Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Image 24

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    6 D
Bearish Futures Keep Cash
Wheat Market Up Near
Record Prices. ..A
Omihi. October SI,
The demand for cash wheat waa very
food today, but lad by the bearlah tendency
of the future market the caab artlole ruled
from slesdy to 10 lower.
The general run of No. I bard wheat
old today at about le under the
averase orlre y.atsrday. No. I hard Bold
around II and the No. t ranted In
price from The aample grade
brouiht from Il.li01.l4, the bulk e.lllns
at 11.17.
The mllllnr demand for durum wheat
waa rood, but there were only a few care
of thla train on the tablea, and priced were
about 1c hlvher.
The corn market waa very atronf and the
market ehowed good sains on all f radea of
inia cereal.
Tellow corn eold at a premium, the No. 1
trade eemns up to tic, white the cornmer.
clal tradee of white and mixed corn were
Quoted at llUjdtOo.
Recelpta. however, were very light and
were hardly enough to aupply the atrong
oate were rather quiet and tha market
old from HvVto lower.
, The caah demand for thla eereal wal
good, but tha duUneea waa caused by tha
light recelpta.
Rye ruled from steady to le lower and
there was an excellent demand 'tor thla ce
real at lower prlcea.
The barley market waa rather quiet and
: was quoted from nnchanged to 1c lower.
Clearances were: Wheat and floor equal
to tot. 000 bushels; corn, 1,000 bushels; oats,
121.000 bushels.
Liverpool olose: Wheat nnchanged; corn,
lttirlUe higher.
Primary wheat recelpta were 1,110,000
buehels and shipments 1,104,000 bushels,
against reretpts of 1,111,000 bushels and
ahlpmenta of 1,117,004 buehels last year.
Primary corn recelpta were 402.000 bush
els and shipments 421,000 bushels, agalnat
receipts of 474,000 bushels and shipments
Stt.000 bushels last year..
Primary oats rscslpts were 1,000,009 bush
els and shipments 1,101,000 bushels, agalnat
receipts of 1,211,000 bushels and shipments
of IttOOO bushels Isst year.
Wheal. Corn. Oats.
11 tl 101
.100 , . , ...
4J . II II
.... tS4 1 ...
Chtearo . . . ,
Mlnneapolta ,
Omaha . . . . ,
These aalea were reported today:
wheat No. 1 hard winter. 1 oar, II. IT:
1 car, ll.tttt. No. I bard winter, I cars,
11.41; I cars, Il lUt; i ears, 11.11; 1 car,
l.lltt. No. I hard winter,, 1 ear, 11.11; I
cars. fl ears, It: I cars,;
1 car, II. tilt: I car,; 1 car, 11.11. No.
t bard winter, 1 car, ll.lltt; I cars,;
4 cars, 11.11; 1 car, 11.104; 1 car (amutty),
II. It. Sample hard winter, I car, 11.10; 1
car, IMS; I ears, 11.17; 1 car,; 1 car,
, No, I durum, 1 car (new), fl.70. No.
I mixed, 1 car, No. 4 mixed, 1 car,
1.41; 1 car, fl.C0M. No. I nixed durum, I
car. 11.41. ,
Rye No. I, I cart, 11.11, No. I, I oars, H: I cars, 11.24.
Barley No. t, 1 ear, 11.01. Rejected. I
oars, too; 1 car, 10c No, 1 feed, I oar, loo;
1 car, tic.
Corn No. I white, 1 car, II 4 e, No, I yal
low, 1 car, llo. No. I mixed, car, II Me.
No. I mixed, 1 car, too; 1 car, 17 Ha.
Oats No. I whits, 1 ear, 44 ttc; I ears,
44 tic. Sample white, 1 car, 44o; I oars,
title; I cars, 414c; 1 car, tltic
Omaha Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. i hard,
11.441.44; No. I bard, 11.4101. tl; No. 4
herd. I1.ttei.tltt; No. I tpng, 11.11
I. 13: No. I spring, tl.HOl.70; So. I durum,
II. 4lrl.721,; No, I durum, fl.lltyl.71.
Corn: No. I white, lltftlHe; No. I white,
i 4 )! ; No. 4 white, ia)lttio; No. I
while, l7IIHe; No. I white, I7CI740;
No. I yellow, II 011 lie; No, I yellow, 104
Otic; No. t yellow, ItHOIOc: No. I yel
low, llftOllo; No. I yellow, 119140; No.
I mixed, 119114; No. I, mixed, 174 011c:
No. 4 mixed, 170174c; No. I mixed, lt0
74e; No. t mixed, 4o. Oats: No. I
whits, 47 0 47 4c; standard, tt Vatic! No. I
white. 4i4H4o: No. 4 white, 440IIUe.
Karley: Halting, 110011.07; No. 1 feed, 71
fiVtiiitvi M" ''"'"i "
Omaha Puturea.
The opening prices on wheat futures were
steady today, but thero waa some reaction
n prices, due to prom taking and also
because of the fact that sevaral of the longs
Z ... unea over us
Tha Canadian government has not openly
oommandeered the supply of wheat In that
, country, but have placed such restrictions
on the sale of this article thai it almost
amounts to a selsurs.
The Oreek government was a heavy buyer
of Manitoba wheat yesterday, taking al
most two-thirds of the total amount ex
ported. The corn market was quits active today
and there was a fairly good export demand
for this cereal.
Opening prices on com were steady and
prices remained strong during Us satire
The trade In oats was fairly active, but
the market held within a narrow range,
the stay closing about 40 above the open
ing pries.
Local range of options: ' '
I Open. I High. Low.
