THE OMAHA MJiNUA b: OCTOBER I'l, i9l6. iB Council Bluff? Social Notes Mrs. Robert Moth emtrtained the members of the music and drama de partment of the Council Bluffs Wom an's club at her home Monday after noon. The club will continue this sea son the study of American .composers, and will add the study of the Ameri can drama. "The Histoid and De velopment of, the American Drama" was the subject of a paper bv Mrs. E. C. Connor. Mrs. Clarence Cunning ham had a paper on "The Drama League and Its Work.". Mrs. Robert Moth gave a sketch of the life of William Mason. Miss Lillian Fintel sang "In the Garden," Miss Florence Rippert played "Hunting Butterflies" and Miss Ruth Turner played Koel ling's "Hungarian Rhapsodic" A fea ture was several readings by Miss Leota Hatswell of the high school faculty. The department has been in vited to send a delegate to the annual convention of Federated- Musical Clubs to be held at Davenport, No vember 27 and 28. A number of mem bers are also planning to attend the Ninth district convention to be held a.t Missouri Valley next week. Miss Lillie Englunds ' arranged a progranr for a pupils' recital Tuesday evening at her home, 809 Avenue D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson and family of Des Moines spent Sun day and Monday visiting Council Bluffs relatives and friends. They re turned to Des Moines Tuesday. Mrs. Carl Sulhoff entertained the members of "South First street chap ter of St. Paul's guild Monday after noon. " The newly decorated ball Zoom at the Grand was, used for the first time since its rennovation Monday evening, when Dr. L. L. Henninger, Dr. W. E. Wolcott and Mr. George Wright en tertained the "Juveniles" at adinner dance. The ball room is completely transformed into a thing of beauty. Dinner was served from small tables placed in the ball room, white snap dragons being used as decorations. Covers were 'laid for fifty guests. Olsen's orchestra furnished music. Miss Pearl Laverty, who will be bridesmaid at the marriage of Miss Adele Davis of Omaha and Mr. Rob ert Daniels of this city, which will' take place October. 23, entertained at dinner at the Fontenelle Monday eve ning in honor of the bridal party. Sun day evening Dr. and Mrs. William Davis; parents of the bride-to-be, will entertain at a supper party, which will follow a rehearsal for the wedding. The ceremony is to be performed by Rev. S. W. H. Hornibrook of St. Mar tin's church. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ge buhr gave them a surprise Saturday evening, the occasion being the eighth anniversary of their marriage. Mr. .and Mrs. Gehtmr were presented with a beautiful cut glass flower basket. Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, jr., enter tained forty-six guests at supper Sun Jay evening in honor of her husband's birthday.' The meeting of the Madrigal club has been postponed this week from Monday evening until Saturday, when the members will meet at the home of Miss Marie Helwig." Miss Marie Lemen left Sunday eve ning for Jifnction City, Kan., where she will be a guest of Miss Virginia Rockwell. iA ehildren's ajty-wa ghren Sattir- , day afternoon by Mrs. W. B. Cessna in honor of the birthday of her small : daughter, Virginia: Mrs. Cessna was assisted by Miss Maud Clark and Miss Katherine Searle. The favors were pink sunbonnets for the-girls and caps for the boys. The birthday cake was adorned with pink roses and seven candles. Twenty-six little guests were present Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Norsraard and -son, Donald, left Monday for Irwin, la., where they will spend the next month or six weeks. Mr. Norgaard goes to Irwin to superintend the build ing of a consolidated school building by the C. C. Norgaard company. Mrs. M. T. Sullivan, 817 Avenue B, has as her guests this week Mrs. A. Lieberman and daughter, Helen,' of Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mayne left Sat urday morning for Burlington, where they will visit their daughter, Mrs. Will Jiongnecker. Mr. Mayne will visit relatives in Ohio while Mrs. Mayne visits in Burlington. Mrs. B. S. Terwilliger