Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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. Gnnii Thinns fnr thfi. Tahlp.OftprinnR nf tha Markri-Household Hints
cfowe economics Jepartwent
J? Jus J t "7 &moatirtKt'trntt JDenavimenLs
food faA Ato. 3.
The body hi need of food to re
build the tissues as they break down
a function which can be fulfilled
only by certain typei of food. Thus,
even if we could consume relatively
large quantities of sugar, or butter,
or cornstarch, these foods would not
repair the waste in body tissue and
death would result eventually. The
foodstuff which we call protein must
be supplied for the purpose of body
building. Many of our common food
materials, such as bread, cereals and
some vegetables, contain larger or
smaller amounts of this body-building
foodstuff, but of typical pro
teins we-have only seven or eight.
These are meat, fish, eggs, milk,
cheese, dried beans, dried peas ana
lentils. If one remembers this list,
it is fairly easy to discover whether
or not a menu contains protein.
When we think of the necessity of
supplying protein to the diet, two
questions naturally arise First, how
much protein is necessary? and sec
ond, is there any difference in kind
of protein? The first question is the
older, and has a double importance,
because proteins are expensive foods
and' they meet a different fate in our
bodies than other foods do. After
digestion, moat foods are eventually
burned in the body to give heat and
energy. The final or "end products"
of most digested foods are, therefore,
carbon dioxide gas and water, which
are given off largely by the lungs
and skin, Proteins, on the other hand,
are different. They produce in our
bodies, end products of carbon dioxide
and water, but in addition they pro
duce substances vJhich must be car
ried away through the kidneys.
Therefore, if we eat more protein
than is necessary to keep the body
i in good condition, we impose upon
: the kidneys which must eliminate the
' extra end products. If these extra
end products are not properly elimi
nated, certain diseases may result
eventually, auch as gout and rheuma
tism. Therefore it is a very vital
problem to know how much protein
to furnish in the diet; and it is not
very encouraging for me to tell you
that authorities do not agree. Chit
tenden of Yale is the mm who
stands for a relatively small amount
of protein , each day other authori
ties claim that as much as most peo-
fie eat ordinarily is none too much,
think, however, the tendency is
toward a smaller amount of protein.
Certainly none of us ever need more
than one kind of meat at a meal, or
one meat and fish at a more formal
meal, where servings are not large.
Also, meat once a day is probably
sufficient, with another kind of pro
tein for breakfast or lunch.
The last statement brings us to the
question of the value of different
kinds of protein. To the earlier stu
dents of .food, protein was protein;
but today, we value proteins accord
ing to the simpler substances of
which they are built chemically.
Thus, while gelatine Is a protein or
a "near protein," It will not sustain
Readers art cordially invited to
ask Mist Gross any questions
about household economy upon
which she may possibly give help
ful advice; they are also invited to
give suggestions from their expe
rience ihat may be helpful to
others meeting the same problems.
life, and while corn contains a true
protein, which will support life, it
will not promote growth in young
animals or children. Thus we value
milk protein not so much for the
amount which is oresent as for its
I very satisfactory quality. The best
I way to be sure of supplying satisfac
I tory proteins is to vary the kinds
I which one offers on the table.
I Thus at the present time of in
complete knowledge of body-building
foods, one can offer the following
definite suggestions:
Eat very moderately of proteins,
because they are expensive and be
cause excess amounts overtax the
system. ' , i . .
Eat various kinds of protein until
we are sure of just which ones are
satisfactory from the standpoint of
the needs of our bodies.
Why firulta "Jell."
"Why ia it that some fruits will
make Jelly while it is not possible
to get other juices to jell? What is it
that makes this difference? Is there
anything that can be, added to these
fruits that won't jell; to make them
do so? Miss H. N."
To jell successfully, a fruit . must
contain a substance called pectose,
and also some acid. Certain fruits
are lacking in one or the other, e. g.,
the strawberry lacks pectose, There
fore if we use part apple juice, which
contains pectose, we can make straw
berry jelly. I am informed that there
is on the market a commercial prep
aration of concentrated apple juice,
which contains a known per cent of
bined with fruits which will not jell,
pectose and acid. This could be com-
Tasty Nut Recipes.
Nuts should be included among
fruits, but really they have a very
much higher nutritive value and they
are much richer in fat than any vege
tables; but they have one drawback,
inasmuch as they have a dense, com
pact cellulose framework that makes
them difficult of digestion unless mas
ticated thoroughly. This objection is
obviated in nut butters by the very
fine grinding to which they are sub
jected and which breaks up the cellu
lose, to that it could not possibly in
terfere with any healthy digestion.
