yellow, 4i6c; No. I yellow, 049
06c; No. I mixed, 019010; No. $ mixed,
lH9ISe; No. 4 mixed, iOlc; No. 6
mixed, 0091101 No. I mixed, lOttlOe. oata,
No. 9 white, 4094mo; standard, 48 9 40c;
No. $ white, 41H940c; No, 4 white, 47
9410.' Barley;. Malting. I0c991 00; No.
1 feed, 11 lie. Rysiv No. . 11,1791.11:
No. i, $1.1491.17. v x (
W Oaaaha Futorea Market, ";
Cablet from Argentina show a 10911c
gain In th price of wheat over th holiday,
and as a result the local wheat market
-reachedanother high price level. The crop
situation In Argentina haa become alarming
v and with th continued drouth and Insect
damage even the meet conservative trader
thtnk that wheat haa not reached ita high
, level. .-. . s
Trading In th pit was very active and
th opening trice en December and Hay
were $1.01, a I rein of about lo over th
closing prices of Saturday. . .
Corn alao opened strong and scored a
sharp advance during the early trading
hours. ' '
The 'local trade In corn, however, was
not very active and the market followed
wheat very closely. f
Oat were very strong In sympathy with
the rise la wheat and corn, and made sub
stantial galna during the day, December
advancing lo and the Hay closing of
lo higher. - I
Local range ef op Hons i.- -
Witt 1 I i
Deo. I 1 It j 1 70 1T 1 41 16
May til 101101. 1T1M
July J I 14 j I IT 114 I 17 HI
4,sern. , ' 1
Dee, I II9II! 14 11 IS 11
May. SL II I1H 16 II
Ciela. , l v i!
Ie. j4 f 10 40 60 41
'44ll 14 41
Chicago c toeing prices, furnished The
by Logan Bryan, stock and avaln broker,
n pomo ejineenin street, umina,
Art j Open, t High. I Low.) CIosr.
WhTT 1 j I 1
Deo. 1 Tl 1 Tl 171 1 T4
May 1 74 1 76jl73 74
July 1 41 1 4 HI I 41
Corn. 1
Dee. 11917 n 10 - m
May l90l 00 07 ' 10
"July 179 1111 ' liVi
0U. . -
rc tt " II 11 11
May 6I9I $7 6 , 14
Dee. II II II 16 16 14 16
' Jaw. 16 1 14 00 1$ $6 14 00"
Lard. - V
Deo. II 10 II 47 II 10 II 4T
Jan. 14 40 14 76 14 16 14 71
It I be.
Oct 14 II 14 46 14 16 14 41
Jan. II 41 11 00 19 41 11 00
16 10
111 II
ill It
14 II
14 10
II 60
Bullish fteewrte Kernel WheeU One to Three
-d One-Half Cnte Hlrher.
Chicago, Oct II. World cAp shoruge
etlmatedSat 26 per rent a compered with
the yield In 1016 s4nt wheat price higher
and higher today a much at time a le
a bushel. The close wa unsettled at 11.74
for December and $1.7491.74 for May,
with th market as a whole showing gains
of lo to 4o net Other leading staple,
toot all ecored an advance corn ic to lc,
-oats le to le and provision 16o to 91,10.
WBmt traders were confronted right t
th outset with th startling figures tn re
gard to the world shortage In supplies. la
' thl connection, authorities were quoted t
enow tht the United Statee had already
aold to Rurop u much.. wheat aa eould
. comfortably be spired and that a proapeotlv
dearth waa, becoming .more apparent dally.
The" meajter receipts at Minneapolis and
Puluth today aa well as at Winnipeg seemed
apeelally significant aa to th ecarclty of
spring wheat the number of ear that ar
; lived being only one-quarter th tola! on the
twrreepondlng day last year. In aenaequence,
ew high price resord season made
. here Mm soon aa tradimy v q and despite
Vmporary reeuctlo on f ftaklng were
' augmented later, especially when news was
received that - Increased ArgettUne drouth
damage had been reflected by e ttg rise In
qaotatlon at Buenos Aires.
Attempts to fore a setback from th day's
tap level In wheat prices were vigorously
pressed late In ti eeaslon on the ground
that there had been aa advtnoe of II cents
a bushel In the taet week, but buying ardere
arouad Ui were aUogethertoe numerous
- -
to permit brak blow that value. In thU
rwpect Mi bull alrta of the market wu
helped by the feet that the domeette vlatb..
ujU aniirffmni wm onij liwuv nn mm
ixnuch aa wee the caee a year affo. Trail
action for the day were aald to have been
more than double thaMuaal volume.
Corn roee to hlgheit prlcea paid elnee the
eivil war. No. 2 yellow lor Immediate fle
livery touching $1,01 a bushel. Trad In f In
future wae on a biff acale with ahorta pur
chaalng freely. Influenced to a considerable
extent by bullish crop newa from Argentine
and by ymMtby with the bul In wheat.
Oata like corn and wheat 'were notably ac
tive a"U at times eiclted. The upward move
ment of price were stimulated by assertion!
Provisions advanced with grain to the
highest prices yet this season. Lard, which
apparently Is In sharp demand for Europe
iook tn leaa in the general upturn. ,
Cash prices Wheat: No. t red, $1,719
171; No. I red, 91,069171; No 1 hard,
91.719174; No. I hard, 91.7191.71.
Corn: No. 1 yellow, 00c9H-41; No. 4
yellow, ?0c9$1.00; No.-4 white nominal.
Oats: No. I white, 60961 c; standard, 61
961c. Rye: No. 1, $1.1291.14. Barley:
S0cl,l0. Seeds: Timothy, 11.2 G MS;
clover, IU.OO9i6.OO, Provisions: Pork,
I2R.&0: lard. 916.17; ribs, 914.60,
Butter Steady; creamery, I0S4c:
firsts, 10920e; at mark case Included.