Close. ITsTy
1 lH 1114
I 11 ut
1 II ill
M Tl
II' 10
41 II
1 11
1 144
1 414
I 11 111
t ft 1144
1 II 114
,., Vi
, 41 41
' 11 II
1 If
Chicago closing prloes. furnished The Bee
by Logan Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
, uuuti, miisaniH sirv.l, umens.
I Open. I High. I Low"
Close. Tes.
I 70 1114
t 70 111
I 41 1114
IT 11
, If 11
14 10
14 14
II 14 14 10
II It 21.11
14 10. It II
I 70 1 10 III
1 704 I 10 111
1 10 1 11 111
1BOM4 'IT 11
11011 17 lt
li .,
itiio it 10
14114 lt 11
21 07 I 21 21 It II
I II II II 10 14 10
I 14 41 14 II II II
I It 14 II 10 It 14
I II tt f 11 II II f7
Doe. Mar
. Dee.
Oa Praflt-Tsiuig W heat Prices Go lamer,
But React ami Advance. . .
Chicago, Oct II. Although at limes un
settled today, wheat nrlcea finished at tha
hlgheat closing figures this sesson. A sharp
advance In quotations at Buenos Ayree
caused anxiety among shorts here, and It
waa avldent that foreigners were picking
' up wheat on all outbacks. Gains amounted
to lo ta le net, with December closing
at 11.104 to 11.70, and May at 11.744
to 11.70. Corn showed a rise of e to
e, and oata of 0o to rttc The out
come for provisions was unchanged te
40c higher. . . ,
Attention ' of wheat traders focused
chiefly on developments regarding the
drought In Argentina. Flrat reports that
, no rain of any consequence had fallen
were succeeded by rumors that crops In
the central and southern portlona of Ar
gentina had received beneficial moisture.
Afterward, however, advlcea appeared to
Indicate that the drouth wen hot only un
broken but that the crop damage already
accomplished or now In proapect had re.
1 aulted in a ' sensational rise ot prices at
Buenos Ayrea. The raeult waa that early
, sellers here rushed to cover, eepeclally In
tl last thirty minutes of the session, and
that a lively upturn was-In progress as
dealings came to an end.
. Export business proved larger than waa
generally expected. Th English govern
ment waa aald lo be actively In the wheat
market and It waa aald that another gov
ernment had purehaaed 11,400 to T0,040
flecks of flour. In thla connection, a good
deal of Interest waa dlaplayed aa to the
amount of wheat left lor export In the
Untied States. News of the shooting of the
Austrian premier came too late ta affect
the market. . v
Cora, like theat. had the hlgheat does
yet this seaeon. The lata upturn In wheat
. favored the bulla, and so, too, did heavy
shipments from here. Oats showed some
Independent strength. Exports for thy day
were 721,000 bushels , as . agalnat 106,000
bushels a year ago.
Higher quothtlons on hogs and? grain sent
moat deliveries of provlaione aharpiy up
grade. , Lard, especially, waa la demand
from shorls.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. S red,
fl.t7 4 01.70: No. I red, 11.47; No. I hard,
1171401.71: No. 1 hard, nominal. Corn:
No. 1 yellow, Italic; No. t yellow, nomi
nal; No. t white, nominal. Oats: No. I
whits. 44011c: standard, tt40tl:. Rys:
No. I, nominal. Barley, Seeds
Tlmoth!k",l.l!9!.!t; clover. 111. 00011. 00
rroviMons: Pork, 121. fei lard, 111.10,
Butter Unchanged.
Eggs Receipts, 1,111 cases; market un
Potatoes Hlrher: receipts. IB ears; Mln
neeota and Dakota white. II. toot. 10; Mln
neeota and Dakota Ohloa, Mich
igan and Wleconaln white, 11.1001.40.
Poultry Alive, unchanged.
Quotations of the Day oa Varteoa Co
modi ties.
New Tork, Oct. II. 'lour Held firmly.
Wheat Spot irreenfar: No. 1 durum.
1.17; No. I hard, ll.tttt; No. 1 north.
ern, Duluth,; No. 1 northern. Man I
teba. new, fl.ll, f. o. b. New Tork.
Corn Spot firm; No. I yellow, 11.114,
nominal, c. 1. r. new lora. ,
Oats Spot' ateady.
Hope steady.
Hides strong; Bogota, 11014c; Central
America, Ibc.
Leather Strong; hemlock firsts, 41c; sec-
onas, esc,
Provisions Pork, quiet; mess, flO.100
11.00; fsmlly, 120.00 0 14.00; short clear,
eJV.voapzf.oo. Beef, quiet; mess, I21.I0O
22.00; family, 121.00 0 21.00. Lard, firmer;
mioais weet, V1S.1U01S.2O.
Tallow Firmer; city, 14c; country, ape.
clal, 10c; special, 104c
Butter Steadier; receipts 1,107 tubs;
creamery, eners. c; sreamery, extraa,
214c; Urate. 14021c: seconds. 12Ua2ae.
Eggs Firm; receipts. 4,240 oases; fresh
gathered, extra line, 11021c; ' extra firsts,
wst'r; nrsis, hdim seconds, soeoaie.
C'heess Steady: reeelots. 1.120 hoeae:
state, fresh, speclala. 119211(0; same, aver-
Pcultry r.lve. steadyf broilers, 174c;
fowls, 11011c; turkeys, Ids, pressed, quiet;
cniuaena, ivtyeio; XOWIS, 170240; HIT-
keys, 2101IO.
'Minneapolis Grata Market.
