Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1916, Page 16, Image 16

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Gush Wheat Market Very Ir
regular, with Local De
Nr mand Slight.
' v 'v t Omaka, Ot. It, MM.
The tub -heal market waa very irreru-.
ler today and prices ruled from lo lower
to Xo hither.
The local demand (iSfwhul was not very
active knd . moil of the export Mas wort
for futnro ehlDmenl. .
L few choice eample of the No. I herd
wheat aold at tha top price ot Wednesday
morkot and the bulk of today'! eelee were
made at le advance over the avera.e price
of the laat market day.
The ranee of prlcre on No. S hard wheat
-wea wide, earns of the eemplea selling Jc
higher and several aalei belnf made at
a cent decline.'
The general run of No. 4 wheat aold
around tl.664?l.ll and the sample hard
ranted to prlee from 11.110)1.41.
The tom market was- very quiet and
pried, ruled from eteady to Ho lower., v-
The local demand waa not very good and
severs! eemplea of thli cereal were carried
over. . - . ,
Yellow corn aold at a cent premium, the
while and mlid corn, quality considered,
selllns at practically the aama price.
Oats recelpia were very heavy and there
-waa a steady demand for thle cereal al
practically unchanged prices. No. I white
aoM at 444,e.,isiidard aold at 4H4tic
and the bulk o( Ihe ea-nples, which graded
No. t white, sold at 441,0.
Ths demand for rye waa very good and
the market was quoted Mo higher.
. The barley market waa a trifle weak and
ruled from eteady to lo lower.
Clearance were; Wheat and flour, equal
10 M900a su.1 corn, 166,000 pu. ; oats, 17,
too bn. '
Liverpool doss: Wheat, steady to Sd high
ar; corn. vtStHd higher.
Primary wheat recelpta were 1,616,000 bu.
and ahlpmenta 1,711,000 bu., against receipts
ol 1.101,0.0- hu, and shipments of 1,10. .000
bo, laat year. ...
..Primary corn eoelpts war 70s, 000 bu.
and shipments 166,000 bu., sgalnat receipts
of 411,000 bu. and shipments of 411,000 bu.
last year.
. Primary oats recelpta war 1,714,000 bu.
and shipments 1,401,000 bu., agalnet receipts
ot 1,016.000 bu. and ahlpmanu o( 011,000 bu.
laat year. '
. Whelt. Corn. Oats.
Chicago ' II 101 IK
. Minneapolis 4... . 110 .. ...
Puluth ..., ....,.. 114 ' ... - ...
Omaha ,...i.,.i., let il H
Kansas Cltr ... 416 ; 21 . 101
L Louie ... 860 li , II
Winnipeg .....,.....-'.,. tOd
These eelaV wars rsportee today:
. Wheat No. 1 hard winter, fcara, (1.171, ;
7 cars, fl.M. No. I hard winter, 1 car.!
1 sera,; H car, 11.V: 4 Kara,
No. 1 bard winter, 1 car. ll.MHi oara,; t oars, 11.1614: t cars. 11.11; I
can, 11.64; 11 can. 11.64; 1 car. 11.61(4.
No. I hard winter. I can, tl.M; 114 oars,; 't-t car, 11.11; 1 can, tl.M; 1 ear,
11 il; 1 cars (part old), 11.(0; 1H oara,
11.41: t ear, 11.41. Rampla hard winter. I
oars. 11.10; l-l. car, 11.41; cars, 11.47; 114
can, 11,41; 1 ear, 11.11. No. 1 aprlng, 1 ear,
HUH. No. 1 spring, 1 ear, ll.ilHi 1 Mr,
11.11. No. I durum. I oars, 11.61; H ear,
11.60; 2-1 ear, 60e. No. I durum, I oaie,
11.10; I cars. Il.ll; I 1-1 can. It H. No.
4 durum, 1 oar. 11.14; t oars, I1.6H,. No.
1 raised, I oara II. 40! H ear, 11.1411. No.
1 Billed, 4 ears, 11.11; l-l ear, 11.17; 1 ear,
; ll.ilH: 1 ear, 1.I6; 1 oar. II.iiH; I oar,
11,16; H car, II.IIH; I cars, 11.63. No. 4
mixed, ear,; I ears, 1,13; 4 can,
11.(1. No. 1 inlied durum. 1 ear, (1.11. No.
4 durum mixed, 1 ear, 11.45,
Rye No. I: 4 ears, 11,10. No. I: 4 can,
Barler-No. I; 1 ear. He; 1 ear, too. No
I: 1 car, 76c. No. 1 feed 1 oar. 740.
Com No. I whits: I ears, HHo. No. I
white: 1 oar, llHo;ll ear, lie. No. I whilst
1 car. llHo; 1 car, tic. No. I yellow: -H
oar, 14c. No. yellow: I l-t oara, 140. No.
