Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Sunday Bee
VOL. XL VI NO. 19.
Count Stuergkh Is Attacked
While Dining at a Hotel in
Vienna and Instantly"
Prominent Figure, in Political
Affairs of Dual Monarchy
for Years.
- Berlin, Oct. 21. (By. Wireless to
Sayville.) Count ' Carl Stuergkh,
Austrian premier,. was shot and killed
today while at dinner, by the editor
of a Vienna newspaper, named Ad-
Ier, says the Overseas News Agency.
fcondoh, Oct. 21. The premier of
Austria has been shot.
' Reuter's Amsterdam correspond
ent says the premier, Count Karl
Stuerghk, was1 shot today by the pub
lisher of a Vienna newspaper named
Abler, according to a telegram re
ceived at Amsterdam from Berlin.
Vienna, Via London, , Oct. 21.
The Austrian premier, Count,
Stuergk.'who was assassinated while
at dinner today by Ludwig Adler, a
publisher, was shot three times.
Count Stuergkh was dining at a hotel
when the publisher attacked him.
Three shots were- fired, all of which
took effect, the premier dying in
stantly. 'Count Stuergkh has been aprom
inent figure in Austrian political af
fairs for years. He was minister of
public works in the cabinet formed
in 1909, at the retirement of which in
October, 1911, he was asked to form
new ministry., ,
The' count born in 1859 at
Graz, was educated at the University
of Grazan antr" entered . the, service
Tthe state in 1881. He began his
parliamentary, career on March, 12,
1891, when he was elected 'to the
Reichsrath. In 1899 he became a
ministerial director in tl(e depart
ment of which he afterwards became
the head. In the interval he was out
of office for time, resigning after
the .fall of the! Windische-Graetz cab
inet. . -' . ' '
r Crisis Unavoidable." '':
Telegraphing from Vienna a few
days ago, a correspondent of ,theJ
Vossiachi Zeitung or Berlin said a
ministerial crisis in Austria, was con
sidered.iHMwoidabre. The dispatch
did not specify the reasons and little
information has reached this country
in regards to the current' Austrian
political conditions, although thereJ
have been many dispatches in regard
to the political strife itf Hungary.
The Austrian ' parliament" ' has not
been in session since before the war.
One of the few occasions on which
the count's name has figured in' the
American news during the war was
in August of last year, when he was
interviewed by an American corre
spondent He was quoted as having
said that although some of the Teu
tonic expansionists favored extreme
terms," he was sureihe German gov
ernment and influential citizens
would hold to moderate demands,
thus hastening the end of hostilities.
Sloan Points Out
Unsoundness of l
; Democratic Tariff
York, Neb., Oct. 21.-,(Speciil.)
' Congressman Sloan addressed a good
sized ' audience at the- courthouse
Thursday evening. After relating
'some of his 'own activities he dis
cussed the tariff, with special refer
ence to the farmers of Nebraska.' He
said in part: ..
"Inrecent legislation, the party in
powevhas admitted the unsoundness
of its tariff-for-revenue-only policy
in (he following particulars:
"J. Increasing the protective tariff
.. on dyestuffs. '
"2. Reimposing the protective tariff
on' sugar. This, however, had pres
sure from the south. -
"3. pstablishing a tariff commission!
in the place of the republican tariff
commission, Which they had killed.
"4. The t so-called anti-dumping
Clause, which proposes to punish im
porters who send goods into this
country so cheap as to break our
-""Market. The tariff remedy" in that
particular is doubling the rate of
duty. This would make a practically
li-prohibitive duty upon tobacco, rice,
. peanut and Angora goat hair, but on
corn, 'wheat, eggs, cattle, meat and
gather I, northwestern products, being
v 'on, the free list, doubling the' duty,
jor doubling nothing, woiild not be
.f much of a remedy." V.
' . , The Weather
Far Nebraska Cloud y3f
.. Tenipfnktufes mt opkh Yesterday.
