4 S THE OMAHA SUNDAY' BEE: OCTOBER 22, 1916. JOHNSTON BOOKED TO DRAW THE GATE Promoting Genius of Madison Square Garden Sans Afoul of Political Juggernaut. ALL HIslATGHES SUCCESS By RINGSIDE. New York, Oct 21. They (a clique of burrowing "sportsmen") are trying 'to oust James Jay Johnston as match maker and manager of the Show cor poration which conducts boxing bouts in Madison Square Garden. James Jay il used to be Joy is making a determined stand, but the political as pect has crept into the controversy, and it will take a fighter possessing Johnson's indomitable spirit to cope successfully with the obnoxious elev ment. " Johnston presents some forceful ar guments why he should be retained. And he backs these arguments with facts and CQld figures. What he may lack in brawn Johnston more than makrs un for in brain. His most con vincing argument in favor of his re tention is that the Garden has never iost a penny on a boxing match since he was installed as matchmaker. This is more than can be said for Johnston's four predecessofY These gentleman all antedated Johnston as stinrrvtsnr of Garden boxing shows since the Frawley law went into ef fect, but not one turned in an account that showed a profit for the Oarden general management. , , Makes Good on Job. -It was with a view of getting re suits in the form of huge profits that the Garden directors secured Inhnston after his predecessors had utterly failed. And Johnston made good to auch an extent that he at once became the foremost promoter ot boxing matches in the country, su perseding Jimmy CoffrotW in this re soect. And for his judicious management and money making proclivities, they are trvins: to give , James Jay the "gate. Once the juggernaut politics trails at the heels of one it is well to get off the highway. 1 . , I ; Anoended are some statistics which seem to orove that Johnston is pe- culiarly adapted to managing the box ing exhibitions in the great metropo- wBurinof the month of March, 1916, Johnston had a hand in staging three bouts, and the gate receipts aggregat ed $194,038.50. -The Willard-Moran fight, which Johnston was instru mental in bringing -to the Garden proved a sufficient magnet, to attract $151,000 at the box office. It is quite true that "Tex" Rickard clinched the match and was the nominal promoter, but it was Johnston who induced the westerner to stage it in the Garden and thus swelled the coffers of the Garden directors to the extent of some $15,000.. This is the largest sum ever paid for one day's rental of the uaraen. Two Other Bouts. " The two other bouts which were conducted by Johnston last March were the Leonard-Dundee and Welsh- Leonard matches. The former drew $14,531.50, when everyone predicted a financial, failure for Johnston; while the Leonard-Welsh affair showed re ceipts of $28,507. The latter sum, it must be remembered, was taken it lust "six davs after the Moran-Wil lard fight of March 25. Leonard and Dundee fought on March 8. Johnston furnished more proof of his capabilities, lhe total net profit .for twelve lights under his segime ran up to $53,231. This was after all expenses had been paid off; and under this headomes the rental ot $1,000 for each tight. The $1,000 is deducted before t fight starts, in order to as sure the Garden folks of at least I slight) return for opening1 the doors. New Pulled Frost The largest amount, of course, ac crued from the Willard-Moran fight, while the smallest sum, $2,400, was drawn by Langford and MeVey, the burly colored heavyweights, And even with this meager sum of $2,400, Johnston was able to pay off the fighters and place more than $1,000 in the hands of the Garden officials, Johnston has been directing boxing bouts in the Garden for eighteen months, and in all that time has never staged a bloomer, ao far as ex trading a profit for the Garden is concerned. Yet this is the man they are seeking to eject, and in his place : install a man whose practical knowl edge of the boxing game is confined to witnessing an occasional boxing exhibition. Politics is to blame for the existing chaos in Garden affairs, and the