THE BEE : " OMAHA,' SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1916. HDGHES WILL GET MRMfYOTES Entire Family Who Supported Wilson Tour Years , Ago j. T Tnrtt Him Kow.; , REASONS FOR THE SWITCH New York,' Oct 1 J. Special Tete-grm.)-iAnother democrat of the old sthool who is supporting Mr. Hughc in this campaign ia Frank H. Spear . man... the well, known .author , anil writei on economics. Mr. Spearman announces that four years- ago he and two of hit ons. hit brother, and hu nephews, voted for Wilson. "Next month " continue Mr Spearman- "three of my tons, my brother,- my nephewa, one and all and I; myself.' will take a long and watchfully-awaited opportunity to re cord our. utter detestation of the man ami his policies' by .voting for Justice Hughes.''-3- V- v'-v i' ' ' ' 'The ouotation is from a Tetter writ ten by ir- Spearman to ex-Governor Harmon of Ohio, head of the Wood- row Wilson, league,, -in response to Mr Harmdn'i -'invitation to Mr Spearman to joifV that organization, Join Hughes League, Mn Spearman not only declined to join the Wilson league, but he wrote to former Senator Theodore E. Bur ton, president of the Hughes College league, enrolling himself and his three sons in, the Hughes league. - With hi letter to i Senator Theodore Burton. ' Mr. Spearman enclosed a copy of his letter to Governor Harmon. In thi , letter Mr. Spearman reviewed Mr ' Wilson's presidential career from the appointment of Bryan to head the Mate department down to vthe' last thing he has done, in ramming down the throat of congress his indefensible ten-bours'-pay-for -tight- hours'-work Adaraaon Jaw.".,--. i - . - -. , '"It ia difficult to speak with .be coming restraint of his Mexican rec ord." continues Mr. Spearman. "Mr Bryan sought only to Mexicanlze the currency of our -country; Mr. Wilson has Mexicanized, io far as he could ita decent .self-respect. Mr. Bryan threatened only the national, purse;. , Mr. Wilson has filched our country's good name., : . ..f. , ... Silence Comes With Mexico. ."The cries of 'the tortured Arme nian Christians' moved Mr. Wilson al mast to tears. The cries of the tor. tared Mexican Christiana masked hit visage with -that solemn brooding silence to .which, we have become an unhappily accustomed. On the sub ject of driving Christ, out of Mexico, Mr. Wilson has nothing not a syl lable to say.- -And in every atep of his presidential career the American .people have been met by his myster ious mutterings, political undertones, dark intimations of imminent peril!, and irritating insinuations, and -have 'been left to grope for truth concern ing situations with every-avenue ol .the administration guarded to prevent ihe facts underlying his policies from becoming publicly known. Mr Wil son will wonder next month why the business men of this country have presented practically united front against him at the polls. It is because of their contempt for his utter help lessness as concerna business need.. For advice on this subject he has re lied on Mr. Josephua Daniela; as to Mexican conditions on Mr John Lind an J Senor Carranza. In what ever direction we. consider Mr Wil son and hia advisers their efforts ap pear futile, equally depressing. "This i.-ank letter is due to the fact ihat 1 have bottled up my political wrath to j long.. But thia appeal to enroll in behalf of the present occu pant of the White House has been the straw that has broken at the elev enth hour my camel's-back of silence. Tens of thousands of democrats like myself have not changed our posi tions, the policies of Mr. Bryan and too many of Mr. Wilson's are not and never have been democratic." New Jersey Swinga to Hughes. An extraordinary swing to Gover nor Hughes in President Wilson's home state of voters who supported him in 1912, is indicated by. enroll ments in the New Jersey branch of the Hughes alliance, it was announced today. State pride in the candidacy of Mr. Viion apparently is not hold ing Nem Jersey voters for him. ' A fostal cara canvass 'shows that over per cent of those who voted for the president lour years ago ase now sup porting Governor Hughes. William E." Walter, an attorney of Fort Wayne, Ind., sent the Hughes alliance today the names of 107 men of his. personal acquaintanceall dem ocrats, who' have