Potatoes Higher; receipts, 10 cars; Min
nesota and Dakota whites. $1.4091.60; Min
nesota and Dakota Oh I us. $1.4091 10; Wis
contln and Michigan whites, $1.1491. 41.
Poultry Alive, steady; fowls and springs,
Quotations f the Day en Leading Com-
w modules.
New Tork, Oct. II. Flour Strong: spring
patents, $0.1690.40; winter patents. 90.409
1.16; winter straights, 91.0691.10.
wneat Spot Irregular; .No. 1 durum,
$3.01; No. 1 hard, $1.11; No. 1 northern,
Dulyth, new, $1.01; No. 1 northern, Mani
toba, $1.07. f. o. b. New Tork.
Corn ttpot strong; No. 1 yellow. $1.19.
nominal, 0. 1, f. New Tork. h-
Oats Spot strong; standard, 660,
Hsy Firm; No. 1, $1.06; No. 2, 16c 9
$1.00; No. I, 16900c; hlpplfeg, 10c.
Hops Steady; state, common to choice,
1016, 46961c; 1016, 8 He; Pacific coast
101, 14917c; 1016, 1911c
Hide Klrm; Bogota, HHe; Central
America, 14 916c,
Leather Plrm; hemlock firsts. 46c 1 see-
onds, 41c.
Provisions Pork,- strong; mess, $10,609
11.00; family, $31. 00911-04; short clear,
927.009 20.00. Beef, strong; mess, 921.609
21.00; family, 926.00920.00; lard, firmer;
middle west 910,20911.10: tallow, firm:
city, lOo; country 10910o; speulal, 10 c.
nuiier r-irnv creamery, nigner man ex
tras, 149140: creamery extra (08 score).
16 c; firsts, 14946c; seconds, 1291lc
s-ggs nrm. receipts, e.i&x cases, rresn
gathered, extra fine, 119400; extra firsts,
l988c; first, 2l(p!lc; seconds, 09 82o.
Nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, 669
40o; neafby hennery, browns, 41946c.
Cheese Firm; receipt, 141 boxes; state
fresh specials, 119310; state average
fanay,, 20o.
Poultry Live, firm; no price settled.
Dressed, dull and weak, Chickens, 109
lOo; fowl, 11924a; turka, 30 10c.
Oysters "King Cole" Chesapeake Stand
ards, a I Ion, 91.46; large eans, 83c; small
cans, ISo. "King Cole" .Chesapeake Se
lects, gallon, 91.76; large cane, 18c; small
cans, 16c "King Cola" Northern Stdanards,
gallon, 91.46; large can, 18c; email cans,
860, "King Cole" INorthern Seleeta, gallon,
91.10T large cans,' 48c; small can. He.
"King Col" Northern Counts, gallon, $l,ll
large can, 41c; email eans, 10.
- Celery Mammoth, per ddsen, 76c,
Fish Halibut, per lb., 16o. Pike, fancy
dressed northern stock, per lb llc Bull
heads, fancy northern, per lb 16c. Pick
erel, . fancy dressed, per lb., 11c. Catfish,
large and small, per lb 17c. Salmon, red,
per lb., no. Salmon, fall, per lb., lie. White
fish, northern stork, per lb... I60. Trout
slee to suit, per lb., ,14c. Black Bass, or
der ilie, tie; odd else, 17c New froien
Whlteflsh, fine stock. He. Headless Shrimp,
per. gallon. $1.16, Peeled Bhrimo. per gal
lon, $1.76. Kippered Salmon, 10-lb. basket
per lb.. 17c, Bmoked Whlteflsh (chubs) 10
lb. baskets, per lb., 14 a. I
Fruits Oraneesi 00s. 100s. 124s. 14.11 nar
box; 126s, $6.00 per box; 160, $6.21 per box;
178s, IH&s, $6.60 per box; 100s, 116s, 160s,
J6.7I per box. Lemons: Fancy, 100s, 140s,
7.00 per box; choice, 94.60 per boa. Grape
fruit: 80a, 46s, 19.60 per box; 64s." 9100 per
box; 14a, 80s, ( 14 per box; California, 11.00
per oox,, 02.0Q per halt box. Apples: Tork
Imps., Vas, 14.60 per bbl. ; Oanos1, Bechtela,
Keellnes. 18.76 per bbl ' Ben Davis. 13.60 per
ddi. , wine naps, uiaya ywige, per oni.
dunainana, tvasningion, exirs. xancy,
incy, 93.00
rger, 91.00
aller. $1.76
per oox; urimes uoiaen, loos, lar
per box: Crimes Uolden. Ills, sma
oer box. UraneSl Concords. 10c uer basket
Tokay. $2.21 per crate: Emperora. $1.60 per
crate, $4,16 per keg. Pears: Bartlatt, Ore
gon, $3.00 per crate; JCelfer, $1.1$ per bu.
Prunes: Italian, 91.60 per orate.
Vegetables Potatoes, market price. Sweet
Ktatoe, Virginias, 98.71 per bbl, 11.60 per
Linper Spanish onions, $2.00 pervorale;
red, yellow, 2o per lb. Tomatoes, $1.71.
Cucumbers, $1.76 per do. Cabbage, 10
per lb.. Celery, Michigan, 6O0 per dos.; Colo
rado, 16o per doa. Cranberries, 91.00 per
bbl., $2.71 per box.
Mlsrellaneoua Honey, 14, $6.71 per ca.
NuU: No, 1 walnuts, 16c per lb.; mixed Bute,
17c per lb.; Jumbo pecans, 17e per lb.; Daisy
pecans, large, Ho per lb.; Brail Is, large, 11c
per lb.; Braxiia, medium, 18o per lb.; al
mond, hard shell, llo pep lb. 1 Drak al
monds, 10o per lb.
Mlnaew polls Oraln Market.
Mlnneapoll. Oct. lt. Wheat December.
$1.16; May closed $1.61. Cash: No. 1
hard, $1.1091.01; No. 1 northern.
