HELP WANTED MALE Salcimtn and Solicitori. WERE TOU bTVBR OFFERED A GROCERY STORE? OUR PROPOSITION IS BETTER. ' Let M tell . how TO" handle flour, canned gooda, previsions. -tlr. Iln. of groceries. well as P' roofing, .lock food.. automobile and ma chinery olli and f" No " pay, no Investment In stock. lr" ' don taken from eamplee. Ooode of guar anteed and proven quality. "ln ' not -A','."'tM work for "worker.." Addraaa R. 8. Hill. President Hitchcock-nui i-o. Reference: Any bank or ciprns company. WANTED Two experienced road machinery iVLman. On. for northern Nabrukk .and one for Booth Dakota. To Introduce a new compl.t. line of the finest and moat up-to-date road grader. In America. Alao aide line of oaat Iron and corrugated cul vert ateal bridge., road draga, and corn pl.t. line of good roada equipment Ap plicant muat be able to gl. aatl.factory referent, aa to character and ability. No . kooaer need apply. territory to the right men. Addreaa T. 627, Bee. LARGE eaatern manufacturer wanu gen eral agent for Nebraaka "ranh o' flee In Omaha or Lincoln, 6-year con tract. Good-paring poeltlon for a retired farmer or a a. teaman wanting to m mora money Box 7267, Bee, Olv. Phone and addrea. for Interview. WANTED A real enleeman, to sell pur noted and unique line of Map and Special "y Calendar.. Our Una la different; ex It land, the big buyer tired of picture. We alao make a atrong lln. of Novelttea. Fana nd Outdoor Slgna, .trongeet combined outfit "' r,dj ur goodai that mean, low prices. Olve .i.... In nrtt letter. The Kenyon Comoany. Dea Molnaa. Ia. (d year) ADVERTIS1NO Specialty and Calendar. eale.m.n wanted for balance this i year . ! w.n.knaeB Cruv.r line of cel luloid, leather, felt and metal specialise for adverllaera: aiao ni.n- Bualaoaa Calenflara. nau.iacwrr mlaelona: weekly advancea: liberal co operation. Olva rull experience. Den I ftalea-manager. Cruv.r Mfg. Co.. Chicago. aary: -rn whlla you learn. Write tor large Ilal of openlnga and totlmonlala from hundred, of our itudenU who earn .... .tea a month. Addreaa neareat n.nt. 411. National Baleamen'a Training AuoelaUon, Chloago, Now lork, San Frandaeo. mfouvaRVTATIVE wanted, open branch muat have auto! beat phonograph agency In world; one man in town cub-,. ju Neman. 401 Cable Bldg., Chicago. . STTunn a ..i..m.n to handle the P. A w. Co. Una of calendar-for 1918 and fana and a general Una of advertising noveltlea for is", on ,m - n k. u. . commence Jan. . nary 1, 1917. One experienced In the ad vartlalng line preferred. Barm. ra oulr.d. Addreaa the D. W. Co.. 111! S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. STATE and local eelee managera wanted . Lirihuta . wonderful Invention. Con -h stove Into a gaa atova. Oaa from coal oil k.roseu. at leaa than lc par MM feat, brlnga a cheaper aub etltut. for coal or wood to mllllona who are wunou - v (IOC to 11,000 capital required. Liberal ' .tnM nroflt enormoua. Acme Braaa Worka, I4J Carroll Ave.. Chicago; - . . u A.n.i.ia .narl. 1 1 v man for Na braaka; alaple line on new and exceptional term.; vacancy October 1; attractive oom mlaelon contract! weekly for ex penlea. Mllea r. Blxlar Co,, 111-41 Carlln Wanted At one, nrl fau Ana crew mt.iufr. w - rturn all KMMlii WfttchM, dlfcmonda, i.Mi.irw. llvrw.r. U. Br&nd-nsw Mil- i.n .mi nDi.fMantlt.1 lO-day propo- iltlon wnl lw. W want .very fnt and Mieimtn to ftiwr thla. Th Pop Co.. aUotlfvlaw, T. fBAVBLINO uliim!) wntd. Beit ild line on unn. someinini nw. dirf-rent. If comtntMton sn each order and Pan Mff. Co., I6U Cottar Orove, Chicago. Ai.pjtuKM mMIbc raitaurant, hotel, oaf. elfar, pool, dnif, general etoro trade can do big bualneea with our new live pooket i oldelln. All merchanU lowne- 100,00 and under want It. $6 comm.--.on each ale. No oollecttng. No expenra or rlek to merchant. We take back all unec-ld gooda,. Candeld Mfg. Co., SOI Hlgel t, Ciuoago, Hi. i iigiBUtN-nlMrii abaut the new calcU ", mAAinm retalle 17.10: adds. eubtraou, muUlnHM; doee work of K00 inaiihlnet guaranteed: eelle on Hint :? mn.,tn rrv In : your coa1 - pocketi full time or eldellnet eplendld proflta: protected territory, uepi. . ; Calculator Corporation, Grand Raplda, Mich. MEN WANTED To aell only effeotlv antl afxIaf matter In existence. . No com' petition. Bella to merchanU only. Your ' reference! isuet be unqueetloned. High eommteelon. no oalarlei, no advanrwe. n.r.r...nt.ttvM mmklntt from 110 to 120 . day. Wriu for particular. The Spotlight, erry it, Monfgomery, Ala. AOENTS-SALBSMRN Writ for this job , m.k in day: ethers doing It; new busl ness; no competition; world's bast home massag machine ; worka by water power; low priced; delights both sexes; particulars and book on beauty and health fro; postal will do; art now. B leek stone Co., 100 Meredith Bldg., To- Jdo, 0j - frALEflV EN For special work In Omaha and vicinity; good remuneration If ability can be proven. Address T 041, Bee. ' SALESMEN Uve side line; something new. Nine minute' Urn paya you . Pocket samples; prompt commissions i state ter ritory covered. Elwood Mfg. Co. Mil Michigan Ava., Chloago. HOW" would B0 extra per week look to'Vou? Teu can make It selling our art advertis ing form during spar time, sells to every ' lln of business. Write us now. Fan Dept United States Calendar Co., Cincinnati. SALESMAN Vacancy Nov. 1 with old house; permanent position! cover Nebraa ka; staple Un sold on exceptional terms; high commission; 111, It weekly advance. Sales Manager. Suite 41, 100 Woodward, Detroit. WANTED Man to handle tlr remover; takes them off, put them on; no work; price 11.10, Writ for circular. Tlr Re mover, 111 S. llth St., Lincoln, Neb. SALESMEN WANTED For vacancy, good traveling salesmen. Work permanent. Staple, well-known, highly advertised line. Big com rat eat on. Liberal advano. Live ones wrl 1 1 Box 4 w c" 1 1 y - VanTEO Salesmen to sell houshold goods, xprlnte unnecessary and liberal com pensation to wide-awake men. Call C F. Adams Co., Oil 8. 