announced their support of Governor Hughes and en rolled in the alliance. This indication of a Hughes' sweep in Indiana is borne out by information gleaned by E. B. J-isher,- a traveling salesman, who has just completed a trip through that state and Who wrote the Hughes alliance saying: "After traveling sev eral hundred miles through Indiana, thinking, sleeping, , talking, eating, fig's ing for Hughes, I have come to the concluaion there are 100,000 voters in Indiana who Say little but are for Hughes and. that nothing will stay i flean sweep for' Hughes and Fair banks and the state ticket, including the two United States senators. WORDS ARE BONDS. WITH CATTLE MEN Oral "Yes" and : "Ko' - Make Stock Yards Million Dollar Market Daily. . BIO BUSINESS "ON HONOR" By A. R. GROT. 1 -Nearly $1,000,000 a day changes hands in the sale of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Union stock yards on the South Side. .. '-; . ',. ; . (. And these immense transactions are made "on henor."' That is the aston ishing feature of it. The banker or real estate man bind his bargain in legal documents with many a rhereas and whereiore", and "party of the first part" and 'party of the second part" But the business of selling cattle, hogs, horses and ahecp on this, the seconds greatest market in the world. is done on the spoken word of gentle men. It is still the free, man-to-man trading of the great open country. It has not been enmeshed it. legalitiea and technicalities. The notarial seal has not been called in to assist in transferring the fat cattle of John IMHswUm Had r it you suffer any ot these take a 4m ef pr. Kins'. New Lite Pills tonlskt, ' Only. Sic.. All-drusfl.t.. Advertli.m.nt.'.'i i Jones rancher,' to Armour-CuiUhy, packer. . - ' v i Word Seals Pact This wonderful honor between men extenda to every part of the stock business on the South Side. See how simple and .direct is the method ot marketing atock: ; ' John Jones ships a few carloads of cattle from his ranch -in, say, Mon tana, to the Omaha market. He does, not need 10 come along. He merely consigns them to some commission Arriving here, the cattle'are unload ed by the Union Stock Yarde com pany and placeu iu pi , this particular firm. They are fed and watered and sorted by thia firm a ex- PeAlong comes the cattle buyer for the packers and looks them over. "Fine bunch ot . cattle, aays ine commission man. "What are you aaktn' for 'em? in quires the packers' man. " ' "Well, let you have 'em at $9.50. ''Nothing doing. Give you nine and a quarter.' -' "'Nope, couldn't let such a fine bunch go at that. But I'll knock off a nickel.'r The Big Difference. And , so they "dicker" until the transaction ia made. Two bankers would now repair to the office and use soine official blanka and the type writer and notarial aeal for half a day. But these two men in the stock yards; though thay may have made a deal involving many thousands of dol- Benson's Specialty Shop 1812Farnam St. ' 1 - " is now snowing the ."'' V very latest jcreations ; IIWOMEN'S UND GIRLS ' Waists-Suits,... LtW- -Skirts Coats and complete outfits for the little folks 7kkU EI.H.i'l.UuLfcUli.irgffE'CliU'tl. I UH i UtliFKUUtfcllUliiJilkliUliJjji Hovf ; Hughes and; Roo$eyelt Would Have Acted With Germany, England Mexico Out of the din and confusion caused by the assertions, charges and counter-charges which are -being made by the presidential candidates and their supporters arises one question which many ' thousands, of people art asking,- and-that is : "Just What Action Would Mr, Hughes or Mir. Roose velt Have Taken in Dealing Vith Germany, England and Mexico, Had They Been in Mr. Wilson's . Place?" ' , v. . , .; ..