sooner this disturbing ele ment is removed from the premises the sooner New York's boxing pub lic will be enabled to see some real fistic fireworks. For Johnston has a number of attractive matches in contemplation. If Johnston is removed by the pow ers that be, he will immediately "buck" the Garden contingent by staging the matches he has in mind at at a rival shop, which in sue is sec ond only to Madison Square Garden. And then we'll see if Johnston is really the promoting genius he has thus far seemed to have shown him. self to be. Rickard Would Stage Carpentier-Darcy Go X :?fr - ; x 41 'k tk-. vv By FRED S. HUNTER A CONFESSION. We're not a base ball expert. We seldom cop a bet, We can't predict the winner, Of the race next year as yet. We can't foretell a goah-derned thing, We're not a dopster aeer, - In fact, we do not even know, If there'll be a league next year. Oh, Unquestionably. We would assuice that the Brooklyns are bowed deeply ,m gloom over the loss of the world s series: They only got $2,800 each . for the loser's end. FOR COIIVIRMATION SEE AIR. F. YOST. Tufts will never beat-Harvard again. They'll never get the chance. ' . ; ' . ' C Does' anybody know how the Cards and Browns came out in the St. Louis city series? - Well, we don't care either We have heard a lot of stories of the little school of Tufts, : And we've heard that all its students .were but cits oi mental uuu, But we'll bet for "all that's said, . Ask the Tiger or the Red That they'll say to put the accent on h "Hlff." Being a low-brow Red and Crim-J son means the same to us aim how it's a "Tuft" job trying to find a word to rhyme with Crimson. Pittsburgh and Dickinson. Foot ball reports seem to indi cate that a U-boat has torpedoed Mr. Daniel's navy.- Au" Revoir Woodie. . Rube Marquard is going to stump for Wilson, 'tis Said. Now, what we want to know, is the Rube for or against the pres.? As the sixth game of the world's 'series was not played, Charley Ebbets had to return $50, 000 to the fans. Which is the reason for the storm that swept this way from the east the other day. , v Battling Levinsky is going to fight Willard, according to news from the east. What's the matter with Kid Williams? Jess Willard has been sued for $25,000 which should fill Tom Jones with ecstacy. , We're full these days of drear and wearv woe. , For soon the festive bull will start to flow, For circus days are near an end, Willard shoots around the bend, For to fight a fight again, For he and Tommv need the yen. And that is why we're full of weary woe, Having earned the confidence of the American public, Bill Car rigan now, we lieur, is going to go into politics. Chicago is in the midst of a dismission as to whether, the , Cubs shall train next spring in Tampa, Fla., or Pasadena, Cal., which we take it, is an issue of such vital importance that the prosperity of the National league entirely hinges upon it. . Tex Rickard,. who staged the Moran-Willard bout, is ever on the lookout for big things. Rickard never does anything by halves, and when he decides to put on a show he goes after the best in the market. As a teeler ot trie puoiic puise m me sporting line Rickard is without a peeni He let it , be known recently that he was thinking of promoting an other bout, the principals to be Georges Carpentier,. the . French heavyweight champion, and Les Darcy, who holds tnree or ioirr-tiues down in Australia, where they haven't been able to find a man to beat him. Undoubtedly a bout between these two men would b the greatest draw ing card that could be put up for the entertainment of the pugilistic fans. It would draw as large a crowd, if not larger, than the Johnson-Willard af fair did in Havana. Just where Rick ard could put on the show is a ques tion. Darcy is not keen atfout leav ing Australia, and would have to go through a lot of governmental red tape to do so during the war. Car- WHEN A BAD ERROR IS ROTAB ERROR Cutshaw' Miscue Loses Game for Brooklyn, but His Aver- age Remains Unscathed. SCEIBE3 KICK ON SCORING pentier is at the French front, pilot ing an aeroplane, but the French gov ernment has