14th St. WANTED Two first-class salesmen. Good position for the right partlea. Llttli Giant Mfg Sale Co., Bldg. 1201 W. O. W. SALESMEN Big money for business get tars. Cell at 1017 W. Q. W Bldg. STOCK and bond Mleaman. SjCC A INV. CO.. 1011 W. STAND A Rl? O W. Bldg. STOCK salesmen wanted; onty high-class oulck-actlon men. to aell 1110,000 coal stock In mine having 11,000,000 tons; good market and 141.12 dividend In sight for very dollar canitaL stock; assets fully 130.000,000. Send for literature. Beaver Hills Coal Co.. 01 E. Van Buren. Chicago. WANTED First-class boiler and furnace salesman for Kansas. One with road experience prsigrrcou Aaares j giti, uo, WANTED Stock salesman. We have the best selling stock proposition In Omaha. Call at 1011-14 W. O. W, Bldg. WANTED Salesmen who can earn ISO per ween. . namge jjiog. Boys. WANTED--Boys, ever 14, tn our bottling de partment Willow Springs Distillery, 4U and Pierce Sts. BOTS wanted to learn trade; must bi yearn of ago. Gordon-Lawless Co., and Dodge. FINE chance for good boy, who wants to learn a good trade. Boom t, Bee Bldg. Trade Schools. WI WANT MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Few weeks qualify to run shop r work cor oinera; years ei apprntiresnip savd by our method; wo hav placed graduates in leading positions everywner; compare' lively no expense; catalog mailed free, MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, U0 S. 14th St., Omaha. Neb. (Established 1201.) : , AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONET, tfevsr Idle Big Demanel. Easy to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING MIT n. SOth SL, Omaha, Bend for Kro CaUlugua, GOOD MEN WANTED Te learn auto work for the manr bo altlon now open. Fin training work ta - Ut and oleetrlo atartlng system. , AMERICAN AUTO COL LEO 8. SOU Farnam. Omaha. Neb. I WILL teach you show card writing; com- aleu sours, si, tn raxton jsik. HELP WANTEDMALE tradechootsT LEARN telegraphy, railroad and commar oial: also typawiitinff. Really leamad, good salaries, big damand, abort houra. Thraa montha couraa. Can aarn board. Nebraska Telegraph College, Lincoln, Nab. LEARN barbar tradai ba Independent mora tha. make your expanae. wbtla learning. Wage, or percentage. Wi won't av.r- cbarga you to begin: 140t Dodge St. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE.. Teamgters and Chauffeurs. TKAMSTERB WANTED. Steady, reliable men, good wagee, by big company. Apply 131.8. S3d or Call Tyler nil. WANTED Experienced Ford driver. Muat underatand handling or rurniture. maie Furniture Co., eoutnwe.1 corner, 14th and Dodge. MEN wanted to drive team, for work In yard. Sunderland Brotnera wmpenr, uv and Icard Streets. Miscellaneous. Thi carried 4t,IO MORE PAID Want Ads first t months of ltlt. than same period 1111. Thla figure KXCEUDS THE. COM BINED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 20.000 PAID ADS. Reason: Better Results. Better Rates. ARMT OF THE UNITED STATES. MEN WANTED AblO-oooiea anroarnva mwm ander age of Is; eUlaena of United State at good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish lauguage. For Information apply te fitMsruitlng Officer, Army Bldg . lith and Dodge His,. Omaha, Neb.; ISO N. 10th St.. Lincoln. Neb-1 02? 4th St., Sioux City. Iowa; 207 0th Ave.. Des Moines, lotra. EXPERIENCED pharmaceutical man. No h n ifurid . omana territory, uooa pwnun for rlaht man with old Una concern. If contemplating a change by first of year, Investigate. Address Pramaceutlcet Agen cy, l0 Cleveland Ave., Kansas City, Mo. OVER 2 dally easily earned knitting at horns. Auto-an l tiers lurmsnea on nmm. Fixed rates of pay. Send 1c stamp, Dept 14 M. Auto Knitter Co.. Franklin aU. Buffalo HtTflTi.ERR 10 to ISO made weekly dig tiibuting circulars, samples, lacxing nni, eto. Advertieerr national Agency, umv.. C 14, Chicago. WANTED Toung man in every town and rural district to work tor us. no can vassing, good pay. For Information ad dress Mr. Faldley, 140 South llth. St., Lincoln, Neb. BECOME a detective, inexperienced appli cants everywhere. Write Bertuion secret Service institute, cnicago. (inVERNMENT wants men and women clerks; 17s month; omana examination Nov. 4; sample lessons free. Franklin lnstl tute. Dept. 16 8 T. Rochester, N. T. LABORERS White or colored, Union Pa- clllfo Store Dept. Bieaay worn, gooa wages. Apply Caas St. Oats, Ask for Storekeeper. riRMKRS. ATTENTION. Wo furnish real farm bands free ot share-. Writ or phono. Sguaro Km ployment Agcy., t00 8. llth, Omha, Neb. A rillHlNKHfi man who la a salesman, ener getic, of good habits and appearance, and who oan furnish good references, can ob tain a permanent outside position with an old eataousnea nouso oy aaaressmg T 041. Be. ACTIVE business man wanted with first- olaaa references for special olty work. T 60, Bee. ,; flOOD money made at home knltlng hoslsry. . Maohlnss furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods; easy and constant work. Wheler Co., (Inc.), 127 Madison, Chicago. v.: part for night work ages 100 per hour, 10 nours. a Construction 10 hours. Apply general 'foreman Phoenix n Co., foot of Leaven wortn. y U, 8. Government wants clerks 1100 month Omaha axsmlnatlona coming soon: sam ple questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 T, Rochester, N, T. WANTED--Young men as railway mall clerks; 171 per month; earn pie examine tlon questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 221 R, Rochester. N. T. WANTED Names men wluhthg to become government railway mail cierxs. i month. Quick Increase ts fio. vacations. Address x-s, Bes . wanted Thicken nickers: lUo straight steady work! com at once. E. B. HIgley Company. Mason City, lowa. LABORERS wanted Monday morning; 27 Vic psr hour. National Roofing and Asphalt Co., 41th and Dodge. LABORERS wanted. ' Coal" yard! " Steady work. Sunderland Brothers Company, 4ld and Taylor Streets. i.AHiiR'iaftH winttd at Gould Medical He pltal Bldg., 42d and Dew-y Ave, Phone Douglas 1441. WANTED ExDrlenced freight handlers. Union Perl no Freight House; Itb and Jackson Sts. ; WANTED Ten handy men for concrete and steel bridge work. Apply e Ming. WANTED 10 laborer Monday morning. Ideal Cement Stone Co.. 1T01 Cuming. MEN wanted to enlist in Signal Corp at once: report nt L-inooin. f.OOO MEN whose wages are less than IS per day to DO at m vmanm a-siiwiuih own day it 1 p. Hi AGENTS AND CANVASSERS it e 00 do FOR your next 100 days. Spot caen. new monty-mmmi innnuun iwi aeuntsa general agents, managers; reeently Invented; 1,000,000 already sold; 200 more salesmen wanted at once; amasmg Auto matic Compreuaed Air Washing Machine washes tub of clothes In six minutes; nt erkiilu to turn or lever to push no rub bing; works Ilk