A Wan t-Ad Rates ifiH ulTH nKIIKIk Mr mt word each Insertion (Set Bolld no display.) Ai. Baiananliail r.r Rat In DUDlaV StylO. io per line ;,OMHti!lI. 7c per IIm three coneecutlve Unwi (Count lis words to the une.1 CHAKOB KATES. uv S 1 To l tlno ime i"- thl line I V LOU II I. mi wmvt - - " Special Batoil 70 Per line -thre. consecutive time. IF (Count alt words to the lln.) foreign advertising under agents to ter word'" ' oni m I lUc per word'.'.'.'.'.'.'thrM coniecutlvo times NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAW A TOTAL OF Mo OR LESS THAN. s lee A DAY. ' CARD OF THANKS. DEATH AND FU- lOo per lino., ,aeh Insertion iiii.l.n. -Uarrm KA Pint!.) MONTHLY RATH FOR 8TAND1NO ADS (Mo cnang. 01 ww -t n . Two UnNWlnon ,...Per (Count ,1s wordj to in, un-j N (Contrut ratM on implication.) TS8 BEK will nof b reroomlbl, for nior. tlumftM orderod lor mor, thn on, tlm,. ADVERTISERS should retain receipts given Th. nM in nurnant for Wants Ads, as no mistake can be rectified without them. USB THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently. bring or aent In your ads. Ask for a Want-Ad Taker, and you will rt oelv, th, same good service as when de livering your d at tno oiiic. PHONE TYLER 100D. w.u-in rnrtlUNl CLOSE. .jTvTtNINO EDITIONS "."A,!if S wnnMthrn RDTTION8. P- MOVIE PROGRAM CevToal aflWtan (CkugMl Dally.) Downtown. Hi FARNAIi FARNAH. MARIS DORO, 'THE WHITE PEARL" VfemrFfiS. 1317.11 DOUOLAS Bluebird, Redfsather and Unlvtroal Productions lo PrMented Hero For lo a d I'm tii re. -TH8 BLACK SHEEP OF THB FAMILY" . . Willi Francella Billlngton and Jack Holt. North. BUR," 34TH AND PRAOU MART M'LARBN, " ' 1M "SAVING THE FAMILY HAM?" CLIFfONT 46TH AND BURDBTTB I OCT OF THB MIST', "TANGLED TIES" "THE YELLOW MENACE" blAMONa 24TH AND LAKE . . . "no. 10, liberty" ! ' Animated weekly '1 "snorinq in high c" "brokk. but ambitious" 16TH AND BINNEY THFJ ORIP or BV11V WHO JACKIE SAUNDERS, In "HER CHOICE OF HAPPINESS" 1 KBYSTONB COMEDY -HIPPODROME, 3BTH AND "CUMINa TIROINIA PEARSON. : 1 1 ' " IN "BLAZING LOVE" LOTHROP, I4TI1 AND LOTHROP - . DONALD BRIAN, ' IN . - ' "THE" SMUGGLERS" NEW STAR, SHERMAN AVE. LOCUST S WILL SHOW GOOD PICTURES ' ; STARTING SUNDAY. . OUR OPENING DAY kURBURBAN, - 24TH AND AMES WM. PARNUU AND XATHLYN WILLIAMS, la "THB SPOILERS" IN THEIR GREAT -lt. PRODUCTION ' 8outh. ' ' ' APOLLO, 1ITH AND LEAVENWORTH HENRY KING AND MAROURETB NICHOLS, In "THE POWER OK . EVIL" BOULEVARD, 3ID AND LEAVENWORTH . , FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN AND BEVERLY BAYNB, In "A MILLION A MINUTE" COMFORT, ItTH AND VINTON THB HIGH WAY OF FATE" "BY CONSCIENCE'S BTS" ' . 'THE BODY CLERK" COMEDY ROHLFF, 1661 LEAVENWORTH TH8DA BARA. la 1 "UNDER TWO FLAGS" AND COMEDY, West bUNDEE, 1HT AND UNDERWOOD I "HEART OF CHILD" CABBY'S 'GASOLINE GLIDE'' . . THIS IB A SCREAM lfONROE, 2666 FARNAM THE WHIRLPOOL OF i : , , DESTINY" FEATURING FLORA PARKER DE HAVEN OMAHA, 40TH AND DODGE NELL CRAIG AND DARWIN KAN, In I "THB WAY OF PATIENCE" ANIMATED WEEKLY AND COMEDY South Side. OUPHEUM, I4TH AND li BESSIE BARRI8CALB, i IN "THE PAYMENT" Monument! and Cemeteries. USAUTIFUL. marker, tablets and cross (or unmarked - graves, Redman OraY I alarker Co.. 17 Hpencer BL Webster SlOt. ' v FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, ambalmers and ftl- .. neral directory T17 B. llth. Tyler lSTS. UTk. BURKET A SON Funeral directors and ambalmers. 3104 Leavenworth. Har. 10. HULMB A' R1EFEN, undertaker and a'm balmers. Til a. Iftb Ht, Douglas 1381. 1' FLORISTS. I TBEfiT OUAL1TT CUT FLOWERS plants. -Ar Combination sblppod every- when. Excellent eervloe to our custom n In 'past year recommends. HESS A BWOBODA. 1410 Farnam St., Doug. 1601. XAROB8T ASSORTMENT Of fresh flower. delivered or shipped anywhere. L HWN- DERSON. 1611 Farnam St., Doug. 1311. Er.r", lee ltHrmon . 1814 Douglas. ' Doug. 1344. PARKER Flower Shop. 411 S llth. D. 8101. A. DON AG HUtt IIM Harney. Dong. 1001. BATH, Florist. 1104 Farnam St D. HIS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th fallowing marriage licenses hav lteen Issued . Name and Addroa. . , t ' ' . Bert Brown. -Omaha. .i, ...... Nellie OLeary, Omaha.......... Claud Williams, Onuba.iMr Lonora VaUcr.,Oraaii.. 'Floyd F. Whltehom. Omaha...'. Fay L Stern, Omaha. ....... Otis Cudworttk,. Omaha,.. Asa 21 16 26 21 Italy A. Rlohardaob, Harlan, la. ...v.r 16 K a amirs Nowacsek; Omakar. . . 18 It Sophia Burasia, Omaha 1 AKI Jorgensen, Florence, Neb, 22 viara nusscu. .urei.ee, ira...,. Jsn Parts, Omaha....'......,.., Sophia Laaarska, Omaha. ..y.... Fred BrOwn, Arlington Neb..,.. Nll Polktck, Arlington. Nab... Jfalllday H. Bwlng. MlHlon, lea . Xocrotla Muster, -Omaha, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. irth-rht-lM and Bertha Leonard. I 4111 South Twenty-first, boy; F. D. and Anna Roha, 8161 La rt more avenue, girl; Vernon and Viola Guarln, 2307 North Sixty first -.venue, girl; John land Maggie Gal Iud. 111! l,othroo. girl: Harold and Stella larimer, 711 Bouin Twenty-nun nw, twin atria. ' Death Herman Burkiana, , nospnsi; i John w. Dousherty. II. hospital; Oeorge Mollner. 7. 4221 North Sixteenth; Oeorge Varhdrle, so, hospital. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS TOU loo thln--ym J here, you will surely recover It If found by an honeet person. Remarkable recov eries are brought about every day through this column. THD LAW People who una . loot articles are Interested In knowing that the state law Is strict In reoulrtng them to seek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and that a failure to do If same can bo proven, involve a rious penalty. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STRBEl RAILWAY COMPANY. Prnonl bvlnr loot ootn, mrtlel, would do w,U to call up th, offlco of tho Ornoh ds Council Bluff, Stmt Rollway company to aocortaln wbothor tbey toft It In tbo tract car. Manr artlcl, aaoh dan arr tumMt n and tb, company 1, anxloui to raator, tbm to tbo ricbtruf ownora. Tylar.100. ' LOHT A i1lmft!iit sunburst brooch some- wher, between St. Clare apartments ana Helen partments on Harney St., Tuesday evenlnsT between I and :30. Finder will please return same to St. Clare apt. No. 11 I or call Douglas 6734. Liberal reward. I IF persons having suit case and hand grips taken from auto near Harney St. Tuesday night, will return with contenta to clerk i of Merchants hotel, will receive iweniy- i Ave dollars. Five dollars for papers alono. i No questions KAyt LOST Between Davenport and Farnam on 10th St., early Friday morning! leather purse containing watch, keys and small amount of money. Harney Ml. Kewara. L08T Between the town Weston and Un derwood, two Ford tires and 1 Minnesota license. No. 104M3. Kinder pleas notify Uv Be Bldg. and receive rgwara. LOST Oreen Elk's tooth charm set with small diamond. Reward for return to 7o Brand Is Theater Bid FOUND ..i .tn""!.. GREEN'S PHARMACY, Hth anr Howard. 7S REWARD Lost at Ak-Sar-Be1f ball, diamond circle platinum prooca. . Albert Kriholm, Jeweler, Douglas lsez. LOST An Alrdale pup, reward. Call So. 1101. ; 1 LOST French poodle. Reward. Box 7227, Be,. M m MM iiMiiaiii.ii'i i FOR SALE Misllaneous Purnitura itid Household Goods. AUCTION SALE OF Vurnltur, and Household flood. MONDAY, OCT. 23, AT 10 A. M. Don't Bill to atteml this sale. MAGGARD'S Van & Storage Co.,' ,. ' ' ITU Webster St.' HOT BARGAINS IN STOVES AND RANGES Thi world discovers Its most Imneratlv wants in Otrober and November, particu larly when the cold snap gets In th air. Bring your stov ana rang want to iota pig SSI. STATE FURNITURE CO.t 14th and Dodge. , Douglas 1117. STOV KB. furniture, rugs, bedding and unn or an kinas, upon uu p, Dolgoff, 1831 N. S4th BL 6ti BAHEBURNER, (26. .. , In Drfoet condition, good as new. T,nVAT. irilRNlTlIRM Prt . SIS N. lKth Ht. jiqR BALE Acorn eook stove, duplet grat. new hot water coll, 10. Call Harney 31)11. 1 l-HOLE range, base burner, roll top desk. ! Call Wal. 1074. FOR SALE 1 laria, heater and 1 kitchen range, Call collax 1286. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Ill BUYS beu(S'.ll 1200 meh'okny Vlctrola. styi pnonograpn.. jers. aik, ie ueH gla Ave, v Billiards and PocWf Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABI.KS. Bind new, caroom and pookot, will; oomplet. utflt, iii -second-Hand table, at r duoed price,; bowling alley, and supplies; easy vaymsnts. Cigar storos, drug, deli catessen and solda fountain fixtures. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO,, pi-400 south, iota st. Machinery and Engines. HEW AND SECOND-HAND MOTORI EXPERT ELECTRICIANS MAOMINISTB. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, 111-10 8. 18th St.. Omaha. boilers, steam, electrlo. gas engines. pipes, gross w rocking uo.. taivjuming. lawelrv. Diamonds and Watches. I BRODEUAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Kings" at llth and Douglas Sts. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also publio Bleno. fnon, lor pnoes. uougiss jaws. ,140 Paxton Blk. - 0,t our prtrea on job printing. - CAMPAIUN UAKlin A BrutlALTI. V. I. FTG. CO., BEE BLDG, DOUG, 1171. I WATBRS-BARNHART Ptg G. Co., quality! printing. Tel. lioug. lite, ex, p. istn si. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rent, repair, sell n41a and parts C all aewing macmnes. v NEBRASKA CTCLB CO.. llth and Harney Bta ttoug. HH. TfpewriteraMrSuppUea. NKW machtnsa sold tb nam as rnti 3 pmr month. Be us noior you nuy or rent Shipped ary plac en ten days' fre trial. Butta Typewrtur Kichang. Ill a, llth. omana. wo. TVPHWH1TKR8 aold. ranted and repaired, Rent an uuvar Typewriter, monins (or IB. Central TypewrlUng Bxohanga, lioi Farnam; . REMINOTON8. Monarch and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywnero. nenn-i Ington Typewriter Company. D. 1384. WK HUT. sell and ohango typewriters. Ouarantd typewriters nu.oo up, wnw (or list UtAland Co., Boo Bldg. SAVE 30 pot. on your typewriter supplies. Call Midland jo., uoug. i Miscellaneoua. Who'o setting th pao nowTS,, In th first nine month or nil v TH o, tsviK gainea e,vv rem us, . EXCEEDINtJ the COMBINKD QAIN Of th olhr two Omaha payers for, sam 10.009 FA1U Al. 'Good Results. Qood Rate. Good Servle. omaha PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat trtsses maa over in new ticas at nan the ptioe of new one. Phon ua for ample of ticking. Mail orders Mlloa. lioi Cuming St. Douglas I4IT. MY high standard of quality wilt bO'-maln- tain id; 4 quart of Old Fontenah whisky t3.lt;. DOtuea n iranv. nenrr riiw, mall order house. Doug. 11V la3-134 or I N. 16th St Hommad grap win. N$1.2S PER GALLON. Sunklat port, full quart 60 centa. Old Taylor whisky, full quart. It oeots. CACKLE! ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. Thlrt..ntb nu Douglas Bottled la bona walsky, 8 Hi. 8i.M, 61.86 full cusru . DESKS, si fee, scales, .howoasea, shelving. eto. we buy, sell. Oman. Future I Suprr Co., 414-14-16 & IStb. Doug. 8T64. I w"ANTED At enre. 26 laborer., 26o per hour; apply to general manager rnoenia construction Co.. root ol ksavonworsn. " DRT KINDLING WOlir.. ACME (BOX COMPANT. MARNET 1687. WANTED TO BUY nTTTTM AM Py Highest Price for Furniture. Rugs, Clothes, Piano. Of fie Furniture. Trunks. Hhoes. Douglas l71. Res.. Webstar 4204. DESKS DESKS DESKS New dealcg, used desks, bought , aold. and traded. J. C. Reed, 1107 Farnam. Wanted a to i-h. p. soo-voit direct current motor. Stat prio in first letter. Affinity Spark Plug Co.. til so, inn at. Sl 1 WlLlTXuy homa suitable for family coming ill from country town: .want oargam. kjson. ll 1331, Bee. .. 