THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1916. Nebraska SAUIERSCODNTY : GETS 1NTHE GAME Kennedy's Tour Stirs Much En thusiasm Among Voters . , Down There. SWEDES FIGHT HITCHCOCK Wa'hoo, Neb., Oct. U (Special.) Reciting the merits of the republican party and its history of achievement, urging the election of Charles E. Hughes, Judge A L. Sutton, Con gressman Charles Sloan and the en tire republican state ticket, John L. Kennedy of Omaha, republican candi date for United States senator, ac companied by the" Saunders county candidates and a following of voters from alt parts of the county, made a campaign ' across Saunders county and closed with a meeting here last night at the court house.AvKich was attended by thJargest and most en thusiastic audience which has turned out to a political meeting here for years. Most of the county candidates were present and appealed to the vot ers for their support, Kennedy Meets Old Friends. County Chairman C. V. Bruce of Malmo presided. He introduced Judge Samuel Lippjncot of Memphis, Xeb., a pioneer ofNSaunders county and of Nebraska, who years ago was a justice of the peace in Omaha, be fore whom Mr. Kennedy tried his second ,law case in Nebraska some thirty years ago. Judge Lippincot is also a veteran of the. civil war. Charles H. Slama, in introducing Mr Kennedy, said: "He is not a politi cian, but a man possessing all the stern and unflinching qualities of a statesman; a man that won't truckle and a man that can't be bluffed." Mr. Kennedy's speech, which lasted an hour and a half, was vigorous and forceful and his allusions to Charles E. Hughes, Congressman Charles Sloan and Judge A. L. Sutton brought out bursts of applause. At Brainard an hour was spent by Mi'. Kennedy calling on the voters. Brainard is a Bohemian neighbor hood. Many of the leading Bohe mians assured Mr. Kennedy today that they would vote for him because, they said, -they admired his attitude on strict neutrality and his unwilling ness to make any other appeal than to the patriotism of the American voter. Mr. Kenneelv was introduced about town hy Dr.f. G. Marron, C 1 J. Smersh, ' Theodore smersh, G. A. I711r ond T. V (mu.r. , .n,,h11,.a. candidate for county clerk, and Mr. Smith. , County Candiatea Join. At Valparaiso Mr. Kennedy was ders county voters and county candi dates who accompanied him during the remainder of the day. Kt spoke to a street audien&r in the public square andMiis speech was received with considerable enthusiasm. The many democrats who applauded Mr Kennedy and who exclaimed "Good, good, that's the stuff." V. W. Wen strand, candidate for re-election as county attorney; C. A. Cook, candi date for representative; J. M. Lam per, candidate for representative; Malcolm Anderson, candidate for county treasurer, and Henry Pickett, candidate for re-election as clerk of the district court, and F. E. Alder, candidate for county superintendent, spent the day with Mr. Kennedy's party. . , At Ceresco the campaigners stop ped for dinner. Mr, Kennedy was joined here by C. W. Bruce of Mal mo, chairman of the Saunders county republican committee, who spent the day with him. The party consisted of numerous automobiles and some forty persons. Mr. Kennedy was in troduced to the voters at Ceresco by Dr. F. T. Wright and Malcolm An derson. While in Ceresco Mr. Ken nedy met several old friends among the ministers of the Swedish MJssion church, which was holding its con ference there. Swedes Off Hitchcock. Much indigination is .being ex pressed by the Swedish people be cause of the attempt of Nelson T Thorson to deliver the Swedish vote to Senator Hitchcock by the activity of the Omaha Posten., It is the opin ion of the Swedish people in this sec tion that-ip person can deliver the Swedish vote. . One prominent citi zen of Swedish descent said in Wa hoo today:- "No leader can deliver the vote of the Swedish 'people of Nebraska to any candidate, much less to Hitchcock." At Mead a lively street meeting was held. Mr. Kennedy was intro duced by W. W. Wenstrand of Wa- hoo, republican candidate for re-election as county attorney. Following this a meeting was held on the street at Cedar Bluffs. The party from Ceresco to Cedar Bluffs was under the guidance of A. L. ClBuse of Mem phis, republican candidate for sheriff. Henry Gustafson, Nebraska president of the Farmers' union, was visited, at his farm today by the various candi dates. He predicts a republican vic tory. No Division of ; .. County This Year Broken Bow, Neb., Oct. 13. (Spe cial.) The , county