Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Blacksmiths Consider
. Raise in Price List
Hastings, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special
Telegram.) The proposed price list
including several increases is the big
question which faces the convention
of the Nebraska Association of Black
smiths. Horseshoers and Wheelrights.
convention opened this morning with
about 350 members in attendance.
Potatoes at Hemingford
Are Bringing High Price
Hemingford, Neb'., Oct. 20. (Spe
cial.) At public sale of potatoes
and live stock held at Hemingford
Monday .field run Ohios it-ought
$1.05, Triumphs $1.25 and Eurekas
96 cents per bushel.
TJie entire crop of John Mabin's
farm was sold, about 8.000 bushels.
Potatoes here are about one-third
sold and there are about thirty-five
cars in process of loading all the
time, with shipments running about
twenty-five cars a day. Only two
days so far has there been any car
shortage. While the crop is not un
usual, the price is very much aboi'e
the average. Several new fifty-car
storage cellars are being built.
Guardsmen Bound Over foi N
Stealing Two Automobiles
Douglas, Arii., Oct. 20. Six mem
bers of the Fifth New Jersey in
fantry and two regulars from the
Sixth field artillery waived prelimi
nary hearing today and were bound
over to await action of the superior
court in Tombstone on the charge of
stealing two automobiles. Friends of
the soldiers say they took the cars
for a "joy ride."
now in session at tha court house. It
ts maintained oy tne supporters ot
the proposed changes that the ad
vance in the prices on iron and wood
have made increased prices on the
work of blacksmiths imeperative. The
Everybody read! Bee Want Ad
Every Child Who Comes Here on Saturday
to have their hair bobbed will be presented with a charming little Parasol.
It is a.really truly parasol, for it opens and shuts just like mother's.
, Switches; $1.50 Values, 89c
these switches of natural wavy hair.
3.00 Switches, 8 separate strands natural, wavy hair, priced $1.98
Hair Good. Second Floor. .
Number Is
Douglas. -
Large Chrysanthemums White and yellow, BULBS "
regular price 25c. Saturday, each . . . '. 15 f TulP Bulb. All colors, doien .... 15
. ... , , Hyacinth. Single and double, dozen.. 39
California Violet. jO in bunch 19 Narcii.u. Per doien 19
Entrance to Pompelan Room
The Prices We Quote Are Lowest Anywhere For Values like These
WE HAVE ASSEMBLED hundreds of women's garments for this sale, ancTbecause we bought this lot when market conditions were nearer normal than they are today, we are enabled to give
VOU thfi nPTlPTlf-. fit nnr fnraain4if now with rvrinoa fViof nnf rnlir ocoiiia it ertrA onvlnm V.,-,4- lr. t .' 1 i.i, . tu 1 ; n
V1VU,6U nun, w " ""io oaYiugo, uui aiou uic ttuuuiuiicu ttssuiance uiai uiey ate mc luwcsi in une viiy.
Suits at $19, $25 and $35
(ttl Pretty and smart models, in good qual-
B I Jy ity Poplins and Gabardines; some with'
fur edcinir. others with fanrv fnllnrs nnrl
belts, and many with pretty button-trimmed effects ; all
colors; women's and misses' sizes. Values up to $30.00.
dQP An extraordinary assortment of the
,nXJj smartest models of the season. This lot
t contains manv samnlps Suits wnrrh r
to.f40.00. Rich Broadcloths, pretty Gabardines and Pop
lins, fur and braid trimmings; all good colors and sizes..
dQP; Wonderful lot of high grade Suits.
aOnjO Some beautifully fur-trimmed; soft Ve-
X lours, rich Rrnarlr-lntha urit-h f,,
collars; smart checked Velours, etc. Some samples and
odd suits in the lot worth up to $50.00. Every good
color and size for women and misses.
