THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER 22. 1916. 3-D FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. 608 SO JOTH -r.. mod $7.60 253! 6 Ohio, S-r. cottage, water, gas.. 13.60 11 S. 17th. 7-r., part mod S3. SO 1420 Cmldwell, 7-r.. mod. cottage 11. 60 4t07 N. Mth, $-r., mod. bungalow . . 16.00 366 N. 40th. 11-r. and garage, mod. 70.00 FIRST TKUST CO., Poug. 1181. 303 Bo. 18th. Th Bee carried 4S.006 WOKF..PAID Want Adi Ant months of 1914 than same period 1916. Thli figure EXCEEDS THM COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha pa pe re by OVER 20,000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results, Better Rates. FOR RENT. Two 8-room modern houses In block of 4 brtck house. Just the place tor friends or relatives who want to live near each other, close to car line and In walk Ins distance. J. H. DUMONT 4 CO., 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 600. WB want more houses and apartments to rent The fact that we have practically cleaned out our big list is conclusive proof of the efficiency of our rental service. If you want to keep your places rented see Payne A Slater Co., "Omaha's Rental Men," 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., Doug. 1016. Men," 616 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., Doug. 1016. 1306 SO. JOTH AVE.. 7-r. strictly mod., (25. 2216 No. J&th Ave.. 6-r., modern, except heat. $15. 1036 So. 2 2d St., 4-r., partly modern, $11. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Douglas 10W 4. 1320 Farnam Street. $30 3209 CASS. 6 rooms, strictly modern, Urge yard. $36 3U14 Webster, 7 rooms, modern. $18.60 1684 N. 20th, 4 rooms, newly dec orated. RINQWALT, Brand sis Theater Bldg. 2423 Franklin St., 6 rms. and bath. . .$18 .00 4110 North 38th Si., 6 rooms 12.00 JOHN N. FRKNZKK. UUUULA8 &. NICE 7 -room flat, 1107 Cuming St., $26. ft room house, 1720 N. 26th St., only $12. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. FOR RENT Ap'ts and Flats West. FASHIONABLE APARTMENT. 4802 DODGE ST. Beautiful stucco, Just recently built, large living room with fireplace, beamed ceilings in dining room, delightful sun parlor, fine tiled bath, exclusive and re fined surroundings. Price $66. PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat. Doug. 1016, HEADED apts. la the Troy, 3001 Harney, containing 4 rooms each; every Improve ment; best of Janitor service; now ready for occupancy under lease to Ootober 1, 1917. Call Janitor for appointment and see Thos. W. Hasen, 307 McCague Bldg.. Agent. Doug. 1300. CLOSE IN, I rooms with 3-r, accommoda tions, 2719 Dewey Ave., walking dlstanoe, has built-in bed, renting for $27 summer, $30 winter. Omaha's Largest Rental Agency, Hastings A Heyden. 1614 Harney. Ty. 50. North. THE Burt Apartments, 1914 Burt St, 4 rooms, new, modern, steam-heated. Win ter price, $32.60. We wish to rent one of these apartments to man and wife at re duced price, If they take charge of entire heating plant, snow, etc. RINQWALT BROS., 714 Brandels Theater Bldg. RENT CUT TO $16. 1119 N. 22d 4-r. flat, steel rang., (a plate, kitchen cabinet, water paid, lie. RASP BROS., Douslaa 1668. -RM., STRICTLT mod. (lata. North SSth. 186.60 monthly. Darn. 1H N. 18th. South. THE CARLYLE, 625 SO. 18TH ST. 4 rooms and tile bath. This apartment Is particularly noted for Its large living rooms ; is neatly decorated throughout, fine front porch. Here you have no car- fare; 36 summer; $42.60 winter, PAYNE & SLATER CO., 616 Omaha Nat. Doug. 1016, S-R.. with built-in bed, making practical!? a B-r. Apt, in the VICTORIA, $13 S. 27th Ave., close in, walking distance; 910 win' ter, ssu summer. Omaha's Largest Rental Agency. Hastings A Heyden, 1614 Har. Ty. TO MODERN apartment, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, Ideal for two people, enquire 1061 8. 29th St. ST. CLARE. I and 4-r. apts.. 24th and Harney. Har ney 647. 4-ROOM apartment all modern, $20 In sum mer and $30 in winter, including heat Key, zzn Howard. Red 3667. 6-R. mod, flat, 2303 B. 24th, $20. H. 4711. Miscellaneour. BRICK flat for rent. $36 per month; rooms, modern. ' Phone Doug. 161. 3-ROOM Hat, mod. ex. heat, $1$. 6 -room flat, modern except heat, $18. -room flat, strictly modern, $36. TO LAND & TRUMBALL. 443 Bee Bldg. " Doug. 6707. FOR RENT Businesi Pr'p'ty Stores- STORES FOR RENT. $10.00 2007 Amea Ave., good location for barber enop. 416.002612 No. 16th, 10x0 ft. JSO.OO 1422, No. 10th, 24x ft., groeerr location. 137.60 2622 No. 16th. 1060 ft., steam neat, new, very desirable lor milltn ery or dry cleaning office. 176.00 613 So. 16th, iteam heat, good lo. cation for market, grocery or light line of merchandise. 1126.001601-6 Howard. SOalO ft., steam neat, new and strictly modern. 1175.00 216-16 So. 18th St., 40x60 ft. casement, steam neat. GEORGE COMPANT, Phone D. 760. Ml City Nat. Bank Bldg. STORES FOR RENT. S90S Leavenworth, $17.60. 2210 Cuming St., 127.60. 611 N. 16th St., photo studio, 2d floor, 116. 