entertained members of the- Ideal -club at her home Tuesday .afternoon. A. discus sion of current events was led by the hostess, following which the club con tinued the study of Russia. Mrs. James Hunter told of the government of Russia, its industries and com merce. - "Russia as a World Power" 'was the topic of Mrs. Katherine De Vol, -'Mrs. W. H. Dudley gave a sketch of Peter the Great. The club will meet with Mrs. Terwilliger again next Tuesday. Mrs. H. A. Qninn was hostess of the Atlas club onTuesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Quinn led the dis cussion of current events, after which the club began the study of Turkey in Asia. Mrs. F. T. True gave a de scription of Asia. Minor. Mrs. J. M. Barstow told of the customs of the people. The club will meet October 31 at the home of Mrs. R. !H. Bloomer. Members of the Book and Thimble club invited their husbands to a weiner i roast at Mynster Springs Tuesday night. Weiners were roasted over a camp fire and supplemented by an ex cellent picnic supper. The party num bered about twentv. VThe history and literaWe depart-. mem oi tne council iilutts Woman s club met Tuesday afternoon at 'the home of Mrs. J. W. Bell. Miss Cecilia Mulqueen was the leader and the time was spent in the study of English literature. Mrs. C. W. Hood's topic was "Literature An Outlet." Mrs. F. W. Millet, "John Galsworthy The New Spirit of the Drama." Mrs. J. C. Deetkin, "Justice A Drama," and Mrs. H. W. Clark, "The Country House." Wednesday morning at the Boat Announcement ! Ida C. Stoekwell announces the even-, ins m her new . . v if at No. 7 Baldruta Block. All popular lleoraeta will be shown Including lha fam- GOODWIN CORSET j PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT I DOUGLAS 9283 IDA C. STOCKWELL, No. 7 Baldrige Block, j Cor. 20th and Farnam St. TUESDAY IS TO BE HER WEDDING DAY v (- ; II club the women golfers played an eighteen-hole round in which a tie for low score was made by Mrs. Harry Nessner and Miss Besley. . Next Wednesday Mrs. B. O. Bruingttm will donate a prize for the low score on putts for eighteen holes. Play will be gin at 10:30 and a chafing dish lunch eon will be served in the club house at noon. ' Miss Katherine Swift of Harlan ar rived Friday to spend the week-end with Miss Jane Schoentgen. Mrs. Seth Evans Hodge of Seattle, Wash., is the guest of her mother, Mrs. John Beno. Mrs. H. W. Anthony returned last Thursday from Kansas City, Mo., where she sDent a week with Mr. An thony, who went there recently to take the management ot tne Larr juanuiac turing company. Alfred Hanchett is here from New York for a few days' visit with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Hanchett.- The Book Lovers met Wednesday afternoon it the home of Mrs. (F. W. Dean and ufmtinued the study of Vic tor Hugo. Mrs. A. P. Hanchett read a paper "discussing Hugo's dramas from a philosophical and social point of view. Mrs. H. W. Tilton and Mrs. Hanchett read the drama, "Hernani," which proved of great interest. Mrs. Eldin a paper on "An cient and Modern Notre Dame," giv ing in conection a bird's-eye view of Paris in 1482. The club will meet with Mrs. Dean again next Wednesday. Social Affairs of the South Side ' Mrs. Rolland McPJiail has returned from a stay of several weeks in Chi- rao-n. Mrs. Howard Holmes of Mitchell, S. D., has returned to her home with her small daughter' after spending some time with her parents, Mn and Mrs. J. D. McBridfe street 'Mesdames S. R. Snodgrass, L. E. Knight ' and Albert Porter were the ladies of the United, Pres byterian churcH who attended the dis trict meeting at-Murray, Neb., ihurs day and Friday. Mesdames Ryno and Kelley were the delegates to the state convention of the Degree of Honor at Lincoln from lodges Nos. 193 and 2. Past chiefs who also attended from South Omaha were Mesdames Ralston, Kader, Hancock, Avery, Jones, Ryno, Green, Routte, Hall and Royer. Dr. Ada Wiley. 