THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED EDWARD MMEWATM. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. THE BEK f ITBLI8HINQ COUP AMY, PltOf ElBTOlt. Entered at Omaha poefcrfflee aa eeeond-elaai matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. fir Mall par rear ...! ... ... S.SS 4.09 tot r Carrier per month. Daily and Sunday ,, .loo. ... Delly withoat Suaeer. ...... ... ...... Evening and tunday. ......... .eta. ... Evening witheat Bandar ..Ha.... b.i. a m.i. ......tea.... Daily and Sued.r Bee, three year. In advance, tlt.le. Send police of change of addraaa or irregularity ia da- livary to Omaha Baa, ClraaJatwn uapanmanu REMITTANCE, ltemlt by draft, eipreea or peetel ordar. Only -nl tampe taken in payment of email account!. Personal eheeke. aapt aa Oraaha and aaatarn eachenge, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha The Baa Building. South Omaha ISIS N tf-W. fennel! Bluffe 14 North Mala street. Llneoln 121 Little Building. Chicago IIS feeple'e Oat atulMlnf. New York Room Ml, 181 Fifth eveme. 8t. LouieIO! New Bank of Commerce. . , vYaahlngte 121 Feui-fenth .treat. N. W. ' CORRESPONDENCE. " Addreia communication, ralatlai ta naara and editorial matter to Oro-ha Baa. Editorial Department. ) SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION 54,507 Daily Sunday 50,539 bwleht William, circulation manager ml Tha Baa Publlrhlng company, bain duly Sworn, aoyl that tha average circulation for the month of September, 191a, waa 64,67 dally, and , Sunday. DW1GHT WILLIAMS, circulation aawm. Saboerfbed hi my praaevad and awora aa before ana thia Id day of October, 111. BOSKET HUWTIs, Notary FnkMa. Snbeertbm Isaviar th ally temporarily kaale bar. Tha Baw mall, to I keen. Ad s' reae will b ahaafaat aa aftaa aa raejairecL ' T.I i H II. mi I ill. ii ,1 . Prophet! of $2 wheat would command more at lention If their doleful outgivinfi were (lightly diiinteretted. ' Bank depotiti are mount In i to record levels throughout the country. Should thia flush con dition persist bankert may become practical ad vocate! of cheap money. V Aisnrsncet comet from the Sierrai that Mount Lateen It not dead, merely tleepinf. Til well, The country at the preient moment hat more spout Inf than can be attimilated safely. ; ' ' J Fortunately for democratic tpellbindert there it no hurry call for them in the Dittrict of Colom bia. The dittrict law against untruthful advertis ing renderi bsUyhooini t haiardons job. ' Every patting day rhaket clearer the Inability of Carranxa't government to fulfill Itt promltet to the United Statei. The "watchful waiting" policy findi a fitting teammate In Mexican manana. President Wllion manifeiti cOmiderabt an etiineit over the, ittue of sectionalism, and rightly to. Truth it mighty in arouilng the public to the grota Injustice of southern domination m national affairs. ' .' . '. ' , , Hammen of meteorological tciertce beat In vain againtt lingering faith in weather prophecies. The fortune piled up by the late Prophet Hiski goet to thow that official wetther tharpt mitt a lot rif eaty money. Canada It paying a princely price for itt thare . t. . . . ; . i . , ... , iv. v lwmt, n vaewei,jr IIBt Wl ',52,000 men out of a total of 300,000 tent abroad measures the lacrificei already made and gllmptet the tol to come. . , . Hie ieviied version of the Cwribean blow In the Danish West' Indict definitely retain! the island as fixture! in the hurricane lone. Holdert of the cyclone belt may safely banish feari of un leemly competition, Japan iA Runia object to America! itcur ing railroad concetiiont in China. Of course, the double protest doet not puncture the open door policy. Merely a reminder that the door for Americana opens out. Those jobless king! of Europe waite valuable time lobbing over vanished gleries. If they were wise enough to Join King Ak-Sar-Ben't eolony of retired monarchi, joy would supplant gloom and life become a glad, ffreet long. A note of satisfaction runs through the weekly output of official itatittiel thawing the price up lift in necessaries of lift, f rodueert of the goods will readily detect the note; but the pleasure is denied consumers. Their i Ii the joyless task of digging up or going without. ' Truly thete are gloomy day, for the Greeks. A few montht ago the German-Bulgart twooped down on the seaport of Ktvala and kidnaped the Greek garrison. Now the Entente Allies take over the Greek navy. Both tjdet sound the depthi of humiliation for King Conttantine. The Hobo Newt, official organ of the Inter national Brotherhood Welfare association, haili the Adamton wage increase law at a vehicle of hope of a government handout for the under dog. "Hiving exercised Itt right to fix wages for rail way men," tayt the News, "congren may equalise them for laborer! at any time." Congren must .Failure to treat all Workert alike tpellt gross dis- Kughes Answers Tom