Minneapolis, Oct. Ill Wheat December,
1.104: May. 11.71. Caah: No. 1 hard.
1.14401.17; No. 1 northern. I1140
1.114: No. I northern, II. 71401. 124.
Corn No, I yellow, 11012c.
Oats No. I while. tt40tl4e.
Plaxaeed 12.42 4 01.11 4.
Flour Unchanged.
Barley 11.40.
Rye 1.1101.27.
"Bran I2.to02(.io.
City Oram Market.
Kanaas City. Oct. II. Wheat Na t I,..
Il.tl401.7t; No. I red. ll.ltai.Tl, n.'
comber, 11.11; May, II tl
Corn No.- I mixed, llOtlo; No. t white,
124c; No. t yellow, 11011s; . December.
114c; May, 1101140, '
....'., "- 1 w6,u "! 'd.
M. Levis Oram Market. f
St. Louis, Oct. II .wheat No. t. tl Task
i"d' 'OI.TT; December, 4; May,
corn No. I. lie: No. I while. 11 on, n.
esmber, llai May, llo.
Oata No, I. 414010c: No. I waits m..
Inal; December, 10c; May, 14 c
Liverpool Grain Market.
Liverpool. Oct. II. Wheat Mm v e
hard winter, lis Id; No. I northern Duluth,
Its Id; No. I Manitoba, lis Id; No. I, Its
td; No. I, lis Id.
Corn Spot American mixed, new, lis Id.
' '-seed Stocks and Bonds. ;"
Quotations' furtllsheS In, n . . TI1.
Co., 441-11 Omaha National Bank Bids
Omaha; ,
Consolidated Casualty Co..-,.'.
Cudahy Pack Ing Co. stock.
Bid. Asked
1.40 1.40
pct. pfd., ex. dlv .....104 '
Douglas Hotel Co. stock 40
Deere A Co. pfd..,, ...14
Fairmont Creamery Co. oom... Ill
Fairmont Creemrv fV nM ana
Oooch M. A B. Co., 7 pot. pfd!!! 1114
OoodyearT. A R. fco, pfd. . .7. !!lOT
i.incoin Tel. at Tel. com, T pot, , 14
Mounlaln'Stetes T. A T. Co. ...Ill
notional Refining Co. com 119
umana u. u Ry. A B. nfd... ao
a), nr. at tl, prd.
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd.... 10U
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry Mm!",: J
raters mil jo, pia ,, aa
Union Stk. Yds. Co. S tu,f w aa
2"!..' 4 Company stock, ex. dlv!l!4 .
B"i" f Company rights 11
Argentina Oovernmsnt Is; 1120,100 '
Armour A Co. 44s, 1121 12
Booth-St. Louis is, 1121 t3
Com. Bdlson Co.' 1st Is, 1141.. !l02
3 101 ij
vuuanv raca uo. let M, 1121. ,101
u H. St. P. 4 pet., 1122... 100
ess, roau ana. ,
1. wiiT.a :i."'iU',i;", lot to
j-. . w, . u .-viiieni uo, ea, 1PIS-M ts 100
nr, lies, ivse,...VT '
Kanaaa City Ry. 1st is, 1144... . 14
rkmn. uei m ciec. uo. 1st ta, nil tl
Prov. of Man., Canada, Is, 1121. li.lg
Morris A Co. 44s. 111!
Omaha A C. B. Hat. Ry, Is, ll fiu
Pacific Oas A Bleu, Is, 1141. . . . 17
Packard Motor Car Co, is, till 11
City of Paria 4a, Oct 11, 1111. ...17
Rocky alt. Fuel is and bonus., ifc
Russian Government 14s. 1111.101
Russian Oovernment 14s, 1121
Internal Loan (1,000 roubles). Ill '
Swift A Company la, 1141. .....101 i
- it
. 11
united rrult Co. is, nil..,.,,. 101 101
wuson Co. fa, 1141 ,.:.10l 102
Winnipeg, Canada, la, 1114 17 dig
Kf York Mote? Mark.
Mw York, Oct 11. Prlmt Heroantll
PaiMili pw cnt v
Btsrllni Rxchanfft Blity-d&y bills,
fl.TlHf commercials tlxtjr 'dar. f4,76i !
mand, 4.7 -!; cabins, 4.7. rrano:
Dmand, 6.4 S ; cablM, 5.I1H. Dsmund,
TOHoi demand, 10o, Kronen; Demand,
II 1-Me; damand. It I-Ha. Oulldn; Dt
mand. 41 l-llc; demand, 41 c. Llr:
Demand. 9.0; cables, 14.41, Rubiest De
mend, IlHot bls, Ilo.
Silver Bar, 7ot Meitcan dollars, IIKe.
Bond-OovnimenV steady . ratlroed, Ir
regular. -
U. S. r. Is, n. HHIC C. So. ref. Is. 10
ao coupon . "Tiu. , n. ..
V, a SsVroi-.lMHM.. K. T. I 4s. T7
do coupon ,,..oom. p, con, is...
U. S. 4s. ret. a. .110 Mont, Power U,
do coupon ...llOUN. T, C. deb, ts
Am. Bmell. U...U4KM. T. City 4H.