11 HlTjiiEST prc paid for Sd-hand cfoihea. IB 1 ehiwe. trunkal, suit re tea. I). or If. SVSI. Ill HOLMES pays your prlc for second-hand 17 1 oiothaa, snoca ana nata, wosir -iiav,' THE BEE: OMAHA. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE FOR BIDS Healed bfdi will be received October IS. 1916. for the plumbing- and heating of the general hosultal at Platnvlew, Neb., aa per plane and specllVationa by BEUTTLER A AHNOI.I), Architects, or Sioux V'lK FBBD W. BHINOER, HKCTY. 1,000 letterheads, $2.60; 1.000 envelopes, 11. THE PRINTING HOUSE OF MAUKn. Phone Doug. 774. mil Farnam St BRODEGAARD'S -'Lucky Wedding Rlogs' at lth and Douglas Htsv . DAY and Y. M. C. A. Night School. Accountants. JOHN H. CATHHAE SON (INC) Chicago, Racine, New Orleans. Public Accountants and Auditors. Systematise, Efficiency Rhsineers. J Business Councilors. Omaha Office, 1223-24 W. O. W. Bldg. H. L. Bray. Resident Manager. E. A. DWORAK. ct"f Al, T. o. KINNEY. lit Ramge Btdg. , Phone Doug. lt. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paiton-MlKhxIl Co., ?th and Martha Bta, Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION Sldo, Knife. Bo Platln. Cov. Buttons, Hmfftkrhtng. Nob. Ploatlnf ft Button Co., 431-3 paxton dik. n. ,,a. Bakeries, pantry and fancy bakery food. CAKES, supplied to parties, lodges and entertain ments. Z. H. Reeder, U0 N. ltth. W. 3937. ORTMAN S NKW KNQLAND BAKERY. 312 N. 16tb HT. BRANCHES PUBLIC MARKET AND HAVI1KN nROTHKRH "OUR MOTTO" BETTER BAKED GOODS. LET l!H PROVE IT. Baths. DR. BRNDA Sulphur. ,team. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MAHSAGE. Private apartments for ladles, with lady attend ants. Ills Farnam. Phone Doug. 6B77. Dr. W. H. Knollenberg. combining Sulpbur Steam Baths it Chiropractic treatments. 12 for $80: single adjusting. 11. Lady at tendants. S. W. Cor; 24th & Far. St. D. 7!li. RITTENHOUSE Pnnllerliim ;all kinds barhs. 3)0-214 BMIrd Blk., I7lh and Douglas. Buttons and Pleating. VAN ARNA.ll Drese Pleating and Button Co., 380.7 Paxton Blk.. Doug. s!0:!accor- dlon, knife, side, space,, box, sunburst and combination pleating, Xlemstlchlng, plcot edging, pinking, ruching, covering button,; all styles and alses. Price list free. Carpenters and Contractors. C. W. Hokanson. 2G0S Leaven'th. Ty. 210 l-J. Lessard t Bon, 1000 Capitol Ave. TyleflHi. Attorney at Law. FRANCIS UUROAN, 618 Bee. Dougla, Ml. ' " Caterers. AN EXPERIENCED CATERES", excellent uvun, eiai:mi atiensiun 10 paciies anu oun day dinners; prices reasonable. Har. 4860. Cleaning and Preaiinr. BUTT8 pressed, 36o; cleaned and presnd, $1, rnu ureenston, nite Harney, Kea 171. W. Madsen, 2016 Leavenworth, Tyler Hit, W. MADHEW. 3 6 Lwaaenworth. Tyler Chiropractic. I Drt Johnston, 1326 W. O. W. Bid. D. I()t. Chiropractic and Spina! Adjustment Dr. Uurhoin, Kose Bide:. Palmer school graduate. Doug. 6347, DR. KNOLLKNBERO, S. W. Corner 14th and Fainam Bts. Phone Douglas 7206. Dr. Frances Dawson, 602-1 Roso Bid. T. 2J. Dr. J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8461. Costumes. THEATRICAL gowns, full dreas suits, for rent. zu4 n. i.tn. jonn Feldman. D. 8118. Dressmaking:. FOR STYLE, reasonabls price In your fall presses; sea Atkinson uo 1803 Farnam. WANTED Dressmaking by the day; Davenport Ht. 'Douglas 7708. GOWNS and suits a specialty. Work guarau teeq. weDster 4,40. DRESMAKINU r Reasonab.l, prloes. 200 Bslrd Bldg. Terry Dressmak'g college, 10th and Farnam. F1RHT-CLA8H dressmaking. Harney 8114. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1196. , Expert Masseurs. ' MANICURING, facial massage, by expert masssuse, 117tt N. 16th St., opposite sost- unice. noora sua, aany, evenings. - Dancinir Academv. Keep Dancine Acdv-l'..'"4 Class Mon. eve, class and assembly Wed; svo.rrivais lessons any tlmo o. ,,. TV T TTYT? Danes Tues.', Thurs., Sat., Sun.; mat. & eve. school. Monday and Wednesday sve. D. 1448. Academy tor Kent Friday Kvnlngs. Dentists. - Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 112 W. O. W. Bldg. Taft'a Dent. Rms., 201 Rose Btdg. D. 8186. Express Companies. I TWIN CITY Express Co.. 1621 Cass St, Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty. Anywhere 25c. Web. 2104, Evenv thine for Women. ' ApCORU ION. side, knife, aunburt, box pirniiug, luvorou ouiivni, an iiibj ana styles, hnist itching ; plcot edging, ra broidery; beading, braiding, cording, ays- let cut worn. Duttonnoiea, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 300 Douglas HI. Douglas lt36, Fixtures and Winner. "nTTDTTXTnBlactrlo washing msohlnes, WAVXUiiue)cntrlo Irons and reading tamps. iaaa uuming pi. uougias mif. Furnace Cleaning. IP TOUR fumac needs cleaning or repair ing oau in rurnac uocior, uoug. 717d; I FURNACB and chimney cleaning and re- palrlng. r. Borneman. Douglas 7331 Hair Dressinar. IDEAL Hair Parlors, 307 Balrd Bldg. Manl curing, toilet ,. articles. Douglas 111. Job Printing. N OATS CITT Printing Co., high-grad print- g. I6ji n. sttn. mono weo, ibpt, Justices of the Peace. H. H. CLAIBORNE, 612 Paxton Blk. Rod 7401. Notary Public: deposition, stsno. C. W. -BRltt, 301 Rrkr Block. -. Masseurea. Sclentlo massag; bat lis. 131 Farnam St Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Andersen, 106 Bee Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold, Intor- Hatlonal Patent Co.. 688 Brandels. D. 4011, H. A. STURQIS, 130 Brandels Th. D. 3431, Piano Taninir. PIANO TUNINO. 11.76. Webster 4II. Pianos for Rent. 11.60 par mo. A. Hoape Co., v161t Douglas. Rug Manufacturers. FLUFF rugs from old carpets: rag rug specialty; Meaning -and alterations. Peery Hug ractory, i33 cumins:. Red 1843. Tinners. ELS A 88 ER fumac cleanera: work guar. ameeq. peet price, mil a. iitn. V. a. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 307 8. tlth. D.633. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RENT. 1 AND 11.60 PKK DAY. DOUOLAS 1740. Wedding Stationery, I WBDDTNO announcements and printing. Iougias Printing co. Tel. ioug. 144. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IfYOU hav. anything to trad, makW httl ad and run It In this column for seven daysIt only costs 3&o and lo per anawtr. Tmi oner is goo a only in umaha, and t elude Rut Estate, cash offers and Bulnes Properties For Sal or Trad. These, as well as mall orders i for use of Swapper's Column,, must par regulai rates. On or two anewera ar sufficient to mak your trad and th who! trans action only costs about lOo. Try It FORD Touring, 1114, good shape, Presto Uftya, VP, Yell. ii. eieotlro light and tarter, Ilu snap, trad tor diamonds, merchandise, or what have your Box C. 411, Boa. ADDING mach In Burroughs adding ma- chin In perfect condition; th standard machina; win axenang ror typewnti picture, diamonds, or what hav youT Box 8. C. 4 VI, Be. . WANTED A good 6-room modern bunga low. In exchange for a beautiful, largi new, I -room house. Ideally located and but It rltfht Call Colfax 153. INTERNATIONAL dftllvory truck In good running order, to trade for hora, wagon and harness. Or what hav you? Box B. C, 487. Br. s WILL trad ItOO diamond ring for good roadster automobile. Kief trie light and starter. No iunk oonslderod. B. U 416, Be. - .,.,'...- jQCTOBER SWAPPERS' COLUMN SHOEMAKBR Jack and lasts, cost 2; aUo 8x10 view camera, gooa conoiuwn, 16. Will trade for anything I can us torether or separate. ioi a. t". WILL trade a Chase A Baker piano player. mahogany case, flrst-ciaas conaiuoo. worth 1300. for anything or equal What have you? Walnut 131.4. FINE young watchdog; not cross, good-na tured and always alert; no Duri. premises ho guards. What havs you to exchanger S. C. 401, Bee. - WE swap or buy kodaks; films developed free; one-day service. Kase Jtoaaa muaio, Neville Blk., Htn and Harney. ONE CHILD'S BED, 1 sanitary couch, and washing machine to swap; anything use ful to ms. C. 386, Bee. - LITTLE ADk In thle column win bring about soma rmarkabl. .xchangaa. BUSINESS CHANCES AN OMAHA MANUFACTURING CONCERN, Making a popular household necessity, illlna direct to the trade, with an unlimited field and Increasing order,, needs mor, capital for machinery and . also to develop several vaiuaDie pei ents. Business greater than capital Juatlflee. Need about 110.000 and will sell stock to that amount, which will pay1 from II to 1, per cent on tne in vestment. Fullest .Investigation Invited by parties seeking a safe and profitable Investment. Box 72S0, Bee. FIRST-CLASS confectionery and lc, cream business, making own candy ana ice oream; well established ana aomg b"v business; prosperous Nebraska town of MOO; a splendid opportunity to step rignt Into a good paying business; will stand the nnl rlsld lnveetlaatlon: everything In first-class condition; act at once ft you wadt this; best of reason for selling. Ad dresx Y 042. Bee. Who's setting tb pace nowT In the first nine months of 1014 THB RRSD mminmA 43.104 Paid Ads. TCXHEBDINO the COMBINED GAIN of ths other two Omaha papers for same period by more than-' 30,000 PAID ADS. Good Results, Good Rates, Qood Serrie. FOR SALE OR RENT. OnW laundry fullv lotrlcally equipped. Northeastern Colorado. Growing town of 1,800. No laundry In ten surrounding town. Oood railroad connections. Brick building, 36x73, four living rooms In con nection. Prlc $3,800. - Rnt $30 per month. Henry H. Flck, Juleiburg, Colo.' TSPECIAL MOVIE SHOW BARGAIN. UllVin HMUW. . niianADiVA auwu, 4,000; ftn equipment, seat 460; Clears 170 per wox; can giv lerms. MOVIE SHOW DEPARTMENT, 411 Rose Bldg. Phon Tylor 3487. WELL established grocery and meat market for sal. Location good, rent cheaD. freah stock, flxtur, $460. Stock about $1,300. Investigate. Writ owner. Address E, Dally Bee, Co. Bluffs, ry FOR RENT Al Moving picture showhouse, good location, seating capacity over svv. For terms see BlnKSTT UUJUrAI.1, 411 Be, Bldg. ' , Dong. 633, WAWTttn Growtna cornoration wants ca pable man for offle manager; u.buu in vestment required; liberal salary; for par ticulars address Box ADeraeen, a. v. PRINTINO establishment, good eastern Ne braska town .of 1,200; win aacrinc. If taken once. Address P. C. Slegert, Wlsner, Nob. WANT ED Rl table party who can Invest from $300 to 600 in an exceptionally good business proposition. Address Box 7332, Bee. t WILLIAMS, established 31 years. To buy or soil business see him. 411 Mccague Bldg. Referenc, U. 8. JJatlonal Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha, hav closed out mora mate, stocxs tnan any other firm in U. . write ior terms. for SALE Good, clean stock of hard- war, Uv town, central neoraaxa. uooa reason for selling. B quick, v Address T 367, Bee. IF TOU want to sell or buy )a business or rooming house call on uuicn worgnort, 730 woria-rieraia wiag. rnono it. sii WB BUT, ws sell motion picture theaters. machine, feature turns. uo -operative Film and Supply Co., 310 Bromley Bldg. FOR SALE -fcy owner, drug store, dwelling and stock; square deal. Adores owner. 1 wst Bin av., tuepver, oio. TO GET In or out of business, call OANuEHTAD, 433 Be mg. UQUg. 9Tl. 40-ROOM hot! for sal' or trade. Call )og. T1I3. Rooming Houaes. nonuiNB u HOUSES, all slses, great bar gains. 411 Ros Bldg. mon riyir ib(. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 10 PER LINK. Day work r business ads, regular rates. lines one week........ I0o 1 lln on week......... 4(0 Each extra lln 16o pr week. Male. MAN and wife with I boys and S girls want wA.b nn farm in souLnern Din oi .Ne braska; Jious to self, fusl and cow fur-1 nlshed. Writ E. A. Thorp, 1818 N, llth St. Phon Web. . POSITION wanted by young man with eight vun' axnerienc as senosrapner, book- kepr and cashier Willing to start with small salary. Box 7071, Bee. A COLORED man and wife desire a position as caretaker ol apartment nouse. can Douglas I860. C. Smith. w.nted-Bv a strictly first-class carpen ter. reoatr worn, joo or oay. wa ma, WANTED By man, 10. Job as watchman, night or day, ateeay, oDr, ruaoie. voug la vii, u v si veara old and wife, experienced want Job on farm. u o. sotn oi. uoug, T07T. pusiTlt.N bv collese xraduate and second year medical aiuaeni ior evenuiae ur vll time. Box 7083, Bee. WANTED By s. practical millwright, Job or day work, can wora ftpm oiu pnaia. Box 7218, Bee WANTED Job as fireman or Janitor apartment house. Bo. asm. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, Ills Davenport- ui. wuuiim Headquarters for hotel help. V. Female. WANTED Situation by mlddl aged woman In family of means; capaoio oi asaununa responsibilities; references furnished and required. Address J, car Huronlt, Huron, B. i.inT NeaL well experienced, wishes post tlon as housekeeper ior otei, rooming house or motnriess noma, i-au eveainae aftr I. 1728 Dodge. Room 80. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publlo stenographer and notary public, 107 Be Bldg. Doug. 1808. Reas. rate. tum -ntnic eha-rae for "Situation ads" lower tnan any oiner ivvm oi iuth .b -not nougn w n cu w moiriNUD lady wishes position aa house keeper in private nonw w 1111111 latuiajr. Call Hamey lull. rs. a- uv,ormg, wiNTKD Position as chambermaid by ex neiienced coioreo woman. - aira. varus. Webster 3344. POSITION wanted by lady musician; mem ber oT A. r, or Al. uougias wiva. wMTKI Position as piano player In mov Ing picture snow. a;xperienc. weo. e. NEAT colored woman wishes position chambermaia. weosier aoto. WANTED Position as nur girl, $& a week. Box 7218. Be. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing; ptec work; lac cur Ulna: Work guaranteed. wotr Jim. EXPERIENCED lady want day work any kind. Harney 1808. ' WANTED Day work by colore Harney R751. B'NDLB wash, 10 do. Called for. Web. 4183. WANTUD Pay work cleaning. Wsb. 708 Ddle. washing don.10 N. 31t. Ty. I43I-W. Shirtwaitaand shirts a"spola"lty. Wb. 4837. Daywork"wtd. by good laundress. Wb. 8037. LAUNDRT work and day work. Web. 3401 WANTED Work by day. Call Harney 14R1, WANTED Work by the day. Call Ty. lt8 Bundle wmth.. lst-clsss la-.indrcss. H Bundi washing and day work. Web. 4S43. Exp. , laundress wants work. Wish ter 438?. aUportenced lady want day work. Har. 124$. 6 1916. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices TOUNU man with some clerical experi- nc, not necessarily great aiuuu... bright and oulclt to loam, for permanent position with lsrge financial Institution In Omaha. To a young man of good, clesjl habit, who Is absolutely sincere In his desire to make permanent connections and develop with this firm mis is an tlonal opportunity. Salary between 140 and 260. Western Reference Bond Assn. Inc., 62 Omaha National Ban Hunoing. CORRESPONDENT (eteno.) ....886.00 , ... 76,00 . ... 86.00 STENOGRAPHER JR. OFFICE CLERK.. ... NIGHT CASHIER 116 and bd TYPIST (Oliver) 90.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDO. MEN "WANTED to wear our hlgh-graoe tailor-made suits and overcoats, .- Com up and look. W hav th world boat. PeWrlesa Tailoring uo., nwm Frensor Block, 16th and Dodg Bta. WANTED Two"xprionc:d magaxine sales men for exclusive territory on yroiHium that never has been shown; call between 10 and 18 a. m. F. D. Browning. 113 Balrd Building. 8TENO. and clerk, $65; steno. and fll elk.. $40; dictaphone op., $76; oince cik.. 6. WATTS REF. CO., 840 Brand. Thea. STOCK CLERK, young man, $4t. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. w, giog. Professions and Trades. WANTED All around beef caatng man; must understand business tnorougniy. ur wstab- -lan hor raslnr men; good waxes. Apply Geo. Williams, care Jacob K. Decker ft Sons. Mason City. Iowa. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES. ' CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. Nebraska's Greatest Employment Bureau. 1.J16-1S City National nana uiaa. YOUNG man, 1 to 18 years of age, to learn lens grinding; splendid opportunity ior vaneement to ambitious boy. Apply Oma- na OptlctTH to,, .ft tyanQeia p.us- TATLOR WANTED All-around man. Z. . i k a.ng n tat haiiih Hin. DRUG stors snaps; jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. 'Salesmen and Solicitors. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN Youngf man, 20 to 23 years old, with fair education, neat appear ance and a desire to succeed in life; one who is willing to start at a moderate salary. There is no limit tn the salarv vou can earn if you are willing to work hard while learning. ' ! ' . ' .. 