Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 14

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    5 B
What -
is Goin On
in Society Circles -
Holland-Bedwell Wedding Party
: Howell-Rustin Wedding.
Mr. Brandon Howell of Omaha and
Hiss Marparct Rustin. daughter of
Captain and Mrs. W. G. Doane. for
merly of this city, were married at
, Berkeley, Cal Thursday. Miss 1 ois
. Hovell was the maid of honor. Those
assistim" at the wedding reception
i -were Mrs. Palph Harrison of San
Francisco, wife of Colonel Harrison,
j, S. A., together with Mrs. William
. Lojran Geary and a group -of the
' bride's young friends, the Delta Gain
' nta the fonrer Miss Rusttn't sorority
at the University of California; Miss
Kutn Doge:t of New York. Mis
Helen Leot and Miss Carol. Everta.
The others were Miss Ruth Harrison,
Miss R'lth White Miss Margaret
Geary, Miss Katherine Harrison and
Miss Henrietta Hall.
After the reception the bride and
groom left for the aouth by train,
planning to motor from San Diego to
their future home in Omaha. Mr.
Howell ccme out to California in hia
car with his best man,' Chester Ra
ter, recently.
Mrs. Howell is the daughter of the
l.v'.e I'eiiry Rustin. who was respon
sible for t' e lighting of a number
r t'e "'"Otis American expositions.
J.'u'l: of hef life ha ben spent in
Now Vork.: . .. ,
Jones-Pcckenpaugh Wedding.
) The marriage of Miss Violet Fran
ces Teckcnpaugh, daughter of Mrs
iKIiabeth Peckenpaugh of Clinton
Mo, to Mr. George F. Jones of this
city will talte place Monday in Clin
ton.. The Episcopal service will be
used. Mr. Jones left Friday evening
for Clinton. The young people will
' reside In Omaha, , ,
jooM-O'NeiU Wedding.
t Mia's Mary O'Neill, daughter of Mr.
nd Mn. John O'Neill, and Mr. Mil-
Jon H. Jones, ion of Mr. and Mrs.
. IS. Jones, were united in marriage
on Thursday afternoon at St, Peter's
church by the Rev. Father Neligan.
They were accompanied by Miss Mar
garet Ortman as bride's maid and
Mr. Philip Jonea, brother of the
, bridegroom, as best man. Miss Ada-'
line Jones, sister of the bridegroom,
fang Calm as the Night," for a pro
cessional, accompanied by Mrs.
George S. Johnston at the organ.
Only the two immediate families were
present at the ceremony.
A very pretty wedding dinner was
served to the bridal party before the
ceremony at the home of the bride's
Mr. and Mrs. Jones left immediately
for Charlotte, N. C, where they will
make their future home, stopping en
rente; at Chicago and . Washington,
Betrothal Announcements. '
. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright an-
flounce the engagement of their
daughter, Hilda, to Mr, Al Hoffman
of Kansas City. Miss Wright is
graduate of the South Side nigh
Bluffs wants them for a luncheon,
tnd Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Stewart, 2nd,
have spoken for some of their time.
Evening Bridge Patty.
Miss-Marione Hnwland entertained
at bridge last evening for Miss Mary
uee ot Chicago, who l the guest ot
Mrs. Clarence Sibbernsen. Those
present we-e:
Helen Ineweraen.
Helen Clark,
Irene- Coad,
Mew -.
Drexel sibbrnn.
iMon Callahan,
Prank Head,
Frcdridt-Anderaob Wedding.
In the parlors of the Hotel Rome
last evening at 8 o'clock occurred the
marriage of Miss Doris Z. Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
M. Anderson of thii tity, and Mr.
Harlow Grafton Fredrick of Joliet.
111. .
Palmi and ferns formed the deco
rations. A chorus composed of Mrs.
Al G. Charleville, Mrs. lames M. Kel
ley, jr.; Mrs. Roland W. Scott, Mrs.
Harlan A. Stott, Mr, Henry Q. Con
and Mr, Roland W, Scott, Mrs. Scott
accompanying at the p'ano, sang the
bridal chorus from "Lohengrin. Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred W. Hulmes of Man.
hattan. Kan., were the attendant.
Miss Anderson entered on the arm of
her father,' who gave her in marriage.
