Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    8 B
What y :
Woden Axe
Doing in theWorJd
Rev. John A. Staunton, jr., from
, the mission of St. Mary the Virgin,
at Sagada, Philippine islands, and for
twelve years a worker among the
Jgorrotes of Luzon, will lecture- es
pecially for members of the Episco
pal women's auxiliary Sunday at 3:30
eciocK at st. uarnaoas cnurcn.
Henry Cox will.give an illustrated
.lecture on "The Orchestra" before
the music department of the Souths
Omaha Woman s club rriuay t 4
o'clock in the South High school au
ditorium. , t. '
The Baptist Women's Foreign Mis
sionary Quarterly will be held at the
First Baptist church in Council Bluffs
'Friday. Devotionals at 11 o'clock
will be followed by a luncheon served
,by the women of the church. After
the business meeting at "O'clock Miss
Kdith Sturgill, the city missionary of
the south bide, will speak.
Mu Sigma wilt meet Wednesday
morning at 9:30 o'clock at the home
ot Mrs. M. V. Hussie, who leads the
program on "Twelfth Night.". The
Renaissance element in the play will
be discussed by Mrs. A. 0. Peterson;
characters of Viola arid Sebastian by
Mrs. A. L. Patrick; Olivia, by Mrs.
W. F. Negele: Malvolio the Puritan,
by Mrs. G. W. Noble; significance of
Shakespeare a wit and humor, Mrs.
i J. W. Welshans. "Oh, Mistress
. Mine" and "Who is Sylvia?" will be
sung by Miss Mary McShane.
Chapter E of the P. E. O. sister
hood will be entertained by Mrs. W.
A. Shropshire". 2122 South Thirty-
third street, Thursday at 2 o'clock.
Mrs. George B. Eddy will assist the
hostess. , .
Reports of the enrollment work and
elans for the completion of the pro
hibition campaign will be discussed by
trances Willard Woman s christian
Temperance union Wednesday at 2
. o'clock at the Young Women a Chris
tian association. '
Clio club held a kenaington at the
home 'of Mrs. J. T. eathers Wednes
day, when Mrs. "Robert McEachron
won the prize in a guessing contest
1 he hostess was assisted by the prei
. ident Mrs. O. A. Scott, and Mrs.
Bryce Crawford. The next meeting
will be held November 1. ;
. A program on Washington Irving
and his "Alhambra" will be given by
the West Omaha Mothers' Culture
club Friday at 2:30 o'clock' at the
home of Mrs. C D. Hutchinson, 4041
Seward street. Mra. W. W. Car-
tniehael will give a sketch of hit life
and reviews of "Alhambra" will be
riven by Mesdames T. W. Cooper,
C ox, J. A. Hamilton, Clinton H. Ham
ilton, T. J. O'Brien, R. E. Winkleman
and A. F. Tyler,
, - '
Six departments of the Omaha Wo
man's club meet this week at Metro
politan hall.' The political and social
science department, Monday after
noon at 2:30 o'clock will have Harley
G. Moorhead, election commissioner,
and Dr. William D. Phifer of Denver
as its speakers. Mr. Moorhead talks
on "Women and the Ballot," and Dr.
Phifer on "Our Responsibility in the
Dry Campaign." Miss Mildred Stovel
wilt sing.
Breathing exercises and voice work
will be taken up by oratory depart
ment members Tuesday morning at
v 10 o'clock. In two weeks the de
partment will tpffer . Shakespearean
tercentenary program.
James Whitcomb Riley will be the
special subject for discussion by the
current topics department the same
day at 2 o clock, aside from the cur
rent events, and some of his poems
will be read. The Hible lessolfwill be
on' "The Youth or David." The phil
osophy and ethics department at, 4
o'clock will talk about "Poise and
How to Obtain lt'VMrs. S. A. Col
lins is the leader.' Mrs. Avery Lan
caster will give her program on Ital
ian art for the art department Thurs
day morning at10 o'clock, instead of
Mrs. A. L. Fernald. Simone Martini,
Fra Angelico, Giovanni da Fiesole
and Fra Filippo Lippi are the artists
whose works will be discussed.