signified its willingness o grant the boxer a sufficient leave cf absence if he wishes to engage in a bout. . - Carpentier is heavier thai Darcy, but the Australian has cleaned up all the light heavies in Australia and would gadlv tackle the clever Frenchman if given a chance. Darcy undoubtedly will be seen against Mike Gibbons, Jack1 Dillon or Carpentier in the near future. Omaha and Sioux Clash at Soccer Next Sunday the Clan Gordon soccer team of Omaha will clash with he St. George eleven of Sioux City at Omaha. Two soccer games are carded for Miller park thia afternoon. The Chechie will tangle with the Town sends and the Caledonians will clash with the Nonpareils. The standing of tne teams in umana and District boccer league is as follows: P. W.' L. Dr. F. Tflwwniti ..... S 11 ,, : Calsdonlan S I 1 J 11 Ncnpsr.il. ...... S -'.. Chechia .., S .. 4 I I A.PU. 7 II II Lure of the Blind Works , Its Grip on Ernie Holmes The lure of the blind in the dawn of the morn has clamped its grip on Ernie Holmes, "Jusf about a week about 200 miles west of here on the Platte would be my dish right now" sighed Ernie as he dreamed of the mad flight of the ducks before the pursuit of the northern winter. Ernie is getting the old Parker ready and intends to make the dream come true within a few days . : By FRANK G. -MENKE, New York, Oct. 21. When il a fatal error not an error? ' The answer to this ouestion can be found in looking back through the file, tn the atorv that tells of the second game of the recent series for the base ball championship of the world. In the third inning of that game, George Cutshaw made an error that enabled the Sox to tie the score and eventually swish through to victory in the, tourteentn session, xet vui shaw wasn't charged with a foozle. Quaint, isn't it? Scott was on third base. Ruth hit an easy bounder to Cutshaw as Scott started for home. Cutshaw fought the ball instead of letting it come to him. And while he was foozling, Scott crossed the plate, but Cutshaw recovered the ball in time to throw out the slow-running Ruth at first. That play lost the game for the Dodgers, If Cutshaw had fielded the ball cleanly, he would have nipped Scott by ten leet, because tne ban came to him fast and Scott, didn't have much of a lead when he started for the plate. If Scott hadn't scored, the game would have ended 1 to 0, in nine innings, in favor of the Dod gers, cutshaw made tne worst error of the game, yet he waan t charged with one because he got Ruth at first. An error is a "lost opportunity." Cutshaw lost an opportunity to catch Scott, and so made an error, yet he didn't because he caught Ruth. Aren't scoring rules odd? , Scorers are Arbitrary. s Some of the decisions of the official scorers in that series were weird and bit more. Their rulings conflicted almost always with those of veteran sport writers, yet their announcement had to be taken at their lace value, because fhey were doing the official work. , i, , The scorers put over a new one on the old-time writers, when they charged Olson with two errors on one handling of the ball in the third inning of the 'final game. Cady was on second and Hooper on first. Jan- vnn hit to Olson, who tint juggled the ball, permitting Cady to reach third-mwr-Hnoper second, and then threw wild to second, permitting Cady to acore, Hooper to move on to third and Janvrin to second. Usually auch a play is scored merely as a single error. But tne official folks pointed out that Olson first had enabled Janvrin to reach first base and both Hooper and Lady to ad vance by fumbling, and later moved the three runners around another base each by his wild throw. Thus, two errors. Very good, 'Eddie. But those scorers reversed themselves in the seventh inninir of the same game, Mowrey was on first by virtue of a single. Then came Olson. He rap ped a bounder to Scott, who fumbled it long enough to permit Mowrey to reach second and cinch first for Ol son. After recovering the ball, how ever. Scott decided he had a chance to beat Olson with a throw. He made the throw and the ball went up against the grandstand, Mowrey