It t91lli No, I northern, $1.119
1.17. ' - 1 x
Corn No. I yellow, 049000. "
Oata No. I whlo, 460o.
Flaxssed $1.1092.77,
Flour Fancy patents. 10c higher: quoted
at 10.66. First clears, 90c hisher; quoted
at 9T.00. Second oleara, loe higher quoted
at $6.00. " . .
Barley 0OC991. 01. 1
Rye $1.1791. It, , , 1 ' -
Bran--$16.00 91I.I0. ' N .v '
Kansas City Uraln Market.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct1. II, Wheat High
er; No. I hard, $l;T491.$0r Nor I red, $1.61
91.76; December, $1,10.
Corn Higher: Ne. I mixed. 01900o: Nor I
white, 00c9$1.00; No, t yellow, 91.0091.01;
December, 04 cj May, 110.
Oats Higher; No. I white, IO96I0; No.
t mixed, 40 9 61e. - I
Butter Creamery. l$c; firsts, I0c;
seconds, llo; packlnf, 170.
Kggs nrsta, 110,
Poultry Hens, lie roosters, lle; broil
ers, 11c.
1 w .. ' v ' 0
Si. Louie (Irwin Market.
flt. Louie, Oct. II. Wheat No. I red.
91.77 91-": Ne. I hard. 11.77 01.13; Decem
ber, 91.71; May, 91.18.
Corn No. I, $1.0091.01: No. I white, llo;
eeieo. ay. seien . -ji
uaia no. a. bio: ha. a wniie. axe . '
'-; ' . sugar Market. V'"
New Tork. Oct 11. Sugar Raw, Arm:
Centrifugal, 4.61c; molasses, 1.44c; refined,
steady; out loaf, l.06e; crushed, 1.60c;
mold A, 6.00c; cubes, 1.00c; XXXX pow
dered, 7.06c; powdered, 7.IOo. fin granu
lated, 7.10c; diamond A, 7.60c; confec
tioners' A, $7.40; No. 1, 7.1 60. Sugar futures
were firmer on commission house buying
and eon tinned- aupport from Cuban Inter
est. At noon price were 4 to JO points
Most of th early advance wa lost under
res Using and th market clpsed 4 point
higher to I points higher. Bale, 1,390
ton, December, 4.lloi j January, . 4.64c;
March. 4.11c. r
, OU as
Savannah, Oa., Oct. II. Turpentine
firm, 46c; aalea, 101 bbl.; reoelpta, 141;
shipments, 9; stock, 96,702.
Hostn-enrm:. aalea. bit ddis. : receipt.
9714 shipments, 160; stock, lu.881. guote:
A. B, C, I), a. 94.60; P, 0, H, 1, K, 54, $6.16;
WU, $0.60; WW. $1.70.
Cartte Manufactaro Breaka Reward.
Washlngtono Oet. II Cotton ' msnufae
fur exoeeded,all previous records during the
cotton year whtrh ended July 31 and the
unprecedented activity a continuing. A pre-
llmlnary. report by in aenaoa, bureau today
placed the total consumption of cotton in
American mill, at 1.176.620 bales,
Dry Oosde Market
New Tork, Oct 18. Dry Goods Cotton
goods was very strong today with prices ad
yanctng. Tarns- were firmer ana ntgber
Drees goods were aetlve. Raw aUks was
steady and prices continued high.'
were active. -
MeUI Market. ' s
New Tork. Dot. 21.-VTh metal axehanae
quoi.. (sad, 17.006)1.19.
Bpeltet strong : spot, East st,- Ixiuta de..
livery, 31 714,19 16. At London, toad. i.
las spaiur, (. - - -
Dulala Oil Markrt.
tluluth. Oct. 33. Llnaaed Oil On track
and arrive, 11.71(4; October, (3.10 naked;
November, 13.10; Vwamb.r,' 11.66: liay,
11.11. N .,
Omaha real aatat. is th. beet Invaatment
you could make. Kaa4 Tha be raal aetata
columns, .. .. .
All Kinds Cattle Strong to Ten
Cents .Higher Sheep and
.lambs Steady to Lower.
Om.ha, October 3S, 111,.
Re.lpt wer: C.ttl.. Hog.. Bh..p.
BMIroat. Mondar 14.000 4,100 3,,000
8am. day I. at walk. . .11.4(1 1,147 11.001
Sam. dar t 'k. a0..1,,47 1,4,1 lf.101
Sam, d.y 1 w'h. ao.. 11.7,7 (,S4 14,,0
8am. dar i w'k. aco..ll..41 1.104 48.901
Sam. day laat year. . . H.IS4' 7.127 11,121' and dlapoattlon of llv. stork at
la Union Stork Tarda, Omaha, (or tw.nly
tour noun andlnffat 1 p. tn. ymterday:
Cattl.. Uogf. Sh.op.H'r'
C, M. St. P....'
Ml.aourl Pacific... 1
Union Pacific IK
C. 4k N. W aa.t... 17
C. ft N. W., w.t,.10,
C, St. P., M. O, 1
C, B. . a.t.,.10l
C, R 1. P., aaat 10
C , B. I. P:,Meat I
llllnol, Ontral II
Calcaio at Waal.. 12
Total re.1pta.,.ftll
Cattl. Hon. Shoao.
Morni uo fll
Mwlft "Oo 1.117
Cudahy Packing Co.:. 1,101
Armour A Co. .
Sthwarti 4V Co....,,..
J. W. Murphy
ilneoln Packlnf Co...
Cudahy, from Danvar.
swift, from Danvar.,
H, Vamant Co....
Benton, Vanaani 4k Ls.
Hennlr.r A Ollvar..,,
Hill ft Hon
F. B. I.wla...-.
J. a Boot ft Co......
. H. Bulla
r. Hu.....i
Boaenatock Bros
Warth.lmar ft D.,.n..
H. P. Hamilton
Sullivan Bros.
Rothschild ft Krebs..
MO ft Kan. Calf Co..
Chrlitla .v....
