Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Good Things for the Table -Household Hints-Offerings of the Market
3 r
i !
Palate-Pleasing Fruits
Invade Omaha's Markets
Now is the time when the house
wives who- re skilled in domestic
economy are buying Tokay grapes,
those big, solid, sweet, pinkish, pur
plish beauties that come in big bunch
es from California. Never have the
luscious fruits of the vine been more
plentiful or better than right now.
And they're cheap, oh, so cheap. Six
pound baskets for 40 or 50 cents I If
you had to pay SO cents a pound foi
them you might appreciate them
more, but get 'em now and eat what
you can and can what you can't.
These "honey dew melons" aren't
as frail and delicate as their fairy
like name might seem to indicate
They've been hanging around in the
Omaha markets now for some two
months or so and they seem to be
bigger and luscious-er than ever.
Half a buck or so apiece. ("Buck."
madam, is stag language for dollar). smooth and nice, has begun to ap-
Appics are nice. XNeDrasKa Jona
thans of sound and speckless beauty
sell for the small sum of 35 to 45
cents a peck. Here are "Siberian crab
apples," not from Siberia, but called
by that name anyway. They're i
large crab apple at six bits; that is,
75 cents the peck. If you want the
northwest Pacific coast variety that
comes in paper packed boxes you can
get the "Spokane beauty," for in
stance, at $2 a box.
Greenings and sweet apples are
also on hand.
Alligator pears, splendid to put in
salads, are around 35 cents each. Kei
fer pears come at 50 cents or so a
peck. Bartlett pears are also still
with us.
Big black plums and little Damson
plums and big Elberta peaches and
smaller peaches from Colorado are
among the fruits.
The war doesn't seem to have inter
fered with the fig industry of the
near east. The figs of various kinds
are here and so are the dates. Eng
lish walnuts, also, are here in abun
dance from California. The new crop
ot grapefruit, a hit green yet, but
Great big cucumbers, fine celery
cabbage, "snowball" cauliflower,
green peas and beans, Virginia sweet
potatoes, green peppers, red toma
toes, radishes and lettuce are among
the vegetables on hand.
Tested Recipes
' All Measurements Are Level Unless
Otherwise Specified.
Orange Jelly in Orange Peel.
S teaspoonfuls gelatin S oranKee
1 .tablespoontuls cold 4 teaspoonfuls temon
water Juice
cup boillna water i cup surer.
Cut a circular piece of peel one inch
in diameter from the stem end of
each orange. Introduce the handle
of a silver spoon into the opening
thus made, and remove pulp and
juice. Strain juice from pulp and use
one cupful of the juice in making
the jelly. The forefinger of the right
hand may be of assistance in loosen
ing the pulp lying close to the skin,
which should be discarded, as it is
apt to make a cloudy jelly. Soak
gelatin in cold water five minutes
and dissolve in the boiling water. Add
sugar and stir until dissolved; then
add orange juice and lemon juice. Fill
oranges with the mixture, place in
a pan, and surround with ice to which
a small quantity of water has been
added. As soon as jelly is firm, cut
in halves lengthwise; cut halves in
thirds and arrange on a serving
dish. .
Chicken Omlet
J cupful minced - 1 cm f uls hot white
chicken, heated ' ' sauce
4 eggs 1 tableepoonful minced
2 tableepoonful butter parsley
Salt. -
Beat the eggs; season with salt and
pour into a frying pan in which the
butter has been melted. When the
omelet is set and ready to be removed
from the . pan, sprinkle over it the
minced chicken; fold it over and
transfer to a hot platter. Stir the
parsley 'into' i'thewhite saute and
pour around the omelet. ' - -.
Crab-Apple Jelly, . ,
Wash and quarter the crab apples;
measure; allow one pint of water for
each quart of cut apples. Place apples
and water in a preserving kettle;
cover and let simmer slowly until
fruit is tender. Fill a cheesecloth bag;
hang the bag P nd let the u!ce
drip into a bowl. Strain the juice
through a piece of flannel; put it in
a kettle and let it boil twenty min
utes. Then measure and add one
pound of sugar for every pint of
juice. Mix well and let boil five min
utes. Remove from fire and pour
into jelly glasses. Serve with little
. balls made of cream cheese or cot
tage cheese, slightly moistened with
cream. , ,
Hallowe'en Cookies.
tt cupful butter or i eggs
cupful manufac- 1 tableepoonful
turea snurieHiue : 7"
4 cupfuls flour
9 tABannnnfllll halfln OOWder
Cream butter and sugar; add mo
lasses, eggs, milk, ginger, and baking
powder mixed and sifted with one
cupful of flour, and enough more
flour to make a soft dough. Roll out
and cut in rounds. When baked and
cooled, cover with boiled frosting, and
make faces with currants and raisins.
Steamed Clams.
The clams should be alive when
purchased. Wash them in water, us
ing a brush. Put them in a large
kettle with a little hot watbr; cover
tightly and steam until the shells
partly open, taking care that they are
not overdone. Open and loosen the
clams from both shells, serve about
eight on a plate with a lemon cup
filled with melted butter in the center.