Marshall. Mr. Hughet took occasion Saturday to answer the silliest of all the silly assertioni made by the democrats in their desperation, that a vote for Hughet it a vote for war. President Wilson has Insinuated as much, just as he has insinuated that all are disloyal who do not agree with his acts and professed beliefsy ho matter how frequently he changes his mind. It remained for Thomas Riley Marshall, vice president of the United States, to put into words what the president con veyed by innuendo. ' In hit Omaha speech, and elsewhere in the state, Marshall stated that "A vote for Wilson is a vote for peace; a vote for Hughes is a vote for war." The absurdity of the charge Is apparent to any sane thinking voter, and coming from "Tom" Marshall, humorist and campaign jester, it would get little if any attention; made by the vice presi dent of the United States, it demands, and receives inch prompt and unequivocal denial at ought to tet to reit any doubt that might have been raised by Marshall's senseless assertion. Mr. Hughes promises to restore the dignity of American government and the integrity of Ameri can cftisenshlp to the respect of the world. This can be done without war, and will be achieved without retort to any of the miserable bluffs and backdownt indulged by President Wilson in his failure tOmaintain American rights, and through which he forfeited the high regard of civilized governments. . A vote for Hughes It I vote to restore the United States to itt place of dignity and Influence in the world; a vote for Wilson is a vote to endorse all his wretched blunders in Mexico and elsewhere and to unction their continuance. crimination. Shafts Aimed at Omaha Plattsmoqth journal: Omaha has wider spot on the map than she ever had before, all be cause she knows bow to entertain the big men of the country. - i . Hastings Tribune: The Ak-Sar-Ben proves to oe a Digger ana Better entertainment each year. It has already Outdistanced the celebrated Mardi Gras festival at Ntw Orleans, and k now elaaaad as the beat event of its kind ever put on. The his torical pageant was oy far ine Of II mat naa Dean produced, and it proved quite an eyopener even to that great student of history, President Wilson. Fremont Tribune The Omaha naawant ahnaa. jng the development of Nebraska waa highly creditable achievement It wat a theme Worthy of the effort made by the wonderful Ak-Sar-Beq organisation, which rose to the occasion fat inlrn. did performance. Not in its history of twenty two years has it presented to magnificent a spec tacle, ingeniously Contrived to condense and tin press the ancient aad modern history of this youqg ttate. The people of Nebraska who jour neyed to Omaha to witness the brilliant achieve ment 10 unprecedented number! gave a fine re sponse' to a notable occasion that justified their expectations. This waa but tha besjinaing of the celebration of fifty years of statehood. The rest will be through the public schools, culminating with fitting observance on March I next Then will follow in June, at Lincoln, a celebration un der the atuoicea of the University of Nebraska. The successful manner in which Omaha baa be gun has tet a high mark to be aimed at by the rest ' . Hughes and Compensation -MumaapeUe JaenaL- Threata of Conscription In Ireland. V The political end of tht British government does not appear in pressing need of increasing the store of trouble on hand. The supply It fully equal to the ability of the politicians to handle it There as elsewhere are marplots and schemers who cere lest for national unity than for advanc ing personal and political aimt. Toryism consti tute the rallying force of this clsss, and itt char acteristic hindsight ii thown in moves to force comcription upon Irelsnd. The object of the movement is too plain to maiquerade ai patriotism. Nothing would better serve the tory tchemeri in wrecking the pledge of home rule than compulsory enlistment among q people htrraited and discouraged by military rule. That tueh a movement It seriously consid ered tinder existing conditioni does little credit to the sanity of the movers. Doubtteii the re iponiible officials foresaw the tory danger and took itepi to atop it. Thit It indicsted in the re port of Lord Wimborne, head of the Dublin Castle government, advising the ministry that' conscription in Ireland it neither feasible nor prudent at present" The fact that the lord lieutenant's report ii concurred In by the chief secretary and the military authorities of Dublin, tarrlea ample weight to squelch tory madness for the time being. Before the war there were 34,822 Irishrffen in the British service. Since the war, Lord Wim borne reports that 154,795 men enlisted and joined the colon In Ireland. Thit it a notable contribu tion to the imperial forcet from a population abundantly tupplied with reasons for indifference. Besides, it takes no account of thousands