Both , , , ,
Bak.r ,
Banner Broo. . . . . 4, . . ,
John Harvey
D.nnul ft Vrancla. . . .
Jennen ft Lung-ren.. . .
Othet uy.r..........
Totals ,..11,447 4,641 21,617
Cattle Receipts were very liberal today.
627 - oar belna reported In. This Is a
much lighter run than a week ago, In fact,
the smallest Monday since three weeks ago.
The falling off In the receipt la due ap
parently to the ehortage In car available
for shipping and partly to , the rough
weather that would naturally hinder ship
ping operation.
The demand for ail kina wa very fooa.
and with moderate supply prices ranged
anywhere from strong to 10a higher, the
amount of the advance depending upon the
quotation on eat tie: uooo to cnoioe
beeves, 99.76910.60; fair to good beevee.
$(.,6001.71, common 'to fair beevee, $6,760
$.60; fancy greasers, 6B.26fl.76; good to
choice graae beevee, 17.7609.26,' fair to
choice grass beeves, $1.1607.76; common to
fair grass beevee, $4.0001-66: good to choice
heifers, ie.764y7.26; good in oooioe cows,
li 4007.00: fair to good cows. $6.1100.60:
i-nmon to fall cows, $4.2606.86; good to
choice feeder, 97.60Ol.Hl lo good
feeder, $4.7697.60; common to fair Utton"? Ton: lio hul f
$6.2601 10; stock calve. 17.0O0-"I
Oalvea, $8,00 9 10.10; beef bulls, atags, ato.,
nepressntaiive sales: .
, $21 $ 00 $..,...1060 I II
. 131 1 40 . 4l!. ...... 141 0 60
. Ill 1 70 II., - 717 0 76
, 977 T II 12., 1114 T 20
,1114 f 60 2i. .mo 7 16
Peter Thorsen Nebraska.
Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr,
20 feeder. 1114 $9 00
It feeder. 1111 7 60 . '
Hogs The run of hog wa tha heaviest
for a Monday stnoe' three week w go. . Sup
plies were estimated at sixty-nine loads, or
4,600 head, and, If anything, a few more
than that got In. Thl I 1,000 larger than
both last week and the corresponding Mon
day last year nd la twice a large a two
week age.
Shipper bought Jew loidl on early
round thl mofntnC at about oteady prices,
lalo ranglhg from weak In some ases to
stronf in othsrOr One of thO packers also
bought a load or two of the bast, hogs at
1 hi Urn at Saturday' price, paying a
top or i
Chicago had another regular winter Mon
day run, estimating $6,000 head, and with
that point reporting a twioc slump on nrst
wires th general tendency was lower her.
Many of the early bid were aa much as
llo lower. Seller thought that with sup
plies no more than fair anywhere on the
river it would not be necessary to make
such large concession a packer wer
aeklng. but th beet they could do wa a
compromise at loo lower figures, and when
the bulk of th one rings sold it wa at
figure that were a dime lower than Satur-
day's average.
Keriy round were dull, but after move
ment really got started It did not take
long to clean up tne onennga, a very fair
rlearanc being mad before mldforenoon.
Shlpger purchase lacked a lot of being a
beavy as they wer Saturday, and wntl
they bought moot- of their hog afeady It
did Wot alter the fact that the -general
market wa right close tb 10c lower. Bulk
of th vales wer made at $1,769$.$$, with
few scattering sates en up, the top as
noted reaching $10.16, which la the highest
price iJaid ao far this monthj
nepreasniaiiv aaiea;
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr,
11. .104 40 $1 60 64. ,113 160 $0 4$
46.. 280
44. .171
6$, .104
6ft.. lit
40. .11$
610 0 7ft
200 I 00
11. .Ill 840 0 70
67. .186 40 I 16
06..14B 00 1 06 '
17. .Ill 10 1ft II
120 $ 00
... 1$ 10
,. $7$
Sheep Around 7$ per cent of the arrivals
today wer feeders, but while no more big
runs of fat range lamb ar looked for at
any of the markets, packers started out
talking a much aa 26n lower this morning.
Little whs done until well along In the day,
us much of the supply was not yarifed until
tno-middie oi tne rorenoon, and sellers were
In no, hurry to accept lower prices. any
Even at noon there were not enough fat
lambs sold to really give much of a Jlne
on t he-mark t. Packer had not raised eirly
IBe lower offer a penny, and the outlook
was that value would be a flat quarter
lower. No on wae bidding over $10.00
and packers had predicted all morning that
that would be the top. A bunch er two had
sold aajtlgh aa $10.00, with ethers at $0.7$
9 0. - t
The feeder market waa also more or less
draggy. Some, ef th good light lamb had
old steady early, as high as $0.00910.00 be
ing paid, but on the general run of stuff th
Chicago, Milwaukee 6 SL Paul
. ,S Reduccd rate, round-trip winter excursion tickets on sale 4aily to many points
in the South and Southeast. , ", - .. . r: -1 ' ,v i
" New Orleant.. . .$44.31" Auguata,' Cd.Z. .tSLTJ Havanii,Xuba.; $92.15
Tampa, Fla. ... .$66.16 Palm BJach f..;$73.06 ' Charlertori .:$54.56
I Biloxi, Miaa ..... $44.31 ' Mobile :.N. $4431; Gulf port, Mita. . . $44.31 '
Jacksonville, Fla., via direct routea vU . . . .$54.56, , V
'Jacksonville, Fla., via New Orleans in oneirection. i . . '. .$65.56 "
Jacksonville, Fla., via Washington in one cjlrection. .... .$63.76
Liberal gtop-overs mllowed. Other attrmctive diverge route tickets on sale, also delightful tours to
the West Indies and South America, going via New York, returning via New Orleans or Galveston. Three
daily trains provide service of the well-known high Standard of -the "Milwaukee" road and afford good
connections at Chicago for all points South and East Let us help you plan our winter trip. .
1 , , . . . W.
