10 THE BEET OMAHA, OCTOBER 1916. "Want-Ad Rates f CASH WITH OBDEB. If per word each inmrtlon (St Mild no display.) Ada PinmnhiJ Set In Dlnlu Style ... ii mm lima fo pr llne."."."."5."three coneeeutlve time (Count Hi wor da to tn Una.) CHABOB BATES. io per l!na.,v...... tlra 7o per Hne... three eonaecotl.e times . (Count six worda to ths lino.) Special llate.1 ( Te por line .7hrea oonwcoUM tlmea (Count Hz word, to too lino.) FOREIGN ADVERTISINO UNDER AGENTS OH HELP WANTED CLAS8I . FICATIONS. , Je iWMKirt . llso por word throo consecutlY. tlmoo KO AO TAKBN FOB I.F.S9 THAN A TOTAL OF iOo OB LESS THAN ., . 10 A BAY. i CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. 10c por linn eoh Insertion (Mtnlmum Ahorse SO eents.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDINO ApS (No change ot oopy allowed.) One Una , '. M. T( Ua or mora ;....p.r Una 11.80 (Count alz worda to ths lino.) A (Contract rates on application.) , THE BEE will not bo responsible (or mora than ona Incorract Insertion of an advar-' tlsement ordered (or mora tban ona tlma. ADVERTISERS ahould retain racalpU given by Tha boo In payment (or Wanta Ada, aa no mlatake can be rectified Without them. ,T)atl THE TELEPHONE If yon oannot con ' vententlr bring or aent In your ada. Aak ' (or a Want-Ad Taker, and you will ro i calro tha aame good aervlce aa whan de livering your ad at tha office. . PHONE TYLER 1000. V, WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE. ETENINO EDITIONS..,, ,1TflS M. 110RNINO EDITIONS 1:00 P. M. MOVIE PROGRAM Carranl .frertan a) tba beet Matioa rattan Tkeater. la uaMMU, (Change. DallrJ Downtown. FARNAU. HI. FARNAM WILLIAM FARNUM ' In i , .. "THE BONDMAN." COMEDY. PRfaCEsi, l.U-ll DOUOLAS BLUEBIRD, REDFEATHER and UNI TER8AL Productions. - 10 PRESENTED HHRB FOR la, I SOCIETY HYPOCRITES." ' l-Rall Society Drama, Featuring BEN GIBSON and NERO OERBER. CARTER DE HAVEN In ' "FAME AT LAST." North, HURT. 14TH AND SFRAOUE 'THE BLINDNESS." "A SIREN OF THE JUNGLE," TOO BAD EDDIE." CLIFTON, 6TH AND BURDETTE "THE THORN AND THE ROSE." "PAYMENT IN FULL." tjt '' 'TUB BLOCKED TRACK." "MAKIKO AN IMPRESSION.," DIAMOND, HTH AND LAKE "A TOUCH OF. HIGH LIFE." "AT THE BOOB OF THB- AQUEDUCT." CREEL LIFE. ORAND, HTH AND BINNEY BILLIE BURKE ' CRANE WILBUR In a SPECIAL DRAMA. . ' ' " ALSO KBYBTONE. HIPPODROME, ... HTH AND CUMINO AN EXCELLENT AND REFINED PROGRAM. Ic TO ALL Ic LOTHROP, HTH AND LOTHROP MARY PICKFORD In the title role of v "EtSMERALDA." NEW STAR, SHBR, AVE. AND LOCUST clarie Mcdowell and t WM. MONO In a "4 . l-REBL DRAMA. A TJNIVERSAL PRODUCTION. SUBURBAN, J.TH AND AMES TRIANOLB PRESENTS THE MARRIAGE OF MOLLY 0"i MYERS AND THEBY COMEDY. 1 8ooth. , APOLLO, J(TH AND LEAVENWORTH DUSTIN FARNUM In . t - "DAVID GARRICK BOULEVARD, IID AND LEAVENWORTH VITAGRAPH FEATURE ' and A OOOD COMEDY. COMFORT. HTH AND VINTON TOLL OF THE LAW." "HIS TBMPBRMENTAL MOTHBR-IN-. LAW." "RIDDLE OF THE WORLD," "LADY FROM THB SEA." KOIILFF, ; lit. LEAVENWORTH Tone gooFpicture . ' t and REFINED COMEDY, ; West ..- DUNDEE, I1ST AND UNDEitWOOD MART Mo LARBN In HAVING THB FAMILY NAME." ,THB OIRL AND THE MONET." A TMIANUI.FJ COMEDY. MONROE. 2161 FARNAM "UNDER SUSPICION." . ', A UNIVERSAL DRAMA i ana t;uJUKuy. ' OMAHA. tOTH AND DODQB MURIEL OSTRICHB In "THE CIRCUS ROMANCE." COMEDY. 8outh Sldt, ORPHXUM. I4TH AND M COLORED DRAMATIC CLUB OEMS PROORAM FOR- BENEFIT OP THEIR CHURCH. "1NOCCULATINO HUBBY." DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. BRADER Jamea, died Oct. II, 1119, asad 07 yea re. Funeral from Haynfta hapaL 14th gnd Amea Avo.. Tueaday morning at 10 o'eloca. . vou aa. iniermem rroapaot allll tery. Auto aervlca. . ' . . Monuments nd Ctmeteries. BEAUTIFUL markora, tableta and oroaoaa . for unmarked (raves. Redman Orava Marker Co., 14T0 Spencer St Webstar 1100. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY A JOHNSTON. eSllie Imere" and fu naral directors 111 S. nth, Tyler 1071 BTk. BURKET A SON FuVe7aJdlricTori and embalmera. 04 Leavenworth. Har. . HULiB A RIEPEN, undertaken and am kalmora. 701 8. 10th St. Douilaa 1110. ' FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or i, plants. Art ComblnAUona shipped ovary waora. Excellent aervlca to our euatom ars In past years recommanda. HESS A SWOBODA, lUearnarnStDoug. liOL XaROEST ASaxjRTMBNT of tbTnowarav delivered or ahlpped anywhere. L HalN DBRSON. ll Farnam St.. Doug. 'LU. SS3S". ITIIARMON 114 Potiglu. Done. B141 fAnKER rioww Shop. u a, itth. p. hoi. A. DONAOHPB. 16H Hraty7toiI SATlO'turtirt. lSoOnam at. X. mwTT MARRIAGE LICENSES. . The fallowing liveoam to w4 bar bui tfamt and AddiM. ' ' At. Jttaper N. Berry. Atlantic, U. ,ovr 11 ABttniu FntM, Atlantlo, , ... .ovr II Onrcs A. Btclner, Omh. , H Ctirtailn Schoonovar, Onuth,,. 14 VrmiiU H. WMtcett, MinnMpollB, Mtu.. 41 Msuitta KeHr. WloaeapolU, Mlno. ...... u Harmon J K. Wal!ur, Cooft. tl Ply If, U.. II Ocrtnidt Kttitn CotuicU Bluff 1, la II BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birtha Charkt and Effia Wataoru, 81&H Doda, f irl ; Mlcb&tfi A. and Mary Boy- land, 1510 Caaa, boy: Matthlaa and Ida Bauer. J 11 7 South Eighteenth, girl; William and Edith I. Burner, loll Ohio, boy; Will- lam and Pauline DIttmann. 4427 South Twentieth, girl; William H. .and Violet uownlng. elffl Fierce, girl: Vernon nd Vi ola Ouerln. 1307 North Slxtr-ttrst avenue. girl; Antony and Jennie Hanaon. BO II St Marya avenue, girl; James H. and Lena Hoult, 1711 Martha, boy; P. D. and Anna Roha, 1711 Larlmor avenue, girl; William J. and Sophie Kanger, SSfflr Elm, girl; Harry w. and Anna Ln. 3117 North Thirtieth. boy; Nick and Barbara MeilaJc. 1411 South Thirteenth, boy; Leo 1. and BUiabeth Muljen, 2701 Burdette, girl; Arthur C. and fcmuy Tnomaen, 1171 Urand avenge, girl; rony ana natem Tuakino. 34.1 South Twen Ueth, boy. Deathe Ada Barten. 41. hospital; Peter Tianokuplano, 43, 1124 Jaekaon; 'George Uollner, 7. 4711 North Sixteenth; George vacnaaie, so, noipltai; lUawrenee Wright, 16. hoepiul; Allan H 11 borne. I months, hos pital; Herman Burkland, 41, hospital. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It here, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable recov eries areNrought about every day through mis coiumn. ' THB LAW People who And lost rticies are Interested In knowing that the state law Is strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, if aame can be proven. Involves a as- rioua penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RA1LW AT COMPANY. - Persons bavins lost some article wenlg do well- to vail up the office of the Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It la the treet car. Many articles each day are turned Is and the company is anxious to restore them to the- rightful owners. Call lyier iuo. LOST On 14th or between 15th and 16th on Farnam, Japanese hand bag containing Burlington pass., Mrs, T. P. Pumphrey. Notify 4401 S. 30th, South Bids, or phone LOST Union station, October II, ladles' old fashioned goM watch, hunting case, key wind and set, gold hands. Valued chiefly as heirloom. Reward for return. Phone JJouglas 111 or call at 1211 W. O, W, Bldg. LOST Black Boston bull terrier with har ness On; screw tall, drooping ear a, white poi on iron 1 breast, brtndle on front legs. newara. uati Harney 4611, LOST Between the town Wtnn tmrf I In, derwood, two Ford tires and 1 Minnesota license, no. 10481. Finder please notify nee mag, ana receive reward. FOUNuLady'S lonket. An noU rhtln Owner may have same by calling at Beo A BLACK horse, weight about 1,600, a white aiMra on loreneaa, scar on each hip, it stolen, 50 reward for conviction of thief ana return or horse. Call 80. 17M5. LOST Between Roms hotel and Howard St., pointed fox neckpiece. Finder notify Auumpaon-ueiatn jo.. muunery aepc. Rea sonable reward of fered. 'FOUND" v a sanitary , flAltaf. aTnunlalii. PREENS PHARMACY. 18th and Bowt STOLEN A new red bicycle, No. 144718. Reward. Return to John Mitchell, 111 N 40th. Harney 111. 176 'REWARD itt Air K.11 diamond circle platinum brooch. Albert a.qnoim. Jeweler. Douglas 1141. LOBT Black feather boa In front of Audi torium; if not returned the law. Call, LOST Cameo pin Sunday In West Farnam "' iii 11 1 111 1 " ra' 1 non wmut FOR SALE Micellanou Furnlturs and Household Goods. hot bXrSains IN STOVES AND RANGES The world dlsooysrs Its most Imperative wants in uicooer ana .November, particu larly when the cold snao sets lh the air. . Bring your stovo aijd rang wants to this STATE FURNITURE CO.f 14th it Dodge Douglas HIT. FOR SAL ID Gag range with warming oven mm; ourners, sio. uail Harney 1161. TOVBS, furniture, ruga, b.dains end linen of all kinds. Open till p. m. .... . vein eb ii BABEBUHNKR. Hi. ' fn nerf.nt mhAIH.. m.. t,OTAL FURN1TURP-CO.. IIS N. IStti It. NOTICE House dealers, I have tha beat -tier j-i. ner oniii asiuraay. raJK, 1044 Georgia Are. Pianos and Muici Instruments. TTi-BUTS beautiful mahogany Vlotrola- oirie vnvnograpa, jars, caia, 1S4. Qaorgla Ave. BDI80N new dlao phonograph and cabinet. wobi ,iuu; aen ror Hasgorabeg, liOt Hamilton St. PRACTICALLY new Clr. wal, player plana. Loula XIV atyla decided bargain. H. ill?. Bifiiardg and Pocket Tablet, FOB SALB--B1LL1ARD TABLK& Brand .... comp ete outfit, till; aeoond-fejid tables at re duced price, 1 bowling allays and supplies! oaay payments cigar stores, drug, dell, rateaaen and solda fountain fliturea.-HI BHUNSWItK-BALKK-COLLliNUICR CO.. 401-401 touth 10th It. Machinery nd Engine!. , NEW AND BCOND-HAND MOTOR1 " aXPKRT ELECTRICIAN! ANI) MACHINISTS, LI BRON ELECTRICAL WORM. 1 ' IH-80 S. nth Bl,. Omaha. 'OR hoi SALE 1,100-foot Soanca hot w.t.v loner, nu Marys Ave. Doug. I4.T. BOILKRS, ateam, aleotrto, gaa engines. pipes, vfrue. wrecwing uo.. imw Cuming. Tewelry, Diamonds and Watchea. BRODEOAARD S "Lucky Wadding . Rings" at 10th and Douglas Sts. Printing and Office Sutmllca- COHMEHCrAL Duplicating Co., also public di.hu. rnune . ir.cea. VOUgisS Il.l, rum me. Oat our prices on job printing. t ArAlUH CARDS A SPECIALTY. II. a PTI1 m nftrn nr.rtn rtrMtn .... WATKRS-BARNHARTf tg O. Co., quaiUy ..H...... 1.1. .u.. ...m. ... w. ..m gtt Sewini Machines. ' SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, Mil noodles and paru ot all sewing machines, MICKBL'S NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., Hth and Harney Sta Doug. tCti, TypewHtert and Supplieg. NEW machines sold the sams as rent; l per monia. us oeiors you buy or rent. Shipped aty plaoo on ten days free trial. Butts Typewriter Baohange. ail 8. Hth. Omaha. Neb, , TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. neat q vuver vypewruer, 1 months for $S. Central Typewriting Biohaoae. JI0B Farttam. JIEM1NUTONS. Monarchs and fimlth rrwniira lur renii aeni anywnero. Hem Ington Typewriter Company. O. 1184. WB BUY, sell and exchange type writ era. uuaranieao typewnters e.g.oo up, Write lor list. UUland Co.. Bee Bldg. AVE SO pet. on your typewriter supplies. .nil wiunnq km., uoug. in,. Lumber and Buildins Material!. 5boD lumber at fit per U, only slightly wanu. laia etna wagm. HUNTER RKALTT CO., Ill N. 16th. Mitcellaneotu. Who's setting the pace nowr In the Arst nine months of 1011 THB BEK gained 43, 80S paid Ads. BXCKUUINO the COW BIN KU QAIN or the other two Omaha papers for aame tOOO PAID ADS. Good ResviMs. Good Rates, Good Service. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- irossse mane over in new ticks at halt the prloo of new ones. Phono us for sample of ticking. Mall orders fUioo. IB 07 Cuming St, Douglas 1447. It high standard of quality will be matt., tamed; 4 quarts of Old Fontenelie whlak .;- bottled la bond. Henry Poiloeg, mau order house, Doug. Till. N. Uth St Aoms'Uado grape wine. $1.25 PER GALLON. Bunklst port, full quart, SOcenta. Old Taylor whisky, full quart. IS seats, CACKLBT BROS, ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUS lamwnin aoa .Vfougias. Bottled la bond whisky, sso, 41.44. fi ll Uli l?iij-l. DE8K3. m fee. scales, showcases, shelving. " mr, troit, umini w mure 1 Supi ' Co.. 414-11-11 a Uth. Doug. 1714 IiRT 1 If 1 MTU lWn iV(fir AnxttF" BOX COMPANY. . HARNBY 1111 FOR SALE Miscilla TOR SALE MVCormtck 4-rool shredder, good as new. Charles Schwsack, Route 1, no. aiqe, umana. FOR SALE CHEAP One 1x8-ft. cooler, - three refrigerator counters IxlOxlS ft. uail Tyter 667. BIO stock of wall paper, paint and vamleh, close out at coat Wsdnesday. Phono JJOugiaa 099. y WANTED-TO BUY Prices for Furnlturs, Ruga domes, fianos, Office furniture, Trunks, Rhoes. Douglas 871. Res., Webster 4204 DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought , sold, and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. HIGHEST price paid for 2d-hand clothes. anoee, trunks, suitcases. D. flBSl or D. SOlS. HOLMES pays your price for second-hand cioines, stioes ana bate, webstsr 1320. OLD gold, silver bought for cash, t World. norma mag. j. u Jacobson, Jswslsi ANNOUNCEMENTS 1,000 letterhead, 12.60; 1.000 envelopes!). THE rKINTINO HOUSB OF MAU BR, Phone Doug. 7744. 16U Farnam St. BRODEOAARD S Lucky Wedding Rings' at 16th and Douglas Sts. DAYTtnd Y. M. C. A. Night School. ' Accountants. JOHN H.OATHRAB SON (INC.) Chicago, Racine, New Orleans. r Public Accountants and Audltora : Bystemat I tters, efficiency Engineers. Bualness Counsellors. Omaha Office, 1221-24 W. O. W. Bldg. H. L. Bray, Resident Manager. K IB A TiVf'iiT a ir r d ' T. O. KINNEY. ' " " MtRamge Bldg. Phono Doug. II St. Brass and Iron Found rips Paxton-Mitchell Co., 27th and Martha Sts. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION Side, Knife, Box Pleating, CoV. Buttons, Hemstitching. Nob. Pler.tlng m puiion tjo., tXl-I I'axton DIK. . 4142. Bakeries, CAKES, pastry snd fancy bakery goods supplied to parties, lodges and sntertaln- mants. z. H. Keener, lieMAw. llth. W. S927. ORTMAN'S NEW ENGLAND BAKERY. ' , 3IZ N. 16th ST. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HATDBN nROTMRRB "OUR MOT.TO' BETTER BAKED OOODf. .. LET US PROVE IT. Batha. ' DR. BEND A Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MA88AOB. Prlvats apartments ror ladles, with lady attend- ants. 191 Farnam. Phone Doug. SS77. Dr. W. H. Knollenberg, combining Sulphur oimmm oains st uniropracuc treatments, IS for $20; single adjusting, $1. Lady at- tenaants. B. w. yor. 24th ft Far. St. D. 7195, RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium; all kinds baths. iv-n uaira run ana Uoyglae Buttons and Pleating;. TAN , ARNAM Dress Pleating and Button Ko., e.7 rex ton Bin.. i)oua. 8109acoor. dlon, knife, side, space, box, sunburst and com di nation pleating, hemstlchtng, plcot aging, pinaing, ruching. covering buttons; all styles and sixes. Price list free. Oot any thins- you'd llktvta iwint Use the "Swappers' Coiumn." Carpenters and Contractors, C. W. Hokanson. 260S Leaven' th. Ty. 21M-J Leseard ft Son, 1904 1 Capitol Ave. Tyler 1692 Attornev at Law. FRANCIS MORGAN, bli Bee. Douglas 4069. Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATBRESS, excellent day dinners; prices reasonable. Har. 4S60. Cleaning and Prt..niT SUITS presaed, JEo; cleaned and pressed, 91. run uraanauone, narney. Hea 1781. Madsen. 2616 Leavenworth, Tyler 1444. Chiropractic. pra Johnstog. 18 w. O. W. Bldg. T. 6619, ChiroDractic and Soinal Adiurmn. u ur. uurnorn, Kose Bldg. rannar acnooi graquaie, Ppug. i.17, DR. KNOLLBNBERO, B. W. Corner 14th ana rarnam Bts. Phons Douglas 729S, Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-1 Rose Bid. T. 2266. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 846k Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for 1 "y- , 1 ' 'tn- """ rwmin. p. ilia. Dresamakintr. FOR STYLE,, reasonajblo price In your fall WANTBD Dressmaking by ths day; 1104 iaven port si. uougias 7708. QOWNS and suits a specialty. Work guaran- ieea. vveDSier tfu. DRESMAKINO Reasonable prices. 100 Haird Bldg ( Exp, dremk Child's clothes, spec'ty. D. lOSt. Terry Dreaamak'g coUe gft;! and Farnam. LST-CLASS dressmaking. Harney 8934, Detect! van. T JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Blk. Evidence securea in ail cases. Tyler 11 84. Interstats Detective Ass'n, 432 Ramge Bldg! Dancinif Academy. Keeiy Dancint? Acdv.ll? Class lion. sva. -elaae and aaeemblv Wed. ava. frlvata lesion any time O. TII0. lW. T.TTYP! Danes, Tuea, Thurs., Bat.. UEi XjUAB Su . ,.,. a. ,v,. nooL Idandar and Wednesday eve. D. S4.I. Academe' tor Rent Friday BVenrngs. Dentists, Dr Bradbury. No patn. lt W. O. W. Bldg, I Tafta Dent. Rms., 101 Rose Bldg. D. 1111. Expert Masseurs. 1 . MANimmiNO, facial maasage, by expert maaaeuaa, nils n. jam Bt,, oppoalta poet office. Room 108, dally, evenlnga. Express Companiea. TWIN OITT Eipreas Co., 1(11 Caaa It uauglaa 171T. Heavy Hauling a apeclalty. Anywhere 25c. Web, 2104. N Everything: for Women. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburt box pleating; oovered buttons, all sixes and styles, hemstitching; plcot edging, em broidery! beading, braiding, cording, eye let out work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 100 Douglas Blk. . Douglas 198S. SWITCHES from combines, $1 up. DyedT ooc. Mrs. M. Brinnart, 838 fax ton Bldg. Fixtures and Wiring. TlTTPTtTTMP Klectrl washing machines, aLUiIVXlU.u0trlo Irons and readlna mps.' 1229 Cuming St. Douglas 2619. Hoir Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 207 Balrd Btdg. Manl- eurtng, lonei articles, uougias eiss. Furnace Cleaning. IF TOUR furnacs neeas cleaning or ropalr- tng call tne Furnace Doctor, Doug. 7174, KL3AS8KR furnace cleaners", work guar anteed; Deal prices, isxi a. iitn, , 43i. FURNACE and chimney cleaning and re- pairing. F. Borneman. Douglas 7239. Job Printing. OATS CITT Printing Co., nigh -grade print ing, iszi n. i4tn. rnone web. hit. Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, (12 Paxton Blk. Red 7401, Notary Public; deposition, steno. W. BRITT, 301 Barker Block. ' , Masseuret. Sclentlo massage; baths. 1221 Farnam St. ' Osteopaths. Dr, Mary Andersen, 606 Bee Bldg. Patent Attorneys, . PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. 681 Brandela. D. 6691. H. A. BTURQIS, 620 Brandela Th. D. S469. Piano Tuning;. 