I yellow: 1 ear, lie. No. 1 mixed: I oan,
lie. No. I mlxedt ears, Ufco; l-l oar,
ISC. X ..
Oats No, I white: 1 ear, 14 He. stand
ard: I ears, 41 H: I car, 44 lie No. I whits:
. :i oars, 44HO. No. 4 white: I cars, 440.
Bample white! TH oan, 4IH0.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. 1 hard,
t1.isHtrl.ti: No. I hard, ll.IIH01.IIHl
No. 4 hard, 11.411.64; No. 1 aprlng, 11.116)
I. 611 No. I aprlng, 11.6I91.1IH; No. I dur
um, tl.iTt)l.l; No. 1 durum. tl.ii01.6O.
Com: No, 1 whits, tlH0Ho; No, I white,
l013Hc: No, white, HH0llci No. I
white, l!0llHo; No. while, OH0HHc;
No. I yellow, Il0l4o; No. I yellow, II H0
!4e; No. 4 yellow, It 013 He; No. i yellow,
UH0HC1 No. I yellow, I1H0I1HO: No, I
mixed, I2H0I1C1 No. I mixed, I10I1UO:
No. 4 mixed, llHVIlot No. i mixed, lis
IVi.t No. t mited, I0llo Oats: No, I
while, WH0 444io; standard, 44H 044HO:
No, ) white, 44044HC; No. 4 white, 41 Ht
440. Barley; Malting, 100011. 60; No. 1 feetl,
10010c. Rye: No. I, I1.110I.M; No. I,
II. ... i
' Omaha Fatar. Market. "
. Local opening prices on wheat wen a
trifle lower, but European oablea were
strong and with eentlnued bullish reports
from Argeenttna the market (tutcxly reoov
ered . this slight lose, the December edvane
Ug to 11.66 and the May to 11.64V
Then were no 'new developments on the
submarine altuatlon and In-spite of tha
scan caused by laat week's raid, twenty
eight veasela cleared at New Tork for Suro
aean ports. '
iraoinj, a cno oioas was neavy, ine US.
oember carrying the bulk of tha buslnsss
and closing at 11.64H
Tho crop nsws on com waa vary faver.
able today, but In aplta of thia tha market
followed wheat vary elosaty aod while the
opening erioea were lower, the market elos.
ad at TIho ion December at 7!Ho on Mayf4
a gain of about Ho for the day. ,
Oata nmalned firm and most of the local
treas was to the May ertlole, which closed
steady. . .t
rangs- at options l . 1
Art. ' ouen. i High . Low. i Close. I tea"
1 lit. Ilia.
1 I7V1J7
1 14
' 4t4
De I 444
Mar I as.!
' Chlcsto eleatng srleea, farntstted Tits Bee
br lAgan Hryan. stocK an grain broker..
sis vouin
Sixteenth atraet, Omabai
I High.
1. (I
r tit
1 It I117U 1 IIH 16IH
' Kay
1 t1 "tMf-l lH
tM :
1 11
arIitttflil tit.'
Oals. 1 !.(' 1
: n
Dee. 4ti ;-
May llt.!
II tl . 14 09
Jan. . 31 76 II II
Laid I
Dee. I 14 It I 14 IT'
21 ill
It II 111 Tl
It I7H 111 IT
21 it
14 II
II 11
14 1!
Ill 10
Jgn.1-U- II t lit tl
Bios I
Oct, t !'
Jan, I 11 70 lj. Jmjll ttj
II 70
111 17
II 16
. Wkest' Bss a Weak Start, kit Kalllss
, ' '-,.'. ' Utarpsal' Adetsss. ...
. Chleago, ' Oct. It. Prospects of actlee
call from Oreat Britain for wheat from
tha united states made nrlcea here aver
ag. higher today, although something of a
bearlah reaction took, place In the after
oon, swing to a sew eubmarine scare. The
msrhet closed unsettled, c to o net
higher, with December at 11.1114 and May,
.. 61.671., vorn games, eke ts Ho; oata fin
' tehed He to Ht?Kc off. and provisions
varying from 16c decline to a rlss of lie
Although at first, as a result of ralna la
Argentina, the wheat market ahowed eon
slderabla heaviness, rallies soon took piers.
.Influenced tersely by araertlona that re.
, cent big reductloua of the estimated Ar
geutine would not be altered and that the
rains were unimportant. Tha fact that
Liverpool quotations wet, uneipeetedly
firm tended also to encourage buying here
and atlll more so when later In the ees-
' slon word" came from Winnipeg that the
unites states ans uanaoa would be de
pended on for Immediate auoDliea for Or.j
Britain and Its allies, and that purchase,
elsewhere would be chiefly for the purpose
of building up reserves. Announcement of
tha departure- of twenty-eight eleemers
front New York yesterday, deeplte the V
boat situation, counted also aa a atiiuulus
ts.prlcea ........