104 Bee Bldg.. WANTED A real salesman, to sell our noted and unlqu . lln of map ana spe cialty calendars. Our lln differentex clusive; it lands tne Dig ouyer, urea oi pictures; we also make -a strong line of novelties, fans and outdoor signs; strong est combined outfit ever qffered; big money for liv men;-we make all our goods; that means low prices; glvo ex perience In first letter. The Kenyan Com pany, Des Moines, la. (Forty-second year,) LARGE eastern manufacturer wants gen- flc In Omaha or Lincoln S-year con tract. Good-paying position for a retired farmer or a- salesman wantlrtg to make more money. Box T27, Bee. Giv Phon and address for interview. WANTED Salesmen to sell houshold goods, experience unnecessary and liberal com pensation to wide-awake men. Call C. F. Adams Co.. 623 S. 14th St. - WANTED Two flrstrdass salesmen. Good -position for the right parties, liittie Giant Mig Bates uo avi w. u. v. Bldg. j SALESMEN! Big money for business gut ters. VCall at ion W. u, w. uiag. STOCK, and bond salesman. STAND ARB O. W. Bldg. SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. Boys. WANTED Boys to work In shipping room and mattress factory. L. e-u. JJoup CO.. 13th A Nicholas. - WANTED -Boys, over 14. In our bottling de partment Willow Sprft.gr Dttiiiry. tn and Pierce Sf. BOT8 wanted to learn trade; must be 10 years of ua Gordon-Lawless Co., tn and Dodg. - FINE chanc for good boy, who want to .earn a good trade. Room 5. Be mag. BOY WANTED Douglas Printing Co., lth St. . Teamsters and Chauffeurs. MEN wanted to drive teams for work In yard. Sunderland Brothers company, za and Ixard Streets, Trade School!. WE WANT MEN TO LEARN , THS BARBER TRADE. Few week qualify to run shop or work for others: years of apprenticeship saved - by our method; w hav placed graduate In leading position every wnere; compare Uvlv no expense; catalog mailed free. MOLKIt BARBER COLLEGE, 310 8. 14th BL, Omaha, Neb. (Established 1!.) ; AUTO MECHANICS. ' BARN BIG MONET. , , Nvr Idle BIS Demand. " ' Easy t Learn by Our MethoAa, NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASS'N. 1817 N. 30th St., Omaha. . Bend for Free Catalugu. GOOD MEN WANTED r -rtkrn auto work for the man do- ttlons now open. Fin training work la auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO COLL BOB. tool Farnam. ymana. wen. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, mora than mak your axpense wnu leammv. JVage or percentage, w won i ovw charge you to begin; 1401 Dodge St TRX-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. I WILL teach you how card writing; com- plete course, in. en rax ton ai. 'Miscellaneoua. TJk Bee carried 43.108 MORE PAID Want Ad first t months of. 111! than same period 1016 ThU n.ura EXCEEDS THE COM BIN ED GAIN of the other two Omaha papers by OVER 30,00 i-aiu aub. Reason: Better Results. Better Rate. XrMT OK THB UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED ADie-OOOiea nnmornwi man under ag of 16; cltlsona of United State f good cnnractr anu tempera. bdii. who can peak, read and wrK the Eng i.k iiiiira War Information aDPly to Mecruiting Offloer, Army BUa. 16th and Dodge St.. Omaha, Ntu.; 130 N. ltth St, Lincoln, Nb.i I3T 4th St.. Sioux City. Iowa; 207 th Ave.. Des Mo'ne. Iora. WKT WASH LAUNDRT MAN wanted, thoroughly competent waan man wnu cu turn out whlf work and oapable of tak full charge of out-of-town laundry. Mut t trlitlv temnerate. Stat experience. aalary expected and reference. Address T 141. Bee. tinnpfBs tlriiite or solo red. Union Pa cllifc Btor uepi. oieauy ww, wajes. Apply Cas St. Oat. Ask for Storekeeper. GOOD pay for man to manage branch office. Eastern NOP. email invest men. ii -turea. Address Capital Collection Co.. De FARMERS. ATTENTION. -'W furnish real farm' bands fre ol eharge. vWrlt .or phon. Square Em ploymen Agcy., 200 8. llth. Omaha, Neo. U. S. Government wants clerks montn, Omaha examination coming soon; sam ' pie questions fre. Franklin In 1 1 tut. DdL 821 T, Rochester, - Na T. ir, NaT. . as Vlli WANTED Young men as Jlwar mall clerks; $71 per montn; sampi lutniiw tlon 4ustlon' fre. Franklin Institute, Dent 331 R. Rochester, N. T. WANTED Names nn wlnhlng to become government railway ma 1 clerks. $76 month. Quick Increas U $160v Vacations. TXAMSTERS, Iowa. $3.60; laborers, city. $3; pip layer, $3.60; shovelmen, $2.76. Ray mond's Labor Agency, 1119 Douglas. WANTED Chicken pickers; 3Sc straight ; steady work; com at once. E. B. Hlgly Company. Mason juy, lowa. LABORERS wanted. Coal yard. Steady work. Sunderland Brother Company, 43d and Taylor street. WANTED Experienced freight. . handlers. Union Paclflo- Freight House, th and Jackson Sts. WANTED Ten handy men for concrete and steel bridge work. APPl? 420 Be Bldg. MEN warned to entUt In Sigual Corps al aim' reuort at Lincoln. I AGENTS ANDjCANVASSERS A'GENTS"ritia,"nted tn vr town for" Day keroaen burners.- for cook range. Wl A McL.. 1607 Iavenworth. Omaha LIVE WIRE agent wanted: Call Du Plex Fir BlOn UO., iwie bo. mmtm , w. Bluff, any ami sner i - n. HELP WANTED FEMALE Storea and Offices. LIST TOUR PROPERTY WITH US TODAY. WE MAY SELL OR RENT IT TOMOR ROW. INTERSTATE REALTY CO.. $29-30 City Nat Phon Doug. 8861. STENOGRAPHER, young lady with some experience; position uptown; exceptionally nice office; salary, $40-356. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, 'Inc. 762 Omaha National Bank Bldg. TfPIST (out town).... $40.00 46.00 , 40.00 10.00 on BEO BLDO BTENOORAPHER .... STENOGRAPHER ... STENOGRAPHER ... THifl CANO AGENCY, GENERAL office clerk.wlth some knowl edge of typewriting; experience not neces sary; salary to start, 336. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n, Ino. . 763 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 8TENOO. and COMPT. OPR .....$75 BTENOO. and BKKPR 60 WATTS RUF..CO., 840 Brandels Theater. STENOGRAPHER and ass t bookkeeper, $50. THE MARTI CO., 1327 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANT BD Strong lady or girl to assist In laundry five days a week at once, experl otjee unneaeesary. Jensen Family Laundry, 34th and Willis Ave. 36 GIRLS wanted at once to pack Macaroni. Omaha Macaroni Co., 1005 Farnam. WANTED Print room girls. Kirschbraun & Sons, 1301-11 Howard St. LEARN hairdressing at Oppenhelm Parlor. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white girl for gen eral housework, must so good cook; ref erences required. Mrs. Chas. L. Gould, Harney 3086. ' COMPETENT white girl for general house work ; 3 In family ; city references; no washing; - good wages. 