Tomato Stuffed with Cauliflower.
Peel and carefully cut a slice from
the blossom ends of medium-sued,
ripe tomatoes; scoop out the centers
without - breaking the shell. Cut
clusters of cooked cauliflower just the
right size to fit in the cavity, letting
them come a trifle above the red
tomato rim. Serve with a rich
Tugged Souo.
S or potatoes i cupful uncooked
1 cupful canned peal rice
1 turnip H teaspoonful salt
1 onion. teaspoenful pepper
l union j bnf broth
Slice the potatoes very thin and lay
in an earthenware jar. Add peas, the
thinly sliced turnip, the sliced onion,
rice, salt and pepper. Pour the beef
broth over all; cover; place jar in the
oven and cook three hours.
Griddle Cakes.
1 cupful flour 1 tablespoontuls
14 teaipoontul aalt evaporated milk
, . infill baklna K cuDful water
nowder I tableepoonfula sugav
1 es.g 1 lemon
Fat "or frying Powdered sugar
Sift flour, salt, and baking powder
together; add egg and mix. Gradu
ally stir in the evaporated milk diluted
with the water and add sugar. Beat
well and let stand for thirty minutes.
Put a little fat into a small frying
pan, and when hot pour in enough of
the batter to cover the bottom. Fry
quickly to a golden brown on both
la cupful augar
cupful molasses
sides, upon a sugared paper;
roll up and serve on a warm dish
with powdered sugar and quarters of
Egg Croquettes.
t hard-boiled egga 1 taspoonful salt
1 tablespronful butter Dash of pepper
t tableepoonfula flour 10 drops onion
cupful milk Juice
1 tablespronful 1 egg
choppen parsley Cracker crumbs
Fat for frying
Make a white sauce of the butter,
flour, and milk: season with the salt
pepper, and onion juice. Chop the
hard-bo 'ed eggs and add to the
sauce. Add parsley. Let it get cold
shape into croquettes; roll in egg and
cracker crumbs and try in hot tat.
Praline Creams.
2 cupfuls sugar 1 cupful water
34 teaepoonful cream 1 cupful evaporated
of tartar milk
2 cupfuls pecan meata 1 cupful maple syrup
Mix sugar, cream ot tartar, evapo
rated milk, water, and maple syrup.
Heat to boiling point, stirring until
sugar is dissolved. Boil to soft ball
stage; remove from fire; add nuts
and cool by placing the vessel in a
pan of cold water. When cool beat
until creamy, and drop trom a tea
spoon on paraffin paper, or pour into
a buttered pan and cut in squares.
Chocolate Mousse.
1 tableepoonful gela- 2 squares unsweet
tln - ened chocolate
14 cupful cold water 24 cupfuls heavy
to cupful boiling cream '
1 cupful sugar
1 teaspoonful vanilla -Soak
gelatin in cold water five min
utes. Melt chocolate in the boiling
water and add soaked gelatin; then
add sugar and vanilla. Cool and add
cream, beaten stiff. Fill a chilled
mold with mixture, havine mixture
overflow the mold: adiust cover:
pack , in rock salt and finely crushed
ice,, using equal parts, and let stand
four hours. ,, '
' ' ' Fish With Tomato Sane.
t pounds haddock or 1 tableepoonful - ,
cod chopped onion
i cupfuls thin tomato, t tableepoonfula
aauce green pepper f
A section from the middle or near
the tail of the fish i best. After
washing it thoroughly put it in a flat
pan. Add onion and green pepper to
the tomato sauce, season to tasle, and
pour half of it over the fish, keeping
the remainder warm in a double
boiler. Let the fish bake until it
separates easily from the bone, bast
ing occasionally with more tomato
sauce. When done, serve with the
remainder of the tomato sauce.
Green Tomato Catsup.
1 gal. green tomatoes 1 dus onlone
1 small head cabliage (medium
1 oss. munla-d seed H dos green
ls os. each mace, cln peppera
nkmon, cloves and 1 oa celery seed
lalUplce Salt and sugar
'l t. vinegar 1
Cook" the vegetables in slightly salt
ed water until tender. Drain, pass
through a colander or sieve; add
spices, sugar, salt, and vinegar and
cook to the consistency of catsup.
Use sugar and salt to taste.
Salmon Mold.
2 tablespoonfuls i tableepoonfula
gelatin 'old water
2 egg yolks Few gralr.s rayenne
2 teaapoonfuls salt cupful milk
1 teaspoonful mustard 1 can salmon
2 tableepoonfuls IV tableepoonfula
vinegar melted butter
Soak gelatin in cold water five
minutes. Mix egg yolks, slightly
beaten, with salt, mustard, and cay
enne; add butter, milk,, and vinegar.
Cook in a double boiler, stirring con
stantly, until the mixture thickens.
Add the gelatin and salmon, separated
into flakes, and turn into a large mold.
Mother's Magazine.
Baked Hominy en Casserole.
2 cupfuls hominy cupful milk
1 tableepoonful butter 2 eggs . .