. II waa ths report that a eubmartne had
been elgnted lot miles east of New Tork,
. .Men tater became current that upset ten
fidenee to a great degree. Short ecllcrs.
however, took advantage of the resuliing
dip In prices and mads heete 'to olivet
prolita 'As. a coneequenca. s-imelhltig of
an upturn waa to progress as IratUng came
to n end, 1 " , ' "
i Liberal export sales, unfavorable weather,
and the wheat strength combined lo lift the
oors market. Be.idea, tael-e were reports of
. aisappouiuasj suggisaT a-naras ss liuaola
(l IIH 1144.
1 14 111
1 IIH lilt,
tl tli
n us
' 4614 4114
41 . 4l
Oata wen ee)resed by heavy recelpta here
end at other fredlng centers. Moreover, ex
port .businsS waa nlatlvely. .small.
Signs of a guod shipping trade tended
lo Wit provteions and so too did tho fact
that' offerings al first wsre scarce. Lard
for October delivery advanced to the high
eM point In yean.
Chicago Caen. Prieee Wheat: No. 1 red,
11.1101. 11: No. I red. ll.i3H01.i7H:
No. 1 herd, 11.41 0 1. II; No. I hard.
ll.fitH0l.63. Com: No. f yellow. 69 0 00c;
No. I yellow, I!01H: No. I white, 1.H.
nuts: No. I whits. 4tt4 047Hc; standard,
47H04IV.O. Rye: No. 2, 11.34. Parley, lie
fril.14. ffeede: Timothy, 13.6006.60; clover,
116.00. Provtelono: Pork, 131.60: lard, 116.26;
ribs. tU.1
Butter Unchanged.
Kttge Kec-lpla, 4.761 coses! unchanged.
Potatoes Firm ; receipts. 46 rare; Minne
sota; and Dakota, Ohlos and whites, 11.200
l.a; allchlgan and Wisconsin, while, 11.0(0
Poultry lllghorx fowls, 17c; springs,
I6HO. .
Mor Significance Attaches to
Dealings Than to Course
- ' of. Prices. . .'.
New Tork. Ort, H. To many ob-rvr
more ilf nlftOr.ic al(rhd lo tha detvltns
In lod.y't stock market thn to tha oounw
of pHOM.
Almoat tne-thlr4 -of tha -.fir Ml trni
ctton of ft!0,400 nhrM occurred In tha lat
hour, aJl tofthr at tha aipenaa of quoted
vhIumi, tht yeneral tlat and war (hum In
particular declining on clreomatantlal
rumori auftrcatlna; danvar of a racurranet
of raant aubmartoa warfara In aarbjr
i Purine tha forttnoon and tn tha Intarmadl
ata period tha Hat fav frcquint Indication
of rarovarlnf from tha epprahenalon maul
featad on Wedneadar, Manltlona and aqulp
mcnta totMher with ahlpphif aharga, ware
then dicfdedly atronger. Oalna -M theae
vartoua froupa aatanded from 4 o almoat t
polnti, Theae ad vane ea wr fortified by
aome atrlkinf galna among ralla. Including
Norfolk and Weatern, which aacanded to the
new record of 14, with t to I point a ad
vance In leading coaler, Union Pacific,
New Tork Central, arid numerou low-pr'ced
atocka of the am dimlon, Including Wwl
ern Maryland prafarred. Rock Inland. Denver
Rio Grande preferred and Southern rail
way preferred. '
There waa again much early activity at
vubetantlal galna In tha utilities, notably
Ohio Oaa, Columbia Oaa and Conaollda.ted
Gas, while Petroleum, National Blauult
and eome of the Motor and I -eat her taeuee
cored Irregular advance which era dla
alpated at the do,
Developmental over 'the holiday Included
the vary favorable annual etatement of the
Oreat Northern railway, the Bulletin of th
American Railway Aaaoclatlon, disclosing an
Incraaaed oar ahartage, and the report of
the comptroller of th currency showing na
tional bank depoalta highest levels In the
country' history.
Bonds were Irregular, Total salsa, par
value, I. 736, 000, United State bonds ware
unchanged on call.
Number of sales and quotations on lead
ing stocks were.;
' Mel Ifttl TTIsTH T-rts- rinaa.
American Can 1,209 t0
66 U
n-itie van m f uunai7 i,ivv
Am. Locomotive... MOO 77
Am. 8m ML A Raf.. 11,600 101
7TU 71
611 1U14
Am. Bucar
ft,00 116 H 111
Am. Tel. at Tel
Am. Z L. A B
Anaconda Copper..
