Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Republican Presidential Candi
date Gsts Wonderful
Welcome. .' '
(Coattaat rna Paso .)
They eemed deeply impressed with
the .candidate's brief resume of the
issues of the campaign and joined In
cheering when Hughes said the Amer
ican flag should mean full protection
to every American citizen abroad.
The first atop of the train on the
Nebraska itinerary was auspicious.
Telegrams were received from towns
not scheduled for stops.
Extra stop will be made at Fair
mont, the borne of State Chairman
Beach. :
New Falls City Club.
In the demonstration at Jails Citv
were 400 members of the newly or
ganized Hughes and Fairbanks club,
under the Inderihio of Rov HcS-
cock. One of the members of this
club is John Herring, democratic
section foreman on the railroad at
Shubert He says railroad laborer
are not enamored of the so-called
Adamson eight-hour : law and they
will vote for Hughes. Another sig
nificant feature of the roster of this
club is the membership of German
farmers, who have been identified with
the democratic oartv
There is marked inclination among
Germans of Richardson county te
auonart Huihes and Fairbanks.
Louis Simmerman, forty-six years
a farmer near fans uty. orougni
three sons to hear Hughes. He said
most of the Germans of the tounty
are for Hushes and for good re'
son. C E- Matson, state organizer
pf the Hughes and rair&inM duos
made a. similar statement '
Victor Rosewater of the advisory
council of the national repunucan
rmamittee Mid National Committee
man Howell joined the train at Falls
City. .?' ,
Great Crowd at Beatrice.
Beatrice, Neb Oct. '.4.-(Special
Telegram.) The Hughes special train
wai received by a large gathering al
the depot Rere. nana ana auiomt
hiln led the narade to Athletic Dsrl
where Mr. Hughes addressed a crowd
that exceeded seating capacity. Pe
ter Jansen introduced the candidate,
't who was given an vatfon by Gage
county citizens. President Cart Son
deregger of the Hughes club led the
Mrs. Hughes Is an Interested st
fendant at all meeting's and is solid.
tout of her husband's welfare, which
is being tsxed by frequent greetings,
conferences and talks. The president
tial candidate's wi.e pushes through
the crowd with her husband ' when
the oartv leaves the train for meet
ings away from the train. Members-)
pf the party .say. she I a wonderful
woman. .v. ..-!,.,. if j ;,.'w
Crewd Gather at Wymore.
While changing engines e Wyi"Pfe
a crowd"gathcied at the depot Sev
eral hundred railroad men went to
Ve had war. It was an ignoble war-
are; it was personal war. it wa
not based on anything that is sane
lonea by international law. . It was i
matter of vindictiveness to destroy
the only semblance of government
lexicx had. -. , . i
"We iiave had no proper Dolicr of
peace in Mexico. I desire to see peace
maintained, nut it win not oe main
tained unless we have it understood
that we do not propose to meddle
with things that no nut ontern us
and, in the text place, thai the just
rights ol our citizens with respect to
their lives and property will be main
tained ,
Federal Farm Loan
Board Is Out With a
Warning b Farmers
Washington. Oct. M. The Federal
Farm Loan board's warning to farm
ers sgainst swindlers seeking to profit
by organization of land banks has
begun to bring in many reports of
victims, the board recently an
nounced that it would refuse charters
to any banks in whose organization
money had gone for promotion pur
Jacob J. tsiumer, uencnisna, mom.,
wrote the board that an agent of a
romotion concern pretended to have
een employed by the government
got from him a $250 check for ten
shares ot stock and tnat ne later re
ceived notice to pay $750 more. K.
T. Peck, Fishtail, Mont, complained
that agenta of the same concern told
him that to borrow he must become
a shareholder .of the concern. I'eck
paid $25 and obligated himself for
several more payments.
b. A. Aitman ol Lincoln,
wrote he had paid WOO on a similar
t ne board today issued -.nis supple
mental warning:
"farmers who borrow through tne
National Farm Loan associations ire
not required to pay any advance com-
missions. So all oi tnese enterprises
requiring payments from farmers are
declared by the board to be fraudu
lent and the attention of the Depart
ment of Justice has been called to
the matter and an attemp. will be
made to bring the offenders to jus.
(Coatlaate From One.)
portant thing for the purpose of
safeguarding the peace of the land is
correct policies. That is important
In this hemisphere; that is particu
larly important in latin-America.
That was very important in Mexico, i tariff is concerned, they are without
ply as wisely, as intelligently, as we
know how the doctrine of protection
of American enterprise and interests.
We have had some suggestion on the
other side of an appreciation of this
situation. .