Dressy Blouses for Evening Wear
We have just received a new shipment of Blouses, copies of kigh
priced imported models. -
New Runian Blou.e., in georgette crepe. Suit colors or novelty
$15.00 to $28.75
aj 9eorett Crepe Blouses Lace, beadedor embroidery-trim-
mcu Htuucia. Exceptional oiouses, at, -
$5.00 to $25.00
ur.i.y lc. Blou.e. Cream, white, flesh and black. 85.00 to $25.00
Dainty Lingerie Blou.e., in marquisette, voile and linen, $2.95 to $6.98
t Diouse onop second rioor.
Drugs, Toilet Goods, Soaps
Palmolive Shampoo, 50c size, spe
cial, at 29
Graves Tooth Powder, can. . . 14
Lustrite Nail Enamel, 25c cake 14
Jergen's Benzoin Almond Lotion
for, Igk
Lucile Faee Powder, jl.00'size box
for ........ 594
Babcock's Violet Water, $1.00 size
for ....v , K04
Kolynos' Tooth Paste, 25c size, 16
""Stillman's FreckleCream, 60c size
ir 29C
Palmer's Almond Meal, 25c size
for- ....14c
Gillette Razor Blades, $1 pkg.75
Rubberset Shaving Brushes.. 19
Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound, $1.00 size.... i.. ....63c
Kilmer's Swamp Root, $1.00 bottle
tor ...63c
Wyeth's Lithia Tablets, 8-grain,
per Douie 14
ijupucuc ruis, Dome oi 1UU..ZJS
rnuap him Magnesia, one size
tSLiu.' ; -jm v.- -3W
ueirwj juaney rills, ouc size
tor .39c
Glycothymaline, $1 size bottle 75c
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, 60c
size for 33J
Fletcher's Castoria, 36c size.. 19
Gem Jr. Safety Razor, complete
with blades; reg. $1. outfit. .49
Physicians' and 'Surgeons' Soap, 1
cakes for A
Cocoanut Oil Soap, 7 cakes for 25C
Aims ureen soap, jar ......
4J11 White; Rose Glycerine Soap,
per cake 12
Pure Castile Soap, 1-lb. bar. . 11
Kirk's Juvenile Soap, cake.... 6C
Neckwear in a Special Sale
Prices All Decidedly Reduced
HERE IS OPPORTUNITY again, for every woman who
wants to lay in a stock 6i Neckwear and pay much less than
worth. v " 1 ' . N ' , ' .
Imported Lawn Collars, in a wonderfully complete showing hand em
broidered and lace trimmed; in large, round and medium shapes; values
8c,to $1.25, at , ........75c
GEORGETTE COLLARS, all the-latest and most exclusive styles, in small
and medium sizes; hemstitched, lace and embroidery trimmed; values
60c and 69c, at ...35c
"-Very good values in different size collars of broadcloth, at 50f
Women's Soft Black Kid Shoes,
With Eight-Inch Uppers
We have several hundred pair ready for Women who ap
preciate the sterling qualities that these Shoes possess. And
as we will be unable to duplicate these, we would suggest that
you .do your shopping early on Saturday morning.
Long forepart, high tops and leather Louis heels ; a remarkable offer
ing at $5.50 a pair. . '
Boys' and Girls' Shoes at Lowest Prices
Girls' sizes, 6 to 8, VALUES from $1.49 to $1.98, at. .' $119
Girls Shoes, 8tt to 11 and 11& to 2, at $149
Boys' Shoes, from 8 to 13, in several styles; vaL $2.48 to $2.98, $l!9g
Rubbers for Women Are Ready
Storm Rubbers or Low Rubbers, any style heel or toe 751
Women's "Foothold" Rubbers, any style . . . . 50
, , Main Floor.
Stylish Coats, $15, $19, 25
Choice lot of beautiful Coats, in heavy
Mixtures, Velours, Cheviots, etc., show
ing all the' smart coat features of the
A wonderful group of Coats in
Plushes, Velours, Novelties, etc., in all
t good colors, with the large capf collars,
wide belts, flowing bottoms, etc. .