4134 Hamilton and 4 living rooms, mod. ex. heat, $20. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1686. Rose Bldg. STORE FOR RENT. 612 N. 16th St., second floor, fitted op especially for photograph gallery. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. Rose Bldg. STORE FOR RENT 1616-17 North 14th St., fine double store room with large display windows. Base ment under entire store. Desirable loca catlon for retail store or shop. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. Rose Bldg. 1762 LEAVENWORTH, 22160 $30.00 1720 St. Mary's Ave $40.00 FIRST TRUST CO., . " 11SI 308 So. 18th. TWO modern stores near Postoffic. Low rent. Q. P. Stebblna. 1610 Chicago. Office jnd Desk Room. DESIRABLE .tudlo location In Wead bldg lLh "? J'"rnm' n(1 ' Baldrlgo bldg., 21Kb and Farnam; rental reasonable. m. v. rt had, weed Bldg. DLtlUAbLi. office rooms :n the remodeled Cronnse Block. Ill N. Ilth gt (opposite postofflce), 110 to ill per month. Conrad You-g. ii Brandeis Thyster Doug, my Miscellaneous. SMALL factory for rent! 20x126,. steam heat, upstairs. 1111 Farnam St. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WANTED lulling on cottages or houses to rent or Mil on eaai' paymenta. Have cue. tomers waiting. nqulre 411 Karbaeh Block. Douglaa 1 . 67. GALLAGHER NELSON " will 1. jk after your rentals. 644 Brandels Bldg. Doug. 8382. Miscellaneous. WANTED Houses, stores and apartments for our rental department. N. P. Dodge t Co., Harney St. at 16th. Telephone Doug. 821. MOVING AND STORAGE 'FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart mento. Aleo for storage, moving. lath and Jackson Stt. J. C. REED 130T fUrnam St, Express Co. Moving, packing and storage Douglas 6146. MOVING AND STORAGE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, ' packing and snipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 102 8. 16th St. Douglas 4161 Globe Van and Stqrage Co, For real moving service try us. Large -horse padded vans. Storage, $1 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICK KR. CH EAI'ER AND SAFKR. Phone Tyler 23 or Douglas 4331. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing 219 N. Uth St. Phone Douglas 394. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to orders for moving, packing or storage, office at Ray mond Furniture Co., 1613 and 1615 How ard St, Phone D. 6624. Vn and Storage Co.. M vlng, Packing storage and shipping. Phone Douglas 1496. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED THE LIST WB SHOW BELOW ARB ALL EXCLUSIVE AND WE OFFER THEM UPON PER SONAL RECOMMENDATION. WB PROPOSE, IN OUR BUSI NESS DEALINGS WITH TOU, TO SAT NOTHING BUT THE PLAIN TRUTH. MISREPRE SENT NOTHING AND AT ALL TIMES RESPECT TOUR INEVI TABLE RIGHTS AS A CLIENT. BEINO "NEW" HERB NECES SITATES OUR PROVING THESE STATEMENTS, BUT THIS WB WILL DO AND ONLT ASK 'an OPPORTUNITY INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 821-30 CITT NAT. BANK BLDG. . e PHONES DOUG. 18(1, W.l. 16l. OUR OFFERING TODAT BELOW. TO EXCHANGE. FINE H-ROOM STRICTLT MOD ERN iHOME ON HAMILTON ST. FOR A LARGER MODERN HOME IN WEST FARNAM DIST. WILL PAT CASH DIFF. UP TO l,000. CALL WALNUT 1629 TODAT. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES GRAND JUNCTION, COLO., FRUIT LAND. WATER I RIGHTS PAID, ONE MILE FRUITA, COLO. WILL EXCH. FOR GOOD AUTO. OFFER US NOTHINO UNLESS IT IS WORTH AT LEAST $1,000. CALL WAL. 1620 TODAY. , FOR SALE. SPLENDID 7-R. STR. MOD. HOME, OCCUPIED NOW BT OWNER, WHO WANTS HOME NEARER IN. THIS IS LOCATED AT 4314 BURDETTE ST. CLOSE TO CAR LINES. THIS IS REAL LY A SNAP, $3,600, ONLY $400 DOWN. CALL WAL. 1639 TODAY. FOR SALE. 2011 Maple St., Str, mid., oak fin., comb. fix. and a beautiful home. Fine location. '$4,000 cash. Call Walnut 1611 today. . FQR SALE. Close In. modern, cheap. 808 Forest Ave., Just a step from the depots. This Is a most reasonably prloed property. We will show you today or any time. Price $3,860. 1,860 down, bal. long time. Call Wal. 1639 today. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 4-r. bungalow, str. mod., large lot, la Benson, $2,260. $700 down or will ex. equity for a desirable lot. Call us up today. Walnut 1629. FOR SALE LAND. H see. In Cheyenne Co., fine, level, In wheat belt, and a rare bargain. 8 miles from Potter. $16 per acre, tt down. Bal. $ yrs., 6 pet 'Phone Doug. 8862 Monday. The Hat shown above are only a few of the many goods things we hav to offer you. The Inter-State Realty Co., $29-80 City Nat. Bank. Bldg. Phones Doug. 8862, Wal. 162. , Come up or call up? West. . FINE TWO STORY STUCCO HOUSE IN THE BEST IMPROVED LOCATION. We have built and sold many homes in different parts of the city, but with no exception, ror tne amount of money invest ed, we can show you (he most convenient, best plan and comfortable home to be found. Eight rooms, Including sun porch and sleeping porch. Best grade of clean oak floors throughout, oak finishing on first rioor, white enamel,, nve-ooat work, second floor. Very tasty decorations, Light fixtures to be selected by the purchaser. Living room ixz reei, wun ana book cases, large bullt-ln buffet in dining room. Double French doors opening onto sun porch. Kitchen completely white enamel wun built-in cabinets. Full cement basement, with Torld-Zone furnace: floor drain and .laundry service Good attic for store room. Flexltlle shingle uof, guaranteed for 10 years. The person buying this property can undoubtedly make $600 Inside of a year. Our profit Is small and time Is money for us, so let us show you this splendid buy as soon as possible. Located at 606 Bo. 41st St. Drive by and form your own opinion. Call HIATT COMPANY, 24S Omaha Nat, Bank. Tyler 60. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO. 6 large oak finished rooms and break fast room; large, beautiful stucco home, on high and sightly lot, near Bemte park . Price, 15,000. About $600 cash and bal ance like rent. JEFF W. BEDFORD & SON, 222 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 332. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. A FINE HOMF.. A beautiful 7 -room house, containing re ception hall, large living room, dlniiig room, kitchen and pantry on first floor. Oak finished with oak columns between reception hall and living room, quarter sawed oak floors, nice, open stairway to second floor containing 4 good a lie, well lighted bed rooms. Good bath with up-to- date fixtures, linen closet. Stairway to attic, making a good store room. Good light fixtures throughout, well decorated, iuii oricK rounaation, floor drum In base ment, hot air furnace. This property is located 1 4 blocks from narney car line. Lot (.auxins ret. Fine tthade trees in yard, with garage or burn In rear, located at 3409 Burt street, and without a doubt the price we are ouutlng wouia no more tnan rebuild tne improve mente. Our lowest possible price Is $4,260 "on reasonable payments. Let us hear from you at once and you will be convinced of tne facts we are advertising. HIATT COMPANY, 215 Omaha Nafl Bank. Bldg. Tylflr 60. WKST 81 DB, FOH SALE OR RENT BY OWNER, FIVE-ROOM HOI'SIS, M BLOCK PROM CAR LINE, The house Is modern throughout and Is nniBned in beat of style, with fireplace In living room and with oak in principal rooms. & sleeping rooms and bath on 2d floor. Furnace neat. Be sure to see this today. Call Wal. Hit today. Call Doug. SH6 any wsbk aay. CLOSE IN LOTS AT SUBURBAN PRICES In the district adjoining 40th and Dav enport to the north and west, we are selling large fully Improved, high grade building lota at from $700 to $1,400. upon terms of 10 per cent down and 1 per cunt of the purchase price per month. All of the lots have city water, sewer, gas and electric lights, and nearly all of them have permanent sidewalks and paving paid In full. No lot further than three blocks from the Knrnam-40th car line. Saunders School, St. Cecelia's Parochial School, new Cathedral and other churches are close at hand. We have sold over $100,000 worth of these lots In the last 18 months, and these few remaining lots are really the most choice of the district. Owned by an estate, unusually low prices and easy terms have been made to clean them up. Go out today and look them over. Signs on tho unsold lota give lot number and prices. Compare them with any lots now offered In the city and you will be convinced that they are offered at far below tnetr actual value. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tylar 1630. Rose Bldg. WEST FARNAM -COTTAGE $2,850 On Douglas Street, near 42nd, we have a great bargain in a 6-room, all-modern cottage, on a full 60-foot lot. It is a south front In a nice neighborhood, less than a block from the oar and everything about It la In first-olass condition. The owner wants to go away and is offering tne nouse lor f&oo less than its real value. Let ui show It to you Monday. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., 742 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A new frame and stucco residence, strictly modern and up-to-date and reedy for occupancy this week. This home has tile vestibule with coat closet; large liv ing room and dining room with beam cell .Ings; built-in bookcases and beautiful fire place in living room; butlers pantry equipped with cupboard; large kitchen and up-to-date bullt-ln kitchen cabinet; rear entry with refrigerator room, rear porch. Second floor has three large bed rooms with mirror doors, sun room, linen closet, tile bath with excellent fix tures. Basement has laundry room with tubs, floor drain, toilet, fruit room and the beat hot air furnace connected up with hot water boiler. This home Is beauti fully finished in oak and has semi-indirect lighting fixtures and artistic wall decorations. Price $6,760. Located. 606 South 40th St. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. WEST FARNAM. $4,600403 South 42d Street; two-story stucco, pressed brick foundation; lot 47x Vii; alley In rear; living room with fire place; dining room, kitchen and butler's pantry on first floor; four bedrooms and bath on second floor, with large closets In each bedroom. This Is a choice locar tion, streets all paved and within thrne blocks from Farnam street car line; the lot alone is worth from $1,100 to $8,000 and the house cannot be duplicated for less than $6,000 and you can have It for $4,600 and on easy terms. This property was taken In under foreclosure and the owner Is letting it go for Juat what It ac tually cost him. Don't miss this oppor tunity to get a home In a fine location at a bargain price. Better call me up and aarange to look this over. Stop paying rent and buy this house on practically the same terms. C. A. GRIMMEL, S4 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldt. Phon. D. 11S. THESE FORECLOSURES MUST BE SOLD. FINE HOMES. Must be sold for amount of first mort gage. 10 rooms, strictly modern, south front, paved streets, high-class neighbor hood, one block from car line, oak finish, oak floors, excellent heating plant. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. 3831 Parker St., 8 rooms, well arranged, modern, except heat, alRluty ground, place for garden and chickens. Make an offor on either of the above properties. Attractive sale terms can h arranged or will consider trade In Omaha GILBERT C. LOOMIS. 106 McCague Bldg. Doug. J 70. RENT RECEIPTS " Won't buy this new all modern hun.tA. of 6 r, and bath; best grade of oak, with uuu ukk nours inrougnoui no use, even in kitchen; has a number of special features such as window seat, plate rail and panel' rooms all artistically decorated, high grade fixtures, full basement, furnace dandy east front lot, 1 blk. from car in good live neighborhood. Price cut to 18,100; about 1800 cash, or a vanant in a. a small house considered as part payment. nAor onus,, 1O0 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1661. BEAUTIFUL HOME. We have for sale on verv eaav tart. . splendid residence at 116 N. 23d St This house has eight rooms, ail In fine con dition. The lot is 60x143, V is In a very desirable neighborhood and the prloe Is certainly low. ALFRED THOMAS, 101 First National Bank Bias. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM. We have juat listed another 6-room home near 42d and Karnam streets. 8 larg lKtirooms and bath on sernnd floor. Living room, dining room and kitchen on the first. Has built-in flrtplaci, a nice I garage ror two care. On paved street. I block from car lino. Can be handled either on terms or owner willing to dis count for cash. See Uit at tm as these west farnam homes don't last lung. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha National Hunk Hldg. D, 1781. N EAR 30TH AND DODG E. Nearly new 2-story, strictly modern I home on the boulevard, S blocks from 1 farnam street, 4 bedrooms and tile bath room, living room, dining .room, don and kitchen. Oak finish and oak floors. Built in buffet, china closet, fireplace and book- canes, clothes chutes, storm windows, ga rage. l,oi odxljti feet, with room for i olher house facing on 80th Ht. This Is I an eivgHnt home as well as an investment and well located. Triced at a bargain I PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Omaha National Bank Hldg. D. 1781. DESIRABLE NEW HOME CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Owner will consider t-room cottage or ouiiRaiow as part payment. This Is a 7- room, a-story modern home, havina largo living room, flreulace. attractive din. lug room with built-in buffet, convenient Kiienen ami 4 good bedrooms with oak finished floors. Best of construction. Price 1 le.fcuu. Kasy terms. GEORGE & COMPANY . hotie IX 766. 903 City Nat. Bank Bldg. I BUY THIS SNAP Only $100 down and $J6 pv month buys a Drand new, beautifully decorated six room home, strictly modern in every de tail; right on the Farnam car line. Price has ben cut to only $4,200. We can recommend this as a genuine bargain. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-2 om. Nafl Bank Hldg. Doug. 14T4. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 8-room. 1 baths, nearly new; big discount, onlv $f..2fin. See it. sts n. sum Ave. Wh,ST FA HN AM 8-room. all modern cot. tags on Farnam, near 43d St; lot 60x113. HT.CC Doug. 8191, W. h, SELBY St SONS have not yet formed mo nam i or cneapening their houses, that the price sells them. His LINCOLN BLVD 11-room house. strictly modern, with hot water heat North. AUCTION SALE. 15-Room House and Large Lot Lo cated at 4219 North 24th Street, Omaha. Will be sold at auction to the highest bidder on the premises. Tuesday, Oct. 24th, at 2 p. m. Sharp. This Is a well built modern house, just one block south of the Ames ave. car barn, wen lucaiea ror a rooming house, easy to rent, on car line, and will likely sell at a great sacrifice. Terms of sale, one-third of purchase price cash, balance long time at low rate vi .merest. This property must sell on above date, and will likely go at a groat sacrifice. The owner