6123 Burt St. Walnut 238. J. ' WANTED A competent girl for general housework; 3 In family; good wages. Mr. Thos. W. Haien. Col. 3080.. WANTED Competent white girl for general 'housework. 'No washing. W. D. Hosford, 626 8. 37th St. Harney 87 COMPETENT girl for general housework; no laundry work; good wages. 3316 Burt St. Telephone Harney 1020. ' WANTED Girl to assist with general houseworK in country. J. r. nnea. ar MAID for, general housework;-- six-room apartment;, three In family. Tel. Har ney 6488. WANTED Young girl for gen. housework. Mrs. L. P. Campbell, 1018 So. list. Har- ' ney 6SS4, WANTED ComDetent , girl for general housework. H. M. McClanahan. Walnut 1403. OIRL for general housework; must go home nights, 60S 8. 80th St. Phone Harney 6428. CAPABLE whtU girl wanted; 1 In family. Mr. Bennsr. 5403 Davenport BL wai. ziia, WANTED Olrl to assist with housework and care of child. Phon Harney 263. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply 10a in. atnn avo. WANTED GJrl for general housework. 1533 Park Ave., Tel. Harney 1401. GIRL for general housework; no wasl4nst. Walnut 368. EXPERIENCED cook. Mrs. F, A. Nash, 604 S7th St. Hotels and Restaurants. COLORl?p waitress wanted. Vendomo Res- taurantrT210 Dodge. Kea 3640. GOOD girtwanted for small hotel. 4824 S. 25th. Tel. 8. 3883. WAITRESS wanted.' Home restaurant, Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED Telephone operators; state ex perience and reference. Apply by letter to Manager, New Stat Tel. Co.,. Onawa, la. . HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. MAN and wife wanted for small farm two miles frortv Omaha street car, tour acres In fruit. Writ giving reference, salary wanted and other' particulars. John. La tenser, $33 Bee Bldg., Omaha. : EDUCATIONAL 'VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS, Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bids Entrance, is, uougias ss. t BOTLBS COLLF-Om DAY SCHOOL.- ; .V NIGHT SCHOOL. - Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stonotype, typewriting, telegraphy, rclvll service all commercial ano Bnaltah branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 166. ltth and Harney Sts. , Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season; eariy applications lavoreu. Harp fur. Loretta D Lone. 306 Lyric Bid nniTRTCTUa MUS1G STUDIOS. 1611 Dodge. Violin, vocal, piano. Our methods ar cor rect. Let us show you.(. D. 2471. PERSONAL ' PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B. R. Tarry cures Biles, fistula and other recta! diseases without surgical -operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on reo I tal dlseasea with testimonials. DR. E. B. TARRY. 340 Boo Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. THE Salvation Army Industrial homo so licit your old clothing, tumltur. maga xine. We collect. We distribute. Phon Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new boni. 1110-m2;illl Dodge St FRANCES LA FORE, foot specialist, mas sage, electrlo' treatment. Room I, Ottawa Bldg., 24th and Farnam. Douglas 7295 Open evenings, DTTUrTTTJ tuccessfully treated with- 1VU1 A U-AV J-Jout a surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank U. Wray. 301 ' Be Bldg. MAE BRUOMAN, M. T. Sctentlflo masseus baths. 201 Karbach Blk. Red 3737. EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN. 1801 FARNAM. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Baths of ail kinds: masses and mropoay. Balrd Blk., 17th and Dougias. D. $463. SWITCHES from combine:. $1 up. Dyed, 60e. Mrs. w. uriunari. sab rtwn ufiifl I.. LILLY Bath and massage. 1322 Farnam St., 2d floor, mono uous- maa WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. I Davldg Blk. rnon uousim LUFTLLA WEBSTER, masseuse. 618 Paxton Blk.. 10 a. m. to s p. m. PRIVATE home for ladles; obs'etrlcal cases mip i r. SOU Miami, nru. MAGNETIC massage. Emma jsroit, room 7, 2424 Cuming, zau A PRIVATE maternity home. 4411 N. 38tb 8L Phone wiisi SCIENTIFIC massag. 629 Bee Bids. Phne DfUglas iix- Manhuring and maj HIl Farnam. Km. 19. MISS CLARK, manicuring. . Tyler 2232. "ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS I ' If you fail to find the room you desire among rnose ads, call at Th Be office for a Room List Give complete detailed description of va , cant rooms In all part of th city. If mom convenient phone The Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your name alld addresa and a ltat will b mailed to you at onne. New lists ar issued everjr ;weL Furnished Rooms. ONE comfortable room, suitable for two or more gentlemen; also two smaller sleeping rooms and one light housekeeping room. Newly decorated. All steam heated. 1011 Davenport.' - 1 FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. - THREE furnished rooms and bath; sult- able for light housekeeping, for one or three young men; steam heated; good lo cation. , Harney 1393 Reference re quired v ' TWO largo, well furnished rooms, each for one or two girls employed. West rmrnam district. Private family. Address Box 7220, Bee. . - FURNISHED room, all modern; use of phone; on car line; 20 minutes,' walk to town. Webster 3262. . TWO' furnished, modern sleeping rooms; la dtfe preferred. 559 8. 26th Ave. NORTH 1STH, a OH Well lighted and heat ed, cosy rooms, leatner furniture, very homelike, quiet- $2.60 and $3. Wbstr 7810. 1 --.-. TWO partly furnished, heated rooms tn mod ern nous, on car una. rnone uoiiax sua. 3301 .Ames Av. THREE comfortable sleeping room. Four unfurnished rooms. Call Dougla tl81 2213 Howard. 