Atchison t
t ivw .an ..
,100 47 4 41
,,600 t3H 10
',204 10tH 106
Bald, lsocomotlve.:
10,80a 14 7t
Baltimore A Ohio,.
1,900 II
Brook. Rapid Trait. . Jt.
B. A S. Conner Vi.SOfl 14
Cal, Petroleum,..;. 1,100 33
uanaaian racino.. aoo 17(
Central Leather.... 111,600 10
tjneaapeaHo sc Ohio
., m, hl r,.,, ItiO
hlcago A N. W. ,
.. R. I. A P. H.. 17 100
Chtno Copper; 3,806
oio, ruei m iron,. 7,oa
lorn Products Kef. 800
Crucible Steel 14,300
Distillers' flee urltles 1.1 00
General Electric...
Great No. pfd......
Ot. No. Or ctf..l.
1,101 177
lot 111
I.fOO 4 J 14 40
1,100 107 ft lOt
Illinois uenirai
Inter. Con. Corn.. ..
Inspiration Copper. 11,409
14 11
inier, narveaiar
Int. M. M. pfd. OtfS. IS,00 101
J!$ 'Si 3
3 ii ttii
n. j, nouinern.... t.fco
Kenneoott Conner.., T.400
Lrouisviii ivaan.,
Mexican Petroleum.
t.ioo iii foi' 101
1,100 .17 17 17 J
Miami uopper. . . .
K. St T.
Miaaourt Paclftc
l.tOO 1 41
National bead
Nevada Copper.. . ,
. 1,100 11 C tin
7.400 1014. 107 V
ew Tom uentrai,
set sv
Western. 44,100 141 141 14
orthern Paaino
7,100 111 110 11
rgcina Man
15 '
nay can, Coppar..
Rep, Iron gt Stael. .
fihattui'k Arts. Cod.
11 11
11.000 :
101 101
It 66
l lH
116 111
mi ii
l!o in
141 146
13 a.
.600 71
300 11
1.100 10041
1.100 131
1,(00 .31
too i:i
11,100 141
Snuthem Pad fie...
Studobaket Co
Tnnesf a ' Copper. .
Teiaa Cnmpany...
union iaciric. . . . .,.
Union Pad fie pfd..
C. E Ind. Alcohol.,
.. t.aoo met liTa iiTt.
v. m. Bieai....
U. K itael pfd,
steel. .......111.100 111 101 101
1,100 120 130
Utah Copper. .
wanasu ma. '
100 il
Weston. Union.
m. . ; , . I,
Eleo. I,
300 101
704 1
Westtngheua, Elao
Total sales for the day, 110,000 share.
Ca!p; Wekki Hog. Weak) $h9pt
Chicago. Oct II. Cattle Receipts. 1.006
head; market weak;, native beef cattle,; weatern steers, .lieI.IO:
stockers and feeders, I4.7I4T7.71; cows and
helfera, ll.i0iSI.10i calves. 17.11011.10.
Hogs Recelpta,-. 14,000; market . weakt
oatly 10o under yeelerday'a average: bulk
ot sales, tt.tiIO.0: light, II. 1010.11;
mlsed, H.lsiO, I0.IH h,avy, l.tit(10.1li
rough, t.litt.di;,plgs. I7.ll'tl6. .
pneap ana Lamos iteeefpls. 11,009 head
market flrmt wethers,' ls.60A,.; Wos,
11.16 t7.U; lambs, 17.71 10.40.
Iblaata 1
IJv. Stork Marks!,
St. Louis, Ost, . II Cattle Tteoelnte. 1.700
head; market eteady; native beef steera,
17. 10O1I.00J' yearling steers and hslfera
tl.iotfl0.4i; cows, ti.loa7.30; .tockers and
feeders, 11.30117. 10; prime southern steera
6s.oo-ay.eo; cows and helfera, I4.60ft7.t0
prime 'yeartltrg-Titaers' snd "hetfera; I7:I0
t.00; natlva ealvea 16.40011.71. .. . .
Hogs Receiple, 1,000 heai-ft market loweri
llghta, M 7lt) 10.11; plga, Il.404t.l0; mixed
end butchers, It.tlCflo.iOi good heavy,
110 Sire 10 4!.; bulk of aalss, M itt; 10.10.
Bheep ant Lambs -Recelpu, 1,100 head;
lambs. 17.00410,40; alaughter ewes, I6.0OA
7..1; bleating ewes, tl.ioal.lOi yearllnga
tl.IOAI.til .waa,'tl.7i47.3. .
St. Jseeavh Lire Stock Market.
Ht, Joseph.' Oct. -1. "-Cattle Recelnia.