Some nuts are greatly improved by
cooking, but others develop a dis
agreeable, rancid, oily flavor when
subjected to heat; and all nuts are
the better far being chopped finely.
The jflavor of the different nuts de
pendjs on the .kind of oil they con
tain, but many have in addition some
special component with marked
aste. For example, the almond con
Richness--Flavor-Absokte Pority
Richness, flavor and absolute purity are essential to good bilk." You are
. entitled to get them in evaporated milk just as much as in any other food
product You can be sure of getting them if you ask for and demand Cottage, Milk.
Cottage Milk is rich fresh,
milk from the leading dairy
districts of the country every
drop first tested then concen
trated by evaporating some
of the moisture so that pint
for pint Cottage Milk is more
than twice as rich as fresh
milk. :
In valuable butter fats' and
other food solids Cottage Milk
always more than meets gov
ernment requirements.
The pleasing individual flavor of Cottage Milk is due to
our improved methods of evaporating which do away
with 'much of the cooked taste so pronounced in some
evaporated milk. That is why you can use Cottage Milk
wherever you ise bottled milk. '
tains cyanic acid; the chestnut sugar,
and so on. As nuts have a high food
value, they should not be eaten in
large quantities or with an otherwise
heavy meal; in fact, they are quite
sufficient in themselves to serve as
a substitute for meat.
A good example of this vegetarian
use of the nut is the following recipe:
Nut Roaat
Two cups bread crumbs, one cup
pecans, one cup filberts, one tea
spoonful chopped parsley, one table
spoonful chopped green peppers, one
'apple chopped, one onion chopped,
one cup of milk, one-half cup chopped
celery, one egg, salt and pepper, two
tablespoonfuls butter.
Put the bread, nuts, parsley-and
pepper through the mincer together;
grind up the apple and stir it into
the rest of the ingredients. Beat the
egg, add the milk and seasoning and
stir into the dry ingredients. Melt
the butter in a frying pan and pour
half into the mixture; fry the chopped
onion in the remainder and pour o..
the top of the loaf, which should be
Jiut into a well-grcased tin and baked
or forty-five minutes in a slow oven,
basting occasionally with butter and
boiling water.
Nut bread is generally much liked
by children and forms a very nutri
tious piece de resistance. For adults
it is only necessary to chop the nuts,
for at least they are supposed to have
sufficient sense to masticate their
food; but when making the bread for
children it is safer to run the nuts
thruogh the finest blade of the
Nut Bread.
Four cups of flour, four teaspoon
fuls of baking powder, one cup of
sugar, one-quarter teaspoonful salt,
two cups of milk, on; cup of walnuts
and one tablr spoonful of lard. ;
Mix and sift the dry ingredients,
add the milk, melted lard and chopped
liUts. Beat thoroughly and pour into
well-greased tins. Leave it standing
or about thirty minutes and then bake
une hour in a moderate oven.
Although nuts have such an. amount
of nutriment, they are mostly! used fo
cakes, cookies and sweets of various
kinds. , ., ,
Nut Wafers. ' ,
Six tablcspoonfuls of flour, one cup
of chopped nuts, one cup brown flour,
two eggs, vanilla.
Beat the eggs to a froth, then add
the flour and sugar gradually, beating
well between each admixture. Chop
the nuts, which may be either mixed
or of some one particular kind, and
I lbs. beat Coffee
Coffee Special, lb. ...... .30s
Teaa for king, see lb. 10c ta SOc
Sugar sold with fl.SS order ol ether
goode."VJ-tf " .
40 N. Uth St, Phase Doug. I44.
mix in. Lastly add the vanilla;. about
teaspoonful is the usual amount, but
it is better to use the very best make,
in which case one-half spoonful is
ample. Pour the mixture into a large
.an, so that it is spread out very
thinly, and bake for ten minutes 'in
a hot oven.
When it is cooked cut at once into
rounds with a sharp cutter, for the
rookies get hard and brittle very
quickly and would snap if you tried to
stamp them out.
These wafers are delicious served
with ice cream or with any type of
bavaroise or mousse. Another dainty
trifle for the tea table are nut kisses,
and they are very easy to make
Nut Butter.
When using any of the nut butters
tr pastes for sandwiches you will find
them excellent if both brown and
'white bread are used. Cut one slice
of the brown to two of the white.