' At $25
Girls' Dresses and Goats-Great Variety
Girls' Coats V
$3.98, $6.98 and $10.00
$2.98, $3.98 and $5.00
Smart little frocks for the
school gitfs; in Serges,
Plaids and Checks; made in
pretty combinations. Effec
tive pleated skirts and high
waisted models, all good col
ors and sizes.
G i r 1 s'-" Dresses Exclusive
models, in silks and velvets
For dress and party wear,
At $12.50, $15.00,
$19.00 and $22.50
Dainty mod'els for the
daily occasions and also -for
dress-up wear. . Pretty, light
colored silk- party frocks.,
smart colored taffeta, plaid
and satin frocks. Rich and
dressy, colored velvet smart
modeled frocks.
Exclusive Model
Coats, $15, $19,
$22.50 and $25
are exclusive, in Velvets, Ve
lours, ' ' Corduroys, Broad
cloths, etcK Many full silk
lined and with big, fur col
lars and linings. Choice col
ors, such as rose, light blue,
wine, green, etc -
Second Floor.".
At $3.98 Girls' Coats in a
great variety of smart wov
en materials. Made with
high collars, pockets and
belts. Sizes 2 to 6 and 6
to 14.
At $6.98 Wonderful val
ues in good, heavy Chin
chilla Coats, pretty mixtures.
Heavy cheviots, novelty
cloths, etc. Large cut long
coats. Sizes 2 to 6 and
6 to-14.
At $10.00 Smart little mod
els, in plush, velours, plaids,
mixtures, broadcloths, chin
chillas, etcM with velvet 'col
lars. Boxy backs, wide
flared ; large, fancy pockets,
pretty trimmings, etc. Col
ors arc rich navy, green,
brown and gray.,- Sizes 2 to"
6 and 6 to 14. "
Wpmea's and Children's Underwear
1,000 Garments. Bought from New York Mills
THIS IS A SPECIAL" PURCHASE from the "Forest," "High Grade" and "Esseck"
Mills-r-ALL WOOL, many Silk and Wool. Some part Wool and others of fine Cotton.
Third to Half Below Regular for Saturday
Women's Union Suiti Silk tops and lisle body. Pink
and white. Cuff knee. Reinforced underarm shield.
Regular and extra sizes. , Worth $1.25, at. . . .79c
Women's Silk and Wool and Part Wool Union Suits
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long sleeves)
low neck and sleeveless; ankle lengths. Regular and
extra sizes. Positively worth to $3.00- Saturday
for .....81.69
Women's Part Wool Union Suiti Dutch neck, elbow
sleeves; high neck, long sleeves; white and natural
color; size o only. Worth $, at. .
Women's Part Wool Vests Dutch
neck, elbow sleeves; high neck, long
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves ; high neck,
long sleeves; ankle lengths
Boys' and Girls' Silk and Wool and Part Wool Union
Suits Worth to $1.50 79
Worth to
Women's Sleeveless! Union Suits Knee and ankle
lengths. Tailored band and crochet, beading tops.
All sizes. Medium weight and fleecy lined cottons.
Worth to 85c, at 50c
Women's Fleeced Cotton Union Suits
High neck, long sleeves; . ankle
Women's Vests in part wool and all
cotton; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves;
high neck, long sleeves; size 6 only. .
Boys'' and Girls' Union Suits Fleecy
lined cottons
Worth to
Worth to 69c,
Silk and Wool Vest. , Wo,ih I.