has placed the sale in charge Don't fall to attend this sale. JAMES L. DOWD. Auctioneer. BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK 3618 Lincoln Blvd. 11 rooms, strictly modern; all hardwood fln inh; Ideal hot water heating; beau tiful fixtures;, nicely decorated throughout; every modern conven ience; located on a beautiful south front lot, with large shade trees; facing the boulevard. Conveniently located to three car lines. A splen did home at a reduced price. We can also make any reasonable terms to purchaser. Pries $7,000. Residence 3704 Hawthorne Ave. Walnut 1631. G.W.GARLOCH Offlce J83 Keellns Bld.Pou. 1J1S. Northeast Corner 18th and Locust At a Bargain for Quick Sate X.arve south front enrn.r Int with ln on both stroxs. Hou.a has rooms; 5mii I ' ' ' Hints, bath. Will miKH an .1...n, I. There Is some shrubbery, shads trees and a nice hedge fence all an,tinrf ih. r,y T"" room enough to tail Id two tiora nnuHftat This. if I more houses. This property liT located ...... liiuck irom I .in ana Locust St. (quite a business center). Owm,r hu. the prlc. to 11.000 If sold by December " w"1 py vou 10 lo" "ls over at icimn can oe arranged. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 5-Room Cottage 1415 Wirt St. $3,150 inia cottage Is In a v.ry rood location on a paved strsst. Has ulty water, sewer, a. eiectna Hints, bath and furnace. 1 full 60-foot lot. Owner want, to make quick .ale-and has cut the prlio to 3.if,o Look It over today on the outside and If you want to look throuh the Inside any time, call us. Phone Tyler SO, and one of 111 win snow you through. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1B14 HAKNKT HTRKKT. 3640 Maple Street Two Lots, 80x120, $100 Cash Good 4-r. house, newly nalnterf anil orated. Good well, fine for irardfn ami chickens. Price, 11,200; balance l& pr lIt. ov ana attic for Mr. Lowreyf office open evenings 7 till 9 HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 16U Harney St. A COMPLETE BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, new, B-r. and bath, oak finish, with eak floors throughout; has a number of special features; large kitchen with bullt-ln cupboards; high grade lighting and plumbing , fixtures enamel and tile bath room, window shades, full cement basemnnt. fnrh.r.. pavede 'toJar'Tnd ' abouts utc.' ride downtown. Price $2 50- ?3"0 cash, balance monthly. ' 1 RASP BROS., Douglas 16B3. 100 McCague Bldg, MILLER PARK 6-room strictly modern bungalow. Built- in ourrft, colonnade openings, bullt-ln bookcases, large :omhlnation sun room and sleeping room. Oak floors thrnugh- -Ma. U1, ..n(lint HUBciimni, lurnnce heat. i. lose to car una and school. The owner m rwiuCTa me price in the last week PAYNE INVESTMENT CO Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. FOR FORD OR RAILROAD EMPLOYES. NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. This strictly modern, well-huiii h,. hse oak finish In dining and living rooms bullt-ln cupboards In kitchen, high-grade fixtures throughout and an excellent fur nace. Faces south on a paved street, one half block from car line and has a large This place must be aeon to be innr.. elated. Attractive sale terms con be ar- I GILBERT C LOOMIS, 106 McOsgue nidr Doug. 370. BARGAIN New 6-room trlCtlv tnnarn uur.KMiuw, nni water neat; cast 2,C00. My 11.436 equity for 11,000 cash. Col fax 1706. KOUWTZtt PLACE restricted district rM. denee for sale. F. V. Knlest. 1616 N. Itth. 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. KOUNTZE PLACE Klght rooms, modern home and a bar gain at $3,360. Not a new houso, but in good repair and well built. Largo lot and garage. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. loug. 4H70. MY HOME FOR SALE. Built only three years. Has three bed rooms, sleeping porch and bath on the second floor; vtrttlUtile, large living room, dining room, hutla.-'s tuintry, kitch en and rear entry on the first floor; full basement; 60-foot lot. No, iS3J Walnut St. Phone Harney 673. NIFTY NEW lU'NG ALoW, 12.760.00. All modern, oak finished bungalow; full basement, furniue. heat, tiled bath, built in cupboard, attic, etc. Five large rooms and nice alxed cast front lot. Price. I2.750.0U. Will sell to right party for $i!00,00 cash and $30.00 per month. JKKF W. BEDFORD & HON, 822 Keellne Hldg. I)yuglH HAN8COM PARK HOUR. 7 -room, all modern home, only one-half oiock irom west side car. 1'rlce $3,300. Terms to good party. JEFF W. BEDFORD A HON, 123 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1392. FOR BALK at a sacrifice two six-room cottages, two blocks from Central High school. $1,600 cash, balance less than rent. J. II, ROBINSON. Douglas S07. 