Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
rvm love's lure
r;' "
Cupid-Crippled Ezekiel of New
Hampshire Invites Cify Into
Deadly Scheme.
' By A. R. GROH.
A letter from Ezekiel D , who
lives in a small New Hampshire vil
lage,' came to the Omaha bureau of
publicity some time ago.
Ezekiel explained that he was ,a
most unhappy man because Malvina
K , with whom he had "kept com
pany" for fifteen years, refused to
marry him. '
"I would like you shouM send me
some printed matteV about Omaha, as
I have threatened to go out west if
she won't marry me, and I want to
make it look like I am going' so maybe
she will get scared and marry me,"
wrote the heart-tortured swain.
Manager EV. Parrish was touched,
not financially, you understand, but
sentimentally. He not only-sent Zeke
printed books of pictures and facts
about Omaha, but he wrote him that
i thisT failed to soften the flinty heart
of Malvina K-r ht should come to
Omaha, where he would find plenty
of pretty girls and unequaled businesrtaen tltlei "Peek, we're going to white'e
. J ? , . village, I own property there."
opportunities besides.
Living Up to Name.
The bureau of publicity has re
ceived' 317 general inquiries about
Omaha in the last four months, be-
, sides several hundred others on purely
i . t' . : TL L
niuusu )tl question.. Aiicy iui; uum
forty-two states, and Australia, , Af
rica. Canada and Paris. France. All
of them, except Ezekiel's, were from
people thinking of coming to Omaha,
"lit, 1... iti, f iim in ttie wrtrlrl."
, ( Bv the wav. what do you! think of
that for a slogan? It's the truth and
"we can prove it. "Omaha is thirty
third in population in this country
and fourteenth in amount of business
done," says Joseph Kelly, a hustling
members of the governing committee
of 'the bureau.)
' But let's get back tS the people
who want to find out about Omaha.
The greatest number of them seek
information regarding facilities for
business of various kinds.
Would there be an opening in
Omaha for a toolmakers and ma
chinists' supply house?" one inquires.
' Good Material.
i ' I am a young man 22 years of 'age
and am looking for a suitable city in
which to locate permanently," writes
pnother. "Is there opportunity there
' for a young man with a thorough
knowledge of general business?"
asks a, third. '
Many ask about the climateOne
man wrote: t'l want to locate in
Omaha if it would be a pood place for
. . my wnc, wno suners wttn nay xevcr.
From. California came this letter:
"I am a teacher in a small California!
town where the children ran t realize
what a large industrial city is and I
would like to get booklets and pic
. ttirea nf Omaha ta show them." ' - t
' Iris a pleasure to answer all these
1 inquiries, because Omaha "has the
' goods."" Out to the inquirers go the
booklets, "Omaha, the Best City of
Its Size," and "Nebraska, -the Most
. Productive State to the Union, full
' of Illustrations and fasts and figures.
.For Omaha doesn't only tell its
. cwn wonderful story of prosperity
and opportunity, but it sends out a
. great quantity of facts, figurts and
H pictures about Nebraska.
Does this advertising nav? An
tiller day you will be regaled with an
, account of the number of people who
re constantly moving into Omaha.
Gretna Lad Dies
Of Blood Poison -
- ftom Cutting Foot
v Lawrence Wright, aged 16 years,
of Gretna,', died Saturday morning of
. blood poisoning at the Swedish Em
manuel hospital. He was a sophomore
Til the High school "nd attended
. classes Monday. In the afternoon he
' cut his foot while chopping wood and
. . . . t I 1 WT 1 I
was taken to ine nospuai vvcuuciuay,
where he underwent two operations
Bank Clearings Now
, Smash All Record
Omaha bank clearings have deliv
ered the ktiock-out punch to another
record. The total clearings 'for the
week were the biggest in the history
of the local clearing house. They were
$32,618,817.64. A gain of $9,000,000
over the same period last year was
registered by the week clearings.
