Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 12

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    - I B
is Going On
in Society Circles .
HolUnd-EcdweU Wedding.
, One of the moil beautiful weddings
of the autumn occurred last evening
at half after eight at the. home of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Edgar Bedwell,
when their- daughter Louise became
the bride of Mr. Eugene Holland of
Lincoln, the Rev. T. J. Mackay per-
forming the ceremony.
. A color scheme of white and green
was carried out in the decorations of
the home and the gowns of the wed
dlng'party. Baskets and wall pockets
.filled with white chrysanthemums
were used in all the rooms except
the dining room, where pink roses
were used on the tables and in vases.
The ceremony was performed before
an improvised, altar of smilax.
The wedding marches were played
by Mrs. Edith L. Wagonner- at the
, piano. Miss Belle Von Mansfcld on
the cello and Mr. Will Hetherington
;on the violin.
" Miss Charlotte Bedwell,' maid of
honor, wore a gown' of two-toned
green silver satin, draped in bouffant
effect. . The skirt of silver cloth was
veiled with tulle flounces. A bodice
of silver combined with satin and sil
ver lace. was finished with angel
sleeves of tulle edged with silver lace.
Her bouquet was of exquisite pink
roses in a lace frill holder.
Miss Marjorie Foote, bridesmaid,
, was also gowned in a beautiful crea
tion of silver cloth and tulle. An
overskirt of tulle banded with cloth
' of silver and silver lace veiled the
skirt of cloth of silver. A rather tight
bodice of cloth of silver combined
with tulle and silver lace was made
with drop shoulder effect and had tiny
drop shoulder sleeves. Her bouquet
was also of pink rosei in a lace frill
The bride was most beautiful in a
gown of white satin and cloth of sil
ver. ' The skirt was made full and
short and the petticoat of silver cloth
was veiled with, tulle trimmed with
silver lace. A panel of the silver
cloth in front was covered with ap
pliqued ornaments of silver lace. A
similar panel in the back reached
above the waistline and was caught
with silver rose. Her bodice of
cloth of silver was veiled with tulle
and silver lace. The sleeves, were
short tulle puffs and the neck in front
and back was cut square and low. The
veil, arranged-in a, frill at the back,
with a band of lilies of the valley to
hold it in place, fell to the bottom of
the skirt. Her bouquet was a shower
of lilies of the valley.
Mr. Lawrence Holland of Topeka,'
brother of the1 bridegroom, was best
An informal reception followed the
Assisting throughout . the rooms
were Mrs. R. A. McNown, Mrs. Sam
uel W. Reynolds, Mist Alice Duval,
' Miss Marguerite Marshall, Miss Erma
Jones and Miss Ruth Lindley.
Mr. and Mrs. Holland left last even
ing or Kansaa City, where they will
visit for' some time. Mrs. Holland
wore a going-away suit of dark blue
broadcloth with trimmings of mole
skin and a small, black hat Alter
December 1 they will be at home at
320 South Twenty-pinth street, in Lin
coln., t - .y, ;.' j
Among "the out-of-town guests at
the wedding were the seventeen Kap
pa Alpha Theta girls from Lincoln,'
who. came to. Omaha expressly for
the occasion, n J. ., : . i
Cunningham-McMahon Wadding. ,
, The marriage of Miss Anne McMa
(ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H.
McMahon, to Mr, John Cunningham
took place' Wednesday morning at
7:30 o'clock at St. Bridget's church,
the Rev. James McMahon, brother of
the bride, officiating.
The bride wore white taffeta and
georgette crepe with pearl trimmings.
Her veil wit held in place by a pearl
band. She carried a bouquet of
. bride's roses and lilies of the valley.
HeT sister, Misa Margaret McMa
hon, was bridesmaid and wore a frock
of pink taffeta and carried pink roses.
.Mr. Edward Cunningham was best
man. . : , .
Following the ceremony wedding
breakfast waa served at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Cunningham left immediately for the
south. They will be at home after
November j5 at the Mason apart
ments. : ( ; ";' ."
Wedding Anniversary.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Smiley surprised them Friday evening
at the home, the occasion being their
wedding anniversary. The following
i were oreaent: '
W1HM i i
mica Bloom. .