'Ralston was re-elected for the tenth consecutive year as grand medical examiner. The Keno club gave its opening danie Friday evening at the Eagle hall. Twenty-five couples were pres ent. ' Miss Theresa -Herman and Kather ine Heafey entertained the Regina club Tuesday evening. Adah chapter of the Eastern Star had a very enjoyable meeting Satur day evening. Mrs. James Northrup will entertain the Tbursday Whist club this week at her, home., Twenty-fourth and D streets. TJhe Jolly Dozen club entertained ,-t a luncheon at the Dutch Mill, fol lowed by a theater party at the Boyd, Thursday. Those present were: Mesdamea , Mesdames ' Bowker, Klrkpatrlck, Hathaway, Pulllam, Cllne, Pulllam, Jr., Burke. " Pmlth, Dawaon. Routte, Hervalka, Lang,' Roeasing. Ureen. UeLanney, , Mrs. Edgar Royer entertained the past chiefs at her home, 4429 South Seventeenth street, at a luncheon Tuesday. Places were set for nine guests. Mrs. Irvine..Howe entertained the Friday Kensington club at her home, 4539 South Nineteenth street. Mr. and Mrs: Frank Ames enter tained a large party of friends at their home, Saturday evening. Thursday evening the congregation of Grace Methodist church tendered HAIR GRAY? THEN APPLY Q-BAN It Darkens Gray Hair Evenly If your hair U gray, streaked with gray, prematurely or Just turning- gray, or If your hair ia dry, hanh, thin or falling, imply shampoo hair and icalp m fW"1tmes withjQ-Ban Hair Color Restorer. Soon every trand of hair (wl ether gray or 'not) be comes evenly dark, soft, flossy, fluffy, full of life and health, full and heavy and fas cinating, and entire head of hair ia so beau tifully and evenly darkened no one could suspect you had applied Q-Ban. It is abso lutely harmless and no dye, but Q-Ban acts on roots, restoring color glands. Sold on a money-back guarantee, 60c for a big bottle at Sherman-McConneU Drug Stores, Omaha, Neb. Out-of-town folks supplied by malt Russian Dancers Get Much Notice; Tuesday Morning Musical Attraction The Pavley-Oukrainsky ballet of Russian dancers, which will be pre sented at the Brandeis theater the evening of November 2 by the Tues day Morning Musical club, is being accorded the most enthusiastic recep tion wherever it appears and critics have none but the highest praise for the beauty and grace of the dancing of Pavley and Oukrainsky and their assistants. With the dancers conies Miss Margaret Jarman, contralto; and a symphony orchestra under the di rection t)f Charles Elander of the Chi cago Symphony orchestra. Andreas Pavley, born in India of Dutch and Russian parents, studied with many of the greatest ballet-masters of Europe, where he instantly won recognition as a rarely gifted ex ponent of poetic and classic dancing. His first tour of the Unted States was with Mme. Pavlova and he was engaged to dance with her during her last German tour, the famous Bac chanale. Oukrainsky conies with equally flattering press notices and a long list of successes dating from the time of his debut in Paris as St. Joint" in "Salome" by Floreut Schniitt. Tickets for- the Russian ballet per formance here are now being mailed to members of the Tuesday Morning Musical club, which may be ex changed for reserved seats October 27 and 28. The regular seat sale to the public will open October 30. a reception to their new pastor, Rev. C. C. Wilson, and wife. A large s delegation attended the state convention of the Kebekas at Lincoln the last week. Mrs. James Hall is confined to her home with a severe attack oi throat trouble. , A Hallowe'en social will be given Friday evening at the church hall, Thirty-eighth and Q streets, by (Tie Wst Side Interdenominational church. Mrs. A. L. Hunter, assisted by Mes dames Brown and Lee, served a noon dinner to the ladies of the Ajrace Methodist church, at the home of Mrs. Hunter, on the Fort Crook boulevard. The King's Daughters of the Pres byterian church were entertained by Mesdames Zerbe, O'Neil and Camp bell., The next meeting will be Fri day, November 27, when Mesdames Kurbis, Baker and Nieman wilt he the hostesses. x The Ladies' Aid of the West Side Interdenominational church will hold an- all day meeting Thursday, when. Mesdames Walter Chance and Deasey will entertain. Miss Lillian Steinberg will enter tain Thursday evening at a