Omaha Sunday Bee PART TWO : SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PART TWO MAGAZINE PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLVI-rNO. 19. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING,', OCTOBER 22, 1916. , SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS , in Hughes Women's Work- THE Active Alliance CLUBDOM Calendar of Club Doings Monday ' Omaha Woman's club, political and social sci ence department, Metropolitan hall,2:30 p. m. Chautauqua circle, Tennyson chapter, room il.6, Young Men's Christian association, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday Omaha Woman's club, oratory department, Metropolitan hall, 10 a. m.; current topics, 2:30 p. m., and philosophy and. ethics, 4 p. m. , Drama league, public library, 4 p, m. Business Women's council, luncheon and prayer meeting, court house, 11 to 2 o'clock. i Association of Gollegiate Alumna vocational guidance .secSgn, room 212 Central High school, 4:15 p. m. Wednesday Mu Sigma, Mrs. M. D. Hussie, hostess, 9:30 i a. m. Mothers' Culture club, Mrs. W. W. Fisher, 1 hostess, 1 p. -m. j Association of Collegiate Alumnae, story tell ers' section, Misses Fry, hostesses, 4 p. ni. ' Women's Christian Temperance union, Frances Willard society, Young Women's Christian association, 2 p. m. Dundee Woman's Club, Mrs. H. C. Baird, hostess, 2:30' p. m. Thursday Omaha Woman's club, art department. Metro politan hall, 10 a. m.; music department, 2:30 p. m. Wyche Story Tellers' league, public library, 4:15 p. m. Friday South Omaha ' Woman's club, music depart ment. South Side High school, 4 p. m. - West Omaha Mothers' Club.Culture club, Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson, hostess, 2:30-p.m. Saturday Drama league, lecture by Prof. S. H. Clark, Young Women's Christian association audi torium, 3:30 p. m. i Association of Collegiate Alumnae, drama sec tion, Mrs. Philip Horan, hostess, 10:45 a. m. TUST what ft means to be president of a large woman's clubof perhaps 300 to 400 members,-' or even more7 so far as expendituVe of time, " thnmrht. effort and strength is concerned, the Javf rage woman seldom stops to realise. The Tuesday Morning Musical club, the Omaha Society of Fine Arts and the Association of Collegiate Alumnae are such organizations, but' the greatest tax of all, it is agreed, falls upon the presi dent of the Omaha Woman's club, whose nine de partments hold meetings each fortnight, some each week, besides the big meeting of the club proper. Not specialized, but generalizing, ii the works of thi, organization, its interest touching most every phase of civic, economic, philanthropic . and educational work. Maintaining a watchful eye on the programs Qf each "Uepartment, as wejl as ex ecuting the work which falls naturally to the head of the club proper, attending as many departmental meetings as she possibly can, listening to pleas, f impositions, claims and suggestions for probable ines of work, all fall to the lot of the club executive. A systematic, businesslike outlining of the 'day's program and a strict adherence to it, was the solu tion hit upon by Mrs. E. M. Syfert, now president of the Woirian's fclub. Incorporated therefor in the clubjnanuel under the title "Special Notices," Mrs. Syfert made th) insertion: "The president will receive telephone calls per taining to club business each morning from 8 until 10 o'clock, except Monday mornings of. the regular club day.. Members will please limit their conver sations to three minutes. i "On the mornings of the regular club day the re cording secretary will receive all calls intended ior the president. . "The president will be at home to club members frdm 2:30 until 6 o'clock on the following Friday afternoons: October 20, November 3' and 17, De cember 1 and 15, Jarfuary 12 and 26, February 9 and 23, March 9 and 23 and April 6 and 20." The need for -making these rulings is proof .that a woman's club today is a businesslike proposition, not a tea-sipping, gossiping, effortless, group of women. Looming up above all women's interests for, the week is the entertainment by local women of the Women's Hughes Alliance train Saturday between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock. A reception at' the Hotel Fontenelle and street speekhes have already been arranged for the party on the, campaign special. Mary Antin, Mrs. Charles