Mrs. Edith L.' Wagoner has charge
of the music department's program
Thursday at 2:30 o'clock, giving a talk
on 'Suggestions on the Study of the
Pianoforte." Miss Garvin, Grace
Leidy Burger, Gertrude Koeper, Myr
tle Cloud, Flora Shukert, Annette kv
'ans', Mrs. E. R. Zabriskie and Joe F.
Barton will take part in the program.'
A small fee admits non-members to
the music department's program.
Miss Kate A. McHugh, president
of the Drama league, wilt lead an in
formal discussion on Gahvorthy'a
"The Pigeon" and "Justice" Tuesday
at 4 o'clock at the public library. .
Mrs. Nora Killian of Kearney", state
organizer, will bei the guest ot Chap-1
ter P. B. of the P. E. O. sisterhood
Tuesday at 1 o'clock, ac the home of
Mrs. R. E. Parrott; 4908 Webster
street. Mrs. .Frank? Patton is the
president ... t
' Plans for the winter s work wilt be
discussed by the vocational guidance
section of the Association of Colle
giate Alumnae Tuesday at 4:15 o'clock
in room 212, i Central High school
building. -.- : . , . .
Mrs. and Mra. R. P. Tuten will en
tertain U. S. Grant post and Woman's
Relief corps at their home, 2209 Ohio
street, Wednesday afternoon between
2 and 5 o'clock. . - j
Modem stores will be told by Miss
Rae and Miss Mary PhilKppi Wednes
day afternoon, when the story tellers'
section, Association of Collegiate
Alumnae, meets at the home of the
! Misses Fry. The drama section meets
Saturday morning at 10:45 at the
home of Mrs. Philip Horan, 1510
North Fifty-first street. There will
be a play discussion by, MissV Wallace
and a buffet luncheon.
Miss Eliza Gibbs is leader of the
program on "Hbuse of Music," which
will be given for the Wyche Story
TellersN league Thursday at ' 4:15
o'clock at the public library.
" A kensington at the home ofMra. I
A. F. Stryker is the meeting of chap
ter M of the P. E. O. sisterhood ar
ranged for Saturday afternoon.
. "Historic Places of America" is the
htect of a paper Mrs. I. WJ Porter
Prof. S. H. Clark of- the University
of Chicago, who lectures Saturday
betore the Drama league on Ihe
Melting Pot," will be warmly re
ceived in Umana, w,here he has been
a frequent visitor. The lecture will
be given at the , Young Women's
Christian association at 3:30 o'clock.
The Washington Post sneaks of Mr.
Clark as "an intellectual' and talented
interpreter 'of the drama of high-
Class literature, probably, unexcelled
in this country."
Prof. Clark has personality,, sr gift
which, added to his other qualities of
Insight and sympathy, wit and schol
arship, makes him a lecturer of irre
sistible fascination.
Mrs. Edgar Morsman gives a lunch"-
eon at the Umaha club for Prof.
will read. Wednesday afternoon be
fore theTfothers' Culture club at the
home of Mrs. W. W. Fisher. Mrs.
w. o. spam will read a paper on
"Home Progress Child Study How
to U each family feeling. Mrs. 1
M. Giltner assists the hostess,
Willa S. Gather's "Song of the
Lark" will be studied by the Dundee
vyoman a club Wednesday afternoSn
at the home ot Mrs. rl. t. Baird. Mrs.