magi; price only 91.10 make sale at every house; 100 per eent profit. L. Palmer, Glen Allen. Ala., put out on trial 100 machines, sold 107; profit 1107. Writ today. Wendell Co., m oak St., Lelpalc, O. EVERT HOME, ON FARM, IN SMALL TOWN or suburb, needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) mantle larnn: five times aa bright lectrlo; tested and recommended by govt rnment and 14 leading universities: awarded gold medal; one farmer oleared oyer 1600 In weeks; hundreds with rigs or auto earning 1100 to fto per month; no capital required; w furnish goods on time to reliable men. Write quick for sample lamp for free "trial, distributer's proposition, and secure ap- do ntment in exclusive territory. Mant I lamp Co,, 111 Aladdin Bldg', Cbjcago, 111, STOP HERE Just out, Elsen regulator for Ford headlights; selling like wildfire vrywhere; glees splendid driving light at low speed; keeps bulb from burnlni out; works entirely automatically; needed on every Ford; big profits quick; listen. Hopkins, Tnn., cleared 114.10 first day wnite, Mien., sue one ween; no porlenc or capital needed; we show you now; sales guaranteed; nurry, don't delay. writ now ror special information. Ad' dreer ElenHnstrument Co., 127 Valentine Bldg., Toledo, O. OTaRTBi5E'S Iron Rust flup Co.. 4014 Lan caater Ave,, Philadelphia. Pa. Gartstde1 Iron Ruat Soap (trade mark, print and copyright registered in the United State patent of lice) remove iron rust. Ink and all un washable atalns from clothing, marms, ete. uooa aener, Dig maraini agents wanted. The original. I6e a tube. Bewaro of Infringe menu and the penalty lor mailing, aetiing ana using an ur fringed article. HURRY AGENTS Snap up thla new on jusi out; Dig proms; tremendous Held repeats sure. .Writ today; particular free, west una ouppiy ijo. Dept Chlco, Cel. AGENTS THE BIGGEST MONET-MAKER uut in i bakb. concentrated Liquor kx tracts. Maaea tne real article at home. Saves over 40 per oent. Something new enormoua demand; aells fast; coins you money, can oe sold anywhere, wet or dry Guaranteed strictly legitimate. Small, -condensed package. Territory gorng fast. Ask for free sample today. Universal import ro., ecu Third bi., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS HERE'S THE BEST LINE food flavors, perfumes, soaps, toilet prep i are t Ions, etc., ever offered; complete out fits furnished free to workers. Writs to day for full particulars, American Prod ucts ts., ,Jintru Cincinnati, O. AGENTS make big profits handling our "fast-selling holiday post cards." "novelty iua, iiwiur u.uorxiona, pennants, etc.; 4. goo varieties; demand unlimited. Write today for free catalogue. Sullivan jompinjr, van nuren at,, Chicago, II). 100 WEEKLT and up selling Mexican die moods; exactly reeemble genuine; same rainoow tire; stana tests; sell at sight repeat orders. Write quick for sample ease offer fro. Mexican Diamond Import' iu ihAiiut. HiL,n want ambitious men and women everywhere to show Istest rs laonca, necawear. nosiery, under wear and sweaters; 400 styles; easy ul value beat stores; msny making over 130 wir. en vr pr urns; complete si pi outnt starts you. Steadfast Mills, CHEWING GUM Sell OrapeTuhe mm all storekeepers, new flavor, novel pack age; good profit mad quick; writ to day. Tha Hairnet Co,, Cincinnati. AQBNTS 84-pags monthly magaalna. chock full Inspirational eemng lain. whero to buy, how to acll: every lesue couraa In aaleatnanahlp: vigorously ana fearlessly axpoaaa fraudulent aavarttaera; agents' trua friend and champion: yearly It: three montha' trial subscription tvn. Canvaaaera' Magazine, Chicago. WANTED Active men to eell simplex ras planti; no experience required; can mine laoo to 1600 per month: ottiers are ooina It, ao can you. Address Simplex Oae Planta Co., 184 Whiting St.. Chicago, ill. AOS NTS WANTED 100 per cent profit selling useful specialty; used in nome. notele, stores and by aura owners. 100a repeater; sample free. Auburn Specialties Co., Dept. 242, Auburn, N. T. , AGENTS- To" advertise our goods by dis tributing free samples to consumer. u cents an hour. Write for full particu- i. Favor! Co., 2430 Rex Bt.L Dayton, u. AO E NTS A 1-cent p ostcard will put you In touch with an iiO-a-weeK proposition. selling aluminum utensils and specialties direct to the consumer. Don't let 1 cent stand between you and prosperity. Dlv. 1ZZ1 American Aluminum mis', co., ie mont, III. AGENTS 500 per cent profit; free sam ples; gold sign letters for store and of fice windows; anyone can put on. Metal lic Letter Co., 426 N. Clark, Chicago. AOENT8 Out household article 10 nended In every home; great labor saver; dem onstration convinces housewife; Send for particulars. The Oliver Co., Box 11, Mus kogee, Ok la. TOUR NAME will bring a copy of Money Making Ideaa, the great agents' and mall dealers' maaaslne. Chucked full of good things; don't miss It writ now don't delay. A. H. Kraua, lift Kraus Bldg.. Milwaukee, Wis. , WANTED Reliable persons to distribute free circulars; take orders and employ agents ; 11 00 for 10 days' work. FeO' pie's Products. Kansas City. Mo. AUENTS Free catalogues and samples, photo medallions, crystal weights, mirrors. watch fobs, jewelry, leather goods. Make IS to $26 dally; no experience. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. 1110's SENSATION! Eleven-piece toilet ar ticle sot selling like biases at $1 with II carving set FREE I Enormous profits! tremendous hit I Dngle made 11 first let ter. Write quick. Pierce Co., 171 Pierce mag., unicago. AGENTS earn 110 to 120 dally selling auto- rain coats, overcoat and raincoat com blned: New proposition; Wagers' profit B last week. We deliver and collect. Sample coat free. Ber-Oey .Mfg. Co., 1121 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Cat. LA ROB manufacturer wants representatives to sen shirts, underwear, hosiery, drssses, waists, skirts, direct to .homes; write for free aamples. Madison Mills, 110 Broad way, New York City, PORTRAIT msn; X ship print, finished work or frames tn 24 hours; have SO artists ; write for catalogue. Roberts, 1420 McQoo. Kansas city. AGENTS wanted; own your own business. Sell Frltchs Vegetable Soap. Write for free sample. J. A. Frltch. St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS wanted In every town for Day karosen burners, for cook range. Weal at Moi, no. Jbeavenwortn. umana. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER .76 STENOGRAPHER STENOGRAPHER AND COMPT. OP.. 0 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, , , .140-180 TYPIST, (Out of Town).......'.....4P WATTS REFERENCE COM PANT, 140-42 Brandels Theater. Professions and Trades. WANTED. GIRLS. Both experienced and apprentice girls to work on power machines, making over alls, uooa wages, steady employment. pleasant surroundings, Working hours from :10 to 6 o clock, Apply at onoe, Byrn A Hammer Dry Goods Co., tth and Howard Sts. NEW BARGAIN IN MINNB LUSA, SPECIAL LOW PRICE. t rooms and bath, oak finish, oak floors throughout and strictly modern, pressed brick -foundation. Owner lives In house and will make speolaf low price for quick sal. '1741 BAUMAN ST. COLFAX S827. FOR SAUK New S-room house, good base ment, well, chicken house Vi lot - fenced with chicken wire, strawberry patch, with two choice lots. Price 11,000. Good terms. Phone Colfax 1SB0. B702 N. llth. HOME BARGAINS. Fin home in Bemls Park addition. nap. Best of warkmansblp and material throughout. South front, 10x181. Ideally located, one-third block from Harney una. Eight rooms, floored attic. Strictly mod ern, first class condition. Barn and gar den. Oet acquainted with thla fine rest dene district before you buy; 14,800. Sess than house cost, till Seward. Tel Har ney 1041. WANTED 100 girls to label and pack SKINNER'S Macaroni Produota. Apply rectory, i4tn and Jackson sts. Te ACH ER wanted. Lady teacher, private family, two pupil. Writs to C. C. Bugher, Barber. Johnson county, Wyoming. LEARN halrdresiing at Op'penhelm Parlbra Household knd Domestic. WANTED A competent and experienced ladles maid. Not over 46 years old and prepared to travel to India. Apply 20 W. Oak St., Council Bluffs, or Phon im, c. b. WANTEI Two competent whit girls, one for cook and one for second- girl. Will pay the two $60 per month. Mrs. P. C Nicolaysen, Casper, Wyo. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen- oral housework. Small family. Also cook and laundress. Telephone Doug. 02. 124 N. llth St. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen- oral housework, must bo good cook; ref erences required. Mrs. Chaa, L, Gould, Harney 1046. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; S in family; good wages, Mrs. Thos, W. Hasen. Col. 3080. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework, two in family; it per week. 1144 Harney St Call Harney 244. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; 1 in family: good wages. Mrs. Thoo. W. Haien. Col. 2080. WANTED Competent whit girl for general housework. No washing, W. D. Hosford. 626 S. 2Tth Bt Harney 17 COMPETENT girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages, 1316 Burt Bt. Telephone Harney 1024. GIRL wanted for general housework, 3 adults in ramuy; good wages. Call U4 N. 10th St., Sunday MAID for general housework; six-room apartment; three In family. Tel. Har ney 6431. WANTED A competent girl, no washing, I In family. Mr. B. B. Davis. 1602 Bo. lid Ave. Harney 717. WANTED Competent girl for general Walnut housework. H. M. McClanahan. 1401. GIRL for general housework. No wash 121 So. 36th Ave. Call Harney 4671. Ing. CAPABLE whit girl wanted; 1 In family. Mra. aenner, 6403 Davenport at wai. 3iu. WANTEDa-3tr! for general ' housework," Mra S. Qoeli. 1631 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1401. WANTED man and wife for the" winter . for general housework. Phone Harney 4110. YOUNG girl or middle-aged woman to aa slst with general housework. 3003 Chicago. WANTED Girt to assist with housework and cars of child. Phone Harney 102. WANTED Experienced girl tor general hour work. Apply 101 N. sotn Ave, GIRL for general housework. St. Ked 6200. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WOMEN WANTED Full time, 16; spare time. 26c an hour, selling guaranteed Wearproof hosiery to wearer; experience unnecesnary ; enormoua Christmas busi ness. Guaranteed Stocking Mills, Norrls town, Pa. ACTIVE women for the most pleasant, profitable and easiest selling lln on the market. Write today. National Hair Ooods Co., 211 South Wabash, Chicago. FiVEbrjght capable ladlea' to travel, dem onstrate and sell dealers; 136 to 160 per week; railroad tare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 400. Omaha. Neb. Hotels and Restaurants. COLORED waitress wantod. Yen dome Res taurant. 1110 Dodge. Red 2440. Trade Schools, WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade; apeclal ratea and Indurementa. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. WANTED By a national organisation, ladles who have had experience In char- liable or philanthropic work or raising funds; an unusual opportunity; steady po Itlons. Suite 408-16 So. Dearborn St. Chicago, ' WANTED Persona ki color art picture at home easy work! no experience; good fa,. tt'tiMlal '.n 1ST Mufti. pay son, Chloago. EARN 2t weekly, spare time, writing for newspapers, magaxlnes. bxp. unnec. De tail free . Pre Sbndlcato, 142, Bt. Louis, Mo. WILL PAT reliable woman 126 to distribute free (not to aell) 100 pkgs. Borax noap Powder among friends. No money re-, quired. Ward Company. Ill N. Franklin St., Chicago. 1,000 WOMEN who work for less, or whose husbands worn ror leas man per u7, to b at the Omaha Auditorium Sunday at 2 p. m. " EDUCATIONAL HELP WANTED BUT Do not believe yon will succeed without an education because some ancestors of yours did Ton can't. Do not ' believe that times have not changed They have. Do not believe that the business methods that went with the ox-cart are still In vogue They are not. Do not belle. e It 1 better and cheaper to get your business education in the school of experience It is not. Do not believe that the office door will open to you because you want, to learn It will not. Do not beitev that the business man will devote his valuable time to the teach ing of novtees He will not. Do not believe there is any substitute for thorough - training In business and business methods There is not Do not believe that you may as well wait until next year or the year after to go to school If you ar ready now It will be sheer roily. Our school Is In session the entire year- day and night New class ara organised every Monday, Do not belleva that we cannot do aa much for you a w bar for thousands of other young people who are making places for themselves In tha business world We can. You ar Invited to send for our Free Catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE H. B. BOTLES, President, Boyles Bldg., llth and Harney Bts. Doug. 1616. Omaha, Nebraska. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. DAT AND EVENING. SCHOOLS, 8oond Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. Entrance, 220. Douglas ens. COLLEGE graduat with experience lb teaching wlshea to tutor In mathematics, Latin or German. Red 6142. Musical. u.i-t-Limited numuer pupils accapted com. In aeasoni early applications favored. Harps fur. Lorotta Da Lone- lOi Lyrlo Bid ROIIRICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS. 1611 Dodge. Violin, vocal, piano. Our methods ar cor- reot 'Let us show you. D. 2471, PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA ' CUfcED Or. al (R. Tarry euro piles. Astute thr rectal , diss ass ' without surgteai operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured, 1 Writ tor book onr tat diseases with leetimoDlala, DR. B. R TARRT. 140 Boa Bldg, OiDAha, Neb. "1 CURED Myself of Tuberculosis," free booklet describes afflicted druggist's ex Derlments on himself until he found "Ad- dlline;" every sufferer should know this great home tuberculosis treatment; aim pie, soothing, relieves cough quickly, eases suffering ; strong testimonials prove merit; oosts little; write today. Addlllne, 1141 Capital Trust Bldg., Columbus, O- BLOUD poison, ocsema or pain-racked suf ferers Write today for big free news paper telling about Radium, nature's mar ' vtl and radlumactlv, world's greatest dis ease treatment; send postcard, Radlum actlv News, Dept. D, 61 Bo. Fourth, Co lumbus, O. ' . THE Salvation Army Industrial home so Hclts your old clothing, fun.lture, maga sines, W collect, W distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new noma, 1110-1112-1116 Dodge St FRANCES LA FORE, foot specialist, mas sage, electric taeatment.r! Room I, Ottawa Bldg., 24th and Farnam. Douglas ,20ft. Open evenings. RUPTUREKc, treated with rgloal operation. Call or write Dr. Frank U. Wray, Sui Bee Bldg. FAT How to reduce It, Full particular mailed free,- Hall Chemical Co.. Dept A-10, St. LOUIS. MO. MAB BHirOMAN. M. T. Scientific masseuse bath. 201 Karbacb Blk. Red ST1T. FITS 1 cured my -daughter by simp I dis covery; particulars free, Z. Lepso, -116 Islsnd Ave., MiiwauKce wis. , EAT HOME-COOKED ME3ES NEW DELICATESSEN. 1100 FARNAM. RITTENHOU8S Sanitarium. Bath of all1 kinds; massage and chiropody. 110-114 Baird Blk., 17th and Dougiaa. D. I46A MISS L. LILLT Bath and massage, 1122 Farnam St., 2d floor. Phone Doug. 3410, MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring! I 1 Davidg Blk. Phon Dougiaa ITU. LULLLA WEBSTER, masseuse. 611 Paaton itlk,, 10 a. in. to p. m. v. sxit. PRIVATE home for ladlea; obstetrical case specialty. iu mi. MISS CLARK, St. Room 2. manicuring. 1602 Farnam Douglas 8761. A PRIVATE maternity homo. 4411 N llth St Phone Colfax 2041. SCIENTIFIC maaaage. 610 Be Bldg. Phon Dougiaa till- Manicuring and mass 1023 Farnam. Km. 1. FACIAL massag at your horns. Har. 6610. FOR RENT ROOMS ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at The "Bee office for a Room List Give tomptet detailed description of va cant rooms In all parts of the city. If more convenient phone Tb Be Want Ad Dept. and give your nam ' and addreaa and a llat will be mailed to you at once. New 111 ar Issued every week. l-" ' Furnished Rooms. Cool.' With or with' RESTFUL -ROOMS AT REASONABLE RATES, POPULAR . WELLINOTON INN, ' , out ' bath. Public showers and tube each floor. Hot and oold 1 water. Clrcu latlng 1c water. evator and phone. Daily, Weekly and monthly rates, moat for money. Farnam. at llth. R. p. McFaddan, Mgr. ONE comfortable room, suitable for two or more gentlemen; also two smaller sleeping rooms and on light housekeeping room. Newly decora tedv All ateam heated. 1911 Davenport. FOR RENT Steam-heated furnished looms for men only, at the Sunshine apartments. Rates, 13.60 and up per week. Office, 601 N. 17th Bt. . r 1 3633 Dodge-rLarge, nicely furnished room, both furnace and gnats, suitable for two persons; easy walking distance, Harney 6636. ' 1602 ST. MARY'S AVE. Strictly modern, warm room, walking distance; private family; roaaonabl. Douglas 1877. 2413 CALDWELL ST. Two large, well fur nlshed rooms, rlooe to bathroom; very comfortable; modern; private bom. Web ster 6176. v ' SOUTH 26TH ST., 313 One double and one single room; well furnished. Call D. 9112. STTucTLY mVdrn, newly furnished, warm room in small flat. $10, to rasper table permanent gentleman. Walking distance. Ill N. 13d Bt ' s 221 N. 22d Newly furnished, strictly mod- am rooms, with or without do era; aim rooms for light housekeeping and targe garage, for rent. TWO large, well furnished rooms, each for ons or two girls smpioyea. vteei rarnmio district. Private family. Address Box 72H0. Be. ' . 809 NO. 1STH ST. Parlor room, nicely fur nished, 94. Also outer susopms rvuiu. Douglas 17 20. WELL furnished room, every convenience. modern, steam heated, private noma. Douglas 4746 ' - 181.2 FARNAM. Large, eaat, front, living room; steam heat and electric. Apt, l, 3d noor. ju. ALL MODERN furnished room, use of phone, on car line, 20 minutes win iu town. 2100 Shurman Ave. Webster 1262. NO. 27TH AVE. Beautifully furnished front room, warm, strictly modern, private .am lly. Call Harney 482 DESIRABLE, warm, south front room, every convenience, private noma, hi Ave, 2012 CHICAGO ST. Private apartment, well furnlehed. southeast rront room, every convenience, including private porch. Call Douglas 6204. TWO furnished, modern sleeping rooms; la dles preferred. &l . z-tn Ave. NORTH 18TH, 2012 Well lighted and heat ed, coxy rooms, leatner lurnuum, v homelike, quiet. 12.50 and $3. Webster 7810. ' CAPITOL AVE. 2630. One single room. suitable for one gentleman, mw, warm. Douglas p. a.. THREE comfortable sleeping rooraa. Four unfurnished rooms, can , uougiu ii.. 213 Howard. 5oT(S POP PL ETO id Three strictly modern rooms; private family; warning distance. Tyler 8-J. TWO comfortable rooms, suitable for couple with child; new zurnace; mooern. Har ney 1903; COMFORTABLE room for business women In modern boms; on car una. zsss woroy St. ELEGANT furnished room. suitable for two; close in; reasonable. 