Sumner Bira, Helen Var ick Boswell, Elizabeth Cutting, Dr. Katherine Be ment Davis, Mrs. William Curtis Demorest, Rheta Childe Dorr, Mrs. William Einstein, Mrs, George Harvey, Mrs. Nelson Henry, Mrs. Alexander Kohut, Mrs. Randell Boeuf, Mrs. R. Livingston Beeck man, Mrs. Maud Howe Elliott, Mrs. Frank Mebane, Miss Maude Miner, Mrs. Henry Moskowitz, Mrs. Gilford Pinchot, Mrs. Nelson O'Shaughnessy, Mrs. Travis Whitney are among the eastern women, principally from New York, who are on the train. Mrs. Qeorgc W. Stevens of Toledo, Miss Harriet Vittum, Mrs. William Severin and Mrs. Raymond Robins of Chicago, and Dr. Katherine Edson, Mrs. Frank Gibson of California are also included in the party. Miss Elizabeth Freeman, the advance repre sentative, who was here several weeks ago, will be with the party again. "Why women are for Hughes," is explained by these women as follows: "1. Because he lias always stood for the rights and privileges of the rank and file citizen. This is proved by his public service regulation, his Aliitinri rafrtFivii! titc loKnt U ml atn' ft e errwrttmrxr of New York. Because he gave New York tine mosF signifi cant labor legislation ever secured by a governor in any state in this country. Ndress than fifty six significant labor laws were secured by him. They included: , '(Workmen's compensation reinoving the bur dew of industrial accident from the workman and distributing it among employer, employe i and the public. "Protection of children in industry. "Better factory inspection. ""Better factory conditions. ' ' "Industrial education. "A state policy aivd many state laws for the , protection of ignorant aliens. . "3. Because he came .out unequivocally for the federal amendment. N '4. Because he stanijs for probation and the protection of the home. He secured for New York for 'the' first time an intelligent probation system. "5. Because he has aiways insisted on good working conditions for women and children in industry. "6. Because he stands for an Americanism (jjat ill protect American . women and children from the fate that befell the women and children of Belgium. '7. Because his record showshim to bca man of deeds, not words." - Omaha Ladies Who Welcomed Mrs. Hughes When She Visited 'Here WithNHer Husband and Have Helped Along With Work of the Alliance J : ; ; . x . J . ii I : Ah ?V I'XN M Victor n Vk : iX . - Kennedy ' TO flJFy. 3.?riziz y ' ''S y i ii SOCIETY Social Calendar Monday Davis-Daniels wedding at home of bridel par ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Davis. Grand opera box parties at the Auditorium. Luncheon at Fontenelle for Miss Anna Dwyer of Butte, Mont.; Mrs. T. J. Dwyer, hostess.- Junior Bridge club,. Mrs. William Scltnorr, hostess. White Shrine Whist club at Masonic Temple. Luncheon at Omaha club for Mrs. Ada Hertche of Portland, Ore. Mrs. Robert Gilraore, hostess. - Tuesday Eyler-Carrier wedding. Box parties for "II Trovatore" at the Audi torium. Luncheon for Star Whist club. Mrs. George R. Porter, hostess. ( informal tea for Miss Winifred Hicks of , Duluth, Minn., given by her hostess, Mrs. Hugh Wallace. , , ' Senno club, Mrs. Alice Bergen, hostess, 1 p. m. ' Prairie Park Needlecraft club, Mrs. B. T. King, hostess. P. E. O. sisterhood, Chapter B. P., Mrs. R. E. Parrott, hostess, 1 m. - Wednesday , . Orpheum matinee part,", given by , H. F. Elsasser. ' ' i Luncheon for Mrs. Ada Hertsche of Portland, Ore., given by her sister, -Mrs. James M. Metcalfe. ' Franco-Belgian Relief society, Mrs. John A. McShane, at 1 p. m. Regular assembly at Turpin's dancing academy. Trinity Parish Aid society, Mrs, F. H. Davis, hostess, at 10:3(1 a. m. W. C. T. U. Omaha sooiefy, Y. M. C. A, 2:30 m. C T. U." North Side society: Mrs M. M. Chenoweth, postess. , , Tnufsday ' Art exhibit and tea at the parlors of the First y Presbyterian church from 3 to 5. ,' ' Luncheon for the Omaha Woman's Press club 1 , at 1 o'clock, Miss Lida Wilson, hostess. P. E. O. sisterhood, Chapter E, Mrs. W. A. Shropshire, hostess, 2 p. m. .Original Cooking club, Mrs. W. H. Wheeler, hostess. Pagalco club entertains at Hotel Rome. Benson Woman's club, Benson city hall, 2:30 ,. p. m. i Scottish Rite Woman's club, cathedral, 2 p.' m. Friday'.! ... -' Friday Night Dancing club meets in ball room of Hotel Castle. Society of American Widowa, Crounse block, 7 30 p. .1 V)i Saturday' - .-,.