W. E. Shafer will lead a round table
discussion, assisted by Mrs, C. J.
nunoara and Miss Ida Johnston. Mrs,
Belle H. Oberst will discuss current
events. '
Rev. D. E. Cleveland, formerly aa
slstsnt pastor of the First Congrega
tional cnurcn, will be the speaker at
the prayer meeting of the Business
Women's council Tuesdav , at the
court house. Luncheon will be served
-between the hours of 11 and 2- by
women of the Hanscom1 Park church. Methodist church women
served last week, when 390 girl were
present.' . ... ' ,
Sermo club will be entertained at
1 o'clock luncheon, followed bv a
literary program the home
of Mrs. Alice Bergen. Mrs. E. H.
Barnes will give a reading and Mrs.
P. L. Fflasterer will read a paper on
James Russell Lowell.
Tennyson chapter of the Chautau
qua circle meets Monday at 2:30
o'clock in room 316 of -the Young
Metis christian association. The
lesson on the "German Empire Be
tween Two -Wars" will be led by
Mrs. E. Benedict. Chanters in "Foun
dations of Modern Eurode" will be
fiven by Mrs. W. B. Howard and
frs. W. A. George. - Mrs. F. H.
Wray will read a paper on "Jupiter;."
The Society of American Widow
will meet Friday evening at 7:30 at
206 Crounse building.
All Spanish war veterans. Grand
Army posts and relief corps members
are invited to a Hallowe'en party to
be given bv General H. W. Lawton
auxiliary Saturday evening at the
home ot Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.
Laire, 3002 Wirt street. .
Mrs. Frank Blomauist was elected
bresident of the Bona Temnore club
of the railway mail service, which met
t-riday at the home of Mrs. E. S.
Luce. Mrs. C, W. Vrooman was
elected vice president; Mrs. G. W.
Potts, recording secretary: Mrs. I. N.
Grant, corresponding secretary, and
Mrs, E. B. Williams, treasurer. The
club meets the .third Friday of each
month1 to sew for charity. The next
meeting will be November 17 with
Mrs. VJrville Lake.
The Benson Woman s xlub will
meet Thursdaywhen the fourth and
last study on the immigration prob
lem will be studied with .papers on
"Assimilation and Progress by Miss
Cora Totman; "Legislation and Ad
ministratian." by Mrs. Tracy; "Reme
dies," by Mrs. Loechner, and "Agen
cies of Various 'Divisions," by Mrs.
VernorX Mrs. Sawtelle -will give a
review of Steimer s "On the Trail of
Mivii Actresses
, and Their Hair
Did it ever occur to you that every
movie actress you have seen has
lovely hair, ...while the most popular
count their curls a their chief beauty?
In fact (this is a secret), many are
leading ladies just because 'of their
attractive locks. Inquiry among them
discloses the fact that they bring out
all, the natural beauty of their hair
by careful shampooing, not with any
soap or makeshift, but with a simple
mixture which they makev up for
themselves by putting teaspoonful
of canthrox (which they get from the
druggist) in a cup of hot water and
applying this instead of soap. After
its use their hair dries rapidly, with
uniform color. Dandruff, excess oil
and dirt are dissolved and entirely
"disappear. The hair U so fluffy that
it looks much heavier than it is. Its
luster and softness is delightful, while
the stimulated scalp gains the health
which insures hair growth. Adv.
C., ID
Mrs. Tnttle will act
Prairie Park Needlecraft club will
meet Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. B
I. King, ZoZ4 howler avenue.
North Side- Women's" Christian
Temperance union will meet Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
M. M. Lhenoweth,-3328 Lonrher ave
nue. , ,
Omaha Women's Christian Tem
perance union will meet Wednesday
atternoon at i:S0 at the Young Men
Christian association. This last meet
ing before election will be an ex
tremely important session.
The members of the Parents'
Teachers' association of Bancroft
school entertained the teachers Fri
day, afternoon at an informal recep
tions v i
The Scottish Rite Woman's club
will hold a business meeting Friday
at i o clock at the cathedral.