Clare Petereon,
Sngoborg Helgren. .
' M-Mrs -Charlee
Ray Short.
A. Bwanaon.
Haled Walpott, . .
' Ann Kdquiat. ;
Lillian Hanrlflkaon.
Eathar Joknaoa,
Radolph HanrlekaoB,
PreA Morhoff,
Clark Kiuatll.
Wedding Anniversary.
; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hazeltori enter
tained at their home Sunday in honor
of their second wedding anniversary.
1 he evening was spent in cards, sing
ing and dancing. Those , present
Meaara. and Maadampe
X. Donovan,
Jamas Braalay. ,
r. A. Sllmrllnc,
Prank Tounl,
Frank Borshoff.
i Mra. Tounfl.
Amanda Chrlataaaa -of
banlaon, la.,
John -Donovan, ,
Joa Donovan, .
Robarl Moora.
Frankta Humpart, .
lUlph Haaalton.
A. P. Moora,
W. 1. Humpart, .
H. O. Humpart,
1 J. Haiti,
Mlaaw '
Prancaa Platu,'
Maria Donovan.
MeMra. -Bill
Donovan '
Carl Btantfll,
Hanry Braulay.
Vcrn Punk of
McCook. Nh
Pranola Donovan,
For Bride-Elect. - ' '
Miss Onie Krell entertained at i
miscellaneous shower on Friday even.
ing .for' Miss Bessie Ahlquist, who
. will be a November bride. The guests
, ' Mlenee
Mabel Oralshead,
Loutee Cralshead,
Beaele ChrieUe.
Jamee CbrlatW.
Charles Weber.
Jewel Alexander.
Plewer Aleaandar,
Enma Oelb,
W. L. Dkkereon,
Wllllem Ratlin,
Robert Chrlalia,
Eyler-Carrier Wedding Plana.
. Mr. and Mra. U b. Carrier . an
nounce the engagement and approach
ing marriage ot their daughter, Mary,
to Mr. Harry Deuel Eyler, son of Mr,
and Mrs. John A. Eyler, Tuesday eve
ning at 6:30 o'clock, at their home.
Rev. M. V. Higbee of the Second
Presbyterian church will perform the
ceremony in the presence of relatives
anq,intintate tnends pnly. I here will
be no attendanta but Miss Helen
Carrier, a cousin of the bride, will
A n i - v I I i'r ''
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play the wedding march. After a wed
ding trip to Chicago, the young
couple will make their home in
Betrothal Announcement.
, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Etlinger of
'Dayton, 0., formerly of Omaha, wish
c announce the engagement of thel'
daughter, Corinne, to Mr. Leslie M.
Meyer, the wedding to take place in
ihe very near future,
Social Affaira Planned.
Mrs. H. F. lElsasser will entertain
twenty guests at the Orpheum theater
matinee, Wednesday.
Pagalco club will give its opening
club dance Thursday evening at the
Rome hotel.
' Mrs. George R. Porter will enter
tain the Star Whist club at a 1 o'clock
luncheon at her home Tuesday.
Mrs. Robert Gilmore IS giving a
luncheon at the Omaha club Monday,
and on Wednesday Mrs. J. M. Metcalf
will entertain at a luncheon of six
teen at her home in honor of her sis
ter, Mrs. Ada Hertsche, of Portland,
Ore. ..
In honor of Miss Keglna lonneii,
debutante of next month, Mrs. W.
J. Connell la planning a luncheon on
Friday, . November 1. the day after
Miaa Lonnens aeout aance at me
Fontenelle. and the following Mon-
Iday Mrs. John W., Towle will give a
tea lor mis popular acuuiaiuw. .
Friday Night Dancinf Club. ' '
"The FridaV Nisht Dancing club
held their Hallowe'en party at Druid
hall laat Friday evening with over
seventy couples present. The affair
was a real old-fashioned "spook
dance, with all the dancers disguised
in the time-honored sheet and pillow
case costume, ine Dan room was
decorated in a manner appropriate to
the occasion, and, with the ahaded
lighta and the ghostly dancers, pre
sented a most weird and gruesome
appearance while the evening's festi
vities were at their height.