Train Kills Husband,
1 "Wife Awarded $7,000
A jury in Judge Sears' court award-1
td a verdict of' $7,000 damages to
Grace Ray,-administratrix of the es
tate. -of Joseph C. Ray, a brkeman
for the Union Pacific, who was killea
A when Jhe stepped in front of a train.
' The plaintiff sued for $30,000.
Mrs. E. V., Parrish Asks Big" '
Damages for Broken Ankle
Mattie L. Parrish, wife of E. V.
' "" . Parrish, manager of the publicity
bureau of the Commercial club, filed
tuit with the clerk of. the district
. l ourt against John Wv Welsh, pro-
prietor of a string of restaurants, fo-
t f 10,250 damages. s
It is alleged that Mrs. Parrish, suf
fered permanent injuries when" she
(lipped and fell in arestaurant at 1408
far nam street on June 30, 1915. On
" ai count of the discomfort the injurie ,
have caused, the plaintiff states, the is
unable to wear low shoes or slippers.
--' Dangerously Insane .
Patient is Captured
' E. W. Wagoner, the 57-year-old in-
. sane patient who escaped Thursday
morning, has been captured by the
. authorities at Avoca, la., according to
' advices .received at the ; Douglas
county sheriffs office. He will be
brought back here by the authorities
of the Iowa village. Wagoner was
considered "dangerously insane."
The Shielding Shaaow
By GEORGE BRCKETT SEITZ, Author of "Tho Iron Claw," Etc.
' . Episode 4, "The Earthquake"
.Va - fMml- Thu Wry of "The
RhieMlng haow" will be glren to wnario
form! new scenario will be published
la tola. paper Mch week.)
Ravengar. the' mysterious
Leonllne Nsvarro, the heroine
Sebastian Navarro, the villein.
One Lamp' Louie..., .
Leader of erooke. crooks, rancher, wife,
eon, daughter, villagers, butler.
h inva wt,h Tjinntlns. Sebaitlan Navarro
naM (ma ijimti Louie to fores the name of
the girl's aweetheart, Jerry Carson. The
forgery aent Jerry to prison. He eacaped
and landed on Ravenaar'i Ledge, where he
discovered the eclentlna secret of a ship
wrecked scientist. As ne was sdoui io
ntevo. an octopus draRBed him Into the sea.
To eavo her father from ruin, Leontlne mar
ried Sebastian.
Subtitle! Sebastian finds that his comrade
in crlms hae.teund a fortune.
1. . fLeontine'e Ibrary). open
dntphragm en close foreground of Leon
tlne. She takes up paper from table
and diet-overs Item of Interest.
Insert close foreground of newspaper ar
ticle and picture of Ons Lamp Louie on
Seismic dlstdrtmnras Id western Canada
disclose gold deposits.
Lons hermit of White's Villus discov
ers a Docket worth a fortune.
Full sett Sebsstlsn comes In and leans
over Leontlne reading paper. Eyes grow
wide with wonder as he recognises One
Lemp I.out as mysterious hermit who
discovered fortune. Thinks, then speaks
to Leontlne.
ilsT Ol
Indicating paper. , Butler fcoma into
room. HebMttan calls him and fives
him hasty order retarding- packing.
Butler bowa and exits to pack. .
Mubtltiei A few daya-"1attr.
Hcen t. (Ooneral view of WMtern villas
and mountain looe in miniature, ine
mountain la an extinct volcano.) , Open
diaphragm on ihort flash ffeneral view
of village and vicinity.
Boone . Railroad station). Train cornea In.
8baitlan and Leontlne getting out and
Subtitle. The wiysterlous and aver present
t ran gar, Ravsngar, who aavea leontlne
from a cabaret Ore,
ia 4. (Corner of nation platform). Show
half'dlaphragmed foreground of Leon
tin nd flebaetlan coming to carriage
and starting to get In.
