THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1916. GRAND ARMY MEN TO HEAR HUGHES TALK Only Reserved Section in theH Auditorium to Be Set Aside for Civil War Veterans. SPEAKS IN OMAHA MONDAY 1 The only reserved section of the Auditorium next Monday evening for the Charles E. Hughes meeting will be for the Grand Army of the Repub lic, whose members will turn out en masse. "The old soldiers intend to give Mr. Hughes rousing welcome to Omaha and we are pleased that the commit tee has set aside a section for us. The veterans are for Mr. Hughes and will give him a fine demonstration next Monday evening," stated Captain C. E. Adams, who is assisting with this feature of the program for Hughes day in Omaha. Before the Auditorium meeting is called to order a quartet of old sol diers comprising W. H. Kussell, D. M. Haverly. J. H. Staley and E. W. John son will1 sing a repertoire of patriotic songs. Diet In Charge of Parade, Gould Diet has been placed in charge of the parade, which will move from the Union depot to Hotel Fon tenelle shortly after the arrival of the Hughes special train at 5:45 p. m. Monday. - At the hotel Mr. and Mrs. Hughes will review the parade. Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm is selecting a committee of women who will sit upon the Auditorium stage and will look after the comtorts ot the women in the Hughes party. A large commit tee of representative-men of Nebras ka and western Iowa is being pre pared and will be announced in a day Of " . . . There are thirty-eight in the visit ing party and information has been received that additional newspaper correspondents will join the party at Falls City on Saturday morning and will follow the Nebraska, and South Dakota itineraries. Among the Omaha mep who will be with the Hughes party on the Ne braska itinerary will be A. W. Jef feris, Victor kosewater and National Committeeman Howell. Considerable interest is being man ifested throughout the country over this third western tour of Mr. Hughes. Big preparations are being made at Falls City, Fairbury,NBeatrice, York, Columbus, Grand Island, Hastings and Fremont and intermediate points along the way. In some Instances school children will be 'assembled to meet the presidential candidate. Pioneer Woman, Born in Wagon, is Able to Be Out Anna Kansas Bowman, "borfi in a wagon," is able to be out asain after her ""injury which she suffered last spring. She attended the meeting of the Douglas County association of Nebraska Pioneers Thursday after noon for the first time in many weeks, this being her first venture down town. She is living withMartanie Snowden, 622. South Twenty-fourth street. . .. Miss Bowman waf born in a wagon while her parents were on their way in a prairie schooner en route to Ne braska, v Our Greatest Sewing Machine Sale Closes Sat Night Last chance to buy the biggest Sewing Machine Bargains ever offered in Omaha. A New Bali-Bearing: White for 75o Per Week. Or a bargain in a good slightly used Machine like these listed here: E.Sir.... $19.00 &ooo.s:?f?r....$i8.50 $58.00 Singer, can't tell 5'.: $24.00 $45.00 Davis It fffO A A goes for $-1m.VU $50.00 Wheeler- 19 AA Wilson for...... $1.VV $52.00 White, MO A A good asnew....$.VV We have 25 others, but remember Saturday is Mat" last day at these prices. Open Saturday Night Till 9. Mickel's Aebraska Cycle Co. 18th and Barney Sts. D. 1862. RETAIL BUSINESS SHOWSBIGGROWTH Increase is Shown by the Re port of the Credit Bureau of the Associated Retailers. NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED Omaha retail business was one third greater in September than dur ing September a year ago, according to a report made at the meeting of ihe Associated Retailers of Omaha at the Commercial club rooms. This came out in the reoort of the ninety-five The retail stores cashed checks which were returned either as forgeries or on account of insufficient funds. The new officers of the association were installed at this meeting. J. P . Palmer addressed the meeting upon the value of the Provident Loan as sociation to the retail interests. The association endorsed the work of the Provident Loan association. C. B. Brown, W. S. Stryker, C. C. Belden and Charles E. Black spoke on credit bureau of the association There were 2,176 new accounts dur ing the last September, while in Sep tember a year ago, there were only 1,607 new accounts opened. This Siiows 569 more duriiiK last Septem ber than September, 1915. The association got 651 more calls for information in "September than in the corresponding month a year ago the value ot Mie Associated Keiaiiers A CARLOAD OF MATTRESSES! And a Big PILLOW PURCHASE On Special Sale Tomorrow And for This One Day Only at the Union Outfitting Co.