Comparative Loral Record.
Uivhaaif vMltsrrlaV
ivia. iBia.
Loweat yesterdny 26 "47 ' M
1Ur tmnratur.4.. 42 61 62
PrcipItaUon .0 .00 .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal
Normal temperature": t... 81
Deficiency for the day 11
total excess nine March 1 234
Normal precipitation , , .07 inch
Deficiency for the day 07 inch
ntai rniniall Since .imn n incnw
'Deficiency since March 1 11. SO Inches
rwiMon-u fnr r-nr. nerflid. 191S.. n inchp
Deficiency for cor. period, 1914.. J.20 InciW
T InUlcates trace, of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. UoteoioIog-laL
V I'-tii ' 'J 6 a. m. 27
jMjg S 7 a. m , 29
rfjrJ , j a. m 33
stiMt 1 E ' m
( AtffimJA m lo a. m . as
V.3yrT L 11 a. m 4
lLllLJ T 12 m 48
!UU Si 1 69
IWXj&ezlr- U 1). in..... ES
F 1 5 p. m 6(
C i; 4 p. m ........ 67
Yvyl it rv6 p. m 55
' ' a9U- ' p. m.k 64
M fL T p. m 52
Judge Advocate General Rules"
United States in State of War
"No Formal Declaration. But
Orowder Says Condition
Exists Just Same.
New York, Oct. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Advocate General
Crowder, United States- army, has
rendered a ,formal decision, holding
that the United States is at v 'Y - ;j
Mexico. V' jg
A decision was made necessVt
order to cover tire legal procedvv.i in
dealing with numerous incidents con
nected with the punitive expedition of
United States troops inter Mexico, the
nature of these incidents, various of
fenses committed by United States
soldiers; demanding that the judge
advocate general's office should define"
the status of the Mexican campaign.
In the decision, tft judge advocate
general quotes the definition of war
in Vattel s Law of Nations as being
that state of affairs in which we pros
ecute our rights by force.
The decision recites:
"It is thus apparent that under the
law there need be no formal declara
tion of war, but that under the defini
tion of Vattel a state of war exists,
so far as concerns the operations of
the United States troops in Mexico,
by reason of the fact that the United
States is prosecuting its right by force
of arms and -in a manner in which
Mexican Policy of President Is
Dissected and Denounced
by the Colonel. '
Phoenix, Ariz., Oct. 21. Theodore
Roosevelt spoke here this evening,
dealing with the Mexican situation
and the' policy pursued by President
In part he said:
"What has happened to our people
in Mexico and here along the border,
ffers the clearest possible , illustra
tion of what happens to any nation
whose government behaves iwith the
vacillation and timidity shown by Mr.
Wilson in our foreign affairs wher
ever he has had a deal with any foe
of whom he was in the slighest de
gree lrid.-'7 ''V. " " ;.,.'.. v ',.
"In (Mexico wKen this revolution
gathered headway, theft were many
foreigners. Therrtvere English, Ger
mans', Japanese and French.-'There
were also AmericansSpaniards and
Chinese. Mexico was afraid of and
respected Germany, lEngland, Japan
and France. It neither feared no re
spected the United States or China;
and she did. not believe that Spain
at . the moment could act against it.
In consequence it appears that dur
ing these disturbances, as far as can
be gathered, there has not been one
German killed in Mexico, and only
One Englishman and two Frenchmen.
I can not find that any Japanese
were killed. These figures may not
be quite accurate, but they are sub
stantially accurate. The minute the
Frenchmen were killed, the French
government served such summary
notice on Mexico that it has been
exceedingly careful not to kill any
othersA. s
British and Germans Safe.