Open diaphragm further until Raven gar
la aeen. Politely grteta the two and
movae toward thm. Sebastian la ner
vous In'Ravengar'i presence, but Leon
tlne likes hlra. Hebaetlan makes a hasty
excuse and asks Raven car to take Leon
tlne to the hotel. Exits. Revengar gets
Into carrlaga and drives off with Lon
tlna, r
Subtitle) Healing with the subconscious
mind milch ta Incapable ot forgetting
hypnotism can recall a lost memory
te 6. (tnslda On Lamp Louie's shack).
Open diaphragm on close foreground of
One Lamp Louie In chatr by table gas
, Ing off toward and of room with hypnot
ised stars.
Show close foreground of end of room.
The 'mysterious and threatening hands
', and eyes are there. The two eyes are
staring In One Lamp Louie's direction,
, Show close foreground oft. Onev-LampN
.uouie gasing on. 11 is eyes siowiy ciose
In a hypnotlo sleep.. '
Show close foreground ot end of room.
. Words appear under the eyes and hands:
"Yob once .committed a forgery for
Sebastian Navarro. Writ the dotal In."
j. Words dissolve out. ; .
' Show foreground of One Lamp Lovrle
leaning over table. Takes up pencil and
starts to write.
Smim . (Outside sh&ck. Moonlight effect),
Sebastian comes up. uaass about cau-
ThcyVe Gone
SlnpUit Wy Known to Gfl Ridof
1 nam la gtuart s w-aicium
W.Ura. TW Act
' Quick. K
A Ft Trial by Mall.
. Th wonderful thins about Stuart'a Cal
cium Wafers to the way they go about It
at meat, They are mad of Ingradlenta for
which the blood' la In crying need, otherwise
there would be o pimples, blotches, erup
tions, boils, eesema. muddy complexion and
liver spots to despoil the skin of its natursl
bwuty. But all of tbes. disappear you g.t
a elsar skin that delights ths eye, that at
tracts the mind and adds to the joy of liv.
ing. But you must avoid creams, lotions
and ointments, as they cloa the pores and
retain blood impurities andi create what
you are trying t to get rid of. Get a box
of Stuart's Cslciam Wafers In any drug
store at SO centa. They will give you what
you want a perfect complexion. If you
wish to try them just send the coupon.
Free Trial Coupon
F. A Stuart Co., M Stuart Bldf.,
Marshall, Mich. Send me at onee, by re
turn mail, a fre trial paekage.of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers, . '
Name. , .
of $100
to tha writer of the letter that
most clearly seta forth tha re
quirements desired In, a sales
man and defines who and what'
manner of man the real sales
man is, will be paid to that in
dividual on December 1, 1916,
afte a careful analysis -of the
Lletter by competent and un
biased Judges selected for that
A ' II
tlously, then looks In through window of
shark. Slowly opens door and goea Into
Seefte 7., (Room In shack). One Lamp:
Louie writing. Sebastian cornea in 1
stealthily and lesns over his shoulder to.
nee what he Is jvrlilng. i
Hhow close foreground of paper" on 1
screen. Article reads: "Herewith my ;
part In He bent Ian Navarro's forgery that
sent Jerry Uareon to srlson."
Continuing the' scene I Sebastian registers
fury, (irabs One Lamp Louie and throws
him away -from, table. Louie awakes
and gates at Sebastian Does not recog
nise him.
Show close foreground of the table. The
( confenston, written by. One Lamp Louie,
Is lifted Into the air by some Invisible
power and disappears.
'' Hhow close of foreground of One Lamp
Loufe and Sebastian. Sebastian stneaka .
Spoken title: "Ho you would betray me, ehl
xou'd confess, eh!"
Full sett One Lamp Louie registers wonder
ment. Asks Sebastian what he means.
Sebastian steps to table and finds con
fession Is missing. Hurls papers on
table about, searching for It. Louie
Casing at Sebastian In wonder, then hts
fare lights up with suspicion. Believes
Sebastian Is hunting for his gold. Takes
down shotgun from wall and, ojutching
It, points It at Sebastian.
Spoken tltlei "Hunting for a confession.
are you? You're after my gold, that's
what you're aftr."
