Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 A
And Women of the Society Are
Peeved at Action of the Lec
turer, Who Changed Talk.
Fine Arts', society members are
highly indignant with' their lecturer,
Charles H. Caffin. Telephones were
busy all morning while its members
discussed alleged ill-natured out
bursts on the part of the art critic.
Mrs. W. G. Ure, the president, while
confessing disappointment in the lec
turer, was inclined to attribute the
trouble to itr. Caffin's high strung,
nervous temperament and the eccen
tricities of artists as a rule.
A thinly veiled reference in his
first lecture Thursday to women who
had never seen a Rembrandt or a
great master yet who brought lec
turers to their clubs to talk to them
about things of which they knew lit
tle, drew little comment from the
members at the time, but members
were recalling it with avidity Satur
day. v .
Talk is Commonplace.
"I think Mr. Caffin did not under
stand his Omaha audience. He is
perhaps used to talking to women
who are striving to know something
about art, but who haven't had op
portunities t,o study. He doesn't
know that some 200 of our members
iiave studied art seriousl and pains
takinjly for the last seven years, and
to them his talk of Friday afternoon
sounded quite commonplace," said
Mrs. Ure. . ,
Which brings up Friday's lecture,
the crux of the whole trouble.
A lecture on Dutch art was the
talk Mr. Caffin was engaged to give
Friday. Against the wishes and pro
tests of Mrs. Edgar H. Scott, chair
man of the program committee who
had engaged him, Mr. Caffin insisted
on substituting a talk, "One Hundred
Best Pictures?' "A number of peo
ple who came to'hear a lecture on
hutch art were sreatly disappointed
and it placed Mrs. Scott in an awk
ward position, saia Mrs. ure,
Lecturer ia Wrathy.
Further tension was lent to the
situation when- it was learned that
the stereopticon operator whom Mrs.
Scott had engaged had failed to ap
pear. A hurry call was sent for Miss
Blanche Hammond, librarian, who,
though ill at home, consented Jo ac
commodate the society by -operating
the machine for Mr. Caffin's lecture.
Miss Hammon wet unaccustomed to
the machine and was unable to oper
ate it in an expert fashion, which
drew the ire of the lecturer, so the
members say.
- "He w3 positively ill-natured and
the tone of his voice was almost an
insult to luisa Hammond," said Mrs.
Ida M. Hanchett, who conducts
classes at the library. "It was, 'Oper
ator, will you do this? and 'Operator,
will you do that?' until it. became
most unoleasant for the audience. At
the time 1 did not know it was Miss
Hammond at the machine. I thought
it was a man, or I should have risen
in the middle of his lecture and
stopped the ill-natured exclamations,
said Mrs. Hanchett -V.-" '
That, Mr. Caffin was wrought up
and his nervous temperament aroused
was responsible for the short, abrupt
fashion in which he addressed Miss
Hammond,' is Mrs. lire's explanation.
Miss Hammond, herself, is inclined
to take the matter, lightly. - I didn't
take it amiss. Yes, ,he was quick in
his manner of speech, but I don't let
a little thins like that worry me. I
' was not operating the machine as welt
.as it should have, been, because I
did not know it as well as the library
machine, she saicv . t
(CntliwS from Oa.) ,
-was without foundation in fact. But
this is not all. His note of June 20th
is the fullest and most complete ad
mission of all that has been charged
' and all that he has denied or pal-
' listed. . The facts therein set forth
furnisn a complete and irrefutable
condemnation of his own policy to
wards Mexico and towards Larranxa.
Record Made Up by Lansing.
''This authoritative statement issued
by Mr. Wilson through his secretary
of state sets forth that for three years
'there has been continuous bloodshed
and disorder in Mexico; that Ameri'
cans have been barbarously murdered
and vast properties developed by
American capital and enterprise de-
strayed : that the murderers have not
been brought to justice; that during
the last nine months there have been
constant invasions, depredltions and
murders on American soil by Mexican
bandits; that American soldiers have
been killed: American ranches raided,
American railway trains wrecked and
. plundered, and American towns de
stroyed; and that Carranza's soldiers
and adherents took part in the looting,
' burning and killing; that the murders
were characterized by ruthless bru
tality and barbarous mutilation; that
some of the leaders in these atrocities
have not only received protection, but
encouragement and aid from Car
' ranza'a government; that during this
time there was instance alter instance
' of the barbarous slaughter of Ameri
cans in Mexico itself, in addition to
the heinous crimes committed in mur
dering, burning and plundering on
' American soil; that Carranza's gener
als made no effort to stop the crimes,
and that Carranza himself was either
unable, or else considered it undeslr
. able, to punish the criminals; that
.. Carranza gave neither co-operation
nor assistance to the American troops
who pursued the bandits; that on the
contrary.'L'arranza'i adherents halted
the American pursuit it Farral and
became the protectors of Villa and
his bandits; and that Carranza's gov
ernment has shown that it does not
. intend nor desire that the outlaws,
bandits and criminals who have been
guilty of these Murders and outrages
shall be captured, destroyed or dis
persed, either by American troops or
uy Mexican troops. -
Language It Official. i'
"In the above statement I have
used the exact words of Mr. Wilson i
secretary, merely condensing the
' statement and keeping exactly its
1 sense., i have not used one word not
contained in the statement. No in
dictment by me of Mr. Wilson's pol
icy could be as strong as that fur
nished by himself. Immediately af
terwards occurred the treacherous
murder of our troops at Carrizal.