2047 Dodge. Dougiaa 6476. 003 N. 17TH Six comfortable rooms; steam heated; will share with married coupie. Dougiaa 0046. MODERN room for gentleman In private home. Reasonable price.' can na ess. 000 No. 22nd. NORTH 17TH, 600 Private family; steam heat cosy room; only gentlemen, nea 6834. LARGE comfortable south front room for winter, in modern close-in nom. narney HI- - FURNISHED rooms, 1017 N. 21th St.; nice p feasant rooms In private family; reason able. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms, walking distance, cheap. Dougiaa 8407. CHICAGO 261 In private home; large eouth front room with aicov; aiao sia room. laifi CAPITOL AVE. Sleeping or house- keeping rooms; private entrance, uougiaa 748S. 2214 DOUGLAS One cozy room for four men; south room; board optional. Keo snai 2400 "DEWEY Large front room, Comfort- ably furnished. Reasonable. Red t790. WEST Farnam, comfortable room, private family; references yequlred. walnut 9ti. WELL-HEATED modern, private home; good location, ml Cass. Douglas flzz. COMFORTABLE large room; suitable for two; 6 week.. 2210 Dougiaa FOR RENT Front room, furnished, private bath If desired. 2121 Douglas. Doug. lTl, STEAM-HEATED rooms, 60c a day, 12.60 a week. Elk Hotel, 16th and Cuming. FURNISHED room, steam-heated, hot water, close In. 2317 Douglas street. TWO large south rooms, well furnished. modern home. Moderate price. zsi casa. NEWLY furnished rooms, good board, fine location. Phone Harney 4703. 2217 WIRT One comfortable room; heat. Call Webster 271. 211 SO. 26TH, well furnished, steam-heated room; board optional. WORKWOMEN'S Hotel, 208 N. 11. T. 3672. 839 S. 24th St. Room and alcove, modern. ROOMS 101 S. 26th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO housekeeping roqms, 16.60 ; kitchen cabinet, not water neat, oato tn every thing complete; In private family; nice residence section. Phono Tyler 2616. CAPITOL AVE., 2416 Newly decorated. On, two or tnree-roora suites, second floor ylth running water. Douglas 6440. TWO oartly furnished, heated rooms In mod era nous on car line. rnu wu via. 3701 Ames Are. ' LIGHT housekeeping rooms on bath room floor, all modern, .vion aurt, rnon Douglas 2440. ONE single room, suitable for married couple; modern; gaa ana ngnt iurnisnea. Douglas 644. ST. MARY'S AVEJ. Two modern south 't front rooms; furnished complete for -light - housekeeping; absolutely no ohildren. Call TJouglaa 4433. i ' 2063 FARNAM Either ; large Of small Doug- roome, steam heat. Third noor. las 8860. TWO llgrrt housekeeping rooms, everything furnished, steam heated, uougiaa ijb. SOI SO. 18TH ST. Modern housekeeping and sleeping rooms. Douglas 7648. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. walking distance. 3 inn 01. FOUR rooms, modern, everything furnished. No children. Douglas 829 - THREE comfortable rooms on second floor. 3416 Capitol. Douglas 044. MODERN housekeeping rooms. man Avs. ' , Board and Room. 2967 HARNEY If you are not satisfied with your room and board, try ours; oniy re spectable young men with references wanted; come to see our excellent out side room in modern home. Harney 3070. 181 8. 26th St Beautifully furnished rooms, suitable for 3 and s. Kiectno ugnta, moo., bom cooking; homelike; steam heat 6 and up. D. 0068. THREE fine rooms, private home, modern; furnace heat; home cookery and baking, 6 week. Web. 640L COMFORTABLE room, modern; hot water heat: walking distance. Excellent table board;. one or two gentlemen. 2611 Har ney St. ROOM and board for 1 young men; H 1 block from car, private family. Colfax 669. 4420 N. 21st St 2204 CALIFORNIA Cosy room; private family; gentlemen preferred; good board. Red 8408. , TWO ROOMS and board; also two light housekeeping rooms. Call Webster 3804. MODERN, new, pleasant, home-like, home- baking, reasonable, wear car, tjoi. net. LARGE well furnished room; private homo: board If dealred. Harney 3034. MODERN eight-room house with garage, 3200 Howard. Celt, Tyler 2180. , Unfurnished Rooms. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 2d and Id floor it til 8. llth SL, 14 rooms. I ; CITY TRUST COMPANY. 16th and Harney Sts, Phone Doug. T8t. TWO unfurnished rooms, light housekseplng, With heat. Oil N. lth St., $10.00. Rooms Wanted. TOT! PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and and out el' about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE it' a plan thai 1 helping many people rent thttr room. MARRIED couple with two babies, want completely furnished, well -heated, mod ern housekeeping room or email apart ment, immediately. Must be reasonable. A. P., P. O. Box T14, City. WANTED By young lady, employed, board and room in private family, close In, no other boarders, box 7n, gee. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Must be respectable and price reasonable, Box - I8ILt. ' him HI in HI I 1 mi FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. LEE APT9. 1 and 2-room apt furnished, new, all modern, walking dlatance. S232 N. 19th. Web. 4902 2, 3 OR 4-r. furnished or unfum lilted apta. at 24th and Farnam or attn ana Harney. Doug. 1472. FOR RENT l-room heated apt Furniture for aale. Tyler 139X-J. Houses. FOR RENT Furnished house in desirable district of Dundee, 4931 California St 11. Walnut 060. COMPLETELY furnished house. I block from car. 1101 Blnney. Web. 194. CLEAN modern 6 -room houss In Deer Park district; nicely furnished; reference re quired. Harney 1662. FOR RENT HOUSES West. JUST LISTED. Brand new 6 -room stucco house at 103 South 41st St.. large living room with open brick fireplace and bookcases, break fast room with special built-in features, delightful sun room; ready November 1. 160, . I PAYNE & SLATER CO., 118 Omaha Nat. Doug. 1010. NEAR UNIVERSITY. 4121 Farnam St.; S-r. mod. house, good place to rent rooms to medical students. See us at once. Rent 136.00. S. P. BOSTWICK A 100 Bee Bldg. SON, Tyler 1501. NEW 9 -room furnished house, containing t bath rooms, also garage, located west Farnam district, one block from Farnam car line. Owner will rent It for six months. THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 111 South 17th St. ' Douglas 21. STEAM HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE FURNISHED Beautiful, new, brick residence, clghl rooms, modern throughout 4101 Far ..nam St. Call Walsh Broa. Co. Tyler 611 At 1317-11 City Nat Bank Bldg. 411 N. 29TH ST. Very fine brick house; eight nice rooms; east front, largo yard; plenty of shade, select neighborhood; one block to oar; references required. ALFRED THOMAS, 108 First Nat. Bank Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 706 8. 