The party passed through an aisle
formed by pedestal topped by ferns
nd connected by festoon of chiffon
and amilait to the end of the room,
where in bower of palmi and ferns
the ceremony was performed by
- Bishop B. R. McGuirt of Independ
ence, Mo., presiding bishop of the Re
organised Latter Day Saints' church.
Dinner was served In the banquet
room after the service, covert being
laid for sixty. Palmi and ferns were
banked about tht room, and the table
were decorated with Russell rose.
tern and inula.
After a honeymoon In the west Mr,
and Mrs. Fredrick will be at home in
their .new apartments in Joliet. III.
The out-of-town guesta were: Mr,
F. E. Fredrick, Mrs. M. Fredrick, Mr,
Harold E. Fredrick of Joliet: Mr. I.
A. Smith, Biihop McGuIre, Miss
Sohrt, Mr. A E. McKim, Mr. and
Mrs. K, L. Brackenbury of Independ.
ence. Mo.: Miss Nellie Anderson.
Miss Myrel Traxler, Mil Rebecca
Weld, Rev. Case, Rev and Mrs. E. A.
Smith of Lamoni, 1st. Mrs. Anna A.
. Dancer of Iowa City, la.; Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Hulmei of Manhattan,
Kan. , . .
Morrison-McKniaht Wedding.
The marriage of Miss Mary E. Me-
Knight to Mr. Lloyd Morrison of
Lincoln took place in thii city on
. rvanesaay. Mrs. morrison a graa.
uate of Lincoln Hiarh school. Mr.
Morrison attended the University of
Nebraska, where he was a member of
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. After
a snort Honeymoon Mr. and Mrs.
Morrison will make then1 home in
Lincoln. ... .
Parish Aid Society.
Wednesday over twenty-five of the
memners oi tne trinity i'arlsh Aid
society met at the home of Mrs.
George Barker for luncheon and to
sew for the Christmas bazar, which
the society holds annually, The offi
cers for the coming year were elected
Wednesday, Mr. A. L. Reed being
made president, to luceeed Mr. C.
W. Martin. Mrs. lames Chadwlek
, v.-as re-eleeted vie president; Mrs, M.
,. T. Barlow treasurer and Mis Cook
lecretary. The meeting Wednesday
. will be with Mrs. Mary 0. Ked.
' Yale Olee Club Concert.
' The Yale Glee club will add to the
gayety of the Christmas holiday and
will not only be here the dav of their
concert, Friday, December 29, but an.
other day, too. Already plana are
.under way for making their stay a
. nltalant one. Philip Met, who ia
chairman of the local Yale commit
tee, will give a dance for them at the
Fentcneir; Mr. and Mrs. C E, Yost
and Mrs. Charles Oilutt will open
their house for a tea one afternoon,
while Mr. Erneit Hart of Council
H?$ -
lii J
v Mas lJSJomi Ibojs
Alice Poller,
iiartba Dai,
Mary Lea.
SIchi a
Allan Tukay,
Barnard etnyta.
Alex Loomla.
Meaa a. an4 Sleadamfa
Albarl Buaca, Claianoa fllbbarnaaa.
Informal at Hdme. '
Dr. and Mr. Frederick Kohn will
be at home very informally this after
noon ior incir gncsi,i Misa r ranees
Isaac of St Louis, who arrived last
evening. .
8iork BpeelaL '
A son, named Fred Powell, has
been born to Mr. and Mr. F. P.
nehlibner of Davenoort. Ia. Mr.
Schlibner wae formerly Mi Marvel
McLutcheon ot this city.
A daughter, named lonnda. was
born to Mr. and Mrs, Guy Cox last
week.:...'.,' J..!,
Pleaaurea Pait'-VT;-:,;!:9'" '
Mr. A. Bonoff entertained at
luncheon at the green room Friday
tor Mrs. uernstien ot Urand island.
Mr. M. Meyers and Mr. H. Go d-
stone were included in the party, i
Mra. W. F. McKnieht entertained
at luncheon Friday at the green
room for a Kansss City visitor.
Misse Vera Marshall and Ada
Stiger entertained the loyal Daugh
ters' club Friday evening at the home
of Misa Stiger, The guesta were;
Miee" , v tiaava-
leaele Belli Trane alenlthroV . -
Edna Kllllan Mild ad Tlteel
Smmi Pliant Klale Hermana
B)l)a Hermana Nona 0aav
Lola Panlelaon - Vara Harehall
MyrtlaBmlaor Caroll iD&ldlna:
Vara Bartholomaw
Miadamaa- leidamae
M.: Kroyar Harry Read
C. Calvert Bd Janka
Loula UoaA
Pagalcs Club. ' "
The Pagalco dub- entertained Its
member at a wiener road at Flor.
ence Thursday evening. A camp sup.
per was served, i nose present were:
Hiaaao. . mieei'e"". . .