Am. Tel. ft fei. n. i r. n. a a.
cv. 4Hs .....lltU ov. s Ill
Anfflo-rrench Bs. l4No. Paclflo 4s... IJV4
Atoh. ten. 4sv.. Uk do ts 67
B. O. 4s A t Ore. fl. L. re. 41 14
Pfth. 8t, ref, Ss.lomPao. T. T. Is. lot
Central Pae. 1st,. IOPenn. eon, 4Hs..l0l
C. A O. cv. 44. tiff d n. 4i..l01
C, B. A (J. Jt 4s MtftReadlnK f-n. 4s. tb
CZ M. 8. P. I Ban V.
cv. Is 107 U ref. 4s ti
C, H. I. P. Ry. - Bo. Pfi. cv. ., 10
ref. 4s Tl do ref. 4s tl
C. A 8. ref. 4s M 8o. Railway ts..l0t4
U. m n. U. o, m, av union rm.v,
KHsi n. Se 78 U do flv. 4s...
I. I a P
Oen. Klectrlo fis..l0SHU. 8. Rubber Is
at. No. let 4Us.l0O'U. B. steel U.
t r. rf Am tl WesL Union 4Ui 17
Int. M. M. 4Sii..l0lDom. ot C, ItSl.lOOH
.'Bid. , .
Coffeo Market.
New Tork, Oct II. Ths market for cof
fee futures was more active today and
prices ruled steadier on covering and some
French buying from outside sources. The
opening was steady at an advanca of I to
11 points and after some early Irregularity,
actlvo months sold About 11 lo 11 points net
higher, with March advancing to l.t,lo and
July to Part of the trade was In the
way of switching from December to lster
deliveries and there appeared to be con
Iderable coveting by near month shorts as
well as renewed buying by Wall street and
cotton trade Interests on a theory that val
ues have not yet responded to "Influences
which are making for higher prices Id oth
er commodities.. Sales, 11,109 bags- Closing
bids: October., November and December,; January, 1.42c; i February, .44c;
March, 1.47a) April, I. Sir; May, 8.BSo July,
Llftc; August. I. ITc; September, 1.71c.
Spot coffee, dull: Rio 7s, lot Santos 4s.
10 e. Cost and freight orders were de
layed with the tew quotations received
about unchanged. Ths official cables re
ported no changes In spots and either Rio
or Santos, hut Santos futures were Tl rels
higher. Rio exchange 1-lld lower. Santos
cleared T4,00g bags for New Orleans.
" ' Sugar Market. .
Nsw Tork. Oct 11. Sugar' The market
for futures was Arm early on covering, but
eased off later under scattered liquidation
for over tha week-end, selling by commis
sion houses, with clotting prices t to I
points net lower; October, 1.40c; December,
4.1tc; Marclw 4.c; May, 4.S0c. Raw,
firm: molasses, l.tle; entrlfugal, 4. 1 So, Re
fined, steady; fine granulated, T.IOo.
'"'' ; Metal Market.
New Tork, Oct 11. -Continued flrmness
was reported In the copper market todey
with a fair demand, chiefly from domestto
sources. Very " little copper la offered for
delivery this side of January and prominent
agencies maintain quotations ranging from
lie down to about 17 fco tor deliveries of
electrolytic during tha first quarter.
iron waa unchanged.
Enormous Trading in TJ.
Steel Again Foremost
New Tork, Oct tl. Enormous trading Tit
united mates Steel was against toe lore
most feature of the week-ned session that
stock on Its further advancs of a point to
190 oomlng wtthtn a quarter of a point of
its record achieved the later part of fwntem
ber. Dealing In steel amounted to about
260,000 shares out of a total of 176,000
Other striking features were the new rec
ord made by Ueneral oMtors which rose IS
points to 126, and- the new maximums scored
by sugar shares, Cuba cans rising a fraction
to ISlis American best 1 to 10, and
Cuban-American 1 to 2H, with a 12-
point advance for South Porto Rlro to 120,
that quotation, however, being tar below
lis nign level.
central leather a so broke into new
ground, advancing 7 points to 10, and Utah
copper on its gain of 1 duplicated Its rec
ord with substantial Improvement In other
metals, Ths leather Issues were materially
higher, also a few of the equipments and
semi-war aessnpuons.
Tnese advances were partly off set br
premure oy against investment rails. Ir
regularity In shi d Dins shares and Petro.
leums, ana moaerate reversals in more
obscurs specialties. Low priced rails were
In further demand, especially Wabash and
msioun racitic.
The bank statement waa the mM( anonnr.
aging presented of recent weeks, actual
loans decreasing br almost 142.000.000 with
a cash gain of about $21,000,000 and an In
crease In reserves of over 130,000,000, brlng-
a i in excess reserves up to about 1100,
000,000. Week-end mavrlcta na aitati.
favorable. conunercal and Industrial trade
rouurui nDwinr a. autUanlnaY nf tha. hmiI
swift pace, .
Advices from steel Centura inAivnt AAt.
tlonal price advances In the coming week.
tfonas were reactionary In ronssnii.nM
lur.n-r oncrings or international Issues.
Total ssles. oar velii. la ma aaa tti..
States bonds were unchanged on call during
the week.
Number nt lata. -..H.iu.
,. ----- HxvsaaivriiB vu :WQ
mwvnm wrei
! UlsvK T
m. eei sugar... f.600 lOlu 1014 100
Am. Car A Foundry 1,600 10
Am. Locomotive.., I, too 11
Am. Smelt A Ref.. 10.600 112
110 112 ,
Am. HuaTavr Bf . 1 inn tiru
Am. Tel. A Tel 'flOO ns2
H 117
112 Ij
Am. u B..,. too 47
. . . . -Ugl'tJI-. , 4a.,IUI7 IS
1,200 101
101 4
Bald. Locomotive,,
Baltimore A Ohio. ,
Brook. Rapid Tran.
B. A fl. Conner
1,600 26U
701 IS
Cal. Petroleum...,
Canadian Pacific..,
Chesapeake A Ohio
C M. A St. P...,,
Chicago A N. W...