Infants' All-Wool Vests I 75,.,
Children's Vests and Pants Partf q
wool and all cotton. ZOC
Girls' Vasts and Pants Part
and silk and wool
Women's Thread Silk Hosiery In,
all the wanted shades lor street
and evening wear. .... .$1.00
Women's Fiber Silk and Mercer
ized Lisle Hos Full fashioned
and seamless; spliced soles, heels
and toes. 3 pairs for $1.00. Per
pair 35c
Hosiery for All the Family
Women's Fiber Silk Hose All col
ors; also black and white; extra
quality, at 59c
Boys' and Girls' Hosiery In plain
and mercerized lisle ; spliced soles,
heels and toes. Special Satur
day, at 25C
Main Floor.
Women's Fiber Silk Hon In
black and white; some colors. Reg
ular 85c values, at -v. 25
Men's Fiber Silk Hose Black and
all colors, good weight, at. .25
Infants' Cashmere and Silk and
Wool Hose, at. 25
Smart Coats, that show every idea of
the season, embroidered in the high-,
priced models. The wonderfully full
swagger cut; the large cape collar, wide, single and
double half belts, etc. Rich- Colored Velours, Soft,
Silky Plushes, Novelty Mixtures. Some with fur trim
mings and heavy linings. '
Nemo Corsets and Your Health
Three things are most important to women In the wearing of corsets
Comfort, Style and Quality. '
NEMO CORSETS possess all three of these, and our fitters never lose
sight of what is fashionable. At the same time they give you corset serv
ice that preserves your figure and your health. All fittings free.
Nemo 402 A self-reducing corset for short, heavy figure. The improved
partly elastic Nemo Relief Bands take up, support and reduce - fl4 AA
a heavy abdomen. Sizes 22 to 86 sjTf.UU
Nemo 512 A popular model for large women who wish to be small below
the waist The triple reduction-elastic bands and gores at bottom of skirt
make corset fit snugly when standing and insure comfort C AA
when seated. Sizes 22 to 32 ; . , JO.UU
Nemo 338 forSlender Figure "It rests the back," induces an tf O AA
erect carriage and, free breathing. Sizes 20 to 26. tyJsUU
Second Floor.
That's the Story in a Nutshell
And that extra Pair of Pants "'
with the suit ypu buy for ' wSti.
your boy means that the suit S v -...;. 1... n b
niu tast tmtc aa mug, iui
the big part of thq wear and
tear comes on the pants. We
are offering these Twlr Pair
Pant Suits in the best of fab-
tina onrl mnlraa at-
$3.45 to $12.50 f
Boy' Mackinaw
Over 800 Mackinaws here to pick from. Three-
fourths of them are the popular SKATE
POCKET STYLE, the kind you are all going to
want. If you don't get one you are going to
be disappointed. '.
Bright, new plaid effects In different shadings-
browns, reds, blues, tans, greens and grays. Lots
of them in pinch-back styles; many half lined.
Others with caps to match. Ages
to 18 years. S3. 19 "to.
' $8.50
d - 1 . 1 1 t '
Little Fellows' Suits
Junior Norfolks, Tommy Tucker and Billy Boy Styles.- Blue serges,
brown serges and corduroy suits in different colors. Cassimeres, in
grays, browns and blue and a big assortment of mixtures. A separate
white collor with every "suit. Ages 2 to 8 years. CO jlf?
$4.00 to t5.00 values, at .'. jW.4D
Boys' Overcoats Galore, $2.75 to $15.00
For little fellows 1H to 10 years,- Older styles for ages 11 to 18 years.
' , Third Floor.
Washable Kid Gloves--For Saturday
instances even below as a special inducement for Saturday
Atla-'a Pa in'. bnJ AnAAJ 1. 1. 1 1-1 1
nu.i.. a, ....... b Mu uav.iiw guaiBUVCCU waBIIUUie 1UU glOVCS '
At $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 P.i?. v,"
Women's full pique sewn Kid Gloves, in white, with or without ...
e. P"-" ........SI 2K
broidered bad
numcn . uuAMn illu ui.uvt.9t
Leatherette and ChKmoisette ; same fith and others without black em-
mrlprerl haplrN! Home colors, hut the mninrtfv whit.. . '
broidered backs; some colors, but the majority white
59c, osc, aac, $i.uu and $1.25 a Pair.