Rat Haxthauaan. " Irene Bakar, : 1
Winifred Rowe, ' Lola Keren.
Oladis Redhoiwa,, Jennie CrirlataoMMI,
iana Bhaftar, , Lola Oatrom,
lattr Plxon, Itoaa Ulxon.
Iran nailer, wuma aieieta.
Ueaara. Mval.a.
JokR . alorrlll, '. Joa Beawelfar,
Fid Coiner, . aeorfa Uoadmaa,
B. V, Kelly, ' II. B. Runner,
Harold Kabb. , Oeorge Mai en, : "
Harry Unltt, Bo Hammamf,
Clareno Bmlth,
Daisy Kensington Club.
Mrs. Agnes Hug entertained the
Daisy Kensington club at hef home
Wednesday afternoon. Those present
ateadamea- Meedamea-
Andy Chrletenaen, Charlea Kautakr,
riod Olaaa. Qua Bejadorfer,
John Rlria, Anton Kratky,
rrank Machal, Henry Olderman.
Charles Flxa,
Friday Night Dancing Club.
The Friday Night Dancing club
held it! regular weekly party Fri
day evening at Druid hall with over
seventy-five couples present. Next
Friday tveuing tne ciuo win give a
special Hallowe'en .party, for which
the exact plans will not be disclosed
for two or three days. The following
Friday evening, Octoher 27, the club
will entertain at the Castle hotel ball
room. ,
Terpsichore Club. '
The Terpsichore Musical club met
at the home of Miss Irene Tauchen
Friday evening, when Miss E. Cole
was tne guest of honor. Those pres
ent: B, Cola. Mayma Kllllan,
Loads Jaaobaon, Anaelin Tauchen,
Bthe! Btrelts, Clara Oleen,
Reilna Teuehen, El. Kramer,
Heln Hutton, Irn Tauchen.
Deborah Franklin Club.
Mr. Frank A. Kennedy enter
'ained the Deborah Franklin club at
luncheon at her home in the Helen
apartment Thuriday afternoon. Those
present were:
- MdamB
Bertha aetsrhman,
Harry Toetcvln,
K. J. Bakar,
or Grand laiand.
Herbert Poller, '
Iurle J. Qulnby,
Oeorsa Bencha
of Counrll Bluff,
Clarwir Corey,
Penn Fodrea, ' ,f
Ml Harsarot Konneay,
Mr. O. A, Kennedy of Mlllboro, B. D.
Columbu Club Dance. , -
The Columbui club entertained at
a dancing party at Han scorn park pa.
vilion Thursday evening. The fol
lajwing member ware present . it '
Mlaae-. Ml"r-. 1 ',.
Lrdt Holtead, t netty Hoffrnan,
Sraoa Wa:k, Tranc Malloa, i,
atharlna Donahu. Clara Traoy, .
Irana O'Nalll, Pranoca Proekacll,
frn Bwearlnfan, Ruth Gentleman, .
Birdie Cralf, Marl Rellly,
Tree Morlarlty, Irene Kenny,
thai Sherry, Mary O'Brien,
Anna Makr. Mary Downey.
Menn.-. Maa
Charlea J. Aaamann. Prank Wallaee,
Charte J. McDonald Frank Naxle,
John I. Pltspatrtck, Charlra Brut, I
Ed T. Rtllly, Joaaph Kllment,
William A. Leary, Prank Colllno. I
Rax Olaon, Jamea Hubanka,
Martin Holbrook, Oeorf A. K)r,
Arthur Farmer, Oan Byrne, ,
Paul Kelly, Frank Dlneen.
Annual Banquet - '
The third annual banquet pf the
Carter Lake Bowling and Swimming
club was held at the Commercial club
Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Keating, presi-
however, instead of three times a
Evening Bridge Party.
Mis Frances Nieman entertained
ast evening at bridge for Mrs. Ar
thur Powell andMis Marjorie Wal
ridge of -Chicago, who are the guests
of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Nelson.