Spread the nut butter on both pieces
of white and put the brown between,
press well together and then cut into
fingers. These look very attractive
when piled on a pretty white doily.
Nut butters also are good on plain
is simply delicious
KC Baking
Pure Healthful
The highest grade of baking powder pos
sible to buy and, your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co., Chicago -
Buy Your Groceries and Meats From the
Washington Market, Where Your Eatables
Are Kept in Strictly Sanitary Iceless Coolers.
Best Granuhted Sugar, 14 Iba. .. .S1.0
T.-ree Orane Fruit, 4 for ZSe
Extra fancy Large Apples, neck 3 )c
-,x.ra i ancy Jonathon Apple, pk. . . .35c
Fancy Leaf Lettuce, S bunches for. . .10e
Fancy Head Lettuce, per'head Sc and 10s
Extra Fancy Table Celery, S for 10c
Corn Fed Steer Shoulder Steak, t lb,
for 25c
Corn Fed Steer Pot Rout, lb....l2',c
Corn Fed Steer Rib Roaat, lb. ..... 14V,e
Corn Fed Boiling Beef, lb .....5J'c
Kxtrn Lean Pork Chopa. lb. ....... .ISc
Extra Lean Pork, lb.. 13Ve
We alwavs have a futl una
Try '
f tl. cooked and roasted meats, chaos, lcn ta ur dslkats Dept.
Auto dHvris twic daily
Writ fer ur monthly pric list.
The amt aanltary and ue -
Phone Tyler 470 Ceanacta All Depts.
crackers, on bread or on toast; in
''act, the children seem to find them
?ppetizing no matter in what form
.hey are served. Philadelphia Ledger.
Nut Kisses. ,
White of an egg, one-half cup of
chopped nuts, one cup of powdered
sugar, v
Beat the white of an egg until quite
stiff and dry and then add the sugar;
beat again and lastly mix in the nuts.
Drop in spoonfuls on a well-but-rered
tin and bake in a moderate -own
until brown. Lift on a cake rack an t
leave to dry and get cold. Keep in an
air-tight tin. 1
it hff Ihdft Baok fht
iMdtr hacuom ncrom smuka
Nut Cake
when made with
Extra Large Sweet Potatoes, n market
basket!, per baaket. See
Extrn Large Potatoei, peck ....... .35c
All Brands of Creamery Bu'ter, lb. .37c
Extra Fancy Country Eut or, lb 3Sc
Home Made Peanut Bu.ter, mad while
yon wait, per lb 15c
Extra Fancy Veal Stew or B react, per
lb, at , ''.
Pure Lard, per lb .lie
ComDJund Lard. 8 lb., fjr.
Extra Fancy Home' Mad Hamburger or
Sausage, 2 lbs., for SSc
Home Dressed Spring Cbtekttu, lb., 22Vc
f fresh fish and oyster.
ail parts ml tit lty.
ail order promptly attindsd ta.
te - cate aaarket ta I
i weal.
. 1407 DeufUa St.
Cottage Milk is untouched by
hands from cow to kitchen. It
comes to vou sealedsterilized
beyona the possibility of
contamination. Every drop
has been handled 'according to
the most advanced standards
of sanitation.
If you want such a milk ask
' for Cottage look for the Cot
tage label. Be satisfied with
nothing short of the best when
the cost is the same.
There is security in knowing Cottage Milk is zsafe
milk. It is absolutely pure. The most particular
housewife could not be more particular in her kitchen
than we are in our spotless condenseries, -
15,000 Milk-fed
Pig Pork Loins,
Btser Pot Bout, lb....
Yoanf VmI Bout, lb. .
Young VmI Chops, lb..
PIS' Pork Bot. lb
Pic Pork Butt., lb....
Porterhouse 8te.ll, lb..
Steor Sirloin Steak, lb. .
Lamb Lean, lb.,
fresh, not
.'.... M4Vi
s tt
1916 Choice Forequarters Lamb, lb. .; . .
10,000 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, per lb.
Pig Pork Loins, fresh, not frown, far
lb, at 13 Via
Staar Pot Bout, lb
Your -Veal Boait, lb...:... HVis
Young Veal Chjpi "Vic
Pig Pork Roaat, lb ,13V.
Pig Pork Butt., lb IStyc
Portarbouta Bteak, lb ITVic
Staar Sirloin Bteak, lb lVie
Opeeelte Weetwerta's 5c and 10c Start.