division fight came to an abrupt end this week and the question will not be an issue in this campaign. The hearing before the county board on the petition for .the proposed northeast county, was concluded and the board found that the petition did not contain the names of a majority of the electors in the proposed new county and, therefore, rejected it. I The divisionists proposed to divide Custer county into three parts. Bad Cough FTrUhf Grlpey 1 Theae ailment weaken your ayetem; don't wait Uaa Dr. Bell'a Pine-Tar-Honey. It allays Inflammation, killi term, the. All drargUta. Advertlaement. , ' - - - SHAW'S ARGUMENT IS CONVINCING Former towa Governor Pre sents Republican Case With . Best of Results. NEED MEN OF EXPERIENCE (From a Btarf Correspondent.) McXTook, Neb, Oct. 13. (Special.) Closing a four-day speaking tour of Nebraska, in which he made nine ad dresses, Leslie M. Shaw, former gov ernor of Iowa and secretary of the treasury in the Rocwevelt cabinet, spoke to a good-sized audience at the Opera house here last niglit. Governor ' Shaw talked for two hours and thirty-five ; minutes, yet held his audience to the end by his convincing manner of presenting the facts as he saw them, corncerning the tariff, the Mexican situation, the Adamson bill and a few other politi cal situations in the same manner which has always left his audiences in the mood to think about what he has said after he had gone. States the Facts. "I shall not argue these matters," said he. "I shall simply tell you the facts and let you do your own think ing. . If 1 can get you to thinking about these very important matljers for yourselves, I have- accomplished the object of my visit to Nebraska." Mr. Shawsaid that no man would hire a lawyer simply because he had been admitted to the bar. He must first by careful study and experience show that he has an aptitude for the law,' and then he vanild tie given the )b..-"The reason why the democratic party always makes a failure of hand ling the affairs of the government is because thev have not had the expe rience necessary to run the govern ment, for they only get a chance once in twenty years and then only, for a short time," said the secretary, "and so it is not to be expected that they could do a successful job." - Experience Needed. " "To do a successful job of running this government, a man must be a statesman; he must have had experi ence in statecraft, just as the lawyer must have experience in the law,,, or llic uuviur in mum 111. , wu... not hire an allopath to do the work you wanted done by an osteopath, nenner wouiti a iapnsi cnurc-ii jwi Presbvterians on its governing board. A man must have experience in the business he has charge of. "There is not a man in Nebraska who'would have hired Woodrow Wil ton to be at the head ot a railroad s corporation, a store,, a bank or a farm,. yet we put him a;, the head of the greatest institution on the lace ol the', globe and expect him to make fciuccess ot it. i ; Statesmanship Wanted. . "We arc facing a situation which will need a man of experience, a man who understand law and a mail expe rienced in statecraft. When at the close of the war, the nations of the world are gathered about that'great table to solve the great problems of a new international treaty, this coun try must have a man of experience as its representative. He must be a man, firm in his convictions, strong in his demands and, at the same time, have the respect of the other nations Of the earth. Woodrow Wilson has not shown a capacity along these lines. He has done today what he thought was the best thing to be done today without any regard for what h did yesterday or what he might do Just One More Day To Take Advantage Of JHE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE Demonstration and Souvenir Sale V You know how the ord'nary steel range rusts out in a few years. Well The Great Majestic will not do so, because it's not made of steel, but of charcoal iron Tomorrow only The Majestic factory is giving with each range ordered an $8 Set of Kitchenware FREE You cannot afford to miss it You don't have to take the range this week, but in order to get the kitchenware you must place your order while the factory represen tatives are with us. Then we'll hold it for you if you wish. Range prices will be higher. Better buy now. r .. JOIill IIUSSIE HARDWARE CO. "If you buy it of Hueiie It's right." 