The club s party next rriday even
ing will be held in the Castle hotel
ball room.
Entertains Kensington Club.
Mrs. George Miller entertained tne
H. and A Kensington club at her
home Tuesday. Hallowe'en decora
tions were used throughout tne
house, the dining room table having
a miniature well for a centerpiece.
Small pumpkins were given as fa
vors. Mrs. L.v A. Burns won tne
nrlze. The club will meet in three
weeks at the home of Mrs. F. H. Ba
den. Members present were:
Ueadamat Maaeaman ;
E. B. Day, A. M. D. Btoval,
11, Barry, charlas Ouvvemoa,
P. B. BaSan, 0 H. Hawkins, v-
C. A. Burin. , Otis Katobum.
P. 1. Parrall,
Supper Dance.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert t.. rowier gave
rharmtnar suDDer dance at their
countjy place, "Hillcreat;" Friday eve-
decorations lent a festive air to the
rooms. The guests were served at
two large tables., Covers Were laid
fori '
Meaara. and Maedamaa
Walter J. Carey, John Batlln,
T. U Combe, J. Marrlam, t
O. U Homaun. Henry Waller,
W. H. McFarlana, Ban ureen.
Dra. and Meedamea4
Adolph "ache, prant Williams, v
E. C. Henry, H. A. Wahl,
D. K. Poota, , -
Meaara. Meaara.
Wendell J. Moora, C. J. Moore.-
Mra. Nancy J. Moore. .
" Mlaa Ada Cnerlton.
Mania Leaf Kensington.
Maple Leaf chapter, Order of the
Faatrrn Star, was entertained at a
kensington Saturday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Walter u Mcrernn.
Assisting the hoatesses were: .
Harry C. Ilarlon,
P. C. Nhlelde, '
P. B. Nearneea,
W. C. Prloe,
L. A. Van Heuaen,
Charlea Porter,
Amanda Bandatron.
J. o. Edmondaon,
C. B. Bse,
L. P. Hchramm,
L. B. Hart, , ,
May Haemuaaen,
Cinoaam Club Announces Dates.
The Cinosam club announcea the
following dates for its dances to be
Siven at the Scottish Rite cathedral:
ovember 2 and. 16, December 7 and
28, January 11 and 25, February 8
and 22 and March 8 and 29. . Novem
ber 28 will be a great night. - ,
No Tueaday Evening Danca.
: The Tuesday evening dancing
party at the Metropolitan club house
will not be given this week on ac
count of the grand opera at the Audi
torium, ,
Reception for Pastor.
About 200 guests welcomed the
new pastor of the First Congrega
tional church and his wife, Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred J. Clark, at a delight
ful reception given in the church par
lors Friday evening. Mrs. J. F. Wei-
- Davis Wedding Party
lte tick V "J 'T
" ...... "iSSi- J ig&PQrfiM
ttuui wwiamson -g
v , Teari Zaveny
ble, in charge of the decorations,
used very effectively chrysanthe
mums, marigolds, palms and autumn
leaves. j
Hard Times Party. . j -
Miss Margaret Black entertained
the members of the senior class of
Sacred Heart academy at a hard times
party at her, home Thuraday even'
ing. Twelve guests were present.
At Excslsoir Springs. '
i i ii 1 1 i r i ii. ,
jui , aiiu mra. j. n. xiugucs, mr. Knu
Mrs. Jake Cunningham and Mra. M.
Wasserman are among the Omahans
registered at the Hotel Snapp, Ex
celsior Spring, Mo. ,,,.
On th Calendar. '' ' '
The Bneis Yeshuron society will
hold its fourth annual ball for. the
benefit of the Talmud Torah at the
Auditorium, Sunday evening. Mrs. H.
Levey has charge of the affair.
The North Side Progressive club
will give a hop and card party at the
Prairie Park club house Friday even
ing. Franco-Belgian Society.
Mrs. John Mcahane, president of
the - Franco-Belgian society, has
called a meeting of the society for
Wednesday afternoon at her home at
1 o'clock. This will be the first work
ing meeting of the season and the aft
ernoon will be devoted to making
bandages and compresses and there
will also be a discussion of the work
for the winter, . J
Newt of the Visitor.