1,000 head; market steady: steers, It 10-j
10 10: cows and helfera, 4.t6fl6.0t ealvea
17.60 11.00. . . . i
Hose rtecelpta. 1.600' head: ' market
alow; top. 11.10; bulk of ssles, tl.60QI.66. i
nnsep and Lamoe neceipta. s.soo head:
market ateadyi lambs, 11.76910.10: awes,
SS.ISV t.lV. . . ; .
Manx City Lira Stash Market. 1
loos City. la, Oct. II. Csltla Recelpta,
1.100 headl markel eteady: beet steers, 16.10
411.00; butchera, 16.21O6.60; osnnsra, 11.00
61.00: bulls, ataga etc., !4.1ttl-6tt. .
Hogs--Recelpu. 1,006 head; market
eteady; light. 11.1001.40; mtled, 16. 40(1 .(!;
neavy.i 61.60V. to; sulg of aalss, 11.110
1.60.' ' .. .. . . , ,
Sheep and LamesReceipts, too hsad-'
LIT IKeck la Sight.
Cattle. Hogs
Omaha . . V .
Chicago '. . ..
.1.600 .
, 1.000
, 1,600
. l.ioO
, 1.700 :
' i.000
Kansas City
Hlou City .
St. Louis ...
.11.600 . 40.100 , 11,100
St, Loula Ura-a Market.
Louie, Oct, If Wheat .No.
tl.ti01.72: No. t sard. 11.41 w,l.i:i Do.
cember, 11.6.(4 Msy. II. iltsOl. '
Corn ateady: track. No. t, 17c; No. t
white, I71,t60; Deoembor, 76.; stay, 76414.
Oats--No. 1, 17041101- Ko, 1 whlt,
414.0, '.'- .. ',, . , ' ., .
Live-peel Orals Market. ' . - ,
Liverpool. Oct. 13 Wheat Spot, 14a
Manitoba,. lis Id: N'", 11. Id: No. I, 14a
llt,dj No. I herd ltr, 14 7d. ' -
Corn Spot, Ainaflcsn. mland, nsw, . 10s
llaid. , V . .''.,.,'
ii C
! lot
17 17
II 11
3 v.vw
i.5 U
13 'titi 3U
n ui i
11 11 I1U
16 11 US
14 ' 71 71
41 41 HA
11 17 17
176 171
111 111
Mmavan-ill, Urals llarket.
: lllnneaoolls. Oct. 11. e'lourUaohangod .
Kyo tl.lQUjOl.ll,1' v "' '
Bran I1I.I0OU.M.
Cattle of All Kinds tAow,- Weak
to Ten, or More Lower-
Sheep and Lambs Steady.
Omaha. October II. I14.
ft-ceipts Were ,
Official Monday
official TueedaV . '..,
official tt'edn-aday .
orilclal Thursday . .
t.etlmata rrlday ....
Five dava' totala... .44,711
if.4.0 nt.i!
26,001 131,117
IS.417 144.721
21.111 147.164
17.613 131.142
11.341 127,tl4
Hams days last aeak. .40.631
Same 1 weens sgo. , , , ,41,4 1 1
Mama I weeks ago 46.176
9iml 4 weeks ago. .16.766
Ram. d.v. veer. ..11.646
Rscelpts and disposition OI live e.w;. .
h f.n,n -jb verrls. Omeha. for twenty-
four hours ending at I o'clock yesterday;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses.
C il. St. P......
Missouri Pscino . .
io ;
i -is
I'nlon Pacific .....
C. A tt. W., sast...
C. A N. t., west...
C, B. A Q.. east...
C, J. A Q.. west...
C, R. I. A P., east,
C, R. I. A P.. west,
llltnel Cntral ....
Chicago 0. W
Total recelpta.. Ill
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
. til 310 614
Morris A Co, ........('..,.
Swift A Co. Packing Co
47 1
116- 1.612
6RI 1.644
101 III
1 .....
Armour at Co
Schwaru A Co.... .......
Lincoln Packing Co
So. Omaha Packing Co..,
Armour. Denver , . ,
Cndahy, Denver
Benton, vaneant a juusn.
Hill A Son.......
r. B. Lewis ,,
260 .
104 '!
141 ..
14 a.
J. B. Root A Co;
J. H. Bulla .....
rtosenstock nrss
Wsrthelmer Degen..,,
H. r. Hamilton....,....'
Sullivan Bros. ..........
Rothschild A Krebs
Mo. A Kan. Call Co
Hulf man
Roth ..'
Banner Broa.
John Harvey
Dennis A Francis. v
Kilns ,..
Jeneen A Ld..iren,..,.,
O'Day ,., ,,.,''
Other buyers i,,
M3 U,
Cattle Recelpta
ot eatti tnta monllng
numbered lis oars, a large run (or a Friday,
and mora oattl than were realty needed
considering that receipts earlier tn tha week
have been liberal, and that buyers wars all
pretty wall filled up. Today's run brings the
total for ihe five days up to 4,71, which
la lightly smaller than two weeks ago. but
with that axoeptlon tha largest' of the sea
son to date. However, aa compared with a
year ago there Is a falling off of 11,000 head.