2407 Cuming Street, and -Ben Those High Grade Tailored Suits Beautiful Evening Gowns Shown at Our Opening and During Ak-Sar i We Are Offering Now at Prices That Rang: From a Third to a Half Below Regular This Is An Opportunity for You to Obtain Model Suits at Prices That You WouIrfPay Ordinarily for GarmsnW Not in This Class. THE SUITS ' $198.00 Subterranean Green Kitten Ear Cloth, mole trimmed. .S 99.00 $198.00 Bay Leaf Green Chiffon Velvet, skunk trimming. ... .$132.00 $269.00 Taupe Chiffon Velvet, heavy skunk trimming ..$165.00 $239.00 Belgian Blue Chiffon Plush, skunk trimming. . ... . . ..$145.09" $198.80 Black Kitten's Ear, large kolinsky collar and triniming.S ' 99.00 $159.00 Black Chiffon Velvet, Wolf trimmed . :'. . .$ 99.00 $159.00 Taupe Cylender, silk and mole trimming. $ 99.00 $149.00 Black Wool Velour; wide Hudson seal border . .... 'is .. $ 89.00 $149.00 Blue Wool Velour, wide skunk collar : .S 89.00 $139.00 Mahogany Velour, Hudson ,seal collar. ...... . ., $ 89.00 $135.00 Black Cylender Cloth Hudson.seal collar, ............ S 75.00 $125.00 Navy Velour, with wide mole and collar. ..... J $ 75.00 $ 98.00 Burgundy Bolivia Cloth and Hudson seal. S 65.00 $ 98.00 Gray Tweed Mixture and wide"skunk trimming. . . . . 59.00 try THE DRESSES Vw "tee HsHAA r, lf.i.1 i r t tt m;i T r aM, . ?xuu,uu jrun jneiai marquesewe ana neavy Oliver usee uown, . . uo.i $159.60 Apricot Metal Marquesette and Gold Lace.......,.v....JS79.l $169.00 Blaejt Heavy Beaded Gown .....! 585.1 $149.00 Yellow and Gold Striped Gros De Laudre and Beads. .... .$74.i $139.00 Green Brocaded Silk with Moline and Gold Lace... $68.50 $139.00 Silver Cloth, heavy silver lace, Crystal Panels. ,vS68.50 'i $ 89.00 White Gros De Laudre, Gold Embroidered....... $44.50 rpHIS IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT that will f ' claim the immediate attention of every woman ith) desires the very best that fashion 1 affords, and who does nolat the same time , object to mzking.a substantial saving. - q omorrow. He has been honest in loing it, bclieveing it the best thing. ut it has limply demonstrated his inexperience as a statesman and his ack of those essentials of statesman ship which must characterize the man who must he president of the United States when the war is over." Makes Good Impression. "The best political address I ever heard in my life," said A. Galusha, a well known merchant of McCook and former secretary of state. "1 never heard anything like it," remarked A,ftarnctt, chairman of the republican county committee and pre siding officer at the meeting. ' "1 wish Governor. Shaw could be kept in Nebraska tlie rest of the cam paign," remarked Senator Cordial, who served in ihe siale senate uv terms. "We would 'carry .ihe stale without the question of adiubt," This indicates live' success which Mr. thaw's tour has been, ihe only regrettable feature being the small amount of interest taken in the cam paign, democrats as well as repub licans being unable to draw the crowds as in former years, People Lack Interest. "At this time, when the people have been given greater power in the af fairs of government than ever before, they show a lack of interest at a time when our country is facing a crisis, which is simply discouraging," said Governor Shaw during an address at Falls City. - "However, with this discouraging rondition," said a newspaper man who accompanied Governor Shaw on his tour of the state, "there is a strong trend from those who have been unde cided as to whom they would support, toward Mr. Hughes. This was appar ent throughout the entire trip and was the report given by those in close touch with the situation. In many instances former Wilson nen have come out for Hughes, espe cially was this marked after Mr. Shaw had spoken, . 5 Kenned; Is Strong. John L. Kennedy is strong in all the places visited, while Sutton is close behind him. Reavis is especially strong in the First district, as is also Sloan in the Fourth and Barton in the Fifth. While Barton's opponent has always had a strong following around McCook, republicans say there is tittle doubt Barton will carry the district. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A MM prvptnlloa ot mrtk B.lp. t rkdlokt dudrttC Far RmUm CL n. JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 ijf ifr i Qy rtywl Benson & Thorne Co.'s TyUr 1701 1 TyUr 1701 A Sale of Boys' Clothes Th. ChildrWt Tr..t for Saturday la ICE CREAM S.rv.d With Evorj Purchase. and clothes, too, that will stand all the wallops and friction the boy can give. 150 Norfolk Suits In the hew Fali and Winter weights; two i pairs of knickers with every suit, rich, har monious colors, in real Boy-proof material's. They were made to sell at $8.50 and are , really worth that muchr but we find ouf , ; selves very much overstocked and it is necessary to clear them and so the price will be ' $595 "New Sampeck" Patch Pocket Norfolka with 2 pairs of Pants, at $10, $12.50, $15 Boy-Proof Navy Blue Serges, in very dressy styles. .... . ... . 