C. R. I. a P n .
127 1
II lit,
11 1741
Chlno Copper ,
Colo. Fuel A Iron..
Corn Products Ref,,
Crucible Steel
714 Mrt ItS
uismierr securities
lltt latZ
General Electric...
Oreat No. pfd. .
Great No. Ore otfs.
Illinois Cantral...,
Inter. Con. Corp. , ,
Insplrnttoa Copper,
Inter. Harvester...
Int. M. M. pfd. otfs.
K. C. Southern....
,owv ...IS IB, BU
100 HI ut 111?
1,100 tt), 13 i ui
100 101 101 C, I0
200 1714 171tl 17
1,100 l ui SsJ
400 111" lllj U1
t.ioo niu nm m
TOO 2774 174 2741
Kennerott Copper,. 11,400
144 1SI4 13
ivuuiaviiiu ax ivasn,
Mei, Petroleum..,.
Miami Copper
f'iiio iioii ioi" ii
loot 11 , 11 s,
"ioi "t '"th' "
"ioi 'ii' 'ii"
I.200 21 12 22
l,too 10s u 107 107
1.100 11 J llij U
1.100 HI 5 141 1()3
i.too nt in nin
M.. K. A T. nfd..
Missouri Paclflo.,. .
Montana Power..,,
National Lead......
Nevada Copper. . . ,
New York Central.,
N. T.. N. H. St H
Norfolk Weatern,
Northern Paelfls. , .
Paclflo Mall
Paclflo Tel. Tel
Pennsylvania . "l.ioo "iiti 'ii 7
Bay don. Copper... 1.100 ll" 2jJ J,2
,.uw 111, tin iiuia
11,200 77 3 71 7,2
400 It II .'21
, 1.100 100 100 100
1,700 21 21 21
1,200 116 121 121
1.100 23 22 21
1.100 111 2222 224
nap. iron steel. ,
Bhattuok Arls. Cop.
ftoutharn Pacific...
Houthern Railway.,
Stud.baker Co....,
Tennessee Copper,,
Texaa Company...,
Union Pacific
1,101 111 . 110 110
Union Paclflo pfd.. ..
TJ. B. Incl. Alaahel. . I 1.1 1.1 lieu ...7f
.no. Aioonsi, ,
V. S. leel........ 111,100 110 llli HI
D. 8. Steel pfd 1,000 lllu 120? 121
Utah Copper . .. 11,200 I3 ,5 t,S
Wabaao pfd. "B , ,. 1,200 21 II 172
wests Union loo tot ioi 102
Weatlnghotlee Blao. 1,101 44 .42 19
Total sales tor ths day, 711,004 shares.
, ! lstfoa FlaaaHa Market. 1
Ixmdon, Oot 21. Silver Bar, 22d per
ounce. .
Money 4 pay cent. '
Discount Rates Short bills. 101 per
cent; three months' bllla, lOi per seat.
' ';' ' Bask Clearings. . ,
Omaha, Oct. " 11. Bank clearings for
Omaha today were ll.OOt.tll.ll, and for the
corresponding day last year 12,111,177. 12.
Why, out of the builder'i
profits, and besides you
ee, we get 7 on money
advanced for construction.
That money is secured by
mortgages on the completed
properties NEW properties
TOO. x , ,
Home pirns
has paid 1 cash dividends
for five years, besides credit
ing surplus profits to all is
sued shares. '
11.00 shares sow l.20.
They will be worth mors
after January first ;
Ask for our booklet, "The
New Way."
. , Fiscal Ageata.
17th anal Douglas St., Omaha '
Heavy Hoisting
1212 Farnara SI TeL 0.353
1,100 )4 ii
700 24 13 14
1.100 17S1, 17.2
11,200 1, II i
1,100 70 li t,Vt
The total clearings for ths week ending to
day were HI, til, 117.14, and for the corre
sponding weak a year ago I22.I2!,!61.II.
Cattle, Steady Hogs, Strong Sheep
Chicago, Oct II. Cattle -Recelpta, 1.000
nead: market, ateadyj native beef cattle,
1410ft 11.(0; weetern ateera. It.liOl.tO;
lew, and feeders, IT.I09T.7I; cows and
heifers, 2.IOfl,24; calves. 17.150 UH(.
Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head; ' market,
strong, 11c above yeaterdsy's average: bulk
of aala, .,l(,14.2f light, l.ll(;
mlsed, It.7iei0.i0; heavy, 1.70010.11;
rough, I, 7I1I It: plga, 7.26.SO.
Sheep and Lsmbs Recelpta, 2,001 head;
market, steady; wethers, 7.0001.21; ewes,
11.71147.44; lambs, .KtylO.fO.
Butter Mo, i sreamery. In cartons sr
tubs, llo: No. I, its.
l-ivs Poultry Hens, over 4 lbs.. 14c: under
4 lbs., lllio; broilers, I to 1 lbs.. 11c:
springs, over I lbs., lie; roosters. 11c;
geese, full feethered, fat, lie; young and
old ducks, full feathered, tat lie: turkeya.
muj ! over e ioe., suo; leee man a loa..
half price; capona, I lbs. and over, 24c;
guineas, i each, Its: young, . each, 2tc;
aquage, homers, 14 os. esob, per dos..
14.00; II OS., sack, oar doe.. 12.10: I oa.
each, per dos., 1.10; under t os each, per
uos., eua; nigefwis, psr aos, 7,e.