loimt to third and Olson to second. There was a case similar to Olson's in the third. Scott's fumbling gave life to both Mowrey and Olson, while his wild heave advanced both runners an extra base. But the official scorers ruled that Scott should have but one error, while, on almost the same play, they had assessed Olson two. Give Hits on Errors. In the firs game, Chief Meyers whaled a bill into center held. Walker lost it momentarily in the sun. Then he saw it again, set him self for the catch, and the ball trickled right through his hands. I he scorers f;ave Meyers a three-base hit on what ooked like a fearful error to ninety five per cent of the spectators. One of the Sox smashed a ball to left. Zach Wheat ran in for it, judged the ball perfectly," got under it and then let it go through his initts. The ball plunked him on the knee and bounded away, while the runner raced to , second. He was credited with a two-bagger, yet it looked like a bad error for Wheat to lose that ball. Twice during the last game the nitcher heaved a ball at the catcher that was a trifle wide, yet seemingly Wliiiiii m iw.ni ....... catcher did reach for those balls and was able to get both hands on them. Both times they were fumbled by him. The bulk of writers scored those plays as passed balls, which they cer tainly seemed to be, yet the official scorers, after a heated conference among themselves, announced "a wil( pitch. , ' - Rourke Players to .' Stay in Omaha for The Winter Months Omaha seems to look good to mem. bers of the Omaha base ball team, for about half of the team intends to snend the winter in Omaha this year. There are a couple of reasons why the athletes are remaining in Umaha, one is that they like the town, ana the other is that it costs money to move nowadays. Marty O'Toole has made plans to stay here this winter and Monday morning goes to work for Ernie Holmes. Cy forsytne is working tor Earl Higgins. Bobby Marshall, Cecil Thompson, Otto Merz and Lou North are still in Omaha and expect to stay. Marty Krug has gone back to his home in Cleveland, but expects to return to Omaha about January 1. Harry Krause has pulled his freight for San Francisco and the Golden Gate, while Hay Miller has gone back to breathe smoke in Pittsburgh. Joe Burg will stay in Chicago, while Kew pie Kilduflf is down in Kansas. Ernie Krueger is getting ready to hike for his coaching job in Arizona, and Shag Thompson has. already made tracks for his beloved Dixie land. STATE TOBRM TO OMAHA ONCE MORE Happy Hollow Club Will Get the 1917 Nebraska Golf Cham pionship Event. LINCOLN L0SE OUT. AGAIN Th 1Q17 Mehraska state chamoion. ship golf tournament will be held at the Happy Hollow slub. Tfee board of directors of the state association has not yet definitely de cided upon the location of the 1917 tourney, but conditions have so worked themselves out that fhe Happy Hollow, club is practically assured of the event. ' " The Lincoln Country club was to have been given an opportunity to entertain the tourney. In fact, Lin coin was offered the event last year because of a desire to boost the golf game out in the state. , out Lincoln wasn t in a position to handle it, so the Held club got it. -y Must Improve Course. The Lincoln Country club course is not in condition tor a state tourna' ment. according to some of the direc tors of the association,' and Lincoln will not be awarded the' event unless the course is improved. The capital city links were but recently construct ed and it is only natural that they will not be of the same class as the Omaha links unless considerable money spent on them. It is said two or three of the directors of the Lincoln club refuse to countenance further expen ditures on tne goit course, even in order to hold the big state tourna ment, Ajjid this means that once more the event will be given to Omaha. As the Happy Hollow club is next line, that club will be awarded tournament, the American League Clean-Up RESTA ONCE MORE. LEADSAUTO RACE Italian Takes Lead for Ameri can Championship by Victory Over Johnny Aitken. EDDIE BICE HAS A CHANCE Dario Resta. the famous Italian