of Irish men In English regiment and in the Colonial contingent!. The thowing doet credit to the' "fighting race." It conititutet a protest against harsh measures and an appeal for sympathetic treatment of Ireland. -'. , England Will Continue to Pay, Premier Atqulth, taking for 'another billion and a half of dollarrto carry on the war to the close of England's fiscal year, added nothing to what Was already known. He urgently advised that the war be continued, and that they British be prepared to foot the bills. Without going deeply into details, he explained. that the estimate of $.5,000,000 at the daily coat of the war to Eng land in money had been fairly well borne out by experience, and that he did not expect it would fall much below that figure. Of this a consider able sum will not be made part of the permanent debt of the United Kingdom, for It represents money advanced to allies, who in time will re turn payment The stupendous sums of money involved in the Wtr operationt are teaching the world new lessons Ih finance, and the immense store of capital held in British hands Is taking on new significance as the war progresses. England will continue to foot the bill for the entente allies, and will collect titer peace has been declared. . : raid Athletes m Public" Schools. A report to Yale from committee dealing with the subject ol the university'! athletics, just made public, eontaini meat for the consideration Of all who have the -good of school athletics seri ously at heart The committee recommends that Vle develop from its graduate and undergradu ate bodies t system of athletic control that will Itcqr sdequate representation for the university or abandon intercollegiate competition until such time' as it may be possible to achieve thit. The committee tayt the employment of highly paid experti a coathct b absurd. ; Thit thought hat been growing in mindt ol men who have watched the development of ath letic! at our great schools for the lttt few years. The necessity of bodily at well tt mental training it well understood, 'but competitive trials have led the reasonable purpose of athletic training and outdoor sports into at least the proximity, if not the actual, presence of dinger. The paid coach system hat reached a point where competi. tlon for these expert athletet exceeds that for competent professors who devote their abilities to intellectual pursuits. Some schools may be noted for high scholastic attribute! of their facul ties, but many more are better known because ol their foot ball teams. Youthful enthusiasm for port it too frequently transformed into teal for victory, the true spirit of sportsmanship and gen croui rivalry being sunk in lust of conquest In such tchoott athletic training center! interest in the building op of championship teams, rather than in seeing that the entire student body get the good of whatever of athletict mty be availa The paid coach may be as indlipeniibie aa the paid instructor in any branch of study, but, hit business should be to train the student body, fither than the team. ; Healthy college sport is not possible when- winning is the sole end of training. The ideal of service pertaint to tport as to any other department of education. . : Eat potato bread and lower the cott of living, say tht administration bakers. It it not a bread line suggestion, Itrictly speaking, but it squints that way. Workingmen's compensation has now been es tablished by law in thirty-one states and two teri. ri lories, and in addition the federal government grants it to injured employes. All this progress hat been made practically in the last six or seven years. Before that the workman who met with accident had only the old common-taw principle of employer's liability to rely on, and in practice this inured chiefly to the benefit of the damage tuit lawyers It was Charles E. Hughes, as governor of New York, who brought to completion the first prac tical compensation law, which has served as the model for other statea to follow. In his massage to the legislature in 1909 he recommended a spe cial investigationand as a result the Wainwright commission was appointed. In his message the following year he urgently recommended the adoption of the commission's suggestions. These were in the form of two bills, one substituting em ployers' liability for the old system by mutual agreement, and the other providing for compul sory compensation. Both were passed bv the New York lee-ie.larure, and both were signed by Governor Hughes. There were grave doubts at to the constitution alitv of the comDulsorv act and these did not es cape the governor'! judicial mind. In a memoran- uuin nica wun ma aignaiuic ui tua um no aoiu.. "The importance of providing a suitable scheme of compensation for industrial: accident! and of avoiding the shocking waste and injus tice of our present methods must be conceded by all open-minded