Mrs. Isaac Miller Raymond, jr., of
Lincoln is spending two weeks here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Connell, while Mr. Raymond is on
a hunting trip in northern Nebraska.
Mrs. Henry Cruger Van Shaack
of Denver arrived in Omaha Thurs
day on her way to New York, and
stopped over for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Creighton. Mrs.
Van Shaack was a schoolmate of Mrs.
Creighton and one of the bridesmaids
at her wedding.
Mrs. Herbert French and Miss
Clara Bull arrived Wednesday from
Baton Rouge, La., to visit the for
mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E.
Miss Mildred Butler is, expected
from Kansas City Friday to Visit Mrs.
Jack Webster until after the Cald-well-Vinaonhaler
' Miss Elizabeth Dows of Cedar
Rapids, la., will be here, the guest of
Miss Regina Connell, when the lat
ter makes her debut next month, and
Miss Mary Van Cleet of Pouahkeeo-
sie, who arrives Saturday to visit
Miss Vinsonhaler until after the lat
ter's marriage on November 14. will
also be a guest of the Connell home
when Miss Regina makes her debut
November 16.
Social Gossip,
Mrs. T. C. Byrne left Monday to
visit her daughter, Mrs. William Fita
gerald, in Troy, N. Y.
Mra. E. B. Robertson of San Fran
cisco, who has been visiting her
brother, G. W. Megeath, and Mrs.
Megeath, left Tuesday for the east.
Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler returned
Tuesday from California, where she
has been with her daughter. Mrs. Fred
Daugherty, and Mr. Daugherty for
a montn past. Mrs. Daugherty is
much improved in health and. with
her husband, is leaving San Francisco
soon for the Grand canyon on their
way to Denver, From Denver they
will probably come to Omaha for
Mrs. Eliiabeth Stewart Wililman of
. ,
' it fcajpf Book Fm
i A "
Frihie Eleanor
Council Bluffs returned last week
from Duluth, Minn., where she visited
for.several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Moorhead and
Miss Katharine Moorhead have gone
to California for the winter.
Mrs. K. C Barton arrived in Oma
ha from the east the latter part of
last week and is at the Fontenelle for
a week or ten days before returning
to Boston for the winter. Her daugh
ter, Miss Katharine Barton, is at Miss
Wheeler's Town and Country school
in Providence, R. I. -
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Taylor have
returned from two or three months
at Lead, S. D.
Richard' Baum arrived in Omaha
Thursday from Philadelphia on his
way west and is at the fontenelle
for a few days. "
Mr.-and Mrs. I. De Forest Rich
ards are expected home today from
Chicago, where they spent the week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye, who have
been at the Ritz-Carlton in-New York
for ten days, are expected home Mon
day; Mrs. Henry W. Yates, who has
been in St. Joseph and Kansas City
visiting for three weeks and in St.
Louis, returned Wednesday accom
panied by Mrs. Voss, who joined her
in St. Louis last week. . .
Mrs. Charles J. Greene left the Co
lonial Wednesday and is stopping
with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McCord
until her departure for the east.
Mrs. Henry Perkins of Grand Rap
ids, Mich., who spent the week with
her cousin, Mrs. Arthur Remington,
leaves today for Minneapolis in her
car. '
Mr. Lucius Wakeley has givenup
his home and will be at the Black
stone this winter, r
Mrs. W. A. Redick and Mrs. Will
Burns returned Thursday from a
week in Chicago.
Harry Sterns, the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. F. H. Davis, leaves today for
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McConnell are
closing their home and moving on
Tuesday to the Blackstone with their
son, Harold.
Captain and Mrs. Charles Day
Palmer of New York City, who have
been the guests of Mrs. Thomas H.
M W2 Inside telil
f I f -ABOUT Y fyMftA
mm Beautiful Hair ' Mm
WM lflt-Care and atten-
fflwm ?nSk prophy" Imw
immtl xr S wsm
22, 1916.
Fell for. the last ten days, have gone
to Chicago. From there they will go
to Memphis, Tenn., to visit Mrs.