Continuing scene. Louie, .clutching the
shotgun, speaks out above. Furiously
bids He bast Ian "gat out" and Sebastian
exits out side door of shack, Ioule bars
front door. Pulls down shade. Lifts
up board to see that hts gold Is there
and breathes a sigh of miserly relief.
Subtlfl! Vein while Leonttne's new-found
friend majkes a call.
Scene I. (Leonttne's sitting' room). Bhow
foreground of Leontlne and Ravengar
talking and laughing;. Leontlne dlscov-
. '' ers envelope op table.
Bhow foreground of envelope on table. On
same Is written; Leontlne Navarro.
Continuing foreground, Leontlne and Ravengar.-
She reaches over and takes up
envelope from the table. It Is unsealed.
She turns It over and over.
Show close foreground of doorway. 'Se
bastian comes In quietly. Oases off In
Leonttne's direction and exits out of
Show foreground of Leontlne and Ra
vengar by table, Leontlne opens con
fession, written by One Lamp Louie and
starts to read It. While she Is reading.
Sebastian comes Into foreground and
gases over her shoulders. Seises her
wrist, npeaas.
Spoken title, "Read no furtheiW
Full sat) , He finishes speaking out above
and, holding out his hand, demands she
give him the paper. Leontlne pulls
her hand away and refuses. She hastily
Hps paper Into envelope and hands It
to Ravengar, Ravengar accepts the en
velope. Sebastian demands it from him.
Ravengar smiles. Seals it and thrusts
envelope Into pocket Exit. SebAstlan
gases at Leontlne, registering baffled
fury. Kills into hallway after Raven
gar. w. y
Scene 91 (Ravengar'a room In hotel). Ra-
, vengar comes In. Takes out envelope
and examines It wonderlngly. Sebastian
follows him In and demands It. Raven
gar gases at him and refuses. The two
continue talking.
Scene 10. (Next rooni tn IliVanVirl Mum.
ber of evil-eyed crooks quarreling over
w rmi iiriamn ri niifitrHj jtrtflUiiiiri mi jHrumi inif iimr,nimnitnTiii!nn linirnirnntiHiiiniiumiuiiTiinn
Reasonable Compensation
The Same or Better Service
, Has brought hundreds of
. ; f serious minded folks to us
, We invite, a comparison of Our prices;
because we Have nothing; to hide. Our
caskets, service and equipment are the
rvery best that money,l)rains and ekperf- .
, ence can produce. Some day you will
need our services. You owe it to yourself
to investigate and compare our prices
with otner undertakers;
( ,; .KLiiiiiMuiiMiiimiiiminiiMfrruiiiiiititntniLii :r
Omaha's only independent' undertaker?
Stack & Falconer
Doug. 887. Parlors 24th and Harney.
Restored to Health by Duffy's
1 V J
And today Mr. Riley is just as firm in his belief that it is judicious, to
"Get Duffy's and keep well' for he writes: "My health is as goodxas I Can
expect I am still using Duffy's and always will S3 long as I can get it. I
have recommended it through the hospital where I work, and get many bot
tles of Duf fVa Pure Malt Whiskey for the patients. "i-Thos. RUey.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
Is aiade tor use In the heme, hospital suit sick room free tram the Injurious elements of
the ordinary beverage whlaker. Thousands of doctors relr upon Duffy's because of its
ourltr and it Is recognised generally as the one medicinal whisker. For the aged, for those
who are "run down." for .arsons suffering from stomach disorders, nervousness or similar
ailments who need a real buiider-up of the whole' system, Duffy'a Pure Malt Whiskey
has brought quick and positive results. .
"Get Duffy's and Keep Well"
Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. Beware of imitations.
Get Duffy's from your local drugalst, grocer or dealer.
$1.00 pr bottl. if ho cannot rfuppty you, writ na.