Long White Kid Gloves, 16-button length; Perrin's make; rnn'il. ti rn'
For Saturday, at m
MnnnnMnnMnnn--nMt.s......n........nn.nMinnsnnnn.... ror aaiurqay, ai t. , 82 75
Lever Movement
and Case Retrular
Very Small IB-Jewel
Solid Gold Bracelet
1 $26.00 value; aaie
price i
Very Small Odd Bracelet Watchea Both
cylinder and lever movements, in 10 and
20-year sold filled caies and. bracelet.
Worth $10.00 to $16.00, g (jg
Very Small IS-Jewel Lever Movement, 20
Year Gold Filled Bracelet and Case
Regular price, $16.00; sale 10 QQ
5-0 Site Elgin Bracelet WatchWith 20
year gold filled bracelet and case. Hega-
X:.!"'001.'"1 $15.00
Vr Smll Cold-FilM Bnultt and Ciis
?-jevl nickel movement; 4i QD
SS.00 slues
Women's Watches
Very Small Open Face Women' Watchea
Gilt or white dial; 7 -jewel American move
ment in a guaranteed 2 (J -year goid fi led
cane; regular $10.00 values; QO
sale price, Saturday O
Women' O Size Elfin Watches Open faee
and hunting cases; gold filled and guaran
teed tar zu years. Keguiar price try QO
C fJ
$12,98, sale iprice. .
Iff t
nr . i
12 and 16-Sixe Elgin
Watchea Like cut.
in open iace
o r hunting.
Gold - Filled
Regular $10
Cases. Guar
anteed 20 yrs.
values. These
are exception
al values, and
the quantity
is 1 i m i ted.
12 and 1 0 -Size Watch
movements, open face, gold-filled
guaranteed for 20 years. These are won
derful timepieces; regular $10
values, Saturday,' at
American lever
. .$5.00
12 Sin Elgin Watches Ope face, gold
filled, Fahy a and Wads worth cases, guar
anteed for 25 years. Beautiful ClAQQ
enameled dexigns. Worth $20. . fl V..70
16 Slsa Waltfaam lS-Jewel Open Face
Watchea In l!0-year gold filled Wads
worth cases. Regular price, Clfl Art
$17.50; sale price d) 1U.UU
Sterling Sliver Cream Ladles, Ollva Spoons.
Pickle Forks, Sugar Spoons, Bon Bon
Spoons, Etc. These are won- MXa
derful values. Saturday 47k
Diamonds,' also, in a remarkable display, ABOUT A THIRD BELOW REGULAR. -
In some instances the quantity is limited, therefore if you would not be disappointed
COME EARLY. We reserve the right to limit the quantity to each customer.
Pearl Beads
With solid gold clasps.
$1.50, at. s
Diamond Jewelry
Diamond Set Lavallieres Solid gold
chain and pendarft, set with three small
cut stones. Regular price,
$10.00; sale price
Diamond Set Scarf Pins Beautiful de
signs, set with small genuine eut dia
monds; regular price, $6 to
$7; sale price, Saturday,...
Diamond Set Bracelet Solid gold, tat
with genuine cut uiamoau and real
pearls; regular prices, $40 ttOfl AA
to $36; tale price , fiU.UU
Fines Gold Filled Cuff Links Hand en-
graven designs. Keguiar si
and $1.(0 values.