miscel laneous shower in' honour of Mrs. Charles Atkins, formerly Miss Ann Mauer, a recent bride. The wedding of Miss Fay Stearns and Lloyd Whitehouse took place Thursday evening at the home of the bride parents, Rev. Mr. Shallcross performing the ceremony The at tendants were Silvia Schnell and Clarence Stearns. After November 1 they will be at home to their friends at Thirty-sixth and M streets. On Monday afternoon was solem nized the marriage of Mr. James Goff oi rnis city ana miss uoroiny tiuu ui Springfield, III., of the same name, but no relation. TTley were married by Judge Britt. The wedding was followed, by a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Baily on South Seventeenth street. Mr. and Mr Goff will be at home at Thirty-fifth and A streets after November 1. .The marriage of Mr. Rssel Jack son and Miss Cora Barclay occurred Tuesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, 2112 F street, Rev. Mr. Wheeler performing the cere monv. Miss Laura Petersen, accom paned by Mrs. Dean Ringer, sang a solo preceding the ceremony. Mr. Jackson is a well known young busi ness man of the South Side, and Mrs. Jackson was a kindergarten instruc tor in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will be at home in their name home at Twenty-first and F streets after November: 1. Omaha Real Estate la the best Investment you could make. Read The Bee's real estate columns. ' Superior Photographs Wead 18th at Farnam. ! ISP Benson Social Circles Mr R S Roaslev of Council Bluffs entertained the Benson China club last Tuesday. Mice Rullnrlf entertains the euild at her home on Monday evening. Mrs. L. G. Musk entertained on Wednesday for her Sunday school class. x Mrs. James McClung returned from an extended trip to Philadelphia last week. Mrs. J. J. Buckley was hostess for the Aufweiderschen club at her home on Tuesday. Miss Marffiierite Lilienstoloe enter- ained at a musical last week for eight een ot her music pupils. ( Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bowerman en tertained last Tuesday evening at their home for about hirty guests, at a Hallow'cen party. Mrs. Ed Janke will entertain for the Loyal Daughters' club next Tues day evening at heT home. Mrs. John Killian entertained at dinner last Wednesday for Mrs. The Highest Choice has ever a shadow of regret little higher than the cost of other, pianos, and the Steinway carries within its perfect mechanism the guar antee of a satisfaction beyond all price. For more than three score years it has beett the ideal of the greatest music masters of the day, -so the STEINWAY t f must command your respectful attention before your choice is made. . We cordially invite you to inspect our complete stock of Steinway Grands and Uprights. Convenient Terms arranged if desired. Liberal allowances made for old pianos. ? Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 131 1-13 jFarnam St ' Omaha, Nebraska. . Exclusive Steinway Representatives for Nebraska and Western Iowa When She Asks for i Front Lace Corsets She Asks for A Redfern Front Lace Model They are as exceptional for style, for fit, for comCprt and for wear as the famous back tact styles. - ' No' every woman can wear a front lac corset. But every woman can find a Redfern corset exactly suited iq her figure, because she has her choice a Fedfern back lace or front lace e 5 Back Lace Front Lace At High Class Stora $3 and up (Tht Pnttcllng Tenlit and Iht Soft Top Clasp) George Butler and children, an Mrs. J. Roberts of Omaha. Mesdames Fred Wood, Evelyn Lar sen and C. G. Auderson, were named for committee members at the con- .-A.,f;., .if Wrvncii'e lr,iorn Mission ary societies in South Side last week. TIib VrtH,n,t, nf tli VnrlH hrlrf a special booster meeting last Tuesday evening with a smoker following rfie session., Mr Am!r,-in of tile Rantist church attended the annual state con vention in Fremont last week. ties Maria lar'.