pilot, once more leads the "automobile drivers of the country in the race for the championship of the United States and the trophy of $13,500 cash that goes with it. Resta resumed the lead by his victory at Chicago aweek ago. But the Peugeot driver holds tne Aa, Kv the akin of his teeth, and he's not going to cop the title and kale without vanquishing some toagh ..n,ni!nn . Tohnnv Aitken. Eddie Rickenbacher -ano Raipn ivo are in hot pursuit, and it is possible for any one of the three to beat Resta out. .j. . Resta, by his victory at Chicago, now possesses a total of 3,200 points. Johnny Aitken, the Indianapolis driver, has 2,940 points. Omaha s fa vorite son, Eddie Rickenbacher, has ,210 points, and Kaipn ue raima nas ,790. , Wilbur D'Alene is fifth with ,120. , : Three More Events. There are three more championship events to be held, the Harkness tro phy race at New York next Saturday and the Vanderbilt cup and Grand Prize classics at Santa Monica in No vember. The New York race will give 600 points, probably, to the victor, and the coast races euu or poiius cacu, so it can be seen any one of the four names has a chance to win the cher ished title and mazuma. Next season drivers will all through the year carry the numbers on their cars corresponding to the position they earned in the championship flight this year. Four Win All Races. Resta. De Palma Aitken and Rick enbacher have won every nig race held this vear. Resta won at Indian apolis, three times at Chicago, and at Omaha. Rickenbacher won at New York and Tacoma. Aitken won at rinrinnati. IndianaDofis and New York. De falma won at ues Moines, Minneapolis and Kansas City. Resta has won every big race held on the Chicago speedway. He has been in eight events on the Maywood oval and captured every one of them. This is a record that bids well to stand untouched for years to come. Omaha Man Says Leonard Is the Coming Champion "The greatest lightweight I ever saw. is the way Carl juartisi des cribes Benny Leonard, the New York lad, who put the fixings to tyer Hammer at Kansas City last week. The Omaha fan went to Kansas City to efe the fniht and returned with nothing, but praise for Leonard. "He a the coming champ, tnat noy, said Marfisi. "I've seen most of the champs in my day, but none of them ever had anything on Leonard. He's fast and clever and shifty and he carries the punch. Mark my words, he's going to be the lightweight champion before long." Dennison Making Plans. For the, Luxus Banquet The annual banquet of the Luxus base ball team will be forthcoming in a few days, announces Johnny nnninn. the irreoressible pilot of the brewer aggregation. Dennison is now making arrangements for the soread and searching the "city for eaharet talent Johnny has not de cided upon the date yet, but expects to m a short time. ' Th National leasuori aoooar to have toon outclassed from dugout to flacpols In this yearyi post-season series wltn tne Amer ican leacue pastlmers. Of the fourteen araee played for the world's title and In the Chicago and 8t. Louis championship series the representatives of the parent 4earue copped only two contests. Brooklyn grabbed one or tno world s series with the Red box and the cardinals. aucceet&d downing the Browns once out of five starts. In the Chicago series the American leaguers hsd their National league rivals gasping for breath. The White Sox started right after the Cubs at ths tap of the gong and thereafter they never even hesitated tntll the Tinkers had been whipped to the tune of four straight. Xt was the sixth con secutive year that the White Sox defeated the Cuba xor the Chicago eltr, champion ship. Tho Boston Bed Box duplicated their feat of 491S by taking four out of Ave games from ths National leaguers in trie big ssrles. Totals In ths box scores of the nve world serteg games show that ths Red Box made 11 runs, sf nits ana s errors, wane tne Robins gathered. IS rune, 14 hits and 13 errors. The critics agres that ths Robins wers outplayed, but the Inhabitants of Flat. bush point to those -is s ana ate tare was tho itnx that beat the Dodgem, Tho dope: World Series Won by Bod Sox. Second Oams: B..H.: Boston (A D...J t Brooklyn (N L) 1 s B.H S 10 First Oams: R.H.B. Boston fA D...S S 1 Brooklyn (N L).l 10 I Third oams: k h e Brooklyn (N L). 