"The Omaha Society of Fine A"rts
announces-its first exhibition of the'
season to be held from Novemhe
18 to 28 at the Fontenelle and com
prising bronzes by the Borglums and
twenty-five , oils by Frieseke, Paul
Dougherty, Emil Carlson, Charles
uavis ana Childe ilassam.
The Benson chapter of the P. E. O
sisterhood met Monday at the home
oi Mrs. J. W. Welch. Mrs. C. A,
Tracy gave the history of the P. E, O,
Y. w. c. A. Natm. '
i-ror. j. e. Carnal will glv a muaical
program for tod&gta vnttxr aervtca at the
Tounir Women'! Chrlatlan aaaoclatldn. Mian
uowam tfraiion, mim Myrtla Wyatt, Foreat
uannia, Howard Brhn, Dan T. Smith,
J. B. Meroer, Daro Borton, Mra. D. T. Smith,
Jann baa, Arthur Schwantker and Miaa
nora naal will taka part In tho prog-ram,
Haalatratlona ara open for tha (lla i-hih
A naw claaa In cookarr hag baan plannad.
It will ba bald Thuradar at 7.
Olrla amployad In homea ara Invited to
coma to ma aoclal gathering which la- to
ba held Thuraday afternoon at i.
Tha Pleaaant Hour olub, an organtiatlon
of mauia, will have a claaa In good Eng-Hah
Thuraday evening at I. Thin claaa la taught
by Mra. John Auatin. '
Saturdavevenlnt at T o'clock tha Athletic
club wilt entertain the new gym fftrli at a
na-nowe on party.
J 1
To Stop Speculation
" Milan Takes Over
Millions of Eggs
Rome, Oct. 21,-r-The municipal
authorities at Milan have seized 100
cars, containing 15,000,000 eggs, as
the result of a campaign to prevent
Milan Hnm, anH n , V. .......
rfiave been, egglesa- for the lasf week.
notwithstanding me existence of im
mense stocks. It was exoected that
the government, will fix a uniform
price of 3 cents throughout Italy and
cize ana sen an eggs at tins price.
Bessie BarriscSle in "Trie v
Green Swamp" at Dundee
One of -Trianffle'a featnraa ia the
turn which the Dundee presents to-
day. "The Green Swamo'' la a nlav nf
much interest, featuring Bessie Barris-
caie. inss tsarnscale appears to good
auTamaac in every inciaent ot 111
film. A Nestor comedy. "It's All
Wrong, is also Dart of Sunriav'a
Monday i orosram shows "Savino-
the Family Name;" Tuesday, "The
Marriage of Molly O? Wednesday,
"Sally in Our Alley;" Thursday, "So
ciety Hypocrites:'f Friday. "R
ot society," and Saturday, "Honor
iny wame. '
Burt Thealer Features
Mary Pickford Today
J In a way all her own Marv Pickfnrd
will entertain the Datroim nf Rnvt
theater throughout today's shows. Sel
dom- is a more entertaining film
flashed on the sceen than "The Bish
op s Carnage, " which helped Mary
Pickford to fame. The week's off.
ing features such films as "The Unat
tainable," "The Pilgrim," "The Blind
ness," "Peg O the Ring" and others.
Mr. Aiward is meeting; with sue.
Uess in operating the Burt and. his ex-4
ft, hiivc III DIG BIIUW UUSIIICS9 19 prOV"
ing valuable in catering to the neigh-'
oornooa patrons. - .1 v .
No Lower Bates in Sight
" For the Present, at Least
Washington. Oct, 21. Lower nai.
senger fares between St. Louis, Mo.,
and Keokuk, la., and Illinois points,
prescribed some time ago by the. in
terstate Commerce commission, will
not become effective without further
proceedings. The commission to-
lay postponed indefinitely the opera
tion of its decision. The Business
Men's league of St. Louis was the
complainant in the case against the
anroads. - ) , '
"The Police Reporter"
Featured at the Besse
Something of importance, the dic
tionary says, is"a real feature." The
exhibitor naturally is pleased when
he can feel certain , that the showv
which he is advertising is of a twe
worthy of the expression, "a real fea
ture." "The, Police Reporter," which
is to be at the Besse theater, shows
daredevil George Larkin and Ollie
Kirby in daring exploits. 1 , ( -
Start Now and Have
the Joy of Flowers
all Year 'Round
Blend the Summer with the
Winter. ... .