- . . With a view to throwing light on this subject, the editors of THE LITERARY DIGEST have ; carefully analyzed the speeches of, Mr.' Hughes, Mr; Roosevelt and Mr. Wilson bearing upon our for-"' ' eign relations. " ' ' . x '':;'; In THE LITERARY DIGEST for October 14, the result is given in avery comprehensive article in which are arranged in careful juxtaposition the public utterances of each of the three men upon the subject of our foreign relations. By means of this orderly arrangement the American pub lic can get a very definite answer to the question raised. ' - Among other important articles in this exceptionally interesting number are: ' ; Both Sides of the San Francisco Bomb-Charges; ; V J . For the First Tlau Sine a Bomb Waa Exploded During a jun4 Fifty, Editorial Osblaa From Alt Angl Ordar Sid U Quotod Aa Wall Aa the Should Actor Go To War? 1 A Puzzling Russian Playwright -k. . Beauty-Study for Missionaries Spain Drifting to the Allies Sinn Fein Growing Signalling to' Submarines ' "J Scrapping a Railroad Preparadawsa Pared ia San Francisco and klllod Tan Paraaaa aad In- la ia Pr tn tod ia One Compraaaasi Artiolo, Tho Law aad . Sid of tho International Workon' Oofona Loaf u. The Crown Prince's English House Labor's Case Against The Church Germany's Fifth War Loan ' Mediation at a Discount Politics and Infantile Paralysis ': - ? " No More Street-Sprinkling " The New York Traction Strike .Failure Aa Uansually Fia Collectloa of Striking Half-ton Illustratieaa aad Carteaaa . The. Appeal of("The Dijjjt" is as Ujivsrjil as its S:ope "There la an old Baying that it is impossible 'to please everybody, whicn w measurably true. There are exv eeptiona to' this, however. One of these is THE . LITERARY DIGEST. - When you take it home every ',. week, jou know you will pleaae the whole family. . .Each issue contains matter for all tastes and for, . evjrv taste. For father there is the political section, "'the foreign comment, the discussion of industrial and social issues of moment, and the advice on finance and investments; for mother, the articles. on art, and , literature, arid religion and social service, and. the ' dook reviews; lor the elder boy, science and inven-. ; Won, the war reports, and Personal Glimpses ; for the elder girl, the art, music and current poetry; for the-' youngsters, the cartoons and the nuggets of humor V . in Spice of Life. And every page is clean, interest- ; Ing, and packed with information. The neWs is real : news, the comments are from all angles, the mirth r- without a sting., All this makes ''The Digest" the ' ideal home news-magaine. . - - l. , .October-' 14th Number on Sale To -Day 10 Cents The TTV. WW r .- .-' .Btaaaw.""' Uukol , -JL FUNK' & W AGNAILS COMPANY" (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) ,;NEW YORK; t lara, go on the word of one gentleman to another. How does thia work out in prac tice?' -.' "About 335,000 trades were made on thia market last year," aaid A. F. Stryker, secretary of the South Oma ha Live Stock exchange. ' Only seven deals were disputed, calling for the attention of our arbitration trade committee. That'a only jne trade in 48,000 "Dealing is done strictly on honor, and the highest standard prevails among commission men. traders, buy ers and sellers. Dishonesty or sharp practice will not be tolerated." Another feature ot tnis great dusi- ness is that every sale ia for absolute ly spot cash. - "Often a consignment of live stock will be received from the owner early i.i the morning, unloaded, sold and the money paid to the owner by 9 a. m," said Mr. Stryker. 'Usually the day'sl receipts are all sold the same day and cash payment is made." No matter how many cars of Stock reach the market the stockman knows he is to receive cash of the realm for hij shipment. ' Swanton ' Republican Organize. . Swanton, Neb., Oct. 13. (Special.) es- a The 1916 campaign started here y terday by the organization of Hughes and Fairbanks club, with Jim ." Staly as president and L. T. tuer meier secretary. . Ernst Goes to Washington To Rail Financiers' Meet C J. Ernst, president of the Board of Education, has gone to Washing ton, D. C, to attend a meeting of the Society of Railway Financial Off l- -cer9, which meeting will be of in terest to him in connection with his official duties as treasurer of the Bur lington lines west of the Missouri river. During his absence Robert Cowelli vice chairman of the board, will occupy the quarterdeck. - THE BRIDE Will Find HARTMAN Sp'endidly Well Equipped To Solve Her Every Home Furnishing Problem. If . nlr know kw rm trrrrm Bartmu. rzMltlm to, 'VjF''jJPTSS monthlj terms which w flmdl muir, " Ou lr.ol ilnMritj wtth which too "W m thl. wd i .mu.i.Hii . ru mt hn-tnte ma Instant la opnun up ml I aj with a. BiamlDl aor "m,V.Ve; and M far ranrMir how aanT U ! ty n tiiumtl kama-TUK H AJtTMAN WAV. COKVENUNT