Cheese Imported Bwlss. tie: domestic
wiss. me. stock ewlss toe: twin cheese,
22o; triplets, !2c; daisies. 22o: young
Amerlos. 22c: Blue Label brick. ,n. lim.
berger, 12c; New York whits, 22c; Roqufort
tta ,
Beef Cute Rlhe; Hn , 1SUe. Mn ,
11c; No. I, 12c, Loins: No. tfl.lo; No. I,
lie: No. 1. lta. Chucka: Mi. 1 like- Mo
I. lo: No. I, le. Rounds: No. 1, llo;
No. i. llo; No. I, 12o. Pletee: No. 1,
oi No. I, le; No. I, le.
Oysters "King Cole" Cheeapeeke slsnd
ards, gal., II. to; large cans, 12c; small
cans, 22c; selects, gal., II. II; large cana,
lie: small cans, llo: "Kins Cola." northern
atandard, gal.. 11.10; large cana, 4c; small
cans, 21c; selects, gal.. 12.00: largs csna.
41c: small cans, Ibc; counts, tel., 12.21;
large cana. Mc, email cana, llo.
Fish Halibut 154c: salmon rl. llo:
Pike, fancy dreaaed northern- atoelc 12e:
salmon, fall, llor cropplee, medium, 7c:
bullheads, fancy northern, llo: whltefleh.
northern atock, lie: pickerel, lie: trout
lie: catfish. 17c: black baaa. order alza. 2te:
odd slse. 17c; headless shrimp, psr gsl,
1.21; peeled shrimp, per gal, 11.71; kip
pered salmon, 14 lb. baskeu per lb.. 17o:
amoked whltefleh (chube), 11 lb saaket, per
H. Ionia Un Stool. Markot.
it. Loult. Oot 11. (Dattlo RctiDt. 1.000
noao; tnarxfl. tieaay: nativo b iteora,
87.60OH 00; yomrllni otoora and holfors,
I6.60O10.76; cowa, n.S07.(0; itoekera and
fender. St.807.60: prim outhero tesrt.
18.0090.00; cowa and holferi, 4.f0O7.60;
prim yearuna atoers ana neltera. iT.bOO
1.00; native oalvea, 16.00011.26.
Hoaa Recelota. 4.600 head: market
hiiher: limu, .t0O10,20: plaa. Ii.ioo
1.60; mlzed and butcher. IM6O10.26; good
neavy, fiv.ito viv.tja; duik ox aaiea, 6V.009
10.80. 1 -
Sheep and t umba Recelpta. 609 head:
market ateady; lam be, f 7. 00019.66; alaush-
ter ewea, ft.u07.z; breedinc owee, 18.600
0.60; yearltngi, 48.0096.76; ewoe, $6,769
Kansas City Live Stoek Market.
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 21. Cattle Re
ceipts, 600 head; market steady to strong;
prims fed steers, 19.60012.00: dressed beef
steera, 17.0001.26; western steers, 66.009
f.ioi souinem steers, S6.60a7.7a: cows.
14.6097.16; heifers, 16.6009.26; stockers
and feeders, $6.0006.00; bulls, $4.7606.26;
oalvea, $6.00010.60.
Hon Receipts, 2.600 head: bulk of sales.
$0.76010.10; heavy, $10.00010.16; packers
and butchers, $10.00 010.20; light, 1 9.40
10.00; pigs. $8.6009.60.
Sheep and Lim bo Recelpta, 1,000 head:
market steady; lambs, $10.00010.60; year
lings. $7.6001.60: wethora. $7.0001.00:
ewea, $6.7607.40;
St. Jseeph live Stock Market.
St. Joseph, Mo., Oot. tl. Cattle Re
ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steers,
$6.60 0 10.26; cows and heifers, $4.26019.00;
calves, $7.00010.60.
Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; market (0
10fl higher; top, $10.20; bulk of sales, $9,100 !
IV. IS. 1
Bhep and Lambs Receipts, M00 head:!
market steady lambs, $9.76010.60; worn, i
Duloth. Oct 11. Unseed OilOn track
and toNarrive. $l,9t October, $2.07 H; No
vember, (l.7 14 ; December, $2.67 asked;
May, om.
Stand By the State and the, Nation
Mr. Kennedy was born, on a
farm in Ayshire, Scotland, Octo
ber 27, 1854, He attended the
: public school in Scotland until he
was twelve years of age, when he
was needed at home on the farm.
yVhen he was nineteen, he,came
to the United States and farmed
in LaSalle County, Illinois,; for
four years. From the farm he
went to Galesburg, Illinois, and
entereH Knox College. He re
mained at Knox about three
years. ' At different times he has
received from 'Knox College the
honorary degrees of Bachelor of
. Arts, Master of Arts and Doctor
' of Law. ;' ? .;;'V
; Mr! Kennedy graduated from
the law department of the State
University of Iowa in 1882, and !
in December of that year he came to Omaha
and engaged in the practice qf law. v From
1882 to 1888 he was a member of the firm
of Kennedy & Martin. In 1888 Myron L.
Learned succeeded Mr. Martin, and the
partnership of Kennedy & Learned con
tinuedvfor nineteen years, being dissolved
by mutual consent in 1907.
Fat Cattle and Good Feeders
Steady for Week Lambs
- Are Higher. ,
Onutht., October 21, UK.