1 PIANO TUNING. SI. 76. Webster 4410. 1 Pianoi 'for. Rent ll.SO por me. A. Hospo Co., 1411 Douglaa 7" Run Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs from o)d carpets; rag rugs a specialty; cleaning ana alterations, reery Rug Factory, 1421 Cuming. Red 124 S. N ' . Towel Supplies. j OMAHA Towel Supply, 101 S. llth. D.I12. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY v AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT, 1 AND tl SO.PKR DAY. DOUOLA 1760. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Omaha real estate Is the best investment you could make, Head Tba Beo. real estate columns. - SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF YOU have anything to'trade, make up a Httje ad and run It In this column for seven days It only costs 26c and 2c per answer. This offer Is good only In Omaha. and exclude Real Estate, cash offers and Business Properties For Sals or Trade These, aa well as mall orders for us Swapper's Column, must pay regular rates. One or two answers are sufficient to make your trade and the whole trans- actlon only costs about lOc. Try It. AUTO 40 h, p. touring car, fins shape throughout; worth 1300 cash, but will 'trade on this basis for lighter car, motor cycle or Edison disc phonograph. Give full I particulars and answers quick before I store car for winter. Address S. O. (00, Bee FORD Touring, 1914, good shape. Presto lights. S-pas, Velio, 1914, elect Ira light and starter, sine Shape, trade lor rXilamonda. merchandise, or what have you? Box S. f At U.a, ADDINO machine Burroughs adding ma- etrlns In perfect condition; the standard mac n me: win exenange ror typewriter. pictures, diamonds, or what have you? Box a. C. 479, Bee. AN equity In thriving squab plant in west orn Iowa open for trade on anything worth 160. Balance due on plant arranged on easy terms. A money-maker and can be increased. Owner- or equity has work away from home. Box 102, 14 1 tie Sioux. Iowa. WILL trade 4 blue ribbon Flemish Giant hares (does) valued at 16 fach. for any thing 1 can use. These bare are largest specie grown, weigh IS lbs., are greatly in aemana. box loz. Little Hiaux, Iowa INTERNATIONAL delivery trucR In good running order, to trade for horse, wagon and harness. Or what have you? Box a. u. e a, nee. WILL trade 1600 diamond ring for good . roadster automobile. Electric lights and m starter. No Junk considered, a. C. 486, SHOEMAKER jack and lasts, cost 2; also 9x10 view camera, good condition, cost 66. Will trade for anything I can use togethefor separate. Box' 8. C. 476, Bee. FINE young watchdog; not cross, good-na-' tured and always alert; no burglars, on premises he guards. What have you to exenange r . uy 4l, nee. WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed Tree; one-day service. Kase Kodak studio, weviuo Blk., 1 4th and Harney. ONE CHILD'S BED, 1 sanitary Couch, and wasning machine to swap; anything uss ful to me, S. C. 286, Bee. . 20-ROOM rooming house; will swap for country town hotel, or what .have yduT Address Box 8999, Bee. . REQINA muslo box, cabinet records, good as new, to vtraas for m ."ycie. Box. S. O. Hi! fTJJ, . 1 rHORSE, wagon, harnfh . ..d buggy to swap . ror a aeiwer trucK or Fora oar. wal. 1266. A LITTLE AD In this column will bring about some remarkable exchanges. 08TCARfD size camera to trade for'shot 'run, waicn, or waai nave your 8. C. 602. Beo. S"ORD to trade for up-to-date S-pas. car. juox a. (j. 4T, see. BUSINESS CHANCES LOOK-r-MOVIB SHOW BAROAINS-LOOK OMAHA movie, seats 826, well Ideated, doing good business; best buy In city. OMAHA movie, seats 416; fine equip ments, clears 90 per week. Owner must leave city by November 1. ONLY show Iowa town 2.800; seats 126; clears 1350 per month. This show one of me oest in lowa no cnanos tor other shows. See this. FARNAM street show that Is worth ths money. Sea- It. Seats 400. OMAHA movie to exchangg for small town snow. Must bo good. MOVIE show in Nebraska town 1,100; can be had right. Act quick. MOVIE show Nebraska town 60.000 seats 450 r big money-maker; oan be had right. See this. IF you are In the maittat for a good picture show and mean business, call and see me. - - I have a fins list for you to select from. Iowa, Nebraska and Omaha shows that await your early inspection. See me. MOVIE show Nebraska town of 4.000 seats 460; clears $70 par week, box office cnecKing. see tnis. MOVIE 8HOW DEPARTMENT, 1f Rose Bldg. Phone Tyler 1497. X HAVE a patented novelty that will sell ot me inousanos. jjies aro made ready for manufacture. I want a party with money to invest to take an Interest and netp put it on tbe market and push It N, T, Halo, Eustls, Neb. v FOR SALE OR RENT. Only laundry fullv electrically Muim... Northeastern Colorado. Growing town of J, 2 00. No laundry In ten surrounding towns. Good railroad connections. Brick ouuamg, 16x72, lour living rooms In con- - necuon. trice iz.too. Rent ISO per monin, nenry it. pick. JUieaourg, UOlO. Who's setting the pftca now? -In the first nine months of 191 THE BEE sained 42.906 Paid Adi EXCEEDING the COMBINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers for same peripa oy more tnan- 10,000 PAID ADS. ' Pood Results. Good Rates. Good Service. A SNAP. For Sale Furniture and fixtures of Park hotel. Manning, la. FOR SALE -Motion picture films, 1-1 reel feature, l comedy, plenty of advertising. Above nearly new. Address T 66, Bee. PICTURE SHOW, wHh building, for sale. ui not voneiuer saie Wltnout ouilding. Must have 19,000 cash , to awing dsal. A good proposition for someone. Reason for selling, owner has other business. Don't write uness you mean business, James xtairs, Aioion, Neb. t FOR SALE Rooming house of 20 rooms, In sivs.il. v. luaivBiaiur springs, jaoaern, lur nlshsd, brick. Fine opportunity for one wishing to live near the spring water and make living at same time. Address Dc. - v-. inomaj, j.xceisior apringa, Mo. WANTED GROCERY OR A GOOD GEN- jukajl. si uk is n exenange for choice In come Omaha property or 160-acro highly Improved Douglas count, Minn., land. Could use stock up to 130,000. I own ''the property and want a good business. 