Then Mr. Wilson became frightened,
bowed in abject submission to Car
ranza, kissed the hand that was red
with the blood of American men and
women, and, inasmuch as he dared
not hold Carranza responsible, began
unmanly fashion to scold Carran
za's wretched victims.
Mr. Wilson says he has kept us
out of war.' The democratic platform
says that the Mexicans 'have made
war "upon and murdered our people.'
for once the democratic platform
told the truth. Mr. Wilson says that
some of the murdered men were bar
barously nutilated. In the press one
such case of mutilation is described.
Two troopers of the Twelfth United
State cavalry, Henry Mubbletield and
Richard Johnson, one from Virginia
and one from New York, were killed
by Carranza's troops at Progreso,
Tex1., September 29, 1915. Stubble-
field's body was found soon after the
fight. Johnson was reported missing,
but Mexican prisoners informed our
officers' that Johnson had been tor
tured and beheaded,! his body thrown
into the Kio brande and his head
and ears cut off ai.d displayed to the
populace ot the Mexican town ot
Concepcion as evidence that Ameri
can troops had been routed. This was
not an exceptional instance; it -was
typical of what has gone on un
checked in Mexico.
Mr. Wilson and his followers are
fond of asking, when we critcize his
action, 'What would you have done''
hither one of two courses could
properly have been followed. It would
have been defensible to have recog
nized Huerta, in view of the fact that
other great powers had .recognized
him; and, ot course, it was quite inde
fensible to refuse to recognize him.
and yet recognize Benavides in Peru,
and Carranza in Mexico. In such
event we would have held Huerta to
strict responsibility by acts, for re
storing order in Mexico and for pro
tecting American life and property.
What Mexico Meant to Us.
"It cannot be a matter of indiffer
ence to us what kind of a government
arises in Mexico. Mexico in its geo
graphical and physical aspects, with
the ranama canal adjoining, repre
sents to the United States what the
Balkans and Asia Minor represent to
fcurope. there the Dardanelles and
the Suez canal are the prize, valuable
as the Panama canal is valuable to
us, as a source of profit and national
oower. After a decade ol internal war-
fare and struggle in the Balkans, the
present world war resulted. If we
et Mexico sink into permanent an
archy, and show ourselves too feeble
to restore order, then, sooner or later,
some old-world military power will
itself step in and take possession, with
results as disastrous to us as the
anarchy in the Balkan peninsula hat
been disastrous to Europe. Mexico.
like Asia Minor, is a mountainous oen
insula. It dominates the Caribbean
and hat immediate access to both ends
of the Panama canal. The govern
ment in Mexico must necessarily in
teract with and upon the governments
and population of the northern half
of . the South American continent.
strong and stable government in
Mexico, working in harmoniout relic
tions with the united Mates, could es
tablish security for property and make
it possible for American enterprise to
cawy iiailtbada, irrigation workt and
other benefits of civilization into that
territory. The development of the
Mexican railroad net would enable the
United States, in case the need ever
arose, to help ward off aggression by
a foreign power. A railroad extend
ing to the rename canal would' give
ut access, by land to the canal, with
which the future of the United States
it to intimately bound up. Such
Mexican government, representing
the best forces ot that country,
would be eager to work with us by
the free exchange ot what they have
to give in return for the advantages
of what we can offer them. Such a
government would be of incalculable
benefit to Mexico itself, and would
also add greatly to the security of
the united Mates. A weak, disor
ganized Mexican government, as I
willing or unwilling any ot a foreign
power, hostile ta our country, might
do us irreparable damage. , -
Wilton PoUcy Without Plan.
It will take foresight, intelligence
and self-sacrifice on the part of our
statesmen and our people to solve
these problems in the right way now
so as to ward off danger in the future.