students of industrial condi tions. ' It is difficult to devise any method of compensation which will, not be visited with severe criticism and a satisfactory solution of the problem can only be resched by experi mentation. With respect to the objec tions urged before me as to the validity of cer tain sections of the bill, I believe that the ques tions thui railed should be left to the determi nation of the courts. In this way only can there be an authoritative determination with respect to the measures that are within the limits of legislstive power and a suitable shap ing, in the light of judicial decisions, of the policv of the state with respect to compensation for industrial accidents." What was sn experimental measure in 1910 has become a widespread and widely approved svstem In 1916. Here wat the beginning of per- haDt the createst and most beneficent labor leg islation of recent times. Governor Hughes signed the bill on broad grounds of humanity and justice. His action has approved itself a thousand fold. Cheaper Bread. -Well Street Joumal- Not in forty yean has contract wheat been at luch a high October level; while flour has al ready scored an advance of 58 per cent in a year s time. Suggestions for solving the problem of higher prices are pertinent therefore a few sensible extracts from a correspondent's letter are herewith given; "A few years ago the Department of Agri culture made experiments to find a substitute for high-priced flour. It was discovered that by using one-third corn meal and two-thirds flour, a palatable, nutritious and much .cheaper bread was obtained. "If the people would use one-third corn in bread-making there would be no scarcity, and the people would benefit in health and pocket If England, France and Italy did the same, the wheat problem would be solved." , Bread msde from a wheat and corn mixture is, as the correspondent says, palatable and has the advantage of keeping moist longer than the all-wheat bread. Our grandmothers were accus tomed to mix it from choice,- and it was once cus tomary for millers to sell mixed flour.. But con gress in its wisdom taw fit to disapprove of the practice. But as a considerable mixture of white corn in wheat flour cannot be detected by the taste or color, can congress be assured that bakers do not now mix it themselves to their own profit? ' Out of the pinch of war Germany has learned to mix cheaper grain with wheat, and evidence is abundant that the 'virility of the people ia not in the least impaired. It is safe to say they will have no foolish laws against mixing wholesome grains for food. We think of barley in terms of beer instead bf bread. As for oats, we haven't the sturdy sense of the Scot who, when; taunted by an Englishman oil bis national fondness for oata which "in Eng land we only feed to horses," replied, "Where do you find such horse! as in England and such men as in Scotland?" i V - t In our cotton seed it a valuable food product, now fed only to cattle or else dumped on the fields for the sake of the ammonia that is in it. But we don't know yet how to use it Corn, bar ley, oats and cottonseed, all palatable bread stuffs, are fed to cattle or dumped into the malt vats, and we cry out against the rising price of bread, institute useless investigations and pray for embargoes to disturb the channels of trade. A little education in domestic economy teems necessary to a people who cry famine in the midst of plenty which they do not know how to use. - . ' Nebraska Political Comment Nebraska City Press: Evidently .the demo cratic World-Herald considers it an act of rank Injustice for a republican newspaper to say cruel things about a democratic candidate for office, even though the things mty have been true at one time; out it considers it an aet of democratic mercy to throw mud itself in the direction of re publican candidates for ttate office. Monroe Republican! Two years ago the Co lumbus Telegram wat roasting Congressman Stephen! for using his congressional frank for the purpose of sending personal campaign literature to the voters, and was not friendly to the con gressman's candidacy for re-election. But the other night in Columbus Edgar Howard intro duced Congressman Stephens when he spoke there. And there was nothing said about the franking privilege, which Stephens it working overtime during the pretent campaign. But poli tic! makes queer bedfellows, when one is a candi date for office. . Gandy Pioneer: "All ye Nebraska democrats, bow to me," lays Mullen, the machine boss of the democratic party. "I am the1 personal representa tive of President Wilson in Nebraska. I have the only official acceptance from the president to come to Omaha, and you must consult me, the great political dictator." But there are a whole lot of good democrats in Nebraska that won't stand for Mullen and his machine, and there will be a dean up this fall. Msny