1317 Faraam St., Omaha, N.b.
tendency was toward lover prlcs.and some
sa es of medium lambs that were maue
fore noon were caijed 10O16c lower, Call for
feeding ewes was siacK ano-neciines seemea
to be In order, as the few bunches that aold
during the worenooj. went l aomewnat low
er fi curt.
Vat sheep shared the general slump to a
certain extent, though more of them aold
early than anything else. Borne yearlings
and wethers that reached 97-6607-76 were
fully steady, but not enough of these are
coming to really make a market Ewes were
at the best weaker, and la most cases were
called 10016c lower, pretty good kinds sell
Ing around $e30O4.00, with nothing over, and only a deck or so tnat nign.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, 90.00OlO.00; lambe,yfalr to
good, 90. 06O000; lambs, feeder. $0.00 O
10.00; yearlings, good tot choice, $7,600
7.76; yearlings, fair to good, $7.004.00;
wether, fair tto choice, $6.6007.40; ewes,
good tot choice, $6.6006.66; ewe, felr to
good, $6.7601.60; ewes, pleirto cull. $4.00
06.60; ewe, feeding, M I04yft.1t; ewes,
breeders, alleges, $6,260 $-00. .
Cattle Market fftroeg. Hogs Weak, Sheep
- Weak. .
Chicago, Oct. 2$. Cattle Receipts, 20.000
head; market strong; native beef cattle,
94.76OU.60; western teem, 6.fe-40;
stock ers and feeders, $4.7007.76; cows ana
heifers, $2.4090.20; calveO, .47.009 11.40.
Hogs'- Receipts, 62,000 head; marlte't
steady, unchangeoVto' lo under Saturday's
average: bulk of sales, 90.06910.10; Hght,
90.06910.40; mixed, 60.70010. 46; heavy,
90.70910.46; rough, 94.70OM.;, pigi, $7.26
Q0.40. v
Sheep and Lamb Receipts. 16,000'head;
market weak; wether. $7.0001.26; ewe,
$1.7607.10., lambs. $1.26 0 1990. . ,
St Loots Live Stock Market.
St. Louis, Oct 21. Cattle Receipts, 1.000
head; market steady; native beef steers,
$7.60911.00; yearling steers and heifers,
98.609)0.76;rows, 96.6097. 80;rtocker and
feeders, $6.2007.60;. prime southern steers,
$8,0090.00; oowa and heifers, $4.4097.60;
prime yearling steers and heifers, $7,600
0.00; native calves, $0.00911.26.
Hoga Receipts, ,ooo head; market
steady; lights, $0.06910.10; pigs, $8. 60O$. 0;
mta ana nutcners, 9s.O6910.26; good
heavy, $10.20 010.16; bulk of sale, $0,000
Sheep and Lambs Receipts.' 4.400 head:
market steady; la nibs, $7.00010.06; slaugh
ter ewes, $6.0007.16; breeding ewes, $8,609
9.60; yearlings, $9.0099.71; ewes, $1.7697.26.
City Live Stock Market.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. II. Cattle Re
ceipt. 16,000 head; market strong to 16c
higher ; prime fed steers, $0.60911.00;
dressed beef steers; 97.0090.26; western
steers, 96.769.26: cows, 94,6097.26; heif
er,' 96.7690.26; stockerb and feeders. $6.00
98.00; bulls,. $4.760I.I6 calves, 96.000
10.00. ,
' Hogs Receipts. 11, 000 head: market
steady; bulk of sales, $0.76010.16; heavy,
$0,0000.16; packers and butchers, 90.900
10.20; light, 90.tD910.60; pigs, $8.60O9-0.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 11.000 head:
market steady; lambs, $10.00910.60; year
lings, 97.6091.60; ' wethers, $7.0098.00;
ewes, $6.7607.16. 1 -
Stou City Live Stock Market. "
Sioux City. fa.. Oct. 2$. Cattle Recelnta.
9,600 headj market steady; beef steers, $6.00
mji. uo; Banners, 14.90v6.eo; stoc Iters and
feeders, $6.9607.16; bulls, stags, etc., $6,009
1.76; feeding cows and heifers. $6.00094.00.
Hogs Receipts, 0,600 head; market 10c
lower; light, $0.6090.70; mixed, $0.7091.76;
heavy, $0.7690.00; bulk of aalea, $0,469
Sheep and Lamb Receipts, 1,600; mar
ket steady;' ewes, $4.6096.60; lambs, $8.76
Ol.ll.,-" .
' 80. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph', Mo., , Oct. 22. Cattle Re
tcelpta, 2,800;market 109 16o higher;
steers, $6.60910.26; cow and heifers, $4.60
910.00; calve, $6.00910.60. v
Hogs Receipts, $.$00 head; market, beat
Sheep and Lambs Reoetnts. l.Kflfl hmA
market itowt lamb, ,$10.00910.10; ewes,
$0,7197.26. A
tba Stock la Sight.
t Cattle, Hogs. Sheep.
Sioux City . ,.
St Louts- a. . ,
Chicago . . . .,
Kansas, City .
South Omaha
Total . ,.
...a,...,., 0.600
Me... $,000
... 14.000
..16,000 14,101
10, 100
' v." Coffee Maxket
New Tork, Oct. 18. The market for eoffee
future wa decidedly more -active today
and there waa a sharp advance In prices,
with March contracts selling up to 11.70,
or 44 Mints above the low level of laat
.week. Order seemed to be pretty well di
vided t- the start, but after opening un
changed to 1 point higher, th market
gradually grew; more active, with price In
fluenced by a broadening demand from Wall
street and cotton trade source. .There also
waa covering after tha declines of last
week, and the market for a time wa tront.
with aotlve month' veiling about 24 to 17
point net higher. Realising caused aeac
tlon of I or $ point toward th closo, but
last price showed net gains of 17 to 11
point for th day. flalee, 141,000 sack.