Cook the hominy in boiling salted
water until tender and of the consis
tency of mush. Add butter and milk
and season to taste. Add the well
beaten egg yolks and, when slightly
cooled, fold in the beaten whites of
the eggs. Pour into a casserole, and
bake. '
Carrot Chowder. ''.
One cupful of diced raw carrot, one
cupful of diced raw potatoes, one cup
ful of sliced raw onions, one table
spponful of chopped parsley, one cup
ful of milk, half a tablespoonful , of
butter, half a tahlespoonful of flour;
seasoning. Boil the carrots and onions
in a quart of boiling water for fifteen
minutes with the lid off the saucepan;
add the potatoes, cover and boil for
twenty minutes; stir in the milk and
seasoning and boil for five minutes.
Melt the butter in a cup and stir the
flour into it smoothly. Add to the
contents of saucepan, boil all together
for another five minutes, sprinkle in
the parsley and serve. " '
Vinegar Cabbage. ' J.'y ''.
One cabbage, seasoning, one ounce
cf butter, one cupful of best malt vine
gar. Shred the cabbage finely and boil
rapidly in salted water until it is quite
tender. Stand on one side of the
stove to keep hot and make a sauce
bv blending the butter and the sea
soning with a cupful of vinegar. Pour
the sauce over the cabbage, cover the
saucepan and let it stand on one side
of the stove for five minutes, isjbt
fore. It is then ready to serve.
Damsons make a most delicious
sweet pickle, I am told, if treated ac
cording to this tested receipt, which
was given me by a friend who is r.
excellent cook:
South Dakota Cookies.
One and one-half cups brown sugar,
two eggs, two and one-half cups flour,
one teaspoon soda, dissolved in water;
one teaspoon baking powder, one-half
cup butter, part Crisco can be used
(filling); one pound dates, half cup
water, one cup brown sugar, cook till
thick; let cool; rool cookies thin. Put
teaspoon of filling between two,
pressing edges together; bake in mod
erate oven.
Substitute (or Capers.
Nasturtium seed are an excellent
substitute for capers when added to
sauce, so it it seems a pity that we do
not make more use of them for there
is hardly a garden or even a city yard
where they do not show their glowing
gold and brown faces. The keeping is
very easily accomplished, for all you
need do is to gather them when ripe
andput them in a jar with white
vinegar; no spices are needed nor need
the vinegar tfe even bottled.
In Europe there is a favorite pickle
which is seldom, if ever, seen here,
made of apples and onions, a combi
nation that does not sound attractive,
but I am assured by conoiseurs
that it is the ideal accompaniment for
cold meat, so here it is in case you
would like to try it.
The most desirable furnished rooms are
advertised In The Bee. (let a nicy room
for the winter.
Excavaters Run Into a
Deserted Wine Cellar'
While workmen were excavating
for the chemistry laboratory at the
University of Omaha the other da
they came to something which
aroused a great deal of interest. They
discovered a cave which was partial
ly filled with wine containers. Among
tire discoveries was an old-fashioned
wine porcelain jug. There was no
A great deal of guessing was done
in an attempt to give an origin to the
cave. Probably, however, it was used
as a cellar when the Redick land was
a farm.
Poison Drinker is
New Human Marvel
Richard Leroy of Kansas Cuy
owes an explanation to doctors and
Thursday night in South Omaha he
drank enough bichloride of mercury
to kill an ordinary man. Then he
walked several blocks to the polite
station and told what he had done.
Doctors examined him and said he
would surely die. Hoping against all
the evidences, physicians gave him
first aid treatment and rushed him to
the South Omaha hospital.
In the morning he regained con
sciousness and the prediction is now
that he will live.
The telephone line may be busy, (1) be
cause tome one is using the telephone
called, (2) because another person on the
party line called is using their telephone,
or (3) when some one else is trying to get
the number at the same time you are.
Experienced Advertisers Always Use THE BEE
Cheap substitute cost XQIT aim price
JxiYtiYo jl" jai-Ai
Bread Is Cheapest Food
Even a t Higher Prices
Even with ' wheat at its present high
price, bread is still the cheapest article
of 'food in the world, because it supplies
the most nutriment for the least money.
A 10c loaf of HOLSUM or KLEEN
MAID bread contains at much body
energy as
16 cents worth of Rice.
22.2 cents worth of Breakfast Food.
23 cents worth of Potatoes. ,
24 cents worth of Dry Beans.
36 cents worth of Milk. i
87 cents worth of Cheese.
.49 cents worth of Pork Loin.
68 cents worth of Mutton.
71 cents worth of Beef Sirloin.
$1.26 cents worth of Eggs.
The figures above are based on Bulle
tin No. 142 of the U. S. Dept. of Agricul
ture. HOLSUM BREAD, 10c
Jay Burn Baking Co., Omaha
m m
i "
IS...uaXTtl .1 I I I J
Jl 1. 11 i XC
Where Is Made
The above factories are the only ones in their class
in Nebraska and Iowa. Owned and operated by the
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Waterloo Creamery Co.
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' guests will appreciate it.
Save coupons and get premiums
Luxus Mercantile Company
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