Receipt -: CM. to. Horn. Shp
Official Mondtr.. 22.4&1 2.747 11.002
Official TuoHday 12,72ff 4,282 28.14
Official WedtiMday ... 10,085 4,481 l,t2
Official Thursday ... 6,862 1,111 21.888
Official Friday 1,871 I. IDS 1,067
.CtnimaU Saturday .... 100 4,800 1.160
Slzdaya' totals 66.711
24,782 117,776
16,861 142,782
28,060 13t,817
20,462 174,376
flame dayi laet week.. 48. 168
Same 2 weeke airo..,,.41,264
Same I weeks ago 48,068
Same 4 weeks aao 47.197
26,600 141,1X1
Same days last year. . .17,820 19.177 106.412
Recepta and disposition of live stock at
the Untoj. stock yards, Omaha, for twenty-
four hourftsendlQaT At t o'clock, p. m., Octo
ber 21, 1016: v
' - - - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C, M. Bt P. .....
Missouri Paclflo
Union Pacific
C. tfc N. W east
C. 4 N. W., west ...
C.8t. P., M. O. .,
C, B, Q., west ...
C, R. I. ft P., east .,
Illinois Central .....
Chicago Oreat West. ,
26 ..
' 20
1- 12 .. ,
27 77
Total recelpta , .
Cattle, Hogs. Sbeep.
Morris A Co. .... 662 ....
Swift A Co. ,. .... 967 ....
Cudahy Packing Co. 1,062 ....
Armour A Co. ' 1,139
8c h warts A Co, .......f 196 ....
J, W. Murphy 1,814
Swift, (country) J... ..... 1,128
Cudahy (Kansas City), 146 .... .....
Totals H8 6,820, 1,128
Cattle Receipts for the week amount to
66,711 head, the largest week's run In the
history of the market Until this week the
record waa held by th week ending October
16, 1116, during which time receipts amount
ed to 62.421 head of cattle.
Under the Influence of the very heavy
recelpta on Monday, not only here, but at
every other point, prices broke sharply and
wore again lower on Tuesday. Since that
time values have been firming up, so that on
killing cattle the decline has been entirely
recovered. Thus at the close of the week
beef steers, cows and heifers. In fact all
kinds of killers, are practically steady with
the previous week's close. Good stock cattle
and feeders are also steady, but the medium
to common kinds are unevenly lower, being
perhaps 1036o lower than last week's close
Quotations on cattle: Good' to choice
beeves, $9.76010.60; fair to good beeves,
$6.6009.76; common to fair beeves. $6,760
6.60; fancy grassers, $8.2600.76; good to
choice grass beeves, $7.76 0 8.26 ; fair to
choice grass beeves, $6.6607.76; common to
fair grass (beeves, $6.0006.86; good to choice
heifers, $6,7607.26; good to choice cowa,
$6.6007.00; fair to good cows. 16. 86O6.60:
common to fair oows. $4.2606.86; good to
aholce feeders, $7.6008.16; fair to good
feeders, $6.7607.60; common to fair feeders,
$6.0006.76; good to choice stockers, $7,600
1.00; stock heifers, $6.2607.26; stock cowa,
$6.2606.60;' stock calves, 67, 008.60; veal
calves, $8.00010.60; beef bulls, stags, etc.,
$6.1606.60. - -..
Hogs Thero wss a very good Saturday
run of hogs here for this time of year, early
estimates calling for sixty-nine loads, oJ
about 4,800 head, and the prospects being
that. If anything, official figures would
overrun this. The week's total Is 24.733
head, which l 1,000 larger jan a week
age and 6,600 heavier than last year, al
though It Is over 2,000 short of two weeks
ago. On several days this week when the
market opened higher, late trains have fail
ed to share in the full advance, and sellers
had some apprehensions as to how 'the last
arrivals would fare today. Their fears were
groundless, for when one big train came in
shippers had fresh orders, and as packer
droves lacked quite a little of, being filled
out, competition was Just as keen as ever
and prices were fully steady to, if anything,
stronger than any other time.
The general market was a nm nickel
above yesterday's average. Bulk sold at
$9.86010.00, and' the top reached $10.10.
Prices today are 46c higher than a week
ago, and are the highest of the month to
For United States Senator
date, being around $10.10 better than at
the low time October 4. ,
Representative sales:
No. Av, Sh. Pr. ' No. Av. 8h. Pr.
102.187 ... $9 66 68..132 620 $9 76
94..157 10 1 80 - 76.1 197 80 9 86
76, .229',.. 9 90 68.V309 80 I 2
62. .266 ... 95 44. .227 ...10 00 ,
69.. 261 60 10 06 66. .269 $0 19 10
' 'i. PIOS.
19.. 108 ... 1 60 v '
Sheen The sheep and Iamb run ts be
ginning to taper off, receipt the last week
having been the amallVst since the early
part of September, though they show a
slight Increase over the corresponding week
of last year. Fat lamb demand has been
good all week, and values have moved up
about 26c since Friday of last week. The
best lambs here yesterday sold at $10.26
ana me weet. s top was 610.60. In fact,
the range of prices for anything decent has
been very narrow lately, nothing at all de
sirable having sold under $10.00 this week,
while the last two or three days It has
been largely a $10.26 market.
Aged sheep were In fairly liberal supply j
early In the week and on on nr tn risvi 1
fat ewe prices were forced dawn, quotations
at the close of the week being 10016c un
der last Friday,
Thero was really little change in the feed
ing lamb market at any time of the week.
Choice feeders ar very scarce and the few
that come are snapped up read! iy even
when the market on other grades Is slow.
A few of the best are selling around $10.00.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to choice, 110.20010.26; lambs, fair to
good, $9.90010.16; latnbs. feeders. $9,000
10.00; yearlings, good to choice, $7.6007.76;
yearlings, fair to good, $7.0007.60; year
lings, feeders, $7.0008.00; wethers, fair to
choice, $6.0007.40; ewes, good to choice,
$6.60 06.76; ewes, fair to good, $6.7606.60;
ewes, plain to c 11 lies. $4.0006.60; owes, feed
ing, $4.6006 00; ewes, breeders, all ages.