"When the Englishman, Benton,
was killed, not merely did England
flame up, but it is actually true that
far more interest was excited in this
country than was shown over all of
our own men, women and children
who were killed in Mexico. There
have been no further outrages on the
lives of British subjects. The Ger
mans are not only safe, but at Tain
pico, for instance, enjoy special privi
leges. The Japanese enjoy the same
Consideration.- But , meanwhile, ac
cording to the best information at
our disposal, the Mexicans have kill
ed over 300 Chinese; over 50Qrheri
cans, and at least a couple of hun
dred Spaniards. I ask you to con
sider these facts. The Mexicans have
not killed a single German,' and only
one Englisman. But they have killed
several hundred Americans and sev
eral hundred Chinese. They class the
Germans aid Englishmen as belong
ing to nations able to protect the
lives of their citizens;, whereas,
thanks to Mr. : Wilson, they regard
the Americans and the Chinese as
Minallv safe tn mtirdpr- nntracri. and
plunder.' I ask the people .of thisV
country ip consider ncse iacis zor
themselves, and to draw theirown
conclusions; and if they have ordi
nary self-respect, if they have feel
ings of ordinary patriotism, they can
not consent to continue in power the
administration that is responsible for
such a condition of affairs.
-n Wilspn Evades Challenge.
"Remember Always that the in
famies that have been committed in
Mexico have been explicitly set forth
by President Wilson himself through
his secretary of State on June 20, last.
President Wilson in the course of his
efforts to shield Carrajiza, denounced
(he truthful statement of the hideous
conditions in Mexico as being a. 'traf
fic in- falsehood' designed to . 'create
intolerable friction betvracu our gov
ernment and Carranza's in the interest
of certain owners of Mexican prop-,
erties.' He made these deliberate
charges on March 20th last. Senator
Fall promptly challenged President
Wilson to name these alleged con
spirators, and also challenged nim to
make public the documents in (he
State department. As always, when
challenged fearlessly, President' Wil
son promptly flinched. He has not
dared to publish the documents in the
State department, and by failing to
publish the names of the alleged con
spirators during these seven months,
he has admitted that this statement
(Continued on Pago Two, Column On.)
war is conducted. The-tatutes which
are operative only during a year of
war have been interpreted as relating
to a 'condition and not a theory.'
"I am, therefore, of the opinion that
while war is not recognized as exist
ing between the United States and
Mexico, the actual conditions under
which the field operations in Mexico
are beine coiulucted - are those of
actual -iw . -t within the field of
Qv ,.1 . CApcuiuunai y lulls
fiVy -iuf me iiuy-eignm arucie
itPamct it could not have been
intended that, under such conditions
United tSates soldiers would Be
turned over to the authorities of Mex
ico for trial." 7
The decision-has been carefully
withheld from publicity, and there is
resentment on the part of adminis
tration that it has reached the public
at this time, for it destroys the plea
that "he kept us 'but of war."
- That naval officers (not' officials of,
the Navy department) believe war ac
tually and legally exists between the
United States and a faction in Santo
Domingo is made evident by an offi
cial letter to the Navy department
frorn Major General George Barnett,
commanding the United States marine
corps, officially commending the cool
ness and daring displayed by Chap
lain Leroy N. Taylor for courageous
ly driving a-motor ambulance through
the fire-swept zones and exposing
himself to enemy fire while succoring
the wounded. ' v , . ..
Deinands "Third Degree" ' to
Test Where Men Stand on t
Lyalty to Nation
Long Branch, Oct. 21. -In a speech
devoted primarily to a discussion of
the need for economic preparedness
in the Unitejl. States President Wilson
told a delegation of farmers, archi
tects and engineers here today that
he did not expect the? United States
to get into war.
"I know that the way in which we
have preserved peace is objected to,"
said the president, "and that certain
gentlemen say they would have taken
some other way that would inevitably
have resulted in war, but I am not ex
pecting this country otjget into war,
partly because I am not expecting
these gentlemen to have a chance to
make a mess of it."
Taktng-the-work done 'by the ad
ministration for the farmer ai his
text Mr. Wilson Said: "We wan the
privilege . of representing the whole
force, of the nation." , ...