Wedding Announcement
Mrs. Ida Wallace announces the
marriage of her daughter, Lillian Ja
queline, and Raymond A. Garneau of
Calgary, which took place in Kansas'
City Saturday.
HrN Photo
dent; Mrs. Alex Jetes, vice president,
and the four high bowler of the sea
son, Mesdamcs J. F. Dimick, H. B.
Whitchouse, W. J. Cattin and C. M.
Johnson, were the guest of honor.
A new erie of bowling will begin
next Tuesday at the Farnam alleys.
Royal Daughters.
The Royal Daughters met Thursday
evening at the home of Miss Mae
Russell. At a business session the
girls decided to give an entertainment
for the benefit of the Riverview De
tention home some time during the
Thanksgiving holidays.
Elka Dancing Club Dates.
The Omaha Elks', Formal Dancing
club announces the following dates
for formal dances, to be held in thr
Elk lodge room, for the season o
1916-17: November 2, 15. 29, Decern
ber 13, 27, January 10, 24, Februar.
7, 27 and March 7. Member of othe
Elk lodges residing in Omaha are cot
dailly invited to join this club.
For Miss Bedwell.
Miss Marjorie Foote entertained
Miss Louise Bedwell and Mr. Eugene
Holland at dinner at her home Sat
urday evening. Following the dinner
the party went to the Orpheurm,- ,
Of Interest to School Set.
' Lawrenceville authorities announce
that school will not open October 24
owing to a case of infantile paralysis
in the town. The Omaha boys, there
fore, who had expected to go this
week are still at home.
Harry Menold left for Ithaca, N. Y.,
where he will attend Cornell college.
Mrs. Merrill's Lectures.
Mrs. William E. Martin leaves on
Monday for Moline, where she will
arrange for a course of lectures to be
given there by Mrs. Anthony Merrill
in about ten days. Mrs. Martin will
bring Mrs. Merrill here for a course
of current ev:nt lectures in Novem
ber. The lectures, as before, will be
given in the mornings, once a week,
Surprise Party.
A large surprise party was given
Saturday evtnm;? for Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Nelson at their home. Over
iOO people were present.
News of the Visitors.
Miss Norma &nd Miss HaVriet
Mack, William Decker and Sam Vail,
who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charlts Metz for several weeks, leave
today after a round of paiety and en
tertainments in their honor.
Mr. McN'amara of Oakland, Cal.,
arrived last week to visit his sister,
Mrs. S. D. Barkalovv and is at the
Mrs. Merrifield of Tasadena, Cal.,
mother of Miss Clara Bull, who has
often visited here, arrived in Omaha
Thursday to spend a few days on her
way to Minneapolis to see her son.
Mrs. Merrifield was the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. I. E. Congdon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jaques re
turned to Chicago Sunday. They
were guests of Mrs. A. J. Beaton dur
ing part of their stay here.
Mrs. John F. Warrgaman of Wash
ington and Annapolis will arrive in
Omaha Tuesday on her way west
and will stop over for a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Keller.
Mrs. Cor.rad Spens of Chicago, who
as with her mother, Mrs. George
eeline; in Council Bluffs, until Wed
nesday, is now with Mr. and Mrs.
G'et Wharton over Sunday.
Mr. and' Mrs. F. H. Davij have
as tneir guest Harry S'erns of New
York, who arrived Thursday from
Mexico on his way home. Mr. Sterns
has been with Squadron A of the
New York cavalry in Mexico and is
being sent home on sick leave. He
will be here several days.
T. B. Martin of Galesburg, III.
arrived Monday to visit his sons, F.
B. T.Martin and C.W.Martin. Mr.
Martin spent Tuesday in Lincoln
with his granddaughter, Miss Whit
taker, who is at the state university.
Mrs, C. K. Martin arrives today
from Chicago to visit her son, Wil
liam E. Martin, and Mrs. Martin. '
Miss Helen Jackson of Westfield.
N. J., who has been Jiere for the
Mattson-Gilmore wedding, left yes
terday for Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fell havr
Say Cream Applied In Nostrils
Opens Air Passages Bight Up.
as their guests Mrs. Fell's brother.
CapL Charles Day Palmer and Mrs.
Palmer of New York City.
Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Watson of
Grand Island, who have been guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Penn Fodjea, leave
tA Ur, Vranie Klar nf the
same city- arrived Friday evening to
tie witn ner sister, Mrs. roarca. me
Fodreas entertained twelve couples
at cards and daneino: Fridav eveninff
for their guests.