2911 Poppleton Ave., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Restaurant serving regular meals; cigars and confections In con nection; doing good business. Will eell cheap If taken soon. Address T-643, Bee. MUST sell In 10 daye7movie theater doing a gooa ousiness, oniy movie theater in county seat of 1.650 people, good farming district. Other business reason for ,want Ing to sell. Box 7 8 4 9. Bee. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt baro-alr.... uinntlM Omaha Film Exchange, LS S. 14th St. WANTED Growing corporation wants ca- paoie man zor ortice manager; 11,600 in vestment required; liberal salary; for par ticulars addresl Box 621, Aberdeen, S. D. WILLIAMS, established 29 years. To buy or sen ousiness ses him. 411 McCagus Bldg. Reference,. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sale and Auction Co., Omaha, have cioeea out more mass, stocks than any other firm In U. 8. Write for terms. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of hard ware, live town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. Be quick. Address T 167, Bee. . IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming nouse can on Busch Borghoff, 730 World-Herald Bldg. Phone D. 8319. WB BUY, we sell motion picture theaters, maonines, feature films. Co-operative Film anoBupply Co., 210 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, drug store, dwelling aauaa, aivvsv, ifuai.r Udell. AUU I l BjSJ vwuvr, IIS West 6th Ave., Denver, Colo. TO GET In orvbut of business, call on GANG EST AD, 422 Bee Bldg. DOUg S477. WANTED A partner In wood-working plant; rare opportunity. Call Tyler 667. 40-ROOM hotel fdnsal or trade. Call vuilgj. II OA, Rooming Houses. ROOMINO HOUSES, all slaea, great fcar- gains, ais nose uiag. rnoR. Tyter i.st. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. Uo PER-i.INB." Day work.. or business ada. regular rates. I lines ono week.. .....loc I llftos one week .u..46o Each extra Hne 16c per week. V Male. MAN and wife with 1 boys and 2 girls want work on farm in soutnern part of we braskat house to self, fuel and cow fur nished. Write B, A. Thorp, 331S N. lth St. Phone Web. 681. v BOOKKEEPER Will do our uon.,.4 for. you tf.lt don't requtxe tne full time or a eteady person. Reasonable prlct. .ex perienced. Douglaa 1997. A COLORED man and wife desire a position as oaretaker of apartment house. Call Douglas 4469. C SoUth. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. VIOLINIST, would like play aty show, even' ing; will go out of city, box lasi, oee. COLORED man wanta place as hoitseman. Ws barter l0B. 2804 N. 26tn Bt, WANTED Job as fireman or Janitor apartment house. So, 1909. JOBBING and repairing, 2107 Farnam, Phone Douglas T240. Wm. Crosby. AS FURNITURE packer, Janitor or porter. Call Douglas 7639. EXPERIENCED man wants hotel job. Web ster 6321. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 1610 Davenport St. Douglas 1166. Headquarters for hotel help. Female. WANTED- Situation by middle aged woman In family of means; capable of assuming responsibilities; references furnished and required. Address 3, care Huroalte, Huron, LADY Refined, well experienced, wishes po. sltlon as housekeeper for hotel, rooming house or motherless home. Call oveninga alter 6. im uoage. Koom zo. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. public stenographerand notary public, 607 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1868. Reas. rates. THE BKE- charge for "Situation ads' tower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover tne cost of printing. REFINED lady wishes position as house keeper In private home or small family. Call Harney 1017. Mrs. E. Mcuormac. TiXTT ftiT APPI1 wnsns n earatntel WArtr buahelman In tailor shop; Al rsf. wsb! 2719 after. 6. YOUNG lady wishes position In Office. Flvs years experlenqo aa, stenographer. Box 721i8. Beo. .. POSITION wanted by lady musician; mem ber Of A. F. Of M. lOUgiaS V1UD, NEAT oolored woman wishes position as chambermaid. Webster 2343. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work or bundle washing; will rt-move Iron rust and mildew, or any stains." Web ster Z167. WANTED By experienced laundress, fam ily or bundle washing to take homo. Har- key QQ81. . RELIABLE colored woman wants day work, Monday. Tuesday and .Wednesday. South PERFECT washing, day or bundle, guaran feed strictly dependable. Webster lis. BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace cur tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1104. COMPETENT colored woman wants day work. Call Harney 4764. ' B'NDLB wash, 60 doa. Called for. Web. 4982. WANTED Day work cleaning. Web. 702. Bdle. washing done. IQfZ N. 21st."Ty. 1416-W. Shirtwaists and shirts a specialty. Web. 4837. Par work wtd. by good laundress. Web. 10 37. LAUNDRY wark and day work. Web. 3401. WANTED Work by day. Call Harney 1461. WANTED Work by the day. Call Ty. 16a"3?j Bundle w as h 1st -class laundress. H. 924. Bundle washing and day work. Web. 4841. Exp laundress wants work. Webster 4887. Experienced lady wants day work.' Har."i269' HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices, MANAGER LUMBER AND . COAL YARD. 'central Nebraska, town 600; prefer young man between 26 and 10 years of age; must be business getter, as competition Is strong, leo to blvu, depending on past exp. SALES MANAGER AND SALESMAN, betwen IS and 10 years of age, exp. In electrical specialties, to take charge of Dpt. in wholesale house, who ban do the . buying, selling and training salssmen; 100, plus future. OFFICE MANAGER, for large auto con cern; prefer a man with auto exp; 1125 to ,xi bo. OFFICE MANAGER, Kansas City Brancn, sizb to 41 50. CATALOGUE AND LAYOUT MAN (ex perienced), 11 00. I Several openings . for HIGH' GRADE SALESMEN. ' . ' t . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE) CO., Established it Years. ' 101B-16 City National Bank Bldg. IF ACTUALLY QUALIFIED FOR EXECUTIVE, SALES, , ACCOUNT ING, STENOGRAPHIC, COMMERCIAL, or BANKING POSITION, carrying salary between 600 and 12,600, communlcatCwlth undersigned counsel, who will negotiate strictly confidential preliminaries for such f positions. - iF. L. ftPENCE, PRES. A CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.; ' 1016-16. City National Bank Btdr. CASHIER (Investment).... 200 Manager (investment) , 176 Bkkpr and accountant. ............4. .,185 BUI clerk ..40 THBCANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. AN assistant bookkeeper forjobblng firm' young man with at least one yearns ex- v perlence; rapid penman; salary, 960-166. western Heference ana Bona Ass'n, inc. 7S1 Qmaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Two experienced magaxlne sales men for exclusive territory on premium that never has been shown; call between 10 and 11 a. m. T, IX Browning, 111 Balrd Building. IOOKKEEPER, first-class; state age, sal sry, experienced opportunity for advance ment. Bond required. Address Box 7810, care-Omaha Bee. s. LEDGER CLERK This Is with a fine lm piemeni nrra, lo start. - , THE MARTI COMPANY, 1327 W. O. W. BldV. ' BKKPR. and Salesman, $76; steno., R, R., bu; noy witn a wheel, 60. WATTS REF. CO., S40 Brand. Thsa. Bldg. Professions and Trades, DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. Nebraska's Greatest Employment .Bureau. U16-16 City National Bank Bldg. DRUG store snaps; jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. " : - I . . a, WANTED Cabinet makers for out-of-town work, call at Room 1009, Fontensllo Ho tel, Tuesday or Wednesday. ( WANTED First-class presser at once; new plant open oct. as. , uiarke wardrobe. ii as tinge, xreo. Salesmen and Solicitors. SPECIATY salesman to . handle high-class proposition on road; men accustomed to making big money,. Call between 10 and S. A. J, Hart,' Room 401, Hotel Rome, WANTED Salesmen-to sell houshold goods. experience unnecessary and liberal com pensation to wide-awake men. Call C. F. art.m. It 9 9 H lilih a 1 . WANTED Experienced nursery salesmen for Imimdlata work. For information address Yankton Nursery Co.. Yankton, 8. D. WANTED Two first-class salesmen. Good position for tne right parties. Little Giant Mfg A Sales Co., 1201 W. O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big money for business got lers. van at iun w. o. w. mag. STOCK' and bond "salesman. STANDARP O W. Bldg. SEC. ft INV. CO.. 1017 W. WANTED First-class boiler, and furnace salesman for Kansas. Oho with road experience preferred. Address Y 663. Bee. WANTED Saleamlfr who7 can earn 160 por week. 431 Ramge Bldg. 7 "Boys, - " WANTED Boys, ovr U, in our bottling do- liirainni. v iiiuw wnnu vieiuiery, eta and Pierce Sta BOYS wanted to learn trade; must bo II yearn of ago. Gordon-Lawless Co., Ith and Dodge. FINE chance for good boy, who wanta to learn a good trade. Room S. Bee Bldg. OFFICE boy. Ralph Printing Co., 110 8. 19th St. Trade Schools. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Pew weeks qualify-to run shop or work for others; years of apprenticeship saved by our method; wo have placed graduates In leading positions everywhere; compara tively no expense;' catalog mailed free, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 116 S. 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. (Established 1593. AUTO MECHANICS. barn mar money. - Never Idle Pig Demand. -A ' Easy to Learn by Our Methoda NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N , 181 T N. 10th St., Omaha.v Bend for Free CaUlugu. v GOOD MEN WANTED To' learn auto work for- the many po sitions) now open. Fine training work In auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGB. ' 1061 Farnam. Omaha, Neb. WILL teach you show card writing; com plete course, 110. 611 Paxton Btk. LEARN barber trade: be Independent, more than miki your exnenaea while laartilng. Wagea or percentage. We won't over charge you to begin; 1402 Doiige St. - TRI-CITT BARBER COLLA.GB. HELP WANTED MALE Teamsters and Chauffeurs. "S TEAMSTERS WANTED, Steady, reliable men, good -wages, by big company. Apply 131 B.-4ld or Call v Tyler 1772. . J Miscellaneous. V The Bee carried 41,904 MORE PAID Want Ads first t months of 1911 than sams period 1916 This flaure EXCEEDS THB COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha, papers by uvuiK xu.uuu rAiu muo. Reason: BctterNesults.- Better Rates. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED-t-Able-bodlrd unmarried roes under ago of 16; cltlsena of United States of good character and temperate habits, who oan speak, read and writs the Eng lish tauguage. Jor Information apply to Recruiting Offltfer, Army Bldg., 16th and Dodge Sta., Omaha, Neb.; 110 N. 10th St.. Lincoln, Neb.; 927 4th St., Sioux C.ty, Iowa; 107 (th Avo.. Des Molnoa Iowa. ' FARMERS. ATTENTION. Wo furnish real farm hands free ol charge. Writs or phono. SgTlare Em ployment Agcy., 10 B. llth. Omaha, Neb. WANTED 20 . laborers, part for 'day and 'part for night work; wages 30o per hour, 10 houra. Apply general foreman Phoenix Construction Co., foot of Leavenworth. TEAMSTERS, Iowa, 12.60, free paas. Labor ers, city, 2.76. Pipe-layers, $3.60. Shovel men, 12.76. Raymond's Labor Agency, 1119 DoSglaa St. L U. S. Government wants clerks $100 month; Omaha examinations coming soon; sam pie questions free. Franklin . Institute, Dept. 221 T. Rochester. N. T. WANTED Toung men as railway mall clerks; $-75 per month; sample examina tion questions free: Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 R, Rochester, N. , T. . WANTED Names men wlnhlng to become government railway ma'l clerks. $76 month. Quick Increase to $160. Vacations. Iddress Y-635. Bee. . CHICKEN pickers1 'wanted, highest pay, steady work, long season. Coirie at once. Swift ft So,, Iowa Falls, la. WANTED Chicken pickers; 3Hc straight; steady work; come at once. E. B. Hlgley Company. Mason City, Iowa. LABORERS wanted Monday morning; 27c per nour. National Roofing and Asphalt Co., 46th and Dodge. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. union racinc rreignt House, sin ana Jackson Sts. WANTED Experienced markers. .uaunary, n&s n. 16th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. "HIGH GRADE WOMEN" Seektnc new Dosittona. find OUR BUL- LETIN SYSTEM fa the most effective way of presenting their qualifications 'to the owners and managers of large manufactur ing, Jobbing, wholesaling and retail lnstl tutllns. CO-OPERATIVH REFERENCE CO., ; ' CEstabliihed Eleven Years.) 1N5-16 city National Bank Bldg. GENERAL office clerk with soma.knowl edge of typewriting; experience not neces sary: salary to start, $36. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, .Inc. 761 Omaha National Bank BMg COMPTOMETER opr., $40 to $50; typist, out or town, no. WATTS REF. CO., 140 Brand. Then. Bldg. B. X. OPERATOR and TYPIST, $35. Bldg. THE MARITICO., 127 W. O. W. Professions and Trades. LEARN halrdresslng at Oppenhelm Parlors. "household ana Domestic. WANTED A competent and experienced ladles' maid. -Not over 46 years old and prepared to travel to India. Apply 20 W. Oak Sc., Council Bluffs, or Phone I 2871, C. B. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen eral nousework. Small family. Also cook and laundress. Telephone Doug. 62. 224 N.. 18th St. ' v WANTED An experienced girl for general nonseworx,' two in tamiiy; 7 Pr week. a Harney st. call Harney 344. COMPETENT girl for general housework; no-4aundry work; good wages.3316 Burt 8t Telephone Harney 1020.' WANTBD A competent girl, no washing. I in family. Mrs. B. B. Davis, 1602 So. 82d Ave. Harney 717. WOMEN as attendants for Invalid gentle men, f..u a momn, rnone uoug. 7103. 143,1 8. 84th St. . GIRL for general, housework. No wash ing, i as ho, 8&th Ave. Call Harney 4678. CAPABLE white girt wanted; 1 In family. Mrs, nenner, 5401 Davenport St. Wal. 2112. WANTED Oi rl for general housework, Mrs. o. joeta, iQBj f ara Ave. Tel. Harney 1401. WANTED I man and wife for the winter tor general honseworgNPhohe Harney 4229, YOUNG girl or middle-aged woman to as- sisr with general housework. 3002 Chicago. WANTED Girl -o assist with housewterk and cars of child. Phone Harney 262. WANTED Experienced girl for general V noupeworK. Appiy 183 n. 3&tn Ave. WANTED Competent cook, with references, in private iamny. zvis uass St. GIRL for general housework. 2033 Dodge 8t Red 5300. 1 Miscejlajieous. WANTED Experienced markers. Garrett iaunary, jia w. 16th St , EDUCATIONAL BOTLES COLLEGE. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every day Is enrollment day. 'Book- Kseping. snortnand. stenotyoe. tyoewrltli.tr telegraphy, civil service aH commercial and Kngllsn branches. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglas H65. llth and Harney dta. VAN 8ANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAT AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldsw mm tauus, .git, ivuugjiaa a. Musical. Harp Limited numoor pupils accepted com ing season: eariy applications favored. Harps fur. Loretta Do Lone. 104 Lyrlo Bid PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED, Dr. M. B, Tarry euros piles, flgtula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curt guaranteed and no money 'paid until cured. Writs for book on roo tal diseases with taotlmoniala' DR, B. R. TARRY, 140 Boo Bldg., Omaha. Neb. THB Salvation Army Industrial homo so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4121 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St v FRANCES LA FORE, foot specialist, mas sage, electric treatment. Room t, Ottawa Bldg., 24th and Farnam. Douglaa 7295. Open evenings. pTTpnpTTp'puccoBsfullr treated with aUU A A UXVrJout a surgical operation. Call or write Dr. Frank H, Wray, 104 Bee Bids;. . . MAO B HUG MAN. M.T. Scientific masseusa hatha. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 1727. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEWv DELICATESSEN. 1806 FARNAM. TTTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds and chiropody. 210-114 staira mx. 17th and Dougiaa D. 1461. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage. 1122 Farnam St.. za noor. rnone uoug. jfio. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 2 Davldgo hik. rnone lMugiaa sifri. LUKLLA WEBSTER, maaatuae. 618 Paxton IMK., is a. m. to a p. m. aasi. . PRIVATE home for ladies; obo ethical cases apeclalty, 3011 Miami. Web. 1908. MISS CLARK, manicuring: 1801 Farnafs, Room 1. Douglas 8. si. , PRIVATE ma l emit? horns. 4416 N. lltb 8t Phone Colfax 2042. SCIKNTIKIC massage. 523 Br Bldg. Phone Douglas C37S. Mai.it ii : mrf a-irt mass. i'iZi Karr.an 'ACIAL mt.ssageit your horn.!. Har'.' 5610. Join the Swappers' Club. Membership Is free. Call at Beo office. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS 1 If you. fall to find the room o , desire among these ads, call at Tho Bee office for a Room List Olvea complete detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of ths city. If more convenient phono Ths Beo Want Ad Dept. and give your name and address and a list will bo mailed to you at once. New llstg ars Issued every week. ' Furnished Rooms. 2638 Dodge--Large nlcefy furnished room, both furnace and grate, suitable for two persons; easy walking lstancs. Harney 6638. ONE comfortable room, suitable for two or more gentlemen; also two smaller sleeping rooms and one light housekeeping room. Newly decorated. All steam heated. 1911 Davenportf FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished rooms for men only, at the Sunshine apartments. Rates, $2.60 a4id up per week. Office, 101 N. 17th St. BEAUTIFUL furnished room, twin beds, suitable for 2 gentlemen or business wo men. Can give breakfast Prlvats homo. . Harney 63 9.; - OENTLEMAN can have large, j nicely fur nished, modern, ed-sltttng room, close to .Hanacora park; 1 block to car Una. Har ney 266fl. 2602 ST. , MARY'S AVE. Strictly modern, warm room, walking distance ; prlvats family; reasonable. Douglas 11777 STRICTLY modern, newly furnished warm room In small flat, $10, tb respectable permanent gentleman. Walking distance. 