democrats prefer to elect re publicans rather than to vote for men who are unV the thumb of Mullen. t Kearney Hub: One of the most prominent democrats in Kearney told the Democrat that he would. not vote for Hitchcodt only for the pur pose of trying to keep the senate democratic But why vote for Hitchcock for that purpose? Why believe Hitchcock will keep the senate demo cratic? It ia not so very long ago that Hitch cock joined hands with all of the republican mem bers of the senate banking committee to defeat the democratic banking measure. Why place your confidence in his democracy? When codfish aris tocracy is In evidence he hasn't any more democ racy than a rabbit. John L. Kennedy has more genuine democracy about his every day make-up than Gilbert ever dreamed of. v . Bridal Couple Elude Guests. Guests at a fashionable wedding at Morgan Park, a Chicago suburb, stayed andstayed until tht midnight nour struck, waiting to learn the honeymoon plana which the couple refused to re veal. At last the couple slipped out locked the guettt in the house and disappeared in a limou sine. All of which supports, the theory that youngsters are too awift lor elders. . TOHAV Thought Nugget for the Day. Who haa not felt how sadly sweet The dream of home, the dream of home, v Steals over the heart too soon to fleet , When far o'er sea or land we , , roam? Thomaa Moore. One Year Ago Today in the War. Great Britain declared war on Bul garia. ' i gerbo-Anglo-French force attacked Btrumltaa in Bulgaria. , Russians, after three attempts, pierced German line near Dvlnak. Petroxrad announced five German transports sunk in the Baltic by a British submarine. , After . a two-days' bombardment German troops In the west regained a tooting In the trenches recently lost by them near Auberlvo. In Omaha Thirty Yeans Ago. , Mr. and Mrs. Korty were the ob jects of a very pleasant surprise at their elegant new residence on Pop pleton avenue, the occasion being the fifteenth anniversary of their wed ding. Among those present were Messrs. and Mesdamea Llnlnger, Hal ler, Parr, P. W. Reed, Fisett, Dan 8 haw, Lyle Dickey, William Shaw, Swobe, Rheem and Manchester." John J. Dillon of South Tenth street and Miss Mabel Woodward of Walnut street were married by Father McCarthy. The attendants were Misses, Minnie Woodward and Annie Dillon and Messrs. Edward Dillon and Joseph Traynor, Mrs. T. G. MaTane, tht' dancing teacher who haa opened an academy of dancing In Metropolitan hall. Is planning on introducing the gavotte, the latest popular dance in the east. W. O. Albright while driving to South Omaha, was thrown out of his carriag and seriously hurt The horses tore the valuaDle buggy to pieces and were themselves Injured. Omaha has at last the much-needed acquisition of a tenor singer. Mr. Trent comes here from Albany, N. Y., with high recommendation for his ability as sirger and organist. He makes his debut In the choir at Trin ity cathedral. Mr. Leslie, the well known druggist has taken his friends' unawares by being quietly married to Mrs. Sher man. After the knot was tied they went down to St. Louis for a little Jaunt and took In the Veiled Propheta This Day tn Hlntory. I lilt General William Preston, minister to Spain, and noted confed erate commander, born near Louis ville, Ky. Died at Lexington, -Ky., September 17, 1187. 1141 Interstate convention at St. Louis unanimously endorsed a na tional Pacific railway across the ion tlnent . ' 1870 Soisson surrendered to the Germans after four day1 bombard ment 1175 British-Egyptian' expedition lato Abyssinia surprised aad defeated with much slaughter. ,' 1171 New I England veteran of the war ot 1811 held their last re union. , lilt Klmberley and Mafeklng iso lated by Boer commandos. 1100 Resignation of Prince Hoh enlohe, the German Imperial chan cellor. 1912 President Roosevelt appoint ed a commission to investigate and settle question Involved In the great anthracite coal strike. 1109 Presidents Taft . and Dlas met and exchanged friendly greetings at El Paso, i lilt Walter Wellman and five companion started from Atlantic City to cross the Atlantto In a dirigi ble balloon; rescued in mid-ocean sev eral day later". The Day Wo Celebrate, : Brower E. McCague, secretary and treasurer of the MeCague Investment company, was born October It, 1874, in Omaha. He I a Spanish-American war veteran and aotlve in various lo cal business organisations. Bert Le Bron la today celebrating his thirty-sixth birthday. When at mork he run the electrical repair establishment that goes by his own name. Edgar E. Calvin, ones a telegraph operator, now president or the Union Pacific railroad, born at Indianapolis fifty-eight years ago today. Right Rev. James, t. Morrison, Episcopal bishop of Duluth, born at Waddlngton, N. T., seventy-two year ago today. Lieutenant Colonel Samuel Reber, who haa been in charge of military aviation matter of the