"They have not been very difmite
about it, .they have not told us ex
actly what they stand for. If they
do not stand for more tariff for rev
enue only, they do not stand for any
thing at all. so far as I know, in con
nection with the tariff. If they are
not for that principle, so tar as tne
IMII 1 1 M I I I I
Instead of having a policy of peace j principle, because they certainly have
based upon- a correct attitude with
regard to that unfortunate country,
our administration, this present ad
ministration, entered into a policy of
officious intermeddling with matters
which did not concern it, and em
broiled this country in actual war.
That is the real fact of the case."
Threat Indefensible.
Mr. Hughes reviewed the admin
istration's policy with respect to
Huerta. - . ;
"I stand here to say, and I chal
lenge contradiction, that that threat
to make war uoon that individual
and to use whatever force was ade
quate to put him out of the govern
ment, which, whether we recognized
it or not, -others had recognized, was
utterly indefensible in law or in
morals." Mr. Hughes declared.
Reverting to the tariff, he said:
"We must equip ourselves to take
care of our own vital interests. We
can't do that unless we faithfully ap-
Sent to Prison for
Trading with Enemy
Paris, Oct. 14. William Chestet
Silbermann, New York, has been sen
tenced bv -the correctional court te
five years in prison and 500 franes
line on a cnargt oi iraoing who ui
Silbermann. according to the prose
cution, came to Paris armed with
papers describing him as the rtpre
sentative of the Knight Rubber com
ngth of these papers
he obtained several important orders
pany. On the strem
He waa finally denounced bv a Ser
bian who had known him. in New
York and who said he was acting foi
Gottwilc Seheffef & Co.. J09 Broad
way, New York, a firm with German
not declared their iaith in any other
Not for Special Privileges.
"They have, however, told us that
they will give us a tariff commission.
I sincerely believe that we should
have every possible aid to an under
standing of the facts affecting these
problems. I do not believe in going
it blind. I have not come to this
.!- nf nmtiriarv. Ira vim the career
of which I spoke, for the purpose of
parceling out special privileges at me
expense of the public welfare to any
class or to any group.
"I want to see this difficult and
important matter attended to with
the utmost care and fairness.. It can
be done if we get the facts that apply
to each situation; and I believe In
a tariff commission, but it is perfectly
idle for anybody to talk to the Ameri
can public as if a tariff commission
were a solution of tariff difficulties.
Tariff commissions don't legislate."
Tkj faslve Gnler eTfte KddleWeff -
. bbbRsheiilSSfc.
A Wonderful Comprehensive Changing
Panorama of the Newest Fashion Offers
the trsMeMhMf. and Mta. Hughes
appeared en the piattorm, en us
about the Adamson bill, shouted
man. whereino Mr. Hughes repli
' by statins) thiMbe' Adamson hill was
a sham and a pretense and that tne
men had been handed," told brick."
Introducing Mr. Hughes to I treat
fathering in Athletic park, Beatriee,
eter Jansen said. "He is a man who
would be absolutely untrammeled in
office."- ' , - -
To fieet to Consider
The Eight-Hour Law
This Introduction was received with
wild applause, . ' ) '
The Beatrice gathering approved
the candidate' expression that this
country must, have a protective tariff
to meet the exigencies of the world,
keen and anxious to invade our mar
kets after the war. Another outburii
Ol applause followed the statement
that the administration indulged in
offieious meddling in Mexican affairs
Prolonged applause followed thi
statement - '
"You ask me what I would do in
MtxKo. do not mow. I do
know whet kind of mess there will
be next March. Correct policies spell
peace. ; . , . :
' Falls City. Neb, Oct I4.-Charles
, I Hughes today opened bis cam'
Baie-n in Nebraska from the rear plat'
form of his car to a crowd of farm
ers al the station here. The nominee
outlined his , licy of a protective tar
iff. asserted that the present prosper
ity of the country was due to the
"stimulus of the European war," and
that .hen the war eeased there would
be a greet deal ot labor disappoints
' in this country. .
Mr. Hughes assailed the admmis
1 ttration for its Mexican policy. He d
clared that extension abroad ot
American trade would not be accom
pliahed unless American rights were
tuny maintained.
. Protection tor flag.
"V must remember Mr. Hughes
laid, 'that it is perfectly idle to ask
American merchants, American engi
neers, American traders, the boys who
' go forth in the various opportunities
that are afforded in connection with
branch houses abroad; it is perfectly
idle to ask them to go forward in the
interest of American enterprise if the
American flag does not mean full pro
tection to every citizen lawfully en
: gaged, wherever he is.
"We cannot have an extension of
our foreign trade Unless we have a
. - recognition of the dignity of our citi,
I aenship and are prepared to maintain
i our own rights. Now, I am a man of
i peace..., ." ... . ..