President Wilson t policies nave been
without plan or purpose; he has not
looked beyond tomorrow; he has had
no objects aside from momentary
folitical profit at home, and possibly
he gratification of personal spite
towards or personal favoritism for,
some particular bandit. His attitude
has shifted hither and thither. At an
enormous expense to all that is good
and stable in Mexico and at a terrible
cost of American lives, property and
prestige he nas lifted carranza into
power. Through the maneuvering of
an A-B-C convention he placed him
upon his shaky pedestal and today by
tne expedient ot anotner l-u-u con
vention he ia trying to prop and bol
ster tne tottering structure. Yet at
this very time. Carranza s govern
ment, which it wholly the child of
President Wilson's diplomacy, turns
against us, and thereby foreshadows
the course that this same man car
ranza would take if. by the aid of such
loans, as it has' been vaguely hinted
that the present administration is try
ing to secure for him in financial
circles, his government would become
strong, i his- is shown in the New
York World. Wilson s administration
organ. In a dispatch from its special
representative at Newnorton Octo
ber 10, it set forth that as toon at the
German submarines began to operate
off the coast, the Carranza delegates
at the conference became elated at
the prospect of this country becoming
involved in further international en.
tanglements and their attitude stiff
ened considerable.' The threat thus
revealed in the attitude of these Car
ranza agents is a sinister omen of the
future danger that lurks in Mr. Wil
son's diplomacy. Some day this
diolomacv will be naid for bv this
country in the bloodshed, suffering
and disaster of war."
T.P. A. to Hold First of Its
Winter Meetings Saturday
The Travelers' Protective Associa-J
tion of America will hold the first of
a series of winter meetings at the
Commercial club next Saturday evening-
at 8 o'clock. Rev. John F.
Poucher will talk on "Boyt on the
Border of Mexico." Two membership
teams will be organised at the meet
ing. Otto Wohlford will captain one
crew and Fred Eckhardt the uilicr.
State Committee Forces Lan
caster Man Who Rebels at
Boss Mullen to Benig.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln. Oct. 21.-(Special.) The
desperate straits to which the demo
crats are put in an endeavor to stem
the tide of votes which is going to the
republican candidate for president
was shown this morning when A. A.
Lang, who had given an interview to
the Lincoln correspondent of The Bee
Ihursday, for some reason was in
duced to repudiate the interview and
declare it a "deliberate lie" on the part
of the correspondent, the repudiation
being published in an Omaha demo
cratic paper this morning under head
lines sufficient to attract attention in
which the integrity and honesty of
the Lincoln correspondent were at
tacked. ,
However, in presence of the demo
cratic state committee this morning
Mr. Lang acknowledged that the in
terview had been given, but said that
the Lincoln man who had written the
repudiation for the democratic paper
had used rather stronger language
than he had intended should haye
been used. '
The facts in the matter are (hat Mr.
Lang dictate the interview to the cor
respondent of The Bee and the same
were taken down verbatim and pub
lished with the full consent of Mr.
Lang and with the understanding that
his name should be used, He denies
that he had intended to attack either
Wilson, Hitchcock or Neville, for he
was supporting them all, but simply
desired to take a shot at. Arthur Mul
len and his attempts to boss Bryan
It is understood that objection had
been made by someone to the declara
tion ot Mr. Lang that "When Presi
dent Wilson said that he did not want
the votes of hyphenated German
Americans he should have gone fur
ther and included hyphenated demo
crats." Too Late for Baker
To Deny Aspersion
New York, Oct. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) The denial of Secretarv of
War Baker that he, cast aspersions on
Washington's troops by likening them
to the revolutionists under Carranza
and Villa, is futile in view of his own
admission to the representative of the
New York inbune that the reports of
his speech published in the Tribune
Monday morning and the Jersey Citv
Journal Monday afternoon were sub
stantially correct.
On Monday afternoon, a Tribune
reporter got Mr. Baker by telephone
at Plattsburgh, N. Y., and read to' the
secretary the Tribune's report of his
speech. Mr. Baker admitted that it
was substantially correct, except that
he had not said the acts charged to
revolutionary soldiers were committed
by men under Washington's, imme
diate personal command.
Asked what correction, if any, he
desired to make in the atorv. he re
plied: "I think the story seems sub
stantially correct, except that I didn't
say men under Washington's com
mand. (
The Tribunes report wat made bv
one of its staff men. There is no
material difference between his report
and that ot tne jersey city Journal.
It it too late for Secretary Baker to
crawl back with a denial.