He demanded that mefi be put
thrjjugh a "third degree" in respect to
where they stand with regard to love
of the United States and he said 'he
was glad the . campaign was nearly
over, "because J- am in a hurry to get
down to business astairi'
"There is a great dLf irresonsi
ble talk being indulged An," declared
the president in. discussihr the cam
paign. "Men are saying things they!
Know pertectly well they cannot-make!
good on and it disturbs the national
counsel. Un the seventh W Novem
ber, we will call time." 'S;'
Mr. Wilsan said the democratic
party had been 'trying to fake the
government, out of the control of
small groups and "square it with the
counsel of the whole nation."
In detail he told of work being done
to mobilize the industrial resources of
the nation, saying "one of the great
lessons of the European war has been
that the economic co-ordination and
co-operation of the just as
important as the military co-operation
of it. .
Farmers from New Jersey and
other nearby "states came to, the cele
bration, held here of Farmers' day.
Republicans in .
Fighting Spirit,
Form Four Clubs
. A
Arapahoe, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special.)
A Hughes and Fairbanks club was
organized here Tuesday night' by R.
D f if.'-j A ,v '
. wane ui muiucii vvcr iuu mem
bers were enrolled and much enthu
siasm was in evidence. The' club
plans to have a meeting every Thurs
day night up to election and several
meetings throughout the year. The
officers elected were: President, T.
E. Swanson; yice president, Harry
Crowell; secretary, Frank Ware:
reasurer, C.'"S. Fuller. A tarae num.
ber of democrats are included in the
membership roll.
Edison, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special.)
A Hughes and Fairbanks club was
organized here Wednesday afternoon.
Much active interest was shown and
a large membership resulted. Con
gressman W. R. Green of the Ninth
congressional district xf Iowa gave
the principal address. D. S. Draper
was elected president.
. Holbrook, Neb., Oct. 21. (Special.)
A Hughes and Fairbanks club was
organized this place Wednesday
night. Congressman Green of -Iowa
spoke. Mr, Morse was elected presi
dent. ' .. ,
Minden, Neb., Oct. 21.-r-(Speciat.)
A Hughes and Fairbanks club was
organized here. The club plans to
have a big rally. J. L. McPheeley
was elected president Much interest
is being aroused and the Hughes
sentiment is rapidly growing. :
Steamer Strikes Piling in
Mississippi and Sinks
St. Louis, Mo., Oct 21. The
steamer Cape Girardeau struck some
piling in the Mississippi river south of
Chester, 111., today and sank. Most
of the fifty passengers, in their state
rooms when the boat struck, were
awakened by the crew and the life
boats were lowered. All were taken
off without Occident The crew also
: - ' -- - -' ' ' : . $M
Contemplated Change in Rep
resentation in Episcopal Con
i vention is Discussed.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 21. Rev. L.; R.
Parks of New York In the Episcopal
convention brought . up the divorce
question in the house of deputies
again by introducing a resolution; for
the elimination of the exceptions 'to
the Canon prohibiting the remarriage
of divorced persons. .This resolution
was referred to the commission on,
canon, which will report at the 1919
general convention. . This action
meant that the divorce question will
come up for consideration then.
. Rev. E. W. Sffayler introduced .a
resolution asking the commission on
social service to investigate the ques
tion of moving pictures that give a
distorted view of domestic life and
crime. " ' . - !
The house of deputies concurred
with the house of bishops in choosing
Detroit .as the place of meeting for
the general convention of 1919.
St Louis, Mo., Oct. 21. Conflict
Uetween representatives of the .small
er dioceses ot tne cnurcn ana tnose
of the larger ones was expected to
day in consideration of a proposal to
change the basis of representation in
the general convention which is on
the calendar for discussion in the
house ot deputies of the Protestant
Episcopal general convention.