Begin now and let - Flowers
help to carry the Summer into
your horn this Fall.
If yon have birthday of some
one else to observe, an anni
versary, or desire to make an
always welcome gift of flowers.
Flowers delivered to any part
of the United States.
John H. Bath
" Th Cartful Florht " ,
1804. Farnam St., Omaha.
. Phong Douglas 3000.
the Immigrant.
as leader.
The Busy
; : '
ASCINATING in their interest
puunc scnoois turn in to their teachers, so many ot the instructors
declare. Some times the stories are entirely original, some times
they are the child's impression of fairy tales, myths or nature stories
which they have read orvhich the teacher has read to them -Such
are the Stories, written bv Hazel Wirlra-n ha-ro- Antnn tpiKL-al Ta-nnia-
P.?1?- Sylvia Gustafson and Lillie Krepcik,,fifth and sixth grade students of
Miss Marian Fritz, language teacher at. Train school. Each one of them is
well constructed and well written, neat in appearance and tfie Busy Bee editor
is indeed glad to pfint them for other little Busy Bees to read.
Hallow' en is the next event for the Busy Bees to celebrate, and since 'this
is distinctly a holiday set aside for bovs and eirls to observe, the editor is
expecting a goodly number of Hallowe'en letters telling all about the jack-o'-lanterns,
black cats, witches, broomstickes, etc. Don't leave out any part
of the fun. v
Eleanor Kirk of the Red Side won
and Edythe Olsen, also of the Red
Little Stories
r Prize Story.) .,
Old Gander Bitea.
By Eleanor M. Kirk, Aged 9 Years,
htockham. Neb. Ked Side.
I have never written to this case
before, but I have decided to tell von
of my experience with an old gander.
One day an old gander chased me
and so l thought that I would get
even with him. Then I grabbed him
by the neck and undertook to put him
in the tank, for it' was nearby. I did
not get my hand close enough to his
head, and of course he wanted to es
cape, so he bit me on theyarm when
I was about to drop him in. Then I
dropped him , in, and of course he
wanted to get out. but he couldn t.
Prefty soon papa looked out 'of the'i
winaow ann saw me crying, then he
came out and asked me what was the
matter, and I told him. He then
walked over to the tank and pulled
the gander out. .
Ihe-jiark of his bill staved on mv
arm tor a tew days, and I will advise
you children never to .try putting a
gander in the tank.
1 hope Mr . Wastebasket is not wait
ing at the door for this,
.Honorable Mention.)
Weeping Water. Neb. Red Side.
One night a couple of. mv friends.
Thelma and '.enora, came but and
stayed. The next day was Saturday
and we girls thought we would go
hazel nut picking. We didn't get
started until about llp'clock, and it
took us. about a half an hour to get
therebecause we had the pony. When
we did- get there, there were hardly
any nuts. ' ' ,
AH four of us only sot a sack full.
On our way home we had to turn a
corner, and there was a hill right at
the corner. Fanny, our pony, stopped
right on the hill and started to back
up. All of us jumped out because
the; buggy was iust about to unset
Just as soon as we got out she. got
up and started to run. She did not
run far before she stopped. We were
not very afraid, because a man was
coming up the road. She broke some
of the harness. . , .- - , . J
in 01 u got in again out i.enora.
and she wouldn't, get in for a long
time. We teased her and said she
would not" fall down,-
When we got home w? tied the
horse to a hay rick and went to the
house. When we had told them all
about it they laughed and said that
we were making it up. . We didn't go
that afternoon 'because .we were
afraid-to go. This is a true Jtory.