October, 1.66c; November, 6.41c; December,
1.6$; January, 1.60c; February, 1.62o;
March, 1.66c; April,' 8.40c; May, 8.74c; June,
4.710! July, 6 44c; August. 8.18c; Septem
ber. $.llc. . V
Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7s,ilHc; Santo 4s,
lOfic; coat ano freight offer wer reported
generally 10 to 16 points higher, with aalea
ef well described Santoa 4 it 10.30O, Lon
don credit.
Th official cable reported no change In
Brasllian markets, except for-an advance
or to to loo reis in Santos futures.
. Cotton Market. ; V '
York, Oot 11. Cotton Futures
firm; December, II.IOoj January,
March, 18.00c; May,
Futures closed strong; December, 18.71o;
January, 10,11c; March, l$.24c;.May, 11,46c;
July, 10.44c.
New Tork, Oct, II. Cotton Spot toady;
middling upland, 10.10c; aalea, 1,100 bales.
Th cotton market today closed firm at
10.18c for January, and at a net tain of
$$ to 71 points on present crop months,
while, next September deliveries wer 10
points bet higher. .
Liverpool, Oct If. Cotton Spot strong;'
good middling, 10. 00c; middling, 10.74o; low
middling, 10.l0o; aalea, 10,004 bales.
Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits,
New Tork, Oct. 11. Evaporated Apples
Quiet; fancy, 79$o; choice, 797o;
prima, 99'tto. '
Dried Frulte--Prune, iwtrong; California,
79 10 He; Oregone, 7llY, Apricots, firm;
choice, 144 916a; extra choice, 11449160;
faJicy, 16 914c. Peaches, quiet; choice, 7c;
extra choicer- 7c; fancy, e. Raisins,
firm; lope muscatels, 79lo; choice to
fancy seeded, 0912c; seedless, 10 H 911c;
London layer, llo. .
" ' ' , V :; Omah Hay Market. - -
Hay Receipt light; market firm. Prairie
hay: Choice upland, $10.60911.00; No. 1
upland. $0.60 910.00; No. I upland, $7,609
0.00; No. 1 upland, $9.0097.00. Midland: No.
1, 90.609 10.00; No. 2, 97.0098 00. lxtwiand:
No. 1, 90.OO97.OO; No. 1, 94.0096.00; No. 9.
$1.0094. 00. Alfalfa. Choice, 116.00: No. i
911.00 91 4. 0T: .Standard, $11.00911.00; No
I. -$0.0090. 0: No. 1. $6.0091.00. Straw
Oat. 16 0094.6ft; wheat $6.00 9 6.60.
E. BOCK, City Passenger Agent, .
-, c. m. a St. r. a. -
' ', '
New. High Eecorda f'oLunited
': States Steel and Other
' yavorites. a
Naw Tork, Oct. II. Dsvalopmshta . over
th. wwk-etld war. deemed sufficiently fa-
days -active market,' with new high rec
orda (or United States Bteel and other favor
Itea, which have contributed so extenalvely
to the-alroo.t ateady rlsa of the last seven
lAst Saturday's bank 'statement which a liberal axDan.lon of local raah
hnlnlnaa and a corresDondtna? contraction of
loaiut the greater monetary -ease -reported.
from nrinclDa! reserve eentera. nmtariai ion
nage galna by leading railway ayatems and
unabated demand for products and com
moditlea helped to accelerate today's up
ward movement
Steel'a rise of 1 points to the new record
of 1!1 , at which It paaeed the preierred
stock for the first time In the company's
hlatory, was again attended by an enormous
turnover, no leaa than MO.ouo snares cnang.
In. handa out of a total of 1, ,70,000. Profit-
taking served to give steel and other leaders
in the Industrial division a moderate setDaca
toward tha close, but this waa counT,rbal
anced by greater strength In htgh-grade
rails. -
Othar naw maximums Included the sugar
group, notably Cuban-American, at 131, ana
American Best, at 102, while Cuba Cane
duplicated ita best record and American
Sugar rose 1 points to 1J0H. its highest
point of recent years. CentraKLeathar, at
Kl American Hide and Leather, pre
ferred, at HI4, and Utah Copper at 1001,.
comprised Jasue. that were elevated to un
precedented quotations.
Bethlehem Steal attracted' attention by
Ita ufluaual activity, about 1,100 shares being
traded In up to '486, an advance of s&
polnta. Copper, particularly Anaconda, Utah
and Inspiration, helped to swell the huge
total, with Republic Iron and Steel, Crucible
Steel, marinas, fertilisers and , petroleums
and Texaa Company gaining nsora than K
polnta.- -
'No material' alteration was shown y
foreign exchange markets aside, of Slight
hardening on Berlin. V
Bonda were mainly steady on lighter deal
ings. Total aales, par value, $5,240,000.
United .States bonda wer. unchanged on
call. ... .-
Sales. High. Lew. uiose.
Am. Beet sugar.... MOO 102V, 101 101 Vk
American Can U.300- S3 lft 12
Am. Car Found. MOO 70(4 8
Am. Locomotive.. M00 3 12(4 12(4
Am. Smelt. Ref'g 14.000 113(4 1U 112(i
Am. Sugar Ref'ng. 2t,00 120(4 111(4 120(4
Am. Tel. A. Tel 300 133(4 138 133
Am. lnc. Lead S I.OOO 48 ,(4
Anaconda Copper.. 40,200 ,8(4 t 88(4
Atchison .p, 1,800 107 108 '
Baldwin LoAomotle. 12,200 . 87
Baltomora A Ohio 3.200 89
Brok. Rapid Trans. ,00 84(4
Bute A Sup. Cop. 2,300 ,6
California Petrol.. 1,800 24(4
Canadian Pacific. 2,300 170
Central Leather... 82,800 3(4
Chespeake & Ohio. 8,200 70(4
Chi., U. 44 St. P. 2.100 6J4
Chlcaao A- N..W.. 1.100 122
C, R. I. 4 P. Ry. 7,100 15(4. 2t
Chtno CoDDer
Colo. Fuel & Irion 12.400
Corn Prod. Ref'ng. 18,300
Crucible Steel 18.400
Distiller', Securltes 2.300
General Electric...