United States J army, born at St. Louia fifty-two year ago today. Dr. Beverly T. Galloway, director of the New York State college of ag riculture, born at Mtlleraburg, Mo., fifty-three year ago today. Dr. Herbert L. Btetson, president ot Kalamazoo college, born . at Greene, Me., sixty-nine years ago today. Timely Jottings and Reminders. A joint annual convention of the American Fisheries society and tha National Association of Fish and Game Commissioner will meet at New Orleans today. The Association of Art Museum Directors, organised at Chicago last July, will begin it second meeting today in Detroit Charles W. Fairbanks, republican nominee for vloe president la to de vote the week, beginning today, to a speech-making tour of Ohio. - The fiftieth anniversary of tha be ginning of anti-cruelty work In America is to be celebrated by the American Humane society at Its an nual convention opening today at Cincinnati . Three thousand representative of factories throughout the country are expected at Detroit today for the an nual convention or the National Safety council. Accident prevention will be the subject of discussion. Halt a dosen men and women. In cluding a former member ot the Mas sachusetts legislature, are to be placed sn trial today on chargea in connec tion with the death of Margaret Ward, whose body waa found in an automo bile at Salem one morning several month ago. Storyette of the Day. - The pale-faced passenger looked out of the car window with exceeding in terest Finally he turned to hut seat mate: t "You likely think I never rode In the cars before," he said, "but the tact is, pardner, I Just got out of prison this morula', and it does m good to look around. It Is goin' to be mighty tough, though, facln' my old-time friends. I 'spose, though, you ain't got much Idea how a man feel In a case like that?" 'Perhaps I have a better Idea ot your feeling that you think," said the other gentleman with a sad mlle. "I am Just getting home from con gress." Philadelphia Ledger. Democrat Invade the Schools. Oxford, Neb., Oct 14. To "the Editor of The Bee: The teachers In our public schools are receiving a circular -entitled, "The Schoolmaster In the White House." They are also receiving a letter signed A. J. Mc Kelway, director Bureau of Educa tion and Social Service. This is wr t ten on the regular letter-head of the national ' democratic committee, who are Wilson' chosen managers for making public the reasons for the president's re-election. The object of this letter is clearly to Inject politics In our public schools, and enlist our teachers as a booster club to advance the cause of the democratic party. Our schools, which are for teaching knowledge to our youth, are to become fake distributer ifor President Wil son. The letter says "Wilson Is a man of clear vision; of far vision and of tender vision.. Hundreds of thousands of mothers, sisters, wive and sweet hearts In our peaceful country owe the lives of their menfolk to hVn." Great stuff to ask our teacher to Inject Into the minds of our youth. Was hfs vision clear when he declared It was none of our business how much blood Mexico sntlled or how she con ducted her affairs? If so. was It clear when he changed his watchful waltlnar to a policy of Impudent in-, termeddlihg In Mexico's private af fairs? Wis his vlslort clear when he declared Huerta never should be rec ornised and then recogn'zed him and asked him to do us the honor of saluting our flag? Was his vision clear or far reaching when h advo cated knocking Bryun Into cocked hat and then made him secretary of state, or when he said the free canal toll law was right and should stand, and then went into congress and told them to repeal It at once without ask ing any questions? Has he shown clear, far or tender vision in preach ing that his 1112 platform was a sacred pledge to be kept and not molasses to catch files, and then re pudiating every pledge, every plank even to the one that declared that only one term should be allowed a president? Where are there any facts In re cent history to substantiate the claim that the mothers, wives, sisters and sweethearts of the United States are Indebted to the amount ot the-lives of all their male kindred to whoop It ?ip for Wilson's re-election? It cer alnly can't be the two wars Wilson haa got us Into with Mexloo, both the fruits of his meddling policy, and both monuments to the discredit of our administration before the civilized world. It certainly can't be his wobbling back and forth in his for eign' policy, which has given all the belligerent nation reason to la-nore our rights, and which has brought the war to our very doors. In fact this claim I a slander on the Intelligence of the American people and to try to Inject such barefaced falsehoods Into our schools as truths should have the condemnation of all fair-minded citi zens regardless ot party. A. C. RANKIN. Eight-Hour