Sena' for uaeful household booklet
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.,
card game. Suddenly one hears Sebas
tian talking In next room. Quiets the
others and goes over to door. Listens.-'
11. (Ravenaars room in noteii. Mnow
foreground ol Kavengar ana seoasuan.
Sebastian holds out his hand and
Spoken tlHei 'Til pay you $10,000 for tka
Daoer." '
roll set: Sebastian finishes speaking out
the above. Ravengar smiles ana snaaes
his head negatively. . Sebastian leaps
forward and attacks him. The two
Subtitle t Fate's Interruption. i
e It. Show foreground top or extinct
volcano. It shows signs of eruption.
13. (Ofeneral view of village minia
ture). Earthquake la seen to shake the
landscape and houses.
Seen 14. (Inside of One Lamp Louie's
shack). One Lamp Louie In picture.
Room shakes and articles start to ail
from wall. 1
Scene Iff. (Outside shack- moonlight ef
fect). The landscape and shack shake,
then the shack falls to pieces.
Scene 16, (Ravengar's room In hotel). Ra
vengar and Sebastian In furious ngnt.
Room falls and both are overcome by
the debris.
Scene 17. (Leonttne's sitting room). Plaster
furiously failing. Ravengar comes stag
gering In. Leontlne, struck by beams,
falls. Ravengar picks her up. As they
reach doorway a hugfe lot of plaster fails
and knocks them both to floor. As this
' occurs crook of Scene 10 comes stagger
ing In.
Show foreground of Ravengar bending
over Leontlne, The envelope drops from
his pocket to floor.
Hhow foreground of floor and envelope
Show foreground of Ravengar and Leon
tlne. Leader of crooks dfaws Into fore
ground. Reaches for envelope. Raven
gar discovers him." Leaps upon him.
Full set: Crook manages to hurl Ravengar
to floor and flees. Ravengar follows
htm. N
Scene IS. (High railroad bridge crossing
stream. Long Jump to water. Moon
light effect). Leader of crooks runs on.
Is followed by Ravengar. Ravengar
ratrhes htm In foreground and they
fight. Crook knocks Ravengar bark and
Ravengar staggers. Crook'- hesitates.
Takes long Jump Into water. Raven gfir
follows-him. Both swim oat of picture.
Scene 19. (Banks of stream). Crook comes
crawling up from stream. Leaps Into
hiding plane behind log nearby. Ra
vengar pulls himself up out of water.
Runs out of picture, passing crook,
whom he does not see. As soon as he
( Is gone 'crook rises from hiding plact
and flees In oDDoslte direction.
Scene 20. (Debris of hotel). Leontlne In
picture, Ravengar comes In to her. She
asks him anxious question. ' Ravengar
sadly shakes his head. Indicating he did
not recover confession.
Fade -.n to:
Subtitle: "Who Is the Shielding Shadow?"
Scene Ma Hallway and elevator. The hall,
la packed with guests all screaming
and trying to escape. One man knocks
Into Leontlne and she falls. Sebastian
stoops tov pick her up. Is afraid and
deserts her. Ravengar picks her up.
Been 15, Outside dressing room as per
scene eleven. Louie rushes Into pic
ture, seeking a meant of escape. A
beam falls on his head and he drops
tu the floor. -
Scene Id. Narrow hallway In cabaret. Show
foreground of Ravengar and Leon tt no
coming to window. Ravenger smashes
window and helps Leontlne out.
Subtitle. The blow of the beam has af
fected One-Lamp 'Louie's memory.
Seene 17. Outside cabaret. Fire engines ar
riving. Btg fire effect. Muriel , finds
Ijoute and speaks to- him softly.
Spoken tltlei "I am glad you are safe and
uninjured," '
Continuing the scene, Louie gaxea at herya
cantly. and answers.
Spoken title t "Who are you? I never aaw
you before."
Continuing scene I Murlelv gates at Loufe
wonderlngly. Then she registers hope
m;mi i ir
Ortr a year ago Thomat Ruey was
not fit for Work, but Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey came to tha rescue.
at his letter states: V.