Cash and Joy
helps her husband rather than hinders him. She tries hard to stretch that pay
cheek te cover the preaent high coat of living. She studies marketing and learns
that .
The Basket Stores
have ever 100 prices lower than any other Nebraska arocer.
The following prices geed while swpsily sell et care laatsl
Carleed si Cabbage, 100-lb. lote or more, per 100 lbs.. ,...$3M
This Is fresh, aolld Colorado stock, fine for KRAUT. Cabbage Is scares this
year and the market la advancing. . '
Carle. d Jonathan Applee In now. per boa SI 40
' These have the fine mountain flavor the kind yon like.
Waehiagtaa Crlstes Golden Applee, choice, box, $1.60 Fsncy. box ...$1.70
Carleee) Cename Red River Potatsse, peck. Sac Per buhel ..SI4S
In seek lota, per buahel, $140. These are the potatoei of qusllty.
Nebraska Esrly Ohio Potatoes, per peck, ttc and SSc Per huehd, Sl-23 and 1JS
All potatoes 2e bushel leas m ssck lota and hnothsr Se less If yon farnlah sacks.
Car ef Red On lone No. I, peck, 30c buahel, 11 J No. S, peck, 2Sc bushel, SIM
Economy Flour, 48 1b. sack. . . .$1.9S
We guarantee aetlaf action TRY IT.
Coffee, Economy Blend, S5e grade, per
lb, at Ise
Coffee, Independent, 85c grade, per lb.
can, at J. SSc
Oatmeal, bulk, 7H be.. SSc
Tip Corn Syrup, 6 lb), 80c can... Sac
Crystal Wh.te Syrup, SVi Iba, tOc can,
at 15c 8 Iba, 86c can, at 25c
Tea, Gunpowder or Unclored Japan,
SOe trade, per lb 40c
Peanut Butter, p.r lb 11c
Pike'. Peak, Spaghetti or
Noodles, lOe pkg. ...7e
Shredded Wheat, 15a pkg ....lie
Khnkie Corn Flake.. 15a pkg e
Soda, 18c pkg 5c
Armour. Catsup, 15e bottle. .... .15c
Armour's Pivnce'on Bulterine 33c
Armours Bu.terine. lb, 19c
Armour's Msnolia Butterine, 8 lbs, 30c
Visit Our Store. For High Quality Meats At The Lowest Prices.
55.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Ssaallsr Order. Delivered For Sc.
The Basket Stores
aWe Pay Cash For Farm Produce.
Shop In THE BEE Before
Spring Chicken, per lb 18c
frown, lb. . . . . . . 13c
Extra Le Reruier Hams. lb... ..HVic
Stwar Cured Hams, lb i. ..lJVic
Extra Lean Breakfait Bacon, lb. . .
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb.. U(4c
From 5 re e. ah Unb . lb, Jc
Frsss S U 10 . at. P. Ckapa, Ik, 13a
Phent Deuglas 27)1
Near Rapid DaMvssy Syatao.
Extra Regu'ar Lean Hems, lb
Sugar Cured Hame, lb
Extra Lean Breakfast Baton,
Sugar Cured Bsc HI
Freeh Oysters, per qu-rt...
Frees TiSO be BiSO e. M. 5-Ik. stall C P.
Lard, aaek, at 3Sc
From SiM te 10 a. Park Cbepa, 13c
113 Swith Uth Strtst
Meant Doug. 1ZU
Debt and Worry1
Cream Cheese, per lb... en, 34c
Elkhorn Canned Milk, 8 .mall cam, 13c
Large cane, each T 9c
Pompeian Olive Oil,. 58c can 43c
$1.00 else for... J 79c
Bex Lye, 10c can, 7 8 cans for 19e
Sunbrite Cleanser, 8 eana for. 10c
We recommend that yoo try it.
Parawax. pkg, 4 hare Sc
White Borax Naptha Soap, T ban . .33c
Queen of the Tub, a white soap, $ large
bare for 33c 100 bar. for.... $343
Thia la a bargain in a luge whits soap.
Slse t. Early June Ps:s, eaa....Sc
Siss 2 Sugar Cora, Sc 8 f r. . ,33c 8 Crusoe Pork and Beana. .lie
3 for sic
Slse i Tomatoes, Sc Site 8..10s
You Shop in the Stores
All grocets sell Cottage Milk. Have yours supply you. Try Cottage
Milk today compare with any fresh or evaporated milk for richness, flavor, purity.
V u will agree with thousands of users that there is no milk equal to Cottage Milk.
1 S and 10c cans