Gold Brick. A, Omaha, Ort 18. To the Editor of The -Bee: The article appearing In your paper bf even date icantloned and sla-ned "Time and a half,' was read wth much pleasure, not because he has exposed one of the now num erous gold bricks betng handed i out by our democratic administration but because there seems to be one working man that has looked beneath the surface and analyzed this fake eight-hour law. I am sorry he did not sien his name, because he can well-feel proud of the comoletenew of his exposure of this shell game now being played upon the working class: Mr. Hughes knows whereof he speaks when he declare this the rankest of class legslatlon (capitalist Interpretation of the law) and you know that I what guides the courts In their dellberatlona President Wil son. In slipping this one over on the railroad men, has proven that he Is a master mind when It .comes te play ing politic for votes, -. I really feel sorry for the working men who have fallen for this hot-air peddled out by democratic politicians. I do not condemn them, because I used to be an easy mark myself and I was Just a gullible a the most un sophisticated. President Lovett of the Union Pa cific railroad I favoring the re-election of President Wilson and he also oppose Wilson's so-called eight-hour law. How 1 that for sincerity and consistency? Workers, for God' sake. If not for your own, read, think, study out these things for yourself, and win your economic problems through your own organised strength. Put no faith In politclans nor their law; yeur strike was not settled. It Waa only postponed. JESSE T. BRILLHART. Democrat and the A damson Law. " Omaha, Oct 14. To the Editor of The Bee: In their wild scramble to defend the Adamson "eight-hour" law the democratic leader have In the last few weeks developed about six entirely different lines of argu ment each one conflicting with most of the rest One df their latest con coctions was printed tn the local World-Herald, Ootober 11, and was to this effect: ' "The judge (their pet name for Mr. Hughes) urges that We Investigate be fore legislation. He would stop the nation's business; every bank in the oountry would close within; a week; there would be a panic: the children would cry for milk, the people for bread." . That Is the democratic view. They hold that the government of the United State I so weak that it could not prevent a little group of men. Its own citizens, doing more damage to the country than the Invading army of a foreign enemy might do. We republicans, 1 hope, have a higher opinion of our country. We don't be lieve that the nation has sunk so low that the president Is forced to follow the example of those rotten old Byzantine emperors, who habitually bought peace whenever any trouble threatened, because they did not have the power to enforce peace or even the courage to attempt to enforoe It These same democrats were sol emnly assuring us a short time ago that no one had threatened or put pressure upon the president or on congress to force the passage of the Adamson law. ; Now, they tell us that If the law had not been passed, the nation's life would have been para lysed: "The children would have cried for milk, the people for bread." That is what the railroad brotherhood chief proposed to do to the country. If the democrats do not consider that a threat, what do they call It? The beginning of love-talk? We all know the brotherhood chiefs made some such threat to tie the country up into a hard knot but a good many of ns do not believe they could have done It The union leaders In New York tried the same game recently and failed utterly. They could not induce their own men to commit any such outrage on the public. The unions can't strangle without strangling themselves.. The democrats assume that Presi dent Wilson and congress had two courses of, action open to them: To take the roads' side and let the broth-, erhoods do their worst; or to takek the brotherhoods' side and force thes roads to surrender. They do not eem to realize that there was a third side to the question the people's aide, and thati the president might have said to . the roads and to the brotherhoods: "Since you won't arbitrate, go on with your quarrel, by all means; but I warn you both that the road are gor Ing to be kept open, if I have to bring the troops ack from the border to keep them Open." That would have been a crime against union labor, wouldn't It? The president' plan was either to give the unions what they wanted or standaside and, permit them to strike a blow at the nation's heart. In order that a little group of the highest paid union 'men In the country might be Benefited. The Adamson law haa been called class legislation. It is worse even than that It is class legislation with in a class, a law favoring a little group of union men. at the expense of all the rest ; GEORGE E. HYDE. Flying a False