Buyers ware all pretty well filled up on
cattle and pot In urgent need of many addi
tional. Por that reaaon tha trade waa slow
and dull from stajrt to finish, Prices ranged
all the way froth pretty nearly steady on
something that someone Just happened to
want, to considerably lower on. the general
run of killers and feeders.
flotations on cattls. Good to choice
beeves, $10,000 10.60; fair to good beva,
ls.7691v.0O; common to fair peeves, 10.60(9
1. 10; fancy heavy graaaara. ' Is 0l0 00;
good t choice gflas boevea, l?lt0.ilD;
fair to choice grass beeves, ?.0"O' Sfi; com
mon to fair grass beeves. IfVOOaf '00; good
to choice heifers, II 7f)7.J6; gooJ to choice
sows, I8.40t97.00; fstr to good o.wa, 16 76
4.40; common to fair cows, f4.t0$6,7t' rood
to choice feeders. I7.CO0.ih; fair to food
Naders. 757 tO: common to fair feed
er. Itj.ooe 7&; good to chol stockers,
$137.16; stock helfera, l&.7i&7..&; stk
now, 94.t0OI.S6i stock calves, 16.60 61.60:
veal ealvea, al.OOtf 11.00: beef bulls. aUga.
eta,. le.2IOI.76 (
No. At. pr. No. Ar. Pr.
Usteors.. 860 6 40 31 calves., I0t IT II
H heifers, li 60 1 lcalves., 106 7 60
llatean., Ht 6 60 lOcows... 6t 4 16
llcows... 701 I 40 1 irataars..lU I 0
II steers.. lost T 10 - 14 ataers. .1060 ,T 16
Hogs Sarty reports front Chicago pre
dicted lower price .there, but at thia point
with very light run aod quite a bit of
competition on anything deelrtbl tha mar
ket opentd a nlrkel higher, while at th
best tlm soma sales war mad tht looked
ct much as lor higher, average market be
Ing called a big 6a above yeatarday. Ship
pers wsre on ths trade for about thMr uaual
quota. They bought' a couple of loads of
good butchers as high aa tf.76. which Is the
top for the week, and tha highest prtc
paid here since a week ago Monday.
Bulk of tha aalea landed at l. 41 011.
with, as noted, a top of 10.76, It being large
ly 10,60 market for packing hogs. With
th exception of Tuesday, when price aver
aged leas than a eant lower, th market haa
been moving up steadily all week, and Is
now tie higher than last Saturday, or TOe
higher than tn low tlm the middle
tho previous week.
Representattv sales: . ( .
Hi. Ar.
Bh. Pr. Mo, A. Sh. Pr.
a.. l 66 44..1H, II II 16
110 I 86 6..lll 120 40
... I 46 M..ITI 110 60
... I II 41. 4 ... I 10
I tt.,110 ..' ' I 76
. . - Pias. ; -
I 60 , ll..T M ,
... I 00 ,
II.. tit.
II. .161
II.. 171
41.. 100
II.. Ill
I. .111
The eloae of yesterdar'a fat lamb
trade was draggy and lOtHtc below the
prevloue day., though In tho end nearly
everything waa cleaned up. This morning
there .wer. ho killing lamba here and
what orders packere had wera filled with
lust a fair sort of stuff, prloea being sbout
Ilka the lata trade yeetarday. Bales ranged
at, ths latter prior, being ths
neat paia, inougn gooa lamoe are . nominally
Ottoted as high ss 110. Prices have lost all
tha midweek advance and are oloetng lust
aoout wnero tnew , wera a week ago.
Fat aheep' ware not In large enough .ud;
ply to make a market, valuee being quoted
nominally eteady. JJeet ewea are Belling
around 16.10, with choice yearllnga aa high
ae 11.00 and good wethers around If. to t.
possibly 17.71. These figures are Just about
steady with last week. Feeder demand was,
Pants Sale
Men's 12.50 Pints, 'tl CA
on sale.,.....,,... JlaaJU
Men's f 4.00 Pants, in nil col-
Men's $6.00 Pants, huge as.
sortment of patterns; all the
latest .hades, . tQ CA
on sale .JaDU
Boys' Knee Pants, fl.00 CQJ.
values, on sale. vwC
, TK. Star. That Saw. ,Yw ,
Money. 1
3H-3U M. tth .'.''.--
; rtasnirr
I -ssewi
Big Profit.