1 Palmer's father, General Luke i E.
Wright. Mrs. Fell gave an informal
evening affair in honor ot. her guests
Notes at Random. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wolfe of
Council Bluffs have gone east for
several weeks' stay. They will visit
Mr. Wolfe's grandfather, B. F.Smith,
and will meet Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McFerron in New York in November
and attend the big foot ball games
Mrs. Draper Smith, who went east
last month for the national suffrage
convention at Atlantic City, is at
present visiting at Liberty Center,
O., and will not be home until the
first of November. Mrs. H. C. Sum
ney, who accompanied her east, will
be home the latter part of the week.
W. T. Burns and Sam Burns
joined M. C. Peters and Ralph Peters
at Oshltosh, Neb., tor a tew days
hunting. Mr. Peters and Ralph Peters
will be gone the rest of the month.
Personal Mention
Mrs. A. E. Kobbins of Chicago,
formerly Nell Maher, is visiting Miss
Rosaland Hull at the Claremont Inn.
' Mrs. B. F. Dirfcnbacher has re
turned from Lincoln, where she ha
been in attendance at the state con
ference of Cfngregational churches
ac a delegate of Plymouth Congrega
tional church.
Mrs. Morris Levy is expected to
return from New York Monday.
Miss Katherine Foster, Omaha
nurse, who has been ill wth typhoid
fever at Pawnee City, is doing nicely.
Social Gossip
Mrs. Peter Mumm and daughter.
Miss Clara, of Plattsmouth, spent a
few days visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roberts.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Propst of
Mynard, .Neb.i. spent a few hours here
last Saturday before returning home.
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chronister
are the proud parents of a fine big
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behlovek and
daughter of South Side and Miss Mary
Behlovek of Qmaha spent Sunday
with their parents in this village. ,.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stamp of Omaha
spent Saturday and Sunday with rela
tives in this vicinity. -
Mrs. D. LHam was surprised Fri
day evening when a number of women
came in and reminded her, of her birth
day. Meat Cause of .
Lame Back and
Kidney Trouble
. ;
Take a glass of Salts to flush Kid
neys If your back
is aching.
Noted Authority says Uric Acid from
meat irritates the .
, Bladder. '.- - . i
Meat forms uric acid, which excites
and overworks the kidneys in their ef
forts to filter it from the system. Reg
ular eaters of meat must flush the kid
neys occasionally. You must relieve
them tike you relieve your bowels; re
moving all the acids, waste and poi
son, else you feel a dull misery in the
kidney region, sharp pains in the
back or sick headache, dizziness, your
stomach sours, tongue is coated and
when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment; the channels
often get irritated, obliging you to get
up two or three times during tne
To neutralize these irritating acids
and flush off the body's urinous waste
?:et about four ounces of Jad Salts
rom any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine and blad
der disorders disappear. . This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
and has been used for generations to
clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys
and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts
is inexpensive: harmless and makes a
delightful t effervescent lithia-water
drink which millions of men and wom
en take now and then, thus avoiding
serious kidney and bladder diseases.
Advertisement. . ,
West Ambler
Social Activities
Emil Pearson of west Center street,
has bought a bungalow in Leaven
worth Heights.
T. E. Brady, attorney of West Side,
went to Lincoln Wednesday to attend
the supreme court session.
Mrs. M. Moore has as her guests
this week, her mother, Mrs. M.
Thompson, and sister Mrs. Jennie
Martin of Wauneta, la.
Miss Eva Wedmore of Fontenelle
park, was the week end guest of
Mrs. P. J. Traber and family.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Norgaard, Forty-sixth and Wright,
was brightened by a son Monday,
and also the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Bassett, Forty-ninth and
Wright, bv the arrival of a daughter.
Mrs. A. M. Kelley leaves Tuesday
for a month's visit with a son at
Medelia, Minn., and also one at Ne
vada, la.
Mesdames Jack Buchanan and John
Elston of Clearwater, Neb., are guests
this week of Mrs. George Marshall
and family.
Mr.and Mrs. JohnArnold have as
their week end guest, vVilliam Luther
of Hastings.
Miss Ethel Underwood of Le
Compton. Kan., is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. VV. Plummer in West
Mrs. Hans Nielsen entertained the
West Side Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union at her home on
south Fifty-first street.