Great North, pfd..
Gt, Nor. Ore ctf...
1.400( 18614 184(4 183(4
i.OOO 119(4 11814 119
14,300 46(4 Lit 4414
900,169)4 188 10644
2.500 MB 17(4 1714
10.000 7 . . 6 86
Illlonla central.
Inter. Consol. Corp.
inspiration uopj
Inter. Har.. N. J. . . . . 118
Int. M. M., pfd. ct JO.100 I18 116 11614
Kan. City South... 1,100 27 '4 2714 2714
Kennecott Copper. 31,900 5414 63
LoulaVllla A Nash
Mex, Petroleum .
9,600 111
no ,
Miami copper
Mo., K, A T.. pfd...
Missouri Pacific...
Montana Power...
1,400 714
National Lead.....
Nevada Copper.,..
N. T. Central
1.700 7016
6.&0D S3 221. , 23
IS,. (TO 100 107 108
1.600 . tlttl 0 61
T N. H. A H.
Norfolk Western 11,200 Ub 142 H4H
Northern Pacific. 2,300 113' 112 112
racino Man...... i,?wo a s
Pacific T. A T.... M0 38 31 38 4
Pennsylvania ..... 2.700 68 7 "I 60
nay uon. uopper., e.ouu io mi, is
Readln ..26,000 fl2 ; 110 111
Ray Con. Copper, f 0,000 12 .
Rep, Iron ft Bteel.. 66,700 80 70 U
Shatt'k Alii. Cop;. 600 20 20 38
Southern pacific... M00 101 100 101
Southern Railway., it.ioo H is1
Studebaker Co 2.000 180. 135
Tenneaaee Conoer.. 2.600 2344,23
xexaa company. .. b.vvv aao
tlnion Pacific 68.800 162V 161 '
tTnlon Pacific Dfd.. 200 2L 02 K
kU. a. ma. Aiconoi. n,iv nil uo
V. B, Bteel 367.000 120 128 120
U. B. Bteel, pfd.... 1,800 122 121 121
Utah Copper .j.... 40,400 loo 08 100
waoaait pin. "B .. v,sv si ai
Wee tern Union ... t.101 104 103 103
WRtlnhouie Blou 11,100 .64 01 63
Tola, aaiea lor ineaay. i.ztu.uuu inarex.v
... s,' Now fork Hoaey Market.
New Tork, Oct 23. Jtercntlle Paper
1 per cent. , i
Bteruns jsxenana-e ev-aay otiia,
commercial 60-day bill. 4.70; demand,'
n.76; ablea, 4.7. Francs, demand.
$6.81; cables. 6.63. Harks, demand.
70o; cables, 0o. Kronen, demand,
12 l-loe; cables, 1 S-ic. uuiidera, de
mand. 41 Uc; cables, 410. Lire, de
mand. $0.62; cables, 0.61. Rubles,, demand,.
3ic; oabies, c. .
, Silver Bar, --07 c; Mexican dollars,
62C. ' . y 4
Bonds Government t steady : . railroad
fm. -
Tim Loans Bteady; 00 days. 291 per
cent; 00 day and a;x months, 6tf3 per
cent. v t
Call Money Steady ; high, 2 per cent;
low, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent;
last loan, 2 per cent closing bid, 3 per
cent; offered -at 2 per cent.
U. 8. ref. 2s. rev 88L. & L uri. 4s... 06
U. B. ref. Ic co M., K.AT., 140 80
U. B. r. 8s, rg. 0tMo.. f. Con. 0s..l02
do. couDon....00Mont. Pow 6s.. 00-
U. 8. It, reg...lOON. T. C. deb. 6b114
dd coupon 100N. T. C. 4s 1866S
U. a 4a, reg...H0 N. T. City 4s
do coupon. ...110 ue ., ne
m. BmelL s....U4 N- Y N. H. A
A. T. T,c4all4 Hartford cv. 0sll2
Anglo-Prench 6s 16 H Nor. Pacific 4s.. 03
Atrninson g. u iinno racinc
BMt. O. 4s.. 02 O. 8, U ref. 4s. 03
Beth. 8tl ref. 6sl01P. T. A T. 6s... .102
A. T. of: T.c.4Usll4'enn. con 4H..sivo
Cen. Pacific 1st. f0Penk. gen 4s..l02
Ch. ft O., c. 4i 81Readlng jten. 4b. 06
C, B. ft Q.. j.. 4s 03t. L. ft S. F. r.flT3
C. M. ft 8.P.c.6sl07 So. Pacific ct. 6.11)1
Chicago. R. I. ft So. Pacific r. 4s 00
Fao, Kf ref. 4S tboo. naoiway n..ivzn
)lo. ftv8. r. 4s 86 Union Pacific U. 08
. ft R. O. C is 86 Union Pac. cv. 4s 06
Erie sen, 4s 74 V. 8. Rubber 6s. 102
Gen. .ftlectrlc 6s. 100 V. 8. Steel 6s. ... 106
GL Nor. 1st 4s 00Weat, Union 4s.07
central r. 4s oi anaaa
Int. M.-.M. 4a.l08 1031) .......100
X. C South, r. 6s 00 . rr .. .
' Landooi Flnasnplal. '
London Oct 3ft. Sliver Bar, 32d per
ounce, , . . i ;
Money o per. cent. - -;
Discount Re.te Short bills, tf6 per
otnti tbreo months. 6. 6 per cent..
' X. Bank Ctortnge. ' '
Omaha. Oct. 22: Bank clearings for
Ovaha today were 16.023,820.64, and for the
corresponding day laat year, 13,760,261.24.
"A' v
Agants For All Stcaunship Linen.