$ 16th and Jackson Sts. j An immense purchase of splendid, high-grade mattresses and j pillows, bought at an extra heavy discount and just pVevioua to the , big advance in the price of cotton and cotton materials, enables us to put the entire shipment on Special Sale, for this one day only, at i prices that will mean saving to you of about one-half. Cpme to thi i big mattress and pillow sale expecting to find extraordinary values i and you will not be disappointed, and aa always, You Make You, , Own Terms. ' Our inexpensive location and immense buying power enables us to make the lower prices. Note these extremely low prices on high-grade Mattresses: to the retail "business interests ol Omaha. Charles Sykes. represent ing the Young Men's Christian-association, snoke on salesmanship classes of the Young Men's Chris- tan association. ""-otton Top Mattress, covered with heavy twilled, 'P ticking. (JIJ Cotton Top and Bsttom Mattress, cov ered with heavy twilled 0 AC triped tieklni. Sale price i.HJ yombination Mattress, covered with ancy art ticking, will roll edge ant - eigne 40 pounds, lie price 11 Cotton Mattress with blown center id heavy layer surface, roll e.g, cov d w'th fancy art ticking f ff OC 1 and weighs 46 lbs. Sile price. ?J.JW -.p,eim.d all felt Mattre's, built up i layers with a heavy r-ill ede cov red with fancy art ticking tfC QC nd weighs 45 lbs.' Bile price. ?u.3J $3.65 An excellent elastic felt Mattreu. built up In layers with a heavy roll edge, covered with fancy art ticking CO AC and weighs 46 lb. Sale price, 4J An excellent 50-pound elaitte felt Mattress, made of felted cotton of the best grade; has a heavy stitched roll edge and covered with a beautiful fancy art Sate price : An exceptionally well made, high-grade 60 -pound eiasiiiwfeit Ma tress, covered with satin fin is Hid art ticking and hat' an extra heavy stitched roll edge. Sale price ....$9.75 $11.50 OBTAINABLE IN ALL SIZES Note these extremely low prices on high-grade Pillows Fivopound , Feather Pillows, covered . h heavy striped ticking. 791 4 ale price, per pair iOy even-pound Feather Pillows, steam urled and covered with fancy 1 1 A irt ticking. Sale price, pair. . ... Jlelv i 3even -pound Feather PillowB, steam ried ana covered withilancy tfl CO rt ticking. Sale price, pair. . . . l-VO This Big Mattress and Pillow SIe for One Day Only SATUPDAY, OCTOBER 14. Six -pound Down Pillows, covered with linen stripe ticking. Sale JO 7fk price, per pair y-nalU Six-pound mixed duck and goose fea ther Pillows, covered with fancy art ticking. Sale price, IfO A per pair P6.3IU Sip-pound live goose fea'her P llowp covert d with fancy art tick- 0 QO ing Sale price, per pair ydtVO HUB tl 'i People's Store. v Opposite Hotel Rome. Anti-Prohibition 1 eeimg Boyd Tlieatre, Saturday Evening Oct. 14th, 8 P.M. mmmmmtmmmm tvumm Address-by Hon. Charles M. Bryan of Memphis, Tennessee Mr. Bryan has a message from Tax Ridden, Prohibition Memphis of which he was City Attorney, for two terms. Come out and hear how Prohibition will affect Omaha. NEBRASKA PROSPERITY LEAGUE WhyEnvyHer? YonCan Have Good Hair By Using Cuticura. Begin tonight. Rub gently pot o( dandruff, itching and dryness with Cu-. ticura Ointment. In the morning sham poo with Cuticura Soap and hot water using plenty of Soap, best applied with the hands, because it makes them very soft and white. Rinse with tepid water. Read directions around Soap. Nothing better, purer, sweeter than Cuticura Soap for every-day toilet uses, assisted now and then as needed by little touches of Cuticura Ointment. You can have samples free by return mail for the ask ing. Address post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. 14F, Boston." Sold everywhere. mmmmimmtCZ&Mm WE SAVE YOU MONEY." THERE A REASON -1515 Howard St Linoleums! Linoleums! Many hundred new patterns from large shipments just arrived and plac:cl on the floor. Among tJie notably strong values are jb our patterns "Irolino," U yards wide, at, per square yard. v Four patterns Print Linoleum, 12 feet wide, at, per square yard Eour patterns Inlaid, good tile designs, at, per square yai'd. Now is your opportunity Saturday, tomorrow to come and make your selections. Bring your room meas urements and get choice before the stock gets broken. (No remnants, or old stock to offer you.) Oil 9 Arminatpra. four nnt- Rug Values e? $17.75 39c 59c 85c TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Every Kind Price. Vary Low Over five hundred machlnei to select from. Rent applied on purchase. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. 190S Farnam St. Phon. Douglas 4121. .IB. That you cannot pass- The number priced is lim ited only to tha stock on hand. 9x12 Royal Wiltons, three pat terns, selected designs and per fect CQQ 7K rugs PJt7 I J 8-3x10-6 Brussels, three pat terns, good bed room de- r: $11,75 27x54 Wool blues and browns Fibres, grays, 49c 36x63 Bigelow Wiltons, five Snr:..:. .. $4.95 : tomorrow will be a great UMUUiUM and ittUU day at RAYMOND'S. ( . V ABSOLUTELY The Cleanest, Hottest, Purest, Most lasting, Most Economical Soft Coal Sold Iii Greater Omaha V The enormous tonnage burned in Omaha's furnaces, hot water plants, heating and cook stoves . . PROVES WORTH OF ZEIGLER JOO Per Ton - Do not be satisfied with the "just as good kind" that is being of fered at a cheaper price. But deniand the Genuine Zeigler. For Sale by th Following Dealers OMAHA O. E. Jansan. McCaffrey Bros. Co. Miaaouri River Lumber Co. American Full Weight Ceal Co. H. Andreaaoa Coal Co. J. T. Beattr. Bowman-Krani Lumber Co. i Consolidated Lumber A Coal Co. Enterprise Lumber II Coal Co. EtchUon Coal Co. Hat.' coafco. " Exclusive Distributors People', Coal Co. R. C. Coddard. Union Foal Co E. A. Winn. v SOUTH OMAHA A. L. Berqulat Son.'. Breadwell-Roberts. ' Crosbr-Kopieta-Caaer Co. G. E- Harding Coal Co. E. H. Howland Lumber Co. , -ft BENSON anaHawaBaaaaaaa'' Rirett Lumber dk Coal Co. 513 Bee Bid. Rivett Lumber ft Coal Co. FOR ZEIGLER COAL TELEPHONE TYLER 1754 PEOPLES COAL COMPANY Genuine Zeigler, $7 R. C. GODDARD, President Franklin Co., III., $6.50, "LET US MAKE IT HOT FOR YOU" 210 South 17th Street, Just South of Brandeis Theater Entrance No More Grief About Your Coal 35K,nd,t Ton U AMERICAN FULL WEIGHT COAL CO., SKXl'KS Phone' Stiglis 2109 41