-t snent the week end at the home of Miss Edna Kil- lain while on her way from her home in California to the mission field in Gliina. Mia.: PmIs Uirlrhimr is a ' truest at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. S. Trullinger. Tlie women of the Presbyterian church held an old, fashioned quilt exhibit and lunch at the church last VJednesday. Mrs. w. K. rramer win ue nosti-ss (nr thf Kncltsh Lutheran Foreicll Missionary society next Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mersnon arc vis iting at the J. W. Welch home betore going to Florida for the winter. Mrs. R. Wicklund entertained at Innrli Vrlt,feHav ill hi-inflV of MisS Esther Newman of Omaha, a Novem ber bride. Tl, nf the Methodist church will serve a chicken dinner at the church Thursday evening. Mrs. C u. liioomquisi OI Wlliana will h hnatraa for the Dorcas so ciety next Wednesday evening. The Presbyterian Brotherhood will give its annual banquet at the church next Ihursday evening, wnen ueorge G. Wallace of Omaha will speak. Miss Mora Iitzell entertained tor eight young peqple on Tuesday eve ning. Mrs. E. L.-Hire of Iowa Falls, Ia., and Mrs. J. C. Hire of Esbon, Kan. were recent guests at-tiie r. m. uauey home. - ' v Mra Tnlin T auritzen entertained on Thursday for Miss Dorothy Hamar- lund ot West fomt, wen. Mrs. J. W. Welch entertained on Friday for Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Mc Glasson, Mr. and Mrs. T. Woods and Mr. and Mrs. Luikhart, and on Sun day for Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hogan, Ml", and Mrs. E. P. Ellis and Dr. and Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs. H. F. KnudJen and Mrs. Har ry Knudsen entertained at a card par ty Wednesday afternoon. A Hallow 'cen dinner was served. Master Edward Sorenson enter tained a number of little folks Tues day in honor of his fifth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lessard en tertained at lunch on Sunday for. Misses Daisy Davis, Vera Turner and Ethel Burt.. Messrs. Jason Davis, Tom Cassiday and Vernon Lessard. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bjork are spending a few weeks visiting at the homes of their children, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bjork and family of Ong and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swenson of Shickley, Neb. v Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Williams enter tained Thursday at dinner in honor of Mrs. Charles Fletcher of Los Ange- Do not let it be merely a question of initial cost when you make your, choice of Pianos. ' ; The matchless music of the Steinway has lifted it above the "price" atmos phere for all time. f . It is true, . the Steinway doea-cost a little more, but no one who owns a Steinway for the price paid. It is but les. Covers wew laid for Mrs. Reiter, Mrs. Max Seidel, Mrs. T. E. Cochran, Mrs. Maurice Cochran and Mrs. C. M. Cochran. Mrs. J.'T. Pirkard was ostess for the Baptist Missionary circle at her home last Thursday. " Dundee Society Notes Miss Virginia Ellett and her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hutchinson, are in Roches ter, Minn. t Rev. H. B. Foster attended the Presbyterian synod at Hastings the last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. 13. Hartson and daughters of Vonkers. N. Y., were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Johnston. Mrs. Wheeler of Coin, Ia., was the guest lost week of her cousin, Mrs. R. E. Parrott. Mi s ' A. L. Blair and mother, Mrs. Wilson, leave soon to spend the win ter in the south. Their home at Forty ninth and California streets will be occupied during their absence by E. O. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Niswonger and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tate have re turned foom a motor trip to Dayton, O., and return. The Ladies' Aid society of the J3undee Presbyterian church met Fri day with Mrs. A. C-1. Crossman. The Tuesday Dundee Bridge Liincheoti club met Tuesday at. the home of Mrs. Donald C. Ballard. ' Herbert Green, V-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Green, sustained a brok.-n leu while playing on the school grounds Wednesday. 