Ladies! Darken v
.Your Gray Hair
Look yean younger! Use Grand
mother't recipe of Sage Tea and
Sulphur and nobody will know.
The use of Sage and Sulphur for He
storing faded, gray hair to its natural
color dates back to grandmother's
time, v She used it to keep her hair
beautifully dark, glossy and attractive.
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked, appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won.
derful effect. i
But brewing at home is mussy and
out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at
any drug store for a 50-cent bottle qf
"Wyetha Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," you will get this famous old
preparation, improved by the addition
of other ingredients, which can be de
pended upon to restore natural color
and beauty to the hair.
A welt-known downtown. druggist
sayt tt darkens tne hair so naturally
and evenly that nobody can tell It has
been applied. You simply dampen
a sponge or soft brush with it and
draw this through your hair, taking
one strand at a time. By morning the
gray hair disappears and after another
application or two, it becomes beauti
fully dark and glossy.
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound is a delightful toilet requisite
for those who desire a more youthful
appearance. It is not intended for the
cure, mitigation or prevention of dis
ease. Advertisement.
of $1110
to the writer of the letter that
most clearly sets forth the re
qulrements desired in a tales-,
man and defines who and what
manner of man the real tales
man it, will be paid ta that in
dividual on December 1, 1916,
after a careful analysis of the
letter by competent and un
biased judges selected for that
Ministerial Union Repudiates
Views of Episcopal Pastor ,
on the Liquor Issue.
The Omaha Ministerial union, at
a special meeting Saturday morning,
adopted resolutions repudiating the
liquor ideas of Rev. T. J. Mackay as
set forth in an advertisement in local
newspapers by the Prosperity league.
Some of the ministers held that it
would be best to ignore the state
ment, but a majority favored putting
the ministerial union's principles def
initely on record.
Ihe resolution was as follows:
Whereat. Rev. T. J. Mackar, Dtstor of
All Saint' Episcopal church ot Omaha, has
seen (it over his own armature and under
the auspice of the Prosperity league of
Nebraska, to print la the dally preai of
Nebraska a lengthy article defending- the
liquor trattlc; and
Whereas, In thii article he makes t la
bored effort to show (hat prohibition I con
trary to the sublime principle of love as
enunciated by our Lord and Master, Jesus
Christ: therefore be it
Resolved by tbo Omaha Ministerial union.
which is made, up of approximately 90 per
cent of all the Protestant ministers of
Omaha and vicinity, that we do hereby en
tirely repudiate both the premises and the
conclusions of Rev, T. J. Mackay,
We believe that hl statements In this
matter are entirely contrary to the teach
InffS of Jesus of Nasareth, and of Paul, His
apostle. We are firmly convinced that the
entire influence of the New Testament and
of pure Christianity is opposed to the liquor
traitio in an its forms. This is our solemn
belief and we call upon all our Christian
oommunity to give conladsratton to this, our
conviction. ' ,
"With charity for all, and with malice
toward none" we make this statement. The
issue is clearly Joined. Jesus Christ and the
liquor business can never live and work In
the same atmosphere. The modern saloon
Is wholly antagonistic to His Spirit.
Pastor Plymouth Congregational Church.
, CHARLES EJ. COBB BY, Secretary.
Pastor First Christian Church.
Pastor Calvary Baptist Church.
PA tor North Side Christian Church.
Executive Committee,
Light Plant Sold. '
Stella. Neb.. Oct. 21. .Sneciall-J
ine Stella electric light plant has
Deen sold to an eastern corporation,
the Continental Gas and Electrical
corporation of Cleveland, O., with a
western office in Omaha. The new
One Thousand
Dresher Fingers
Are Beady to Take
Your WinterlVork
!. 100 employe! ten fingers
' each figure it out yourself.
Each one of these finger
. schooled to clean, press,, re
pair or remodel the winter
garments you must hava
placed into shape at once.
The same fingers apply new '
, velvet collars and cuffs, in
sert new lininge, steam velvet '
garments and repair or re
lock hats. Surely you've
clothes that need the services
of these' thousand fingers at
. once, haven't you? Don't
. hasten to the clothier, 'dress-
maker or suit store; last win
i ter's garments can be re
newed plenty good enough. ,
Start things by phoning Tyler
345, which brings you a
Dresher man.