62d St., 112.00. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 First Nat Bank Bldg. I rooms, hot water heat, $40. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., Doug. 2716. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. ALMOST new 4-room house, with or without furniture, for rent cheap.- Call Walnut 1307. . WEST Farnam residence, desirable. Best location. 1 rooms. Very Call Tyler 1636. FOR RENT 8 -room house and garage. 107 No. 41st St., 40. Call Harney 1641. 4-ROOM cottage, with water and gas. Davenport. Tel. Harney 1311. l-ROOM 2 baths, West Farnam Phone Doug. 1I4L 646.00. 6-ROOM cottage. 6611 Leavenworth St Mrs. Cole. Walnut 141S! North. $30 Per Month 3632 Hawthorne Ave. Modern 6-room cottage," with bath. Ideal location, south frontage, Bemis park. Large shade and fruit trees. $30 PER MONTH. W. Garloch 3704 Hawthorne Ave. Wal. 1583. 230 Keeline Bldg. . Doug. 1818. , NEW 6-ROOM FLAT. Only 120 a month, very close In,' ALL MODERN, pressed brlA. SNAP. Located 1107 North 23d St Tenant still there. Look It over. i 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 113 North 27th Ave., ALL MODERN. Will decorate to suit ONLY 121 a month. Key next door south. Phone Walnut 2136 or Douglas 4810. . FOR RENT 6-room cottage, 4 N. 26th St., 613.00. ALFRED THOMAS, 308 First Nat Bank Bldg. HOUSE VACANT NOV. 1. 1200 Sherman Ave., 7 rooms, new, plumbing, electricity, furnace, excellent shape, rent reasonable. . FOUR rooms In good condition and location. Modern except heat, i3.ov to small zam- lly. Webster 4601. 6-ROOM modern house; strictly first-class condition and neighborhood. 2602 Seward Bt; 16. Key, next door. , 1616 GRANT ST. T-r., conm., modern, 26. T. F. Hall, 423 Ramge uiag. Doug. 740s. 7 -ROOM cottage and barn, modern except heat. 1908 N. aeth St weoster jsoa, NINE-ROOM house, strictly modern, good location, on car line. Doug, soaw. 1 NEARLY new all ntodern 6-room cottage, 442V uecatur. wainui isnso. 6-ROOM cottage, all modem, 816 No. 27th Ave. Phone Harney 2b92. T-ROOM mod. house with garage In Flor- ence. Flo. 242. ; 2917 NO. 25th 6 rooms. modern. Phone Harney 3091. 2922 N. 18TH 6-r., hot water heat, $20. RASP BROS. UOUg. I BUS. -R. PART modern, $13. Wal. 2608. South. I-R. ALL-MOD. house. In Hanscom Park neighborhood. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 236 Orftaha Nat Doug. 722. FOR RENT Six-room cottage, 2609 S. 20th Ave., $14.00. . .. ALFRED THOMAS, ; 308 First Nat Bank Bldg. 1216 FAqfk AVE. 7-r. mod, brick. 1621 OAK 4 rooms; gaa anr toilet Inside. R. 1843. Miscellaneous. HOUSES MODERN. 6-r., 3127 Vinton, new bungalow, 111, i-r.. S844 8. 33d. beautiful home, $32.50. t-r.. 1466 Lothrop, good location and In good condition, $27. g-r., 3806 N: 17th, with garage, $21.60. -r.. 3416 MaDle.i nice cottage. $22.60. 6-r., 2103 Spencer, water paid, good. house. $26. g-r., 3210 N. 21st, good cond., water pdf 25. 7-r., 3840 Franklin, good cond., $26. 7- r., 2719 8. 10th, choice location, $26. 8- r., 207 N. 23d, close In, $25. g.r.. Tl 86 Georgia Ave., garage, $30. 8-r., 1626 SpencerA beautiful home, garage, $42.60. 8-r., 1810 N. 46th, very choice home, $32.60. 9-r., 3304 Davenport, snap at S3t. HOUSES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r., 1319 Taylor, newly decorated, $14. ' 6-r., 700 6. 19th, close In, $20. l-r. 2410 Larlmore, good house, $19. 7-r., 2446 S. 17th, good location, $18. 7-r., t08 Decatur, snap at $16. 7- r., ,2313. 21st, reduced to $17. 8- r., 4648 Farnam, good locafTon, $18. HOUSES PART MODERN, t-r, 1326 Meredith, wat, toll., gaa Us., $9. 4- r., 1416 Maple, gaa, well, $10. 5- r., 61st 'and Walnut, elec. It, well, new house,; $14. -r., 6806 N. S4th, elec. .lights, well, $10. 6- r., 903 a 27th, water, gas, toilet, $16. FLATS MODERN. S-r., 2014 Woolworth, very choice, water paid, $23.50. 5- r 109 Paxton Court, beautiful new flat, close In, 26th Ave. and 26th, between Farnam and Douglas. $35. FLATS MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r., 2822 S. 29th, water paid, $10. 6- r,. SOB 4 N. 91st, close In, $20.60. W have other, send for our weekly printed list before renting. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1614 Hr. Ty. 80. HOUSES ALL MODERN. 2110 S. 15TH ST. 6 rooms $18.76 2106 S. 16th St. rooms 18.76 918 S. 81st St. 6 rooms 22.60 8527 Charlea St I rooms 26.00 2720 B, St.South Side 7 room..,. 25.00 840 N. 24th St. room 27.50 1102 Park Are. I rooms 82.60 111 8. 86th Ave. 4 rooms 35.00 2408 St Mary's Ave. 8 rooms 16.00 4100 Wakeley St., sleeping porch t room, inn room.- 45.00 2412 St. Hary'a Ava , 46.00 311 8. 33d St I rooms 76.00 HOUSES PARTLY MODERNt 1609 N. 24th Bt. rooms $16.00 4184 Hamilton 4 rooms and store., 20.00 4541 Seward St, ' Bungalow I rms. 20.00 2611 Css St., Two Families 10 rms. IS. 00 FLATS MOD. AND PART MOD. 8902 Leavenworth 6 rooms $12.60 1406 8. 16th 8t 0 rooms 20.00 2628 Cass St, arranged for two famine- 10 rooms.... II. 00 MODERN APARTMENTS. 131.50-137.60 Two rooms and bath. The Bosworth. 2117 Howard St, fur . nlihed and unfurnished: walking distance. 132. 60-817.60, 609 8. llat St 6 robma and bath; nne location. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tyler 1634. Rose Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. , CRE1UH, SONS A CO. BEE BLDO. SOW). Iia, HOUSES AND COTTAtina. PARTLY MODERN. , 4.r S401 Maple St 4-r. 1610 Carter Lake Blvd 7.F KOI ft N 4 2d Rt ,.l 1.00 . 14.00 . 10.00 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 6-t. 2904 Saratoga St., modern In every respect except heat -r. 2819 N. 27th 8t, for colored.. 15.00 4r. gi7 n. 18th St. very close in. 22.60 $-r. 2233 8. Oth St 00 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-r. 2720 Corby St., choice cottage, harraln 1 20.00 $-r. 3919 N. 20th St., a choice bun galow, hardwood finish, built-in buffet and bookcases; .garage In rear t tr. 4112 Farnam St. J a good de tached house In first-class resi dence district 7.r, 973 N. $7th Av 16.00 T-r. 3905 N. llth St., choice de tached house In good residence district 8-r JS01 N. 17th St., strictly mod ern detached house In good resi- dlstrlct .