Flag. Omaha. Oct 11. To the Editor of The Bee: Several days ago I learned . that Mr. Wilson, candidate lor state railway commissioner, had filed with the secretary of state two affidavits. ill uun ui w Mi..,, no .. . v... afflliatea with the SftH&llsl. . fcnrtv. and In the other he swear that Be 1 a democrat It seems to ms this method of ob taining votes should not be tolerated. .. It would be absurd to say the plat form of the socialist party Is In ,har- mony with the platform of the demo cratic party, or that the platform and principles ot the democratic party are in accord with those of the so- . clallst party. ' If Mr. Wilson Is a socialist he anouia not miaieau uio hcihwivi, ij making a sworn statement that he affiliates with the democ ratio party. ; and, likewise, if a democrat he is not acting in good fatth when he states , that he is a socialist. To what polit ical party does he belong? While I am not acquainted with Mr.. Wilson's integrity or ability, I am thoroughly convinced and I be lieve that the voters ot this state will , agree with me. when I say that he has not the qualification which merit -him the support of the voters of this state, regardless of their affiliation. . CHAS. H. MERRIAM. SMILING LINES, , "I won't have and dose anions tha home. They track In the mud, and that I won't have." "But 1 Ilka dan," aall her husband. ' "Makea n difference. I'm boea around hare."t 1 "You are eh? Where do I oom Int" "At tha back doer, and ha aura that you . wipe your feet, too." Loulavllle Courier Journal. . . Have you anything to ear In your da fenee before aentence Is pronounced agalnat you?" aaked the Judge. "Only one thing." eald the convicted burglar. "The only thing I have objected to In this trial waa beln ldentifled by a man that kept hie head under the bed ctneo tha whole. time I waa In the room. That la not right at all." New York Tlmoa. SHOW I WWW A r-m ; .' .' '' OUT OF HIS WlSWHEM ; lAuNbpy "tHy dear. I'm ttlnf a llttl tired of anrel food." ; "Oh, dovjr, how can yon talk ao? Ordl- . nary food la as prosaic for peopla juat mar- " yon could make nmt apoon bread. . Loulavllle Courier-Journal. The Hinlator MacWntoeh. why don't yon -come to church now? Mackintosh For three raaaona, pareen. Plratly, I dinna like yer theology: secondly. I dlnna like yer itniin', and thirdly, it waa in your kirK. i iirar. me. nu- wwb. Traneorlpt, - V NEBRASKA' Come picture with me, the paaatnc yeara; And feel with pride how Nebraska, fair Strufgled and won, "It takee r!$ to Win! And now aha enten proudly In. , Aa a state among statei, and relgna. -y Like a King. It wag hack In ihe daye of Fontanel. When wild waa the Indlan'e war-like cry The deer and buffalo roamed at will The howl Of the coyote loud and ahrlll That Lewja and Clark made that famoua Cp the old Mlieourl tn a little aklff. And following up the old Indian trail. , rouna a praiir nwn On an endleaa prairie. On weatern ptaltu. No fairer a pot could NWbraaka reign. Who can Imagine the caret and strife Of those who dared the frontier life. When neither child, or man, or boast T Could comfort find; much lees a feast 7 : The ruetlo scenery of the wild, Had lured them forward like a child An old sod cabin now and then. Marked the homei of bir-hearted men Who were joined together In ona grand cause; But think of the rough, worn hand, aad - pause. It was hard work and honest toll That stirred up the loam of Nebraska soil; one yietuem va That any state might proudly claim. It makes a true heart leap and thrill, To know that friendship and baarty good will Like those grand old days, ara with ns , still. Have you forgotten the Pony Express; Which sang to the gateway of the West? -When It traveled Nebraska but ones a week V Bringing the message wo lovingly seek; Now the Big Iron Horse over tha rail Sows to Nebraska with much avail. The hand of Industry, over the West, Makes us a grand striving state at Its best Aht what a chance In Nebraska fair; See the gotden opportunities we share. And gaslng over the landscape far. She shines for us like a morning star, And now that the mighty battle Is done. And the grandest victory has been won, last us In memory drop a tsar. To those way back In the early1 year; And teach the child In generations to come To love Nebraska, Our Homo Sweet Borne, To kiss the earth, and the Oolden Rod, All under the ahelstrlng wing of God. Omaha. MAUD KELLET. . Consider the Mothers Health after childbirth by taking necessary precaution be fore the trying; ordeal, by nsinjr, "Mother" Friend" to assist na ture ta preparing; her for tha leal change. "Mother's Friend" Remedy for I been the mean of tjlv- m . , . . . , . . ms reuex to uoaaana 01 mothers, it is sn exter nal remedy with nnev celled merits, and should be m the ham of ararr expectant mother. DruTirUrl aell It. .ail for frea hank MoUieThood. Addreee Tb Brad field Pirn'-fr Ca. Its Laaaar Bid., Atlanta, Ga.