- Luncheon for Prof. S. H, Clark at Omaha club, Mrs. E.'M. Morsman, i hostess. Sixty-six Dancing club, first party at. Hotel Fontenelle. P. E. O. sisterhood, Chapter M, Mrs. A. F. Stryker, hostess. , i General Lawton auxiliary, Hallowe'en party at home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane. GRAND OPERA PARTIES will be the most interesting social events to the majority of society people during the coming week. Nearly aH box holders .will occupy their boxes both on the opening night and on - formal suppers after the opera. Since Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis are out of the city, their box will nrnhnhlv h lltlnrrtiniH Ura Pharla T TTnonf is expected to return from Minneapolis in time to attend the 'oneiiinir number nf the Atnnriatft R- ;y tailers' Opera and Concert Course. A great many people are specially interested in hearing GeraMine Farror in Carmen, the role she is said to have made . peculiarly ner own, so that the opening night will no doubt see society out en masse. "II Trovatore," however, is an old favorite and will draw many be cause of its musical charms.. The events Which will keep . us, so busy- this wek are only the beginning of the stream of things that will absorb society's interest later in the winter. Monday of next week John Cowoer Powvs is to lecture here under the auspices of the Vassar club. , When Mr. Powys was in Omaha last winter under the auspices of the Fine Arts society everyone was alive with interest in his talks. Dr. Powys will speak at 4 o'clock at the Brandeis' theater a week from tomorrow. ' ' Following close up the Vassar club's program , will come the first attraction which the Tuesday Morning Musical club is bringing. -Thursday of1 next week the company of Russian dancers, accom panied by a symphony orchestra and Miss Margaret jarman, coiurauo, wii appear ac me uranaeis tne ater in the evening. For some time after that we will all be in an unsettled state quite out of keeping with any social activity. The throes of a critical presidential elec tion will be upon us, and every thought will turn in that direction. The Omaha and University, clubs will be the scenes of numerous supper parties, which will be prolonged until election returns received over private wires have offered the temporary solution of the knotty problem which is occupying our men and women alike. Never have so many women been interested in pontics as tms year, j he suttragists and the anti-suffragists are equally active and con- . spicuous in this campaign. The common interest of greeting women who arc and will be the first of nnr lanrl hn hrnifkrht th hntnp iA 'va,unna and has set all our society women into deep discus sions of the great questions ji government. When the presidential candidates have been safe ly pigeonholed it will be time to think of home-coming youngsters. For the Thanksgiving and Christ mas nouuays a1 great many entertainments are Deing planned conditionally. The dancing party which Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Ston are giving December 27 for Miss Elsie and Mr.' Robert Storz is the largest party yet announced. The Coming of the Yale Glee club on Friday of the same week will provide suffi cient exejtcment to the fair maidens of 'Omaha to recompense them for any dull das of the season. Two weddings of interest in sorority circles art to be chronicled today. Kappa Alpha Theta girls came over from Lincoln yesterday for the marriage of Miss Louise Beclwell to Mr. Eugene Holland last evening. Tomorrow the members of Pi Beta Phi will make a pilgrimage to Cupid's shrine, the occa sion beii:g the marriage of Miss Adeleavis, a very Eopular Pi Phi, to Mr. Robert Daniels. This evening ir. and Mrs. W. U. Davis are entertaining the wed ding party at Sunday evening supper at their home following the wedding rehearsal. Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm is chairman of the Nebraska Women's Hughes Alliance. Others who are assist ing in fflc arrangements to 'entertain the visiting , women are: Mrs. Howard Baldrige, Mrs. Edgar Scuit, N. P. Duilgc, jr. ; Mrs. Charles Kountze, Mrs. Victor Rosewater, ' Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Mrs. lames Richardson, Mrs. Walter Page, Mrs. George Prinz, Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mrs. R. Beecher Howell, Mrs. W. G. Ure and Miss Caroline Dodge, ,