10 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: OCTOBER-22, 1916. FRANKLIN CAR WINS REUABILJTYRUN Owners Only in Stringent Test at St. Louis Show En . durance. ' DISTANCE OF 400 MLE8 For the fifth consecutive year a Franklin car won the annual reliabil- ity run of the Stl Louis Automobile club, which took place September 23, 24 lnd(25. Under a rigid examination at the- conclusion of the test, the 1 Franklin scored 993 points, seven less than a perfect score and eight points ahead of its closest competitor. No penalty was imposed against the air cooled car, on account of motor dif ficulties. , - " The run was made from St. Louis to " Keokuk and return, by way of Wentz- v ville, Louisiana, Hannibal and La Grange, a distance of 400 miles. Four teen cars participated. Auto Trad Barred. . Stringent rules subjected these cars to a real test. All entries were lim ited to. car owners, no persons con nected wtih the automobile trade be ing eligible to compete. ; Each driver started with 1,000 points credited to his car. Penalties were levied for me chanical troubles, incfuding everything from a loose terminal to a wrecked machine. . For every half minute ahead jor be hind the scheduled arrival af the ten checking stations the driver was pen alized One point.1 At the end of the : run a committee of seven members of the club conducted a technical ex amination of each car and tested brakes, clutch, starter, transmission I and motor. Dr. Adolph H. Conrad owner of the winning car, also won with a Franklin last year. Only nine out of twenty-nine starters finished in 191 5, and four of these were Franklins, the air-cooled car taking second place as well as first.. Two year ago eighteen out of twenty-three starters finished, Frank-Jin- cars7takingthe first five places at the conclusion of the run and the win ning Franklin making a score of 996 points. - Fred Stone Presented . With Vacuum Cup Tire "Very good, Eddie," remarked Fred A. Stone, premier comedian of Chin Chin, i when he received from the Pennsylvania Rubber company a tire .bearing hii name. The presentation was made after Mr, Stone had gone through the company's factory and had seen the crude rubber evolve Into the auto accessory. i , The tire was one of the company's famouf "vacuum cup" tires. ' Packard Qualifies As Deep Sea Diver When Bridge Drops When a North Carolina mountain Stream is taken with a sudden insane fit of temper, motorists, pedestrians all people, movable property, live stock, everything will do well to give the erstwhile gentle brook a wide, wide berth. Commodore Ernest Ljc Jahnefee of new Orleans, who has his summer residence at Ashville, N. C, abides by the above rule, but he got caught in a storm recently, on a trip from Ashville, to ioxoway. He was oh liged to- cross a small bridge. The stream, with a vicious cunning, hai so weakened the foundations that the bridge was fairly a trap for M Jamicke and his Packard Twin Six touring car. v. When the automobile was fairly on the bridge, the structure gave way. the car turned over and disappeared leaving only part ot on, rear wheel and a tender showing above the tur bulent water. Mr. Jahncke was ob liged to swim desperately to get away. "This accident occurred at 2 o'clock "and with the help of farm hands and a good pair of oxen, we were able to get the machine out of the creek, as the water had receded in a tew hours to enable us to work. When we right ed it, much to the 'surprise of myself and the onlookers, I tried the car and the machine actually started I How ever, when the car turned over, 't batteries were emptied and we knew we would need distilled water to re' pleniah them. This seemed a knotty problem, until we thouKht ot two bot ties of pop which had stayed in the machine. We poured the contents of these two bottles into the battery. "At 9 o'clock that night we were back home, having made the trip of sixty miles with our own power. The only damage done to the Twin Six by its fall and submersion consisted of a torn top and two slightly bent fenders." . BIT AUTOMftSSaL You Cannot Heat Your I angina t a point where Pan hard Oil will net lubricate it. r PanKfrd Oil li th on If oil that will not earbontt in the cylinder... Panhard Oil U th only oil that rttalni It. 'rbrtcftting qualUioa mi all tomporaturat. Lot ua diaeuia thti oil qnottlon with you and r command tho grad boat tultod to your ear. x POWELL SUPPLY COMPANY . OMAHA "; : ' - t - Automobile Supplies. . 2051 Firun. , STORAGE BATTERY lfff ' Be Sure WW; . ' - - iii , Guesswork may be fatal. Your battery tnav atobear to .be strong and vigorous but , " why not be sure? Test it at least twice a month with a hydrometer. If you haven't 1 such an instrument you should have. It's handy for filling a battery with dis tilled water the only drink, it needs. v ' The first step towards good start ing and lighting is a fully charged . tattery. Let us help you learn how -to keep yours alive. We sell hydrometers but we don't charge or valuable service. Ask about our new f ree Service pla a. Nebraska Storage Battery Co. Omaha 2203 Farnam St Phone D. ..... Fret intpectlon ot any battery y at any tint. Wilari Stmf BfUltritt art for taU by tar dealtri, raraft nd all Wtluri Stmci ilotunu and Facltry BmuMu, , Mitchell Derails Heavy Trolley Car "That light weight can be accom panied by sturdy construction was proven recently beyond a doubt," says John W. Bate, engineer and efficiency expert of the Mitchell company. "My attention was recently called to a peculiar accident that proves to me the worth of the present use of lighter but tougher steels in automobile con struction. "In Juniata, Cal., D. E. Parker, president of the First Na tional bank of that city, collided with and knocked a large