(Honorable Mention.)
Botna View Farm.
By Hugh O'Nefll, Aged 10 Years,
S Hancock, la. Red Side.
The story that I am going to write
about Botna View farm, mv home.
and the home of my grandparents for
about twenty years. My home is one
mile northwest of Hancock, on the
west side of the road. This road is
traveled by many going to and coming
trom Avoca. we have 80 acres of
land, with a stream running through
bout thirty acres. Here about forty
head of cattle rest and drink during
the summer weather' and nn varv
warmMays wade .the stream. Tere
are many - trees on this' farm. We
ave a very nice orchard and we al
ways have our own apples and plums.
1 make a garden every spring and 1
ave cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers.
sweet corn, peas and beans. I am 10
years old and am- in the fifth grade
and go to school every day. I hope
to see my (story printed in your paper;
Flowers and the Froat.
By Helen Abraham, Aged 11 Years,
Schuyler, Neb. Blue bjde.
On day "it was very windy. The j
o p.i. . 'j -.r L1"1 scolded them because they were
By Edythe Olsen Aged 10 Years,T0ld to not go any further than the
Special Offer to Card Clubs
. v select Your Prizes Here. Hundreds of Desirable
6-Inch Cut Glasa Mayonnaise
price $2.Q0 Card Club
1 Set Sugar and Creamer,
$4.50, Card Club
Every article offered in
appropriate u prices for card
are the' stories that boy's and girls in
the nrtie hnnlr thi mark Tina f"VV;n
Side, won Honorable Mention.
' 1 -
by Little Folk
petunia and verbena talked together.
It tossed. their heads to'and fro. It
was windy alt day. Towards eve
ning the wind was quiet, but it was
very cold in the night. The dew
came down towards morning and be-
?:an to get white, it was trosi.- te
rost wa very cold.. The petunia lost
an its beauty, but the verbena had all
its beauty on and was as nice as it
was the day before. Soon a big frost
came and killed all the flowers, even
the verbena. . ,
An Exciting Journey.
By Lillie Krepcik, Omaha, Neb.
Once upon a time there -were two
little cousins whose names were Lu
cian and Lilly. Lucian was 5 years
old and Lilly was 4.
One day when all the folks were
out Lucian said to Lilly, "Let us go
out and see .the world." "Alright,"
said J-jlly, "I .will go and get my doll
and my little'tamb. You go and get
your satchel and some food and we
will go." So they got some food and
went. Presently Lilly screamed be
cause she saw a vine and thought it
was asnake. Their maid happened to
De coming along the road and heard
Lilly scream, so she" took them home
garden 'gate. Lucian scolded Lillv
and called her a "scaredy cat." Next'
week they started on another journey.
Lucian took a great big stick that was
in the hall antLthey went. As they
were going out of the garden gate
their big dog Rover followed them
and they did not notice it. Before they
left they aid, "Goodby, old home,
goodby.V After they had walked some
time two great big bovs came and
tried to hit Lucian- and Lilly. Their
dog knocked one of the boys down,
his cousin went home saying,. "We
are not going on any more iournevs.'
mi a mis is wnat enaea tneir second
journey. r,
Mrs. Milkweed's Babies..
By Lewis Abraham, Aged. 9 Years.
Schuyler, Neb. Blue Side.
This is the second time I have writ
ten to the Busy1 Bees' page. Mrs.
Milkweed came up in the spring. She
grew by a post which had fallen down.
She looked around, but she did not
see anytfting but the tall grass which
grew around her. She grew very
fast and in about a month she was
ready to bloom. She was very, glad
to have some babies, as they would
talk to her. The grass did not -like
her, but she tried to be good. But in
a moment a big man came by. . He
was cutting the fall, green grass. Oh.
how Mrs. Milkweed wished she would
not be there. She was afraid ot his
bharp knife. But he carried away Hie
grass and left Mrs. Milkweed standing
wiicrc sue was.