1 he Follyanna cluh met 1 hursday evening with Mrs. Charles Leslie. Mr. G. G. Guinter and family have moved their place of residence to 5007 Cass street. Alice Brady Featured Today x . In La Buhemc at the Monroe Alice Brady is featured today in ,fI.a Vie de Boheme" at Hhe Monroe theater. Tomorrow' the Monroe changes hands, G, W. Quigley of Sioux Falls, S. 13., having purchased the theater from G.'OTge O. M'onroe, who has operated it for several years. Mr. Quigley will continue the same progressive management that the theater has always had. The pro gram for t n ia. week contains, on Mon day "Under Suspicion"; Tufsdayj "The Girl of the Green Eyes"; Wed nesday, "The Christian"; Thursday, "The Unattainable." Friday the drama will be the second run' in Omaha of "Prohibition." Saturday, Hel Rosson in "The Light." 1 1"' LINCOLN - jrf75ES3 1 PyVER. , . 1 Black -White Always detirable but ' particularly in demand in this teuton ot Novelty Art Shoes. Yihe Budd models are from master designers and are pleasing to the eye . because in all re spects they right." Butd prices on Novelty Boots are never more than $6.00 and are mostly $3.50 to Staph Blacks at $2.50 and 43.00. Lincoln, HeK, 1413 0. 1UU Orisri Promptly FUlti. It U ooorl to have money and the things that money ca:i buy; but it is good also to check up and find out whether you are missing ORIS of the things that CREDIT can buy. v...-'rJit Fvprv hnneat ner- son's credit is good with Loftis Bros. & Co. No red tape to go through no embarrassing details Vnt arrancre to Day in small amounts weekly or monthly as con venient. Prteoa as low, quality consid ered, as in stores that sell only for cash. Open dally to 8 p. m. Saturdaya till 0:30. Call or writs for illustrated Catalog No. 603. Phona Doualaa 144 and our aalsaman will call. gOFTIS ft J Exmit 3 Lj' Repruductiort t"V : Btoe U4 Tampa, . ' Nalhtt Louis "Harbor of Happiness" is Attraction at Empress "The Harbor of Happiness," a Vita graph feature, will be shown At the Empress for four days, starting to day. The female leading part is han dled by Leah Baird, an actress of great ability. , Tt, Vnri .naiav'lwavl SO rjOD- uiar with the Omaha.picture fans, pre senting i'aaay iwciuire, is eniiuca "Ducking a Discord." The Gaumont Weekly Newspaper, showing the lat-. est events, completes the picture of fering. "Esmeralda," Well Known Story, at Lo'throp Today Th Tithrnn heirina the week with "Esmeralda," a well known story, to day and Monday. miss ricniora weaves a characterization into this nlav all bar nvn..' Tuesday. "The Selfish Woman," featuring Cleo Kidgely; Wednesday, ner maiernai Piatite" ind rnmrHv The balance nf the' week Manaeer Hildebrand promises a strong booking. IliFill Glasses at Wholesale Prices Owing to oar inexpcnilv location wo can furnish tiafietory sorvlc at LESS THAN HALF THE USUAL CHARGES. This applies also to our efficient and prompt rspair work. Brim us your broktn ldisea to dupli cate, ... PHILLIPS OPTICAL CO., , . S07-9 Brandala Bldf, ' tstabUahad Ovar 20 Yarn. Store Service IT IS ONE OF OUR BOASTS that no stora in Omaha fWai Hi cuatomira bcttar lorvlea whlU in tht itote. Yon ara alwar aura of oourtaoui treatment at thi hand! of our aalspoplt and tha proprietor. -"S If wa show yot omethfnr -you don't want wa" ohearfultr how lomithinff alafe or lnvlta Jrou to coma back whan there lomethinr If wa cannot meat -your demands. Alio wt will DELIVER THE GOODS. ' - 16th aad Howard Straota. ( Phone Douflsa M. If f i.t' :1 Denver, Colo, Tabor (fraud Bit Sand to HsaiMt SUn, Omaha, Hob, M Floor Koto Bldg. I PufOf Postal. 122 Ladl.a' Rim. 7 flna diamonds Bat in.-Platinum ; band of rhig ia 14k aolld (old. Spa- CIO elal. at S3. SO Par Month 278 Diamond Bin. 14k solid gold. Roftii "Perfection" mouitting ( Weak 441 Scarf Pin, fancy oval dssltn, solid soldi 1 fine diamond. 4 raal 1104 Men's Flat Belcher Ring. Uk ojld rold; large sparkling diamond. f5S ...,$62.50 $6S Par Montk ir:!'; $8,511 i a nonm Watches, solid gold and gold Ailed, guaranteed accurate timekeeper! and wonderful values at I IS and up. Terme to eult your canvaaiaaea. .The Old Reliable Original " v Diamond and Watch Credit House. Main Floor City National Bank. Blk. 400 S. IStk St, Ornakp. Burgeas-Naah Co. Dapartmant Stora.