Mrs. N:F. Thompson entertained
the Towel club at her home on Sat
urday, with the following guests
present: Mesdames L. F. Bullock, A.
Wiig, A. Hatfield, S. E. Kern, E.
Uoll, Bert folley, S. Weston, U.
Hayes, R. J. Sutton and Mary Peter
sen. On Thursday, the club surprised
one of their number, Mrs. E. Doll, it
being her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. E G. Groves cele
brated their tenth Wedding anniver
sary at their home in Eckerman,
Wednesday evening, October 18. The
house was decorated with Hallowe'en
colors, ' a Hallowe en supper . was
served and Hallowe'en games played.
The following invited guests were
present: Messrs. and Mesdames H.
G. Claggeth, E. H. Stevens, J. J.
More About the
Big Ad. Today
In this Sunday'! paper and lee
another way this live furniture
tore helps you to leave money
in your pocket or in your sav
ings account at the bank
through its low prices and big
values. ,
If your letter reaches us now
or any day prior to Nov. 16th
it reaches a safe place in our
files being prepared for the
judges. , . .
II Makes
"They're All Just Raving Over It
I've) Never Seen Anything Like
' It In All My Stage," ,
Says Valaaka Suratt. ,
THEY thought I waa acting whan
I began telling sonie of my
. rlenda about the results of a
hair grower which I had prepared my
self after aeveral years of experi
menting and "looking up" on the "q
t." "Well," I said, Til let you try It
yourselves, and I'm not going to aak
you anything about the results I'U
wait untU you eome back and jay
something only '.don't mob met"
Welt, I wasn't mobbed, girls, but I
waa kissed. Think of it. But they
were all women everyone erasy
happy. The results proved I told the
truth. It's a wonderful hair grower, this.
I'll glva It to you right here. Mix it your
self at home today, and start using it. Then
you'll "send me a klsa by wire." Get one
ounea of ' beta-quinol from your druggist
and mil with half a pint each of water and
alcohol, or a full pint of bay rum Instead
of water and alcohol. Rub Into scarrf very
freely with the fingers avery day. I needn't
tell you all tne results: you n see mem your-
self in a short time. It has the world beaten
aa a hair-grower, making hair long, ailky,
beautiful. ,
MRS. T. c. u. vneai upi iouii oe rae
of the happiest women to the world in a few
days. I can promise you that, because your
dream of a beautiful complexion will aurely
eome true If you do aa I say. Thousands
bave done re: you can uo a. .v ... .. ...
Stop using all the prepared complexion
creams sold la the stores and make your
owa this way, in a few momenta. MI one
ounce of atntone and two tablespoonfuls of
glycerine tn a pint of water. It a simple
and wonderful. Every spot arlll vanish and
leave your akin like that of the fairies you've
read about. Yoa eaa be sure of it
SUPER HAIR It's too bad that auper-
fluoua hair remover left a red spot on your
upper Up. hut they all do that. Why don't
yon dissolve those hairs away. Instead of
burning them off t It's the only way. Get
sulfo solution at the drug store and moisten
th. hair, with It. The, hst ahriva! up and
leare th skin as it was before and It re-
move avery hair. Use it anywhere on the
, . .kM t...
body, shouldert, arms, arm pita, face. It a
MI8S N. R. V. That's tha way. On aa-
tually gets wrinkles trying to got rid of
them by using th useless wrinkle ereama
..,d thee. My da.,. brk from
them all tor once. If you'll us thla. I'll
promise you a revelation. I've known won-
derful tranaformatlone to occur in a week
.,, . ... , 1, .
from thla formula. It never falls. Gat two
ounces of eotol at any drug store and mix
" ' V
iFulmer, E. L. Edgar, H. Nielsen,
Carl Nielseni Fred Jensen, A. M.
Jackson, F. M. Smith, Joe Gilmore,
W. R. Blackett, Frank Butts. An
electric toaster was presented to th
Mrs. Glen Gerkin gave a oirtnaay
party Tuesday evening in honor of
her son, Glen jr. The following as
sisted the hostess: Mesdames A. G.
Knight, S. P. Jones, N. S. Nicklen,
N. S. Brewster, Louis Olden, J. Gra
ham, J. Reil, E. Lynch and M. Potts.