My Tailoring
' Mr austomars eoms back to ma
season after season, becauHt I five
them reliable fabrics, Quality, work
manship, perieet fit and prompt ser
vice. Let no demonstrate mjr ability to
tailor to your satisfaction
r ii fjiiiii-
Four Years pf TEETH .- We Please
at 1324 , fPffj You or
Farnara VVW Z$ Refund
Street - M1sM Your Money
Dr. icKenney Says:
"Clean offices, clean dentists and clean instruments
are a hobby with me, and I insist that these features are
absolutely necessary to perfect dental service. Come in
and see my offices and talk over your dentistry. There is
no obligation whatever attached to such a visit."
Bail Silrar
Bui 22k
Cold Crowa...
r.ic icEnriEY
14th end Farnam Sts.
1&4 Farnam Street
Pfcana Douf laa SS72.
NOTICE Ou-f-tow patron, in
J.t Plata.. Crowna, Brirfg. and
illinta Cmplatad la On. Pay.
Houral 8:SO A.
M. t P. M.
. . Wcataaaday.
Mid Saturday.
Till S:M P. M.
Not Opa
. Sunair.
-22," 1916.
owners agreed to have lights in
Stella within less than forty days.
Stella was supplied light for eight
years by a private company. Last
March the engine was wrecked, and
the town has since been without
Join the Swappers' Club. Membership ta
free. Call at Bee office.
W '
' Iff
t Suits-
Skillfully designed,
hand-tailored by men.
Of fine fabrics. $25 up
wards. 4t-i.
Graceful lines of unu
sual distinction mark
these - newest models.
$25 upwards.
E2f W
99 Ckaurv
B Baths', Vm. Br. SM.I, Mil.
, 706 City HatL Bank Bldg. .
ltk nl Hara.7 its.
Webster 202 Bridf. ' fl Aft
Work, par tooth .?4.UU
Wonder PUta
worth S15
Na Studanta.
Iowa Notes.
Denlson The detrlct convention of the
Women' Relief Corps, held In this city
October J, was well attended and was full
of Interest. Over fifty delegates were
present from abroad. Addresses of welcome
were made by J. B. Lyon, president of the
Commercial club; Prof. Humphrey, superin
tendent of the schools, and City Attorney
J. V. Walker. The local corps gave enter
talnment to all visitors and ex-onion
soldiers. ' Mrs. Smythe, department presi
Z - J
Fashion GnWof fte fliddleWesl -a
OiDtotoioeotot o a o trot) oiosotoso
Milady who admires distinction
in dress will receive these ap
parel displays with enthusiasm
correct styles for every
hour of a fashionable
' woman's day. $25 up
wards. v
A most important part
of the wardrobe deserv
ing careful attention.
$6.50 upward.
When She Ask for
Front Lace Corsets .
She Asks for 5
A Redfern Front Lace Model
They are at exceptional for style, for (it, for
comfort and for wear at the famous backlac
styles. v
Not every woman can wear a front lace
corset. But every woman can find a Redfern
corset exactly suited to her figure, in our stock.
w w.
' ' Back Lace. Front Lace ,
" $3 and up
Export Corsetieres in Attendance.
Uikm i i . I i
Ivfef F f 1
Troubled With Headache
t Have
Not Felt
So Well In
Ten Years
As! Do Now.
. I recommend
Peruna v
To All
Miss Nettie E.
21 Westficld, N.
Bogardut, R. F. D.
Y., writes:"! hava
dent, of Chariton, was present, and Mrs.
Oeorgla Wade McCIellan, one of the best
known members of the organisation In the
United States. t
Denlson The cold wave has stopped alU(
paving operations by the Flynn company
of Sioux City, which is laying cement here.
There ; are some ten block to be dona to
complete the fall contract.
Omaha real estate Is the best Investment
you could make. Read Th Bee real estate
. . '
o Jo i
Creations that express
many new notes of fash
ion. Out of the ordi
nary, but moderate in
The finest selection we
have ever had the pleas
ure of offering to
Omaha women.
Judge ?L
District Court
At present serving by appoint
ment of Governor Morehead to
fill vacancy caused by death of
Judge James P. English.
Election November 7, 1916.
Entirely Well
bean a graat luff.r.r from sick head
aches, but am now entirely free from
that trouble. I have not felt so well
in ten years is I do now. I would
recommend Peruna and Manalin to
all sufferers. I will say, God bless
Or. Hartman and his wonderful rem
edies." '
Mrs. Charles Anspaugh, R, R. 7,
Lagrange, Ind., writes: "Peruna has
been a godsend to me. I can feel
safe in saying that it saved my life,
as I was all run down and was just
miserable when I commenced taking
your Peruna, but am on the road to
recovery now. I cannot thank you
too much."
Our booklet, telling you bow to
xep well, free to all.
, Thoso who object to liquid modi
'aes can now procure Po?una Tab