"I took a severe cold and was gen
erally run down ; I tried all kinds of I
medicine without .avail. My physi-;
cian told me X had consumption. I
took outdoor treatment and imnroved
some, but not rapidly, ancfSpas un
able; to work, A friend persuaded me
to ,try Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
which I did, 'Thank God. (My friend
has taken Duffy's for many years and ;
is the picture of health.) I took your
medicine regularly. The first bottle :
improved me very much and the sec
ond so restored my vitality that I
could do light work. Today I feel a I i
new man. Gentlemen, I can t ex-fl
press my appreciation of your great
remedy in words, but my face and
jeeiings tell tne tale 01 my wonaerrui
cure. You may make use of these
few aimple but true lines." Thomas ;
RiIav. Kenwood Heiphta. Albanv.
Rochester, N, Y.
lessness. There Is no way now to earn
the money to save her brother, , She
(.tally exits.
Seene IS. Library In Leon tine's house as
per scene 8. Rayengar and Leontlne
In picture. Sebastian comes In. Leon
tlne gases at him. coldly. Sebastian
Spoken title; "Thank God, you are unin
jured." Continuing scene i Leotlne answers , him,
Spoken tltlei "It Is through no fault of
Continuing aeene: ' Leontlne turns to RavA
ngar and than tea mm lor saving ner.
ibltle: Realising that she has failed In
, her mission Muriel despairs of saving
her brother.
Scene ID. Muriel's living room as per scene
.three. Jimmle In picture in despair.
Muriel comes In. As she gases at desk,
pencilpicks Itself up and writes and
money Is laid on desk. Muriel reads
Insert close foreground of note on screen.
. You tried your best Better luck next
time. Herewith the money you need.
Continuing aeene: Muriel, picks up the
2oney and hands L xp Jimmle. Both
tonlshed. ,
Seene CO. Hallway outside Leonttne's room.
Sebastian comes to door and knocks
on It. Leontlne opens door. Sebastian
la flushed, and angry at her word of
scene one, and speaks, f "
Spoken title: "I am sick and tired of your
manner. We re husband and wife, and
I will not stand for it."
Continuing scene t Sebastian steps fotward
to aetze Leotlne, buWshe pushes away
from him and manages to close door.
Scene 21. Leonttne's bowdolr. Leontlne
hastily locking door. Stands there
affriifhted. ,
Seene Xt. Hallway as per scene twenty.
Hallway as per sen. twenty. I
Bfebastlan, -furious, stliee up chair to
A thorough investigation on your part
will soon convince you of the LOWNESS
of our prices,, and the HIGH quality of
our goods; besides offering you a VAST
assortment to select from. The "UNION"
is really the BEST and SAFEST Dlace for
RANGE. Hade of a
special grade of wear
resisting steel; fire
box fitted with du
plex grates, equipped
with a splendid bak
ing oven, and s
nickel trimmed. Our
low price
FUELr' That why ev
erybody who - has a
Howard Overdraft
heater always recom
mend theni to their
friends. Many styles to
select from; moderate
A Liberal
i bid
1 79Si
: :
; !
ri3 eT menu tnem to v-neir i ' i
I Old StbTe $1 O OCT , HQ ... M.SIa
1 1 1 Ho Money Down on Columbia Graf onolas I m
ij25 It'1 ' 11 ?! wul Eco-' I ; $100.00 coyjBiA M K I it J t
f a" or K im I m
1 ' strong . Talking twelve 1 14
1 itSt A motor3 . Our price- lections- H I I Kg
1 SrS iil.1l " I I Ul V lAo IJJaWI biIISS
I W f ft 1 CokmbiakClra?onoIa W fc . "EF.