10 Boston (A 1,)...3 t 1, Fifth Oams: B.H.I. Boston (A D...4 7 I Brooklyn (NL)1 I II Chicago Ttltlo Won by White Sox. Faurth Qams: iiosion (A i.). Brooklyn (N L).l First Oame: B.H.S. Chicago (A S 0 Chicago (N. L).I 10 I Third Oame: R.H.E. Chloago (A D..I S f Chicago (N D..0 I i Hi. tools Title First Oame: B.H.B. St. Louis (A M S 0 0 St. Louis in u i l Third Oame: R.H.E. St. Louis (N D.S 01 St. Louis (A L II Si .Fifth Oame: K.H.o;. St. Louis IA LVs 10 1 8L Louis (N L).l I 1 Second Oame: R.H. Chicago (A L)..l I Chicago (N L)..l I Fourth Oame: B.H Chicago (A D.,0 I Chicago N D..S 10 won by BrownM. second uama: H.H. St. Ixiula (A LM Bt. Louis (N D.l Fourth Oame: R.H. St Louis (A L 1 St. Louis (N D.I GUN CLUBS PASS UP CHANCBFOR TROPHY Only Sixty-Three Clubs Take Advantage of OfferHade by Interstate Association. THREE IN FIGHT ' FOR STATE TITLE Central of Omaha, Xincoln and Beatrice in Sunning for Foot Ball Championship. WILL FORM A CONFERENCE Omaha Coursing Meet to Be Held First of Month By KARL LEE. This week's games will probably definitely map out the last lap in the race for the Nebraska staje foot ball championship. Although the scores registered thus far mad by leiders assert definite standings, there is still time for an upset in the dope. While one way the fight seems to have sim mered to a stand between Beatrice, Lincoln and Omaha, there still re mains North Platte and Kearney to be tested. Both, according to re ports, have splendid teams, well bal anced, and. although comparatively light, are equal to most any sort of battle. South High and York are out of the race entirely, so far as their chances of gaining the title are con rrnd It w ill he a merrv battle be tween these two teams, Grand Island and Norfolk for standings in the first division. , Grand Island, although possessing a aaf srrannv team, has met with hard luck in its two defeats with Lin coln and Beatrice. In its game with York, November 30, it still has an opportunity to register for third or fourth places. The fight for the title is tied up in three games, the Central-Beatrice trame November 3: the Beatrice-Lin rnln came. November 18, and the North Platte-Lincoln came. JJovem- w M In its. battle with North Platte. NoVemoer 3. Kearney will have its only try at the title. Alliance, probably the only other possible con tender for honors, plays North Platte, November 17. , Form Conference. A "hior nin e" foot ball conference will be formed by a union of coaches during the state teachers' convention, November 8, here. Superintendent of T M. Shoralter of Norfolk, who is a member of the Board of Control of the State High School Athletic association, will introduce the matter at a session of the Board of Control during the teachers con vention. The plan is to make a con ference to include the best nine foot ball teams in the state. At the pres ent. Central, South High, Beatrice, T.inrnln. North Platte. Norfolk. York, Grand Island and Kearney are the leaders. Koven and Starkey, Nebraska Shots, Get Into Ninety Class SEVEN HUNDRED FORMED By PETER P. CARNEY. At its meeting last winter the In- . terstate Association for the Encour agement of Trapshooting decidedto give trophies to the first 200 newly organized gun clubs in mo-r-tne oniy thing necessary on the part of the ot- hcera ot tne new gun ciud ocmg ro inform the secretary of the Interstate association of the formation ot tne club. ' More than 700 gun clubs have been formed this year and of this number only sixty-three have been wide. awake enough to get in touch with the Interstate association. Therefore the Interstate association has only given sixty-three trophies. The fact that the interstate association wouia give such trophies was given due mention in all sporting publications, yet it appears that very few of the clubs know of the offer. The idea of the Interstate associa tion was to aid the new clubs in their , t... .u . - . u.. iormauon ov giving inciu a nvyiij, .l:i- .i u u-u ..1.!.. n s monthly tournaments for during the vear l he ntersrate ,associatlon IS always willing to aid the gun clubs and new organizations can still get in on the offer if they communicate with Secretary- Shaner. -The Interstate association has the trophies and will, willingly give them to the clubs that should get them. The clubs that took advantage of the offer in September were: The ' Port St. Joe Gun club, Port St. Joe, Fla.; Princess Anne Trapshooting club, fnncess Anne, Ml; Leominster Cn.n...'