suburban trolley car completely off the track. "The automobile was only slightly damaged, but the trolley car whs de railed and ran almost into the en trance doors of ex-Sheriff Hugh's store, doing about $100 damage. "Mr. Parker was driving his Mitchell aiding at the rate of about ten miles an 'hour, and with him were his daugh ter, his. two grandchildren and some friends. The Mitchell struck the trol ley just ahead of the front trucks, i causing it to leave the tracks and crash through a six-inch iron post in font of Hugh's store and only brought up at the entrance to the store. ..The occupants of the Mitchell miraculously escaped injury, with the exception of Miss Alice Jones, who suffered a slight injury to her nose, caused by being thrown against the front seat. The Mitchell proceeded under its own power - to a garage, where the hood, fenders and lamps, the only damages t the car, were re paired. v , -Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Allen "37" Climbs Mount - n : 1. 1 : xi . .a T . .l I naimer wunoui nuuuie An Allen model "37" touring car, the property of R. S. Flack of Port land, Ore., recently completed a ihousand-mile trip through the mourn lains of Washington, including Mt. .Rainier national park. ' I The trip, which was doubtless one ; of the most strenuous that could be taken by a car of moderate price, ii marked by several distinctive records, ! Nokonly was this Allen "37" the first above the snow line, reaching an elevation of 5,400 feet, but with all cf the trials of such a journey, the owner experienced no trouble what ever with the car itself, and the full 1,000 miles was covered at a cost of enly $8.50 for fuel and grease. ' 1 According to Mr. Flack, mile after mile of the trip was made along rocky, rugged mountain trails where 1 here would have been no possible chance of passing another car. t Delco jx'"j5? 1 I L Phont Douglas 3697. I 1 i iiMiwirHffl - ffs,Jlf THE WINNING THREE DELCO ICNITION. EXIDE BATTERIES EXPEDIENT SERVICE DELCO-EXIDE SERVICE STATION 2024 Farnam St, Omaha, Nab. You will never get full value out of your cr until you oil the springs There is more friction bearing surface in a set of auto springs than in all the rest of the car. Springs are exposed and quickly rust, the result is squeaking and jerking. Stiff, dry, inactive springs mean hard riding, broken spring leaves and the necessity of shock absorbers. Well lubricated springs take the bumps out of the road, save tires and frame, and make riding a comfort and pleasure'. The action of springs is intended to be smooth. To accomplish this, they must be oiled. : aLWrnmorm-ATTAtm WE CAN OIL THKM FOR 25 CENTS. Out device fits over the springs and oils them uni formly, and will outlast the life of your car. Ton can not afford to is without this I W. oiler. oil mom aim Drive your car to 2026 Farnam and we will equip it for you on approval if you wish. The G. L W. Spring Oiler, Co. of Omaha Phone Doug. 3217. ' Offices BS2 Brandela Bldg. Demonstrated and On 8al at 202 Farnam 8t ' Garage and Accessory Dealers This is a well advertised, fast-moving com modity. Over 100,000 G. L. W. Spring Oilers sold in the first six months.' Why not carry a small stock and cash in on the demand we are creating? , ' WWWa -j rmm closorb Remember the Price 25c !!jilllllllllllllllllllllllll!l!ll!!IIIIIIIIH 1 ii 1 1 $1295 (F.O.i. CLEVELAND 1 . i-'":'.'."v,,'V,V! tVf' s5 S3 Mil l ! Adva i;-ti-mm . a 1 " -W fice 7' nee JHirst : 3. riTHE price of the famous Chandler Six will be advanced December 1st. 1916, andTthe present Chandler Model in v JL every essential way will be continued for the forthcom ing season. We have always listed the Chandler car at the lowest possible price consistent with manufacturing costs h volved in producing Nthis high grad6 automobile. We had hoped earlier this season in spite of advancing cofets "of material to be able to continue tjie present $1295 price. But, conditions in the industry have now come to a point, where this is imoossible. - i M S3 S3 .S3 S3 H Our production costs today are fifteen and one quarter percent (15X) higher than one year ago. Our profit margin per car has always been small. And the ' price must, therefore, be advanced to make compensation for increased production charges. -.. . , i You may purchase your Chandler rar now with the assur ance of a marked saving in purchase price, and with the equally important assurance that your Chandler car,s purchased now, will be up-fo-date next spring v , Distinctly superior Chandler features include Ae "Marvelous Motor" " which with minor refinements from time to time has distinguished the ! Chandler car for, four years past and which will be continued in the - forthcoming series for next season; genuine Bosch high tension mag- N neto, the highest priced and most efficient form of ignition; Gray & Davis separate,, unit electric starting and lighting system; silent chain X' drive for motor shafts; solid cast aluminum motor base, extending from frame to frame: spiral bevel gear rear axle; and the most beautiful of , ' all modern body designs. x ' :s Until the Close of Business Novemb 30th 3' Seren-Passenger Touring Car Four-Passenger Roadster 11295 11295 Four-Passenger Convertible Coupe Seven-Passenger Convertible Sedan $1895 " $1895 Seven-Passenger Limousin ....... $2595 CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELANDOHIO Omahar,o,f r ,Company Card-Adams Motor Company CUS BOLTON, President. " 1 i , DUtributors for Eastern Nebraska and Wut.rav lowk. rav. lo ir a I LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. (2520 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEBRASKA; Distributors for N.bruka, W.at.rn Iowa and South Dakota. y 3 V l!UIUIIl!ll!I.!H iiiiiiiiiiiiimiii!