712 N. 22d St. NEWLY furnished room in private modern home; walking distance; breakfast If de sired. Tyler 2676. TWO splendidly furnished, comfortable - rooms, $4 a week each; In private family .consisting of two. Phone Hartley 1494. 321 N. 2 2d Newly furnished, strictly mod ern rooms, wita or without board; also rooms for light housekeeping -and large garage, for rent. i wu targe, wen iurnisnea rooms, even ior 1 - one or two girl employed. West FaniaiiiMrasjlw& district. .Private family. Address Box izzB, Bee. 608 NO. 1STH ST. Parlor room, nicely fur nlshod, $4. Also other sleeping rooms. Douglas 8729. WELL furnished Zoom, every convenlenoa,' modern, steam .heated, private homo. Douglas 4746. - - ' ALL MODERN furnished room, use of phone, on car line, 20 minutes' walk to town. 2109 Sherman Ave. , Webster 8262. NO. 27TH AVE. Beautifully furnished front room,- warm, strictly modern, private fam ily. Call Harney 4838. THREE comfortable sleeping roomsJ Four unfurnished rooms. Call- Douglas1 9187.. 2213 Howard. 2016 POPPLBTON-f-Three' strictly modern rooms; private -family; walking distance, Tyler 989-J. V TWO. comfortable rooms, suitable for couple wHh chtdinew furnace; modern. Har ney 1903. , 2013 CHICAGO ST. Private apartment, well furnished," southeast front room, every convenience. Including private porch. Call Douglas 6294. - TWO furnished, modern sleeping rooms; la dies preferred. 669 S. 26th Ave. NORTH 18TH, 2012 Well lighted and heat ed, cozy rooms, leather furniture, very homelike, quiet $2.60 and $2. Webster 7816. CAPITOL AVE. 2530. One single room, --suitable for one gentleman, modern warm. Dougjas 6227. . 903 N. 17TH Six comfortable rooms; steam heated; will share with married couple. Douglas 9046. NORTH 17TH, 909 Private family; steam heat; cosy rodm; only gentlemen. Red 6884. - FURNISHED rooms, 1.017 N. 39th St.; nlcs"1 pieasant rooms in private family; reason- FARNAM, 2822 Nice steam-heated sleep ing room, tz.pw. Harney BUU, SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms, walking Qisiance, cneap. - uougias 84P7. CHICAGO 25l0 In private home; largo south frpnt room with alcovs; . room. 3214 DOUGLAS One cosy room for four men; soutn room; board optional. Red 65H 2609 DEWEY Large front room,. Comfort- ably furnished. Reasonable Rod 679ft. WEST-Farnam, comfortable room, private 1 family; references required. Walnut 247T, WELL-HEATED .modern, private horao(. good location. TH1 Cass. Douglaa 1271. COMFORTABLE large room; suitable for two; $6- week. 2216 Douglaa FOR RENT Front room, furnished, privato oata, ir desired. 1121 Douglas. Doug. 174L FURNISHED room, steam-heated. wate) close In, 2817 Douglas street. TWO large south rooms, well furnished,' moaern Dome. Moaeroto price, m 4 Cass. NEWLY furnished rooms, good hoard, fins location. Phono Harney 4701. THREE nicely furnished heated rooms. llT N. zoth Call Red 8561 1816 Chicago St. Three nicely , furnished modern rooms, Douglaa 6762. - -. 2217 WIRT One comfortable room; steam heat Call Webster 2719. 318 SO. 28TH. well furnished, steam-heated rooms; board optional. ' WORKING MEN 8 Hotel, 201 N. 11. T. 3 5? 2. 839 S. 14th 8t Room and alcove, modern. ROOMS 108 8. 25th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. CAPITOL AVE.; 2416 Newly decorated. One, two or-- three-room suites, second floor with running water. Douglas 6441. ' ern house on car line. Phono Colfax 1611. f 37ol Ames Ave. - r. LIGHT housekeeping rooms on bath roelh floor, all modern. 2024 Burt Phono Douglas 2440. -2063 FARNAM Either large or small rooms,' steam heat - Third floor. Doug TWO light housekeeping rooms, everything furnished, steam heated. Douglas 4746. 809 SO. 18TH ST. Modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Pouglas 7fiU- r FOUR rooms, modern, everything furnished. No children. Douglas B294. MODERN housekeeping rooma, man Ave. Board nj Room. 2967 HARNEY If you are not satisfied with your room and board, try ours; only re spectable young men with references wanted; come to see our excellent out side room In modern home. Hajney 3076. 1 121 8. 26th St Beautifully f urn lined rooms. suitable for i ana s. Electric lights, mod., ' home cooking; homelike; steam heat $1 Jr and up. D. 6068. ' THREE fine rooms, private home, modern; furnace heat; home rcookery anil baking; ' $5 week. Web. 6407. COMFORTABLE room, modern; hot water heat; warning distance. Excellent table board: ona or two gentlemen. 1618 Har ney St ROOM and .board for 1 young men; block from car, private family. Colfax 669. 4420 N. 21st 8t. 2204 CAliIFORNACozy room; private family; gentlemen preferred; good board. Red 8408. -, TWO ROOMS, and board!; also two light ' housekeeping rooms. Call Webster 2904. MODERN, new, pleasant, home-like, home- baking, reasonable. Near car. Col. 1164. LARGE well furnished room; private horns; board it desired. Harney 2984. MODERN eight-room house with garage. 8?Q6 Howard, can Tyier -1S0. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms, light housekeeping. with heat. 913 N. 19th St., 11 p. 00. Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DBPT. ard nad out all about the FURNISHED ROOM OUTDO. It's a plan thai Is helping ma ay people i rent their rooms MARRIED couple with two babies, want completely furnished, well-neated, mod ern housekeeping rooms or small apart ment immt-d lately. Must be reasonable. A. D.. P. O. Box 714. City. WANTED By young lady, employed, board - and room in private zamity, close in, no other boarders, hox 73ZB, gee. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma, M Mast bo lo Box respectable and price reasonaoli FOR RENT FURNISHED : Apartments and Houaca. Apartments. LEE APTS. 1 and 2 -room apt. furnished. new, all moaern, walking distance. 2222V N- lth. Web- 4,Q- - - "3bR 4-r. furnished or unfurnished apt, at 14th and Firnam or 21th and Harnejt, Doug. 1472. FOR rtENT 4 -room heated apt Furnlturs for sale. Tyler 1292-J. 1 ) 7