Social Gossip.
Earl Gannett is in New York this
week and expects to be home about
the 20th.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard mo
tored to Chicago last week, Mr. Mil
lard returning Monday, while Mrs.
Millard went to Topeka. O., to visit
Mrs. Lyman Spitzer, and to be gone
two or three weeks.
Mrs. Frances Brogan is at the
Seymour in New York for two or
three weeks.
Mrs. L. F. Crofoot returned last
Saturday from her summer place at
Northeast Harbor, Me. Her young
est son, Michael, has been quite ill
since here return, brt is better.
Mrs. Arthur Keeline is expected
home Wednesday from the Keeline
ranch in Wyoming, where she has
been all summer. Mr. Keeline will
-cmain on the ranch until the first of
November, prohahly.
Mrs. Herbert French, with Miss
Clara Bull, expects to leave Baton
Rouge, La., todai; for the north and
will reach here some time this week
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.
E. Congdon. Mrs. French and Miss
Bull may stop in Chicago to, spend a
Train Your hair is
in Actress Dots
No class of people devotes as much
time' to beauty as do actresses, nd
naturally" no class must be more care
ful to retain and develop their
charms. Inquiry among them de.
velops the information that in hair
care they find it dangerous to sham
peo with any makeshift hair clean
ser. Instead they have studied to
find the finest preparation made for
shampooing and bringing out the
beauty of the hair. The majo'ity of
them say that , to enjoy the best hair
wash and scalp st'mulator that is
known, get a package of canthrox
from your druggist; dissolve tea
spoonful in a cup of hot water and
your s' ampoo is ready. It costs less
than three cents for this amount
After its use the hair drins rapidly,
with uniform color. Dandruff, ex
cess oil and di t are dissolved and en
tirely disanpear. Your hair will be
so fluffy that it will look much heav
ier than it is. Its luster and soft
ness will also delight you, while the
stimulated scalp gains the health
which insures hair growth. Adv.
(Continued on Pag Eight CoL Three)
j fcttmtiffe F
S I urt fi
( meats ! th
leUatlfte Paot M-e-
Wlca Tat. Mad 4587
raises Black
Crochet pretty h
things for SjL.
Christmas Gifb tj
vithKloster : y
"Wrinkles? Use Tkis N(
See The Difference Toinonw
Have Beautiful, Soft Hair ef
An Even Dark Shade.
Not ivm a tract of tray ihtwa In roar
hair after a ftw arp'teations of Q Ban Ifalr
Color Raj tom to hiir and oaalp. e 0ia U
no dyt, U himlt-ft, hut nk' " rn4
hair dealt ay and mtoraa the natural ooloff
flandte !( your h.r -it if. ay, .r au w. h
i-r7, faded, dry bltaeba , thin of falling,
apply Q-Baa aa directed on ljibeL So. all
yonr ray halt and entire head af attr
tradaally tarns to an oven, boagt ful dirk
ehado, leaving all year hxtr h a thy fluffy,
oft, radiant, thek. full cf If, fuelnatintt
a evenly dark and kaadaoBM no one will
anepeet yon need Q-B n. Mta atopa dan
druff and falling hair. S-ld on money-back
guarantee. Only (( ( r k g b t It at
Sherman A McConnVI Drag S to roe Om-ha,
Net. Out-oMrtwn p"'e anpplled by par
eel poet. Advtrtieoateat
'Nothing So Easy When You Kpaw
Hew," Says th Stag Btauty,
, Valeika Suratt 5h TU
How They Do It 0
Tht Stag.
YES. my dear Uttrs, y tan get rM of
wrinkles aff tht stage as wall as yo
tan on It We stag ptople art not so
oonatantly at work o cur soinjlMl-jna as
yon think we are. M- be a?, of course. Is
another matter. But we make It our bust
neee to keep our face f nng. It la Jut aa
.mportant aa to oat. Wh n yen get the right
materials, It Is wonderfully aasy to got rid
of wrinkles.