$li.28 0 9.OO. k ; ,
Cotton Market. '
1 New Tork, Oct. 11. Cotton Futures
open eft steady; December, 18.49c; January,
18.40c; March, .16.60c; May, 18.65c; July.
Cotton market todav olosed verv ateadv at
'a net advance of 10 to 17 points. ....
New-York, Oct. $1. Cotton Spot, quiet;
middling upland, 18.60c; no sates. Futures
closed, steady; December, 18.62c; .January,
18.48c; March, 18.62c; May, 18.74c; July,
18.74c ..
' Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Sioux City, la., Oct 21. -battle Receipt,
700 headv -
Hogs Receipts; 4 J) 00 head; market,
steady; light, $9.7009.80; mixed, $9,800
9.86; helivy, $9.86010.00; bulk of sales, $9.80
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 800 head. '
Omaha Hay Market.
Hay Receipts light; market firm. Prairie
hay; Choice upland, $10.60011.00; No. 1
upland, $9.60010.00; No. 2 upland, $7,600
6.00; No. S upland, $6.0007.00. Midland: No:
1, $9.60010.00; No. 2, $7.0008.00. Lowland:
No. 1. $6.0007.00; No. 2, $4.0006.00; No. 2,
$3.0004.00. Alfalfa: Choice, $16.00; No. 1,
$13.00014.00; standard, $11.00012.00; No.
A light truck manufacturing company, whose of ficsrs and di
rectors are men of such prominence that yon probably know most
of them, will shortly offer shares for sale at a row price, suck
shares karinf a pas Value of $10.00 per share.
' The shares of this company will be offered by publishing an
nouncments simultaneously in about two hundred leading news
papers, having a combined circulation of about thirty million
copies per issue. , :. ' .
A rising, nation-wide market will be immediately created lor
these shares. ' "
Prior to publishing the above announcements limited allot,
ment of shares is being eold at an INSIDE price. This offering
is so-unusual that a majority of those to whom it has been pre
sented have become liberal subscribers. .' . ' V
Information on request if you ask for CIRCULAR.
110 South Dearborn Street ' Chicago, Illinois
NOTEi Ths lifht truck Industry fs believed to be In much th. eeme posi
tion today that th. Itsht pleasure car Industry waa a few year. ago.
Investments of a few hundred dollara mad., then have yielded hundred.
, . ! thousands in SOT.ra! Inatancss... . j . . .
During his thirty-three years'
residence in Omaha, Mr. Ken
nedy has been actively identified
with the development of the city-,
and has contributed largely to
various buildings erected within
the last few years. He was one
of the moving spirits in the build
ing of the Fontenelle Hotel, and
served as1 chairman of the build
ing committee. ' He is" a director
of- the Commercial'. Club'- of
Omaha and during 1915 served
as Chairman, of the Public s Af
fairs Committee. .
Mr. Kennedy is a Presbyterian
and Jias been a member of the
First Presbyterian ; Church of,
Omaha- for more' than thirty
years. ' His family consists of his
wife and three children. ' ; "
. . . i . '
In the Fifty-ninth Congress; (1905-1907)
Mr. Kennedy represented the Second Con
gressional District. In 1911 he was chair
man of the Republican State ' Committee,
when the entire Republican state ticket was
elected. . He has always been a Republican
and is now the Republican candidate for
United States Senator.
2. $6.0009.00; No. 1, $.OO08.oO. Straw;
Oat, $6.0006.60; wheat. $6.0006.60. - t
Oil and Rosin. 1
Savannah, Oa., Oct. 21. Turpentine, firm.
46o; sales, 84 bbls. ; receipts, 464 bbls. ;
ahlpmenta, 1,467 bbls.; stock, 26,671 bbls. '
Rosin, firm; sales, none; receipts, .Ills
bbls.; shipments. 16.876 bbls; stock, $0,160
libltt. Quote: A B, C, D, E, $6:20; F, O, H,
I. K, $.36i M. $6.40i N, S.t6; WQ. 6.60;
WW, $8.70. -
Dry Goods Market.
New Tork, Oct 31. Cotton goods and
yarns were very firm today. The high
yarn prices are making It difficult for
knitters .to readjust finished garment prlcea
on levels customers will trade. Burlaps
were ateady; linens scarce. Jobbers did
a very large business.
Elgin Butter Market.
Oct. 11. Butter sUo bid;
sales; market unchanged.
Amateur Wireless Ones
Get In On Wilson Message
Great Barrington, Mass., Oct 21.
A message from President Wilsoir
will be relayed by amateur wireless
operators to all parts of the country
at II p. m. (eastern time) October
27, according to a statement made
today by Robed T, St. James,. who
has an amateur radio station here.
He said that the test fyad been ar
ranged as a demonstration of the
efficiency of amateur stations.
Mr. St. James said that at noon to
day and at the same hour tomorrow
he would send out a wirele notifica
tion to the stations wiiich are to par
ticipate in the relay.
Grandson of Poet WoimdeaY
f London, Oct. 21. The latest list ot
wounded from France Includes the name of
Captain Lionel Hallam Tennyson, eldest son
of Lord Tennyson and grandson of tha poet
This is the second time that Captain Ten
nyson has been wounded.
vThis Valuable Booklet Hailed Fro
on Request'
Pl. Su!te26, 226 S. LaSaJle St.
Droaers , Chicago, ill.