THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1916. 11 BUSINESS OF THE PACKERS IS HUGE Decision of Armour and Swift to Increase Capital Stock Shows Magnitude. IS A PREMIES INDUSTRY 'The proposal of Armour Si Co. to declare a stock dividend of 400 per cent, thus increasing the capital to $100,000,000, following so closely the declaration by Swift & Co. of a $25,- 000,000 cash dividend, to be followed , by the issuance of new stock to the same amount to sell at par, thus in creasing this company's capital to the -$100,000,000 mark, calls attention7 to the fact that probably nowhere the world is concentrated so much business as is done in the square mile of territory known as the Union Stocli yards of Chicago," writes Clarence L, .Speed. ("The combined capital stock and bonded indebtedness of the companies operating there approaches that of the world's premier corporation, r-Wnited States Steel. The surplus of the combined companies is of an vamount comparing with that of the steel corporation, and the volume of business done each year exceeds that of the steel corporation even when its plants are running at capacity to nil the demand tor sheei steel abroad and industrial needs at home. I Net Profits Smaller. "The net profits" do not approach those of the great steel company for the reason that in no other line of business is the margin, of profit so small as in the work of feeding the . world. Still the profits are of large , roportion ample to pay good dm o.ids regularly on the stock out standing,, and the packing business is not . subject to the same ups and downs as is that of making steel. Of course, there are good years and bad. but the packing business never drops into the depths into which a year of depression plunges the steel industry, I I for the reason that the great majority of American Deoole are able to eat, and eat meat, even in the hardest of times. , "The 1915 surplus of Armour & Co., Swift & Co., Morris ec Co. and Wil son & Co. was over $23,000,000. "It is probable that at least $25, 000,000 has been added to the total sjirolus of these companies since the 4bove figures were compiled, as the earnings of all the packing companies are known to be larger this year than they have been in the past. "The total aggregate business of the oackimr companies will aggregate close to $1,500,000,000 a year. Accord ing to reports, the business of Swift & Co. alone for 1916 crossed the $600, ,000,000 mark. Armour is said to be do ing close to $SUU,UW,UUU a year in gross business, lne other concerns annual turnover is well up in the hun dreds of millions, . ' . Is a Personal Business. "The packing business, more than almost any other; has been a personal business. It was developed by a few men of great initiative and broad vi sion. It remains in the hands pt the same families that built it up. Ar mour & Co., at least, is a close cor poration. The Swift stock has become more widely distributed than any other, being listed on the JNew xorK, Boston and , Chicago , mock ex changes." Audubons Will Feed the v v Birds Dflring Winter The Nebraska Audubon society will resume meetings for the season sat urday evening in the public library, where Prof. Walcott of the University of Nebraska will offer an illustrated talk on 'birds of western Nebraska. A short business meeting will pre- de the talk. All persons interested in birds are invited to this meeting. The society intends to place in the parks this fall 200 receptables which will contain suet in a convenient man ner for hungry birds. Hardening of Arteries Causes Sudden Death' Panagos Yianakopolis, the Greek who died suddenly in his shop at 1124 Jackson street Thursday, came to his death trom hardening ot the arteries, according to the verdict established by a post-mortem examination. Fu neral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Greek church, Sixteenth and Martha streets. To Cure Children's Cold. Keep child drjt elothe comfortable, avoid exposure, give Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. Raises phlegm, reduce! Inflammation. 26c. All drugrlati. Advertisement. Tabloids of Politics LittU Items About the Progress of the Campaign. "Yes, I am back from the east and stronger than ever for Hughes," de clared Nelson H. Loomis, head of the Union Pacific law department, who xan as a Hughes man for convention delegate in the spring. "Some of my friends have been popping questions at me because Mr. Lovett is out for Wilson, but he is a democrat, and his politics does not in any way affect mine. The sentiment down east is overwhelming that Hughes will be elected." mmmm mmmm mmmm I Overcoat Sale ! . Men's $12 Over- (JJ'T PA a jtJL coats, on sale. . . . . P Ov I J Men's $15 Over- (1 A (f I coats, on sale. . . P I U.UU Men's $20 Over- djl PA 1 coats, on sale. . . V AT.OU 1 m ' I Boys' $7.50 Over- dJC ff a coats, on sale..... aPO.UU I Boys' $10 Over- tJ QA I coats, on sale PU.7U . I I $10 Mackinaw t PA I I Coata, on sale pO.JU I i J, Helptiand Clothing Co. j I 314-316 North 16th St. I TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT s Every Kind Prices Very Low Over five hundred machines to elect from. Rent applied on purchase. Central Typewriter . V yTi 1905 Farnam St l-hona UOUflM 4141. A. W. Jefferis and Ben S. Baker will be the speakers at a republican rally to be held Saturday evening, October 28, at rlorence. This is a slight change from the first an nouncement of this meeting. Harry S. Byrne, member of the ex ecutive committee of the National Re publican league, has received informa tion of fifty more Hughes and Fair banks clubs organized in this state since the visit of Charles E. Hughes. The club at Hebron expects to have 500 members enrolled on Saturday evening. "The people of the state are thoroughly aroused since Mr. Hughes came here and convinced the voters pt his personal integrity, his high ideals and his real Americanism," stated Mr. Byrne. Lynch Held on Charge Of Assaulting Officer William Lynch. 2207 Mason street. who some weeks ago assaulted Officer Uuy Wright with a club, was arrested and arraigned in police court and bound over to the district court, with bonds fixed at $750. GOES TO RESCUE OF MINERS AND DIES Jones, Mining; Engineer, Over come by Gas in Mine Where Explosion Occurred. FOUR BODIES TAKEN OUT Fairmont, W. Va., Oct. X).-L. M Jones, a mining enginer sent to car rackville, near here, yesterday, in charge of a trained crew "from the Pittsburgh station of the bureau of mines to conduct the work ot rescue at the Jamison mine, where more than a dozen men had been entombed by an explosion, was asphyxiated in the workings early today. Jones, with seven other men, -bad reached the bottom of the shaft, where canary , birds were released to test the air. All the birds were al most immediately killed, and Jones, who had advanced further into the worltinss. fell to the tracks. His com panions advancing to his rescue, felt the force of the gas and one by one were overcome. When they did not return to the surface, another party entered the mine and brought them out. All ouicklv recovered except Jones, who had apparentiy-oien in tne Four other bodies of victims of the explosion have been recovered. Earlv today the rescuers had suc ceeded in clearing the debris from the 300-foot shaft and had reached the bottom, where they fecund conditions bad. Exploration of the mine work ings, it was said, would be commenced as soon as possible. Not one member of the party believed tne entombed men were still alive. A Big Enamel ware Purchase on Special SALE TODAY And for This One Day Only A big purchase of double and triple coated enamelware bought by us at an extra heavy discount, enables us to put the entire pur chase on Special Sale for this one day only at prices that will mean an absolute saving to (you of at least one-half. Come to this big Enamelware Sale expecting to find extraordinary values and you will not be disappointedand, as always, YOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. Onyx, Turquois Blue, Gray Enam eled jelly or pie plates, sale price 5c Enam eled drinking cups, sale price 5c f" '"gF 5sk ' III II ,lf .,' i II I lllll "' Savory Meat Roasters, turkey aiie, v7fii sale price "v 14-quart Dish Pans JAc sale price sVrt 17-quart Dish Pans, ; 01 sale price J1 10-qt. Water V)a pails.sal. price "p 12-qt Water OQj pails.sal. price "'p This big Enamel wars) . Sale for one day only, Saturday, Oet. 21st. Enam eled wash basins sale price 10c Enam eled dippers sale price 10c Come early while the assort ments are at their best. Double and triple coated Enamel- ware at less than prices 2-quart coffee pots, sale price 17c i ..... 31c Tea Kettle, small size, sale price Our inexpensive location and immense buying power en ables us to make the lower price. UNION ODTFUTING CO. The People' Store. Opposite the Rome. DRUG PRICE LIST Save time, save money by going or telephoning to one of the 4 Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores. 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills for 60c Caldwell's Syrup Pep sin for $1.00 Healthtone , for $1.00 Lydia Pinkham's Compound for 25c Packer's Tar Soap for 25c Kennedy's Laxative Cough Remedy for $1.00 Rexall Rheumatic Remedy for 50c Irving's Buchu Wafers for y 25c Laxative Bromo- Quinine for 60c Doah's Kidney Pills for. 35c Genuine Castoria for. i . 12c 29c 69c 64c 14c 12c 89c 29c 14c 34c 21c S0c Canthrox for., $1 size Bromo-Seltzer for... $1 size Wine of Cardui for l 25c Sloan's Liniment for 60c Sal Hepatica for 1-lb. box Mule Team Borax for Borden'a Eagle Brand Condensed Milk for. ... . 1-lb. can Perfumed Tal cum for First Class Fountain Syringes with 8 hard rubber pipes for : 25c Carmen Cold Cream for 29c 79c 59c 14c 34c 9c 14c 18c 79c 14c No Prescription Too "Hard" For Ui. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge. Cor. 16th and Harney. Cor. 19th and Farnam. - Cor. 24th and Farnam. An Entire Building Devoted to MEN'S WEAR sanuiiii. man .WPWOPIMJ-i """IM 1 Ride Up On The ' ESCALATOR To The Second Floor. The Safest Plan in Buying Clothes Let Hart Schaf f ner & Marx Be Your Architect CLOTHES ARCHITECTURE is a science which the best tailors in the country are proud to call by that name it means BUILDING CLOTHING, putting design first and then following with the assembling and the manufacture creating a thing of beauty in style as well as finish in workmanship. s ' The Reason Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Lead is because scientific methods are applied to every principle of construction, and then with the very best fabrics and materials that the world affords, Suits and Coats are assembled on lines that do not admit of failure eve,n to the minutest detail. So no matter what price you pay you are getting the best that your money will buy when you purchase Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats At $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 up to $50.00 mi. ttl T A nrtTmtr - marn tt - a mrt i J 1 J The "VARSITY 55" Suit for men and young men, is one of the most popular of the "snap py" styles. We call particular attention to the wonderful Silk Mixed Worsted Suits, also hand some Scotch Cheviots and Wor steds; elegantly silk lined. THE OVERCOATS are single and double breasted, with self or velvet collars; form-fitting models, plain ahd belted-back styles. Balmaccans, 'Chesterfields, long, full cut Storm Coats with convertible collars and a style for every occasion. THE PJNCH BACK OVERCOATS are the smartest styles for young men find men who want to be young. Hart Schaffner & Marx Silk Lined Top Coats, $18 Are certainly "winners." They embody more of style, a better grade of ' fabric and finer finish than any Top Coats we know of at anything like this price. ' a Young Men's Suits at $12.50 and $15.00 And if you desire to make this the limit of your expenditure, we can offer you Clothing that will give you more style, better fabric, fit and finish, than your money would buy anywhere -else. v " WE ARE EXCLUSIVE Omaha distributors for Patrick Du luth "Bigger Than Weather" Mackinaw Coats, $7.50 and up. Second Floor Ride Up on the Escalator) ' At '' -tvki. . lj t " ' SJMDen' H nn f?s m m At to Under Regular Prices THAT IS THE WONDERFUL OFFERING here for Saturday. And any man who has an Underwear need and does not take advan- tage of this sale will lose an opportunity to save that is likely never to be duplicated. , ! ( K Fall and Winter Weight Union Suits boueht from some of the .. very best makers. All Wool, Silk and Wool, Worsted, mercerized Cot ton and Egyptian Cotton. Perfect fitting and well made. All sizes, but . not in all colors and materials. On Sale Saturday in Four Big Lots Actually Worth Up to $4.00 a Suit At 65c, 95c, $1.45 (and $1.95 Other Unusual Men's Furnishings Offerings s uress amrtB, son a rencn or laundered C 1 ' 1 C erns, worth $1.50, at . J 1 1 0 fool and Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts, in assorted colors. ' SlI Four-in-Hand Tias Made of pure silk. Beautl- Eft ry collars. Mostly samples. All sizes in the lot, but not . 'M new patterns. Special at. : ..... OUC !3m. $1.00, $1.50, $1.98 In tan, brown, t 1 1 P Man's Kid and Cao. Laathar Drasa Glovas- and black. Regular $1.60 values; sale price Naw Fall Silk Four-in-Hand Tias Made of pure silk. Beautl 'ful new patterns. Special at. ; . . , Man's Imported Silk Neckwear Large open end four-in- 1 si's hands. Rich designs. Special $1 eUU Rn3 1 t M "Hurley Bros." and " Trustworthy" Shoes tor Men in a Wonderful Underprice Sale e ven i snuii un liKUU in this event is of a standard make, the very latest style, fashioned by experts and the best footwear that your money will buy even at regular prices. There is just one reason why we offer these to you at reduced prices. We want more men to know what a wonderfully good Shoe Store we have here. Hurley Brothers Shoes, priced this way: All $5.00 and $5.50 M OC All $7.00 Shoes, at C OC AH $6.00 and S6.50 CC OC Shoes at, per pair pcr pajr PJ.OJ Shoes, at, per pair. ...... wOtLD "Trustworthy Shoes are priced this way : All of our $4.00 Shoes to go at, pair. $3.25 Ready with reliable rub- Wo An, RonontSna This SJ0 harft f nr mpn . Men's $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Hats, at $1.45 Entire Sample Line of Men's Soft and Stiff Hats from the Joseph R. Gilleandeau Hat manufacturers of New York City, including all the new shapes d 1 Att and colors. Very special, at. . . J)l.TrO Stetson Hats In the newest shanes and color- 1 r r r tt a r ings for Fall and Winter wear, atpO.OU. ' Mayo Hat, $3.00 In all the latest shapes and colors ; styles to suit the (tt q most particular. Sold exclusively by Brandeis Stores. . .bj Men's Fur Caps t ' ' A complete showing, including Nearseal, Hudson Seal, Alaska Seal, Muskrat and' a r (tOO Crt Beaver Furs. Priced at. . vJbO.OU tO tSZaC.OU Brandeis Soecial. $2.00 Every new style, every Winter shape in every desir able color. A complete new showing Saturday, at. .'. Men's $1.00 Sample Caps, 65c About 50 Dozen Men's Fall and Winter Sample . ' Caps. Values to $1.25. Saturday Boys' Hats and Cap . Fall styles, in a variety of shapes and colors. Special 24c, 50c, 65c, $1, $1.50, $2 $2 65c