, Mexican, an Ignoble Wat.
' "Nothing to me is more extraordi
nary than the claim of this adminis
. "tration that it has kept us out of war.
i. Only inexcusable blundering coulu
have gotten us into, war,
"We did not have peace in. Mexico.
Oct, 14,-Jfcebs ol
Oenve v Colo,
meeting 'the1 requirement ' of the
Adamson leiaht-hour law are to be
considered, at a meeting of the Anier i
wan Railway t-sociatlon : here No
vember 17, according to announce
ment ?o..ight
Local railroad officials received
word today (ha. a number of execu
'.ives an l n f .agers who participated
'.i the recent conference .with Pres-
dent Wibon and representatives ol
the railroad brotherhoods preceding
the enactment of the Adamson bill
would be here. Proposed method
it meeting the extra expenses and its
.listribution are expected to be an
nounced at that time. . ,
Observe Columbus Day. '
Greeley. Neb.. Oct. 14. (SoeeiaU
Bishop O'Connor council, Knights
of twOiumbua, obsrved lontmbus day
1th a line program at the opera
house. Judge J. K. Manna gave an
address on "Columbus and Early
American History. Mr. Haverstroh
of Grand Island, and Miss Florence
Harrahill of Greeley rendered vocal
solos, and Paul Bartunek of Wolbach,
a violin selection.
' ' Stack Show at Steel City.
Steele City. Neb.. Oct 14. (Spe
cial.) The first annual stock show
snd carnival, will be held in Steele
City, October 19 to ?1. An excellent
nronram of soecial attractions has
been secured. Governor Moorehcad
sneaks October 21, and State Super
intendent of Schools Thomas speaks
Uctober U.. v ' .
TM in oat dMlraai farnohte rooms ar
aavoriMMi in tarn m. uii a aiof n
for tho wlaton
wo-a--'oaoae-roj.a' ""'mmi r
I i - - - -" TT II
- I i ' V i " ' m ' " w '. " 'i
a ' S'J J" , mm g
( ., .1, Vl
5 ' A Frort Uce Corset ' I
t In this day and age
of uncertain
Doesn't'it pay
to shop at
Thompson'Belden s
Whose business career of
thirty years in Omaha has al
ways been based on v
"Highest Quality
Merchandise at
F Fair and Honest Prices
1 It.. '. .
i iJ HVU uvuu
A Front Lace Corset
You Want '
A Recfem Front Lace.
It is tJ that a, perfext corset should be, with certain
exciUHve fettures that place k in a class by itself. ,
5 The imponance of these features to your appear
3: '; ,,f aweand yw coirufo you:rarJilj!; realize if you
2' . ct to us for a fitting. t v . , r--
Secure Your Tickets
E for Grand Opera
Oct. 23d and 24th
The Ellis Grand Opera Company
will present in Omaha, Carmen On
the night of October 23. Tuesday,
October 24, II. Trovatore. A not
able offering1 of unique merit,- at
the moat famous stars of grand
opera will sing here. Under the
uapicea of the Associated Retail,
era of Omaha. -
Featuring Coats
for Monday
Priced $25 and $35
" Quality of fabrics, excel
lence of tailoring unsur
passed. Price considered,
these coats are most unusual.
A complete selection of the
season's most choice styles
and fabrics.
Tomorrow Another Special
Display of .A
Not a few skins, but a large show
ing of skins in the season's newes
Scarfs, $20, $25 to $50.
Muffs, $15, $22.50 to $50.
Twenty-Five New Shades
All Silk Chiffon Velvets
Forty-two . Inch velvets
are quite necessary to the
wardrobe of Milady who
dresses with distinction.
For suits, for coats, they
rank high in Fashion's pro
gram for autumn and win
ter. . '
We have so we are told
every day the largest se
lection of high grade vel
vets, plus" j and fur ef
fect fabrics in the city. '
. It's always a pleasure to
have you view them, ''i-
Handsome Linings
During the past week we
have received these new
printed and brocaded lining
fabrics, and can match our
velvets in plain or rich con
trasting novelty effects
The Lining Section
New colors in sateens, fast
colors, too. They are being
used extensively for fancy
work and quilts. Padded sat
een, reversible in pink and
white, for children's car
riage robes, vests, hoods, etc.
TVo Fakrlcs Sort Ion. Miss Floor '
,1 .
Soul AUlo.