She was very happy. Now the
green grass was out of her way. In a
week she was blooming. She' had
five little - branches of little flowers.
She was very oroud'of them, hut in I
a dayi or so four boys came. Each
took Ijold of one of the babies and
J Assembly Dances at Turpins j
Excellent Eight-Piece Orchestra - .
Classes for Adult Beeinners and 'Advanced PudiIs.
I Classes for Children in Esthetic, Folk and Bocial Dancing.
5! rpU ...... . T i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 a.
s: xtic new BLeya 1 ieacn are careiuiiys seieciea are
direct and efficient. Application for this term should be
S made before November 1. ' 1 ', 5
. Phone Harney 5143. -28th and Farnam.
Articles Reduced in Price. READ EVERY ITEM.
12-Inch Cut Glass Vase, regular price ItrO OC
v ? $6.50, Card Club price . ; : . . . . . . . . a y.-
8-Incli Cijft Glass Bowl, regular pricgf , d0 OC
$4.50, Card Club price.
8-Inch Pern Dish, silver lined, regular
price $5.00, Card Club price, .. . . . . . .
7-TnVi fhit Glass Pnmnnrt.s rAoniln'r '
price $4.50, Card Club, price . .1 . .' . . . . .
11- Inch Cut, Giass Flower Basket, reg
ular price $6.75, Card Club price .
7- Inch Cut Glass Flow&r Basket, reg
ular price $3.50, Card Club price. . . .
12- Inch- Cut Glass Celery Tray, reg-
ular price $4.00, Card Club price.... ..
8- Inch Cut Glass Fl6wer Vase, regular
(V flaA flvil r-rArxr.
a,xvyi I.Ul-J VB1U V1UU ,1 1
Bowl, Regular
Dozen Ice
$3.50, Card
price. . . , .'
$1 Q0
regular price
d0 Ofi
y Dozen Water Glasses, regular price
$3.50, Card
this sale ia guaranteed perfeot in
clubs. Make your selection early.
tore them into pieces and (the wind
flew awaywith them. Mrs. Milkweed
was very sorry. She thought she
would punish the boys the same way
they treated hr babies if 'she could.
Now sne nan only one paDy leu, sue
was afraid if the boys would come
by they would carry her fast one
away. But in a week -her bauich of
flowers changed into seeds and when
thev were rine the wind scattered
them around her' and nowthey areH
Sfcfely sleeping in the ground waiting
or spring to wake themap. ,
Finds Duck Eggs.
J3y Augusta Stephens, 4311 South
Twenty-sixth Street, South Side,
i Omaha. Blue Side. v.
Last spring we girls were playing
camp and had very much fun. The
place where we played was- like a
forest. It was surrounded by trees
and weeds: 1 I was 'running along
when I nearly fell over some eggs.
I looked and they were some duck
eggs. 1 took them home, but nobody
was at home.
When mother came home I told
,,,. and she said we might as well set
So we pIlt themmnder a heff.
About three weeks later out came
thirteen small ducks.
The mother hen was so proud of
them she would not let anyone touch
them. They are growing big and fat
now: f
We have thirty-eight rabbits.
; I wish to win a prize book.
Rescuea Kittens.
By Dagmar 01aen,Aged 12 .Years,
Weeping Water, Neb. Blue Side. .
I am going to tell you about my
little, kitties. One morning when
papa was feeding, the horses he heard
a little kitten meowing. He went to
look for it and found it in the spout.
It had .fallen into the spout from the
hayloft and could not get out. It
may have been there for some time.
Afterwards papa and I went up on
the' hayloft and found another one.
They are Maltese.
' This is the first time I have writ
ten to the .page. . I would like to join
the Blue side.
. Has Maltese Cats. '
By Pauline Sellers, Aged 10 Years,
' Kearney, Neb. Red Side.