4. BO
(4 83(4 88(4
84 84
86(4 85
.23(4 "(4
844 0
884 8ST4
IS -r H
128 128
(644 564
17fi 18(4
7(5 89
46 46H
tm k ti i
Wneat uoes Alter .s
' One More Record
' And Makes Good
- -
Chicago, Oct. 23. Wheat pr.c-.s
nude a fresh jump today "of more
thi 5 cents a bushel. The December
option reached $1.75 and May
$175)4. as against, respectively $U70;4
the finish Saturday.
Prodigious buying; accompanied the
advance. Estimates that the .world's
crop was 25 per cent'undet; last year's
total tended to emphasize the short
age in the United Stages, and so., too,
did dwindling receiptsn the north
west, both sides of .the Canadian
line. - - 1 - .
In addition, Argentine drotffh dam
age had forced another big advance
in prices at Buenos Ayres, 1
Closing prices here were unsettled
at gains of 1 cents to 4)f cents net,
with December at $1745 and May at
$174 to $1.74. ,
Rutterford Head
. '. Of Passenger Men
Fred Rutherford of thevRock Is
land was elected president- of the
maha Passenger Agents' association
at the annual meeting at the Hotel
Loyal. ' Charles Elrickof the Balti-'
more & Ohio was elected vice presi
dent and .Joe Lightfoot of the Illi
nois Central secretary and treasurer,
The association was also reor
ganized and hereafter annual dues wUl
be collected from the members. In
the past it has been the custom to
hold periodical dinners and meetings
,and invite all the passenger jnen in
the city to attend. But in the future
the passenger men will have to con
tribute dues in order to belong."
Last summer the Omaha passenger
men were guests of the Minneapolis
and St. Paul passenger men afa picnic
and blow-out at the Twin Cities. So
the local railroaders decided at their
meeting to.' bring the Minnesotans
to Omaha for a day of recreation next
summer. " .
. -. " . ...
New St. Joseph's Church t j
;; Impressive Dedication
Rt. Rev. Monsignor-fcolaneri" offi
ciated bunday the dedication of- the
new St. Joseph's church at Sixteenth.!
ind Center streets. large congre
gation witnessed the special cere
monies. r, "
Following the dedicatory exercises
Monsignor Colaneri (celebrated sol
emn high mass. Assisting him were
the pastor. Rev. Pacificus Kohnen,
O. F. M.; Rev. Theobald Kalatnaja,
O. F. M., and Rev. Father Marcus,
0. F. M. James W. Stenson was
master of ceremonies. , .-
Eighteen Men Are Dead ' '
' In Coal Jiine in Alabama
Marvel, Ala., Oct". 23. Eighteen
men lost their lives ,as the result of
an explosion in the Roden coal min:
Here lyesterday. Early today .cscuers
had brought sixteen bodies to the
surface. Six were negroes. W. F.
t.owrey'and a miner named Pervis
ore -still in the mine and ail flOpe lor
mem nas been abandoned
Neiarlv ewrv case
vture you' for weeks,
anaesthetic. No wait at hotel or hospital. Absolute guarantee to every case,
treated. i . - , I
DR. J. C. WOODWARD. 301 Rose Bldg.,' Omaha, Neb.
Brewed and bottled by
Jetter Brewing Co., Ltd.
"--' OMAHA, NEB." ' V"
- rumOf frad. BnippUad w Wm. fattar, . I "
Omaha Girl in Auto -:
Plunges Down Steps
Plunging down a flight of steps in
an automobile whose brakes were out;
of order wasjhe recent experience of
Mrs.- Wallie C Homan, a former ' -Omaha
girl. The accident happened ;
in Dunlap, la. . Mrs. Homan, who
used to be Miss Akofer, suffered pain-.,
ful but not serious injuries. .
In the car at the time of the mis- . ,
hap were two children, . who were .
slightly bruised. The stairs down
which the uncontrolled .car rati were, -those
leading from the passenger de
pot to the street below.
' Omaha real estate Is the best Investment .
yoii could make. Read. The Bee'a real astal.
columns. f ' '
Webster 202
B R A N D E I S Tonight -aLELEK
THEATER. Mats.Tues., Wall. Sal.
A Pent-Drarat, Repleta With fatbot.
Mirth tmnd Romantic Beauty.
Mata., 25c to $1 NithU, 25e to IJO
Phone '"-'.,
Doug. 494 i
This Week: Matinee Daily. ;lfl. Kvry
, . Ntiriit 8:15
EllEabrfh bHm and Cfaarlea Kin. Pat Roe
ny and Marion Bent. Harry Hqlman & Co,, -Jimmy
Duffy and Mercedfs Lorenze, Prin
ceiia K a lama, Lou Holti, Sylvia Loyal and '
her pierrot. Orpheum Travel Weekly. Prices:
Matlneea. Clallery, 10c. Beat Heata (Except
Sat. and Eun, 25c. Mhtn, 10c-26c-60c-7&c
TSAMMtvW Kran'ca, 15.5-A0-7oo.
That Funnv Little
Billy Arlington
Hnbn With tha
Funnv UttU Lauvh..
and, rMAALM Mueical
Fnnk Doonn, Eleanor uocnrtn, ran mh a.
aUeebin. Bite V Reflow. others, famous Beauty Cbo
rua Of U Crookettei In Grand Ballet de Luxe.
. (Finah Performance Friday Nite.)
Ladies' Dim Matinae Every Weak Day:
WeIW NisJiU, 28e, 35c, SOe, 7Se
DUIU Mala., Today, Wed. 10-25c
WOMAN'S ufe;
Tonight, and Wednaadar-
UIDD Cood Shows Alwajr
nirir 15th and Harn.y
; - ?, TODAY Paramount r'
"The Parson of Panamint"
Portraying tha Life of a Fighting
Western Parson.
Mircr Hon. ot
IfflllHlj .Paramount Picture.
Rectal Disease. Cured Without Operation
enred in orle treatment. I rln nnt tnr
aa most doctors do. No-knife or
mm Sty le
. , '' Ktoa. Dongla.' 4B31.