. ...nlina Tinminitif Mass., and the Parkton Gun club, Parkton, Md. . Thus far Iowa leads in the organi zation of new gun clubs with ten; In diana and Kansas come next, with live each; Illinois with four and California, Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Ne- . hraska. New York and Ohio formed three; Viriginia, West Virginia, Penn slyvania, formed two, and South Da kota, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, ' Montana, Missouri, Minnesota, Massa- chusetts, Florida, District of Colum bia, Colorado and Connecticut, one each. r: ai:. n.-.u- l.. i - iy nine uuaunco Hie i Asked to Number the Men , Th sernnd annual Omaha coursing will he held -at the Douglas county fair grounds November 1, 2, 3 l A r u.'a f M,,ri!nff meet ana uiiiena a, vwu,...B --- held last year, proved a success and it is planned to bring an even superior collection of the fleet-footed pups to Omaha this fall. The event wnl be stageo unaer tne direction of the Omaha Coursing club. Ray Virgin of Utica, Neb., is presi dent, A. A. Misegadis of Talmage, sec retary, and Ed Sorenson of Benson, treasurer. According to Mr. Misegaats, it tne November, meet proves a success, the national stake will be brought to Omaha a year from this fall. About twenty-five kennels trom an pans oi the country will enter the Omaha event. ' , Gothenbera Believes It Has Another Chamberlain Gothenburg is producing atar of unusual qualities this year, accosding to reports. At halfback thd town folk claim they have a man who has the ...m.rLi nf another Chamberlain. His name is Brestel, he weighs 189 pounds and is one of the fastest half backs the school has ever had. The school is represented by a formidable team and has games scheduled with xi (Ml, Wood River. Lexington, Broken Bow and Alliance, the latter game to be played Thanksgiving, lohnson, the former Wesleyan star. coaches the team Chirflflro. Oct. 2r. -A new anneal has been directed to coaches of- foot ball elevens in the "Big Nine," to have players numbered so that spec tators can more easily distinguish them. A. A. Stagg, coach of the Uni versity of Chicago squad, is practi cally the onlv coach tn the western conference to adopt the plan of num bering players. - Notes ofSandlot Gridirons Nebraska scattergun marksmen haven't been doing much trap shoot-ino- rthis vear in the registered tour naments, at least, in tne trap snout ing records compiled by Sporting Lite tor tne nrst nine montns oi ": vear only two Nebraska amateur "shots are shown to have taken part in registered shoots,' totalling 2,000 targets or over, lhey are.Al R-oyen of Fremont and K. staricey oi uru. Platte. Three Nebraska profession als, George Carter of Lincoln, George Maxwell of Hastings and Rush Razee of Curtis, got their names into the records, .lhe averages or tne Ne braska shots are as follows: AMATEURS. ' Ts.rsts. Broke. Pet. Al Ko.n. rrenumt.: " " R. Stsrksr, North Plstt..tU IMS .1I PROFESSIONALS. Tarcets. Broks. Pet Rush Re, Curtis.... ...il0 11 Mil Qsorgs Hsiwsll. Hastings. " Ueorgs uarler, incuin. . -- ----- Ducks Get Advance Tip on x Approach of Rushenberg Ernie Rushenberg, who regarded by manv as the best amateur catcher in the city, went on his vacation two weeks ago. Ernie took all his hunting paraphernalia with him and planned to bring back a few ducks for the boys. Ernie returned Friday without any ducks. "Not a duck was in sight in thf two weeks I was away," de clared Ernie"now that I'm back I suppose there's a million or two fly inff The ducks evidently had an J advance tip on Ernie's movements. Anathar new