Stock Market
. shnrea on ths Now York Oaro
Market at a very low prtea, will' .
make big profile. Bend tu your ,
order to nuy thM share be t
fore they advene. Great t pos- f.
sibilitis bcioro this Company.
Write or copy 0 our special letter.
nv.fmnt scur'(('s..
M avrweffway Now York
retti-. Hi'se- uh-et.
,11,147 1.412 21.102
.11.317 ' 1.411 15.473
, S.04I ' :.4:l
. 4.610 1,046 32.166
. l.toO 1.200 1,4.100
as usual at the close of the week, some
what slack, and while 'mose of ths fore
noon sales showed llttie change, the trade
waa dreggy. A band that sold at 16.61 waa
of a very desirable aort, but carried a heavy
fill, and choice, feeders are atlll quotable
aa high aa 110.00, though bulk of offeringa
la selling st tl.2i490.7i, with culls on down
to 16.60. Thia means that on the general
run of feeding lamba piiees. are little better
than they were a week ago.
. (juotatlons on sheep and lambs: Lambs,
good to chotee, tl.104C10.00; Iambs, fair to
Stocks of .
Styles. .
You MeniWho
and Pay Very Little for Your Clothes
Think it out for yourpelf. Isn't it
sane to believe that a great, powerful
organization, with the one object in
view tlie best clothes .at a definite
price, can set the pace in its class?
, By centering on the making of Suits and'
Overcoats at the one sale price for the entire
.nation, this wonderful Clothing Organization
has found; it possible to employ, one of the
greatest fashion artists, to give ALL WOOL
fabrics, expert tailoring and to sum upwith
price of $17.00. , '
agaa " as ts
, . "The same price the world over
are mbre than a standard suit of standard price.
They are the standardized clothes -standardized
by scientific methods in a model plant of mam-
moth size. - , - -
Each ordinary season it is possible to make '
: the quality a little finer and to give a greater
variety of correct styles,
- In times like these, when fabrics are "up in
the sky," the Styleplus volume and manufactur
ing plan enable the makers to keep the price
down to $17 as usual. 1 -
All models big range of fabrics. You are
included. v "
t Exclusive Distributors for Patrick Duluth- s
''Bigger Than . Weather Mackinaw Coats,"
$7.50 up. - ': -.
. , ,,,,
are shoes right from our own regular stock and direct
BUT RIGHT FROM STOCK. Step up and get the
"Hurley Bros." Shoes Priced This Way:
All $5.00 and $5.50 Shoes,
at(ia pair. . . . .
,A11 $6.00 and $6Ts6 Shoes,'
at, a pair; . v. . , . . .-.
Mtm'g Fin. Quality Silk Craas
Shirts, all the very latest pat
terna . . $5.00 and $6.00
Msa't Wool Hw In gTay or
black. Medium weight. Special
Saturday, pair, .... .21t?
Man's Dr.s. and Strsat Clorss
--In all the new shadea. Extra
valuea ... $1.50 to $3.00
Carpenter's Tools
Sat ef T Bit Stock Drills, for iron
or wood: $1.60 value $1.19
No. 3S Tanks Automatic Screw
Drirsra, worth $136. .... .98
4-Inch Yanks. . Ratchet Screw
Driver. ,'.......'.. i .. .... -3?
Extra Sat Chuck and Drills for
Yank Automatic Scraw Driven,
for . .1 ......29t
Boy Scout Hatchota, with leather
shield, for ...............4941)
Dry Battery Lantern., val
ue, for ."79
-Hammer Handle.,, first quality
. atraitrbt rrained hickory ... . . . 5s
35c Padlocks, special . . ... .
vsnuins , e aiKin u,. m w-
inch sweep, (regular $3.00 values,
at . .....'. ..-.$2.29
Cenuin. Morrill Saw Seta, $1.00
valuea, at . ...79t
Morrall Psttsrn Saw' Sota, 4 5c val
ue, at ..29e
12 Grade Genuin. Diaaton Hand
sa-a, at.......... $3.29
Nail Ssts, fully warranted. . .5s
IS or 30-1 neb Genuine Sand.'
"Aluminum Level.,' at. ...$4.79
Riiiaf Sun Slav Pip Enamel, 7 6
Bassm.nt. -1
OCTOBER 14, 1916.
good,' tt-!6r6.l!; lamba feeders, 16.0041
10.60; yearlings, good to choice. I7.604yl.00:
yearlings, fair to good. 7.007.iO; year
llnss. feeders. 16.1647 .71; wethers, fair to
cnolco, .6.10617.71: ewea. good, to cholcel
I4.764jr6.66; ewea, fair ts good. !6.7i&6.7i.
ewea, plain to culls. 1.06t.lf ewea feed
ing, I4.60f6.t0; t ewea, breeders, all sges,
lt.2i0l.OO. - - . -
Repreaentailve sales: ; r
Ida - ' ' A.