- WOO -r. 1717 Park Ave., cholc brick dwelling, newly decorated Inside and out, first-class residence dis trict ! -r. 2608 Dewey Ave., a good brick dwelling, very close in, well ar ranged for roomers 45.00 llr. 4ji g. ssth St., choice de tached brick house, first-class resi dence district 75.00 FLATS. STRICTLY MODERN. S-r. 208 S. SOth St $26.00 PORTER ft SHOTWELL 203 S. 17th St. Doug. 5013. PAYNE & SLATER CO., OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN. HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. 4-r., .17 So. 41at St., good cottage, $1 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- r., 2118 Mapl. ft)., newly decorated, 120. 6- r., 261S Jonea St., good condition, eaay walking dlatance, 120. l-r., S803 Ohio St., newly decorated, ,10. C-r 60S So. 18th SL, newly decorated throughout, .floor. aU newly finished, 7- r., 2111 California St., clo.e In, 120. 7-r., 2117 Lecuat St., bargain, 120. 7-r., !SS Seward St., well located, 820. ALL MODERN, l-r., SE08 Hamilton St., 4 bedrooms, aouth front, big yard. 828.10. l-r., 806 So. S8th St., 4 bedroonu, .elect weat Farnam dlatrict, 60. FLATS. ' l-r., 188 So. 18th SL, newly decorated, 25. PAYNE & SLATER CO, 'Omaha's Rental Men,. 618 Omaha Nat Doug. 1016. 1604 MADISON AVE., 6 rmi mod. .$18. If 8938 No. 21st St., 7 rms., mod 25.00 2009 Spencer St., rms., mod 27.60 1422 Webster St., 7 rms., mod 26.00 2815 Decatur St., S rms., all mod.. 18.00 4301 California, 8 rms., mod 17.60 2060 N. 18th St, t rms., md. ex. ht. 16.00 123 S. 40th St., 6 rms.. all modern, each flat 26.00 1706 S. 28th St., 6 rms., md. ex. ht. 20.00 630 S. 24th St., I rms., md. ex. ht 26.00 644 S. 24th Ave., 7 rms., mod 28.60 2424 8. Uth St, S rms., mod. except heat 12.60 147 H 8. 30th St., 8 rms., mod 25.00 SEE US FOR HOUSES FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1S0I Dodge SL J. 418. FLATS 821-28 So. llth, 20-r., a. w . gaa, ISO. 8628 Patrick Ave., 7-r., modern, 827.60. 1601 ho. zstn St., 7-r., modern, 811. 621 So. 29th SL, 4-r., e. w., gaa, 112.80. 1048 So. 20th St., 8-r. 1st floor. 118. 1214 So, 17th SL. 6-r., o. w., gaa, 1L DETACHED HOUSES. 1648 So. 28th St., 7-r., o. w., bath, 122.8, 1841 So. 27th St., -8-r., modern, 822.60. , 8928 No. 22d St., 8-r. modern, 120. 1222 Park Wild Ave., l-r., bath, c. w ,20. 809 N. 2th 8L, 7-r., o. w., gaa, 120. 2218 Seward SL, 7-r.. o. w., bath, 817. Ill So. 22d SL, 8-r., bath, gaa, 811. 218 N. 26th St., t-r., e. w., gaa, 116. 8619 Davenport St., 8-r., c w gaa. 111. 819 lo. 24th SL, 8-r., o. w., 810. 2760 Grant St.. l-r., c. w., 118.60. GARVIN BROS., 46 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. HOUSES APARTMBNT8 PLATS. 814.00 6-r., 1828 Clark, modern, ex. heat $18.00 7-r., 60S Bo. 83d SL - ' 116.00 -r., 8818 No. 20th, mod. ex. heat ' 822.60 4-r., 4112 Underwood Am, modern. 880.00 10-r., 214 So. 20th, modern. 830.00 6-r.. 636 So. 26th Ave., modern. 132.60 l-r., 630 Park Ave., mod. flat 836.00 7-r., 1908 Corby SL, modern. 140.00 8-r., 2103 Lothrop, good repair, hot water heat, modern. 142.60 4-r. apL 27th and Jackaon, Th. Harold, No. 8. V 860.00 8-r., 3811 Lincoln Blvd., modern, Bemia Park. 866.00 8-r., 623 No. Slat St., modern. GEORGE & COMPANY Phone D. 766. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 4 ROOMS, 8802 So. 14th St., 18. 8 rooms, 1821 North 17th St., $12.60. ' 8 rooms, 2616 Parker SL, 216. B rooms, 2660 Pierce St., modern. 833.66. .7 rooms, 1306 So. 28th SL, modern, $27.61, 7 rooms, 2430 Caldwell St., modern. 321..0. rooms. 2961 Pacific SL, modern. $30. 9 rooms, 1407 No. 17th St., mod., $26. 10 rooms, 1031 So. 80th Ave., modern, $28. u ruume, ..10 I..BB BL, modem, $40. 7 rooms, 3316 Burt SL, modern, $26 7 rooms, 109 So. 28tb Ave., for ool., $2, BENSON A MYERS CO., 414 Omaha Nat Doug. 748 4011 IZARD ST. 7 room., all modern, weat part of double brick houae, $36. 843 South J 2d SL 7 rms., all moi $31. , 208 So. 18th St. 10 rms., part mod.. $30. 3404 Military Ave. I rma., pt mod., $12 6, 2610 So. llth fit. 6 rma., city water, gaa, $12. 1920 Bancroft St. 1. rmi.i part mod., $11. BIHKETT CO., ; 421 Be. Bldg. D6u. 181. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. $401201 So. I2d St., l-r., modern. . 126708 No, 80th St, 8-r., modern. ' 8462804 Davenport 8-r., modern. t 1182419 Templeton, 7-r., modern. $86202 So. 84th St., 6-r. bunialow. $16 Nov Shelby Court, 6-r. flat, 124 So 22d St.. mod. ex. heat. $82222 Isard, 8-r., water, toilet $82518 No. 21st St., l-r., mod. ex. heat. $121910 No. 27th St., -p., half bunga low, aouth side, pleasant, east front APARTMENT. 1040 So. 21th St., Georgia Apt., 6-r., south exposure, east front walking distance. PETERS TRUST COMPANY 1622 Farnam. Phone Doug. 898. STORAGE ROOM. s 8,800 square feet of storage room In rear of 1409-11 Barney St. Will rent all or any parL " CITT TRUST COMPANT. 16th and Harney Sta. Phone Doug. 789. 806 NO. 23D ST., 6-r., part modern, 118 1817 No. 21st St.. 7-r.. part modern, 111. 2924 Dupont, 6-r, part modern, $10 , 2031 Emmet, 6-r., city water, $10 $208 Maple, 4-r., oily water, $8. 2922 Blondo, 6-r., city water, 81 ; 4085 Brown, 6-r, well, $10. 1818 No. ISlh St., 6-r., well, $1 8486 Sahler, S-r, well, $8. CREIOH, SONS A CO.. Doug. .200, sol Bee Bldg. 4133 Farnam, 8-r, mod $367ob 2VJ rowier av, 6-r, modern, one condition 26 00 2107 N. 80th, 8-r, mod ' M 610 8. SSth Ave, 6-r ig'nu 816 N. 2th Ave, 4-r, city water, electrlo light 12 6fl 2825 S. 18th Rt, 6-r, mod. ex. heat 14'oB S. P. BOSTWICK SON, Tyl.r 1606. 800 Bee Bldg 120 . 00 7-r. modern houae, 1911 Willis Ave $30.00 7-r. modern house, 1819 Corby 826.00 8-r. modern house at 1633 Lothrop $26.00 B-r. modern brick house, corner lot. 2624 N. 18th. $20.00 7-r. mod. houae, 2980 Meredith Av W. H. GATES, 147 Omaha National Bank Bldg Douglas 1294. Webster 8688. 35.001109 So. 88th St, 4-r, u and water' 820.00 1784 So. 37th, 8-r, modern, lat floor, St. Loula flaL $80.001781 80. 87th, 5-r, m Mcond floor. good. $26.001708 Burt, 2d floor apartment thre. rooms end bath, with heaL Good ' D. V. SHOLES COMPANT, 916 City NaL Bank Bldg. , Doug. 41 837.602639 Davenport SL, -r, all moj" new furnace. ' 318.001608 N. 10th SL. 8-r, all mod fl.L $32 -6CI 8. 21th SL, , S5.n,t fr a wat w $14 War. Block ' p, ,0M K' HOUSES modern, i, 7 and 11 noZT-; 4 1 FIRST TRUST CO. Doug. 1161. " 1 J m