442 Bee Bldg. IF YOU ARE MIKING FOR AN IDEAL COMFOHTAHUS 0-ROOM AND BATH, all modern new semi-bungalow. Just out side the congested residence district, call and see 4237 Larlinore Ave. High and overlooking Fontenelle Park, clone to Cen tral Park school. Already to start fire, Owner In across the street, Tel, Colfax l Am 3. KOUNTZE Place, modern, if-room bunas- low; bullt-ln features, oak floors. A bar gain. 8621 North Uth. Owner, Wsb. SOU. FOR SALE $ aorna improved. Col. 164$" Miller Park, $3,100.00, High-class bungalow, all oak; brand new and completely modern. Look this up sure. Only $200 down and Sao uer Jeff W. Bedford & Son, 221 Keellne Bldg. Doug. 3392. South. NEW BUNGALOW HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT LAR(1HI 1,vint room with built-in book- cases, dining room with Plate rail and paneled walls, kitchen, two bedrooms and Dam an on one noor. Oak finish and oak floors; large attlo; full basement; guaranteed furnace; large south front lot, close to oar, school, stores and park, Will can tor you aim show you (his bunga low, rnone us lor appointment SCOTT AND HILL CO., Douglas 1009. Ground Floor McCague Bldg. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Fine home, just completed, has a lirn living room, ixd, a lame a In In mom and up-to-date kitchen on the first floor, three nice sleeping rooms and bath on the second flour; full basement with laun dry tubs; latest design lighting fixtures. The house has ' beautiful oak floors mrougnoui ana tne first floor fi fin ished In oak; all rooms urettllv dneorainfi very best furnace and plumbing; lot 60s isi. win mane terms to suit purchaser. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4170: FIVE ROOMS NEW All modern In every detail: llvlnsr and dining room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards; Icebox room; full basement with floor drain; shades: e lee trio fixtures and screens; all furnished. This la a real bar gain at $2,7t0; IfiOO cash, balance on terms to suit. Others ssk as much as $2,260. Located at 11S Dear Park Blvd Let us show you this week, TRAVER BROS., 70S Omaha Nat: Bk. Doug. 08 SI. 481s. Evenings Web. FOR 8AI.RI acres, Uth and Center, a . . ... paved st., good six-room house, ham. chicken house, well, cistern, all fenced, In fine shape, Ready for business, slocked with 2 cows, 160 chickens, 8 hugs. It Is worth looking at, Within walking dls tence of town. Phone Walnut 94S. if, in t enier. auusus wa-ntbd. WB HAVE) BUYERS mn hamtrs WORTH THU MONEY IN AlA. pirki iw inn tin. L.1BT TOUR' a m VI A m mm ub sun Hiunuirs. O'NHIL'B REAL K8TATU INS. A OCT prsnqnis mesTsr mag Tyler lot. , UbQ CASH. New bungalow, 6 rooms, all on one flonr: mvii? nioarin, un very easy terms; close In; located 1210 So, 36th Ave. Tal Rd .Hit.. ONIfl 8-room and one 9-room house and int part mod. 2fiia-H Hoes St. $H,200 cash uus uoin. d, u. uenning, Tyler 2006. Miscellaneous. EASY PAYMENT BARGAINS 4818 No. list Ave., a -room eomnletelv modern house for fSOO cash and balance mommy is a real bar sit In. Hnii u years old and needs painting, lias fine vard In good condition. Make a note that you are going to soe this place. dviz Huraette Bt. is a ft-room house, nesrly m is jusi ine piece ror the rain- w,.t wni i nave a garaen and keep chickens. It only two blocks from car into. fvu muKci me rirst payment. ""g4" ''" V "h P?r roonth1i uy. I- only !rk a. i. ' Cr KonleM 16U No. JlUd Bt. This 6-room partially , mod- "Dunn is yours ror si 00 csn and 116 i." niiriiin. mis piece is in a good nclgh bodhood and It is close to school and car. 3031 Plnkney fit. This t-room house ha. been put In good condition and nt.nnnBiiinn can bo given at ones. On the payments of 6100 caeh and balance monthly this pluce Is worth having for a home. 1829 Ohio Ht. This 6-room house with a barn Is yours for 1160 cash and balance monthly. Is in a no. id neighborhood nri close to car. Hee It todsy. Creigh, Sons and Company, Douglaa 200. 608 Bee Bldg. $12,000 120 FT. FRONTAGE Two houses with 60 feet vacant. This a close-In buy and Is unexcetlad. Other property In this vicinity Is mu:h higher and very little to be had at anv rMiiwn. able price. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3862. 010-20 City National. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. WE ('SEP to pity the poor devil who was Just an ordinary farmer and sort of looked tu the banker as a little Oml on a ped eittul, but t lie bumper crops and high prices are making the farmer Independent. A boom in land values Is coming. When ever you feel like slop paying high taxes, repairs for low rentals on that old prop erty of yours, como In and trade It for land, I've got It. METH. m Bee Bldg. CLOSE-IN COTTAGE. $.200 DOWN AND $25 A MONTH. 6 rooms, strictly modern cottage, lo cated within 10 blocks from tho post office. Has hard oak floors. Plumbing and furnsoe practically new. South front. Paved street, paving paid. Why pay rent when you can own yuur own home close In and save carfare ? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, Omaha National Hank Hldg. D. 171 7-R. House an if i a?"r'es ' Just titled ft dandy acrea with a seven room house, near 48th and Brown Sts. Has It, acres of strawberries, acre of l uirKnm, Dm i. ricn naru land. Dandy sub urban home. Hoe PAYNE INVKSMENT COMPANY, 6S7 Omaha Nat.x D. 171. BUT HOME AS YOU BUY DIAMONnB. $7 1st week, $8 next, eU; statu nav. ments buys t-room bungalow, then easy i"j onun. r or particulars, li. H107, EtOHT rooms, on rar line: srraat f $2,400. Prairie Park home, $4,000, seven rooms, near high school. 