1 . ,$5.75 to $15 English Corduroy Norfolks, with 2 pair of fulf lined Pants. . . , ., ,$8.50 Domestic Corduroys, in Norfolk styles, at ............. ... . .$5.00 and $6.00 Mackinaw j ' Weatherproof Boyproof. With big Shawl Collars and Skate Pockets. Canadian woodsmen plaids, ' in grays, browns, reds and rich wine shades. Sizes 8 to 18 years . $5.00 $6.00 $7.50 Winter Coats For Little Tots Vtfarm, Cozy and Charmingly becoming, In Zibeline,' Cordu roy, Plush, ' Chinchilla and ' Broadcloth. Mew colors and a hundred cute style fancies are shown at moderate prices 44.50, S5.9S, $7.50, 113.50 Millinery that match ( In soft rims, handmade shapes and tailored models, In Velvet, Clipped Beaver, Plush and Cor duroy. ; Economic prices. . Small Boys' Overcoats ,,' ; . : . , ;. ' '' ....! - 2 to 10 Years Special Chinchillas, in gray or brown $5.75 Extra Quality, in gray or navy. J ... .$8.45 Imported Chinchilla, gray or navy, $12.50 Wool mixtures, fall colors, .$3.95 to $10.00 ' All coats are warmly interlined. Superior Knit Goods for Little Folk Saiony All Wool Sweater - 2 to 6 years. The finest, softest yarn ' is used in the making of these warm garments for the tots, in colors spe cially becoming, such as Rose, Copen hagen Blue, Brown and White. Belts are at back or of the detachable all round style. Roll, Storm or Sailor Collars . ' $1.25, to $3.95 knitted toque to match Many with a second color introduced with very pleasing effect A very large variety to choose from ' . 50c to 89c teg gin ' to complete the outfit, with or with out feet full leg-length styles Items of Interest331 for Infants Infants' 50 wool shirts, infants to 3 years 50c Infants' 80 wool shirts, 50c to 75c Infants silk and wool. .95c to $1.35 Infants' cashimere bands. . . . .25c Infants' all-wool bands. ..... .50c Infants' Bilk and woot'bands .55c Infants' blankets 59c, 89c to $1.28 Infants' long or short flannel shirts, at . . . . . .'. . .50c, 75c, $1.00 Infants' long or short flannel shirts, with scalloped edges and embroid ery 11.25 to 11.95 Baby bunting of eiderdown and double down $1.95 to $5.00 Infants' eiderdown capes. .. .$2.25 to $2.95 Infants' cashmere capes. , . $3.50 to $5.00 tr $1.25 For to $1.75 the School Girl ' Girl' Serge' Froclu, 8 to 14 Year , Long, loose styles, dne-piece pleated styles, Peter Thompson frocks with emblems and belts', also a new model with a new style yoke effect and pleated skirt, trims of 'striped silk at collar and cuffs -$9.75 $11.75 Winter Coats for School In a large variety of bulky, warm, but not heavy materials, beautifully made and in , harmonious fall colors $7.50 $10.00 $12.00 the Children's V treat for Satur- I day is ' I ICE CREAM I W, served with , ev ery purchase. fl9TWe3rri MAIL OR PHONE YOUR ORDER TYLER l7dl ' ' FREE . With every $5.00 purchase in our Boys' Shop, one pair of adjust able stilts. TODAY Last 2 Times . floojo,e'eo,oooj'OerJS1flJo,oj JJ amubbmbstst : VHSaBSMeMBH Matinee 2:30 MARTHA Evening 8:15 tUCEti OF THk elASpN THE COMIC OPBRA OF LIFE AND YOUTH . 5 PRINCIPAL STARS A SOc to Tonight, fiOr. 7Sf. !. A li.tO - Th ist of v.iudviti y Last Two TlmM Current Bill Matinee Today. 2:15 curtain -TONIGHT, 8:10 N.xt WMk Buikoff ,ntf Clrlt. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." yJCHfi Kvon'sa. lA.-n.H'MSe. A nnr Show Under en Ola Title LIBERTY Oik i Special Vaudtvlllc Fe-turci; Th-M Bu'lowa Girl, on the Silver Wire and The Llbertr Four, Beautr Choral Choir. See ''Punko Funko" and lftuch yourae f weak. , (Final Performance Frld-y N'l.-I r Ladle' Dime Matinee Every Week Day. Slinfl Alwara a Good Shew? IIS - ' ane naroey. TODAY ' Ann UttM end Irank Home In "THE LAND O' LIZARDS." A atory of rntr. life In Ihe Cold Mill,. ma now showing fcs5 I 34fi$ Sip ANITA DIAZ MONKS . f? I .iQeeeeW 04 In e Seriee el Merry Caoera end Q O Three Other Feature Acta. . A X "KNIC FROM THE DEEF" ? 1" T Featuring Joyce Moor. ' X SnBeei ovsssr VALES KA SURATT in- THE STRAIGHT WfAY .., ... ;.r-- MUSE . n a Ae eeen. e ia, r r--e- : i anui . : kt "THE SiORM" Open g to II Dally. 1 4 THE M. W. OF A. Saterda-Nite dancing club BIG DANCE ' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Al Myrtle Hall, 15th A Doug U St, I'