Gold Filled' La valllerea Very pretty de
signs, gale price Satur- i rn,
day t OUf
Genuine Cameo Brooch ea-Pink
colored gold leaf designs. 1 AA
Regular, $2, at f l.UU
Solid Gold Jewelry
Men's Solid Gold Scarf Pins
Dainty deicns ; regular
II and $1.60 QW
values, Saturday. . . , VVp
Solid Gold Waldemar
Chain Regularly worth
b ana $; Saturday
Solid Gold Circle P Ins
Like eut; 2 on card; regu
lar price, $1; CA
sale price, pair OV,
Solid Gold Pendants
Beautiful deuigns; regular
$2.00 values; t1 Hft
ale price fLUU
Coral Cameo Rings Real coral in SOLID
GOLD MOUNTING. Regular $6.00 val-
pu,"..".':. ,...$1.98
Solid Gold Set Rings for Wom
en $1.00 values
Women's Solid Gold Set Rings Beauti
ful designs, set with all color semi-precious
stones and real' pearls. Regular
prices $8.00 and $4.00, $1 98
Solid Gold Brooches Beautiful designs
and neavy weight. Worth
$3.00; saleVrlce.
Solid Gold Pendant and Chain Livallieres
beautiful designs; on sale ' tfl QO
Saturday, at $1.20
Solid Gold Cuff Links With filled pott.
Fancy engraved and signet styles : $2.00
ana tz.ou values,
at , ; ...
ci nn
Gold Filled Jewelry
U in
Gold Filled Baby Locket and Cham
Locket opens and ha nput for two pic
utres. Soldered link chain. Regular $1.00
ana si.ou values;
Saturday, at. ,
Men's Chains Gold filled
ragularly worth $2.00;
sal price 7. . ,
Genuine Cttmoo Scarf Pins Pink shell.
Keguiar price, $2.00; CO A
sale pric UJy7
Waldemars ;
Diamond Rings
Women' Diamond Rings
Fancy setting. Pure white eut
diamond. Weight 10-100.
Regularly sold for $12.00
.8t,tu.rd"r'... ...... '...$6.98
Misses' Diamond Kings rure
white, nicely cut stones; gold " QQ
mountings. Worth $5.00, at 7.70
1-6 Carat Pure White Perfect Cut Dia
mondsIn solid gold Tiffany mountings.
dVy?i.v.".':.s:t.,,.r:....; $10.00
Pure White, Perfect Cut Diamonds, In 14k.
slotd gold Tiffany mountings. Weight,
H -caret;,
sale price
A Few Half Carat Diamonds Pure white
stones, in 14k. solid gold Tiffany mount
Intra, i
at ....
1-3 Carat Pure White, Perfect Cut Dia
monds In 14k. solid gold Tiffany mount
ings. A few Saturday,
at ..,
Other 1-3 Carat Diamonds
Worth $6$ to $60, like cut, at
Pure White, Perfect Cut Diamonds 98-100
to 60-100, In 14k solid gold Tiffany mount-4
Ings. Sale price,
per carat
Diamond Ear Ring, Brooches, Scarf
Pins, etc. Wonderful values, at about OOc
on the dollar.
NOTE W guarantee the grade
value of every diamond we sell.
$1 1.98V $16.50
. $38.00 a $4Q.OO
$110.00 j $125.00
Clocks ranch rr silnr.
Ivory ailv.r sod told pl.t-
td: also solid brus clock
V.rr pretty ihspet ,iid
(tusrantaed tlmo piscos
jboiit ten different styles.
5?!!tor ."r,I. 0 to
16.00: ..I. A. ma
sturdy ai.Ha
S-Dy Tim. Solid Mskofu. aKks 214.
16 0" ..I. " ". reulr price.
Mantel Clocks
o inches; regular oriaa !
10.00; S.trd.y. .tP .$5.00.
S-D.y Tim., Rich Cold Plated 1 I..t,
.,".'nchV! "ul" Pic, to no
7.80; ul. prtc. V $0.98
J-D Tim., Rich Gold PI...J u.ti u
.n... nnuisr price, 110.00: 1 tC AC
Alarm Clock. IU
Pcating alarm. 11.15
at ....
S-D.y Brass Clocks.
Strike, sons.- half.
hour on cup bell;
regular 111.60 val
ues; 8at
.1 . f l.VV