MONTHLf PAYMENTS CLD.Y RRANC ED AN EXTREMELY WELL MADE SOLID OAK 3 PIECE LIBRARY SUITE Con alatlng of -'large alze library table, comfortable chair and rocker, up holatered in high grade Spanish Imitation leathery Solid Oak Unary Suite aiSi 'auBu'ta ' Library TabU fitted with roomy stationery drawer and magazine shelf, entire set finished fumed, 1 pieces complete, onlyk ; ' ' $10.45 2 Pull I Sockets I 24-lneh H Silk II Shade, X HIGH STAND ING PIANO LAMP Com plete with 24 inch Bilk ahade, varied assortment of colors to choose from, completely wired with 6 ft of silk cord, 2 pull sockets, base and shade complete a t, only $12.50 HI OH BACK JACOBEAN PERIOD DIN ING CHAIR Built of fan ulna auarter- sawe6 oak, cor rectly finished to matcn taDie, hewn to rlt-ht, full lip seat, upholstered In genuine Spanish, leather, pedal S4.98 Ann Chair to Match, CONVEN IENTLY AR- J, RANGED GENTLE MAN'S CHIP FEROBE S iar(e draw ers, roomy l ward rob. section, fitted with sliding coat and trous.r hana-' r, roomy hat. compart ment. ... a r i. markable jValue, at . mm ,12.85 T B J Oexceptional high grade' Charlea II. or Jacobean Period Extension Table Made with full quartered 48-Inch top, heavy rope legrs. over four Inches In diameter, scroll stretchers, fumed oak only. . atches chair shown to 28.89 I7.7S INTRODUCTORY SALE OF THE FAMOUS "SElLERS" KITCHEN - CABINET Pull Ise, white poreelatn top. fully equipped with white enamel lined china compartment, fc plece fflass set, tilting; flour Din, swinging tamer, etc., very special.' at..... ... susar on- $22.7o A DAINTILY, COR RECTLY designed Adams period Ivory enamel finish Dress er, extremely well b u 1-1 1 . of selected wood, 6-draw- er base, Wi i 22 French bevel plate mirror,: heavy metal drawer pulls, only--.- ; l-INCH CONTINUOUS POST BED, SPRING AND MATTRESS COMBINATION Bed beautiful ly enameled In Gold Bronie or Vemls Martin, heavy ang-le iron sprint's, cotton top r-attres. covered with durable tlckina. all sises. entire I pieces at the very low price. 5i2.3y 3usMsavJ Kmmm jsjajtnnaaaii,aaiiwa FOB CTTTBOlLe. vfSSXiTl $15.75' ? - . , .1 3? Guaranteed , CABLE VALTTB TM A IS VATjTTB TO I 1-INCH POSTOUAH- BED Can h con pirn 52a A MOM W Tnt UTY NOUSt-KQBPWe MONTH J REMAl OENUU ANTEED BRASS had In full sise only, artla tlcally lacquered In a dull satin rinisn. Bed has 10 tillers, a rare opportunity to secure a high grade brass g SWf. n?adraVM.h,pr..r::.510.75 OUR IEW MERIT STEEL RANGE Complete .with hlrh closet, exeeedlna-ly well made, body built of polished blue steel, duplex (lata, larva slae oven, -hoi sectional top, elaborately nickel trimmed, stov sets on sanitary . steel has, complete with nickel towel rod, . etc, . at. only AN AMAZING VALUE IN A 4H-PIKCK U1Aimi. SET Cons tins of all the required pieces for a family of six, best grade of domestic porcelain, handsomely decorated In artistic (A a floral design, specially . priced for sna.4aB Saturday's selling at only... W JtC IUR FAMOUS CLASSIC '.EGENT BASEBURNEH ade with large sl fire ot. heavy duplex grate, laborately nickel trimmed, reat economlser. of fuel, a heater that will add to. the beauty of any home, be sure and see Its wonder, ful value; our Intro- . only. w W Buy Your Columbia Crafonola at Hartman's GalA' r.i. . . ...v , - 3ttt)i Kf.,. Aliy else or style of OENIHNE "COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA" acknowledged to be the world's 1 best talking machine, delivered to your home with not on cent In advene PAY CASH ONLY roil THE RECORD YOU BUY. - No -money In advance on ' your GRAFONOLA; NOTHING TO PAY FOR 10 DAYS. . , THC COLUMBIA NO. II QUABTLKt.L UOLUEN OAK CAiilNET N.n vlerant m t a ri many mo Moxarr down at a Moolh After J Daya USE YOUR CREDIT HARTMAN WIM. OLADLT TRUST TOU Jut com. in and at- lct any ORArON'OI.A. Uae Hertmaa's h.lpfut crllt freely. NO IN. TEREST TO PAT. j'7MB,A NO. Tt OAK OR WAI. Nil-OA8S--Cblnet holds s enty-flee recoMa wend.) ful tone aw . NO MONBY DOWN S3 a Month after la Day. M J Free Da ly Cone ra ituiir , aitoFo.s a DsIPT. Wt earry a eem- fil.te stock ef Co imHl doable dler recorria You ere cordially milted t. dr la . aad j hear th.nv All MICA'S fiBKATEST BOM FCRJ1SHEM fWfflS - lb - lb DOUoLAS ST. W Carry a Complota Stock ef The at World rimoui Kstrumanta 3.Vm ,i,o ! s "1