A special committee, headed by
Rev.i R. H. McKim, Washington, re
ported as favoring a plan of pro
portionate representation. The plan
suggested will give each diocese a
minimum representation of three lay
and three clerical delegates, with an
additional lay and clerical delegates
for each 100 clergymen resident in it,
the maximum being fixed at six lay
and six clerical delegates.
Representatives of smaller dio
ceses, most of which are in the west,
object 1o the , proposal, asserting it
would give the larger dioceses, such
as those of New York, Pennsylvania,
Massachusetts and Chicago, the bal
ance of power in the convention.
K memorial for the province of the
Pacific i coast, asking that the con
vention go on record as favoring a
general divorce law has been referred
to 'the commission on holy matri
mony. ,
Urging that without affiliating it
self with any "political scheme" the
church take a larger interest in the
work of improving the masses, three
leaders of the church spoke at a joint
meeting of the houses.
Husband and Wife Sue
In Two Divorce Cases
Rolla M.1 Goodrich, a railroad
brakeman, has filed suit for divorce
against Marie Goodrich. They were
married in July of this year. ,
John C, Denton, is named defendant
in asuit for divorce filed by Helen
E. Denton. Extreme cruelty is al
leged. The Dentons were married No
vember 28, 1910.
The office of the election com
missioner will be open until 9 p. m,
on the following days for the reg
istration of voterc for. the Novem
ber election:
October 23 to 27, Monday to Fri
day, inclusive.
Registration for the November
election close on f riaay, uctober
For the convenience of South
Side voters, registration will be
held Thursday and Friday, Octo
ber 19 and 20, from noon until 9
p. m. in the Water board office in
the old South Omaha city hall.
All who have changed their place
of residence since last fall must
register again. . ,
Spirit of f 76
jl I .
Demos Scheme to
Bull Moosers
Special Effort to Lend Color to
Statement of Switch Falls
"The Nebraska Wj.lson Independent
league" is having hard"-ledding, ac
cording to reports received yesterday.
Ostensibly the purpose of the promot
ers is to make it appear there are in
this state a class of voters not hitherto
aligned with democracy, but who are
now inclined to the- Wilson stanaara.
A special effort is being made to get
in a few, progressives and thus lend
color to the charge that progressives
of this state are not lined up solidly
for. Hughes. The backbone of this
new Nebraska Wilson Independent
league is made up of regular demo
crats, to give the organization' some
color of existence. , 1 V' ', ,
Progressives,' however, refuse to be
identified with the league, for the
limnle reason that thev are members
of such organizations as Hughes and
Fairbanks clubs, Young Men's Re
publican clubs and Hughes clubs.
il mosi striKing msiancc m mc ten
ure of the new Wilson league to en
list members other than regular dem-
Territoryjn china
Mile Square Seized at .. Tien
Tain and French , Soldiers
in Complete Control.
Peking, Oct 21. A square mile of
territory adjoining the French con
cession at Tien Tsin has been forcibly
seized by the French consul with the
assistance of troops.. The Chinese
police were arrested and Frenchman
substituted for them. Replying to a
protest from the Chinese foreign of
fice the 'French legation at Peking
replied it assumed the responsibility
for any violence that might result
from the action.
The district occupied by the French
isthickly populated, and the Chinese
are threatening violence, as they have
stubbornly resisted for many years
annexation to the French concession
and in, its protest to the French le
gation the foreign office gave .warn
ing that it would not be responsible
if violence resulted.
The Chinese press is violently, as
sailing the cation of the French, as
serting. that it surpasses Japanese tac
tics and is actual warfare against de
fenseless china.
In the Car Shortage
Worst is td Come
New York, Oct. 21. Railroads of
the United States are. suffering from
the greatest shortage of cars ever ex
perienced at this time of the year, ac
cording to figures made public here.
September 30 there was a net short
age' of 61,0.30 cars. This compares
with a surplus of 1.11,027 cars Octo
ber 1, 1914, and 78,299 on the corre
sponding date last year.