Flannels of Quality,-
Extensive assortments 3
Amana FlasmeU All wool, (n
novelty stripes, blue gray, and red,
suitable for netticoats, men's
shirts, and chiMren'e wear, 40a,
Sue, 60e yard. ; ,v-V-
Viyella Flannel Guaranteed not
te shrink or fade, in new color as
sortments and eheerful pattsrna,
for slumber suite, men'a - shirts,
dresses, for winter wear, etc. . One
price, 75c a yard.
i; , 10c -; 15c v
; Basement. .:",'"'
lil I las a a sal
Back Loot Front Lac
v $3 and up
(las AoSKttV Trngm mi At SJI Tap Osaj)
I ntake clothes to fit and
fit to wear
IlS12Vi Dodge Street
Gift of $100 Cash
That Best Defines
Rm4 the Big Aaaagauawal mm
Paga , Sectioa A, TUs Paper.
Bakes, Boila, Roasts snd
Stews with gas turned off.
Let us show it to you
Prices up from $25.00
7 IN 0UR
Stove Department
J We Show All The Following First-Claas ;
Stoves and Ranges
' OIL HEATERS" ' v "
I ,1 v.v I
I Vnir ' Yaavi I
S 149at
" TSa
. Street , BtgUM'V'
Dr. r.lcKenney
' "If you were In pain from any other cause than tooth
ache you would not hesitate about seeing: a physician, yet
nine times out of ten it is more serious to allow yourself to
suffer from' toothache than from any other known bodily
ailment." . , v
I r II rj?y4 aijj.
Sflvs: &mmM
WJ W" I I Urn
Beit Sllvar
Gold Crown
HoaTioat BrMga
Work r teeth. .
Wonder Plate C A
..ellaUU worth IIS I. I2S.
Fro. Checking aad Phraa Privil.fM to all Visiters
14th and Farnam Sts.
1324 Farnam Street
aiso A.
m. to e p. M.
aS Saturd J
TUl atoe P. M.
Not Opoa
ra rouio tan.
NOTICE Out-oMown- troti. eon
oot Platoo,'crow,,r.aoo mm
FUHae Compitloa la On. Dor.
EaaaUnatiaa. '
,K. Stueaata. .
have tested
Parana and
pronounced it a reliable family
tonic. It's useful because it ha
met the demands of the youth for
a strength builder, the adult for
conserving strength, and the af ed
tor healthful invigoratlon. It
allays inflammation of the mucous
membranes, dispels the inflamma
tion we call catarrh, and aide di-i
gestion. ft helps rid the system
of colds and coughs, and bullde tip
the strength to resist grip, as well
aa helping remarkably In Conva
lescence '
Nearly Fifty Years
bat ismd friiiea Ps paa lblr(lue4 tt
the publie. Tke eVifimsJ fornsala BMbeea
bettered eowsewhet Menperteaee hee sdwsm
the wavy but it rereeiasi the swsm remedy
thsu hw ae(raIUavesJ as nueli fef
Jth ol tbe peoptle.
ay be obtained la tablet fen aria.
enid-both pwda alter theeaoM fwnulery,
bm taoieEB nmimni ins Mivenc, aqa it u
ready to ao ier you iiM it ctl f
fataar uaui uuier.
(er your
Stage "Make-ups" for Professionals
and Amateurs
t ' . - - '
Know ye, that we carry in etock at all time a most complete line of
Make-Ups, including the products of
This lacludoa
Youthful Tint Stage Powder, Vi lb 35.
Soule Blendlne? Powder, Vi lb 25
Hess' Grease Paint, all styles 2Se
Liners and Crayons, each....' .r; 10e
Mascaro, Black. Brown, Blonde, Red, White, Gray 40
Spirit Gum, with brush, per bottle 1S
Clown White, tin box -20
Burnt Cork, S o., 20c; 8 o., 76c; 1 lb ., Sl-M
Sun Tan Rouge, per jar
Jersey Cold Cream, . lb., 25c; H lb., 40c; 1 lb 65e
Rexall Cold Cream, lb., 35c; 1 lb BOc
Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream, per lb SOa
Carmen Theatrical Powder, H lb., 60e; 1 lb ...7S
Aibolene, for removing makery, per can. . . t 'a
Stein'a Wheat Croft. 40c
Sherman & McDonnell DrugCo.
16th and Dodge St.
Owl Duos Co, lets anl Haraoy, 3ta aa Paraaak
... Hamr Pkanaacy, ttk aa ronuai
Ier '
DBsruF Bails
This institution is the only ene
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify eases. The one building
-being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagioue and
non-mental diseases, no ot'lers be
ing admitted: the other Rest Cot
tage' being des.gned for and de
voted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful Care and spe
cial nursing.
IDEAL: LUMP. a. m i- C1C50
EGG and NUT A VU c "Vs"
Everybody knew
the beat colored comics
are in