m L - u 1 - ... J
25 PwWi - Sxll-ft.-sizes. A splendid, well ETTES. Like cut, ex- b?s?5V $9V
H'i:tlr made-ahd desirable rug in the cept nave rouna tops. KfS
K y-m1 I very latest patterns, (pi C AC Mr Pricc- QQ . - 39
VXe tMgnv.fTSmnmrn vur low price sDIsJ.ial pniy. eV ai.i,iBn. ukj
.Mtrf 'sfSSrM i - PORTABLE READING Wifjl
f THREE-ROOM Sf-ft FOUR-ROOMJflft j elude globe.) cnen- Kgi
m M V1? 1 A HOME , vH JJ HOME J J ZZTm M
m lhJr $1.10 I V OUTFITS - VU OUTFITS UU J $1.98 gg
1 siof
(fi) NETS. Just like cut;
! SKI ierices. Our low
6i) price ............
all conven-
t he Feoole'a' Store.
smash down door. As he raises' chair,
however, he stopa. On the door, at the
height of a man's head, two burning
eyes and beneath them two white
hands, one of which clutches a dagger,
appear. There la no sign of a body.
Only the two eyes and the dead, white
hands. Then the hand clutches the ,
dagger, slowly raises Itself, threatening ,
Sebastian. Overcome with fright, Se
bastian turns and flees. The eyea and
hands dlaappean.
Seene 21. Leontine'a boudoir as per scene
11. Leontlne by doorway. Apparently
hears Sebastian fleeing. Hesitates, then
opens door. '
Seen 24. Hallway as per scene twenty.
Leontlne slowly opens door. Sees .that
Sebastian Is gone and registers ralief.
Finds dagger on floor. Picks It up
. . and gazes at It wonderlngly.,. Fades
Subtitle! "Who la the Shielding Shadow?"
Spiral Elevator
For Grain in Bulk
A spiral elevator is to beMnstalled
within the next two weeks at the
river front for the mechanical un
loading of grain in bulk from the
steamboat, Julius F. Silberr plying be
tween Omaha and Decatur. R. N.
Perkins, J. S. White and W. A. Ellis
acted as a special' committee of .the
Missouri River Navigation league to
decide the most feasible kind of eleva-
. . .lMj:n Aoir'xi-a nA its rntt
iy1 V. '"y"u'"S
' president tl. an Rogers 01 inc league
you to purchase the ntcmy "different ar
ticles you need in your home OurOW
prices, due to our inexpensive location and
low operating expense save you from 20
to 50 and, as usual YOU --MAKE
In our big Store Department we" absolutely guarantee to save
you from 20 to 60 on reliable, dependable, guaranteed
stoves. We are sole agents for such high-grade stoves as
Howard Over-Draft Heaters, EsUte Steel Ranges and other
standard makes. - . .
I Coal
Cook Stoves
A good baker,
our price
appointed the committee, and thexe
suit is tnat me survey llrt3 j r-
the estimates received, and the work
This-will mean
.1,0, r,i ,Hl h stilDoed in bulk in.
tead of being handled ia sacks as
heretofore. v
How to dt Brf WfcM Hm4
ad Ho Staffl Up.
Cmral 4IW1 Tocr eoM fa hl c catart
(BjaTPsat. Toot clow 0tHls .
tt, ah- vuswas et Ta
d you can bMath. trmlr. Vo "
fling, hawkuuj. Hacharw. tame
or iMiMcit: no.tnilta tot breath at
Ot a small bottl. of Ely's Cream Beta
from your drunrttt an apply a UttU of
tbis fragrant ratVeptto cream in jmt nos
tril.. It penetst through every air P"
sage of the bead, soothing and healing tha
swollen or taflamad mucous membrane, glv
hw yon Instant relief. Head cold. n4
. i, ,.. rtnn't star staffed
CBiarrn ywiu m --
an and miserable. Belief Is sure.
Closing Out
of All
A won
derful stove?
Our s
splendid line to select from
at prices that mean an ab
solute savinr to . 70a -of
from 20 to 60. Priced
as low as ' i'
Just like illustration;
heavy colonial base ami
Urge colonial design
mirror. (10 C(
Our price tJ)lC.0U
Oooosite Hotel Rome
1 Illtj
assajavanHBaMsaftai Lrmi