team, to ba known a tha Fontanel. Juniors, bu alipped under tha wlra. Tnr rnmea with the German Shamrocks oall DouclM 8800 and squawk for a B. War ner, Last Sunday tha Thirtieth Street Mer chant whipped tha Fontanel le Juniors to tha tuna of to 0. Next Sundav out at Fontanel! park, tha fontanel! Reserve! and tha Npurae OH cumvn win uuiuuv. , Ben Stlefler la now holding tha managerial relna for tha Nonpareil Reserves. For games can mm at Tyier as. Although a few fellows took tha count during the Nonpareil-Athletics battle none wr seriously Injured. Tha Fontanel! Reserves cancelled a con test which they had booked with the C. B. Longeways for today. ' Zelrer. a Claas B pitcher of note, Is playing excellent foot ball for tha Mazdas. Ha Is tarriflo Una plunger. . Tha Nonpareil Reserves are looking for nma tnrlav. Pa.11 Harnav tSfiO or Tvler S3S and match can be arranged. The colors f black and blue waved over the camp of the Thirty-third and California Street Merchants after their last battle. Bill Maher, who brake his shoulder while working for tha Athletics three weeks ago, was released from the hospital last week. Hereafter Vera Landon will play at quar terJor the Council Bluffs Midgets and Or ville Crabtrea will be switched to a half. The Mohawks would 11k to secure a pair of good linemen. For further Infor mation call Leonard Tlbka at Webstar 601. Qua Klmmel Is noar- booking tho games for the Ducky Holmes. Tou can write him at 3431 Btnney, or telephone Webster 1480. . Don't forget the time, place and date of the battle between the All-Stars and the Nonpareils. Next Sunday,' 4 p. m., Luxus park. Edward Hubbard, formerly a Council Bluffs High school star, will try out for ths right and posish with tha Council Bluffs Uldgets. ' Judging from the caliber of foot ball played by the Ducky Holmes crew last Sunday, the are eligible to play Claas A toot ball. On account of a heavy, muddy field the gariTe between tha Council Bluffs Midgets and tha Mo ha wits booked for last Sunday was cancelled. V 8 Grant Golden has again bobbed Into tha llmelliht. He is going to organise a fast squad In the north end. and go after the Class A championship. Gua Carlson, formerly of the Monmouth Parks and last season connected with ths Fontanel!". 1 doing great work at rright haU for the Dundee Woolen Mills, At fullback. Claude Schrum Is performing, like a real veteran for tha Dundee Woolen' Mills. He la a crack picking holes and sqIv Ing tha weak spot of the opposition, r Those Ducky Holmes warriors started out like a house on fire last nunaay. ii ins blase of pep Isn't extinguished they will make thlnis hot tor all of their opponents. Jude McCabe got a crack in th stomach i..t Hunrlav that knocked ths wind and nearly his foot ball aspirations out of hlmv Jude bumped Mother Earth for the count. ThA mhna semen t of the Athletics wants it distinctly understood that their team is Class B and should be recognised as such, regardless of the fact that they played th Nonpareils. Ttinms. Unnrs smarter back for th Non pareils, left on a business trip for Sterling, Colo. He will return a week from today so as to be on hand when tha Nonpareils meat the All-Stars. Hereafter Tom Cronln will nglnr affairs for the Thirty-third and California Street Merchants. He will replace Lambert Medln, who rslgned as manager, but will Still play with the team. Pete Whitehead of Fontenelle Re serves Is hobbling around on crutches be cause of an injury to his hip. He will probably be able to don tha spangles In a couple of weeks. Although reported that Curtis Peterson was hurt playing foot ball, this aUtenant was erroneous. He put ana of his fins an the blink, but foot ball waa not respon sible for the Injury. - a. CauUin Davis of th Ducky Holmss rrew threw his arm out of Joint during the tussle wlth th. Fontenelle Rerves and as n consequence will probably be on tha ahalf for the balance of the season. Mack Cosgrove. associated with tha Thir tieth 8tret Merchants, saw stars, comets, moons, etc.. last Sunday when a gentle warrior heeled blm directly above his left light. He Is still carrying a black aye.