5T6 POP iEETON Three strictly modern rooms; private family; walking dlatano. Tyler 089-J. TWO comfortable rooms, sultabl for couple with child; new furnace; modern. Har- . nay iwii, NORTH 17TH, 909 Private family; steam heat; eoxy room; only gentlemen. . Red 6834. S 903 N. 17TH Six comfortable rooms; ateaiS heated; will share with married ooupie, Douglas 9046. till WIRT OneTcomfortable room; steam hc-at. Call Webster 3710. 2214 DOUGLAS One cozy room for four men; south room; board optional. Red 4661 ELEGANT "furnished room, suitable for two; close in; reasonable, 2047 Dodge. Douglas 6476 TWO GIRLS preferred. Beautiful room; Dundee district. Call Walnut 3901. LARGE comfortable south front room for, winter, In modern close-in horn. Harney 413. FURNISHED rooms, 1017 N. 29th SL; nlo pleasant, room In private family; reason able. WELL-HEATED modern, private home; y good location. 1811 Cass. Douglas 4373. COMFORTABLE large room; sultabl for two; $6 week. 2216 Douglas. , , ELLISON AVE., 2656 Elegant new home; fine neighborhood; Call Colfax 8677.. near two car lines. SAFETY FIRST Worklngman's hotel; clean; very reasonable. 209 N. llth St. Tyler 2572. NEAR car line, one large front room, 'mod ern; private horn. Harney 4888. Ill N. 27th Av. MODERN room' for gentleman In private home. Reasonabls prlc. Call Red II II. 609 No. 22nd. CHICAGO 3610 In private horn; Urge south front room with alcove; also slds room. ' 1916 CAPITOL AVE. Sleeping or hoSae keepiirt' rooms; private entrance, Douglas 7488. FOR RENT Front room, furnished, prlvats bath if desired. gUPPouglaa. Dong. 17 4L STEAM-HEATED rooms, 60c a day, 2.60 a week. Elk Hotelu i6th and Cuming. CALDWELL, 2619 One large front room; modern; gul table for two. Webster $080. TWO large south rooms, well furnished. modern home. Moderate price. 3614 -Cass. NEWLY furnished rooms, good board, fine location, t Phone Harney 4702. 1609 Evans Two' gentlemen or two ladies preferred. Webster 2088., 318 SO. 26TH, well furnished, steam-heated rooms; board optional. THREE furnished rooms, third floor. CheejO Harney 4810. ROOMS 103 S. 26th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE single room,, sultabl for married couple; modern gas and light Corn l bed. Douglas 6449. J 807 SO. 18TH ST. Modern hott "'faf d sleeping rooms. Douglas 74f. LIGHT housekeeping and si taf rooms walking distance. 888 a. IftB BC THREE comfortable rooms on second Soon. 2416 Capitol. Douglas 044 - TWO modern front rooms. one stngl Nroora. 2668 St. Mary's Ave. Board and Room. : ' 1967 HARNEY If you are net satisfied with. your room and board, try ours; only re spectable young men with reference wanted; oome to ee our xcHnt out sld room In modern horn. Barney 2071. 2204 CALIFORNIA Cosy room; private family; gentlemen preiema; food muo. Red 8401. MODERN? new pleasant, home-Uke, home- baking, reasonable. Near ear. Col 1104. LARGE well furnished room; privat lMmoft board If desired. Harney 1134. ITODERN eight-room house wltb lutft. 2204 Howard. Call Tyler llio Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms, light housekeeplns. with heat. 918 N. 19th St., io.QO. Rooms Wanted. YOU PHpPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BE Hi WAHT'AU pairr. aau na on Oil about th FURNISHED ROOM QUIDS. It's a plan that Is helping- many people rent their rooms. -' MARRIED couple with two babies, want oamD eteiv furnished, we u-heatea. moa- em housekeeping room or small apart ment. Immediately. Must b reasonable. A. D., P. O. Box 714, City. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Homes. Aoartments. . 2, 3 OR 4-r. furnished or unfurnished apts. at Z4tn ana Jarnam or mhw huw Doug. 1472. STOP THE SUNSHINE. Steam heated rooms, hot and cold wmten 608 North Houses., FOR RENT Furnished house In desirable district of punaee, nx -"' Di Tel. Walnut 960. - g. CLEAN modern 0-room house In Deer Pars; district; nieely rurnisneu; merenow t- quired. Harney a sea. FOR RENT Furnished house of 10 rooms; low rent. oz . , FOR RENT HOUSES West. "STEAM HEAT AND JANITOR SERVICE FURNISHED Beautiful. new, brick realdenca. lihl rooms, modem throughout. 6101 Far- ""calf Walsh Bros Co. Trier 688. 1817-18 City Net. Bank Bid.. ALMOST new 4-room houae, with or without furniture, lor rent cneap. i. 1387. WEST Farnam residence. 8 rooms. Vsry desirable. nest location. Lau uier ..... FOR BENT 8-room house and taraae. 10T No. 41st St.. $40. Call. Harney 8661. 186. 7-R. mod. house. Also 4-r. duples Apply 8646 Capitol Are. 8 baths. West Farnam district. Phon. Doua. 3647. uioae in. -ROOM 646.00. North. FOUR rooms In good condition and location. Modern except heat, ,is.oo w .man wm lly. Webstar 4S81. 7R., 2608 DECATUR, mod. ex. ht. lf- ,s HASTIN'US ft HETDEN. TylM H. 1614 Harasy. I.R., 8326 Meredith, wat, toll., (as. si. I., HASTINOH & HKYUKP.. iiv 1614 Harn.y. 1616 GRANT ST. 7-r.. conm.. modern. 8s. ' T. F. Hall, 431 Rama. Blda. Doua. 746 7-ROOM "cottaao and barn, modern axc.pl heat. 1808 . smn w. ou.g. ...... 4-R. , 341S MAPLE. as, wetu 10. ii.aTiMria UEYDEN. Trim 6. eROOM cottage, all modern. 81S No. S7th Ave. Fnone tiqrnei ..... -n PARjprflodern, 818, Wal. 8606. South. 6R 708 8- 19th. close In, mod. ex. ht. 13ft. 'HASTINGS A- HETDEN. Tyler 6. PARK Ave. and Pacific, I rooms, all mod .rn hardwood floor, and flnUh. electrlo iHiht. sood location on Park Ay. car line. Call Tyler 1686. TZlL 2431 S. 21st, mod. ex. nt, ior ... , IlASl'INOS 4 HEYDEN. Tyler 60. , TBOOM' house,' modern. Apply till M. X0tl stret " "JflTARK AVE. 7-r. mod, brick. Miscellaneoua. WB went' mor. house, and apartmant. t. rnt The f.ot that w hav. practically cleaned out our big list Is consluMv. proof of th. .Hlclency of our rent.1 service. If you want to keep your places rented M, x . a Ulster Co.. "Omaha'a Rental Men. 16 Omaha National Bank Bis. ' Douglas 1016. V ((