2,700 other bar gains. Q. P. BTKBBtNa. U10 fhicaa-a. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. WEST FARNAM LOTS Desirable for medium priced homes. On perfect grade, not filled; B1DRWALKH. IMTT WATER. HEWER and OAS; nicely sodded and shade trees growing; sur rounded by good homes and restricted for residences only. Not over two or three blocks from car line. These close-In lots are being sold for $386 TO $400. $10 Down, $6 f'er Month. There are not many of them. flee them before too late. Phone D. M74 and we will lake pleaauis In calling for you, 1 SHULER & CARY, 104 Keelln. Bids. L AltllS 60-roOT LOTS. 100 TO (ITS, In city limits; one, block to ear hne; paved street by th. property. ONE DOLLAR DOWN, SO CENTS PER WEEK. Th.r. ara fifty of th.mi they will not last vary long. Phon. us for particular SHULBR CARV, Phona D. (7. lot Keelln. Bldg. North. SHERMAN AVENUE . i 90x166 Just north of Pratt St. facing east. Paving paid In full. Priced for quick ala at $20 per front foot, or $1,800 for the whole piece, Terma If desired. This la an unusual bargain. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY xyier ioit. nose Bldg. OWNER must sell oast front lot on Fonts- nail Blvd.. In Clairmont will awl) gt sacrifice prloe It taken at once. Call Douglas 1TI8. MODBRNlotTbargaln, south front, blocks from car, Terms or cash. Consider Ford. Phone Colfax 1881. Miscellaneous. CHICKEN RANCHES A iplandtd four-room house, large chicken house, with chicken yard fenced with six-foot woven wire fence other out buildings. Wo are building ten of these splendid properties, located i blocks north' wast of Central Park School. Go out today take Grand Avenue oar. $100 oath balance only $1$ per month. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1130 Farnam St. Evsnlnffs Tsl. T.I Dour. 1014. Harnar ls. NEAR MERRIAM HOTEL $12,500 ' te-foot frontage. An Ideal apartment its, witn speculative future. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglss 1161 ll-J0Clty National. A- KINIO plane for chicken raising garden Ing or fruit trees and berry bushes; 10 good lots; one .block from oar lino and close to' school. Price, 1760; 1 down ana duo per ween on each lot. Bog Bee. REAL ESTATE Suburb.n Bcnion, - SUBURBAN HOME FOR SALE . This property Is located In northwest part of city and faces east on the Omaha Country Club grounds. Consists! of 10 roorn modern house, heated by het watdr, electric lights, bath, city water. There are rive acres In the grounds, covered With beautiful trees, shrubbery and fruit, barn. chicken houses, etc. H treat paved. Near school and car line, This Is worth inves tigating. For further particulars see Porter & Shotwell, Agt 103 Bo. 17th 8t. Dnug. 6U18, NEW COTTAGE This pretty cottage has a nice living room, den, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, and two bedrooms and bath on second floor. Price only $2, 160. Terma, Located 3706 Corby Ht. NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4270. New 5-Room Cottage With One Acre Located within one block of Main street, paved road and Benson Gardens Jitney Hue. Has electric lights. Land Is level and has the richest kind of soil. Would make an Ideal place for raising chickens have a garden and some fruit. Only 6c car fare down-town. Will sell on pay ment down of 1366 and the balance about the same as rent. Phone Tyler 60. Office open evenings, T till ff, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY HT. ' 4 Acres Good level land; rich soil; close to paved road and Benson Garden Jitney line. Price $1,700. Terms: $170 cash, balance $36 per month. 1 ACRES. Level land, adjoining the above, same kind of land. Price, $1,830; $12$ cash, balance $30 per month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, J614 HABN1SV aVT PHONBTYLKR SO. 'sTaht TOUR HOMK IN BKNBOm BUT THIS LOT. 110 00 down snd 110.00 par month; Brio. ISflO.OO; sis. 60xlSS; loeatad on Loouat St., between Clark and Burnham, not far from school and car Un.. Geo. R. Writhe Be. ofnne. Omaha. Bee Want Adi Produce Results. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. IN DUNDEE Beautiful 8-Room All Modern Residence For Sale or For Rent This house is on a large corner lot on car line. The immense dou ble living room, clear across front of house, is finished in oak and has a large fireplace, built-in seat, bookcases, etc. The dining room also is finished in oak and has south and east windows, besides there is a large and well-arranged kitchen with ice box room, pantry, etc. On the second floor there are 3 large bedrooms, the bath room, with shower and a fine large sun room or sleeping porch. The house is heated by furnace, located in big basement There is a large porch with brick pillars at the front of the house and a large porch at the rear. The grounds are beautifully kept and at the rear of the lot is a garage which can be heated; this garage will hold twtt cars. Be sure to see this. Owner wants to sell or will lease for a year. For price and terms of sale or for rental price, call, E. P. WRIGHT, ' At Wal. 682 any time today. And call Uoug. any week day.: DUNDEE BARGAINS. $8,360 Two stories and altio residence In Happy Hollow circle; good aiae lot, t xlS2; fine lawn with trees and shrub bery; house In excellent condition, with attractive decorations, living room 10x80 with fireplace, dining room, sun parlor, kitchen and refrigerator room on first floor, three gnod-slsod bedrooms, sleeping porch (heatvd and tiled bathroom on Kd floor, finished attic, hot water heat, ouk floors and finish downstairs; oak floors and birch enamel finish upstairs, large weli-Vcntllated basement with ce ment floor. This la cerialntly a bargain. $4, 860 Two-story and attic, on 60x186 foot lot, on paved streets, beautiful shade trees. Living room, dining room, kitchen, paniry, refrigerator room on first floor, four bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, oak finish and floors downstairs; pine and blroh finish and maple floors upstairs; food heating plant; fine light ing fixtures, and all rooms newly deoo rated. The owner got this property under a foreclosure sale and will let it go for just the actual cost to him. You also can buy It on easy terms, with paymenta Juat the same as rent. C A. OKI M MEL, 848 Qm. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 1618. NEW DUNDEE HOME" $500 CASH Balance monthly like rent. Thta la a 7 -room, 1-story, oonvenlently arranged, modern house with large living room, at tractive dining room, convenient kitchen, front and rear vestibule, first floor, 4 good slsed bedrooms, including an enclosed sleeping porch, second floor. Oak and white enamel finish with oak floors throughout. Full cemented basement, brick foundation, excellent furnace, laundry con nections, ete.t stairway to floored attlo; lot toviat ft. You oould not duplicate this house for the price (we are asking, and at the present prtoee of lumber and labor It will cost you 16 to 10 par cent more. Omaha Is growing that way. Why not get In on the ground floor and save rent Let us shew you this place. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phon. P. lit. 101 City Nat. Bank Bldt. DUNDEE. I01 Cumlna St. Strictly modern, new, 7-r. house, hard wood finish, sxtra well built and rlrht up to the minute, rowdy u occupy. Prloe M00. Easy terms. 8. P. BOSTWICK i SON, 100 He. Bid.-. Tyler U0I. ' FAIRACRES 'COUNTRY HOME This la a highly developed homo with very convenience, located on the high ridge olose to Dodge St., affording a mag- ' ntflcent view of Blmwood park, Happy Hollow golf grounds and the surrounding country. This location wag seleated when the section wa first put on tho market and much thought has been given to beau tifying thf place, and money spent (or flowers, shrubbery, trees, ate. The house Is a 1-story brlok, substantially built; very Rome-like In arrangement Uaa hot water Jieat, 10 good alsed rooms, I bath rooms, fine garage and other oonvenlsnoes too numerous to mention. The plaoa must ha seen to be appreciated. (I GEORGE & COMPANY, Phona D. Til. 0t City Wat. Bank Bldt. Florence. . NEfHAWAY has I, . I, It and 111-aore tmpr. tracte tor city property. Fuk 121. South Side. BOOM rssldsnca, South Side, 11,10,; lie caah. palanoe olo per month. Doug. Mia. Miscellaneous. 14 ACRES, CLOSE On the 60th street road, one mile south o$ Center street, and the end of tho ear line, only $4,600. Splendid land, li native sod. Juat a half mile outsldo the altr limits J and two blocks from gchool. v . HARRISON & MORTON, 016 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas $14. FRUIT AND TRUGK GARDEN : '. FARM. 40 acres known as Hergen farm,- 46th and Ames Avenue. 10 acres grapes, $ acres apples, 1 aero asparagus, 6 acres alfalfa. Balance fine , garden land. , t good houses, complete outbuildings. Rent $660 per year. GEORGE & COMPANY. Dous. 7 SI. ,01 City Nat. Bk. Bids. One Acre New 4-Room Bungalow $225 Cash Land lays perfect; new homes all around. Balance easy monthly payments. ' Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Lowray. Office open evenings, T till f p. m. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 11 Harney St. IMPROVED 4 ACRES. Good 6-room house, barn, two chicken houses, $0 cherry trees, plumb and apple trees, one aero In grapes. Will take small cottage In exchange; must bs clear. BIRKETT & CO., 423 Be. Bldf. Douff. ISt.'' ' IMPROVED 2 AND H ACRES. One block" to car, 6-room house, fins shape, good barn, chicken house, soma fruit. Price, $8,700. BIRKETT & CO., 42$ Bee Bldg. Doug, 631. NKW bungalow; alio. I-t. and gardening. yvur tar in ua price; invj wun MOO, rent, : I houses (flat ooat $.&00). $t-fl. D, $101,