141 titan lamb...'.... "
111 Montana lambs tl
t 26
t 10
Desire to Dresi Well
us 17
rsaaf MasR sioi.ti.1.
"Hurley Bros." and "Trustworthy" Shoes
for Men, in a WonderfuV
- Undejrprtce Sale
. EVERY SHOE OFFERED in this event, is of a standard make, the very latest
. style, fashioned by experts and the best Footwear that your money will buy even at
regular prices.- There is just one reason why we offer these to you at reduced prices.
We want more men to know what a wonderfully vrood Shoe Store we have here. These
. . .
the Jot, but
75 Dos.n Man. Kid and Caps
Laathsr Drsss CIotss -In tan,
brown and black. Regular val.
' uea, $1,50;' sale ppce. .$1.15
Wsbbsr'. Hand-Mad Sweater
Costa Made of fine, quality all
worsted yarns; fast colors;
many colors and combinations,'
tor ..85.98 to $8.50
Hats That
The best known hat sold in . America.
l Seen here at headquarters to exceptional
advantage, owing to our more than ordi
nary assort-. tj nst Ayjj 'djC
ments. . rri r. pOUe ePr.eelpO
mayo hats
'Equally well known in Omaha as' the
SS.OO hat with the $5.00 look. Fifty
or more styles; every one a winner for
. quality, shape and finish . . rfQ ff
Broad or narrow brims. .... pOeUU
" The best $2.00 hats In Omaha. Every new style,
' every new winter shape in every desirable color.
A complete showing at. ............ .$2.00
Boys' Headwear Special
Special Saturday Boy.' 50c Hate - and Cap.,
for ....... 24
, Boy.' Hate and Cape, worth to 65c, Saturday,
at t .......... ... ... . . . .'. , .37
Boy Fall and Winter Heedfaar, better (Trade.,
at., ... , . .50. 65. 98 and up to $2.00
19 VJ
1.461 Montana lambs , 61 . I 71
341 Utah breeding ewea ...104 7 00
472 Utah lambs 71 10 00
191 native lamba, 11 to
1.432 Wyoming lamba 16 It 05
t,63t Wyoming lambs 60 I 71
160 Wyoming feeding lambs.... 60 10 10
lit Idaho feeding lamba , II t 10
Kansas City Live Stark Market.
Kansaa City. Mo.. Oct IL Cattle -Recelpta,
1,100 head; market weak; prime fed
steers. lt.t06U.OO; dreassd -beet . ateere.
Up on
from the factories, not bought at a reduced price for this sale
best pair of Shoes you ever bought for the money,, ,.;
"Trustworthy" Shoes Priced This Way:
-All $7.00 Shoes, -
. at, a, pair. ... , . .
AH of. ur 54.00 Shoes, to
at, 'a pair. .
95 Dozen Men's Sample Fall and Winter Weight Union Suits MadtTof
' line combed cotton and worsted mixed yarns;, closed crotcn-,. w.nite,
. ecru and gray mixed.". These union suits are perfect fitting and in a reg-
ular way would sell at $1.50 and $2.00. ' , . a a i-J "ll!
; Sale price. ..... ......... ... . . . . . . ; ;. J yOC aiKl
About 200 Men's Sample Wool and Wool Mixed Flannel Shirts, Irt as
sorted colors. Plain and military collars. Mostly samples.- AH size's in
not m each color. Values to
200 Dos.n New Fall Silk Four.
in-Hand Tisa -Made of ' pure
silk. Beautiful new patterns.
Special, at . ... ... . . SOtf,
We are Omaha's exclusive sell-"
i ing agents for the famous Mun-
tinf Union Suit, for MenAll"
.weights and sizes to fit most
men. .....$.00 to $5.50,
Gratify Men s
7.0O4!.60:' westsrn ' tSuii
4.26; calves, 16.0011.60. .
Hogs "Receipts. 'l.OOO head; ";?''';''
11.50810.16; pigs, l.76f.i0.
Sheep and Lami.Relpta "J'!",'!
stesdy; lamba, t.6610.10; yearlings, t7.
46.60l wethers. 17.0067.76; ewea 16.0tJ
7.16,.. . -.Irfifi i, '
i N
' ' 1
. . . ;
go . ...
. ... . . . .
$3.00. Divittea into 3 lots',
. ;. $i.oo, $1.50, ,$1.?f ;
Man'. New Fall Silk axlnraar '
.rliarge apen end f o.ur-in-hand ; .
rich designs; exceptional,. val
ues; special-. ( . . . i . . .$1.00 !
One i Lot of Men". DrSs. Shirt.
"Soft Frencji cuffS:.'or laun
dered cuffs.; 1 neat patterns; "
worth. $1.60, at..... $1.15