There la nothing In this wide world so re
markable in Its action as tht formuli I have
nude up myself. 1 Thousands are using It
today with astonishing in:eess Qo to the
drug start and get two oun:es of eptoL
M la It tn half a pint of water and add oh
tableipoonfui cf glycerin. The1- U a I there
la to It Apply it liberally, tht mora tht, and the mora qu ekly you will -so
wrinkles tvtryh.rt Juat die awsy. I'll
promts you a aurnrito, If you try it
HAIRY LIP "I've almot ro a muVaeht,
nothing eaem n-mov r ""H
he earn complaint I have about all th
iuprfluou bar uu rerc I . it h btmn
my experience. Ever he r of d'ss lv-g away
hatrf It's the only eu eenfal way. Get come
Milfo solutlun at h- d ai ui an inj en
he htr w k .t Nj matter haw thek. the
balrs simply dlnolvo -dieap, ear. This ne r
(alle. and never h-irraf or ipoU tbe ikia. It
le almost minrn'on In Its act-on anywaer
jo tbe body, aad 1 saia.
o a
MISS ELDER It rr baby ws a new
-Itrk i that drag i n. Hereaftfr If yo
have troub e get ins he ue a-.j n I f r
mak:ng my tnlr grwing I r-ul . ttr 1 1 y
?itc to ''Sccre'.ary to Va'ecka Suratt,
Thompson B.d., ibcago." U will be far
warded to you at onto.
e e a
MRS. I 0. U Y u n --u
until you are blue In tht fac and you will
never get r d of uantirui.. li.r w y e
way and thst is to dissolve It The only
thing that dUeoWes It is e.f jL which drug
stores sell for twenty -five cents, and It lasts
you for over a dosen of tht most exquisite
hampoos and1 head-washes you vtr had.
Dissolve a ttaspoonful In half a cup of
vater, and It's rtady.
0 a a
FORMLESS "How tan I develop a flabby
bust?' Ans.t No sincere ptrson any dear,
can positive: y promise you success. Yet, a
mixture of two ounce t,f rurtne, bjlf a
tup of sugar and half a plat cf wa' tr, has
djne th work f r eouatltLS women i knjw.
It Is without que-tion ihi on y thing to ujc.
Of tht above mixture, take tw
after meals and at bed time. i
t see I
Miss N. X. You'd squeta and aqaetat
untj you've runed y-ur fjuit tryjig to re
move blackheads. I'll ttJ you wh-t to do
and you'll get rid of them, not in a ftw
weeks, but la a few Yea, I mean
just that Sprinkle a little p wdered aeroaln
.n a wet sponge or cloth and rub It ea
.he blackhead. Then look In the mirmr and
hoc the difference. s
e a
CURIOUS X had to laugh when I read
your le'.ter. The very formula your friend
la uilng on her complexion with such won
derful aueteas. and whUh 1 he tallt etntone,
and won't tell yon how to make. Is my own.
Here It Is um It and get h ick at bar In a
hurry. he'll so the different in ysu In t
few days. -Get one ounce of tin tone at the
drug store and mix it with wo t b'e vn
fute of glycerine and a pint of water. You'U
get th .!. re u-a ihj 00 a oj u -any
quaation. Don't eay a word to h r. You'll
e br open her eyea. This certainly Is a
marvtlous complexion beaut fUr. , . .
e ' .
owder yet: no matter h w eoatlr, that
wasn't ehalky. 8 I have my wn mae ui
rjm my frnjula. Such finances and
moothnaia y u n -vcr, n f - x ri aeeo.
Try It and get a new powder d 1 ght Yoa
can ret it In drug etiirct n -w for f f y cent
in wh to, fl h or brun - t 'into. At,k for
"Valeska Buntt Face PiWtr.'
MRS, "SHORT" "Whit will atop my hVr
ominB out by the tombfull" Ant.: Your
hiir simply latks vrowti g iff nr b.'Y ur
ha r will grow lorurer mnd more beautiful
than you ever saw it before If yoa wil uc
what bundrrd- rt my fed ay i r
magic hair treatment It'a my own formula,
and 1 can guarauvej yu r u a. u
-unee nf beta-qulnol frra y ur tirugglst.
Mix wl!h water and alcohol, half a pint eieh,
r with one full pint of bay ram. Aly to
dip and hair free y and very 'ay. Thtre's mure economical no. hlng known
lhat wail do what it de. Try it Adv.
, Instant relief-p-no waiting. Your
tloggpd nostrils open rij'.t op; the air
passages of your head cl:ar and you
can breathe freely. No mors hawk
ing, snuffling, blowing, headache,
dryness. No struggling for breath at
n ght; your cold or catarrh disap
pears. V ' '. ,
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm
rm your now. Ap. ly a iuti uf
this fragrant, ant.sept.e, healing cruam in
yaur 'nostrils. It i-enetrati 'huh
a r paasase of the h'eitd, soo'hit th In
flamed or swollen mucius niembran and
relief come instantly. -
It's just fin. Don't st y stuffed up with
a cold or natty cat-rrh.