The. greatest shortage is in box
cars, totaling 33,016, while coal and
gondola cars total 19,872. The great
est shortage of box cars is in the
granger states. Railway men say the
nigh point of the shortage will be
reached next month.
Case Continued When
Witnesses Are Absent
Inability of some of the witnesses
to be present resulted in the con
tinuance of the preliminary examina
tions of Milford W. Baker, alias J. W.
Green, and Florence Baker, alias Mrs.
J. W. Green, charged with having vio
lated the Mann white slave act
Line Up Former '
for WilsonFizzles
ocrats is evidenced by the following
telegrams exchanged between Arthur
G. Wray of York, .Neb.,, and G. L. .E.
Klingbeil of this city, the latter hav
ing been identified with the progres
sives: York, Nrb. Oct. id Mr. Kllnlblal, Pro.
treMBlve Committeeman, Omaha: Art form
Inff Nebraska WlUon Independent leasue.
devoted aolelr to ro-electlon of Wlleon. If
you favor Wlleon'a re-election, may we use
your name an .one of league'! vice preel
dente along with other and Join In appeal
to votoref It anewer favorahfe, wire ma at
York, my expense. ARTHUR O. WRAY.
Omaha. Out. II. Arthur 0. Wray, York,
Neb.: . In reply to your telegram aeKIng If
1 favor Wueon'a ra-aleotlan, will y that
I connlder "Woodrow Wlleon one of the weak
est men that hie ?. appeared In American
nuhltc life. Ain dolna all I ean to aeelet
In the election of Charlea JFL Hughee, whom
I consider one of the beet friends the com
mon ueoole of this country hava -Over had.
All Ilia official acta hava been IB the Interest
of the great mass of the people f tnla coun
try rather than tn favor of t Interest of
the rew people or inis country, in my
Judgment the administration . of. Wilson Is
weak and vasclllating. His sabmlMlon to
force tn the pamage of the Adamaon' meas
ure for political reasons- only has but one
logical effect and -that la to . spread . tha
doctrlna .of discontent, anarchy, and . so
cialism. '
I cannot understand how you, It you were
sincere In working with me for the poltoton
and principles of tha progreseve party, ean
now abandon all you formerly subscrbed to
and enlist under tha reactionary demooratlo
t regret that our mutual political aotlvl
tlea- which oommenoed with the progressiva
movement now finds us with entirely oppo
site views. . a. L. B. KLINUBBUU
Man Nebraska Towns Will
Send Instructors to Con
vention Here.
The local committee in charge of
arrangements for the convention of
the Nebraska State Teachers' asso
ciation went over some details in a
meeting at noon at the Commercial
club.' Dr. H. A. Senter Is again to
distribute his daily bulletins to the
program and other matters of inter
est. Miss Jessie E. Robeson is to
have charge of the reception of teach
ers at the trains. Miss Jeanette New
lean is to have charge of the infor
mation bureau.
More city superintendents from all
over 'the state are. still writing the
bureau of publicity to say that 'their
entire corps of teachers are coming.
Schuyler has agreed to give the
teachers the necessary time and also
to pay their" railway fare both ways,
writes Superintendent John A. True.
Superintendent E. M. Hosman of Ar
lington says the whole Arlington
staff is coming. Superintendent Sim
mons says the force is coming -from
Springfield. Superintendent F. A.
Jones gives assurance that the Bert
rand force is coming. The force of
eleven1 teachers from Valley will at
tend, according to Superintendent M.
A. Sams of that place. Bellwood's
teachers are to be here, says Super
intendent J. W. bahlstrom ot that
tlace. Superintendent Marion H.
.yman of EHc City says two days
have been granted and the teachers
will be here. Alice M. Thomas of
Uehling says the Uehling force will
Cedar Bluffs and Bazile Mills are
two towns where the teachers are not
to be allowed the necessary time to
attend the convention.
Hughes Spends Day
At Rest in Montclair
New York, Oct. 21. Charles JR.