'This ia mv first letter tn thao nao-a
and I hope it will not reach, the waste
u ...,... .
' Tea glasses, regular price
Club d 1 7C 1
P 1 f 3
every respect and especially
. "
Sixteenth and
Own Page
jasket. I have two playmates. They
are two large Maltese cats. They are
ry pretty. One oi our neighbors
jrought them to me when they were
,vee kittens. Mamma said we would
lot keep them. One day I saw one
f them playing with something in
the barn yard. I went owt to iee what
it was. I found it was a large rat,
not quite dead. So my pets are use
ful, too. And mamma thought we. had
better keep them then.
"Good-Bye, Dear Summer."
By Vera Lundberg, Aged li Years,
Wakefield, Neb. Blue Side.
Qood-bya, aweet summer day,
A long vood'bye.
a I lova you, lova you ao. .
Why can't you atay ?" .
Here is a story about the poem:
One day while I was playing in the
yard I felt very cold.
1 thought surely winter was com- l
ing and all the flowers would die and '
all the leaves fall off the trees.
But then I was clad, because I
thought of the sleiglkrides and of all
the snow houses 1 was going to
i think every child should be lust
as glad that winter was coming as
well as summer.
This is the sixth time I have writ
ten, but have not won a prize, but
will try until I, do, and even after. , "
Does Well with Violin.
Kenneth Ayers, Hebron, Neb.
' -Red Side.
I have written a letter before. I
am going to write a story about
school. I started to school when I
was 5. I am in the fourth grade. I
like geography. I have gone to
school every day this year.. I like
spelling anT reading. I am taking
violin lessons and the teacher says I '
am doing good. This ends my letter.
By Opal Rogers, Aged ;
10 Years.
2. , Red
Kearney, ,, Neb., Route
,'bKle. - - V
In the fall the birds all go south
except the snowbirds, chickadees and
redstarts, who stay all winter.
Winter is coming 'and snow will
fall, ack Frost has visited bs al
ready. With the snow comes lot of
fun, such as coasting, sliding, skating,
snow s balling and making snow
images. . - , , .
Writes Poem on Sunset.
By Grace Moore, Aged 14, Silver
Creek, Neb. Blue Side.
I am sending a poem, which I com
posed myself, entitle! "Sunset." It
is original.
One evening this fall when I was
down on the bapk of the Platte river
bordering on our ranch, I looked off
in ine :ar west and saw the sun set
ting. It appeared to me so- beautiful
I came home and thought of a title
to give the poem.
Then I wrdtt, or composed, one
verse that night; then kept On com- -posing
two or three lines until . I
had finished it. It took me abou two
weeks to compose it, .
. - Sunset.
AH thlng-a ara wrapped In alienee;
Tha aun la aettlnr lew,
Tna rtvar hllla, and vallar.
Aeflaot tha fforgeoua glow.
Tha aky la erlmaon, blua and goH -
With green and purple ehadee
All united In one great flaming m&aa, ,
, Till tha glow of evonifftj fadea. '
The rlvai- iheet of movlng'gold, '
Reflects upon the evening aky.
And tha ory-of the kllldeer 1
Floats out upon tha air.
-' X . . ': - '. : -
! Tha ripples of the water '
Sing and play with glee.
While ilowly from the hilltop-"
BveflThg cornea unwillingly.
3 2d Floor Roa. BIdf .,
16th and Farnam Sts.
VerjT Important
Velvet Sale Monday
Thirty pieces of the finest 42
inch all silk imported chiffon
velvets; regular price $6.00. All
the newest shades and black
Fifteen pieces of imported cos,
i.ume chiffon, velvet; regular
price $SC00-
Ten pieces imported costume
velvet; beautiful colorings and
black; regular .price $2.26 '
36-inch brocade lining; worth
Sanatorium -
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the-other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for. a time watchful care and spe-ciaKnursing.