AJK tor ana bet fr
36 Aft Ktdft Book Fnt
When you use Kloster for crocheting the dainty,
pretty, serviceable gift you intend to make to your
friend or relative you give it an added charm. Kloster ;
is so pretty in itself it has such a lasting luster and so
much of the charm of quality that it is the only appro
priate medium for your artistic handiwork.
, And when you gin tomething crocheted with Klorter you ikt etih
make a gift of beauty but on, that will continue to plea., for a long time.
vl. i. nr.. .ffntiJ hr retieated launderinn. or cleaninrs ard it it U ,
Krone as it is rtty. The whai itayi whiw and the colored cotton.
retain their hue
"White that stays wWte colors that last" '
!'. K f Fr tnefmrrinni Prtwnt Ms announcement to yonr dcMtr.
l ow W fet rree Watrncnoni HewiUlriWTOai,Bi;Buri,u,
for experts and beginners f,v. -erNo.42i.iiiuetrotinr 25dintor
Chriitmaa glfu, or No. 960. il.uaLraung 10 cnoiew mimw
If vr aealar cannot apr1r yon, mM t once hi name ,nd for
each of U-e Free Folder encloi three 2c ttaiuiie.
The Thread Mills Company
219 W. Adame Street, Chicago, UU
' ItytmmtummbltlDtilainmcslM'nmymiriMlir.rtt
to utdirtttntlosiz30cforihraflllild trill Mil tflflo
irr ( ordtnnil r fcrh-odi 11c itt'ipl) cud " .
fill &
Here is an opportunity for everybody to purchase an acceptable Christmas Gift,
and by starting your payments now. under our Club Plan you will not experience
any hardships. And when Christmas comes you will be the possessor of a fine Watch :
or Diamond to present to your loved one. Our prices are exceptionally low and we
guarantee every article purchased from us. .
Price $21.50
Seventeen ruby jew
els, double roller steel
escape wheel, damaak
eened, Elgin move
ment, in a solid gold
20-year tilled case.
Juat the k i n d of
watch He will be proud
of. Tou can give it to
Him tbla Cbriatmaa tf
you start payments
now. And our regular
low price prevail
throughout the sale.
Our reputation as
thorough and reliable
watchmakers and jew
elers is behind this
watch and It1 is guar
anteed for SO years. ,
10e Flrat Week
ffy ii I
Second week
Third weak
Fourth week
Fifth week ,
81 .h week
Seventh week
PJIShth week .
Ninth week ..
Tenth week ,
. .c
. .90e
Eleventh week
Twelfth week
Thirteenth week
Fourteenth week .
fifteenth week ...
Sixteenth week ..,
Seventeenth week ,
Elhtenth ween
Nineteenth week .
Twentieth week
.11 60
.11 60
.11 DO
Should vou ao daalre It we will ormlt the payment of
11.00 the flrat week and d Teasing 10 cent, each week until
the watch ia paid lor. , ,
Price S22.50 J
From the standpoints
of investment, senti
ment and beauty, I the
diamond a t a n d s su
preme. We are par.
ticularly fortunate th!a
aeaaon in being able to
offer a large variety of
perfect diamonds at
very reasonable prices.
After purchasing our
$22.50 dtanond should
you desire to buy a
larger or higher priced
diamond we will allow
i you ycur full purchase
price In exchange.
Genuine Diamond Ring-,
you aelect mounting,
pert"' 'cut. . . Sa?ae.i,0
h.w ' p.r it-
Allowed Upon
Genuine Dlunond
Rlnr. rev Mlect
mounting; large,
Haw r Pay It
tat week, SeXSIt
.Snd week, .TB
Srd week, l a
4k week. l.
tk week. I. a.
Sth week. 1.7S
,tk week, am
Irlth week. S.2S
,tk week. I M
10. k week, S.T
lit. week. S.m
lltl week, a.25 .
week. Si m
week, !.
week. IO.
week. S.B
week, SMI
week, aa
week. 4.0
week, 4.K
week, a. 00
week, IN
week, tm
week. S.SS
CHI. ST. P.,
M. AO.