Hughes' -remaining campaign tours
will include trips through New Eng
land, New York state, Ohio and In
diana, winding up here with speeches
at Madison Square Garden, Novem
ber 4. He will, resume his speech
making here Tuesday, October 24.
Mr. Hughes spent today resting in
Montclair, N. J. - . .
After Stubborn Fighting Cen
tral "Powers' Forces Win
Victory at Tuzal and
Storm Heights.
Through Somme Region Allies'
v Attacks Fail, but Fighting
Berlin (Via London), Oct. 21-
German troops have forced theirway j
into several points of the main posi
tions of the Russians and Roumanians
touth of Rachova, On the Danube, in
The troops of the central powers
captured the Black Sea town of Tuila
after stubborn fighting and stormed
the heights northwest of. Toprai Sari
and "the heights northwest of Mul
ciova. , j
Some 5,000 Russians have been cap
tured by the Teutonic and Bulgarian
forces and twenty-two machine gum
were taken. '
On the Somme battle field heavy
firing continues, says' the official state-
ment given out by-the German army.,
headquarters staff. English attack
on the German positions between Le
Sars and Fau L'Abbaye failed.
' A conference in which all the lead
ing ministers of the German federal
states will participate wilt be held in
Berlin today. Invitations for the
meeting were issued by the imperial
chancellor, Dr. von Bethmann-Holl-weg.
The conference will deal with '
f(on problems, mainly the question
of providing the empire with pota
toes for- the winter.
; Repulse of Serbians .j-
Sofia, Oct. 20. (Via London, Oct.
21.) The repulse of all Serbian at
tacks in the Cerna Bend is tlaimed in
the- official atatement Issued by the
war office today. The statement
says: " f ' ,
' "'Macedonian front: Desperato
fighting continues in the Cerna Bend.,
the Serbians displaying particular ob
stinacy in their efforts to advance, but
we repulsed all attacks by .our fire
and counter attacks. Enemy 'at
tempts to advance toward Tarriova
and the summit of Dobroupolje failed, ,
"At the foot of the Belaschitsa
mountain we dispersed an enemy
company which was trying to en
trench on (herailway north of Dova
Tepe. On the Struma front the ene
my bombarded inhabited places, in- .
eluding Seres." ' - '
r British Make Headway. .
London. Oct. 21. The British on
the Somme front 'have made addi
tional Headway in their push toward
Bapaume along the main road from
Albert, according to today i an-y
nouncement by the war office, which
records a gain of ground near Butte
de Warlcncourt The. statement
reads: i -
"During the night further progress
was made in the neighborhood of
Buttf de Warlencourt. There was in
termittent shelling by the earemy on
our front north and south of the
LAncre. , I '
We successfully raided enemy
trenches south of Neuve Chapelle." t
. Russia Admiti Defeat. , -Petrograd,
Oct. 21. (Via Londdn.)
An attack on the Russo-Roumanian'
lines in Dobrudja by Field Marshall .
von Mackensen's forces yesterday '
resulted in the loss to the defenders
of the village of Kokardja, the war
office announced today. Later at- '
tacks on the entente lines in the sama
region were repulsed.
Germany Proposes
War Loan of Close
, To Three Billions
. '" v - ...
Amsterdam, Oct 21. Advices re
ceived here from Berlin are to the
effect that a bill will' be introduced
in the Reichstag Saturday asking for '
a new war , credjt of 12,000,000,000
marks, o $2,856,000,000. , . : , '
Barge Wrecked and
Crew is Drowned
Cleveland, 0 Oct. 21. A "wireless
message received today from the pas
senge steamer Western Stares, which
left Detroit for Cleveland this morn
ng, said the steamer was standing by
the wreck of a barge and that six of
the crew were drowned; one had been
rescued and one was still in the rig
ijing., Th barge is believed to beMhe D. ,
; . Filer, owned by the Hines Trans
portation company of Chicago, )
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Thousand Mark
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