The young people present were: Miss
es Marian Knight, Elizabeth and Vir
ginia Jones, Isabel Graham, Altabel
more, Francis Nicklen, Elizabeth
Gilmore, Fausteire Potts and Max
on Potts, Alice Lynch, Jane and
Eilein Potts; Messrs. Harold Brew
ster, James Nicklen, Allan McDon
ald and Jack Graham. ,
Hopes God Will Be With
Germans in the Fighting
London, Oct. 21. A Central News
dispatch from.Amsterdam today Says:
"Emperor William,' in a speech to
the troops on the western front, after
commemorating the dead, said: 'But
we who are living will fight further
until nobody will ever dare again to
assail the honor and liberty of the
German people."
The emperor, adds the dispatch,
said tie hoped God would be with the
Germans in the fighting.
You can
make this dainty
Klotter yoke
Wouldn't you like to make a yoke
like this for yourself or to present to
one of your girl friendif
You very easily.
It is a delight and a satisfaction to
crochet with KLOSTER because yon
can be sure that the pretty yoke or
other dainty article you make will wear
a long time and stand many washings
without losing its luitrt.
M mjtaccin iiawtcwKws M Ja
"Wat that flaw uMu-eobn that lasT
Free instructions for this yoke) and
y 24 other naw novelttea
Present this announcement to voor
dealer. He will give you FREE onrlateet
Crochet Folder No. 421, llluatrstinr this
yoke and 24 other designs for chrlatmaa
lifts, or No. 560, iUuatraung 23 crocheted
dainties for baby.
If your dealer cannot supply you, send
at once his name and for each of the Free
FoMera enclose three 2c stamps.
Thai Threaad
Mills Company
119 W. Adasoa St.
Chicago, 111.
ly mrt MMeJt ta el '
ana KUittv Jrmyr
dialtr writ! It m Jirtci
tttUrtng 30C Ar tkrt
JVU-tiwtd tril Ulit
tml rtchv Mr a
with a tableapoonfu! of glycerin hi a half
pint of water. Rub It In thick, night and
morning. You'll look years younger In a
mighty short time. Crow'a feet and other
wrinkles will vanish.
a e a
DISAPPOINTED It can't alwaya be
,yoW,j. Nt time your druggist haan't the
,inUm, t making my complexion formula,
snd f)fty , gM,.UlT to Valeska
snratt, Thompson Building, Chicago, III., and
)t Ml b, ,mX to ym lt 0Bcfc
liRS. B. O. T. Your hair la brittle be
cause of the soap and ordinary shampoos
you have been using. You know they all
contain alkali. That dries un the
oll. Now ju,t di,Mly. . teaapoonful of
ln cup of wttM lnd m M a hM(,
WMh ,nd TM, m how dU(,t,Bl yma j,,,
n A fatty ,ccllmnUtlon, mn4 44
wi dl,.pp, ,, miglfc Ym. Myr m
anytlllng ttsa Enough eggol can be oh-
tained for twenty-five cents at the drug
etore for over a doten of thea shampoos.
QESTION You can hardly gat a faea
powder that Isn't chalky. I had a face powder
mad specially for my own Use for this
reason. It la now sold In drug stores and
known aa Valeska Suratt Face Powder, at
fifty cents. Ih white, flesh and brunette.
Yo ,,,, j, ta
mi t WMldwful Woon
a e e 1
MISS Z. O. C I wish I had known It ke-
fore. I could have saved you three yeara of
J-. "J.? "fVmin'i S
sprinkling some powdered neroxln oa a wet
sponge and rubbing it over the blackheads.
It works, every timet The noroxin can be
toUI1 ,t mnJ ing ltor, You.
again, poor girl, and you'll forget you ever
had those humiliating little pests.
e e e
HOPING It Isn't right to claim that th
bust eai be developed in every eaae. There's
,d do it quickly. To a half pint of aold
water sHd two ouncee of nietone and a halt
tS.2,lr-rfM.tof"nd liU,Jw?
teespoontuis ox this after each meal and at
bedtime. Any drug store can supply you
with the ruetone. Advertisement.
naii9 Grow
m 1 1 1 "1
J a,) r A